Saturday morning 23rd of november good morning then welcome to the program live from the r. T. E. World news center here in moscow at 11 am its kevin now in with his half hour update thanks for your Company Donald trump says he wants a trial after the u. S. House of representatives move to formally take the impeachment inquiry to the next level the president laid into rival democrats after a week of testimonies which he described as a hoax and said they looked like fools proceedings now head to the Republican Controlled Senate and trump says the whole affair is actually united his party behind him. We had a tremendous week with the whole you know the great hoax the because of the impeachment hopes and thats really worked out. Incredibly well and we have tremendous support i think rogers around whose numbers i dont think ive ever seen support in the Republican Party like we do right now weve never had this going to support you well the host Judiciary Committee chairman hit back at republican claims the test of a newsgroup his say an absurd democrat adam schiff also didnt rule out Holding Public hearings as his panel begins to draft its inquiry report but the such aeration coverage is falling flat with a lot of audiences as a sideline to all this with the us media picking up on growing impeachment fatigue now with the people so i ask you taylor explains. Talk to what a year its been and has it felt like its just been dragging on and everyone i speak to says the same thing that that confused and anxious for the democrats to stress because theyve been struggling to find a single candidate who can take on trump and 2020 and the best theyve come up with is a man whose payday was when he posed in a short sleeved button down more than 40 years ago then youve got the republicans that just riddled with anxiety they keep checking alerts on the phone just praying that lead to hasnt gone on a twitter wrong page or put his economy in a choke hold and then of course that the fending off attacks from the democrats left right and center you always told me doc its bad to keep things bottled up inside and ready politicians that just like os they need that stress relief to. So the people on the hell have signed up to a Group Therapy session and its a classic safe space where everyone supports one another and to see going over old ground no other president has betrayed his office like this because the president got caught the president in fact tried to trade a political favor for official Government Resources now this Anti Corruption president who cares so much about rooting out corruption and ukraine putins primary objectives within the United States is to so as to foment unrest for their nation would you agree with me that r. T. D. Is putins Propaganda Machine here in the United States i would agree with honestly its been a huge and that down its a bit like you and me really i mean i come every we hope hell kill me even though i know its hopeless but were in so deep we just have to keep going but at least i have the decency to eat pretend im interested in what you have to say. Even the democrats who have the most to gain from the session are suffering from what ive diagnosed as impeachment i just think were going down this road keep spending more time hundreds of years of history no one has ever been convicted of impeachment and its not just the people whove been sitting through the herrings that are bored its the ordinary voter to master mr morrison i have some bad news for you t. V. Ratings are way down where you go i dont hold it personally i dont think its you guys. Or whatever drug deal the democrats are cooking up here on the us people are buying you might not remember how it will start to dr joe biden was just being helpful father lending a hand in getting hunter setup in a good job bun trumpy was just a concerned president worried that hunter biden sitting on a board of a need to Ukrainian Dance Company while his father was the countrys point man was a conflict of interest so best saying he not just ukrainian president to look into the matter may be used as a bargaining chip that 400000000. 00 of aid the us have promised which reminds me even ukraines tired of this whole impeachment saga. I think everybody really is the. Reason we hear our voice of a policy we have always. Been this we have 0 problems and grace that is on the ive got bad news it looks like we might be stuck in this therapy session for a while because to put it simply even if the house of representatives dominated by the democrats votes to endorse trumps impeachment it still has to pass the upper house the senate and there are rumors that the republicans wont just unanimously vote to quickly dismiss the charges but what actually get embroiled in the long trial a trial that could be 6 days a week. Every week until an agreement is reached the only person who is apparently not too down in the doldrums about that is trump but all i want is the 1st word because frankly i want to throw you know i can give you want to try out every one 0 i wouldnt. You know the one they should never ever impeach them by think about with this the more i realize just like our sessions its its a whole lot of money a whole lot of time and it leaves a whole lot of nowhere made tom a very different sort of drama driving up us stomach rhotic president ial hopeful told to go bug has been the butt of some cutting remarks in the New York Times for a choice of clothing no less the paper reports white suits are more cult leader than. It has been at asians have refrained from in the center the white suits are of somewhat converts of righteousness also cult leaders. Only