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Into the 21st century we want to go to do with out of 5 that would have been unamerican of us some argue removing statues means we will never again know our history yes yes exactly one can only learn history from metallic facsimiles which consist of 30 percent copper 20 percent and 50 percent pigeon seeing these monuments is the only way to learn about things i myself had never heard of the existence of long pointy sticks in till i saw the Washington Monument i didnt know all of americas love affair would be ins until i saw the big shiny one in chicago and i thought giant vagina star gates were only a thing of Science Fiction until i visited st louis others have argued there are National Statues to. Age children what is valued in our society and not going to agree more i couldnt agree more judging by the numbers women and people of color are about 95 percent less important than horses and any of our president s were horses oh horse invented the light bulb Thomas Edison was a horse thats what im saying to you right now you might argue thats not true but without a statute you can prove it. Some argue the statues are not racists in fact they are just large monuments to remind us of the military prowess of brave men who fought on the losing side of a battle to keep black people as their property or in columbuss case bravely fought to claim he landed in india before and slaving in torture lets not get bogged down in the details ok lets just leave it. Military prowess anyway Popular Mechanics which is not as popular as the title suggests that al dost protest too much Popular Mechanics recently published an article that was not meant to help people tear down statues of american racist icons but it happened to be titled how to topple a statue using science it goes on to list how the article goes on to list how one could bring down a statue if one wanted to but you totally should not read it and should not carry down a racist statue in what some consider vandalism the article says you will likely need 70 people pulling on very strong ropes or straps to bring down a statue so do not find 70 of your closest friends and have a top of the races slave owning wild party do not do not suggest there will be a free pizza there which will help make sure people show up do not do not make sure to get the ropes or chains around the head of the statue because push them around the feet will not give you nearly enough leverage to accomplish the goal if you had such a goal which you did god. Because you are not going to do this. If you dont have 70 friends available Popular Mechanics says you can probably bring down a statue with half that number if you were able to heat up the bottom of the statue they say for a bronze statue your target temperatures around 840. 00 degrees fahrenheit you could use a butane torch but it would be much quicker with a propane torch those burn hotter youll be there for 15 to 20 minutes but its a lot easier i mean you will not be there for 15 or 20 minutes because you will not be doing this look yes the statues are right ok. The confederate ones werent even put up around the time of the civil war most were put up for after 1900 when africanamericans were fighting for rights fighting for equality in this country and that was when many people thought you know when looked nice in the center of town a giant middle finger to black people what it is right is right there take our friend albert pike for example the nice fellow got a face full of ground this past weekend here in washington d. C. He was a high ranking officer in the confederacy and he was kicked out and charges were brought against him for allowing soldiers to mutilate the bodies of the union dead he was also good buddies with the founder of the ku klux klan and some believe he actually helped write the initial k. K. K. Charter but yeah his statue wasnt for all of that it was put up in 19 no one to salute the candy he gave to the handicapped children. And in that time he helped an old lady pick up her medication. But now dont take down the statues because america was founded on racism and you shouldnt undermine our found days janet is lying is like an ice cream buffet we all love it right all the ice cream you can eat but the ice cream is sitting on a table right on table in leisure eating it on the floor which is disgusting get up off before what do you hope so the ice cream buffet said on a table you might now love tables you might not even like tables maybe this one is a particularly ugly day able but without the table the ice cream would fall over and no one gets to enjoy it the table is a Necessary Evil just pretend its not there and go about your business well thats like america with our racist past you might not like it it might be ugly but its just ignore it let it stand so that everybody can still enjoy the eyes crane the ice cream well maybe youd be more accurate be a more accurate analogy of the table. Under under the table it how it caved immigrant children or black people who had been imprisoned for nothing. So i guess thats a pretty fucked up ice cream buffet. Well lets try a different argument you shouldnt take down the statues because you might hurt the feelings of the descendants of people like robert de lay think of how much that would hurt his family all of thats made im im a descendant of robert e. Lee thats not a joke i actually am. Hold on to while i decide how heartbroken i am about his statues coming down. Sorry i started think about ice cream what were talking about again oh yeah dont care about statues you. Make room for new ones of women people of color black people live in x. Indigenous white guys who arent voting ask theyve kind of god we just got a few out there Justin