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All members are present. I. I would like to acknowledge the staff of sf gtv who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, any communications . None to report, mr. President. Before we do that, i would like to ask everybody to join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Welcome back, colleagues. I hope you all had a great break because im hopeful that this year, 2020, will be as fruitful as last year, 2019. And i would like to welcome our new city Deputy Director who is over there. Shes already busy, ann pearson, welcome to chambers. And i promise that at least, my colleagues promise not to pick on you for the first week, anyway. I also like to make an announcement that in december, at the end of december, there were three positions on the department of public inspection, commission in which terms were up. And i want to announce that i have appointed three people to those positions and one of the things i really look for as much as i can and asked many of you as colleagues how to do this is how do we diversify the commission more than it has been. So im proud to say that weve been able to find people that are well qualified that will diversify this position. The three people that i am appointing are john jacoble, who will represent a member of the general public, jason cam, who will be representing the residential landlord, and elizabeth alexander, who will be representing the residential tenant. And i want to invite all of you, if you like, to their swearing in tomorrow in this chamber at 4 30 and it should be a very short and brief and wonderful ceremony. Colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the november 19th, 2019 meeting. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Made by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor m mandleman. And so without objection, those minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Madam clerk, can you please call items one and two together. Referred without recommendation from the land use and transportation committee. These are two companion items pertaining to the flower mart. Item one is an ordinance to establish the 2000 street special use district, to create additional key site exceptions for the flower mart site on the southern half of the block between fifth and sixth streets and to affirm the determination under the california quality a act. Item two is for kr flower mart for a 6. 5acre site and to make appropriate findings for both items. Ok, supervisor peskin, and you have permission not to have to rise. Thank you, mr. President. If we could take these items separately, i would respectfully request that item two be delayed until later in the meeting, but would be happy to vote on item one at this time. Your request has been made and granted. So madam clerk, please call the role on item one. On item one, supervisor peskin, aye, preston aye, ronan, aye, safaye, aye, stephanie, aye, walton aye, xi, aye, fuer, aye, haineyaye and mar is aye for 11ayes. Item one has finally passed. Please call item three. An ordinance to amend the Green Building code to establish Energy Performance requirements for certain new Building Construction and to adopt the appropriate findings. Can we talk this item same house, same call . Without objection, this has passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please go to the next item and please call items four and five together. Item four is an ordinance to authorize settlement of the lawsuit filed by the city and the people of the state of california against the Stevens Institute and 23 of the affiliated Liability Companies and collectively known as the academy that owns properties in San Francisco. It alleges the academy violated the planning codes and competition law and 17200, et cetera, under the settlement, the academy agrees to bring its existing using into compliance to relocate existing uses or change uses in buildings in accordance with applicable laws and those limited instances where the Planning Department has limited that legalization is not appropriate and to compensate the people and the city for alleged past violations by paying approximately 58 million and work cooperatively with the city for future growth in a manner that account for the urban name of the academys campus. Item five is an ordinance to approve a Development Agreement between the committee and Stevens Institute doing th business as affiliated entities which provides for various benefits. Jessie smith and Kristin Jensen who hopefully is watching this on her vacation, i want to thank all of the individuals at the department of city planning who have played a remarkably Important Role in this and the members of the Planning Commission and the folks at the department of building inspection to bring this very tortured chapter to, hopefully, an end in the city and county of San Francisco where one institution behaved unlawfully in a way that impacted lowimpact tenants in districts three and six. I want to acknowledge a number of individuals who repeatedly told this city about this and dogged it for a generation. I would like to salute miss sue hester, doug ingman and other individuals associated with them for constantly holding the citys feet to the fire and i think that this is a just and appropriate settlement and while the government audit and Oversight Committee could not recommend this during the appeal period, i commend this settlement to each and every one of you and hope that it will pass unanimously today. Thank you, Dennis Herrara and to the City Attorneys Office. Colleagues, can we take these two items same house, same call . Then these two items pass unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 6. Item 6 is an ordinance to amends the planning code to enable the use of Development Project sites during the project approval and entitlement process by authorizing the Planning Department to authorize certain interim activities at Development Project sites as temporary uses up to 36 36 monts and make the appropriate findings. Supervisor hainey . Thank you, president. This is a piece of legislation that is sponsored by the mayor and myself and it is intended to help activate properties that are being evaluated for demolition and development to build housing in the near future and therefore might not be able to attract businesses with a longterm lease. The goat is t goal is to activae proper use and have a goal. I want to thank the land use committee, particularly chair peskin and his staff for working closely with the mayor and the Mayors Office and the Planning Department on amendments. There are some further amendments that wed like to put forward that, its my understanding, are substancive is require a rereferral to committee. So rather than handling those here, we want to spend a little more time working those out. So i want to ask that this piece of legislation be referred to committee. Ok. A motion has been made and seconded by supervisor peskin. Cap we take this same house, same call . This will be referred to committee. Item number 7, please. Item 7 is an ordinance to amend ordinance number 1061, the sidewalk with regulation, to reduce the official sidewalk with the certain locations along the westerly side of pierce street between ofarrel and to adopt the determination and make the appropriate findings. Same house same call . Without objection, this is passed on first reading. Please call the next item. Item 8 to declare a Public Health crisis on drug use and drug overdoses and to urge the department of pu Public Health o present a comprehensive plan on how to address this crisis. Supervisor hainey. Thank you, president. Last month, we held a rally and a hearing on this Public Health Crisis Resolution which would kedeclare Public Health crisis n our city and this is an issue, which you are all well aware of now, because ive spoken about it many times here at the board, is the most deadly epidemic facing our city at this moment. It is absolutely the issue that i hear the most from, from my constituents. People who are Small Business owners, who are residents, people who work directly with those addicted to drugs and the feeling is that there is an overwhelming sense of crisis and urgency on our streets. And, unfortunately, for many of the people that ive heard from and i would share this sentiment, we have not seen the same level of response from our city that matches the crisis on our streets. Its my hope that by, as a board, us collectively declaring a Public Health crisis, that we will begin to see a commensurate response from the city as you al. As you all are aware, there e more people that die of overdoses in our city than pretty much any other unnatural cause of death. In 2018, there were 259 people who died of drug overdoses. This is over six times as many that died of traffic collisions or homicides. Every single death is a tragedy and should be taken seriously in terms of how we respond and prevent those deaths in the future. During the hearing, the department of Public Health was asked to present a comprehensive emergency plan. One, to improve streetlevel Crisis Response to address people using drugs or in psychosis, increase access to narcan, expand outreach is treatment, report Overdose Deaths, increase support to frontline Emergency Responders and Public Safety personnel, identify and establish emergency detox and dropin facilities and request Additional Support from state and federal sources. I want to appreciate the department of Public Health for the information that they provided and the plans that they put forward. In many ways, they have been in the past and currently a leader on how we respond in a smart, strategic and passionate way. But i think they recognise, and i hope we can all recognise, that there needs to be so much more done to prevent Overdose Deaths. We expect that the numbers in 2019 will go up even higher than in 2018 and one of the challenges that we identified in the hearing is that the numbers are not regularly shared as often as they need to be for us to understand the extent of the crisis and be able to respond urgently. Were working from 2018 numbers rather than knowing in the most uptodate way how the residents of our city is impacted by this deadly crisis. I want to thank all of the folks who work to prevent drug overdoses everyday. People from the dope project, from st. Anthonys who are saving life. I think we have a responsibility to respond much more urgently and have an Emergency Response that reflects what is happening on our streets and what is happening in our city. This deadly epidemic is getting worse and i hope by declaring that Public Health emergency, we will begin to see a response that is as big as the crisis that were facing. S. Thank you. Supervisor ronan. Thank you. I could not agree more and us to be adds as a cosponsor. Thank you. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item . Item 9 a resolution to reappoint harlin, jr. , for a fouryear term. Colleagues, same item, same call . This is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call 10. A motion to appoint Charles Peacock for an indefinite term. This motion is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 11, a motion to appoint jr eppler, er ma lewis for terms 2021. Same house, same call . This is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please call number 12. 12 is a motion to reappoint William Ortiz to the small commission, january, 26, 2024. This is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, legitimate lete call. Supervisor peskin, youre up to introduce new business. Thank you, madam clerk. Its been a few weeks since we last convened and i have a couple of in memoria. I would like to ajourn in the memory of dina boyer, diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed away on christmas each. The Community Rallied to support her and funded her fight with cancer, but she passed away surrounded by a few close friends. Dina was many things ranging from a military veteran, transadvocate and Animal Rights advocate and film director in the independent media and Public Television where we saw her on our own channel 29, sanfranciscos Public Television station, where she was the facilitys coordinator and camera person for the awardwinnin awardwinn. She reported on health and labour issues for transpeople, investigating the suspicious death of doxy arundundo who was found dead in a tenderloin motel in 2006. She was concerned at lack of attention on the high rate of violence, particularly against transwomen. She grew up in baltimore where she knew from the young age of 12 she was different but didnt have the resources or information to fully understand or access her true identity. It was not until in her 30s that she was able to fully start her transition to claim her true identity and she ultimately moved here to the city and county of San Francisco to access the support for her transition and found a community of artists and activists that shared her experiences. She used her struggle with homelessness to elevate trans issues, including a file on cnn. She stowe studied film productid photo journalism at sf state. She is survived by her sister, chantel, her son, jeremy, and her granddaughter, who she was looking forward to meeting one day. I would like to ajourn, also, in the memory of michael leonard, who also recently lost his fight with cancer. Michael was a neighbor, a San Francisco artist, a writer and professor of art history at California College of the arts and diabola valley college, nicknamed Michael Angelo lenardo. He got his masters in arts history in sf state, doctorate at usf and widely published as an art critic and art historian and lived his life very genuinely and spartanly and i know that because when his downstairs neighbour passed away, i brought a chair up to his unit and was amazed by just how spartan has existence was. He was a committed volunteer mentor in the Big Brother Program and i want to extend or deepest condolences to dawn, alex, nick and gabe and the rest i submit. Supervisor pr rbgeston. Colleagues, today i am announcing plans to extend rent control protections to the tenants at midtown park apartments. This 139 unitapartment complex located in the philmore is occupied by residents, particularly longterm africanamerican and immigrant tenants and for years, the tenants at midtown believed they were cover bid th covered t control law and treated as such. In 2013, the city abruptly shifted gears. Many received increases, including some as high as 300 of what they were previously paying. The tenants challenged the rent increases but the rent board ruled that the rent control law does not extend to midtown because the property is owned by the city. There are many issues to be resolved, including working out a longer term plan regarding the ownership and operation of midtown. Thanks to organizing by the midtown Tenants Association and allies, the citys original plan to demolish midtown is off the table. I look forward to working with all stakeholders to arrive at a longterm plan supported prints. Supported by residents. But in the meantime, its unacceptable for any to pay rent increases in publicallyowned housing, higher than they would have faced if they lived across the street from their home and privately owned house. They deserve protection. I engaged the City Attorneys Office and i look forward to moving forward with this. Thank you, supervisor p rbgs preston. Supervisor ronan. Im taking us one step closer to the day we leave pg e behind and welcome a new day with clean, green and public power in San Francisco. Thithis is more than 3 millionn Revenue Bonds for the electrical distribution and Transmission System in San Francisco. If a series of preconditions are met to the satisfaction of the board. Weve been moving in this direction for months. The city delivered a letter of interest to pg e to buy assets for electrical service. By overwhelmly passing prop a in june, the voters authorized bonds to pay for the infrastructure we so desperately need. Were aware of the challenges it faces to restructure in a way that satisfies the states, the course and shareholders. The decision about the aspect of pg es future will be made in several months and we must continue to take the steps necessary to position ourselves to be able to respond quickly as alternatives are considered. Each requires a board vote, including further Financial Analysis and a plan for the initial transition with the roadmap for system repair and upgrades, protection for rate repairs, a binding agreement for pg e and a bond agreement approval by this board. The commissioners will review and vote on bond authorization. I want to be clear that as a part of our work ahead, we must also prepare a plan to keep pg is e workers secure in their benefits and pensions while welcoming them in the city family. As the chronicle reported last week, San Francisco is already benefiting from clean power sf and public power. Saving well over 100 million in the past three years and moving us forward towards our Greenhouse Gas freegoals. Im absolutely sure that when we complete this transition, San Francisco will bring even more cost savings and benefits to our communities, investing in green jobs and infrastructure, modernizing our aging electrical grid and tackling our Climate Crisis in ways that would never be possible tethered to a shareholderowned forprofit utility and i ask you to join me. Supervisor peskin, thank you for your cosponsorship. Thank you, supervisor ronan. Supervisor safaye. Can i be referred. Supervisor selfny. Stephanie. Supervisor walton. Thank you. Today, we have one memorium for a miss williemay fykes. She was born in 1911 and moved from st. Louis, missouri to meet her husband, roosevelt, who worked at the San Francisco ship yard for 46 years. They had one son who married claira edwards and she is the grandmother to two grandsons. She has three grandchildren, eight grandchildren, as well as many more stepgrandkids she raised. She lived at 231 south ridge one at Hunters Point for 25 years before moving to garlington court. She was the oldest known resident of the bayview at 108 years old. She loved living there from 1982 to december 24, 2019, for over 77 years, raising her children. , raising great grandchildren. Were proud to acknowledge her for living over a century. May god bless her family and all of us with the same good fortune. The rest i submit. Thank you. Supervisor, xi. Before we go on with role call, its 2 31 and lets go to our special order for 2 30, a recognition of accommodations. Yes, mr. President. We have one offered by supervisor walton. Can we come back to this item . I believe our honourees are taking pictures with the mayor at this point. No problem. Just let us know. Ill go ahead and submit my stuff here. And so colleagues, today i am introducing a hearing request and a motion to hold this hearing as a committee of the whole. The topic of our citys Police Staffing and an expert analysis of the San Francisco Police Departments current strategies around staffing with recommendations regarding changes for us to consider. The analysis was performed by matrix along with the Police Commission and the San Francisco Police Department and will be presented in detail at this hearing. As many of you know, i have been raising the issue of adequate Police Staffing for several years. In june of 2018, the budget and legislative analysts provided this board with a performance audit of the San Francisco Police Department so we could better understand, number one, how the police are deploying police staff that is funded by the general fund and number two, how uniform staff is allocated to administrative versus patrol duties. The recommendations of that audit was that in light of an increase in property crime in our city, accompanying the public demand for more officers in the street, the sanfrancisco Police Department should civilianize as many administrative positions as possible. This is the best practise recognized by major Law Enforcement, including the International Association of chiefs of police and adopted by most major Law Enforcement departments in the country. But San Franciscos racial of swoossworn officers to civilianf remains higher than the National Average or peers. This is why i ask the Controllers Office to provide us with an analysis of the effort to date in which we heard a couple months ago at the Public Safety and neighborhood committee. At the same time, i also