near liberals and them wear white suits apparently. That is the most ridiculous pose debate article of that. Newspapers are only of the continent that filled them. Tulsi she challenges the democratic establishment she is not supportive of regime change and less war all the money the military is spending often needlessly so shes somebody that really calls that out and i think the democratic establishment you know really is like how dare she do that and they come after her so and they come after her in ways as frivolous as this you know. To say that like her white pantsuit makes her a sort of like you know a cult leader and shes on the fringe and a complete radical and thats really unfair to her its an unfair characterization. Germany wants to double down on coaching paedophiles online but a new touch to try to get into the so called dog web will see them to some pretty ethically suspect territory by creating fake child pornography investigators will be able to use Computer Generated images in the future if crimes cannot be detected another way we are now laying the legal foundations and we must never forget that behind child pornography images are terrible acts of abuse against children. So the Authorities Say its going to give investigators all means available to try to track sex offenders if they do this but its proving divisive on one side supporters insists its going to help kill off the socalled dog net of illegal websites where all the other opponents argue that crimes come up be solved by creating new crimes roger kisko from the u. K. s Christian Legal Center told us that evidence gathered in this way could potentially proven out a could have called a lot. And you look at the crime shows on t. V. And they have solicitation of prostitution or or pole undercover policeman doing. Selling drugs those are incidences where theyre not committing crimes now generating child pornography certainly is so whether theyre creating a crime or not is one question to me the bigger question is the issue of whether you can convict someone based on evidence that was gathered through criminal activity and i think that this might backfire on them by catching people not having to release them because of tarnished evidence. The internet what Foundation Report on child sexual abuse imagery found that europe of facts the worlds worst when it comes to own lying child pornography the continent hosts around 2 thirds of all confirmed cases in fact the netherlands has the most defended is former British Police officer peter kirk and political commentator under warchus shed their views with us on the program. It would obviously have to be used very carefully and will be used sparingly. There are various things that could be done to minimize the risk of it being spread further but if the aim is to close down and arrest all those using the particular platform or chat room that youre gaining access to then in a way its sort of self destructs to a certain extent anyway in the United Kingdom these sorts of images and videos would be illegal and the reason that theyre illegal is not because theres a victim of them because clearly there isnt it in a simulated image but what there is what he has the potential to do is to excite offenders and what we dont want to do is have a government in your up producing material that can potentially excite people into offending in real life or outside the Virtual World and i can understand the view but the amounts of child sexual imagery thats out there is absolutely enormous anything added by the German Police would be an absolute drop in the ocean i also think theres another more general concern about the issue of entrapment we have as a society have to protect our society from police going too far and i think that these potentially is a bridge too far this wouldnt be entrapment and entrapment is unlawful it would be a means of getting into a closed close space for a very long time in the u. K. The police have used informants who have participated in the commission of crimes in a minor role classically the getaway driver. In a bank robbery. Would be able to pay off or oysters a participant its an informant in the crime i think the significant concern is that people who starts on child pornography will begin offending against children in real life its hard to imagine anybody saying im only willing to consume fake child pornography i should majed you. Stuff i just dont see that anybody would would delineate in that way if they were a sex offender and i think putting more material onto a dark web seems instinctively to me to be making the problem potentially far worse policing in these sorts of areas is a dirty business and sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to a certain extent to take out the really bad players. The car bombs going off outside a Police Station in southwest columbia killing 3 officers and injuring a further 10 it happened in the town of santa and didnt kill each other no no hot spot for violence spirally which is about 500 kilometers from the capital local newspapers reported that the explosion caused a major blackout please yet speculate on exactly whos behind it. Has already been ensuring widespread antigovernment protests the mayor of the capital bogota has imposed a citywide curfew to try and keep the renewed wave of demonstrations of bay and the tos led to clashes with police. Was. I. Was. A protester up to them thursday as thousands turned out against president yvonne duke a theyre demanding Better Living conditions tuckson pension reform moves to tackle government corruption but leaders say there are no plans to change course for now anyway Police