Timberlake theres one right there sure like home bruce wayne i think 2 thirds of those might be fictional but ill take a fictional over a gigantic real like johnny day the race is what are we 121912 lets move the. Company from washington d. C. To belly debases redacted tonight. As well from on late candelas to the news from behind thanks to people standing up and demanding it we are now seeing changes to american policing across the country donald trump in a rose garden ceremony took a bold step of politely asking Police Departments to be plea to record their murders in a database perhaps maybe if you have the time asking for a friend please dont hate me. It was bold as bold as bandaid brands announcing they will have brown and black skin tones yes after a mere 100 years an operation bandaid has realized that people are a thing but i am offended by this how dare bandaid cover up the fact that we all bleed red the most woke thing to do would be to remove all bandaids from the market so we could bleed out in the united and colorblind fashion. But the changes go beyond trumps fart conference in the rose garden they house of representatives have put forward a bill that will and Police Chokehold obligated our men and women in blue to kill people in other more creative ways such as forcing citizens to step on legos barefoot until they sever an artery or reading the entire 50 shades of grey series to them and ironically until the victim kills themselves to make it stop the point is american policing is changing its fine its friendly now look at it so that theyre all another example of change after police are filmed murdering an innocent american civilians they will no longer immediately arrest the people filming them. Thats not true its just that theyre going to keep doing that yet now that its a joke just a couple ways ago a man named ramsey orta who filmed the garners era garners arrest was released from prison in new york after 4 years behind bars very few people know ramsey or his name but his video help spark a National Movement that as you know still ripples across our land so clearly he had to be stopped i mean and the men and women of the n. Y. P. D. Were happy to do the job and that incredible they are always there when we need them when we need them to stop someone from filming them brutalizing an unarmed sense in which a lot we need them a lot and they are theyre moving on heres something you havent heard about in the mainstream news recently ran by and over those anyway point is along with ring hobbs you know what else you havent heard about the Mainstream Media is really syria. You might not remember syria but we helped sink it into a protracted hellhole of a proxy war a few years back we funded arms and in some cases trained groups like al nusra basically offshoots of al qaida as ive said before theyre out kind of we then call those groups moderate rabble and moderate of course i mean of course but i had and people who are fanatical believers is moderate all they did was cut off their head its not like they cut off their whole body moderate every time it seemed the war in syria was going to and over and over we would help make sure it kept going but we did that in order to bring them democracy just Ask Donald Trump were keeping doing we have the oil the oil is secure we left troops behind only for the oil thats what i said democracy. Oil sounds a lot like democracy if you said very quick with a bit of a lisp and have a traumatic brain injury but we had to bomb syria in order to stop the chemical weapons attacks remember. That im sorry dad chemical attack was here in the us 2 weeks ago my bad wrong video i got the v. H. S. Tapes mixed up last night because i had stacks on my desk in the tapes the tapes fell all over the floor tough to say which is more shocking the sex on the desk or the fact that we still use v. H. S. Here by the way im not some awful boss preying on some young secretary shes not even that good looking kidding kidding the sax was by itself like a gentleman like a gentleman and i was good. Anyway heres the other video of our media covering syrias chemical attack began with a fox news alert almost one century after chemical weapons were banned by the civilized world after their refrig used in world war one there are sadly witnessing another suspected chemical attack in syria activists say at least 40 people were killed hundreds wounded and a targeted attack on a hospital in a rebel held city east of damascus yes assad used chemical weapons sure the Mainstream Media left out that the top agency that reports on chemical weapons the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons the o. P. C. W has seen not one not 2 not 3 but 4 whistleblowers come forward to reveal the reports were doctored and manipulated and that no chemical weapons were used you might be thinking that we the us having lost our proxy war in syria having been rattled by a pandemic and pummeled by an economic crisis you might think we have probably moved on past our syria obsession but now now is the time to pounce right when you thought our moral compass couldnt be accentuating the ass part of the word anymore we are again trying to crush the the hddvd devilishness devious the barbaric innocent civilians of syria. This month the United States is due to slap the toughest set of sanctions on syria as part of the cesar syria civilian protection act a law that was passed in december of 2019 and allows the American Administration to impose sanctions on Foreign Companies and countries that have helped the Syrian Regime u. S. And e. U. Sanctions on syria have already frozen the assets of the state and hundreds of companies and individuals the sanctions also prohibit americans from export anything to syria and bar u. S. Citizens from