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Sooner than anybody else and i think as a result theyve gone through this a little bit better than anybody else especially relative to their population so they were a little slow at the beginning and also they got to places are being nearly as honest as we are about it in a Washington Post op ed last month you wrote the grim reality is that additional lives will be lost as we reopen our country how many it thats easy that isnt easy cause were alive but thats tough to face as a government. It is tough to face our bill let me tell you what else is going to happen if we dont open up were going to lose a lot of lives as well which is already seeing the statistics across the country larry increasing depression increasing Domestic Violence increasing drug addiction increase in suicide you know working people in this country larry they need to go back to work not just because financially what it does but what it does for their selfesteem every day and we are going to lose a lot of people a lot of people if we dont let people get back to work we can never risk a situation here and we certainly cant wait for a vaccine narry because a vaccine may never come were still waiting for the sars vaccine were still waiting for the h one n axiom right so americans are smart and they know theres going to be some risk but also larry were going to act differently than we acted pre the shutdown people will wear masks people will wash their hands frequently they will sanitize hard surfaces they will socially distance were not going to be shaking hands or high 5 ing or hugging people for a long time and so i think there will be changes in that way as well which will make the infection rate thats that it was pretty shocked them we may never shake hands again right we may not make the president really happy it was his hands any. Human happiness the program or all one he was a gentle soul who had 1st met im sure absolutely and only when he got into politics the start shaking hands. That going to early module and door state shutdowns to flatten the curve because she said it was the right thing to do and the economic consequences of the shutdown has been worse than you expected. A little bit worse than expected although i expected it to be pretty bad but also larry we needed to do that at that time because we didnt need to flatten the curve because for the biggest reason was because our Health Care Systems were become overwhelmed and then you start tree arching care and making choices about who lives and who dies and americans that want to be put in that position so we did it but remember it was to flatten the curve not to find a cure it was to flatten the curve weve done that and now we need to go back to work to what we need to work and it will be to him well do it better this time and we are just continue to listen to folks who say you know until its perfectly safe well then we should reduce the speed limit to 25 miles an hour to harry i mean you know theres theres risks we take every day in this country to do things the way we want to do them you wrote in the Washington Post that americans now understand the importance of Wearing Masks trump very public refusal to wear on mask what do you make of that i dont stand the president being in groups of people and not wearing a mask its a mistake and i said it when Vice President pence went out to a clinic and didnt wear masks that he should hes now started to wear masks since then and i think the president should wear one to what hes around other people now hell argue that hes probably the only person americans has that every day so he knows whether he has the virus or not but the fact of the matter is i think he should wear a mask and i wish he would. Also in the Washington Post who declare that now is the time for honestly telling our citizens as f. D. R. Did in 42 that preserving our country in our cars will not be without sacrifice do you think as a people we are prepared for that. Yes i believe the American People look at what theyve been doing for the last 10 weeks larry for the most part this country has voluntarily shut itself down the last 10 weeks people have lost their businesses theyve lost an enormous amount of money on there has been great as we talked about before Mental Health effects but the American People did it because they thought thats what was in the best interest of the country and now as the best interest of the country are going to be for reopening the country the American People will understand that theres going to be risk involved with that theyll be smart about it and by the way larry the most vulnerable folks you know folks who are older folks who have Underlying Health conditions theyre going to have to stay in for the most part because theyre most at risk of really getting this virus in a way that could end their wives frankly and i know youre in the Republican Party has the trump leadership leave to much to be desired here i listen i think it was a little slow in the beginning larry and i think that in the beginning he didnt take it as seriously as he could have i think though starting around the time he gave his Oval Office Speech in the middle of march i think the president has followed what the medical experts have asked him to do in fact in the curve hes taken any historical steps in trying to give a safety net under people for the economic concerns and i think now hes leading correctly to try to get the country reopened and so in the beginning i think it was a little bit slow but overall i think the president has gotten to it and i think hes doing a good job. Congress has already passed close to 3 trillion dollars in cost Coronavirus Relief the democratic controlled house approved another 3. 