Used Tear Gas and water cannon as demonstrators threw rocks at his Nicholas Sanchez a ball of reports like for you from the colombian capital. From bogota with the day the Historic National antigovernment strike has shown us the consequences both politically and on the streets here we can see some of the damage as many others this. Was completely vandalized destroyed by protesters we can see what they used not only to destroy this bus stop but right here they were throwing these rocks at police that what ill answer in with tear gas with Water Cannons and rubber bullets. I was. Who i. Was but mainly it was a peaceful protest and it was a massive protest as well over 200000. Nation wide. Protest in and it demanded more infrastructure and more money for education with the students but then you have the indigenous they have thoughts and. Social justice in rural areas so thats a different front and then you have the unions they fight in so that the government doesnt implement the tax reforms that they trying to implement and more importantly they dont touch so the government doesnt touch the Pension System so they see different fronts and now its going to be very interesting to see how the government addresses all of those different fronts its going to be very difficult for the government to try and address all of those once. Suddenly 23rd november lever 60 mosco time coming up later on testing times that test a little bit as the electric vehicle make its breakable socalled new side of a truck. Brakes some of what we got a lot got lined up for you soon as well but. What politicians do. They put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. Some want to. Have to go right to be cross with the bible before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of our. Friendship. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. Spearing dramatic to follow through the only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Again good morning russias speed outlining its security concerns over japans military and Political Alliance with the United States foreign minister Sergey Lavrov spoke at a News Conference earlier this morning following the latest g. 20 Foreign Ministers meeting. Is there for r. T. Were at the gathering of the g. 20 Foreign Ministers in japan but actually we are inside a hotel every once in a while down the corridor that you can see right behind me Foreign Ministers of the most influential countries around the world. And the bilateral meetings happened in rooms just like the one that im in right now and some of them have been scheduled long before like the talks between the new Japanese Foreign minister and mr labral heres what the russian top diplomat said after he met his japanese colleague look at the showing you see this in its relations with japan washington doesnt shy away from saying that russia and china oppose the main threat for so cool and thats all their military alliances will be based on countering those threats of course weve discussed the matter with the Japanese Foreign minister because that goes against what you assess that is that their military and Political Alliance with washington is not directed against russia on the other hand another meeting that came out as a real surprise was between the russian top diplomat and also the incoming u. S. Ambassador to russia who is currently at the deputy secretary of state and heres what we heard from Sergey Lavrov about that meeting go didnt we go we talked about how we should resolve numerous problems in our relations taken that John Sullivan head of the american delegation during negotiations on strategic cooperation with russia that was a useful conversation despite the fact that of course washingtons behavior in the Asia Pacific Region is not officially on the g 20 agenda here in japan Sergey Lavrov told journalists that russia did bring this issue up a few times during his meetings with the other Foreign Ministers here in the. Little slips in the new arms race isnt on the g 20 agenda although the country organizing its good for any issue during the talks. Talking about the meetings between Foreign Ministers these questions are important for our dialogue with the United States europe and countries in the Asia Pacific Region especially after washington killed off that intermediate range Nuclear Forces tuesday and gone back to the building of surrogate robs a New Friendship with the new Japanese Foreign minister mr. Hes expected to come to moscow before the end of this year i mean we have a train go in japan. All right talking technology know whats supposed to be electric vehicle maker tesla may be around for pushing the boundaries an eco transport but big but the showcase launch of its futuristic new cyber truck proof well not exactly the smash hit the firm have been hoping for. Sure yeah. Well. Maybe i was a little too hard. And. It didnt go through well did double fail well after taking a big hit after the botched large tesla c. E. O. Elon musks personal net worth plunged by 768000000. 