For or is it actually true. Well it certainly is true looking at the number of species were driving into extinction though. The lesson of this season may be that unlike risk opic viruses can do at least as good of a job in the other direction when you look at humans the challenge is that theres this terribly confusing paradox which is we are indeed the most dangerous species on earth we are in news ripley violent species we have remarkable ray of ways of making their miserable damaging all of them. Yet at the same time were also the most cooperated species on earth where the most altruism where the most compassionate and for me this is science has what is the most challenging thing to make sense of is the biology of how we can be. All full when some settings and so wonderful in others and often its the same behaviors its very dependent on context so thats exactly what were going to talk about today to try to actually deconstruct what you just sat with your colleague from charges france and law has argued that there is no Supreme Force that makes it good or bad but there are her own rules that we by by fostered by the evolutionary need to survive ask if we follow the argument that being. Evolutionary beneficial arsal her to say that 2nd placed in why pop a branch in grapes so that they sound the territory. As we see from the war than any 15 years ago humans are just like humans in this regard so if evolution is responsible for this do all to others is it also responsible for our. The evil of islam. Easy yes although after a while when you study the. Words like good and evil begin to seem irrelevant and unscientific we we are we are nothing more or less than our biology and biology of behavior does not have a her lot of room for concepts like evil or soul or. Sanctity any any such thing. About us thats most striking is yes we can be exactly like chimps chimps have now been shown to have organized violence creme meditated violence something resembling warfare or territorial disputes something resembling genocide which is sort of the formal world court definition is being willing to kill somebody not for who they are but simply for what group they belong to and chimps do this and its enormously familiar and its just like us and they are physically violent they make weapons as do we but then we have something that no chimp could ever make sense of we can press a button and kill someone on the other side of the planet we kill so monk whose face we have never seen we can kill someone where we dont even know for certain if weve even had an interaction with them if we have had any effect on them and at the same time whats also clear is lots of other primates have altruism has most have moments of compassion have moments of self sacrificial compassion and then we do something utterly bizarre there in that we can press a different button on our computer. And send money to help a refugee on the other side of the planet we can feel pain and lose sleep over the misfortune of someone we have never met whose face we have never seen and in those regards were a very very strange primates so loudest slane that i mean youre saying were so much like charles and. Anything that is good or evil or soul doesnt make sense in a scientific way its irrelevant. What is it that makes us to france france as a lot of new your our scientists would argue that what makes us different from anyone else is the conscious the one thing that we cant see we cant pinpoint but its obviously there would you agree with that when you look at the human genome and compare it to say the chimpanzee or the bonneau poaching room theres more than 98 percent similar. So theyve been sequenced and you can then sit down and have this incredibly exciting thing of asking so one and a half percent differences in the d. N. A. Where are the differences what is it that makes us humans as opposed to the chimps and for the most part the list is really boring its not half of the genes have to do with olfaction others have to do with amused function oh theres have to do with reproductive isolation others have to do with how much hairier growing on your strollers these are not very exciting things and as a neurobiologist you sit there and say where are the genes that have something to do with granny who is going to be dramatically different were asked what makes this true we are. And when you look closely theres a very few genes related to neural function and the ones that are do something very simple they have to do with the rounds of Cell Division. Basically if you want to turn a chimpanzee brain and she was human brain just let it go through 34 more rounds of Cell Division so youve got 4 times as many neurons as you would have had as a chip and thats all youve got to do its the same dura transmitters its the same enzymes its the same Everything Else but if you put enough neurons together all sorts of stuff will serve emerging including consciousness and a wonderful way of describing it the people who doing merchants Complexity Science they say things like with enough quantity you invent quality just stick a nuff neurons in somebodies brain and consciousness is going to pop out the other side not because any given neuron is anything fancy or than it would be in a chimpanzee or a fruit fly but simply with enough of them Emergent Properties come out and so memory and there is consciousness and is static sense theology and all these other things that chimps could never make sense of well which they could if they really had 4 terms as many neurons its really all thats needed very well because youre asking just killer magic notion of consciousness that made a specialist human thesis but i think very flaming that to me so many of them back to what you were saying he said