To bring the country as a bloody civil war to an end and a week long offensive they have printed militants from villages in the last region they still hold it live but not everyone celebrating the western media are crying foul portraying the defeat of the terrorists as a disaster for civilians. Looks at what lies behind their concerns the wall since asaad made Headline News its been everyone but america selling out its allies and pilfering syrian oil for the. Claims of bias that the. But. Until now. Thousands of syrians forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives as hundreds of ground and air strikes hit the region of it late overnight some thursday part of a new ground offensive by Syrian Government forces. Russian backed Government Forces up intensified the Bombing Campaign while of all out i will go to the camps near the Turkish Border to escape from us and rockets the Syrian Military has been a bit of a role capturing a slew of villages and towns and media days of course whenever that happens the media and his opponents exploded in outrage same thing every time we want a peaceful resolution we want talks we want. We want we want we want with do with al qaida. It is ruled by a high at the sharm an offshoot of al qaida h. G. s feeds on war and drinks violence it turned deadly into a cesspool of zealots and fanatics mercenaries and foreign jihad ists on a world tour i mean the fact that it was where they found the founder of isis its the safest place you could find kind of gives it away and h. T. S. Refuses any negotiation with the Syrian Government are you seeing the issue here how do you get a peaceful resolution when one of the biliteral its is a homicidal maniac that just wants to cut your head off in the name of god or interest lies in killing the terrorist in order to protect the civilians not leaving those civilians you know. Under the supervision of the terrorist and being killed by a bit of the issue here is refugees for now civilians have fled from the immediate war zone but they have to do somewhere in the safest place for now is north. Look 50000 people are once again coming from egypt to our lands we already have 4000000 people and now another 50000 are coming and this main crease even further russian and turkish diplomats are in overdrive trying to manage whats happening and prepare for whats to come it is absolutely clear that the status quo is over america selling out its allies and camping out in oil fields turkey diluting kurdish territories with arab refugees and now the last islamist stronghold if it falls it will mean the end of the Syrian Civil War it will mean as sad wins. The military operation in needly province is in line with the policy goals set by Bashar Al Assad the aim is to liberate the entire territory of the Syrian Arab Republic that. It is their right to clear and to extend the. Sovereign the fear of the state in days. Off their territory is what theyre doing at present sooner or later i believe that the syrian army will expose these people from from be flip and from bent out of syrian territory and i dont think that it is this sort of will from knowledge it may be difficult it may take some time but sooner or later they are going to be expelled from from the syrian territory understandably those who spent billions fled in syria with weapons and ammo with fighters and propaganda they dont want that to happen so certainly logical for them to insist on impossible talks so long as hes wasting his time waiting for the other side to pick up the phone the turks can continue colonizing Northern Syria the americans can continue pumping out its oil were now at the last domino and its. Already. With a National Strike in france against Pension Reforms and its 3rd week people there are facing another crackdown it bruising tax hike on the most polluting vehicles to meet tough new targets reporting from paris here charlotte about the. Pricing stop being rocked from under the Christmas Tree is the french government has given its citizens a gift that they may want to return its past a new law to increase taxes on s. U. V. S and trucks meaning that vehicles that pollute the most will pay you more than 2020 the new pollution tax will come with a 20000. 00 euro price tag thats up from the current 12. 00 and a half 1000 you raise its no doubt that s. U. V. S are heavy polluters but despite that they are still popular in france making up some 30 percent of sales in the 1st 11 months of 2019 so want to drive us in paris make of the tax hike live in a. Its true that those vehicles consume a lot but people have to get around people who work every day when they need those types of vehicles for warmth its be true there is no other way to earn money. Everythings increasing in price nowadays and weve seen the whole country on strike the government can tax the citizens and eventually they will have no choice but to protest. In france you have to pay and pay and pay taxes are rising while salaries a stay in the same new tax comes on top of already tough new measures are to european level to lower car emissions many governments are pushing people in the direction of electric cars which is seen as being greener and better for the environment but at the same time the french government is actually considering reducing Cash Incentives for new