San francisco is a positive impact on my chinese business. Im the founder of joejoe. Im a San Francisco based chinese artist. I grew up in the bayview district. I am from china i started at an early age i started at age of 10 my grandfather my biggest inspiration. And i have followed with my traditional art teacher in china i host educational workshops at the museum and local library. And i also provide chinese writing in Public Middle School and that way i hold more people fall in love with the beautiful of our chinese calligraphy. It is a part of our heritage. And so we need to keep this culture alive. Hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. This art form is fading away. But since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving this art form. There are many stores and Shopping Centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. I feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in todays world. So people can always enjoy the beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. We do calligraphy on paper. I can do calligraphy different low. My inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was popular style of persons time. I will invite to you check out my website or instagram. And there is some events and updated Upcoming Events that you can participate. Good afternoon and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors for today, tuesday september 26, 2023. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll . Thank you mr. President. Supervisor chan, present. Supervisor dorsey, present. Supervisor engardio, present. Supervisor mandelman, present. Supervisor melgar, present. Supervisor peskin, present. Supervisor preston, present. Supervisor ronan, present. Supervisor safai, present. Supervisor stefani, present. Supervisor walton, present. Mr. President , all members are present. Thank you madam clerk. The San Francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Colleagues, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Madam clerk, do we have any communications . Yes, mr. President. The board welcomes the public to attend this meeting in person here in the board legislative chamber. In city hall, second floor room 250. To participate remotely, this meeting is airing live on sfgovtv channel 26 or view the live stream at www. Sfgovtv. Org. The telephone number and meeting id to participate are published on the agenda and streaming on your television or computer screen. Mondayfriday, 8 a. M. To 5 p. M. And tuesdays to the end of this meeting, the Clerks Office is answering our phone to assist you just dial 4155545184 to send written comments to the members of the board, send a stamped letter u. S. Post office addressed to the San Francisco board of supervisors. 1 dr. Carlton b goodlett place, room 244 San Francisco california 94102 or email at sfgovtv. Org. We offer assistance in chinese filipino and spanish at the special order to 7 p. M. That concludes my communications. Thank you madam clerk. Would you please call the Consent Agenda . Items 13 are on consent and considered to be routine. If a member objects a item may be removed. Would any member seeing a item severed . Seeing none, roll call on 13. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. Those ordinances are finally passed. Next item, please. Item 4, resolution to authorize mayor office of housing and Community Development to expend Soma Community Stabilization Fund amount of 114. 800 to address various impacts. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, please call item 57 together . Three resolutions that authorize the office of Contract Administration to execute various amendments to the following contracts all three for the purchase of Technology Products and Specialized Service on asneeded basis. All three contact consistent with the original 5 Year Contract term through december 31, 2023. Item 5 execute the 5th amendment to the contract with cct technology doing business of computer land of silicon valley. Contract increase of 3. 6 million for total of 66. 5 million. Item 6, execute the 5th amendment to the contract with insight Public Sector inc. To increase the contract amount by 3. 6 million for new total amount of 4. 8 million. Item 7 execute the 4th amendment to the contract with zone llc to increase the contract amount by 2200 for new contract amount of 26. 300. Seeing no names on the roster, same house same call, these resolutions are adopted. Item 8 resolution to retroactively approve the Second Amendment to the grant grument between the city and San Francisco food bank for grocery wide Access Program to increase the grount amount by 6. 6 million for not to exceed of approximately 17. 8 million and to extend the grant period through june 30, 2024. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Item 9 is resolution to approve the third amendment to the agreement between maitri aids hospice and department of Public Health to provide Hospice Services for chronicically impaired residents of San Francisco to increase the agreement by approximately 4. 6 million for not to exceed of 14. 1 million and to extend the term by 4 years through march 31, 2027. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Next item. Resolution to approve authorize the director of property and mayor Office Office of housing and Community Development to enter into commercial ground lease for Real Property owned by the city and located at 683 florida street, 2070 brinlt street called commercial property with 681 florida Street Commercial llc for 75 year lease, term and one 24 year option to extend and annual base rent of 1 to develop two adjoining ground floor commercial spaces for Public Benefit or Community Serving uses and to approve and authorize the director of property and the director of mohcd to enter into First Amendment to residential ground lease to remove the commercial property from the leased premises between the city and 681 Florida Housing associate and adopt appropriate findings. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Iletm 11 is resolution to aauthorize the director of public works to execute a professional Services Agreement with architecture inc. For design of the new San Francisco fire department, the Fire Training facility under the earthquake safety Emergency Response bond program not to exceed 1 4000000 with a 5 year term with option to extend another two years. Jarks resolution is adopted. Jecs item 12, resolution to approve the recreation and Park Department general manager declaration of emergency under administrative code section 6. 60 for repair and replacement of the elevators at portsmouth square parking garage with not to exceed amount of 2. 2 million. Same house same call the resolution is adopted. Item 13 resolution to authorize the director of property to execute a third amendment to restated 10 year commercial lease with two 5 year extension options between the city of landlord and volunteers in medicine doing business as clinic by the bay as tenant for the cityowned property located at 35onondaga and enable reimbursement up to total of approximately 2. 9 million for tenant improvement costs. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Next item. Item 14, resolution to levy property taxes at combined rate of approximately rounded up to 1. 18 on each 100 dollars in valuation of taxable property for the city, the San Francisco unified School District, the San Francisco county office of education, the San Francisco Community College district, the Bay Area Rapid Transit District and bay area air Quality Management district and to establish a passthrough rate of 7. 26 per 100 dollars of assessed value for residential tenants pursuant administrative code chapter 37 for fiscal yearnding june 30, 2024. Same house same call the resolution is adopted. Item 15 from the budget and finance committee with recommendation of do not pass. Item 15, resolution to retroactively approve and authorize the director of property to amend and restate the current lease with the lighthouse building llc as landlered for the citys lease of approximately 103 thousand square feet comprised of floors 18 at 1155 Market Street for use by approximately 9 City Departments to enter into an amended office lease for 5 years through january 31, 2028 with one 5 year option to extend to january 31, 2033. At initial annualerant of approximately 6. 6 million with 3 percent annual increases thereafter. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues, the budget and finance committee sent this with a recommendation unanimous recommendation of do not pass. Wisely so in my opinion. To the chair of budget finance committee, supervisor chan, the floor is yours. Thank you president peskin. Colleagues, i want to first provide context about the city office lease in general. Just so that we should really be aware that not so long ago this body approved fox plaza office lease for our City Attorney and, but during the conversation at that time, at that convursation thanks to our colleagues supervisor safai at that moment talked about that least at that moment and coming before us for a decade long lease. The conversation though recognized that the market changed significantly. We should reconsider what the city should do with Office Leases and thinking about perhaps there is a opportunity for the city to purchase property instead of leasing for a better longterm Investment Strategy for the city assets. Then now with that, we are at this lighthouse building llc located at 1155 market. This is not a good deal for the city. It was clear to us, the budget legislative Analyst Report indicated that it is a policy matter, because from the time of fox plaza to the time now the market has actually continued tonow actually worse then it was when the time we discussed the fox plaza office lease. Clearly, we have a lot of work to do and also thanks to president peskin joining us at the budget and finance committee to further validate that this is the right decision to present to you today. Why instead of tabling this or turning it down at the budget and finance committee . It should be really a decision for us to make collectively as a body to therefore it is the committee unanimously recommending back to you colleagues to say, lets not pass and lets not approve this office lease agreement. Thank you. So, chair chan, you are recommending a no vote . Yes. A no vote to the legislation, because the technically the legislation is to approve this lease and so with your no vote, which is what we are asking do not pass this, a no vote to the item that will allow us the city to perhaps be able to go back and figure out a better solution for all the departments located in this perhaps or even a new location. Thank you. Thank you supervisor chan. On item 15, madam clerk, roll call vote. [roll call] there are 11 nos. With supervisor melgar, peskin [reading names] resolution fails. Item 16, this is ordinance to amend the planning code to designate the colombo market arch within sidy walton square, 600 sfrunt street as a landmark and affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. Roll call. Melgar aye. Peskin, aye. Preston, aye. Ronan, aye. Safai, aye. Stefani, aye. Walton, aye. Chan, aye. Dorsey, aye. Engardio, aye. Mandelman, aye. There are 11 ayes. The ordinance is passed First Reading. Next item, please. Item 17, resolution to initiate a amendment to the landmark designation of the San Francisco fire station number 44 located at 1298 girard street. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Next item. Item 18, resolution approving authorize a groont of two easements on City Property located at 4840 mission street. The first consist of 198 square feet of land at the northwest edge of the parcel for Electrical Equipment and the second easement of 395 square feet of land at the Northern Edge of parcel for Gas Equipment between the city and pacific gas and electric for the purpose of providing electrical and gas utilities for 100 percent Affordable Housing at no cost for term until pg e surrenders or abandon the easement or agreement is terminated. Same house same call the resolution is adopted. 19 was referred without recommendation from land use and transportation. Ordinance to amend the planning code to reduce Inclusionary Housing Program requirements including requirement for projects approved under the housing opportunities means equity, San Francisco home sf program and affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. Same house same call no. Supervisor preston. Thank you president peskin. Colleagues, when the broader inclusionary housing reduction ordinance was before this body in july, i was not able to support and in the same vain, i wont be supporting this item before us today, and i welcome a conversation around what changes we need to make to encourage new development, but from the discussion to date i really havent seen evidence that these proposals will lead to any additional development. That said, these ordinances will reduce Affordable Housing and crucial fees while inflating last cost to make Affordable Housing more expensive. I recognize the efforts and appreciate supervisor peskin and safai and Technical Advisory Committee and controller, but not prepared to support the item today and i think in my opinion, last thing we should be doing is making it harder to create Affordable Housing in San Francisco and i fear as i did with last piece of legislation that this legislation will have that result. Thank you. Supervisor safai. Thank you mr. President. Colleagues, just to remind you, we did this already for larger projects. This is really about smaller projects, 1024 units. We heard from architects, small builders, engineers, people across the city and if we are truly dedicated and mean we want to address our housing crisis, we need to pass this. This does make many of these projects much more feasible to build, and so appreciate your support and that st. The reason why we did it. We really wanted to not leave out the little guy and make sure that we are building as many of these units as possible, and yes, reducing the inclusionary was a intended goal. When we increased it many years ago when the economy slowed down we would reduce it when necessary. Thank you. Thank you for your support. Thank you supervisor safai. Roll call. On item 19, melgar, aye. Peskin, aye. Preston, no. Ronan, aye. Safai, aye. Stefani, aye. Walton, aye. Chan, aye. Dorsey, aye. Engardio, aye. Mandelman, aye. There are 9 ayes andexcuse me, 10 ayes and 1 no with supervisor preston voting no. The ordinance is passed First Reading. Next item. Item 20 this is ordinance to amend the administrative code to provide the tenants may elect to be accompanied by a Tenant Association representative at meetings with their landlord to set rules for the duration of and attendance at meetings of the full Tenant Association to provide that a Tenant Association remains in Good Standing unless it failed to recertify or new Tenant Association has been certified and to make clarifying changes regarding the obligation of landlereds and Tenant Associations to confer in good faith. Roll call. On item 20, melgar, aye. Peskin, aye. Preston, aye. Ronan, aye. Safai, aye. Stefani, aye. Walton, aye. Chan, aye. Dorsey, aye. Engardio, aye. Mandelman, aye. There are 11 ayes. The ordinance is passed First Reading. Next item, please. I should say, item 22, committee reports. Yes. Items 2224 were considered by the homeless and Behavioral Health select committee at regular meeting on friday, september 22 and were forwarded as committee reports. Item 22, resolution to approve the 2023 Grant Application for the United States department of housing and urban Development Continuum of care not to exceed approximately 60. 8 million and fulfill the board of supervisors review and approval process for all annual or otherwise reoccurring grants of 5 million or more. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Item 23. 23 resolution to approve and authorize the Loan Agreement with 440 geary llc in amount not to exceed 47. 3 million for minimum loan term of 55 years to provide permanent financing for 122 unit single room occupancy residential building consisting of 121 units of permanent Supportive Housing, to homeless households one manager unit, and two ancillary ground floor commercial unit at 440 geary street and to adopt the appropriate findings. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Next item, please. Item 24, resolution to approve and authorize the director of property on behalf of the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing to acquire Certain Property located at [indiscernible] total anticipated amount of approximately 14. 