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To me this just as well big news from the u. K. The u. K. Supreme court just ruled the countrys Prime Minister johnson broke the law by suspending perogue in parliament the judge said that the pro gay should had no legal effect and therefore is still technically sitting. For it all to know my name is kevin o. In fact so watching r t this 2 to the 24th of september im here with a half hour world news update from our World News Center 1st this one story from russia 10 members of russias delegation of failed to get visas in order to attend the big United Nations General Assembly in new york which well talk about later in the program the head of Russias Foreign Affairs committee who was one of those refused entry called the move a provocation today our correspondent in is across this one. Very badly this time from the well thats a huge sensation and of course most condemn and there was a few hours reaction from Russias Foreign Ministry earlier on tuesday we heard from constantine. As you just said they had all of the Foreign Affairs committee and the upper temper of the Russian Parliament that hes not going to attend the u. N. General assembly that opens these days in new york do you do visa issues he wasnt actually denied american but it would have actually happened as far as we understand is that hes application didnt go through the papers were returned and as a result he failed to obtain visa on time so certainly he can reapply but definitely its already too late to go to new york and while the u. S. Side talks about some technical problems mr kasich calls it a provocation. This is an absolutely unprecedented situation the United States of america does not have any right to determine to decide who. To participate and who is not to participate in the. United nations. Will be responded to by the russians no doubt about it you can see hes very angry although its not clear what measure is what mirror measures concent and exactly talking about but the reason reactions from russian Foreign Ministry and its worth a mention again that he was not the only one to to put in this unpleasant situation but there were several other members of the russian delegation to the u. N. General assembly who failed to get american rezone time and they are not going to participate so there will be no discussions they were planning to participate in so thats a big situation and we now hear that the u. S. Deputy ambassador has been summoned to the Foreign Ministry here in moscow over this situation and maybe we can expect some clarification from the u. S. Side later on but well heard already from the spokesperson of the russian Foreign Ministry that i mean she described it as i think an example of disrespect from the u. S. Side lets take a listen its an outrageous example of disrespect by the u. S. To u. N. Members as well as an example of a failure to fulfill obligation as the host country of the world are good news ation documents that we handed over for processing earlier a couple of months before departure were returned to us with the wording they have been handed in early. So its not yet clear exactly what happened and why they didnt have a chance to go to the soundly but we know that russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov hoey is leading russian delegation at the u. N. General assembly is going to discuss that with my composure in his face to face meetings weve found a bit more of what these colors hes been described its not the 1st time is it when you and foreign delegations of problems will get over to the you are far from the 1st time and even this year we know that you randi and president mr rouhani and Iranian Foreign minister mr zadi of obtain visa and they have no problems with go in there they are already in new york but some of the iranian delegations delegation members were denied american views and theyre not going to participate and this is why some fear is that something about this visa thing is used by american side as an instrument to choose i mean to decide whos going to come to the u. N. General assembly whos not going and. Doesnt sound you know ok well i know you took this. Along with the Russian Foreign minister because he touched on the whole tell our viewers about that from maria thank you for a producer might get to get you to go in for a bit more detail what the technicalities are as mentioned so the Russian Deputy foreign minister of spoken to us of the problems ordinary citizens face trying to get visas to the u. S. An exclusive interview with maria that he discussed the obstacles that moscow washington and facing their relations it show him for 30 minutes of various times throughout the day. We have problems in areas that directly affect the interests of people from the main street in both places where deprived of our consular presence is for instance at the best ghost and we have long huge rows before people waiting for interviews at the u. S. Consular missions here this is just an example and it goes across the board from such things further to for instance the limitations for normal activities of embassies in both places further away to our Economic Corporation and you know arms control and nonproliferation were just stuck what a speech i stayed sane environmental activist growth emberg so angry or once again grabbing those global headlines this time with the uns emergency Climate Summit she addressed World Leaders direct accusing them oh so strongly of ignoring the problem she said. You have stolen my dreams my childhood with your empty words and yet im one of the docs once. People are suffering people are dying entire School Systems are collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and what you can talk about is money and fame or tales of eternal Economic Growth how dare you 6 i thank well then look at this all critics change grettir also gave donald trump such an angry look when they briefly crossed paths through the school their way by security personnel as trump arrived at the u. N. Aid queue there for a separate meeting he went off to talk about religious freedom young activists emotional