tasked the department to work with experts in the field such as matrix to provide the board and public with a report about their staffing needs and the manner by which San Francisco Police Department determines its Staffing Levels throughout its different positions. I have asked in this report and these details to be presented individually to each supervisor beforehand to ensure that questions that any of my colleagues have can be addressed in a final report and hearing itself. Every year during budget time, this board is asked to support departmental budgets and we rely on the department to tell us what they need to carry out their assigned responsibilities. This is important when it comes to the nuts and bolts to running the city smoothly. For example, public works doesnt have enough resources, that impacts the level and quality of service that we are providing to our residents, businesses and visitors. At the same time, we have to be vigilant that we are being efficient with our taxpayer dollars and making the very best use of these resources to get the most value possible for our residents, businesses and visitors. With the financial projections that ar our controller publishe, indicating a Slower Economy here, it would be more important to have a reliable and complete information when it comes to our upcoming budget discussions. Sfpd should have a civilization plan in place as a key component to maximize the full manufactury officers providing Public Safety services and give us a basis to determine if we need to adjust the charters mandate of 1,971 fullduty officers. Ultimately, in analysis from matrix should provide us with information that we can then use as policy makers to make the determination, including whether the charter needs to be amended to reflect a more realistic number of police staff necessary for effectively safeguarding the security of our city and all who live, work and visit here. This topic is important and i ask my colleagues support to have this hearing before us as a committee of the whole on january 28th and again, i urge you to sit down and meet with the folks at matrix and the sfpd before that date so that we are able to have a robust discussion at that time. The rest i submit. Thank you, mr. President. Supervisor furer. Thank you. Colleagues, today i am introducing several hearings on the city budget process and related issues, including the mayors budget instructions, the joint report update to the fiveyear Financial Plan and state and federal budget updates. [cheers and applause] so colleagues, today i would love to honor the middleschool owls for their citywide championship victory. The Academic Athletic Association was held on decembee pavilion with every middle school slipping pass the trojans 3837. The lead seesawed back and forth and it was tied with 12 seconds left when the owls, paul antoine, jr. , stole inbound pass and subsequently fouled while driving for a layup. He stepped to the line and after missing the first free throw, he calmly nailed the second, giving his squad a onepoint lead. The trojans had one final shot under pressure and defense that was off the mark giving everette the title and their first since 1987 and second overall. Oftentimes we highlight the negatives around our young people. Today we chose to highlight the positive accomplishments of some of our midschool students. And although every middleschool is not located in district 10, its in district 8, we do have a number of students that reside in district 10 and attend the school and i love to highlight the accomplishments of our young people. So today, and i want to read off the members of the team, some of the coaches and school personnel. Team members, darion craney, christopher jackson, paul antoine, raley dozzle, kadere jewels, michael ray, kamari mclaughlin, tyro loez, angel perry, deshawn landry, gicon z gicon zuniga, jaymon ison, and, of course, some of the school personnel, the athletic director, rubin arbina, their coach, known as mr. C. And corey monroe, who is School District personnel, and also my uncle, i must say. Laugh glamp. [ laughter ] congratulations to the young man for your accomplishments and lets make sure our accomplishments on the court are equal in the classroom, as well, and mr. C. , i dont know if you want to say a few words but congratulations to the evert school for your championship win. [cheers and applause] first of all, im very gracious to be here and very thankful. I would like to thank shamot, mr. Monroe. First of all, ive been doing this since 11 years od years oly block. So i finally get recognised for certain things ive been doing in the community. Today is my birthday and it feels good. [cheers and applause] it feels good. [cheers and applause] this is a good group of youngsters and theyve got a good future ahead of them, so you have to stay tuned. Evert will be back here again and we have a lot more positive things well be doing for the community and a lot more positive things ill be doing for these youngsters and i appreciate it. Thank you. [cheers and applause] i wanted to Say Something real quick. Our School Social worker, her son, desmonds birthday is today and hes a young owl himself. Happy birthday, desmond cheer cheer. So what well do is finish up the role call and go back to item number two. So madam clerk, can you call the next one. Supervisor hainey . Thank you. Supervisor mandleman, ok, submit. Supervisor mar. , submit and safaye has to be referred. Thank you, and happy new year, everyone. So i have three items today. Im going to start with a resolution. This resolution is particularly personal to me and calling on the United States congress to vote on the warpower of Donald Trumps military actions in iran and to mandate the notification sent by President Trump to members of congress delineating the legal grounds for drone strikes as required by the wars powers act to be declassified and shared with the american public. As many of you know, the president made a very Strong Military move, talking out one of the highest ranking members in the military regardless of their position since world war ii, since the japanese general was taken out in a plane in world war ii. This act, seen by many as illicit, many have called it an assassination, whatever position you take on it, theres no question that it has fanned the flames in an area of the world that does not need a lot of fanning. It has put american lives at risk. It has put american citizens at risk and it has escalated a situation to a point where were not exactly clear what our president is doing. Then after that move and lets be clear, the person that was taken out was also in many ways a war criminal himself and had blood on his hands. So theres no sympathy for that individual. But the act itself is not something i think many of the people of our country support and particularly the people that are in that region are also feeling very unsafe and scared. After that, the president followed up by saying if theres any retaliation, hes pushed out 52 cultural sites in iran that he would target if retaliated against. That in and of itself is an illegal war act, it is barbaric and ruled the last group of people to deface and destroy cultural monuments where isis. So this president is following in the footsteps of isis by making statements like that. So our speaker of the house has put forward and has talked about announcing, voting on limiting war powers resolution that would put constraints on this president and force him to come to the United States congress before he made any more military actions. So i submit that today and, again, i do that with the hope that we will not escalate that area of the world and drag our military personnel and innocent people into war. And so, anyway, thank you. Secondly, on a more local note, which i think is extremely important, im introducing a resolution today. Ive working on that resolution with frontline nurses and some are here in the audience today. And this resolution is urging the administrative staff of the department of Public Health, particularly at sf general to include a frontline registered nurses and resident physicians in their decisionmaking process to implement to the extent possible an expedited hiring process to 90 days or less. Once an application is received, and to cease supplementing staffing requirements with a contract of registered nurses and putting a ceiling on that, to provide annual violence prevention, training, disaster training and to support bilingual staff. The basis of this is not my idea. We heard those nurses come into this chamber and they asked for help. Theyve been asking for help for quite a long time. And they are at a dangerous staffing level at our most Important Institution in the city and county of San Francisco. I was receiving texts during the holidays of staffing that had fallen far below what they believe was a safe environment. Staffing being asked and frontline nurses are asked to do mandatory overtime. Theyre working 16 and 20hour shifts and this is not what the city and county of San Francisco should be supporting in any way, shape or form. So this resolution is straightforward and i want to think my cosponsor, supervisor walton. I hope all of my colleagues will support this resolution and i know that we had previously a resolution on the resident physicians. This is in partnership with that, but very specific to the Staffing Levels, the hiring, the understaffing, the chronic use of outside registered nurses for contract purposes, but the idea that we would take 200, sometimes 300 days to hire someone in a position that is very much in need. Im sure many of you have visited the emergency room, usually on sad reasons, called in or notified of things that happened in our district. I visited i had the fortune of visiting the emergency room recently and also being given a tour of the facility and so weve gotten a commitment from the leadership of the hospital theyre willing to work with the nurses and thats why to ensure that that actually happens, were putting this resolution forward and were putting it in paper and setting parameters around that. Secondly, and in pup wit pip pa, were calling for a hearing today to learn more about the staffing, to learn more about the safety training, bilingual services, temporary staffing protocols of registered nurses at the department of public help and specifically at sf general, because we want to zero in on this issue. We want to invite the nurses that have been talking about this for some time to be a part of the solution and be a part of the ways in which we can get this hospital back up to the appropriate level and make sure that its safe for many years to come. And after that, the rest, i submit. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor. Mr. President , that concludes the introduction of new business. Lets go tbefore we go to tht item, i would like to be added as a cosponsor for the first two resolutions. Thank you. And madam clerk, i know i said i submit, one last sentence, if thats ok. I want to make sure that i call out specifically 1021 and the nurses themselves, but also julie, krista, jason, kirsten, heather, for all of your time and effort over the holidays. As i said, this was not my idea. This was coming directly from the nurses themselves. Thank you, and the rest if i submit. Ok, so i believe were not ready for item number 2 so lets go to public 14, Public Comment. At this time, we would appreciate the Public Comment. If you would line up on the righthand side, youll have up to two minutes to share your comments on the board Meeting Minutes and reference to the committee calendar. Please note that Public Comment is not allowed on those items which have already had the Public Comment requirement satisfied at a committee. Please direct remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual members, nor to the audience. If youre utilizing interpretation, youll be allowed twice the amount of time to testify and if you would like to use the projector to display a document, just say outloud to sf gov tv. First speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im krista duran. I am a San Francisco General Hospital Emergency Department nurse and shop steward for sciu 1021. Im actually here at Public Comment after working a 12hour shift last night. And i live in the east bay and i thought it was really important to come today to hear supervisor safaye to announce this resolution. Weve been working in close a lot during the holidays and also with sue ha, his chief legislative staff, i believe, is the correct title. Didni just want to say its a h of fresh air to be listened to. I just want to give a brief synopsis, a little more detail about how our weekend was on friday, the 27th. All of the contract nurses, their contracts ended at the same time and left all permanent staff alone and it was skeleton crew. So on a friday night during flu season, during the holidays, we are supposed to have at minimum per the census of 2016, which you all know has increased by 20 since then, were supposed to have at least 28 nurses and that night we had 16. I walked in to my shift through the front entrances and there were patients lined up in the hallways, getting breathing treatments and iv fluids in the hall, in the waiting room. There were l 45 patients in the waiting room. We were so shortstaffed, were a 58bed er and we closed 29 bed. Were a levelone Trauma Center. So its real. Its scarry and there was a day they had to call in and this is because they were just really, really thank you, next speaker, please. My name is mike him. Hill. Im a nurse in er and i worked last night, as well. Im here in support of my colleagues and thank you so much for listening to us. Sir, please speak directly into the microphone. Im sorry. For listening to us and the resolution that i hope you all uphold. Last night was a typical night. Although, its getting worse every week. We had, again, patients lined up in the hallway. If it werent for the fact that some of the dayshift nurses who had worked 12 hours stayed over 16, i dont know what we would have done. We had, in our recess area, where our sickest patients will arrive, and we have six recess rooms, we had 14 patients. And this has been a daily struggle for us and we havent been listened to, despite multiple attempts to get these needs addressed by the hospital admission. So i think the fact that we are here today and youre listening to us will make a difference for us and thank you very much. Thank you, next speaker. Thank you again for listening to us and being concerned, you should be. This is the map of the emergency room and so you can have an idea. Its massive. The 45 people that krista was talking about were just right here. This is the trauma area that mike was talking about, and these are just little tiny rooms and there are six of them. There are ten to 20 people end up here now. Pes is on condition red, which means they get shut down and they shut documen down to everyg because theyre full and all patients end up right here. All end up in the hallway here and these are severe psychiatric people with suicidal or psychosis issues. This is the other area they end up in. The area that was closed down this weekend and is often closed down due to admissions is here. This whole area, this is pod c, a third of the department. So, basically, what this means is your levelone Trauma Center is, like, full to the brim of backup. And so, when people keep coming in, as they do, because they dont know this is happening, they pile up and thats when they end up in this waiting room sitting forever because we dont have throughput out the other end, basically. Theyve been cited by the state, and just so you know, there are several state agencies coming through the hospital because of safety issues. So there are serious things going on there, but we had to stop some care that was illegal in the waiting room, as well, because theres just no throughput, basically. But im glad that you guys are listening to us. Hopefully thank you for the future and coming into the resolution that the supervisors put forth. Thank you, next speaker. Hello, im maria and im here today because i have a concern about my neighborhood. I live in the southeast corner of bayview Hunters Point and ive been there about 15 years, worked, teach, raised my family there. But its my only perspective on this whole city and so i dont know whats going on in other neighborhoods but when it comes to the homelessness crisis, thats the only thing i spend my extra time on, like, volunteering. And within eight blocks is the United Council of human services, known as mother browns. Theres a lot of word of mouth, so i recently heard that they are theres a fiscal sponsor needing to take over some organizational control and im kind of confused as to why. please stand by these individuals receive support from our agencies as they transition their lives in america in the greater bay area, which is often the place where they only know one other person who actually lives in the country. In the past three years, it has been a small number of of refugees and small visa numbers and individuals who have served with u. S. Forces who actually are resettled within San Francisco city or county, although our agencies have also assisted several hundred others through Immigration Services to obtain citizenship. However, for every single one of those individuals who is allowed to come and join family, this opportunity is lifesaving. We have provided the gamut of new Arrival Services supporting those newcomers and finding housing, enrolling their children in schools, connecting to a medical home, in obtaining employment. As your settlement agencies are deeply committed to the commitment of this city and county in supporting all newcomers, establishing homes here. We think the city and county of San Francisco for your support in this consent to continue settling refugees and we believe that in this process, we strongly affirm with you the commitment to welcoming refugees to our community. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Linda chapman from nob hill. I saw in the paper today the article about the abigail. Probably none of you know the extent to which it was the symbol of saving the Residential Hotels. I got a call back in the day from gordon chen telling me that chinatown and tenderloin and south of market were organizing to save Residential Hotels and they asked if i would join. And of course, we joined. And then i met diana who was a vista organizer here and you had made the abigail the symbol. The supervisors would talk about the elderly ladies who took tea in the lobby and so forth. I have to let you know more about that. I am hoping that, you know, wherever she is she knows this and if you have some kind of celebration that she should be invited, the way i was invited to the Cadillac Hotel along with the people who passed the Residential Hotel ordinance in the first place. I think that would be very fitting. Having Supportive Housing is so much the way to go. It is absolutely important as opposed to having people in shelters forever, totally inappropriate. We emergency soldiers are needed, but Supportive Housing im so glad you are doing this. Its so distressing when i see how Little People know about what has happened in the past. I see them ingratiating claiming that he is helping homeless people. He made them homeless. After i put all that work into saving Residential Hotels, that man eliminated three in nob hill that i know of including one at my corner where ladies, not all asian, many, many more have a place to live. The whole time i lived there from 1969 until somehow he got hold of it along with the one on bush street and the one on thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is joshua and im a thirdyear student at San Francisco State University majoring in Political Science and minoring in urban studies. Im here today to discuss the issue of parking, which turns out to be a major expense with students at San Francisco state. In my position in student government, i have had the unique opportunity to learn more about academic institutions and on our campus, as well as the underlying problems that Students Experience during their times s. F. State. The issue of parking, is especially problematic at s. F. State do to the fact our campus is over 60 commuter and many of our students come from various parts of San Francisco, the east bay, and down the peninsula. Our campus only has 1700 parking spots each semester. Because it is required to be self funding through the system, we have the highest prices in the entire straight with a fiveday parking pass costing 640 a semester plus tax compared to the second highest which is 338 at san marcos. The fact of the matter is, students already pay their fair share of taxes, which is 180 a semester on our campus each semester, which gives universal access to all students through munimobile. With thousands of students studying full time and more than one job, 17 of our students are housing and secure and 48 are food insecure. I hope we have financial we have Financial Issues to deal with. We look forward to working with the board of supervisors thank you. Next speaker, please. San francisco government tv . It gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The word that i speak under you are spirit and life. The lord said unto my lord, sit down my right hand and i make my enemies my footstool. The lord shall send the strength to you and rule in the mist of thine enemies. Thy people should be willing in the day of thy power and the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning. It is the due of our youth. The lord is sworn and will not repent. A priest forever after the order the lord shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathens. He should fill the places with the dead bodies. He shall wound the heads over many countries. He shall drink of the brook in the way. Therefore, shall he lift up the head. These scriptures have to do with the kingdom of kingdom of god and the kingdom of men and i have the official petition here to recall gavin newsom as our governor. I dont think in all of our history we have ever had as audacious of a governor as we have here in california, the nephew of pelosi. He took trumpets name off the ballot and it took our Supreme Court to say no, you have the right to vote even if you are a citizen who was born here and pays taxes. You do have the right to vote. When we consider these words from the Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel according to john, it is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing. The words that i speak under the are spirit and life. We should consider thank you. Next speaker, please. If there is any other speaker after this one, please line up, otherwise you will be the last. Thank you. The overhead, please. What i would like to say is if you know what these letters mean , you are ahead of the game and i believe there are enough people here in this room to know what these letters mean, but the reason i put that on his because i wanted to show the people at home generosity. The clerk of the board here allows me the time to park this wagon and allow myself to reach and place a piece of paper there the clerk of the board also is generous to the margins of topics that Public Comment is allowed here. Im saying this because i missed the december the 1st week of december when we had a celebration of the office of the clerk of the board. There is a gentle repair activity that comes when you are here and you were on this side of the fence and you are at this side of the microphone and our clerk has a lot to do with that. It also affects the workers and her staff. I believe nice is nice and they are lucky to have a nice person there. They are helpful, and they have given me a footstool to put my swollen ankles up while i am sitting here waiting. We are privileged, all of us in the room and in the office, to have this clerk for this time. Years ago, i dont know how long ago, there was a painful discussion of words, condemnation that became torturous, selfrighteousness, a book in hand by a public speaker here. I will always remember that time when we were saved by the bell. In the recognition of commendations, there used to be a bell that would ring, and under this clerk when people are presented a commendation and an award and they have a few minutes to speak with their friends here, their workers here , there is no more bell that signifies your time is up. I hope that is a tradition that continues on under new president s and other clerks. That is about all i would like to say, except that, again, the overhead. There is enough people here to know that certified nursing assistants is what that means. And on november 26th, two days before thanksgiving, i suffered a stroke. I got to meet a bunch of these people and the nurses. We are very thankful. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, my name is owen cooper i am a physician and a member of the Oversight Council for the senior and disability aging commission. I am here to discuss about the decision to defund mother brown s kitchen. No reason has been given yet that i am aware of. That has been a Community Institution for 30 years. Gwendolyn who runs it now knows the people and many of them are elderly and many are disabled. They are comfortable there. It is a community resource. The new group coming in is from los angeles when looking at their board and at their management. We are going to replace, apparently, a longestablished institution in a fairly Close Community in the bayview neighborhood where somebody who has cared for them for years and years is going to lose that. It is going to destabilize a lot of these people. Its hard for older adults to adapt sometimes. They have been going there for years. I really hope that this board will try and find out the basis for proposing it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. On december 11th of last year, the Northern District u. S. Attorney made a Public Appeal for San Francisco Police Officers to rejoin the joint Terrorism Task force. This requires the Police Commission and the board of supervisors to approve the commitment with the police union consensus. Over the past year of the Northern District, they have charged individuals in criminal cases involving 187 firearms violations additionally on the docket are 220 Violent Crime cases and 230 drug offences. Its worth remembering with regards to narcotic cases that unlike retail merchants, the seller does not require proof of age prior to the completion of purchase. A toddler died after being exposed to fentanyl. It is remembered in San Francisco that parents avoid changing the diapers of their babies in public facilities intended for that purpose, owing to their fear of potential risk of surface contamination. A federal initiative for the tenderloin has been established. It is composed of 15 participating agencies, the d. A. , a. T. F. And the u. S. Attorneys office chief among them. All of them whom request that local Law Enforcement available will be selling their services in coordination with federal agencies to develop capacity to engage effective policing. Its suited, tailored and fit to the task. The recent success of this commendation of Law Enforcement agencies is shutting down the market of local stolen items and has deprived drug dealers of unlawful drug steel drug sales. Thank you. Any other speakers . This is the last speaker. Come on up. Mr. President , in about a week, it will be the womens march. I have come up. Before saying that i would need some help with impeachment. I said that a few times. I think the resolution about the war powers act that will be synergistic towards it. We dont know what the president is doing. He himself doesnt know what he is doing. So it has come to pass for me for the past for years that i have become a visitor to several of the Emergency Rooms in the immediate area. That is my lifestyle in the tenderloin. The one the old when a General Hospital and the new one , and the new one at General Hospital really is aspirational and what it attempts to achieve. I see the number of problems that you are addressing today and how far you have to stretch the money. More power to you. Thank you. Public comment is now closed. Madame clerk, lets go back to item number two. The ordinance to approve the developed agreement between the city and the San Francisco flower marked. Supervisor peskin . Thank you. Colleagues, this is a banner day between the academy of art and the flower marked. And those two players are inextricably linked because it was about a decade ago that the academy of art actually attempted to buy part of the flower marked. It is appropriate to be rising to item number 1212. I want to start by saying a few things about the flower market. Its the second wholesale flower market in the United States of america. It employees many, many people. It is one of the most Colorful People places in San Francisco and if you have not been there at the crack of dawn, i suggest that you go while it is currently in his second are arguably third funky spot in San Francisco, you can take it back to the fountain. You can take it back to his first place in the south of market, which i think is on Howard Street before they ended up where they have been for over a century at six and brannon at the entrance to highway 280. There are over 50 different vendors there, but it employees people not only up and down the state of california, but to nevada and southern oregon. I want to salute the vendors and the staff who have stuck with that intergenerational he at the flower market. Many of them in their third and even in one case, fourth generations at the flower market we have all, are almost all of us accept for supervisor preston voted for the everchanging south of market legislation that was the central soma plan that originated under supervisor kim and then was inherited by supervisor haney who is the lead sponsor of both items number one , as well as item number two. The world is changing in the south of south of market and the flower market needs to be accommodated into the dawn of the 21st century. I really want to thank the kilroy corporation, john kilroy who i have met with personally a number of times is his counsellors, and his staff, and particularly the office of economic and Workforce Development and can rich for stewarding what is this Development Agreement that is before us today on its second reading. Since we last voted on this before we went dark for the recess, there have been a number of changes to the Development Agreement and i want to thank the parties and their Respective Council for figuring out those changes, which i think i was very clear would be forthcoming. I would like to ask you to speak to those. Colleagues, i want to be clear, pursuant to what is in the ordinance, these changes to the Development Agreement do not materially increase the citys obligations or liabilities, and with that, i will turn it over to her and she will speak to those changes in the Development Agreement. Thank you. I just have a couple of changes that i want to read into the record related to the agreement. In section 3. 8 of the Development Agreement, we are striking language that refers to a judicial challenge. We are striking the language of any vendor of the existing flower market, challenging the permit outside approvals, striking that language from the agreement and extending 3. 8. 1, and again in section 3. 8. 2. Striking the language related to vendors filing a challenge to any future approvals. And then in section 6. 9. To, which 6. 9. 2 which is the legacy Business Fund component of the document, we are adding language that, in its sole discretion and subject all approvals, the city may consider contributing additional funds to the central soma legacy business and p. D. R. Support fund. So those are the changes. I will make sure to get a copy to the clerk this afternoon. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor peskin, would you like to make any motion . I dont think any motion is required. It is all set forth in the ordinance and staff from oewd has elicited the changes in the Development Agreement. Colleagues, i would commend this to you on second reading. Okay. We will accept those changes onto the agreement. Without objections. Can we take this item, same item, same house, same call . This ordinance is finally passed madame clerk, lets go to our last item, number 15. Fifteen is a resolution to support the resettlement of refugees within the city and concur in the mayors consent to accept refugees in the city under the United States department, department, states reception and rePlacement Program. Colleagues, the item before us today reaffirms San Francisco s support to the resettlement of refugees within San Francisco. I find it ridiculous that we even have to pass such a resolution, but on september 19 th, 2019, the Trump Administration signed an executive order that tried to require state and local government to consent to receive refugees under the reception and Placement Program before the federal government will resettle refugees. San francisco will always be a sanctuary city and one that welcomes refugees. Now more than ever we stand firmly in our belief that anyone fleeing violence, war, and discrimination deserves a right to find a safe, humane heaven. Executive order 13888 likely violates federal law and is contrary to everything our nation should be standing for. This would be a challenge in the courts and in no way does San Francisco concede that executive order places any lawful condition upon us. We are here to stand in our values that refugees will always be welcome and accepted here. Before we take a vote on this, i would love to invite any of my colleagues to be cosponsors of this. Supervisor ronen . I would love supervisors . Everybody . Its unanimous. Can we take this item same house , same call . Okay. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please read the in memoriam. The meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals. On behalf of supervisor walton, for the late willie may ficus, on behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late mr. Michael lenard, esther prichard, and dena boyer. Colleagues, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Madame clerk, is there any other further business before us today that concludes our business for today. Thank you very much. We are adjourned. Shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their business in the 49 square files of San Francisco. We help San Francisco remain unique, successful and right vi. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . Im one of three owners here in San Francisco and we provide mostly live Music Entertainment and we have food, the type of food that we have a mexican food and its not a big menu, but we did it with love. Like ribeye tacos and quesadillas and fries. For latinos, it brings Families Together and if we can bring that family to your business, youre gold. Tonight we have russelling for e community. We have a tenperson limb elimination match. We have a fullsize ring with barside food and drink. We ended up getting wrestling here with puoillo del mar. Were hope og get families to join us. Weve done a drag queen bingo and were trying to be a diverse kind of club, trying different things. This is a great part of town and theres a bunch of shops, a variety of stores and ethnic restaurants. Theres a popular little shop that all of the kids like to hanhang out at. We have a great breakfast spot call brick fast at tiffanies. Some of the older businesses are refurbished and newer businesses are coming in and its exciting. We even have our own brewery for fdr, ferment, drink repeat. Its in the San Francisco Garden District and four beautiful muellermixer ura alsomurals. Its important to shop local because its kind of like a circle of life, if you will. We hire local people. Local people spend their money at our businesses and those local mean that wor people willr money as well. I hope people shop locally. [ ] the Commission Meeting of the San Francisco entertainment commission. My name is ben bleiman and im the president. There are speaker forms to fill out on the tables and you can hand them to staff or you can come up to the microphone when i call for Public Comment. We ask that everybody turns off their cell phones including commissioners and staff. I want to thank sf gov tv for sharing this meeting with the public. We can start with a roll call. [roll call] the first orer of business is general Public Comment for any item not listed on the agenda today. Does anybody have anything to say . Seeing none, general Public Comment is closed. The next agenda item is number two, approval of the minutes for december 17, 2019. We will need a motion to approve. I move to approve second. Any Public Comment on the minutes from december 17, 2019 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner perez [roll call] all right. The Meeting Minutes have been approved. The next agenda item is a report from our executive director. Thank you. Good evening, commissioners. Its been since november since ive seen you all in this setting. So this is fun to be back. Happy new year. And i wanted to take a moment and thank Senior Analyst rice, dylan, just for being Commission Secretary tonight while crystal is on a welldeserved vacation. My only update for you all this evening is relative to new years eve. This is one of our biggest evenings of the year that we prepare for and we provide information to all of the other city agencies for Situational Awareness about the events that are going on across the city that evening as well as on new years day. I believe i shared that with all of you as well so i hope you found that helpful. I wanted to thank our Enforcement Team for working diligently also along with Senior Analyst rice to put together the list of events for this year. Our inspectors were really important in this role as well because they went out in advance of new years eve and distributed 350 posters that we partnered with the department of Emergency Management to produce. And those are letting all of san franciscans know they can sign up for alert sf and its an evergreen code that they can use essentially nyesf and receive alerts about incidents that may be occurring, areas to avoid and hopefully we will never have to deal with anything major. This year went out without a hitch. Those 350 posters were distributed to 85 venues across the city that we had identified within our list of events. We got really positive feedback from our stakeholders, the permit holders, managers. Venue were really positive. A few said the Text Alert Program was really helpful and they were excited to have that service during their parties so well continue to work with d. E. M. To come up with those short codes for pride and for halloween and these future big weekends that San Francisco has historically a lot of events. On new years eve itself, the inspectors went out and conducted site inspections of events at 20 venues into the morning of the new year, they worked until about 4 00 a. M. And everybody was in compliance. And we found that everybody was being responsible and just having a great time. So a good night all in all. And we had very little complaints that evening, this is great, and well get into our enforcement report in a moment. We only had four complaints in total. One complaint was received via 311 around 2 00 a. M. Gnu years morning regarding an intersection where there were no permitted venue, and another about the space cowboys block party on the afternoon of new years day and this is an annual onetime event so we are communicating with the event producer about that. And thats about it. Do you have any questions for me . I have a question. On the text alert, how does that work if i sign up for it and i happen to be out and about and theres something going on near where im at, it will tell me to stay away from that area . Yeah. So i encourage everybody to sign up for it just using the regular short code. I can send that information to you. Because i receive alerts all the time, essentially, just if you sign up with 88877, i believe it is, i receive alerts for anything in the outer sunset when theres an incident occurring where i live and they let me know avoid whatever intersection theres police activity, sometimes its more detailed. And so with the new years eve one, it was anybody who signed up for new years everelated text. If there was anything to avoid or have concern about. So they have to know based on my gps coordinates where i am that theres something going on around where i am exactly. Pretty smart technology. Even when im at work it will let me know when theres something going on around civic center. Is it activated heavily during new years eve . Was what activated . This system. Were there a lot of incidents that happened . No, there