that he wants to have to draw a line between the socalled right kind of violence and the wrong kind of balance. How do you explain that and what he really does actually mean by that well thats that shoots puzzle of like every single culture on earth has prohibitions against killing. At the same time virtually every culture on earth will reward you enormously if youve killed the right person if youve killed in any of the states if you have you know do the exact same thing with your brain and the exact same thing with your muscles where you pull the trigger on a weapon and in one setting it is the most horrendous damaging thing imaginable and in another setting is it a wondrous thing that they will give you a medal for the people who vote for you because of the people who mate with you because youre good at doing that sort of say and its the exact same behavior its just in a different context and thats not just the case for damaging behaviors its the same for our affiliate of ones as well ok so a wonderful moment somebody is troubled theyre emotionally distressed and you put your hands on there and depending on the context thats a moment of deep compassion or wonderful moment or in another setting you were during the 1st step of betraying the loved one by straying into a direction you shouldnt be and his exact same muscles its the exact same behavior in other words understanding the biology of our behaviors the mechanical basic is not very interesting is not very challenging the challenge is understanding a context for it because they need to leave Different Things in different set of facts. Right now when were back well continue talking to a proper. Professor of neurology biology at stanford university. Capable of extreme statement s. Going in. Counting the cost and charting the future we demand any good theory to proceed it is time to assess the economic damage oh heres the crisis change the game look concrete and if theres going to be a recovery what kind to speed and are there lessons to be learned. Happened on the front of the. Way or both the food. Bank itself mukti about. Plus weve got to doubt its a hard luck the thing and the mother decided to see the work of a coward and i know from the start that if. This is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights aimed his way. On the floor you can feel the 50 pound this will persuade you that you have all the ability to get the. Thank you but i think is this is the fans that is a constant. Thank. You. Oh im back to. Talking to the professor of neurology in biology and staff working for say a Professor Emeritus the biology of good any well as you refer to military psychologists and suggest that in the middle of combat soldiers should at each other and not our hate trait but fear of being killed because they were told to stand up and 5 by the command is path out of the feeling of kinship with that others so they should kill because others. And if you think about it we do a lot of stupid in appalling things because theres. Houses where i mean that things that we might be uncomfortable about several supine if others do that well what happens when we are a very conforming species classic studies in the 1950 s. You sit somebody down you show him a picture with 3 para loans were one of the lines is clearly longer than the other 2 and us the person which is the longest line and 99 percent of its when people say thats the longest rule then you do the study where the person is sitting there and theres 10 other people in the room and everyone looks at this picture and you get to ask everyone which is the longest and the other 10 people who are working for the experimenter go 1st and every single one of them says the line that shorter is a long one and you know what was seen classic psychology stuff 75 percent of people are willing to conform under those circumstances to be willing to say. Well i guess i was room yeah i guess that is the long the longest lie so those were studies in the fiftys but more modern versions of it now of involved doing neuroimaging on people when thats happened and what do you see as 2nd the 1st person says yeah thats the longest line wait thats not the longest line thats not what i thought was the longest line and what you see in a fraction of a 2nd is activation of this part of the brain called be an ig. Which has you with anxiety and with here and what you see at that point is being different from everybody else is a terribly enzyte he provoking thing 1st few days and you see at the point that subjects decide ok i dont know what theyre talking about but good im going to say that also the 2nd they do that the unit to work quiets down im safe im part of the crowd again im part of not standing up for himself where a terribly conforming species because. Least in the United States where there is such an emphasis on individual list cultures and all of that we are very into the individualistic in the ways that we go about conformity and everyone else. Being a nonconformist is very anxiety provoking for any primate out there but in particular seem so we can bring out the best of our behaviors but far more often it brings out the worst because we go along with the crowd. Could that explain that and millions of people follow nasserism to the task but they get it they did it ask a ship just doing what everyone. Around well the interesting thing very is sort of by the time he gets humans if youre looking at a hamster a. Hampster cooperates more with a full civil laying than it does with a stranger how does the hamster know this this could be a sibling from a different litter or whatever they 2 never clee connect recognize row with factory signature schumanns dont do yet how do we figure out who is a relative we have to think about