Much excitement was provoked at the weekend by Michael Gove’s tumbling and bumbling on the BBC
A MANDATE is an intangible thing. It is subject to different interpretations and thus complex to exactly describe. But then so is an elephant and you would still recognise one coming through your living room door. The elephant is now planted right slap bang in the middle of the Scottish Parliament.
There is a clear mandate, an instruction by the people to proceed with indyref2. The people have spoken but will their call be answered?
Not according to tone-deaf London politicians and their Scottish appendices. Apparently the election was a triumph for the Labour Party although they scored even less than their badly bruised colleagues south of the Border. The Liberals – or as we should learn to call them, Wee Willie Rennie’s LibDems – are celebrating their disappearance as a national party after 150 years while the Tory man in black has been shown the ref’s red card.