2 million and to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. Same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Roll call for introduction starting with supervisor melgar. Supervisor melgar. Thank you madam clerk. I will submit today, but would like to be rereferred to after supervisor engardio makes his introduction. Thank you supervisor melgar. Supersurpriser peskin. Thank you madam clerk. I submit my legislation but today would sadly like to adjourn in memory of a remarkable young man who lost battle with brain cancer a week before his birthday and left a very big hole in the north Beach Community as well as the hearts of his loved ones. I first met odden trader through my friend and neighbor covering his battle with brain cancer and insane amount of out of pocket healthcare expenses this young man was having to ender. Gary reached out with a compassionate sweet request which was whether i could facilitate and expediting wedding for oddenand his true true love given his race against time. The first thij is called supervisor stefani, who got me hooked up with the county clerk. The second thing i did, because i was out of the country for our winter break was to ask my chief of staff sony to preside over said wedding and she braved the southwest melt down of last year and flew back to San Francisco and officiated the union of this extraordinary couple and beautiful ceremony outside here in the rotunda. Oden was a Healthcare Worker and environmental ist who inspired and endeared to all who had the privilege to know him. He met his wife breah in the summer 2019 and with exception of one day that pasted between the first and second dates they were together every day and night since that first date in the three and half years they were together they traveled the world, sailed remote seas, endureed the pandemic and bureachy and red tape of the Healthcare System [indiscernible] as they fault the most deadly cancer known to humanity. Their wedding day was the happiest day of odens wife. A week ago before his birthday lost that battle. Breah and family lead a beautiful candle light vigil in washington square. Chose to live life as little environmental footprint as possible and requested arrangements to be composted and hopefully help other living things grow in beloved San Francisco. Aden was magnificently special. He touched lives all over and in the depth of sickness concerned for everyone around him and always sharing his talents with the north Beach Village and strangers alikeismt i want to extend my and chief of staff sincere condolences to odens wife breah and his entire family and extended community. Please know he is in our hearts and will continue to benefit from his compassion and kindness for many many years to come. The rest i submit. Thank you mr. President. Supervisor preston. Thank you madam clerk. Several items today. First, colleagues introduces resolution urging the Municipal Transportation Agency to develop and implement a plan for no turn on red restrictions across San Francisco. Allowing turns on red results in deaths, injuries and collisions as well as cars blocking or driving through cross walks making it more dangerous and stressful to cross the street, especially seniors children and people with disabilities. Prohibitsing turns on red is a low cost measure that help keep cross walks clear and reduce close calls and vehicle and pedestrian bike conflicts and increase safety for all. Colleagues we already have no turn on red at approximately 110 intersections in San Francisco. It is about 9 percent of Traffic Signals that includes a blanket no turn on red restriction in the tenderloin, including 50 locations and i want to thank mta for their work on that as well as former supervisor now assem bly member matt haney. The bans have proven to be very effective in San Francisco. The 2021sfmta study on the no turn on red implementation in the tenderloin showed that 92 percent of motorist complied with the new restriction. There was a 80 percent decrease in close calls, and there was a 70 percent decrease in vehicles blocking or encroaching the cross walks during red lights. With the successful no turn on red implementation, the tenderloin and the tragic increase city wide in traffic fatalities we discuzed this morning at the ta in the vision zero preezentation, we should expand no turn on red to every neighborhood. Particularly every street othen High Injury Network as intersections where we are already working on quick builds speed reductions or other improvements to the intersections. With your support colleagues, if our resolution passes we look forward to the m it mta to implement the plan for no turn on red. It is my hope we follow new york citys lead and become the second largest city in the country to ban the turns that put cyclists and pedestrians in harms way far too often. Several large cities Like Washington dc and seattle have become implementing bans to varying degrees as well. I think it is important to recognize banning turns on red wont solve everything, but it is a important step in the right direction. It is a step we need to take as a city as we continue to struggle to meet our vision zero goals of eliminating traffic fatalities by 2024. I want to thank luke bornhimeer, the lead organizer behind the no turn red on campaign and thousands of san franciscans who signed a petition calling oen the city to ban right turns on red. Thank the mta staff for their work as i mentioned on the tenderloin pilot and also their openness to collaborating and expanding to additional neighborhoods and intersections. I hope this is something everyone can come together to support and implement as quickly as possible. Second, colleagues introducing a resolution putting the board of supervisors on record and support of a important letter the mayor issued to coalitions applying for the Green House Gas Reduction Fund and also urging City Departments to prepare for the creation of a green bank. Im really excited to see the Administration Commitment to partnering with coalitions that are applying for the Green House Gas Reduction Fund, ggrf, and the letter of support recently submitted by the mayor and the work of the Reinvestment Working Group we set up for the public bank discussions and plan development. Have really set the city up to be prepared to collaborate with recipients of National Clean Investment Funds to create and implement a Robust National transaction pipeline of green projects. The Reinvestment Working Group created a blue print for the city