werent. It wasnt a significant evening for incidents. I believe people just received texts like wear warm layers and get home safe and ride muni because its free. It was a good night. All right. Awesome. Thank you. No questions from me. Thank you very much. Is there any Public Comment on our Deputy Directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. The next item is number four, which is a report from Deputy Director azevedo. Thank you, president bleiman. Good evening, commissioners. I want to go through the highlighted notes here from our enforcement report. Starting on page one, youll see ive highlighted 26 and ive highlighted this venue again because we are still receiving complaints. We are actively working with sfpd mission station and director bleiman and i are arranging a meeting with the owner. And sfpd as well. So we will be going to meeting with them in person to discuss how we can resolve the ongoing issues. I want to note our Enforcement Team is out there every weekend. And we are observing that they are clearing the sidewalks and folks are loitering, so we want to get to the root of this problem. Taking you to page three, ive highlighted revolution cafe. We are still seeing complaints come in about this premises and this friday inspector Senior Inspector roberts will be going out to revolution cafe to have a meeting onsite with the coner to discuss possible sound abatement solutions and do a new sound test. So we are hoping that we can give them a more realistic sound limit. I also did have a sitdown with the owner to discuss their programming. So we are taking steps hopefully in the right direction with this venue. I have highlighted the space cowboys block party which director touched on. We did receive complaints about that and in contact with the event managers. The last highlight i have for you is on page ten, regarding eltribl. It was the llp we permitted last hearing. Just letting you know their first night of entertainment they did go past their llp time. So we did issue a citation for that. This is their third citation since july. And i have spoken with the owner. And i hopefully made it very, very clear the entertainment needs to end at 10 00. Im happy to answer any questions that you have. I had a question or two. I saw mays pop up back leer. I feel like long ago they had had some issues and then theyve kind of melted away for a bit. Is there any insight on that . You are very correct in that statement. They have been off our radar for quite some time. They popped back up for two complaints pretty i mean, as you can see, they are five minutes apart on that one night. So the inspector did respond to those complaints in realtime. He went earlier in the evening when initially spoke with the manager and then went back later and spoke with an owner and watched their closing time procedures. And so the plan of action here is i do intend to have a conversation with the owner just regarding their closing time procedures with the folks outside. I also think that this time of year is strange because the streets are so quiet and if you have one venue that has a lot of activity going on in it, it it can cause a different outcome than normally. Questions . No. All right. Thank you very much for the report. Is there any Public Comment on Deputy Director azevedos report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. The next agenda item is number five, which is hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. I would like Deputy Director azevedo to please introduce the Consent Agenda for the evening. Thank you. So we have two permits on the Consent Agenda. Both are use permits. There was no opposition from anybody for either of the permits. And their permit officers had no permit conditions that were out of the normal regular conditions offered. And so thats why they are on consent. Im happy to answer any questions you have about these locations. So, this space is really kind of a special event space. So its not all the time . Which one are you referring to . How many are there . Theres only one, right . Am i looking at the right one . Consent cal ripken, jr. Darr. The Little Creatures the consent calendar. It is a bruiery restaurant. Its interesting how they put 10b officers in there. Their standards conditions from southern station, we get them every time. Yeah. Well, i mean usually 10b is, like, major. Its an alternate. So sufficient security or 10b. How dig is the place . I can tell you their capacity. Give me one second. 250. Okay. I never see 10b on there, but yeah, thats a standard southern station condition. We actually worked our Deputy Director azevedo worked with commissioner falzon and p. D. To pair down. It used to be a dozen conditions and now its just a few. The approval of the consent calendar. Ill second. Before we vote, is there any Public Comment on the consent calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [roll call] congratulations, if you are here, the consent calendar has been approved. Please follow up with our Deputy Director at your earliest convenience. Thank you. All right. And moving on. We are going to introduce the regular agenda. If Deputy Director can do that as well. The only permit on the regular agenda is for a place of Entertainment Permit at bow bow Cocktail Lounge at 1155 grant avenue. The applicant is coming in to compliance by applying for this permit to continue hosting karaoke inside the bar. The owner candy has been in business for 30 years. Included is a letter submitted by the neighbors. There was no opposition. They did submit signatures of support. They have been included in your file for review. I want to give you background about the recommendation from central station. So this is submitted to me today. Bow bow has been operating for over 30 years without the need of a Security Guard. They have 49 people. There has never been issues regarding security. Central station did recommend they bring on one Security Guard. And i wrote back to officer that that might be a bit of a challenge because its not a normal practice for their business programming right now. And we came to the revision of having one security on friday and saturday nights from 9 00 p. M. To 2 a. M. And so im just putting this, the ball is going to be in your court as a decision to be made, it might be a challenge for the permit applicant to accommodate the security recommendation. And so now i will also turn it over to the owner candy and her associate rickey. Hi. Good evening, commissioners. My name is rickey. Im a member of the bow bow cocktail for three years. Candy is the owner of the bow bow for almost 33 years. Her husband opened up with her. Unfortunately her husband passed away two years ago and i try to help candy to do all the paperwork. So we are hoping bow bow has been serving and entertaining chinatown which is one of the landmark of the city of San Francisco for over 30 years. And we have no trouble at all in the past 30 years whatsoever. So tonight im here and hoping the commission to approve the p. O. E. Permit so we can continue to enhance our business in San Francisco. Thank you so much. Should be easy, right . Welcome. Kind of different now, huh . 30 years ago. 33 33 years ago, chinatown. For the police to actually recommend a security, i mean in the three years youve been manager, have you had any . I kind of know that part of town, and i know broadway can be a challenge, but i really never hear any incidents from your bar. Im just curious, would there be some idea that maybe just being overcautious . Well, we do have one onsite manager on friday night, saturday night when it is so crowded, so we can have him to kind of watch out. Does he check i. D. S . Well, most of the customers been coming to the parlor for the last 30 years. Sure, i know. I dont see any underage people to go in. But obviously if you see i mean tourists want to come in and the bartender always asks for i. D. Anyway. They do that all the time. Your bartender has been there many years . Over 30 years. Same thing. If the manager, if things get loud, he can shut the door. This permit says when you are running entertainment you have to shut the doors. Yeah, we do. We play the karaoke just shut the door and shut the window. Right. Okay. I mean, thats i dont i mean, well i guess we can talk about but but i dont see a Security Guard needed. This manager has no Security Training at all, right . Right how long has he been there . Five years five years . Yeah. Okay. Thats all i have. Thank you. Hi. Ive never been able to go to your karaoke lounge but ive heard so much about it from my friends. Okay. Thank you. So i know that you guys are one of the best kept secrets in chinatown in so many ways. So i understand you have your home grown crowd, and you also have tourists that kind of just pop in. Yes. With that said, i just wanted to kind of get an understanding around what are some of your barriers around why would it be hard for you to supplement having security on fridays and saturdays . So just to be clear, say on the record what are those barriers . Is it financial or well, i would say the customers maybe not get used to it if you have a Security Guard outside kind of like theyve been having karaoke for some time. I dont think some customers feel comfortable with that. The purpose of the security is to create an environment of safety. I understand. So i just want to understand why we are the ones making the recommendation for this permit, so a condition around your clientele not feeling safe, i mean thats just an opinion, thats not necessarily factual but do you have real barriers . Is it a financial issue . Its not a financial issue. Okay. The question you are asking me why i dont want to have a Security Guard out there, because with any kind of reason, is that all you were asking me . Well, we want to have a better understanding of why, like, because the police are making recommendations for a requirement. And so we have the opportunity to discuss it here and determine if its something that makes sense, moving forward. I understand for the past 30 years there hasnt been any kind of documentation of any Police Incidents at your establishment. I understand that. But the recommendation thats coming from the police is essentially a safety issue. And so i want to have an understanding, like a full 360 of why you would want us not to recommend that . Well, actually the people come to the bar have karaoke just to kind of like at home. A big screen, a big party. So most of these customers, regular customers. They come there all the time. So and the owner, candy, she doesnt feel comfortable with a Security Guard outside at all. Okay. So what if your onsite manager, would you be willing for your onsite manager to get some guard training so that they will have i have to ask him. Okay. But hes your employee. So as a business, you guys can actually its okay. She says we required to have it, she will have it its a commitment around the safety for your establishment, for you as employees and also for your customers. And so im just trying to get an understanding like what are some of the issues. Okay. Okay. We can get one on friday night and saturday night then. Thats the most busiest day that we have. A Security Guard or the guard training for your manager . We just going to hire a Security Guard on friday night and saturday night but you also have the opportunity for your onsite manager to get the guard training so that person can provide that support. I dont know if she wants to do that or not. You have the option of both. No, i understand that. But i dont think i dont know he wants it. Its an Online Training. Oh, Online Training . Its a certification. It just saying somebody in your establishment okay. I thought he had to go to a class and get the training. Just everything online to get the license . Okay. Thank you. All right. Can i real quick. So to be clear, do you feel like you really feel unsafe or do you feel your customers are i mean there are some times Public Safety is an issue. We have a lot of challenges right now coming in and robberies. You never know. I know. I understand. Okay. Its being proactive. Security guards can also be finally challenged because you dont charge cover charge and you are just charged revenue from the bar. So i guess is she trying to ask you are there barriers preventing you like maybe its the cost . But if you feel that you agree with the police and you dont mind having a security, i mean, we all prefer everybody to be safe. So its kind of up to you. And we can discuss that. But i think thats what commissioner caminong was doing, okay . Right . Anybody else . I think for me we work really closely with the officer and hes one of the best permitting officers in the city, but as with all police, they always try to be very safe. I understand. Obviously youve been operating for decades without problems but when they have an opportunity for you to become official, they always say we want a Security Guard. Now, for my personal, because i own bars and restaurants in San Francisco, personally i dont want to just add employees that are not necessary, because they are financially difficult sometimes. You have to pay every hour to an employee for something who may not be necessary for the business but also for the commission, to make sure we are safe and that you dont have any incidents now, but what happens if an incident does happen, has somebody been trained on how to confront it . So i would be very open to that idea as long as if we were to condition that, then you wouldnt need to hire a security person. You would just have to have somebody go through the training and maybe sure that person is there, not outside. So thats where we are coming from or at least where im coming from. Okay. Thank you. Anymore questions . You can have a seat. Thank you very much. Okay. Is there Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We can discuss. Put a motion forward and then discuss, whatever we feel like doing. It sounds like a motion to approve with the condition that there be a staff person with a guard card on the friday and saturday he was just. All right. So no security. But guard card training for your personnel and no actual security. So what im hearing is we want a motion to approve with the staff recommendation except no Security Officer required, instead we want to have a staff member with a guard card training on staff on friday and saturday night . Yes. At least. Yeah, minimum. Who is trained, yes. If more staff can be trained. Just a question for you all. The officer was specific with time. He said 9 00 p. M. To 2 a. M. Do you want to incorporate that . Thank you. Wait. You made the motion. Ill second. Sorry. Public comment . We did. All right. [roll call] congratulations, its been approved. Please follow up with Deputy Director at your earliest convenience and thank you for coming in. I hope for another 33 years. All right. That was a wam bam meeting. All right. We only have one agenda item left, i believe, number six, which is commissioners comment and questions. Happy new year, everyone. Happy new year. Happy new year. Should we all say what we did on new years . So embarrassing. [laughter] okay, well detective [indiscernible] they have lowered maximum rate parking. If you get a validation at one of the many restaurants you get a 5 discount. So you literally can stay in chinatown for ten hours for 3. So instead of worrying about your car being accosted or whatever, broken in, you can go into a fairly safe garage and you can shop, dine go to bow bow. Go to bow bow. Go to mr. Jus, wherever you want to go, and only pay 3 for the validation. So hopefully that helps Small Businesses. Hopefully businesses will take the same leadership. This car breakin stuff can get fixed. I think its a good way of trying to make people who still want to come out feel safe and have their properties protected. Its not 100 percent, but its the least, i would say 99 percent, pretty sure. So its great. We will go ahead and post that on social media too, because more people should know about that. Seven days a week, yeah, seven days a week from 5 00 p. M. To 2 a. M but dont be late, because as soon as it hits 2 01 it goes back to regular rate. Dont come to me and say what happened . You have to leave early and get your last call at 1 30 and run to the parking lot. Although its not agendized, i dont think it really matters, i did want to follow up with commissioner thomas who had a suggestion for these slower meet when we have less permit applications. I emailed all of you, commissioner lee, thank you so much for sending your ideas. They were great. But if anyone else has ideas for departments that they would want to hear from, presenting on their programs or anything relative to our world that other folks are doing or having staff presentations on certain projects that we are working on, we are happy to accommodate starting february. I would like to get some more programming. So please let me know what you want to all hear about. Sorry for the stutter. Just one of the things i know we raised this during our planning retreat, but identifying ways to work with the Department Cultural district. Ive had conversation with a number of people. Theres now this new cultural district and just the overlap between entertainment and our many fantastic cultural districts around the city to just identify what are ways for us to partner with them around promoting entertainment as part of the culture in those districts and just maybe identifying a couple of cultural districts to start with and start figuring out what that kind of partnership could look like or should look like before we roll it out to other cultural districts. Ive had people from the castro and from the other cultural districts respond really enthusiastically to that idea. Maybe thats where we will start then. Thats great. Great job, commissioner lee on the parking. I know it seems like its a small thing, but its actually meaningful addressing a problem in your community and taking it on. So kudos to you for that. Thank you. I want to congratulate t staff on a successful new years eve and new years day. That was smooth. I know we got kudos from some people in city hall for all the cool stuff you did. So congratulations on that. It seems like business as usual but i think if you flashback 10, 15 years, you would see how exceptional this is you are doing. So thank you so much for that. Thats all b all i have. All right. Is there any comments on our waxing poetic here . Comments are closed and we will adjourn this meeting at 6 11 p. M. San francisco, 911, whats the emergency . San francisco 911, police, fire and medical. The tenderloin. Suspect with a six inch knife. He was trying to get into his car and was hit by a car. San francisco 911 whats the exact location of your emergency . Welcome to the San Francisco department of Emergency Management. My name is shannon bond and im the lead instructor for our dispatch add academy. I want to tell you about what we do here. This is San Francisco 911. Do you need police, fire or medical . San francisco police, dispatcher 82, how can i help you . Youre helping people in their what may be their most vulnerable moment ever in life. So be able to provide them immediate help right then and there, its really rewarding. Our agency is a very combined agency. We answer emergency and nonemergency calls and we also do dispatching for fire, for medical and we also do dispatching for police. We staff multiple call taking positions. As well as positions for police and fire dispatch. We have a priority 221. I wanted to become a dispatcher so i could help people. I really like people. I enjoy talking to people. This is a way that i thought that i could be involved with people every day. As a 911 dispatcher i am the first first responder. Even though i never go on seen scene im the first one answering the phone call to calm the victim down and give them instruction. The information allows us to coordinate a response. Police officers, firefighters, ambulances or any other agency. It is a great feeling when everyone gets to go home safely at the end of the day knowing that youve also saved a citizens life. Our department operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This is shift work. That means we work nights, weekends and holidays and can involve over time and sometimes thats mandatory. This is a high stress career so its important to have a good balance between work and life. We have Resources Available like wellness