it and assumes we think about it we can be manipulated into thinking that this person feels so close to me theyre practically a relative or that person feels so different from a that they hardly even count as she. And the jerk in used for it is pseudo kinship and no speciation kinship with every little experience earth is really good to have whether you are looking at high tech armies or you know nomadic pastoralists heres what they do is the military is trained to think of each other as brothers brothers an army english cliche that is you become a band of brothers when you join the military serial kinship so very critical moments youre willing to give yourself your life for this other person and normally theres a fair degree of like related is everyone who joined the nazis was german nerve german gene stock but during world war 2 you had american troops fighting the nazis where one guy in this American Group would be an Italian American guy in a polish american car in a russian Jewish American guy in a black. And you would have a guy fighting on the american side whos german american and he was more related to the guy he was trying to shoot at the other in the field than he was to the black guy or the jewish guy or the italian guy right next to him. And you would be willing to give up this life for this showing when you do this shooter can ship it is very easy to manipulate us into feeling so related unconsciously implicitly to each other if thats where you get some great schuman moments and some turbulence but its kind of scary when you think about it the whole scenario so you know i cant shake because as opposed suter kingship visit parks and forests that makes human with rice and marks to kill each other in droves i mean when you look at the past the war a spatial test they go a little bit more in the whole human race could have been wiped out. Yup. You know pseudo kinship could have its good moments if youre a dalai lama and you can say that every person on earth feels like a sibling to you it is far as you can tell he actually feels that way and you can have great moments like that but yes for the most part pseudo kinship is a scary thing and even scarier is pseudo speciation if you want to have a genocide go successfully against the people you dont like convince everyone in your side that those people are like rodents those people are like cancers those people are like vermin and theyre like viruses there are like they hardly even kill this year and the nazis were brilliant at that all of nazi propaganda posters were about jews as rats used as rodents when the tutsis in rwanda were killed genocidally by the hoochie there the who to consider all of them this conqueror as vernon when donald trump tries to make americans turn against immigrants trying to come to the country he refers to them as a disease as an infection mexicans coming to the United States or coming to infect the country thats what every good. You know demagogue and fascist leader of that sort whos headed to you is if you could make your followers think of them as less than human you think youre 3 quarters of the way towards completing your genocide. Task because we have that machine weapon at all tension that of the apollo and the pandemic that were living through right now maybe also. Indicate ship but 1st i think many psychologists say that the current code 970 has put us in a survival mode. Would you agree with that i mean actually realize that right now and im in a pretty comfortable situation in my home no ones holding a gun to my hat its not Like Alliance chasing us about how exactly does this situation change for their survival mode one of the most ancient actually basic instincts and how we humans well if if you had a zebra in your room with you and the zebra was getting all the same news that you were about ku that 19 it would not be having stress response it doesnt have the capacity to abstract over space and time and we can sit here and we can think about all the people who have died we can think about what it must feel like to have your lungs fill up with fluid what it must feel like to go to an emergency room and they dont have a ventilator for you we can think about what it must feel like to be in the United States one of the 20000000 people who have lost their jobs in the last 2 months who are thinking about the shortages that could well be happening or any version of this and we can think about how somebody else is emotions and we can think about a scenario thats imaginary at this point but has a decent chance of occurring in the future and we can be as panicked at that point and as sickens and as feeling as if were being hunted by a lion as the zebra would feel what he really was being a concert on iran. So if you look at this point demi in terms of his pseudo kinship which she said could be a horrible thing they call also be a wonderful thing would you think this seed of kinship was brought out in us in a good way or in a bad wager independently because i do feel like a lot of people are consolidating and the whole world has put aside their differences im not even talking about the president s im talking about people to sort of be in this together and fight this together and i see people helping each other volunteers helping old people that i never thought i dont see and normal environment what are your impressions of what this thing debbie has brought out in us. For were its been surprisingly good impression you have. The people risking their lives in the Emergency Rooms the people risking their lives delivering food to people and working as pharmacists for the sick who come in there coughing and although weve seen some incredibly her work stuff and you know this is going to a good time for people pulling