to quickly create our own green bank with its plan for municipal finance corporation, which is previously been approved by the board. Creating a San Francisco green bank is the only way that we will be able to directly apply for funding next year from the Green House Gas Reduction Fund awardees. The green bank would then leverage philanthropic funding and private capital to maximize funding for the City Clean Energy future with a focus on low income and vulnerable communities. Ggrf funding for local green bank will dramatically accelerate our unlt to modernize Affordable Housing, support zero emission modes of transportation, expand roof top solar with Battery Storage and excited for this work to move forward. Thank jeremy pollack and are lafco, the pu rks cr, department of environment, Treasurer Office and mayor office to collaborate to insure the city submitted a letter to support for coalitions applying for Green House Gas reduction and support our efforts to create a green bank here in San Francisco. And finally, colleagues calling for a hearing on the pilot un activation project and relocation of the heart of the city Farmer Market. Colleagues, as you know, last week the gao Committee Heard our resolution that was expressing concern about the process of relocating the Farmer Marketing urging rec park to share information with the public on the activation project and asking the recreation and Park Department to make commitments to mitigation measures requested by the Farmers Market to help insure the market ongoing success. That resolution will be before the board next week for approval. One of our goals in sending the resolution to Committee Rather then hearing it on the adoption without Committee Reference calendar, was to at long last have a forum for the public to hear from rec park about their plans on un plaza, and to put some commitments to the Farmers Market and to the community on the record. Unfortunately, rec park refused to send a representative to the hearing despite multiple request from our office well in advance of the hearing. I will say colleagues, this is unprecedented in my 2 and a half years as chair of gao. This was the first meaningful opportunity the public had to learn about and comment on the pilot activation plan for un plaza and Farmers Market relocation. By refusing to work with Community Leaders and stakeholders before filing this plan with the Planning Department and then by not showing up at the goa oversight hearing on un plaza, and refusing to answer many basic questions about the plan, rec park has sent a regrettable and completely unacceptable message to community members, to farmers, vendors and patrons of the Farmer Market and entire community as well as this board of supervisors. It is obvious there is ongoing need for oversight and transparency on this project. Im specifically calling for rec park and their partner the Civic Center Community benefit district to attend this hearing that we are introducing and announcing today and lay out their plans for un plaza and plans for the Farmer Market. My constituent in the tenderloin, farmer, market and all the vendors farmers and patrons deserve nothing less. I want to say this, if we do not receive a prompt written commitment from rec park and from the civic center they will be present to provide responses to our questions and lay out the plans in person at the hearing, we are prepared to issue subpoenas to compel their attendance and compel the production of documents. I want to be clear, i dont take issuing subpoenas lightly, especially not when they are directed to another City Department and i would very much like to avoid that step. But there has been an ongoing pattern of not sharing information with the board and the public that is no way to conduct business, especially when that business involves spending an estimated 1. 8 million and jeopardizing the future of the beloved heart of the city Farmer Market which successfully thrived for 42 years on un plaza. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor preston. Supervisor ronan. No certificates of honor today . Just checking . Any new business . No, just checking because it is past 2 30. I did notno one told me that. But,b i am happy to go to a 230 special order. Happy to make comments, but thought i would check first. Go for it. Colleagues, ill submit legislation but i wanted to make a few comments about what i find very disturbing announcement that the mayor and several members of the board of supervisors made today about potentially taking away the very limited Financial Assistance that this city gives to the poor. I want to start out by just saying, i have never been addicted to opoids and if you have never been addicted to opoids i highly recommend reading barbara [indiscernible] demon copperhead. It is a first person account of someone who becomes addicted to opioids and think it does a remarkable job of explaining what that is like, what that feels like. Originally people generally used opioids to escape from pain whether physical, you have a injury, or mental, but been subjected to trauma. In fact, the sacklers and purdue pharma, all the lawsuits capitalized on the amount of pain americans feel. Many working class people who get injured at working class jobs and very purposefully and deliberately got people addicted to opoids to make the billions and billions of dollars. So, what happens is you originally take those opoids to escape the pain you are feeling, but pretty soon when you become very addicted, youre no longer escaping the pain you originally tried to escape, you are escaping the pain that comes from withdraw, which can happen if you dont constant ly use opoids or fentanyl, so you become stuck in a cycle that is a living hell. You originally took the drugs to escape pan and now you have to