00 the Firm Share Price also dive 6 percent in one day most went on to admit on twitter that theyve got some improvements he said to make before going into production adding that the steel balls started going well enough in rehearsal. Well the internets really revved up the main machine pairing the smash truck to the time traveling de lorean remember that and back to the future the film to a physical metaphor for musks embarrassment and also comparing its uncanny resemblance to an Old School Video games funny looking thing dont you think about it its not only the windows that dont make the cut to test the car owner in europe learned the hard way that the very heart of the vehicles article battery could prove lethal. Because it is. I enjoyed every minute of driving this car from the 1st to the last its amazing to drive an electric car but when it catches fire 10 seconds after a collision it just 60 kilometers an hour and youre happy that a passer by saved you from death im disappointed its. Been. Used in the battery cells of electric cars is the same that are used for mobile phones before it was real it ignites the fire cannot be extinguished with water it continues to burn it simply provides itself with oxygen from the water burns until it burns out completely. The towing company said it was in a vicious circle it was nobody would agree to take the test and i had a company that was supposed to dispose of broken cars with their batteries but this company told me that theyve still not received permission from the ministry because apparently my testimony the 1st fully electric car in austria which needed to be disposed of. Im now very negative towards electric cars if there are other cars on the market i would never buy i want to get rid of. Gosh i wish to consider when you think about bottlenecks are cars in the 24 past the hour on the button let me take you around the world in brief next overnight clashes in the iraqi capital between antigovernment demonstrators Security Officers left for dead and at least 27. 00 wounded it follows thursdays bloodshed in baghdad with 8 People Killed the protests erupted at the start of october with anger over government corruption mass unemployment and failing Public Services hundreds of supporters of spains right wing movements of march through the capital to commemorate the 83rd. Anniversary of the death of its founder so neo riviera protesters chanted slogans in support of spanish unity rivera was a pro fascist spanish politician was executed during the spanish civil war as a small his blanketed pakistans 2nd largest city live it up forcing schools and colleges to shut down for at least 3 days its so bad that i missed internationals issued a warning over the deteriorating air quality in lahore stressing that every resident in the city they say is at risk this thick fog descends on the city every december but the problems grow worse in recent years because of high levels of pollution. But over doing this we can thank you for taking the time to watch out International Live from our world 2 center here in moscow my names kevin know it check it out t. Dot com or a social media for all the sobibor stories ive got time to bring you here about with more in half an hour what have you doing for the rest of the day you have a great sense of the. Sway of. Itself. Plus weve got to talk so hard. On the mother disappeared this. Hour and i know. This is the only thing we do is music because everybody fights in. The floor you can be. Given a look at that. But i think is this is the that is. The world is driven by a dream shaped by our own person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. This is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. Who happens to have family and daughters in florida the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pen this than him and what happens in court be the. Shock shock as far. As i feel. We dont know shell just from. The end of this trial unfortunately due to he will still not know childress. Max kaiser this is the kaiser report yes there is one number only one number we must get to that number is to the greatest number ever invented by humankind were going to get to that number is better than the living is better than mars living its the s. And p. 500 number stacy we continue to go up and down up and down theres a lot of hope a lot of euphoria and a lot of tension about the trade deal with china but before that were going to look at the underlying cause of the latest hyper inflationary move in the stock markets and thats been the fed the fed of course is essentially the cause of the entire rise in the stock market since 20072008 the financial crisis theyve been pouring trillions of dollars into their bodies on wall street and thats one of their buddies i was a really happy for me thats the opening bell out there so fed will not disclose which banks are receiving repo cash for at least 2 years this is our friends at gap the Gold Antitrust Action Committee out there in connecticut and they filed a freedom of information request with the fed they asked them whos getting this repo cash if you want to know which investment banks have been getting the infamous repo loans from the Federal Reserve bank of new york in recent weeks as gap to has wanted to know youll have to wait 2 years according to a letter received from the bank today in response to gattis request for information the delay the new york feds letter said as off arise by the dogs frank wall street reform and Consumer Protection act to get disappeared 500. All transparency has been obliterated all sound accounting has been obliterated all Economic Policy that is tied to any Economic School that makes any economic sense has been ignored and obliterated the rule of law has. Obliterated the wealth and income gap the ecology the social cohesion risk as the economist magazine calls it have been ignored or obliterated everything having to do with a sound society is being ignored to get a number to a higher level and its getting to a higher level but at what cost the cost is going to be catastrophic were going to go over some of the cost in the next headline but in fact i want to say you know one thing kaiser reported so he said im

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