together after the 911 attack in the United States and 2100 people in new york city home from new york city originally in people there are like trained to be rotten in the newsroom. Because thats what all new yorkers are like and for months afterward people were trying to each other it was so under your finger and yes at times like this people pull together but then there are the people who are refusing to wear face masks and there are the people who are refusing to go along with Public Health measures and because they dont care if they get somebody else sick so we have this like initially assume contributes to humans who pretty great great stuff my guess would be has this pandemic osama longer and longer and has more people lose their jobs and as more people die were going to start seeing far less of the goods to go kinship or more of the bad stuff. In the now im also considering the dark side and i see how the Domestic Violence has risen at 35 percent with number couple of weeks ago it could be even more now. What do you think could be there are bad moments that could resurface then asked because of uncertainty because of strasser it has a fast fear and an artistic sense survival what can we extract. Well at her worst moments in terms of stress her memory gets better we get anxious and we get depressed whats probably most mccort and is what stressed to the frontal cortex in the brain what stress is make the frontal cortex work less effectively and what the frontal cortex is good at is keeping you from doing something stupid in disaster risk because it gets there in the very last 2nd and tells you that may not be such a good idea i know you think thats exactly what you should do right now but trust me youre going to regret it it controls our worst impulses and what stress there does is make us more impulsive in the behaviors with stress also does is make us less in the past think we feel more empathy for people immediately around us but who counts isnt us has much narrower during periods of stress when we even know what part of the brain is involved in that so hes making terrible decisions and what that often takes the form of is looking for somebody else to take your pains out on scapegoating looking for whose record and now heres no shortage of people looking for somebody to blame for every disaster there are people who are if anything weaker and poorer than you are. Pleasure talking to you. Thinking your brain i wish i could have an opportunity to. Share with him his stay safe thank you very much for your thoughts. We hope everyone. Better. Give me the. Time we said. Theres an awful lot in common im old but im also the most companies you know so ive been a good who says you know. When i. Was come to see most people in the school yeah most came in nobody goes from didnt you never speak to c. B. C. As pro you struggled. With someone. Who seemed. You kind of this. Little kid is. Always stay. Home and not come to your list. So do you. Want to clear but she will be no use to you. Its always ok it was a. Moment. You know. Me. Yes. The. Yes but the. International memorial awards are now open for entries. Media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global News Platform to participate published works in video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and then to now. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. Chancellor if you sue not is expected to tell the firms to share more of the bill for the 1st load workforce on the changes to the coronavirus retention scheme thats the u. K. Government is warm to the test and trade system could push those affected into financial difficulty. The u. K. s home nations lift their lock down measures with scotland and wales taking a more cautious approach than england ill be talking to a medical expert. Protests in the us city of minneapolis descend into violence for the surge not running following the death of a black man in Police Custody meanwhile President Trump is accused of infighting intensions we get live reaction from the us. And its revealed the u. K. Government rejected a plan by Public Health officials to long down care homes and protect the most vulnerable residents ill be joined by a former regional director of Public Health. Welcome to r. T. U. K. The chancellor is expected to announce changes to the photo scheme with firms being told to pay more towards workers wages thats as the government is urged to increase sick pay amid fears the test and tray system could force those told to isolate into financial trouble with a shot to everest after joins me now with the latest on this how the shot is so what is the chance theyre expected to announce later so we are expecting a child so really soon up to and out some very key changes to the photo scheme of course originally intended to be just a short term safety net up until june but of course the charles a how to extend it up until october by that point that will be 8 months into the scheme and costing the government 80000000000. 00 power. Of course a huge chunk of the governments want it remember though when the charts it did announce that extension there was some devil within that detail all about cost sharing scheme whereby the government would share the burden the financial burden with private companies and todays the day the chance was expected to do that so employers will have to pay a 5th of their employees wages thats around 20 percent as well as insurance and pension contributions so workers paycheck from all guests will be a lesser burden on the government as it will now pay 60 percent of wages cut to 2500. 00 pounds a month leaving employers to foot the rest of the bill the government currently pays 80 percent so so far 8400000. 