electric cars perhaps not great news for those who are thinking of buying one france also plans to ban fossil fuel cars within the next 20 years. In paris they could be banned in the next 10 years so do people here feel that they are being pushed by higher taxes vehicles that use traditional fuel towards electric cars go on its a natural progression that was seen one which will lead to more and more electric cars in the. Electric cars why not its a good we can use them in our country if the government helps us to buy electric cars why not but otherwise its referred to drive my car even if it pollutes its not that bad and there are other concerns was many people say they want to be green charging points for electric vehicles are still not widespread while still in paris there are plenty of around the city elsewhere thats not always the case you. Dont we need to have enough places to recharge them in addition to Service Center is the same 6 like lanes in germany or a long way behind we have to develop cycle lanes and we have to develop charging stations on the. Vehicles in front seem to be developed but thats not the case with the of one france even the president doesnt set a good example travels by car while we travel by food by bicycle by scooter so it seems there are still many mental barriers for people even thinking about buying electric cars but as the cost of taxes on fossil fuel vehicles are set to steeply roys they may feel that there is no other choice. Altie paris. And must be top of the us democrats Christmas Wish list to see donald trump kicked out of the white house but the president seems to be spending the holidays full of good cheer so hes in a very good position ahead of a summit trial and i thought in mine are to sock a teller and buy 2 now for a cheeky seasonal impeachment drinking game this claim up if youre not 18 change channels and those 18 plus is out but. Responsibly 3 months ago 3 long months ago the impeachment inquiry against donald trump was announced and now the house of representatives this am i go for a double whammy and impeach trump for a 2nd time if more evidence comes to light so since were kitty in it for a while yet and its christmas off to roll weve come up with a little bit of a libation based game pick a drink unsettle it. So lets lay down the rules if ok when trump takes a swipe at knotts palosi all says that its all a witch hunt bottoms up but slow and steady wins the race lets make it a half he does that a lot off the wall then if politicians on characteristic can locate their moral compass and decide no one is above the law center in no one is above the law prison terms continued actions with the rule of law. In america no one is above the law we vote to defend the constitution and our democracy so that the President Trump and every future president would know that they are not above the law now the stakes if the republican admits the troubles may be probably protect you just a little bit naughty drain that bottle just joking thats never going to happen but for any republican who steps forward to defend his needa chill it is because if that has been one moment of clarity in this whole saga its about 2 camps if you blew your about the memory impeachments hash tag if youre right youll probably be reporting the hash tag and seeing red ok so if a journalist got a bit tipsy at the Christmas Party and betrayed the oath of objectivity sally looked and said journalist is better and thinks that writing trump equals bad articles is a good cover for his bias so im take a and before i forget if anything to do with mother russia sneaks a mention. That might be the one to tip you over the. Letter you know friend primary objectives within the United States or so as to foment unrest for their nation there are t. Is putins Propaganda Machine here in the United States i think youve got the gist but in case you were in any doubt any mention of a quid pro quo its a simple question yes or no i dont recall bribery business i did not have sexual relations of moved on a speech meant but seriously i wasnt joking about the dems gunning for a 2nd impeachment if that is. They managed to wring out evidence suggesting that trump somehow obstructed the investigation but we all know its unlikely to need to anyway i mean even donald that he broke a sweat i dont feel like im being impeached why would he sure the democrat controlled house of representatives can possibly as many impeachment articles as they want but the Senate Also Needs to sign off on booting the president from the white house and the senate is carney controlled by the republicans making not a bit of a longshot maybe not supposed to and co need to finally recognize that shouting impeachment word lose trump the election quite the opposite in fact it seems america actually quite nice this particular dog probably why they chose him in the 1st place goodness that was exhausting my need to drink. Theres been a sharp rise in british weapons sales to saudi arabia and its Coalition Partners over the last 5 years despite adopting a treaty it meant to regulate trade that could violate human rights the increase has been calculated by the british humanitarian Charity Oxfam which is deeply concerned over the way u. K. Made weapons are used in the conflict in yemen according to oxfam in the last 5 years