and peer support groups. Our dispatchers of the month are recognized for their outstanding performance and unique and ever changing circumstances. I received an accommodation and then i received dispatcher of the month, which was really nice because i was just released from the phones. So for them to, you know, recognize me for that i appreciated it. I was surprised to even get it. At the end of the day i was just doing my job. A typical dispatch shift includes call taking and dispatching. It takes a large dedicated group of fifrst responders to make ths department run and in turn keep the city safe. When you work here you dont work alone, you work as part of a team. You may start off as initial phone call or contact but everyone around you participating in the whole process. I was born and raised in San Francisco so its really rewarding to me to be able to help the community and know that i have a part in you know, even if its behind the scenes kind of helping the city flow and helping people out that live here. The Training Program begins with our sevenweek academy followed by on the job training. This means youre actually taking calls or dispatching responders. You can walk in with a high school diploma, you dont need to have a college degree. We will train you and we will teach you how to do this job. We just need you to come with an open mind that we can train you and make you a good dispatcher. If its too dangerous to see and you think that you can get away and call us from somewhere safe. Good. Thats right. From the start of the academy to being released as a solo dispatcher can take nine months to a year. Training is a little over a year and may change in time. The training is intense. Very intense. Whats the number one thing that kills people in this country . So were going to assume that its a heart attack, right . Dont forget that. As a new hire we require you to be flexible. You will be required to work all shifts that include midnights, some call graveyard, days and swings. You have to be willing to work at different times, work during the holidays, you have to work during the weekends, midnight, 6 00 in the morning, 3 00 in the afternoon. Thats like the toughest part of this job. We need every person thats in here and when it comes down to it, we can come together and we make a really great team and do our best to keep the city flowing and safe. This is a big job and an honorable career. We appreciate your interest in joining our team. We hope you decide to join us here as the first First Responders to the city and county of San Francisco. For more information on the job and how to apply follow the links below. Clerk this is a reminder to silence all electronic devices. Fire Commission Regular meeting january 8, 2020, and the time is 9 00 a. M. Item 1, roll call. [roll call] clerk item 2, general Public Comment. Members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any items in the commissions jurisdiction that does not appear on the agenda. Speakers may address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individuals or commissioner. Commissioners are not to engage in conversation with the speaker. President nakajo thank you very much, madam secretary. At this time, if theres any member of the public that wishes to give Public Comment, please approach the podium. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam secretary . Clerk approval of Meeting Minutes. Approve of the minutes of the special meeting on december 20, 2019. President nakajo thank you. Madam secretary. Public comment. Is there any member of the public that wishes to give Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner hardeman move to approve the minutes. Commissioner cleaveland second. President nakajo all for the question. All in favor, say aye . Opposed . Clerk and minutes from the regular meeting on december 12, 2019, as well. President nakajo seeing no Public Comment, ill call for the question. Commissioner cleaveland so moved. Commissioner covington second. President nakajo thank you. Its moved by commissioner cleaveland, seconded by commissioner covington. Minutes are approved. Clerk budget for fiscal year 2021 and 2022. President nakajo well take Public Comment after this. We welcome director corso. Happy new year. I have a couple of presentations on the agenda today. The first ones just kind of an overview of the instructions of the budget from the Mayors Office. So budget instructions were released after last meeting, on december 16, so thats why theyre being presented in this meeting. So i wanted to give you a brief process of the background, instructions for us, timelines, some information on some new budget legislation, and then open it up for any comments or discussion. So kind of overview of the analysis process, the department receives budget instructions from the Mayors Office in december. The department submits its budget, not just our department, all departments submit their budgets to the Mayors Office on december 21. Budget hearings are in late juneearly july at the board of supervisors, and this is a continuation of the twoyear budget process. Most departments, thats a twoyear rolling process, so every year, we look at the next two years out. Last week, the mayor, board, and wiControllers Office released the Financial Plan, giving the citys financial status as well as a projection for the next few years which contains the instructions for our office. So kind of an overview, the city is projecting a triplefigure deficit over the next two years of over 400 million. The other stress from the Mayors Office is that this deficit is higher than it has been at similar times in the past few years. So as you look at the table, the bar graph on the far right, youll see that the 400 million exceeds previous deficits at the same time. What are some of the reasons for that . Well, revenues overall. While theyre still growing for the city, the rate of growth has slowed down, but expenditures keep growing and are anticipated to grow at a rate higher than that revenue growth, so that gives the offset of the deficit. Most of the expenditure increases are due to personnel costs in the upcoming years. This assumes continued economic recovery for the city. It doesnt take into account some of the recession concerns that are kind of concerns in general, and thisll be updated in the next few months as new information comes, and the city completes its six and ninemonth reports. The city is looking at projected deficits of 195 million and 224 million in the second year for 400 million combined with deficits increasing in subsequent years. So departments have been instructed to cut budgets by 3. 5 in the next two years. For the department, that decrease is equivalent to 2. 7 million, and the 7 over two years is equivalent to 5. 4 million. Theres a continued focus from the Mayors Office as in previous years of accountability, and also to push for equity, as well. I did want to highlight one minor change. There was legislation approved by the board and signed by the mayor last month regarding budget process, with the goal of more transparent process and allowing more Public Feedback in all phases, not just during the board phase but in the department phase, as well. So there was a recent ordinance that amended the legislation for the city. The two main pieces focused on communities having hearings during the budget process as well as an increased ha transparency for the public. We are meeting these marks already, so i dont think therell be much of a chase. The only change would be, even though all our documents are available publicly, its to be more documents centered and offering that more readily to the public, and so ill be working with the Controllers Office on providing that information. Kind of an overview on overall timelines. Today, we have Capital Budget, which is the next item before you. Thats due a little bit ahead of time on the budget schedule. Then on february 21, we have budget submissions due to the Mayors Office, and then june 1, budget submitted to the board, and eventually, budget hearings at the board of supervisors itself. As far as the commission timeline, today, budget instructions and capital. January the next meeting would be the initial discussion would be continued to be heard with initial draft of the budget and kind of overview for what our base budget is for discussion. February 12 would be submission of the final budget. If needed, february 13 would be a special meeting called if necessary, with february 21st, the budget submitted to the Mayors Office. And thats my presentation. President nakajo thank you very much, director corso. At this point, any member of the public wishes to give Public Comment on this item, item 4, overview of the city instructions and process, please approach the podium. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Commissioner veronese mr. Corso. Quick question. Yesterday, at the board of supervisors, supervisor haney called for a resolution passing some sort of state of crisis, Health Crisis in San Francisco involving what were seeing on our streets and calling for additional Funding Resources and other things to address that, and certainly our department is going to be a part of it. It called for federal funding, as well, and i just want to make sure its made painfully office to the Mayors Office and everybody else that our calls are increasing, and were one of the three or four or five larger departments in the city that are dealing with the crisis that supervisor haney is talking about. And so when the mayors talks about cutting back, we just need to make sure that we put up a really the best possible argument for being a part of that, those new resources that could potentially come in to address this crisis. I dont know, chief, if youre aware of this crisis that supervisor haney put up yesterday, but i believe it was approved by all the members of the board yesterday, so i think we play a critical part of that, but its goes to translate into its got to translate into mandated that are funded as opposed to these Unfunded Mandates that come across our table. So if i may good morning, everyone. We recently had supervisor haney on an e. M. S. 6 ride along, so he is very well aware, and we are working closely with the Mayors Office. Weve already started. Were way ahead of where we were last year on the budget, so commissioner veronese thank you very much, chief. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner veronese. Commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland thank you very much, director corso, and happy new year. Happy new year. Commissioner cleaveland you mentioned a 5. 4 million, and thatll be requested in the second year . They requested 2. 7 million, and they anticipate those cuts to be ongoing, so another 2. 7, and the cumulative amount is 5. 4. Commissioner cleaveland and i suppose its too early to propose where those cuts would be made. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner cleaveland. If theres no other comments or questions, were going to move this agenda along. Madam secretary. Clerk item 5, report on fiscal year 20202021 Capital Budget requests. President nakajo thank you. Well hold questions until after director corso presents. Director corso . Thank you very much. Mark corso. Its similar this is similar to what has been done in previous years. The departments are required to submit their Capital Budget requests by january 17 to the Mayors Office and Capital Planning committee. Theyre vetted to the Capital Planning committee in april and may, and the Capital Planning committee develops scenarios once approved by the budget and Mayors Office, and once that funding is set, they determine the projects that will be funding, and those scenarios are incorporated into the overall mayors budget thats due june 1. So just looking at our current allocation this year and next year and what was passed in july, the department was allocated approximately 2. 9 million in the current year for capital expenditures. A big chunk of that, 1. 7 million, was set aside for the upcoming eser bond. So in general, we were funded for just regular Facility Maintenance and maintenance of our fuel tanks. In addition, we were funded for ff e for some of the other projects and theyre very much intertwined with Capital Projects that we have going on. So currently, obviously, were continuing to work with department of public works on administering projects for the eser bonds both 2010, 2014, as well as the 2016 Public Health and safety bond bond programs. With he ha we have a lot of focus scope projects going on, recently completed stations 16 and 5, as you know, and were continuing planning underway for the next eser bond, which is scheduled to go to voters in aremarch, wh is right around the corner. Were working on a fire station Needs Assessment analysis where we take a look at all the fire stations and determine their needs, taking into account all the work that has been completed and upcoming eser programs. Were working with the d. P. W. And p. U. C. On other improvement projects, chiller repair, as well as some of the work that well be doing on our stations. So in general, the Capital Budget is for projects that we anticipate not to be covered by the eser program. Obviously, theres some while we work out the 2020 bond, a lot of those projects arent known for sure, so until that information is solidified, this is our request, and we prioritize based on the project type. Theres an accompany document that shows the break theres an accompanying document that shows the breakdown and cost estimates. Thats provides by d. P. W. Based on anticipated costs for other stations or anticipated costs of the analysis. So going through briefly, exterior windows, showers, hvac and mechanical upgrades, electrical infrastructure, sidewalk repair, Data Infrastructure upgrades, chiefs resident, boiler maintenance, and then also study for some future projects for the Electrical Equipment and future study on the electrical wiring of facilities. And with that, id like to open it up for any questions. President nakajo thank you very much. At this point, well open it up for Public Comment on question number 5. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner comment. Commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland thank you, mr. President. Good morning, mr. Corso. On the final budget, who makes the determination on which stations gets the work does . Who makes the prioritization . The department does. On the eser program, if we were to have that allocated, that would be along the departments priority, but its looked at globally as to what the most pressing needs are. Commissioner cleaveland who does the estimates . So these estimates are based on some of the d. P. W. Estimates that have been done, both based on similar work thats been done with other stations but also other costs. Commissioner cleaveland all of these estimates are based upon doing the work inhouse, correct . Correct. Commissioner cleaveland thank you. President nakajo thank you, commissioner cleaveland. Commissioner hardeman . Commissioner hardeman thank you, mr. President. Good job, mr. Corso. Your presentation shows you know the subject, and nice, easy graphics. Thank you. Commissioner hardeman could you go into the infrastructure figure . The infrastructure for i. T. For wiring, cabl for could you go into the infrastructure figure for i. T. And data . Just being able to take advantage of the new technologies and what they offer, wed have to have upgrades. And a lot of those stations are getting upgrades when theyre rebuilt, but given the age of some of our stations, they need work. Commissioner hardeman that was my only question. Thank you for that presentation. President nakajo thank you very much for that presentation, director corso. In this Capital Budget presentation, you made some mention of station 5 and the Training Facility. How are those areas integrated within this Capital Budget . Is there a reflection . So they are essentially funded completely out of the eser under abond and not part. The part that we get funded for this is the furniture, fixtures, and equipment, things that are not budgeted for. President nakajo so just in terms of station 35 which is currently being worked on, the e. M. S. Station, when is that, again, the projection of that station, station 49, projected to open . I believe at the end of this calendar year. President nakajo okay. And part of those are part of the eser bond. Just to be clear, the station 35 is part of the eser bond. The deployment station is part of the public utility bond. President nakajo okay. Is it too early to talk about Training Facility in terms of what the latest status is of that . At this time, ill defer to the chief, but were still working with the Mayors Office and real estate on that. President nakajo okay. Chief nicholson, is there any comment you would like to make on this item . No, theres not. President nakajo thank you very much. This is an action item, so i need a motion. Commissioner covington . Commissioner covington i would like to approve the items submitted by mr. Corso. Commissioner cleaveland second. President nakajo we have a motion by commissioner covington, second by commissioner cleaveland. Ill call the question. All in favor, aye. All opposed . Thank you very much. Madam secretary. Clerk item 6, chief of departments report. Report from chief Jean Nicholson since the meeting on december 19, 2019 including academy, special events, outreach to other Government Agencies and the public. President nakajo thank you very much. Chief nicholson . Thank you. Happy new year to everyone, and thank you, president , Vice President , commissioners, maureen. This is my report since our last meeting, december 11. And just as an aside, at 11 00 a. M. This morning, i will be going down stairs, probably a little bit prior to it, as i know Vice President covington will, as well, for the swearing in of mayor london breed, which is taking place in the rotunda. Ill also be going to the swearing in of our new district attorney. On december 12, we had the spca youll like to hear this, commissioner veronese visit station 49 with a therapy dog, and were working on an m. O. U. With the spca to have visits at other stations, as well, and see how it goes. So chief bello has been working on that, as well as chief parks. But it was very well received, and i might have i might have gotten more dog time than anybody else, but i think it was very well received by those numbers there. The 15, we did have the mayors meeting, and we did get our budget instructions, as you heard from director corso. Clean streets, equity, and our budget does align with the mayors priorities, and so we are currently doing a lot of work on that. And in fact we have a meeting this afternoon with the mayors Budget Office myself and director corso do. On the 17, we had an electric fire truck demonstration over at our 19 and Folsom Division of training. It was interesting and pretty cool, and were not ready for it, and theyre not ready, either, but it was really intere interesting to see some of the technology that theyre working on, and these are primarily being sold in europe right now, i believe. I had a meeting with folks down at the cow palace, and we discussed partnering for disaster operations, staging and sheltering, so thats a Wonderful Partnership to have. Had a meeting with rec and park with fire marshal dicosio, about fire abatement and working with the residents, park and rec, as far as allaying the residents fears and doing our jobs, as well. So we have a good working relationship with rec and park there. Again, budget, weve had several inhouse budget meetings. And new years eve, i just wanted to say thank you to those who really worked hard on our plan, including chief cochran, chief tong, chief wyrsch, chief bello. Everybody really had a good night, and we staffed up, so thank you, everyone, for your diligent work on that. Much appreciated. And then physician position is open right now, and we are looking for a new Department Physician, as you all know. And one more item would be the career track work group. C. D. 2 and 3 myself met with the career track work group, and this is a longterm project that were working on, and its its going to give everyone an equitable opportunity to promote by offering classes inhouse and that type of thing. So its a work in progress, but were were looking to the to the future to really make some of these things institutionalize them along term. So that concludes my report for today. President nakajo thank you very much, chief nicholson. At this point, well call for Public Comment on the chiefs report. Any member of the public wishes to give Public Comment on item 6, the department chief of departments report, please approach. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. At this point, Vice President covington. Commissioner covington thank you, mr. President. Through the chair to the chief of the department, chief, you mentioned equity. Can you talk a little bit more about what equity in the San Francisco Fire Department certainly. So right now, what we have is if you want to take a class that can sort of further your education, further your knowledge, most of those classes, we do not offer within the department. You may have to go to san jose or livermore or wherever to get that class. If youre a single parent, that could be hard. If youve got other responsibilities, that could be difficult. So what we want to work towards is training our own members so they can then deliver these classes inhouse to our members who want to promote or learn or the like. So thats thats some of what were doing, and its its going to take a little while to get it off the ground, but we want to make sure that everybody, you know, starts from the same the same level in terms of being able to move forward in their career. Commissioner covington and so that is in line with the Mayors Initiative on equity . Yes. So that is that was one of our directives was equity and equitable outcomes, and so yes it is. Its also in our Strategic Plan and the like. Commissioner covington and are there any other initiatives that will be forth coming from the department or you will share those with us as they are developing . Yeah, ill share them with you as they develop. We are looking at an e. M. S. Core class, but it will be put on by a nonprofit and not by us. But we are sort of leading the charge for that. But we dont have all those pieces in place yet, so well get those to you when we when we know more. Commissioner covington well, thank you. And please feel free to use the commission and the members of the commission as a brain trust of sorts. Thank you. Commissioner covington thank you. President nakajo thank you, Vice President covington. Commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland thank you, mr. President , and thank you, chief, for your report. Quick question on the work with the park and rec. Is that in response to the complaints from the residents around glen canyon, that they were having issues with Fire Protection or they thought they were having issues with Fire Protection . Yeah, thats some of it, and some other areas, as well. You know, there was a fire out out in the avenues, near lake merced, i believe. So were just reaching out and working with park and rec and speaking to different neighborhoods to ensure that they are safe. Cleaveland cleavela commissi thats good. Thank you. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner cleaveland. Commissioner hardeman . Commissioner hardeman thank you very much, mr. President. Chief, thank you for your report, too. The electric rigs, engines, trucks was that just engines or it was an engine. Commissioner hardeman but at the end of your report, did you Say Something about in europe, theyre using them . So i believe theyve just ordered some for amsterdam, and i believe if theyre not using them, they will be in the next year or so. Commissioner hardeman wow. Thats flat lands out there. They dont have any hills. Been there. Bicycle heaven. Yeah. It will need and you never want to buy the first, you know, model of anything, so were a ways off of this for sure. Commissioner hardeman so were all nice and calm here, including mr. Corso, and all the commissioners, but inside, im jumping up and down, saying here we go again. This is ridiculous with the budget cuts. Its very upsetting, but its something were going to have to address. Weve been very calm in our reaction, but i dont think any of us are calm. So i dont think at least for me, i dont want you to think that wow, all of these commissioners are rolling in line, and theyre willing to take this huge hit on the department that cant bear it. So just to let you know, thats how i feel personally. I cant speak for everybody else, but im sure their well, we will come forward with our data and statistics and everything else. Commissioner hardeman okay. I just want you to know that i just think that in my opinion, we were on board as its no big deal. Its a really big deal. Thank you. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner hardeman. Vice president covington, are you still up for comment . Commissioner covington no, but i would echo commissioner hardemans comment about the budget. I think we may be a little weary, so were just resting up for the fight. Commissioner hardeman yeah, there you go. President nakajo thank you very much, Vice President covington and commissioner hardeman. And again, the sentiments are part of our upcoming strategies and willichallenges. May i have you, madam secretary, deputy chief Victor Wyrsch from his report on operations. Clerk report of operations from deputy wyrsch. President nakajo thank you very much madam secretary. Deputy chief, before you start, i just wanted to say that its so good to see everybody here. Good morning, deputy wyrsch. Good morning, everybody. Deputy chief Victor Wyrsch. This is my operations for november and december. There were five greater alarms during this reporting period. Um first, we had a second alarm at 570 to 572 27 avenue, across aguirre. There were no injuries. This was led by assistant chief robert postel, who was here. Did a fantastic job. It presented as a twostory type five singlefamily residence, but in fact was three stories. The fire began in the sublevel rear, extended to the ground level and the second floor as well as exposure b. Two occupants were exposed. All crews performed exceptionally. The below grade was identified early in the incident. Extinguishment and no injuries to firefighters in the blaze. Sorry for the delay as hes going to the next slide. Thank you. The second was the second alarm on november 4 at 0500 hours at 5451 geary, across the 17 and 18. The cause of this fire was accidental. This was assistant chief lori gaylos. It was commercial with residential above. Arson concurred that it was accidental, caused by old wiring. All units worked efficiently, and the fire was contained quickly. Next, we had a second alarm on 1113 at 1308 hours at 1985 san jose. This was assistant chief nicolle dryvex fire. The fire was in the rear of the building. Second alarm was struck for possible deexposure section. Theyre both threestory type five residential occupies. An aggressive attack by the first Alarm Companies happened with assistance from the second Alarm Companies. All companies performed well and with a coordinated attack. Next, we had the fourth alarm. This was on november 16, as you remember, at 0423 hours at 454 to 463 castle, and its still under investigation. The initial dispatch to the fire was a fire with reports of a person trapped on the second floor. The incident quickly developed into a fastmoving fire heavily involving two threestory buildings ultimately requiring four alarms to control. Initially, the smoke was invisible due to heavy fog and darkness. Companies encountered furniture, obstacles in deep hallways with zero visibility and on the second floor, they reported heavy heat with obstructions above and below them. Division three then struck the second alarm. The fire extended to the upper floors of the bravo exposure building, and the roof and reported heavy fire in the attic of the fire building. Companies on the second alarm were ordered into the bravo and delta exposure and reported fire on the second and third floors of the bravo exposure, and Division Three subsequently struck third alarm. Then struck a fourth alarm to address possible fire exposure to bravo and delta buildings. This was a tough fire and overall operation went very well with members performing d admirably. It was instrumental with presentation of rapid extension of the fire into the bravo and delta extension buildings. Ultimately, every extension on outlet 21 was utilized, and no delays in water supply were reported for the incident. All crews performed exceptional. Next one, this fire is still under investigation. It was a threestory type five residential with heavy smoke and fire coming from the bravo side, secondfloor unit. Upon entering and learning to the seat of the fire, members were affecting primary search, and they located and extremendo a victim from the unit. The fire extended into the unit above. That was quickly extinguished. Again, everyone did extremely well. In novemberdecember, we had 29 first alarms, four second alarm, and one fourth alarm. We also had two hazmats. The p. I. O. Arranged a series of responses with Sonoma County to enhance our career operations. We had a total of six water rescues between beach, bay, or boat rescues. We had five cliff rescues. Next is our Emergency Medical Services report from deputy chief sandra tong. We had a bump in the academy on 14, thats e. M. T. To paramedic. We had 16 newly pinned paramedics. They continue to meet with members of the e. M. S. Leadership committee and the creation of various e. M. T. Subcommittees. Research committees are currently being formed. I have several pages of data. We can answer questions if you have to the e. M. S. 6 report. E. M. S. 6 report for november, there was a total number of unique individuals engaged was 82. In december, it was 109. Then on page 26, the november top 20 call percent change was 45 . In november, the top 20 call percent change was 14 . Plans are underway to conduct a sixweek paramedic Training Course starting january 27. This will be for members selected to the e. M. S. 6 list. Were predicting ten people. To the nature crcan administra we went from 230 to 188. By the time a slight decrease from 147 to 122 with nonidentifiable home addresses, and then from 83 down to 66 in identifiable home addresses. In december, we saw a slight decrease from 188 to 186, and identifiable, we went from 66 to 72. Next, Fire Prevention investigation, update, this is an extensive and detailed report, so i wont go over everything with you. If you have any questions, hes here to answer. But we have a total annual inspections permit of 3,699. The total number of complaints that were closed were 308. They did a total of 21 Community Outreach presentations during november and december. They continue to do a lot of internal and external Training Classes that are listed, and then, we will go to i also have an addendum on your request for december, so some Additional Information for december that i will give you that wasnt included in this report. To the airport division, this division update, this includes all of the recent activities and training for november and december, the drills, and the types of calls. In november, on page 49, youll see we had 486 calls with a total of the bike medic calls of 242. And then, in december, we went up to a total of 548 calls with a bike medic total of 301. On 126, we had a hazmat at the airport. We had a dispatch with evacuations. It was 918 clearwater drive. It was a hydrochloric cloud. The hazmat team from department 2 assisted. Projects that were working on of notable is radiological and Emergency Operations drill. They discussed stolen radiological equipment and terrorist incidents and the agencies that would handle. Next is the k9. The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation those two applicants as handlers. Theyll be assigned to usar task force 3, and theyll be available for city disasters and deployment. We now have three dogs. Mobile command is back in service. Mobile command is used to support large incidents that occur in the city to provide command communications along with interability with other agencies. They came back to the agency and trained with us for three days. Next, i want to thank all the a. D. C. S, Homeland Security and the fire marshal for their extensive planning for this. Ill have more information on my january report as most of the information came in after. Ham radios, were trying to get all of our Incident Support specialists trained so they can help us when we go into batallion control, and all of those ham radios are located in batallion houses. A shoutout to jonathan baxter. He was able to secure 300 smoke detectors and 900 Carbon Monoxide detectors from kidde, and were going to distribute them throughout the city. I will open it up to any questions. President nakajo thank you very much, chief wyrsch. At this time, any member of the public wishes to give Public Comment, please approach the podium. Seeing that there is no Public Comment at this point, public government is closed. Commissioners . Commissioner cleaveland. Commissioner cleaveland thank you, mr. President , and thank you, chief wyrsch, for your report. Its always distressing to have fires in our city, and hopefully, from each of these fires, well learn from lessons, and im wondering if we learned any lessons, and what were they, from the 457 castro street fair and the noriega street fair . Do you have any Lessons Learned that we could impart to the public . Well, both fires were obviously extremely tough fires. As far as the fourth alarm castro street fire, again, it didnt appear large at the beginning because it was so dark and you couldnt see the smoke and the fog was so thick, but it escalated quickly. The only issues was communications are tough. We always struggle with communications when youre wearing a scott air mask, trying to protect yourself from cancer. In the old days, wed just lift our mask off and old. Now we keep our mask on and talk, so its difficult to communicate through our mask. That will get better with training, but that was something we looked into. That was the main take away from that fire. Commissioner cleaveland so the communication is difficult under normal circumstances with the mask on. Absolutely. When you have heavy smoke conditions, and you have to communicate into the mic, theres a lot of feedback around you. Commissioner cleaveland both of these fires were accidental, correct . Theyre under investigation. Commissioner cleaveland under investigation, but you assume that theyre accidental, right . Probably, correct. And as far as the other Fire Commissioner cleaveland the one on noriega, was the death caused to smoke inhalation . So that is under investigation. Im not allowed to speak with that. There was a door that was barricaded. Thats as much as i can talk about, that was known. But we always find a way to get around it. If we cant find a door, well find a second means of egress and attack it that way. Commissioner cleaveland these pieces of information are important to the public because if doors are barricaded, people cant get out, firefighters cant get in. Yeah. I think in my career, one of the biggest problems in my career, especially in downtown, is hoarding problems. Sometimes youre stepping up on two to 3 feet of newspapers. Its hard to make a path, its easy to get disoriented. Every fire we go to is a learning experience. President nakajo thank you, commissioner cleaveland. Commissioner hardeman . Commissioner hardeman thank you, president nakajo. Chief wyrsch, good report, put together, as well. Going to that 58 cabrillo fire, that was very sad. I saw that come up, and i was able to go to the scene. Got there pretty quick, and discovered that from lieutenant baxter, who briefed me on the what was going on, about the person that was deceased, what happened. Thats very upsetting to firefighters, and nothing they could have done to change the situation, which was very sad. But any way, i always avoid you never see me quoted in the paper at a fire because i avoid the cameras and the press because i have no idea where its going. I could stand there and be briefed we saw you there. Commissioner hardeman you came over and briefed me, and i appreciate that. The public, theyre amazed with what they learn about the Fire Department and, well, they just love when they get to talk to a commissioner. Oh, geez, and over and over, they ask what youre supposed to do. We have a c. I. A. K. G. B. Secretive, very important person who does our Homeland Security, chief cochran, and he has a reputation of mixing it up, so its sort of surprising to see him come overall sweaty in his turnouts. It was a crisp night, and just wondering how you can get so hot and sweaty in the turnouts that they are the design, i harp on that all the time. One of the things that id like to see is a turnout that can somehow keep you a little cooler. But it was sort of fun to see he didnt have to be there. He was doing what he thought or he perceives his job to be, and he was there like a firefighter, working at that fire. He could be back in his office, the big shot that he is. It was sort of fun. I sort of enjoyed seeing them. Chief cochran is one of our Safety Officers, so he goes in the building, making sure that everyone is safe. Commissioner hardeman yeah. He explained that to me, that was his job, which i didnt realize that. Thanks for your great report. President nakajo thanks very much, commissioner hardeman. Commissioner veronese . Commissioner veronese thanks very much for your report. Its a great shot of you and chief cochran walking down the street in your turnouts. Its a great shot. I dont know about this whole Safety Officer thing, but it sounds like something that chief docochran created so he could go out to every single fire because i know hes a huge supporter of the department and will go out there to back you up every time he can. I wanted to give you a special thanks to you and all the members of the department that works on christmas and new years and new years eve. I wanted to end the meeting in honor of all those people who worked those days, mr. President. In regards to the narcan, can somebody in the department who knows about this, maybe somebody in the e. M. S. , give us an idea of why so now that we have those numbers, it looks like theres been an increase from september to october and then slight decreases from november to december. So it went 230 to 188 to 184. If we can get why thats happening, it would be great to see that trend continue to go down. I believe supervisor haney reported that we had 234 Overdose Deaths happen in San Francisco. So is this because people are dying people using fentanyl are actually dying or is this for some other reason . The department of health is affecting this number in some way . I just want to gueet analysis this number. I know that supervisor haney said yesterday that he was working off of 2018 numbers, but these are 2019 numbers, and we can present those numbers as long as some professional analysis why those numbers are going down, id like to see that, as well. Id like to see that continue, but not because people have died, if thats the case. Ill look into that, for sure. But we see a strain of fentanyl, it comes in in batches. In my career, you see a huge increase because of a new patch, and everybodys not used to it, so theyll overdose and pass away. Well do some research. Commissioner veronese that would be great if you could report back to us on that. And then, these comps and radios that you guys wear, theres got to be technology out there to solve there problem. I know youre rolling your money fingers there, but money should not be an obstacle when youre talking about the safety of people that are in fires. So if you could maybe report back to us as to what technology exists out there so that we can solve this problem in the next budget because its unacceptable. Thank you, chief. Thank you. President nakajo thank you, commissioner alioto veronese. Vice president covington, any remarks at this point . Commissioner covington no, sir. President nakajo commissioner hardeman, any okay. Chief wyrsch, thank you very much for your report. It looks good. It has separation, as well, identification. I enjoyed it because it shows consciousness and improvement. I wanted to acknowledge the report not only in terms of your verbalization, but those photos help a lot, as well as i notice there was a video attached this morning, as well, to give us the effect of that. Thank you very much for the e. M. S. Division report, chief tong. Again, its comprehensive, theres lots of material. I also