00 people across the United Kingdom have been furloughed and it has cost 15000000000. 00 pounds every single month the problem is though if employers if employers will have to pay anything at all the be less incentive to keep workers on yes its just 20 percent but it still could be a huge chunk for some businesses and they would therefore potentially run the risk of letting workers go all of this though as part of Boris Johnsons campaign to get britain moving again and get the economy back on track but we are expecting the chancellor to introduce other plans potentially ones whereby workers can go back on a part time basis as well as the furlough scheme but all be revealed in todays Daily Press Briefing will bring you the latest as we get it but for the chance or a very difficult balancing act for him today. Indeed also there is the track and trace system thats been introduced as well i mean what impact is that going to have on people so what youre days into the launching of the new truck control scheme and we are already coming across some really big teething problems particularly over concerns that people wont be able to afford to isolate for 2 weeks so currently the scheme as it stands is if you get a telephone call from one of the 25000 traces across the country they will be telling you you have been in contact with somebody who has tested positive. For covert 19 as a result you yourself will have to isolate for up to 2 weeks even if you are not displaying any symptoms of the virus now if you get that call you will be granted statutory sick pay however thats just 95. 00 pounds a month and many are arguing its simply not enough to see you by and summoned up in that case will be forced to continue working could run the risk of a health and safety matter in the Wider Community and of course could completely undermine the new scheme altogether also to add to the workers could be called a numerous amount of times within a few weeks period currently its a voluntary thing thing but the government is suggesting if it doesnt go according to plan it will be in force and it will be made mandatory meanwhile the office for National Statistics claims that Job Vacancies in the lower paid industries have indeed decreased just over 60 percent of those who have lost their jobs between 15025000 pounds since the pandemic began the hospitality and catering industry took a large hit in the number of vacancies available decreasing by a staggering 86 percent and the Retail Industry also sore a decline in numbers of vacancies with a 70 percent decrease from the start of the crisis so with all of this the changes to the furlough scheme the introduction of the track and Trace Program the lack of jobs out there all of those things all those combinations combined really do affect the most paid work and the hardest. For himself should you thank you very much indeed thank you. Well professor of social mobility Leigh Elliott major coauthored a paper about the younger kind of age generation he told me the older age groups have an obligation to help out to think that sadly the crisis will have a bigger impact on the younger we call in the code generation than other years and thats a combination of factors last because you know weve had these huge learning losses from children not attending school not going to of the sea but also the Economic Impacts a lot of the sectors that are suffering the most do have a lot of younger workers so sadly this is this is going to really hit the Younger Generation what does the government need to do to lessen that impact. So were suggesting a number of things one will be a National Shooting service where we think a lot of those graduates that might be facing unemployment could do really good valuable work by to train disadvantaged pupils around the country that have lost learning were also calling for guaranteed employment for a lot of those people youre talking about earlier that will be facing our employer and again we could do very valuable jobs and were suggesting that there should be a one off wealth tax and thats really interesting because of course a lot of the wealth resides in the older generation the older generation and were suggesting that you could pay for some of this stuff and indeed help the recovery by having us a one off tax on all that all a very wealthy these issues are what were realizing are i guess are much more long term generational issues now you know with a lot of discussion has been about the short term shocks. And many of those been tragic i think now where were starting to realize the long term scarring effects and thats what we believe should be addressed. By the u. K. As home nations are lifting their coronavirus lockdowns off to scotland wales and Northern Ireland and they break with Prime Minister Boris Johnsons plans but england after 66. 00 days the Scottish Government have eased measures while the Welsh Government is also making its own plans for lifting restrictions however confusing differences have emerged. From today you and your household can meet with another host sort out of doors that can be in a park or in a private garden however you should limit the total number of people meeting up to a maximum of 8 ideally it should be less than that you should not meet with more than one house sold at a table and please dont meet with more than one other host sold per day from next monday people from 2 different households in the same local area will be able to meet up so long as they are out doors and they maintain strict to meter social distancing armed hand hygiene. By local we mean not generally traveling more than 5 miles we will allow up to 6 people to meet outside provided those from different households continue strictly to observe social distancing rules by staying 2 metres apart we will