00 turn in Republican Controlled Senate has no action schedule what he what do you think we should do. Were going to have to do something but 3 trillions out of control and i think that we havent even distributed the 1st 3 trillion yet in the hole so i do think its smart to take the time to see how thats going to work but i do think youre going to have to literally provide some aid to the states to continue them to make up the revenue theyve lost not to make up for past sins but to make their books out there who are really struggling for his Unemployment Benefits and worker retraining what do we need more a though of trained trunnion was not well trained jim was fired me i think we should do one trillion more. You know i think i think that were going to get much closer to that number than the 3 larry and i think some of thats going to have to go to the states to help them some going to continue to have to go to our Health Care System and then some its going to have to go to people who are the most injured during this to keep a roof over their heads to keep food on their tables it is a sin in this country larry to have the number of people we have right now standing at food bank lines its heartbreaking theres a theres a woman outside Atlantic City who is in a New York Times a week or so ago who has been working since she was 15 years old shes now 54 and she said the 1st time ive ever been to food bank lot of my life i feel like a failure that woman has a failed in anything and we need to get her back to work making much me im so shes. Housed in jersey dylan. 2nd worst in the country larry. We have the 2nd most deaths the 2nd most cases just behind new york and thats for a few reasons i think part of it is we as you know being from the area we are Bedroom Community to new york city lot of people work in manhattan in the boroughs every day and travel back home to live in new jersey im so a lot of that commuting in those packed shorts im sure conveyed a lot of this virus early on. Second we did not act quickly to close here you know prince and University Close the 4th larry and they even bought Airline Tickets for the students who couldnt afford it thats an urgent they thought it was the campus yet we did jersey for not for 2 weeks i think really look back on it thats going to have been a mistake and 3rd the biggest mistake is im Nursing Homes we ordered Nursing Homes to take over 1000 patients and so 54 protests in new jersey over 5000 people have dollar homes larry in veterans homes thats unacceptable and i think thats whats made us the 2nd worst in the country sad present trumpery dipsy arest United States will have an incredibly strong 4th quarter Economic Growth and a phenomenal comeback and 2021 what it what does he base that on. I think hes looking at what the fundamentals were before all this larry and saying that this was an artificial circumstance it wasnt an economic downturn it was caused by this by this virus and so i think he looks at it and says put the if the virus under control those economic circumstances in the main will go back to where they were. You know the i fear we present it wasnt our but what im said he wished he had a one armed economist so the economists can say on the one hand this but on the other hand that and i think you oculus are known for that and nobody really knows for sure whats going to happen but part of the president s job is to be optimistic and to try to put forward an optimistic vision of the future to give the people this country hope and i think thats part of what the president s doing. Holy move on to other things what are you doing now. Well the number there for this woman staying at home for the last 910 weeks now larry our 2 older children moved back to city to move in with us and so all 6 of us are back home and the Silver Lining in all of this is been you know weve had more dinners together in the last 10 weeks that we had 10 years before that even me being governor thats been great and you know i am still serving up boards im doing my work for a. B. C. As you know as a commentator and i have a Consulting Firm thats trying to help with Strategic Consulting and Crisis Consulting so weve got some business going on right now given the crisis were in. Well more with former governor Chris Christie right after these words. The collapse of the russia gate hoax has exposed yet again the unprofessionalism bias of the corporate looking media the same media consistently project their own play values to political preferences in even the truth or conspicuously absent in their news reporting. You are no offense but youre no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the nazi ellis asked im aware of that. Leverage. All you like. And you can never forget america now auschwitz was really like to be in hell because you would never believe it was a human ghetto to have as a hobby of course for 13 years im open to be heard of it it all seems so a lot offered by police i might make it right when i get out on the farm saw you dont want to take my son to her next day or so he can listen and hopefully bless my heart hurts really. d good. Part of the book to. Ringback go. On about. The need to live and sharing the world so you should do so you can hold your will or. The joy of none. Just. Be sure to step up and take. This thing fixing because if you put stinky everybody we know its. All a pig. See if we more. Or less stiff bucks if. The politically functioning thinks media the police and. An assumption is likely to she should just. Say. I dont know crap. No shots. Actually. Struck no just. Switch your thirst for action. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is one. Reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news a direction where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. Welcome back to politicking guest Chris Christie former republican governor of new jersey one time g. O. P. Rival of donald trump who went on to serve as head of trumps Transition Team he joins us from new jersey earlier this month the ning anonymous ruling the u. S. Supreme court tossed out the federal governments case in the socalled bridge gate scandal clearing the convictions of 2 people who work for you said that the governor that the government have done poorly but it wasnt on tonsil to shuttle what you might get out ruling well larry it was vindication i told you when i was with you a year ago on my book tour that thats where i thought the u. S. Supreme court was going to do in the research for that is this was a vindictive political prosecution by a prosecutor in the Obama Justice department who is looking to take me out and didnt care which people in my ministry she hurt with the Supreme Court said that decision or it was that the law was clear that these actions while stupid were not a crime its certainly not a federal crime and that the prosecutor should have known that at the time and i believe he did know that at the time the right he would hope he went forward because he was on a Political Mission of indictive mission and when you lose 9 nothing before this Supreme Court thats been so divided that tells you just their conduct was ok but the court said it did indicate abuse of power what is the reality for abuse of power of its not constitutional whats the remedy. You fire them larry you fire them which is exactly what i did as soon as i found out about what they did they were fired and publicly they were shamed by that firing and you know not everything wrong in life is criminal and that was wrong what they did was wrong and they were fired but they did not belong in federal prison there and what this prosecutor did was unconscionable you know one of these folks went to jail for 3 months larry before the Supreme Court actually granted search or are in this case and the trial judge then released him but he served 3 months in jail for a crime that didnt exist thats thats unconscious cuter should not be doing that and this prosecutor should be held to account for what he did speaking of crimes that dont exist trump keeps talking about obama gate and he said Everybody Knows what it is you know what it is no i dont know yet you know listen i think theres an investigation going on by john durham regarding what went on with the russia investigation. And the conduct of the f. B. I. Regarding general flynn lets let him do the investigation i said this the president all along i said tell him during the muller investigation any ukraine investigation mr president if you did nothing wrong that will come out in the end but youve got to let the process work but we know our friend the president larry hes not always the most patient fellow in the world. Is and i dont know any and i dont see it yet and apparently i read today larry that attorney general barton see it yet either so you know i dont see it but you know well let the investigation go on and see where it leads and every vested geishas should be given its chance to find the facts but we shouldnt have a predetermined outcome larry thats not what america is and it never should be. Trouble once called Bush George Bush the 2nd the washed president we have a had now in cos obama the worst he has with obama forever and sist and that is an all girl crowds were bigger than ounce in obamas grossly incompetent you can agree with that. Listen i didnt vote for president obama either time you know i voted for john mccain and i voted for and i voted for mitt romney but what i will tell you though larry is that this is who the president is you know this youve known him for 40 years right i dont for 20 years this is who he is he is at root a salesman hes somebody who selling his point of view and pushing it all the time and theres hyperbole involved in that and so do i think brock obamas the worst president in history no no i think that James Buchanan definitely beats about. A friend logotheti was in hi ira pierce was not a great one either larry or exactly. So you know but in the end this is who i always get surprised i would people act surprised about this stuff this is the way donald trump has been his whole life and all the years ive known him and certainly thats the way he campaigns for president remember one of his debates hillary said Something Like well were glad some of like donald trump is not in charge of our criminal Justice System and he said im sure youre right because youd be in jail he said those things during the campaign and people voted for him so oh this is who he is and you just have to take his words at times without understanding so why then do many a like yourself in the Republican Party seem to make excuses for him. I dont make excuses for america i just that was an excuse that was an explanation i want people to understand but also i agree in the main with the president s policies and in the end what i vote for a president the biggest thing im concerned about is his political philosophy and what direction he will take the country in and i like the fiscal policies that the president has pursued i like the military policies the president has pursued and so as a result you know i supported him in 2016 and im going to be supporting him again in 2020 speaking of that give me your overview of that of the next Campaign Biden and trump well larry i think right now its a referendum on donald trump right now i dont think joe biden met matters in the least and thats not being negative about joe biden i just think right now with all the focus on Coronavirus Response that people are going to decide whether they agree with how the president s doing it or not and that will determine a lot of peoples votes the challenge for the president is going to be to make this a 2 person race a referendum is never good for anybody but if its a 2 person race and the president could compare him self to Vice President biden then i think the president has a legitimate chance to be reelected a referendum is much tougher because the other guy doesnt have to do anything just has to be there so right now i think its a referendum but i think the president s going to be moving towards trying to turn it into a head to head race and when he does i think he has a good chance to beat the Vice President is that hes more in step philosophically where the American People are so the pandemic in your opinion will be an issue itll be the Biggest Issue. It would be the Biggest