appreciate you calling out those things that were interested in when it comes to the report. Again, thank you very much. It gives us a knowledge and base in terms of what your department is doing, your division, in terms of the work. Chief avi with the airport division, chief cochran with Homeland Security, and with the descriptions that we have in terms of first unit reports as well as a. L. S. Reports as well as amis reports in terms of the resource report. And finally, at the back end, when we have the news release reports in terms of who was there, who was in charge, how Many Department mechanisms were there, it totally helps us as well. Chief postel, chief brooks, thank you for that, as well. I know that several chiefs are not here, but those kinds of extensive reports. Thank you very much. Madam secretary, did i call Public Comment on this report . [please stand by] im going to need well let me ask for Public Comment first on the item. Public comment in terms of item 8, Fire Commission annual statement of purpose. Seeing none, in terms of the Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Vice president covington i would like to move this item. Vice president . Thank you, commissioner cleaveland, moved by commissioner covington. Item 9, Fire Commissions process of selecting Department Physician to fill vacancy. As point of information to the general public and the members of the public, this position has been posted by our department of human resources. The strategy and the plan at this particular point is were working with the Chiefs Office at the last Commission Meeting. I, as the president , appointed commissioner cleaveland to be our representative point person. The process is going to be that commissioner cleaveland will work with the Chiefs Office in terms of a panel that will be formalized. That panel will review the resumes and in terms of the final process of interviewing the candidates, that process will be brought in front of the full commission. The full commission is responsible for the physicians office. So as part of that process of having this new physician, whoever he or she is, its going to be very important that the full commission be part of that. So that is the process in terms of what were going to be trying to do with the physicians office. Vice president covington . Vice president covington yes, sir, i want to thank commissioner cleaveland for stepping forward and being a point person on this process. This is an action item and im going to ask for Public Comment on the item, number 9, asking members of the public to give Public Comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. It is action item. Again, commissioners, once we get into the interview process, through the Commission Secretary, well have to organize a scheduled date for us to do a special meeting in terms of the interview process. Without any further comments or questions, ill call for the question on item 9. All in favor, please gave indication say aye. Any opposed . None. Thank you very much, commissioners. Madame secretary. Item 10, agenda for next and future fire Commission Meetings. President nakajo can you give us a review of what is on the docket for january 22nd. We have the election of officers, a budget item. And sf vice is supposed to get back to me if theyre available, either that meeting or the first meeting in february. And lieutenant baxter has asked to present do a presentation on his outreach efforts. President nakajo okay. Which we need to coordinate. Thank you very much. Im going to ask for Public Comment on the item . Item 10, agenda for next and future fire Commission Meetings. Any members of the public . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madame secretary. Item 11 Public Comment on item 12. Public comment on all matters pertaining to items 12b including Public Comment on whether to hold item 12b in closed session. President nakajo on item 11, is there any Public Comment on item 11 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madame secretary. Possible closed session regarding Personnel Matters and existing litigation. Vote on whether to conduct item 12b in closed session. President nakajo colleagues, we have a closed session scheduled. Im going to need a motion for us to go into closed section. I move that we conduct. I hear Vice President with the covington with the motion. All in favor, say aye. Thank you very much. It passes. Me were back in open session. Item 14. Item 13, report on action taken in closed session. President nakajo all right, we have a motion from commissioner hardeman, second by commissioner cleaveland. I see item 13, is there an item i missed . Item 14, vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussions held in closed session. Were not taking reporting on any action. President nakajo thank you for the clarity. We have a motion and second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Thank you very much. That motion passes. In closing we wanted to thank the dedication of the members of our department for all the hard work during the holidays on christmas and new years eve and new years and for every day of this year. Thank you very much, colleagues. [gavel]. Chair haney all right. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the january 10 meeting of the joint city, School District, and college select committee. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. Please silence all phone and electronic devices. Documents to be submitted should be submitted to the clerk. Chair haney thank you. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Clerk thank you, chair haney. On the call of the roll [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, you have a quorum. Chair haney thank you. Madam clerk, will you call the first item. Clerk item one is a hearing on how 300 classes impact students of lowincome and people of color. Hearing High School Students who take city college of San Francisco classes to meet College Entry requirements, and any proposed cuts need to be hearing heard. Chair haney president cook, and thank you for calling this hearing. President coo what we also did was make sure that there was opportunity for city college trusties to be a part of this conversation, as well. So we reformed the committee to include the board of education, city college trusties, and the board of supervisors. And the reason why im putting that context into place is because i figured it is imperative that we have this platform to have these discussions about what we do for the education of our students in both the School District and in city college. And im going to talk a little bit about why were here today and what this hearing is about, but i wanted to provide that context about how we fought to make sure that this committee was in place and how imperative and important it is that we all participate and show up to these Committee Meetings because we fought hard to bring this committee back. So i want it to be on record the importance of this committee, i want it to be on record its something important that we had to fight to get back again. And unless we show up and unless we participate, i dont want us to be in danger of losing this Important Committee again. So on december 10, i with supervisors haney, mar, introduced a budget ordinance for 2. 7 million to help restore the 300 classes cut by city college. This is scheduled to be heard on wednesday, january 15, at 10 00 a. M. Today, ive called a hearing to discuss the impacts of these cuts on our lowincome community, people of color, and everyone else devastated by these cuts. Ive also directed the s. F. College administration and everyone else that we consider city educators report on this cut at this joint select hearing. The purpose of this is twofold. One, two discuss the spring cuts of the 2020 semester. The way city college has handled this has brought us to where we are now, with the city stepping in to handle this. We deserve to know how and why these cut classes were chosen and how they will impact our students. We need to make sure that High School Seniors are still able to take classes needed for graduation or college enrollment. We need to be able to make sure our students are able to complete classes needed for job certification requirements, and we need to make sure our Senior Community is able to continue taking classes that provide muchneeded stimulation and enhanced learning opportunities. Secondly, id like to discuss how these decisions are made in general. In order to avoid this type of crisis from happening again, its our responsibility to take a hard look at the process city college goes through to arrive at decisions like these and make sure that city college is making them equitiably and with proper city input, and we need to have a discussion on how we can support city college in the future and over the longterm. However, were missing crucial people. Our city College People that sit on this committee are unable to be here. City college is unable to be here, also, today. Even though this is a regularly scheduled meeting that has been on the calendar for months. For this reason, i am requesting that we continue the meeting until the next meeting date until february 14 at 10 00 a. M. We will still hearing Public Comment on this item if we have members of the public who wish to speak. Im looking forward to addressing this issue so that we can address the needs of all Students Affected by class cuts at city college. So if there are members of the public that wish to speak on this item, you are welcome to come up to the microphone. And you have two minutes. Good morning, supervisors and committee. Im Peter Warfield with elders for sorry, equity for older students, and we can be reached at equityforolderstudents a at thank you for providing Equity Funding for the 300 class cuts, including 90 of the Older Adults Program. I understand that there are only six remaining of the Older Adults Program out of 58, but last year, there were 76 older adult classes, and now were down to six for the spring, so were down to 90 . Its an almost complete destruction. Everybody is affected by the cuts. I was just talking with a latino student who said he cant get the classes that he wants at the time that he wants and that could interfere with a whole range of issues. And as city college shrinks, everybody has fewer opportunities. Im also concerned with what teachers have called the midnight massacre, which was apparently done with no consultation of deans or chairs and literally the night before spring registration began. Weve heard multiple different statements from the chancellor about how he couldnt handle the money, but then, he sent out multiple letters saying dont send the money. So please go forward with this [inaudible] thanks. Good morning, members of the board of supervisors, my name is marie jobling, and im the cochair of the dignity fund coalition, and im here to support whatever leadership you feel you can take on this issue. Were pleased that the department of disability and aging services was able to help begin the process of rebuilding these classes and saving the ones that are at the senior centers, and theyre meeting down stairs and theyre meeting right now, that commission. Its how can we as a city Save City College in the broader sense of the word. I have comments in writing and id be happy to come back when you continue this hearing. Thanks. Good afternoon, supervisors. Happy new year. My name is harris edgeline, and i am a community member. I appreciate you putting this off until we can have a proper hearing on this, and not just he say, she say stuff, you know. I appreciate you holding it all to the next meeting, but is that going to affect when its supposed to go to the budget and finance committee next wednesday . And also, i think were already facing a big crisis in San Francisco alone with housing, alone with the education that gives us proper economics fully living in San Francisco. So if we cant get the education we need to create economics to stay in San Francisco, were challenged. Were facing a homeless crisis of adults, and if the children cant take classes to meet the Economic Needs of the future of San Francisco then were really going to have an issue with more Homeless Children on the street. So thank you for calling this hearing, and i look forward to the full hearing and, you know, giving my support to you guys. And hopefully, this cannot be an issue again. Thank you. Good morning, supervisors. My name is merrill lee hearn. I am a student at fort mason ccsf campus. First of all, id like to thank you for making sure this meeting took place. We werent sure since the trusties were not able to come today that the meeting would be able to go forth, and im very glad to see that you have scheduled another one, a continuance for it, because there are many issues that need to be talked about here. I am representing an organization that we brought together as this unfolded, and its equity for older students, and im very glad to see this group is being represented by this committee. We are probably one of the most permanent of groups, populations at the school. And when you think about it in terms of income, many people, seniors, going to take these programs, are living on pensions, are living on social security, so this is one of the few things that they have that they need to feel connected, to feel vibrant in the community. I also would like you is that pardon me . You have 30 seconds. Thank you. Id also like you to know that as far as getting any kind of warning about things, just last night, since our classes were cancelled under the olad program, the Older Adults Program, the Sculpture Program and drawing program at fort mason decided they would go under [inaudible] thank you. Can you hear me . Hello. Thank you for having this meeting, as well. Im a ccsf student, and i live here in district six. So i take night classes because i work during the day, and i have found that ccsf has been a Wonderful Community for meeting a lot of the other people in San Francisco . But my art and language classes are no longer present. Theyre getting cut, especially the night ones, and that makes it the wait list much longer for the remaining classes. And so i believe that ccsf is really a community college, and as part of that, its really a vital part of the community. I meet so many older students and longterm residents who i otherwise would not have been able to meet because i just would not have interacted with them . And i find it to be a very wonderful part of the San Francisco community. So i find it very painful to see my teachers, such as my parttime ceramics teacher are losing their jobs at the very last minute with almost no notice. And i have friends through my classes that are no longer able to complete their engineering degrees, even, because their classes are being cut at the last minute. So i urge you to reinstate classes and find a more stable and permanent form of funding for this vital part of our community. Thank you. Chair haney thank you. Any other members of the public that would like to comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel]. Chair haney i also just wanted to make a comment and to thank you, supervisor walton, for bringing this forward and for also reminding us of how important this committee is, and the work that we do here. We will have this hearing, and i think because of the urgency, we obviously wanted to have it sooner, but we will have this meeting in february. I apologize to the members of the public who came, and any confusion about when it was going to happen. And were going to certainly do whatever we can to support city college and provide additional funding as needed to maintain these courses. I think this is an urgent concern for us, as well, and we absolutely agree that these courses are essential for our older adults, four or our communities of color, and to other general san franciscans. I want to open it up for other members of the committee to make any comments, and then, we can supervisor walton, did you want to go first . Supervisor walton well no, i just wanted to say im sorry for not opening it up to Public Comment. Chair haney supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer i just wanted you to know that i chair the budget and finance committee, and therell be an opportunity to hear it then. Chair haney supervisor collins . Commissioner collins i just wanted to thank supervisors and specifically folks who have made this put this on the agenda, and im just really im very supportive of city college in general but also really want to know specifically how this is going to impact students that rely on dual enrollment and students that are entering ccsf, so i just really appreciate this conversation. Chair haney thank you, commissioner collins. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton and again, i want to thank chair haney for emphasizing how important it is we have this conversation today. As many of you know, we do know that 300 supplemental or so classes were cut. This is something we considered an emergency and a crisis and something we needed to jump on right away. We did have this actual Committee Meeting scheduled on the calendar for quite sometime. We all knew about it, and the topic of discussion, of course, couldnt be more timely than to address the class cuts at city college and what were trying to do as the board of supervisors to preserve as many classes as possible. So i want to thank everyone for coming out. We will i will be asking that this body continue this hearing to the call of the chair, and hopefully, we can address it sooner or later. I want to thank budget chair fewer for making sure that we got the supplemental on the budget Committee Meeting for next wednesday. I truly appreciate that because this is important. And so with that said, i will make a formal request that we could continue this to the call of the chair. Chair haney great. We will take that without objection clerk is there a second . Chair haney oh, is there a second . Second that. Chair haney we will take that without objection, and are there any other items, madam chair or madam clerk . Commissioner collins i just wanted to put on the record if there are questions we will be able to get answered . Chair haney sure. Commissioner collins id like to know how this will impact certain demographics, and how this will impact certain students, such as dual enrollment. Chair haney great. We will note that and notify city college for that hearing. And we will note the time and date for that. Anything else . Clerk theres no further business. Chair haney all right. Meeting adjourned. Thank you, everyone. Shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local Services Within neighborhood. We help San Francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. Where will you shop and dine in the 49 . San francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. Each corridor has its own personality. Our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. You are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping Small Businesses grow. It is more environmentally friendly. Shopping local is very important. I have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. By shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. It is really good for everybody. Shopping locally is crucial. Without that support, Small Business cant survive, and if we lose Small Business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. It is important to dine and shop locally. It allows us to maintain traditions. It makes the neighborhood. I think San Francisco should shop local as much as they can. The retail marketplace is changes. We are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. The fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. There are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. At the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. Shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the Business Owners to thrive in the community. We see more Small Businesses going away. We need to shop locally to keep the Small Business alive in San Francisco. Shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. You can see the banners in the streets around town. It is great. Anything that can showcase and legitimize Small Businesses is a wonderful thing. [drumming]thing. [cymbals] [cymbal] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome sheriff matt freeman. Thats a great way to kick off a party and celebration. Ladies and gentlemen, lets hear it for the San Francisco Police Department lion dance team. [applause] my name is Matthew Freeman and im the undersheriff for the city and county of San Francisco Sheriffs Office. And it is my honor and my pleasure to serve as your master of ceremonies for todays event for this auspicious occasion, and i cannot tell you enough how happy the men and women that wear this uniform are of the person we are going to swear in as sheriff today. [applause] and welcome to San Franciscos crown jewel, this beautiful San Francisco city hall. Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, if i can please ask you to stand for the presentation of the colors and pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Please remain standing as we invite you to the podium to sing our Nations National anthem. Oh, say, can you see, by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming, and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that star. Spanninglyspangled banner yet wr the land of the free and the home of the brave. [applause] [military salute] ladies and gentlemen, how about a round of applause for the singer and the San Francisco Police Department color guard. applause. [applause] thank you. Please be seated. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize some of our dear guests, some of our elected and important people here in the city and county of San Francisco. And if you could hold your applause until i complete each group, i would appreciate it. Our city and county of San Francisco elected board of supervisor members, president of the board norman yee, district 7, dean preston, raphael mandelman, district 8, ashad, district 11. Ladies and gentlemen, our county board of supervisors. [applause] our district attorney, chesa boudin, public defender, our recorder, carmen chew and her treasurer jose cisneros. [applause] we are honored and pleased to have members from our State Government present today, attorney general of the state of california, javier, state board of equalization, state of california, cohen, treasurer, state of california, assemblymember, state of california, our state of california, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] we work with some of the public, finest Public Safety partners in any jurisdiction in the entire country. Our Public Safety partners, chief of police, San Francisco Police Department william scott. San francisco Fire Department, fire chief, jeanine nicholson. Chief of the probation department, city and county of San Francisco, karen fletcher. We are truly honored here today to have someone that we work very closely with and are fortunate to have that opportunity, sheriff of the san mateo county. [applause] and his undersheriff. [applause] city and county of San Francisco has some of the finest Public Servants in any jurisdiction in california if not the entire country. Our city administrator, naomi kelly. San Francisco Public Utilities Commission general manager, harlan kelly. And i really enjoy working with our department of public works director, mohammed nuru. Events such as these cant go off as well as they do without the hard work of our city and county of San Francisco chief of protocol, charlotte schultz. And no one has been around city hall for any length of time knows that we cannot go without thanking director of mayors special events, martha cohen. [applause] we would like to thank all the city and county of San Francisco commissioners for all the work that you do. We would like to thank all the city and county of San Francisco department heads, certainly want to thank all of the current members of the San Francisco Sheriffs Department and the many retired members that i see here in attendance today. Its wonderful to see your faces. You all look younger. I look older. You do something about that . The sworn command staff of the San Francisco county Sheriffs Department and our entire management team, thank you all for being here. [applause] i would also like to do a special shoutout and maybe if we applaud loud enough, im sure they can hear it upstairs, in case you didnt know, there was another inauguration here this morning, how about a round of applause for our mayor london breed . [applause] at this time, i would like to invite to the podium father tom hamilton of Saint Gabriel church for our invocation. Public service is an invitation to a life of personal devotion and sacrifice. Today we entrust the important work of leadership in our Sheriffs Department to Paul Miyamoto. We offer him our good wishes and our sincere support today and of the days ahead. Please join me, then, in the spirit of prayer and of hope. Oh, god of many names, known by many signs throughout this beautiful world, we pause during this celebration to invoke your blessing upon paul, chosen for service as sheriff. Please support him with the ability to confront the challenges that will inevitably come, making judgments that are in the best interest of this Exceptional Community of San Francisco. May his service be typified by patience, courage, stability, honesty and loyalty. In the name of all that is good and holy, we offer this prayer in humility and praise. And we all say together amen. Thank you, father. For the last 4 years, this agency has had the pleasure to serve under outgoing sheriff Vicki Hennessy. Sheriff hennessy would have loved to have been here today, but just last week she underwent hip surgery and unfortunately could not be in attendance today. Im sure that she would have liked nothing more than to be here to wish paul all the best and encouragement as he assumes office of the sheriff. She did, however, leave for paul and for all of us, a video message. Hi, sheriff paul. Vicki hennessy here, room 456, city hall, Sheriffs Office. Coming to you through the magic of video. I regret i cannot come to the ceremony. However, i am sending you and your family my congratulations, best wishes and deep appreciation for the service you have given to the San Francisco Sheriffs Department and the city and county. Theres nothing quite like your first day on the job as sheriff. The pomp, the ceremony, the love you feel from your supporters and the expectation. Enjoy it every moment. As soon as you have taken your oath, you will hit the ground running. Just remember, the sheriffs job is a marathon, not a sprint. This is a demanding job where you will feel the glare of the spotlight, whether you want to or not. As you know, the one constant will be your family. I know you will make time for them and you will be successful no matter what you do. You have the respect of the rankandfile. You are already building relationships with the criminal justice stakeholders. You are already a community leader. And you have the benefit of more than 23 years of experience serving in this department. I know that you will bring multiple perspectives to your new position. You are the right person for the right time to take up the sheriffs man tell. About those expectations, i expect great things from you. So, paul, congratulations. Youve earned it. Now, get to work. [applause] a little bit nervous. I might be more nervous than you. Well, the big moment, the swearingin of the 37th sheriff of the city and county of San Francisco is but minutes away. I would like to take a brief moment and share with you some information about the office of the sheriff and the awesome responsibility one assumes when holding the esteemed title of sheriff. There are 58 counties in the state of california. As required by the state constitution, each county must have a sheriff, and the sheriff shall be elected. The office of the sheriff is not simply another department of the county government. The office of the sheriff is a statutory, constitutional office, having exclusive powers and authority under state law and or the state constitution. The county sheriff serves multiple constituencies, the county board of supervisors, when executing county laws and ordinances, the state attorney general when enforcing state laws as a peace officer and as an officer of the superior court in and for the city of San Francisco and of course, the sheriff ultimately serves all the people and communities of their county and in our case, city and county. The management and leadership of the San Francisco county Sheriffs Office is no small task and will test the skills and abilities of the brightest and strongest of leaders. Our department is authorized for 946 sworn peace officers, 130 professional support staff, and 98 sheriff cadets. The sheriff is responsible for leading and managing the workforce approaching 1200 employees, spanning four divisions, with the annual operating budget north of 150 million. This includes, in part, the operation of four distinct jail facility, judicial protection and Court Security at four courthouses, execution of all civil processes in the city and county, operation of three communitybased sites offering a myriad of services to those criminal justice involved, robust, criminal internal affairs and Background Investigation units and Emergency Services unit to include a type 2 Law Enforcement mobile field force and special Response Team to deal with Critical Incidents that occur in the jurisdiction of the sheriff. General Law Enforcement and Public Safety services for the department of Public Health at San Francisco General Hospital, Ten Department of Public Health neighborhood clinics, the department of Emergency Management, the San Francisco main public library, and, yes, here in the crown jewel of San Francisco, our beautiful city hall and much, much more all supported by training and personnel units. The daily operation of a Law Enforcement agency this size in a city and county as eclectic, diverse, dynamic and, yes, challenging as ours, requires the right person for the right time. And san franciscan, a graduate of lowell high school, a husband, a father who lives in and is raising his family in our city, a 23plus year record of service to this agency and the people of San Francisco, a leader that holds himself accountable first and by example will expect the best from all who work for this agency. A person of the highest integrity, character and moral compass, Paul Miyamoto embodies if not exceeds all the core elements required to be the sheriff of San Francisco. The deputies have assumed that i shall posts. They are eager, and they are ready to receive your direction. Paul miyamoto. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, it is a real pleasure at this time to invite to the stage for the oath of office, state of California Attorney general Xavier Becerra. [applause] i would also like to invite to the stage sheriff elect, Paul Miyamoto. [applause] i think you can hear me. Also coming to the stage is pauls other, his wife, and his children. Melanie, jordan, joseph, marissa and mia maya. [applause] please raise your right hand and place your left hand on the bible. I will ask you to repeat after me. I, state your name. I, Paul Miyamoto. Do solemnly swear. Do solemnly swear. I will support and defend the constitution of the United States. That i will support and defend the constitution of the United States. And the constitution of the state of california. And the constitution of the state of california. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of california. I take this obligation freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. And i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter and during such time as i hold the office of the sheriff of the city and county of San Francisco of the sheriff of the city and county of San Francisco. I present to you, sheriff miyamoto. [applause] [cheering and applause] i guess im supposed to Say Something right now. [laughter] hang on one second while i get my notes. Oh. Thats not a great start, but [laughter] good afternoon, everyone. Thank you, attorney general Xavier Becerra and to all of you who are here today in celebration of the office of sheriff. I have many people to thank for this moment. All of you here today played roles and given support for my rose through the ranks and my occasionally descent. [laughter] i begin by thanking my mom and my dodd, phil and ella. My dad is in the hospital today and couldnt make it, but my mom is here for both of them, and i just wanted to recognize her for the person that she is. [applause] growing up, my mother was a very strong advocate for both me and my brother when we were very young as we went through the School System here in the Public Schools of San Francisco. She was actively involved in our education to the point where even after we graduated she continued to volunteer her time and service, both with home and advocate for children and youth all the way up to the state ptsa level where she volunteered for many years and was so effective as a leader in the ptsa who worked to improve the lives of the children and the educational system that we have here in california. My fathers family immigrated to San Francisco around the time of the earthquake of 1906. And during that time, built a successful dry cleaning business and some of my family is here today, and i want to thank them for being here as well. World war ii happened and the federal government ordered the internment of americans of japanese ancestry, which included the miyamotos. Our family lost everything here in San Francisco and were forcibly relocated to heart mountain in wyoming for the first part of the war. Did they give up . Of course not. In fact, my grandfathers three brothers proudly fought for the United States as part of the most decorated unit in military history, the 442nd regimental combat team. Lucky for me, after the war, the miyamotos returned to San Francisco and began a new. My father grew up and became an attorney, he practiced law for the state of california and actually became appellatelevel judge for the Workers Compensation review board. I share this with you because this is my family. They are the role models who influenced me. They faced adversity and Racial Discrimination and yet they responded with grace, strength and grit and actually became civil servants. The miyamotos became the change they wanted to see. They embody resilience. Inspired by my Family Tradition of service, i chose to join the San Francisco Sheriffs Department over 23 years ago to try to make a difference in peoples lives. Every day, i don this uniform and serve our city with some of the finest people i know. People like our outgoing sheriff who has been a role model and mentor to me, she is the first to actually rise through our ranks and become sheriff, and shes also the first female to serve as the sheriff of San Francisco. Im honored to have worked for and with Vicki Hennessy and even though she is not here, i would like to ask for a round of applause for her and her contributions. [applause] its really wonderful, because i serve with people who put other people first, who ensure public and individual safety, both inside the criminal justice system, in the jails, in the courts, and outside in the community. We take pride in all of our work serving San Francisco. Im honored to call all of you my colleagues and serve as the sheriff for the next four years. You all embody resilience to me. We as Department Members have been at the forefront of some of the toughest challenges facing the city, including an increase of the numbers who are incarcerated who suffer from Behavioral Health issues. Not surprisingly, this has challenged our infrastructure and our staff. We share these challenges across all our city agencies and with our justice and Public Safety partners. We collaborate to build and nurture relationships and trust and to provide services to everyone. In response to our changing populations, weve created psychiatric sheltered living unions which provide consistent care and structure. Our Behavioral Health assistance team, comprised of both trained deputies and department of Public Health specialists, are sporting people incarcerated, collaborating for individual treatment for people housed in all of these different units. And its making a positive difference in their lives, creating new hope for their successful reentry into our community. As the department moves forward, you can expect more of this from my staff and myself, care, compassion and collaboration. I started my career with the department back in 1996. It has shaped me in more ways that i can count. On my very first day, my training deputy sent me on a errand which made me late for the shift, i was scheduled to relieve. The deputy on duty at the time was not very happy with me for being late, but we actually, the both of us overcame that initial stumble. We fell in love and we were marid five years later, and thats my wife leeann. [applause] i wanted to recognize her for who she is and also my children who were introduced earlier. Melanie, jordan and the triplets, joseph, merissa and maya, if you guys could stand. [applause] come on, stand up. They have been my source of personal strength and love, and i wanted to thank them with all of my heart. Leanne and the children have supported and inspired me every step of this journey. They bring me joy and happiness. At the department, we have a faith in others to change for the better. As a young deputy working on the sixth floor of the hall of justice, i connected with a man who suffered from addiction. He was sober in jail, overcome his challenges, got released and then relapsed out in the community over and over, time and time again. Inevitably he would end up back as an incarcerated person. Most of you know that story, and hear it. We in the department actually live it and see it every day. But you know what . That individual never gave up. And i didnt give up on him either. I saw something of myself in him. Someone from the same ethnic and cultural background, on a different path but for one or two choices. Eventually, his commitment to stay sober stuck. He made changes and then went back into the community and served the community. Hes a mentor to many others in the community. I see him out there every day with rehabilitation services. Im proud to say he is one of my friends in the community and to see him there every day gives me strength. He embodies my fathers favorite quote which is to never give up. His mantra of resilience follows me along with my familys story of optimism and persistence in the face of internment, not just to survive but to give back to the nation that placed hardships on our family. My family has guided me. Their positive attitude will make a mark on the Sheriffs Department over the next four years. I actually lost my first election back in 2011. Eight years later, i am the first asianamerican in history to be elected to be sheriff in the state of california. [applause] so please [applause] i just want to end with my fathers quote. I want to say to him as elis in the hospital bed as paul, bee will be addressed as sheriff. Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for our sheriff, Paul Miyamoto. [applause] [applause] this is kind of mean now that you have sat down. Ladies and gentlemen, if i could please ask you to stand for the retrieval of the colors. [military salute] how about a round of applause for the color guard . [applause] thank you very much. You may be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, this brings to a close our celebration today, our swearingin of the 37th sheriff. I hopeve each and every one of you enjoyed your time with us today. If you are so inclined and interested, the sheriff will be receiving guests and visitors in the Sheriffs Office on the fourth floor, 456, the corner of the building over there. We would ask at this time that members of the public remain seated until such time that the sheriff, the elected and the City Department heads have had an opportunity to exit the rotunda. Thank you very much for being here today. [applause] [applause] first of all, happy new year. Its definitely it is definitely a happy new year indeed for so many people who rely on access to safe, Affordable Housing in San Francisco. It is our number one priority. When we look at the challenges that we face with homelessness and we are wondering why arent we able to do more, it is because we need to make sure that we have housing, we have opportunities to do more. It is why im committed to opening up 1,000 new shelter beds to get people off the streets. It is

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