now allow people to meet in gardens and other private outdoor spaces. Or scuffs the situation im joined by dr roger a go around to get spent on this from international s. O. S. And medical and travel Security Services for and thank you very much indeed for joining us scotland and wales have finally begun to lift the lockdown do you think they were right to hold back and keep a full lock down for longer than england. Well its its important to remember how these decisions are made by by governments theres a lot of moving parts a lot of variables that arent taken into consideration so saying that you know one country was right or are better and their approach really has to be taken in to sort of a wider context if we look at the Health Care Infrastructure for instance in england you know varies from say other parts of the world other parts of britain and so therefore you know the government in its Decision Making process weighs its ability to deal with. The situation the number of cases against other factors such as the economy but but essentially each government deciding you know what fits best in place for its own region so i think thats important to do you think the different versions though are a bit confusing i mean it doesnt matter what you think it will end up meaning that some people dont follow any of the advice. Well i think that. There are you know some elements that might be sort of interpret and sort flexible to interpretation whoever i think the government has done a good job in sort of casting a wide net in terms of its recommendations and so hopefully that will be a solid base for people remembering the essential things like you know social distancing and keeping you know helpful sort of hygiene procedures such as hand washing which remains you know consistent in the different parts of the world in Different Countries what how do you think the schools will operate under social distancing i mean younger children about that quite hard to control the tourist the outback. Yeah i mean youre absolutely right and anybody who has kids you know knows that especially when you have a group of them in my be you know difficult you know especially the key part however id say schools have taken a a similar approach consistent approach to say other businesses in terms of following you know government guidance so theyre taking you know risk assessments you know before they actually have opened their putting places procedures and policies in place such as cleaning handwashing trying to separate areas that have you know maximum space even with with children and and one important thing to remember is that you know this is being done in a phased approach where younger children are sort of the 1st cohorts to go back into the cation system now the reason and the medical rationale for this is that weve seen from the evidence that Younger Generations seem to present with less severe forms of cove it so it would naturally make sense to bring these together so although they might be very difficult to sort of tried to handle you know the younger they are biologically theyre better placed to defend themselves against covered they dr Rodriguez Rodriguez fernandez many thanks for joining us thank you. But its been revealed that a radical proposal to lock down care homes and protect vulnerable residents was rejected by the government the 11 point plan by Public Health officials was proposed at the end of april but wasnt included in the subsequent strategy. Officials from Public Health england urged the government to use n. H. S. Facilities and other temporary accommodation to quarantine and isolate residents they also said also were to should consider where the staff could be moved into care homes for up to 4 weeks to reduce the spread of the virus and they recommended that staff from infected care homes not be rotated into those that were still coronavirus free. Or government guidance only says unsigned accommodation is for workers who was for it and says stop should minimize risk in picking up covert 19 outside work it comes as data published by the office for National Statistics shows more than 12000 residents in england and wales have died from corona virus with londons keswick to being the worst affected they have been outbreaks in 38 percent of homes in england and 59 percent of those in scotland the government says its taking action to protect care homes. We announce 600000000 pounds to help tackle the spread of coronavirus including by limiting stuff movement between care homes as well as 1300000000 pounds to cover alternative accommodation to isolate residents we also testing old and residents regardless of symptoms and delivering millions of items of p p e to the front line or on this one are joined by former regional director of Public Health Professor John ashton 1st russian thank you very much indeed for joining us i mean why on earth should the government not take this Public Health england plan seriously. Sorry to hear that 2nd but why shouldnt the government take the Public Health plan seriously. The Public Health plan. Uncanny holmes and it were looking at the can the clip plan b. That the proposed by Public Health thing and to isolate kept quite early on at the end of april but it wasnt taken up by the government saying what do you think the government didnt consider taking that plan seriously its absolutely a believable i mean it was obvious from the outset that old folk in particularly frail elderly people with dementia. Doubling consonance all sorts of medical conditions would be particularly vulnerable and their own planning documents some of the planning documents had indicated that whats youve got an infection occur at home it could affect as many as 30 percent of people i can only imagine that