since the arms trade treaty came into force the u. K. Licensing deals worth nearly 6 and a half 1000000000 pounds to 8 members of the Saudi Coalition on the us before the accord was adopted it amounted to just under 4 and a half 1000000000 the arms trade treaty was adopted on Christmas Eve in 2014105 sovereign states ratified it and a further 33 signed up as well it regulates the arms trade in order to prevent human suffering and ensure weapons are not sold to those who violate human rights back then the British Government was also keen to stress its importance the a. T. T. Is the only legally binding treaty regulating on promoting legitimate and responsible trading conventional he remains a unique and valuable instrument. Worth tanner from told us that the increase in sales shows that britain isnt abiding by the treaty it signed when the arms trade treaty came into effect the u. K. Was a real champion of that treaty unfortunately say those 2 countries that we in yemen know party to not war in yemen have actually increased and i think this is being sick know that. Youre yemen worlds worst humanitarian crisis right now and the u. K. And far from kind of living up to the treaty and the word is that treaty has has continued to so countries in both new country where we know International Time you know is being disregarded. And with pressure mounting the British Government has had to put arms sales to saudi arabia on hold in june the court of appeal said they were almost full and made with out assessing if the gulf state had violated humanitarian law in yemen its expected the government will appeal the decision in the Supreme Court saudi arabias intervention in yemen started in 2015 to fight her thyroid pills who they see as terrorists however if the level of civilian casualties and the conflict that are a major cause of concern. Thank you. Thank. You and. From oxfam again says theres clear evidence of violations in yemen and says the u. K. Must stop selling arms to the saudis the evidence is really i have a well meaning and that theres been consistent violations of International Law and and as you say the case was really clear that. That the government needed to you know if it was going to continue to license weapons had to be clear about what that there was a pattern of violation and that violation was clearly that so i find that height that will be upheld and i think its. You know very sad that the government have had to try and chosen to appeal this decision and wish to continue to sell weapons that have been used in a war that is causing untold poverty and hollow and destruction for the people of yemen still to come young eco activists in germany have had a dressing down after getting cheeky with their elders its among our stories still the cup. And stacey our continuing our south american tour and as you can see behind me we are in Rio De Janeiro oh my god so beautiful so much going on this is a country in transition. In a world of big. And conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made history media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Welcome back a German Environmental Group affiliated with eco activists crowded tom burke has caused outrage by insulting the older generation on social media the Youth Group Fridays for future german posted a tweet saying why do our grandparents keep lecturing us every year they will soon be gone whether they were being silly or sinister german politicians including the Environment Ministry were quick to fire back. I dont think you are doing yourself any favors with this tweet you can get crazy every time you get any criticism and constantly demand more respect than throw a tantrum it undermines your legitimate concerns climate protection is everyones concern and as a social g. T. For every generation tasteless im glad that the majority of young people in germany do not think this way we must be respectful to other generations and that only during christmas after the backlash the actress issued an apology saying it was meant as a joke but a rivera from the reactionary times opinion website things that in any case the arguments and the climate debate are somewhat overblown this type of rhetoric in these types of tweets and you know did only really resonate with the frenzy far out reaches of the Environmental Movement within there maybe other climate you know induced media they really truly believe that having too many humans on earth is going to lead to a catastrophic apocalypse which is absolutely ridiculous because the evidence just doesnt support that narrative climate on the arm ism you know created a superstar out of gratitude and theyre going to create more superstars in 2020 and its only going to get worse but thats unfortunately the ignorance of youth if we believed all of these environment environmentalist and all of their crazy predictions over the past 3040 years i mean if there were true manhattan right now it would be underwater. Britains Guardian Newspaper has been forced to amend an article it published last year about russias role in an alleged plot to extract chilling songe from the Ecuadorian Embassy in london where if National Takes up the story. The crime and the punishment the Guardian Newspaper gave a misleading pression to readers and was forced to clarify that its article was well