investing in the country is there anything. And anything more repulsive more disgusting than waging economic war. On a people youve already crossed youve already got it so that they are completely hopeless is there now is there there is nothing there is nothing that repulsive. Except for brushing your teeth with the. Tooth brush that you then realize is the one thats reserved for cleaning the corners of the bathtub thats the only thing as repulsive. Quick side note if you dont brush your teeth they will fall out. The day i was 1st told that when i was a mere toddler. That day i started brushing my. Havent missed a day since. If you go to a short break but if youre watching this on you tube theres something you need to know we will soon not be putting the full episode up on you tube instead full episodes will be available on the free streaming app portable t. V. We will still be putting all of the data the night segments on you tube as well so you can still watch them there but the full episodes will be on portable t. V. Ill be right back a lot more. Secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been desirous on the way to view the houses were. Preserved were located in the only people had access to the story to investigators l. Z. Uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. The great of no. Justice. As the culture war d rages on of the billionaire class is only getting wealthier their wealth is iraq the 20 percent or 584000000000. 00 since the start of the endemic slash lock and how will these facts to come over and is exterminate under. Your. Welcome back im still leave camp the New York Times is perhaps best known for helping the United States create coups around the world theyve hardly ever met a war they love but every once in a while if you Pay Attention they will later and mitt their mistakes. Digging a little deeper is our very own intelligence failure and. The coronavirus to the antipolice protest to an orchestra playing for thousands of plants news sure is moving fast in 2020 so fast that trusted institutions like the New York Times are struggling to keep up with their own articles their slogan after all is all the news thats fit to print not read necessarily i mean who has the time these days theyre working harder than usual to make sure the reporting doesnt have any force which youd think youd be able to smell in a newsroom but i guess the scent of printing ink overpowers in response to a month of uprising sweeping the country the times opened up their opinion page to arkansas birdlike sen tom cotton and avian species who survived by licking the moisture off of boots hot and treated the issue with the nuanced and sensitive measure it deserves in his editorial entitled send in the troops. After a wave of objections to the articles hysterical tone and reliance on misinformation or the polite term the times updated its website to include an editors note half the length of war and peace to proceed cottons op ed thats how many words the times needed just to say i didnt mean it they also announced the resignation of op ed editor james bennett. Perhaps he wanted tom cottons perspective because theyre in the same gaggle of geese. Now that the New York Times is an empty or nest theyre starting to do a little more selfcriticism back into one in 1000 following bolivias federal election the gray lady sided with the organization of american states and declaring president evo morales is victory fraudulent although it was billed as hard news that article was more like an editorial from the state department now after 8 months that included a military coup the elected bolivian president forced into exile and a far right party that won a mere 4 percent of the vote taking power and then massacring their opponents and bungling bolivias Pandemic Response the New York Times is admitting that they may have made. A whip see. That they will continue to walk around with until it dribbles out of their left pant leg after the october election you know i ask cried foul at a surgeon votes for morale of his Party Movement for socialism also known as must that came late on election but a recent study using data obtained by the times has shown that the organization of american states Statistical Analysis was itself flawed the conclusion that mr moraless share of the vote jumped inexplicably in the final ballots relied on incorrect data and inappropriate statistical techniques as it turns out the late night numbers jump that sparked away yes his objections in the ensuing unrest had less to do with the book cooking than it did with geography the truth was that the people in later report. Areas for more pro muffs than those in areas that reported earlier the oas and the New York Times however still maintain that morales ignored a popular referendum that narrowly banned him from running for a 4th term what they forget to mention though is that olivias Supreme Electoral Court issued a ruling that number 5 the term limits how to say is an american is difficult to wrap my head around a Supreme Court overriding the will of the voters like that through whats supposed to be the most respected newspaper in the nation help undermine bolivian president morales so that violent fascist coup mongers could take over his country was channeling gods wrath through a giant bible. And only now months later the New York Times is going sorry sorry we inflamed a coup that destroyed your country well try to do better next time theres a leftist leader we want to take out mexico were looking at you. But the important thing is whether its sending troops into vietnam or iraq minneapolis or legitimizing a coup in bolivia the great lady will let you know when she gets it wrong usually after it matters well sometimes never ok usually never but when