this is being part of this whole Public Relations approach of not wanting to frighten the public and of course in the end the public get much more frightened when people start dying so i just cannot understand why they did not embrace this the other thing of course was that they focus was on the hospitals and of being concerned that the hospitals might fall. And that led to them if accurate seeing sick cleared beds from the hospitals and discharging patients to homes who took the virus with them and not as being part of the roots of this 2nd epidemic thats run through the current homes but i pick up on that point passion he said at the start of the crisis the n. H. S. Was the priority but we did know that care homes are under threat once again we saw the situation in italy didnt we. Absolutely i mean you know everybody standing back from this and saying where are the vulnerable populations what are the vulnerable places then any closed institution and one has to consider also in this same light prisons which weve not heard much about but we know that there are quite a lot of people infected in prisons that been deaths of prison officers and prisoners and it closed institution one hygiene may be a problem we have overcrowding where the may be particular issues they are there if they should have really been taking that very seriously from the very beginning lets look at some of the policies as well all the ideas that were put forward by Public Health england using the lighting at hospitals which we have seen subsequent were almost empty quarantining stuff all of this sounds like Good Practice so what about government apparently the neglect care homes this is all about who you are. I think a lot of this has been about pay are we seeing the way this is being driven by slogans the team thats involved in ice the press conferences or all it daily basis is the same table that organized the political Election Campaign in the old term and its been much more of a kind of political management kind of a Public Health management weve seen how the the Public Health advisors how the chief medical officer how the chief scientist were used as a kind of pretty torreon guard standing either side of the Prime Minister so he could say were following the science putting them they say they said advisers in a position where now it looks as though theyre going to take the blame and then lastly weve seen this week where theyve been censored in what they could say when it came to the behavior of the. Mr cummings well his behavior has undermined the solidarity that was needed to protect people present one final question about testing before we go the governments also sticking to its 200000 daily test by the start of next week the scientists have said its a meaningless target whats your view. I think the way weve been presented with the arithmetic is meaningless we dont know what that 200000 means we dont know how many people have been tested and how many of those tests have been satisfactory and what we really need to know is how many people are tested tested satisfactorily with results that are meaningful so that they can indicate whats going on in the community where the virus is circulating and what we can do to ease off in some places but keep tight control in others. Thank you very much for all your thoughts and still to come this hour. Protests turned violent in the us city of minneapolis following the death of a plant in Police Custody we get life reaction from my us correspondent. Martys Holiday International memorial awards are now open for entries all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global News Platform to participate sunday published works in video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and enter now. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Aha no team no crowd. No shots. Actually just felt the. Last draft notice to. Quench your thirst for action. Johnny the cost in charting the new journey with an endemic appearing to recede it is time to assess the economic game just as the crisis changed the Global Economy and if theres going to be a recovery well kind. And are there lessons to be learnt. Welcome back protests in the u. S. City of minneapolis have descended into violence following the killing of a black man by a white Police Officer meanwhile the u. S. President is under fire for his reaction caleb warp and joins me now and as a warning some viewers may find some of the scenes in his report disturbing thing caleb whats the situation looking like right now. Well its the 3rd straight night of confrontations on the streets of minneapolis and this latest night actually saw some buildings lit on fire the 3rd precinct of the Police Department in minneapolis where the officers involved in the killing of george floyd where they were they operated that building was lit on fire a number of other businesses you know Restaurants Stores were lit on fire as well quite an intense confrontation now the organizers made clear that they intend for these to be peaceful protests but people are looking on and seeing that these are these are rather intense demonstrations and its not just in minneapolis but in many cities around the country weve seen clashes between protesters were outraged about the killing of george floyd and and and Law Enforcement at this point the National Guard has been called up in minneapolis to respond to these demonstrations now its important to note these 4 officers who were involved in the killing of george floyd they have been fired by the minneapolis Police Department and a federal investigation is underway however the protesters say this is simply this is simply not enough others huge amounts of outrage weve seen demonstrations in cities like louisville kentucky