speech at that summit though got a mixed reaction online. Grettir does not bother me those behind her including her parents and financial backers bother me i would have to call it what is child abuse she should be in school impressing education rather than being indoctrinated by movers and shakers gretta found is so inspiring and powerful her speech of the year and was so down the limb maison and i know one thing differently is dumb ironically nothing about good or thunb or good organic shes an actor reading a script and playing a part shes barely cognizant of how the world functions beyond what her handlers tell her no normal person looks or and believes and what she is saying economists like how methinks the greatest Management Team is driven by money says which makes it hard to believe anything she says. Greater hudler and this was meant warse the big pressure. Is a child who has got to be very very good to management and there is profit oriented and like every figure in the internet or wherever. I would. Believe everything he says its a big big. Process and of course the profit making process and so i dont really know what you wrote she says because. If you regard the facts you are more of that on the side and just stick to the facts and we have to make good propositions on how to make the world better and not just making no dont ration. Kids away from school or whatever its all growth in books not the one making headlines on the Climate Change platform french present among them across annoyed french climate activists now by telling them to move their rallies from paris to poland has got more on that story today. President might corner france has a once again called the planners to help in the fight against Climate Change speaking at the u. N. Climate change summit he said he understood the frustrations of the millions of schoolchildren who had been striking on friday next amended to be deployed in one week for months and months now weve heard the young people speaking and i think theyve identified an absolute urgency that we have to respond to here which while not corn understands their frustrations his government didnt seem too keen on those climate activists who protested in paris over the weekend with some alleging brute force was used by the police as the violence spiraled out of control. You. And matt corn has made it clear he really wants the protesters to go away well from france at least what you really really wants is for them to take their anger out on another you country code that leads. To every friday to say that the planet is burning thats nice but there is not the problem people should go protest in poland help me move those i cannot push forward who is upset that poland is refusing to commit to an e. U. Target to be Carbon Neutral by 2050 pence borking report from adopting this is official policy thats not going down well in poland but the countrys Deputy Foreign minister is accused of the lecturing and it is perhaps difficult to swallow such a lecture when france itself has been accused of calling behind tackling the Climate Emergency frances misson emissions targets in 3 or 4 big sectors a wise person once said people who live in cost houses shouldnt throw bricks advice some may council to take charge even ski r. T. Paris. For britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson just found out officially these broken the law when he suspended Parliament Earlier this month the u. S. The u. K. Rather Supreme Court has just ruled in the last half hour or so about pro gay sion of parliament was in fact lawful the Prime Ministers advice to her majesty was. Void of no effect. This means that the order in council to which it led was also a little full void and have no effect and should be quashed a prayer or a geisha was also void and of no effect parliament has not been wrote. Rather promised to suspend a part of the course of the beginning of september for 5 weeks until the 14th of october opponent said it was to prevent m. P. s from scrutinizing his plan to exit the European Union the end of next month with or without a deal earlier this month a Scottish Court also ruled that the move was unlawful while a lower court in england said it was legal throughout his short premiership to johnsons maintain that he is ready to crush out of the e. U. Without a deal if necessary. Were trying to get a deal and im very hopeful that we will get a deal with our european friends oct 17th or 18th or all there abouts but if we have to come out on october 31st with no deal we will be ready the scotland will not have to marry brick city. We will not allow them to verdict of the referendum to be slowly suffocated by progress. Was earth is the point of a further delay thats what they want. To force us to pay for yet another point this. I would everybody to know there are circumstances in which i ask brussels to do this were leaving on the 31st of october no gifts or bots were going to fulfill the repeated promises of parliament to the people and come out of the e. U. Look over the 31st no ifs or buts but not so sure now lets talk to dr mark garnett senior politics lecturer Lancaster University in the u. K. The time just looking at the headlines coming in has been called unprecedented extraordinary groundbreaking political dynamite this is such bad news for Boris Johnson isnt it whats next than. Well i agree with the message of those headlines certainly its unprecedented and in a sense i think its going to almost be greeted in britain along the general lines weve been seeing ever since bracks is that people who think mr johnson is right and that we should leave on the 31st of october no ifs no buts will think that the courts of cross the line are interfering in politics whereas those who are skeptical about the merits of brics it will be thinking this is a really good day for britain because clearly what the courts have done here is said that we shouldnt really try to prevent Prime Ministers from using what are called prospects of powers when theyre doing so for good reasons but on this occasion the court has said well what we have is a right a duty to stop Prime Ministers from