take the drugs, otherwise you will have even more pain. During this awful process, this awful medical process that happens to drug users who live in hell, they often lose all their dignity, all hope, all sense of selflove, all sense that theres really any reason to live anymore. Despite the fact the rich use drugs as much as the poor, the mayor, supervisor dorsey and several others today announced that if the poor on public assistance dont submit to an analysis and potentially drug testing or drug treatment that we will take away their money. In other words, we are going to hit you over the head with more punishment. Shes already locking them up. Shes already said compassion kills, but now we are also going to take away the little money you have to live. Let me just talk about these punitive measures as a way of dealing with a medical problem. Care [indiscernible] was one of those punitive measures. Care not cash was a you fault you are homeless so well take away your public assistance and make it that much harder to find a place to live. Look how successful care not cash has been. We had it on the books for decades. Are the streetss better . Do you see less Homeless People or more . Recovery often takes many many times. Anyone you talk to will tell you that you have to go through recovery often times several times before youre successful getting clean. Guess what you also need for recovery to work . You need a little bit of selflove. You need a little bit of hope that you can get better. You need a little bit of dignity to believe that you can change your life and get clean and get better. So, i have to say that, just from a common sense measure, i could spout statistics,er i could name a list of addiction medicine doctors a mile long who will tell you that punishment for people that are already libing in such pain due to poverty, systemic racism and a medical addiction that is really really difficult to help doesnt make any sense at all. But let me just end by saying a couple things. If you look at the people dying in San Francisco from overdose, the record numbers every single year, the vast majority perpopulation are African American and latino. See the huge long lines . Those are all African American and latino folks. Guess what . African americans make up 5 percent of the population of San Francisco, but by far the population dying the most. Did i think that is a accident . That is called racism and poverty and people who grew up in the foster care system. Do we really think the best way to get People Better is by kicking them more when they are down . I submit that that is not the answer. That the answer is that we need doctors leading this process. We dont need the criminal Justice System. We need medical professionals. We need therapists. We need to build trust with people. We need to give them hope. We need to treat people with dignity. We need to bring them inside and say, dont die. You are worthyour life is worth living. Lets help you find whatever it is that you need in order to get better. The war on drugs, punishing poor people for being poor, punishing sick people for being sick, are the methods we used for decades in this country. If they would have worked, they would have worked by now. Lets not double down on those failed strategies. Lets start believing we can give the medical treatment the care, the dignity and compassion to save lives and to get people into recovery that works. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor ronan. Supervisor safai. [indiscernible] i have not received any2 30 recommendation requests. Thank you. Just wanted to makejust wanted to help president peskin stay on top of time. Just teasing. Here is how it works, you submit accommodation request yesterday and i got none. Just teasing you. Okay. So, colleagues, today i introduce a ordinance i want to thank cosponsors supervisor ronan, supervisor engardio, supervisor peskin and supervisor chan for supporting this measure here today. I dont think anyone has to question whether or not every neighborhood, every portion of the city is experiencing crime in one way or another. It is different in different parts of the city, but it is effecting everybody. We need better leadership on this isue and today we put forward an ordinance that requires no had longer request, but requires that every captain and every Police District in the city work with the chief to put together a foot beat plan to put officers back on the street. We hear from every corner of the city regardless of what the crime is, folks want to see officers in the community proactively doing Community Policing. Study study after study has proven that when you put officers in the community, you get nothing but positive results and crime drops dramatically. We put forward the ordinance today. Again, i thank cosponsors. It is time for strong leadership on this issue. It has been lacking dramatically. People are absolutely frustrated everywhere i go with the type of crime that is impacting the city, so again i want to thank cosponsors. Want to say we look forward working with the chief, but we believe the time has am to put officers back on the streets. Thank you. I like to be rereferred to speak after supervisor dorsey. After supervisor engardio . Dorsey. Okay. Thank you. Supervisor stefani. Submit. Supervisor walton. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues, today i have two in memoriams. The first is for mr. Francis ho. A beloved husband, father, brother in law, uncle and friend. Francis was a visitation valley resident who passed away peacefully tuesday september 12. Surrounded by his family. He was 87 years old. Francis was born on february 15, 1936 in canton china to the late [indiscernible] francis came from a large family and was one of nine children. He spent his Early Childhood in china before moving to hong kong at the age of 10. Hong kong he helped with the family lumber business while going to school. In the 1960s francis met his wife rosana at church and he knew immediately when he saw her that he want ed to be more then friends. They were married in 1975 and moved to the United States in the 80s. In 2023, they celebrated 48 years of marriage. 