Issue arrington bigger than any other issue now what we cant tell right now because its still 5 months away is exactly how big and what else will intervene when youve watched american politics your whole life larry Something Else will intervene it wont knock the pandemic off the screen but itll make sure the pandemic has to share some space with Something Else but i dont have a crystal ball so i cant figure out which one thats going to be or do you think of him making fun of joe biden though but is change is only 5 years old and trump and about his sleeping calling him sleeping job i mean thats not very classy now again. To remember that this is the same guy who called so low energy jab and little marco lion ted cruz and you know crazy john k. Sick mate so and crooked hillary right so this is the way the president campaigns this is who he is and so we can expect its going to be any different with joe biden and i will say this that when Vice President biden has been out there larry he certainly has been a source of the tongue and other things that have made some of his opponents on the democratic side say some of the same kind of things about him and ive let some people to be a little concerned about you know how vigorous a campaign or the Vice President s going to be able to be so were going to see but thats the great thing about a president ial campaign as you know larry is if the brightest lights in the world and whatever as out there for us to know i think were going to learn a lot about both of these guys over the next 5 months and they get to make a decision in november lets talk about you know what are you coming back to politics. I cant imagine that i wont at some point marry i love being in Public Service a lot im enjoying my time in the private sector right now weve got 2 more kids to put through college so we have to go out there and make some money to be able to get them through college but i cant imagine that at 57 years old im done with Public Service and the political life i enjoy it too much and i think i have a lot to offer so well see i dont know how that will happen there in what in i dont have a plan yet but well have a plan it will be ready to go after this election in november were both big sports fans and thinks march is coming back i do i do think sports are coming back for 2 reasons i think one that conditions are going to get better and will allow the athletes to be able to play against each other safely but also i think the sports leagues understand the unique role that they play in the american way of life and you and i were talking before we got on today about the fact that were both sick of of watching reruns of things that weve already seen another result of you know. Its nice that but id like some Current Sports on to i think it will help the psyche of the country so i think the sports lead for all the money that the American People give to the sports leagues tickets and t. V. Rights and souvenirs and all those things that but to the American People to find a way to get back to work so they can give us some entertainment because i think the American People really need that and love having some of the same things back you think well i finished the baseball season with play but empty stands. I think that baseball maybe larry if we got to the postseason we might be able to have some fans in the postseason but i think when we begin the summer we will not and im finally in the n. F. L. Are they going to have a season. But i believe they will i think its going to be very hard to not have an n. F. L. Season but. But we are we think that there may be some fans in the stands by then i think there might be some exposure then to be able to have some folks in the stands and hopefully will be able to do that are one more thing press corps go like this year and the National Football league. There is a you know on the Dallas Cowboys fan it will help one to him from a well roger star back is what maybe a scout with a high guy i fell in love with captain america and became a fan of Americas Team ever since then but you know we got see the lamb from oklahoma their great wide receiver in the draft this is going to be a team thats good with with him it was that prescott this is going to distance get a lot of points on the board ari i think you might be seeing the return of Americas Team 2020 are they heard it thanks again governor always great talking to you larry it is always an honor and a pleasure to be on the show with you and be interviewed by you is being interviewed by real pro my friend so thank you very much we thank governor christie for his time today and we thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings sayings and dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to get us out of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see of an. Odd note no crowd. No shots no. Action belt. Well its true no 1st. Point ch your thirst for action. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is all off and spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces also bomb to neighboring laos it was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. The mountain laos so much that is officially the most heavily bombed country per capita in all of Human History millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country Jordyn Wieber went on a canal which. Even today kids in laos full vixens a bombs dropped decades ago is the u. S. Making amends for the tragedy and. Built to the people need in that little. Hello there im an election and youre watching in question broadcasting from our to Americas National news headquarters in washington d. C. I want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world got a lot to cover tonight so lets get started. Breaking news to get you this hour coming out of the middle east where the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas just said that palestine is officially withdrawing from all agreements with israel and the u. S

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