they do it will be too late thats their promise to you reporting from the paper of record i manders lee with redacted to. Get into what just happened in some of these primary elections this past tuesday here with me as a dad correspondent and we. All may. What what went down this week well there were some surprising wins for progress in different primary elections there are 5 states that have their primary elections this tuesday mississippi virginia kentucky new york and North Carolina so a couple real states to yeah yeah so all eyes are on kentucky of course because we want to get Mitch Mcconnell out of office and if i were you be in the world the world wants Mitch Mcconnell out of the office. But 1st we need to find out. How we can get to the polling place 1st to the polling place door lets take a look at what happened at these polling places in kentucky. So i could be a person wanted to vote. Think i think they actually did get to vote there were there were long lines and lots of right there were there were no choice yeah so people who really really wanted to vote a lot of people were faced with the you know the question do you really want to vote how long do you want to wait in the. Kentucky coat Something Like 90 percent of all percent 95 percent of polling places were shut down kentucky is the worst offender and in november theres going to be a voter i. D. Law that goes into effect so were getting really a taste of what kind of suppression is going to happen in the november something very similar happened in georgia as a couple weeks ago yeah so now were seeing Charles Booker take the lead in kentucky we wont get the official results until tuesday but hes up against amy mcgrath the Democratic Party darling but what really happened is the protest definitely changed the course of the race because i mean mcgrath wasnt out there protesting and Charles Booker with leading the protests and he has a more Progressive Agenda more radical agenda and people are attracted to that now because of the protests and the same thing happened. Not a small fact that hes a black man and it true i think that is is important right now im sorry to mention that also we have the black candidate jamal bowman who is taking the bronx in he unseated an incumbent that was there for like 30 years just ready to die and he. Has lived in maryland for over 30 years and he hasnt really been part of the community whereas jamal bowman was really working as a Community Activist in the bronx and imagine that knowing the community youre going to represent i dont know it really helps and people want to see that more and more theyre going to ask for that more and more so were going to see this like move to the left anyways but. It is scaring a lot of people a lot of people are scared of actual progressive yeah that Lindsey Graham tweeted it appears the french revolution has now come to the Democratic Party based on initial primary results from new york and kentucky you heard it here refers to lose the groom to people of color as the french revolution horrified thank you so much and thank you. For your headlines from the future this tuesday youll learn florida Trump Supporters demand see these soon return 3500 floridians supposedly killed by coronavirus dam you see next friday. Overeager protesters enter a 2nd day of trying to pull down Federal Reserve building you could do it dont give up guys and 2 weeks from now. Trump announces new sanctions on coronavirus for briggs from traveling state to states i think that should work thats our show but if youre watching this on you tube please take note we will soon no longer be putting the full episodes on you tube due to their heavy censorship instead of full episodes will be available on the free portable t. V. App get it portable dot t. V. s last download we will still be putting the segments on you tube so dont worry about that just not follow up so its also grab your copy of my new political comedy book at least camp book dot com and my free comedy special and american dot com until next time goodnight and good bye to. International memorial has extended its deadline for submissions. All media professionals eligible 20 a freelance journalist look for alternative media or a part of a global News Platform you can submit to your published works in either video or film go to award go to r. T. Dot com and it until. He says he had to quit. For good and each other the. Missile that this isnt just. Able. To go out youll still be stuck with him because youre the busiest but of. Course. We think he minds be soldier dickys off the boots hes wearing. Huge which to the soul looks like to move the opposing opinion with. You know what wall streets up to its usual bag of tricks now back in 2008 financial crisis and remember that movie the big short and remember how it was obvious that everything was going to blow up and remember how the wall street people were conspiring and then it all blew up in a few people make billions and billions of dollars because they cooked the books grabbed all that cash and were causing the courts you know what this exact same thing is going to happen again in 10 to 12 years and guess what here we are 12 years later and. Hello everyone lets take a look at todays menu to see what were serving up for you are a bachelor. And interview or a dating service too high profile female journalist for an all over the very eligible bachelor governor of new york well ignoring his nursing home scandal and of the accuracy of media ways in what they call being woke and they cancel culture will it affect the likes of howard stern jimmy kimmel and jimmy fallon and others who are on the left and are now saying sorry for past blackface skit im not a racist scot

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