using these powers in a way which doesnt have a proper justification so in some sense its another layer to this debate which just seems to be increasing in bitterness as time goes on the obvious thing is that parliament should be recalled that the 1st opportunity but we do have now the conservative Party Conference upcoming at the labor conference going on at the moment and so when exactly parliament will return on another matter nocturne what it will do when it does return its. Even more of a mystery you know john bercow speaker the house of commons already saying commons must convene without delay is that line coming in from him there but of course this is so complicated is uncharted territory isnt it the devil is in the detail of why they said this is unlawful this unanimous verdict from these 11 top judges but Boris Johnson hasnt ruled out doing the same thing again a 2nd pro or a geisha put it the devils in the detail is there a chance he could repeat the whole thing again. I think not i think this verdict was extremely strong the wording was very strong nolan void squashed all this kind of thing what the judges have refused to go into the real reasons why mr johnson chose to ask for the queens pro parliament what they just said simply is that it was an unreasonable decision if he takes the same decision again then well be faced with the same verdicts again and i think that the trouble is with all this is in our own codify constitution the queens role is highly sensitive i think that if there were further court cases about this particular issue i just think that this would make the constitutional mess even deeper i think mr johnson has signaled hell abide by the ruling he will i think have to do so and as i say mr bercow will Want Parliament back as soon as possible when it does reconvene is a different matter but it will do so again its a background of a Prime Minister who i think tacitly by this court ruling has been accused of misleading the queen deliberately for political gain the kind of charge which most Prime Ministers wouldnt survive some are garden City Politics like said Lancaster University frank spillover this a lot international preshared have a good day. Thank you for she to come to 18 past the hour moscow time well im sure you are as well the problem or part of the story is ahead families turn out in force against a school band unvaccinated children in new york thats just one of the stories were covering when we come back here. You know world of big part of. Lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Run and this is when the bank solvent and folks are concerned about their money so they. Withdraw the money so here you have 1. 00 of the foundation blocks of the Global Derivatives market the repo market and its being bailed out every day by 75000000000. 00 a day so its the biggest bailout for a day for our it never seen a bailout on an hourly basis this big ever in history. Again this is our next website spreading disinfo mation generating millions of dollars in Online Advertising revenue from well known brands according to a new study by British Organization called the global this information index the demain cited include those peddling conspiracy theories pseudo science a conservative web site global hold up see a Senior Correspondent takes a closer look whos behind the study that. In simple terms everythings become automated even the ads you place online they are placed by algorithms you never know what sites will end up on and the algorithms can tell about the good websites with real and honest news and the bad websites with fake news and stuff the good guys dont agree with the problem is the real journalists are incensed that they arent getting enough of your money global dissin from ation index the g. D. I estimate that a quarter 1000000000. 00 is paid annually to our database of 20000. 00 disinform ation sites by Ad Tech Companies placing adverts for many well known brands these brands include household names that many of us know already and honda American Airlines and office max among others well loud sounds like a catastrophe imagine buoying being advertised on a flat earth or website or a Construction Company being advertised on a 911 truth as blog its the kind of crazy websites the report means right the sites in our sample include addicting info dot com r t v dot com twitchy dot com and 0 hedge dot com. Oh all of all. This information websites twitchy fairly conservative gig with of many more mistakes or fake news than c. N. N. Or the New York Times 0 hedge much the same and of course us where would any list be without r t but enough about us that see the judges global this information index Coalition Governments business and Civil Society based on neutrality independence and transparency. Independence or so who funds them a few nonprofits and well there it is the ukase Foreign Office the one that organized journalists to attack british politicians advocated invading iraq on a false premise constantly say to people there are decisions that to be made in relation to iraq at all but the reason no doubt that iraq poses a threat in respect to weapons of mass destruction and there is no doubt that this issue is an issue that should be dealt with but state funding aside the Advisory Panel is a wonder to an apple bomb married to a former polish foreign minister noted for his anti russian stance she herself a prominent peddler of the trumped russian collusion story which was all fake in seeking Russian Support not only to become president but also to make money even as you launched his president ial campaign he hoped to receive a major influx of money from a proposed trump tower in moscow so an independent organization who funded by a Foreign Ministry the noted bednar of conspiracy theories helping to run it and to think its these people who are angry that they dont get enough of your money make no mistake. Once they nail down an algorithm to do the censorship for them theyll never be misinformed again or well here a different opinion. 