something that you might be tempted to call fake news the piece in question published in september last year claimed that russia had a secret christmas plot to smuggle Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in london to moscow a tentative plan was devised that would have seen that we call expounder taken out of London Embassy in a diplomatic biko and transported to another country one ultimate destination multiple sources have said was russian the involvement of russian officials in hatching what was described as a basic plan raises new questions about a san just ties to the kremlin but they investigate which was led by a high Profile Panel of academics and journalists and last 13 months found that the authors got carried away with some of their claims the plan in relation to mr sanders ability to be able to leave they could door an embassy was not devised instigated by russia there was nothing illicit about the plan as described in the article the investigation was triggered by a formal complaint from the former consul of ecuador 3 theyll not a virus described several of the papers assertions as falls and defamatory party talk to him they talk about secret talks of Russian Diplomats in london and they have trained me us this past contact me in. The kremlin in order to execute some kind of plot thats why i feel d that their articles needed to be challenge. And i myself. Need to have an apology from the guardian apology there happen but their review panel has. Decided. And has ruled that the article was indeed misleading breach in the heart of conduct of the press in the United Kingdom but im not completely satisfied with the correction the other thing is that they have not being. Amend it does the article is to says that Russian Diplomats. Secret talks in london in order to. Flee the embassy thats not true and finally enough one of the journalists who penned the piece luke harding was behind another controversial article published by their guarding that piece also published last year claimed that the old transcom pain manager paul mann a forward had held secret talks with a son to an Ecuadorian Embassy somehow one of the most surveyed places on earth didnt manage to capture any evidence of that alleged high profile visit the guardian didnt attract the story but detained the headline shift in the responsibility to its sources mr no rise has called the latest corrections he story journalistic fiasco for the guardian for again publishing false information thats not the only article does a part owned by the same mouth those are the same out there theres a pattern they have accused you know of spying into the embassy they have. Several articles which i mentioning in my complaint us as a pattern from the same journalese which have disgraced the newspaper and hes complained mr not a virus accuses journalists of hiding behind Confidential Sources the article indeed cited various sources and it seems by sources they probably meant their imagination thats our global news update for this hour but dont forget you can always head to our website r. T. Dot com for the details on all those stories and many more. Today there are good and bad the bad news in yemen the United States. The good. The cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up the right way military windows funding an army. Theres no any more because theres always a small income for a really good. Profit. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. In the shallows. In the United States president ial candidates debate the future of the u. S. And the world. Max keiser and stacy her but dig into the burning questions of this election cycle. Every week. Tax student debt trade was money universal basic income and more catch up with whats front running this sunday exclusively on. In front of the cameras cocacola c. E. O. Promises a World Without waste outside objected. Rod behind the scenes the American Company is doing everything in its power to eschew any alternatives to plastic like the return a bottle i think obviously is shelf. After months of negotiations with the american multinational we have a meeting at the headquarters of cocacola france for an interview. Its a message so well that when i live to see. How polite and when welcome. In the publishing world in general through the work of the frugal bot it seems we have not yet won that trust. Question in the room as a whole is a political game with every thought well wait a minute back up and say often social wrong. The Vice President of the Company Michael goldsman has travelled from the United States to on so all questions well he has worked at cocacola for 21 years hes in charge of Global Policy and environmental sustainability and hes a french speaker. And theyll say it after a long while is that we do that on tax cuts on oh were going to be going to add that offsets up or got cars off of it really so all interview is done in french. Ok i could have. Some dish told is human behavior. I think gets me to what they are. Because they perceive it. In the crane economy circular. B l u u ts. Who take. Their kid out of. May. They. Go. Fer on a. Didnt mean really. Only to get it. Those objectives. Appear from. The. Dont plan to be. On the a do be discreet looking on we. Fight back off

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