in los angeles and San Francisco all over the country it seems were seeing people pouring out into the streets demonstrating and things have gotten rather intense there were clashes in new york city yesterday and this latest night in which buildings were lit on fire in which stores were broken into and looted people are looking at this and saying this is a potentially very dangerous situation many people are out of work and unemployed many people are frustrated by the pandemic and staying inside and this could boil over into something even bigger its not clear when the National Guard will be on the scene now but they will be at some point on the scene in minneapolis they have been called up look at it as we did say some pretty shocking pictures that how is the president reacting to all of this. Well we recently saw donald trump tweeting at 1st donald trump he tweeted outrage about the killing of george floyd said that he would be making sure that justice was served now we see this recent tweet by trump condemning the looting and the protests and many are outraged by the term he used suggs he used the term thugs many are claiming thats a racially racially tinge to the word that you know is directed at africanamerican protesters now whats interesting is that twitter flagged his tweet and accused the president of glorifying violence and this fits in with an ongoing disagreement between the white house and the social media giants in particular twitter the white house has been very very critical you see an executive orders and such being put into effect where the white house is saying that they feel that the social media giant is biased against conservatives and in particular biased against the president of the United States and suppressing freedom of speech trumps supporters have argued that perhaps perhaps this could influence the Election Results and that bias from the social media giants is problematic and the fact that that they labeled this latest tweet by trump they labeled it as glorifying violence the white house says thats not accurate they say that the president was condemning violence that that he was he was calling for the protestors to act civil the and responding and saying that the state will respond the government will move in and responds to violent provocation so they simply dont understand why twitter would would take this action and they view it as censorship essentially so clash you know not only on the streets of minneapolis but also between the white house and the social media giants have had the lost highway kind of hoping thank you very much a day thank you thank you. And finally m. P. s are set to return to westminster next tuesday despite concerns over social distancing inside the houses of Parliament Commons leader jacob respond has requested to end part remote sittings to set what he calls an example to the rest of the country but in a letter addressed to m. P. s the house of Commons Speaker celines a while said Public Health england had advised against voting in the lobbies. Based on the latest professional advice from Public Health england is clear to me that the house simply cannot conduct division safely by the lobbies know that i have agree to a recall on tuesday it is for the government to decide what proposal put votes in it wishes to put forward where do you p. N. P. For strong food jim shannon told me that the current virtual system doesnt allow for the right amount of government scrutiny. Im looking forward to resuming some sort of normality at some time maybe the 2nd or 3rd week in june when we can resume our business in the office perhaps an hour and a conducted and strict way when it comes to self does the same but also be able to to renew contact directly worth with the stuff numbers our state what jim i might point the speaker says the social distancing cant be done i mean what might the government suggest then is going toe to well i think thats what a party and has and has going to work for instance you mentioned a point in a very key point and im aware of that this morning because we we had our telephone Conference Parliament a conference this morning which we always have an affinity between 9 pm and we discuss when it comes to divergence in the lobbies the government has sent that they will come up with a system whereby self doesnt sing will take place when it comes to voting in the lobbies im not quite sure how does will to work to balance or you cant but they have said they have a methodology and please to make that happen next week we will have scrutiny for the 1st 3 days we have scrutiny with the of the of the of the ministers thats really important because up until now theres been no script and whenever youre doing Virtual Parliament or doings and youre not in control of when you will speak in a chamber yes controlled by by someone who commutes you on on get you there for your participation and the process of westminster is controlled are we back a half an hour including the government staley Coronavirus Press briefing. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. Drugs has come from unscrupulous dealers from pharmacies to in every state in the United States we see a very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids. Invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did those after dose after dose if your dose and really became his drug dealer was to blame patients doctors manufacturers. Hello and welcome to cross not where all these are considered on counting the cost and charting the future we demand and we comparing to recede it is time to assess the economic damage oh has the crisis changed the Global Economy and if theres going to be a recovery well crime will be a

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