2 dozen countries a voice concern at the rising number of executions carried out by authorities in saudi arabia it was the 2nd time the gulf monarchies been criticized at the Un Human Rights Council in geneva in the last 6 months now according to a report compiled by the countries saudi arabia is executed 134. 00 people so far this year 6 of them were children at the time of the arrest the saudis use different methods of execution including beheading and crucifixion however. Continues to see nothing wrong with it Capital Punishment remains common practice for certain types of crimes people could be sentenced to death for terrorism all murder sorcery and blasphemy are also on the list baroness Janet Whitaker from the u. K. All Party Parliamentary group on the abolition of the Death Penalty it was Capital Punishment is not the only rights issue that needs attention in saudi arabia needs really. Continual pressure on the people and the government from the outside and i help from the inside too that this would be a desirable thing but i said emphasise that report is not just about the use of the Death Penalty its the way in which the extract of confession by torture 15 year old boy is tortured until they confess when what they had done was to. Demonstrate that kind of thing is its not just the Death Penalty its the talk show its the us on children. And it seems to fit really quite trivial civil defenses. Is going to function a single children in new york over some were banned from attending school as a result of a new law brought in the middle Measles Outbreak under the new rules authorities ended religious exemptions from vaccination with morning killam open to. School is back in session here in the u. S. State of new york students are rushing from class to class keeping track of their notebooks and pencils and trying to get top notch grades however for one specific group of 26000 Youngsters School is not back in session they are banned from the classroom by law and they say its religious discrimination meet the anti vaccine a new law here in the state of new york bans them from being mixed in with other students chapter 35. 00 of the laws of 2019 prohibits the school from permitting any child to be admitted to such school or to attend such school in excess of 14 days without sufficient evidence that the child has received all age appropriate required vaccinations now the new laws were passed after an epidemic of the measles that was pretty big over 600 people infected and the main hot spot was an ultra orthodox neighborhood here in brooklyn where parents refused to vaccinate their children. So we decided to ask some of the anti vacs parents what is more important their religious beliefs or getting a shot and allowing their kids back in school why is it they dont want your children in school. Their reason that i want my child in school is because they mandating and pushing people of faith not so have a belief just choice which would be the means choosing not to put vaccines into my body because they have aborted foetuses cells they have pork in them they have having models they have so many new things that dont belong in body that god give weve all been healthy without vaccinations our grandparents have been healthy without backs in nations there is no gap demick some people died and thats why they had that sense of that is propaganda that is propaganda that its a narrative that the pharmaceutical companies would like you to believe there have been 445 or many many more deaths from the m. M. R. Vaccine. That is like hundreds of percentages more something that the vaccine is preventing more people from dying for measles actually what is happening is dead many people who are fully vaccinated get measles and mumps saying your kid doesnt have accidents they get a disease they take it to school they give it to another kid right i mean youre not concerned about that. When you stick the chicken pox in a kid they get it anyway and other kids are going to be exposed to chicken pox anyway because youre getting it and youre exposed to going to expose anyway regardless if theyre like jumpstarting exposing you an injection or something you may get naturally anyway or may not get the other went on buses so far this tuesday busy all news they show up in a unit say with more and 30 right now stop it watching the whole. Greetings and salutation. The season of fall has officially started here in the United States hawk watchers and from the massive protests around the world in the effort to fight Climate Change to the curtain once again being lifted on our leaders and Law Enforcement and how they truly operate behind the curtain of Public Service the early season of change has brought with it many reasons for change take the f. B. I. For example in their controversial use of free speech gagging National Security letters or and ourselves the New York Times through documents obtained from a foil lawsuit by the Electronic Frontier foundation uncovered that the f. B. I. Has used secret subpoenas to obtain personal data from far more companies than previously disclosed encompassing scores of banks credit agencies cell phone carriers and even universities naturally this discovery has brought the harshest of questions and condemnations from Constitutional Rights advocates given the personal privacy violations and Law Enforcement overreach the highly secretive letters are synonymous with and speaking of breaking long held traditions and rules in the name of supposed security our good friend Vice President mike pence broke all of the traditions of decorum on his recent visit to michigans mackinaw island while motorized vehicles have been banned on the idella guyland since 898 on saturday 8 cars descended upon magen island as part of Vice President hands as a motorcade. Yes my friends not even gerald ford a former republican president gerald ford the man who pardon nixon had the audacity to break the islands rules on motorized vehicles so with rules traditions and Constitutional Rights being broken left and right as we enter the season of change i think its time to start watching the hawks. To. Get the. Real deal with. The blood of. What they like you know that i got. The keys

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