41 of which they resided in San Francisco. Francis had a passion for interior renovations. He enjoyed watchs sports, drinking coffee, and was a avid [indiscernible] trips to the race trackf were considered a favorite past time. Throughout his life francis touched the hearts of those around him with kindness, generosity and warm spirit. He will be remembered not only as a dedicated quite family man, but also as a friend to many always ready to lend a helping hand. Franciss legacy lives through the memories and love he shared with his family and friends. He will be deeply missed by all who have the privilege of knowing him. He was a devoted family man, known for his unwavering love and commitment. He is survived by loving wife rosana and two cherished sons, simon and andrew. On behalf of the entire district 10 family, we send our love and condolences to your andrew and your family. The next in memoriam is in honor of pastor hillis. Born in San Francisco, younger brother of two sons born to rh hillis and jeanine parking hillis. The spring of 1970 the family relocated to Houston Texas and knew at a early age the calling of god was upon his life and confessed call to preach the gospel at age 9. On the third sunday in february 1975, he preached his first sermon under the leadership of his grandfather, the late reverend sb parker sat the greater zionmissionary baptist church. At the age of 13, started religious education when enrolled at the civil union bible college. He enjoyed sports, particularly football, also speech, drama, singing in the choir and playing in the marching band. He graduated from the Booker T Washington high school in the spring of 1984. Following high school graduation, he attended Bishop College and graduated summer of 1988 with degree in religion and philosophy. Pastor hillis is the father of 5 children. During his life he enjoyed curriculum writing, planning, teaching, preaching, reading movies and cooking. His vision for Double Rock Baptist Church is actively engage community and not just be a place of worship, but also a place where Community Felt welcome and supported. Over the past few years, i had the opportunity to work with pastor hillis to address food insecurity, Internet Access for young people in community and checked in regularly with other bayview pastors to address constituent needs. The double rock family found him to be a generous spirit, happy to preach and teach gods word. Pastor hillis believed there is no limit to the blessing god has in store for Double Rock Baptist Church and Bayview Hunter point community. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor walton. Next up to introduce new business, supervisor chan. Thank you madam clerk. I will be submitting legislation today but i want to follow up and quickly make comment about a cosponsor to supervisor safai legislation requiring foot beat and bike beat from our Police Department. I have the good fortune to work in this building since i was 25 years old, andthalities thats a long time ago, as a legislative aid to supervisor maxwell. That is how i started my work. At that time i want to say even then former supervisor [indiscernible] wanted to make the demands of Community Policing and foot patrol, recognizing that truly when it comes to Public Safety, two key points and one is really prevention of crime, and that is really what can keep us many of us safe and [indiscernible] the second is also true safety is Police Department that builds a relationship with the city it serves and build relationship with the communities it serve, and the idea of asking for Community Policing plan, which is also again former supervisor gordon mar had a legislation this body proved to say yes, we want to see Community Policing to now we are saying, please but really we want you to by mandating you to do so. Not in a bit of it is to somehow dictate a Police Department to do its work, but to really a way to say, as the city that really see the rise of property crime that people not having a sense of security, seeing that businesses expressing the similar sentiment, i think it is time to make that commitment and state that commitment that we want a Police Department that builds relationship with our communities, with our residents and with our merchants. It is the reason i signed on this legislation. I think that what it is, what it really does, it help us to have a conversation to what really policing responsible policing means in San Francisco. So it reason why i cosponsor the legislation and look forward seeing how those conversation take place. Wanted to also just followup and respond to just want to thank supervisor ronan through board president for her leadership to always speak out and speak for those who cant speak for themselves and dont have the chance or space and the most vulnerable population. Not just in this city, but in this nation. People that often fallen prey to the predators of this systemic racism government and also system throughout not just San Francisco, but the nation. And to think for me to think about how it is often time seeing the last week that we had a conversation about reparation and thinking about how we all have that commitment to support the black population in this city and then this week to see that as shown by supervisor ronans statistic that that very same population often being victimized by this very same system that they have been fighting against for century. I think that it is time for us to take a step back as policy makers to really think it through and be likethe policies we put forward it seems to contradictory and doesnt make sense. It isnt yielding the results i thought we all share. I think we want a safer, better San Francisco not just for one type population, but everyone and thats what San Francisco has always been about. It is the reason why we are the sanctuary city. Now rambling, but at times i start to get confused. Am i living in texas or San Francisco . I thought im libing living in San Francisco and the reason why single mother came to this city racing her two children and be able to take roots and survive because she knew that this is the city for me and my brother to grow up, to be have a better future. Not texas, we didnt go there because again we know this is a city with diversity, with love and sanctuary for everyone, even the most vulnerable. Especially the most vulnerable that people come here because they need help and they seek help and they need all the support that they can get that we a city with 14 billion budget can provide. We have 7 percent of billion airs in the world living in San Francisco. There is no reason that why we have to mean testing people to get the help that they need and they deserve. It is just unacceptable. We cannot do this. It is not a city that i represent. It isnt the city i grew up in. Something is wrong here and i think we all need to take a step back and have selfreflection. Not just inside this chamber, but all up and down this building. Thank you. Mr. President , it is moments before 3 p. M. I can call supervisor dorsey and why dont you call supervisor dorsey. Supervisor dorsey. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues, today together with supervisor safai i am introducing a resolution recognizing october as Filipino American heritage month. I am incredibly proud to represent the cultural home of San Franciscos Filipino Community in district 6 and know supervisor safai is equally proud to represent the city largest Filipino Community by population in district 11, and we look forward to events and celebrations that will be taking place throughout next month. The history of the Filipino Community in San Francisco is one of incredible resilience and endureing [indiscernible] to fighting redevelopment displacement and gentrification to efforts to expand the opportunities for rent stabilization and rent controlled housing today. I have noted im myself the beneficiary of Filipino Community activism that saved Community Plaza tenants from eviction, including elderly and low income residents and families, many are my neighbors today. Working closely with predecessor supervisor daily secured housing for existing tenants in trenty place and more then that, won Ground Breaking concession like expanding rent control to new units. I have been a trenty place resident sins the first building opened more then a dozen years ago. Expand rent stabilization beyond 1979 earlier, created a model for rent controls housing in the city. I had opportunity to do work on that with board president peskin and i and legislation we cosponsored to add rent stabilization as affordability option for the home sf program. In 2016 the city county of San Francisco officially formed the soma Cultural Heritage district. I look forward celebrating next month with those Community Organizations with all my fellow parishioners at Saint Patrick church and supervisor safai and ib boket represent. Look forward to announcements to come as we celebrate filipino heritage next month; and thank you supervisor dorsey. Madam clerk, please go to our special order 3 p. M. Board of supervisors sitting as committee of the whole item 21 . Committee of the whole is host a public hearing on the laguna honda hospital strategy for recertification and submission of closure and patient transfer and relocation plan and request department of Public Health to present. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues we are sitting as a committee of the whole to discuss laguna honda hospital strategy for recertification and submission of a closure patient transfer relocation plan for which obviously we are all aware we have very good news. Supervisor melgar will as she has in the past take the lead on these discussions. Supervisor melgar, the floor is yours. Thank you so much president peskin and colleagues. It is good news. You have all read but not quite there yet and because this is such high importance for the city, and are because as you all know, we are not yet at the point where we can take transfers in, nor have resolved things with medicare, i thought it would be really important to have everybody understand what is going on be on the same page and grateful the folks from it department of Public Health are here to give their update. We have mr. Pickens and mrs. Simon here who will answer questions and give a presentation. I just want to say a few things. First of all, welcome to sandra simon who is our new ceo at laguna honda. Sandra comes with years and years of experience as an administrator of Nursing Homes and that is really important as you remember that was one of the things pointed out to us in the audit and im grateful she was able to step in. She did spend many years of her career at the jewish home in San Francisco, so she is very familiar with our Patient Population and with our city. So, all of us in San Francisco feel a great sense of pride of everything we have done up until now to save laguna honda. Grateful to so many people. I just want to name a few. Starting with mayor breed and her staff. City attorney david chui, julie [indiscernible] [calling out names] at the City Attorney office. And our former City Attorney [indiscernible] did a lot of heavy lifting. Most importantly, the employees at laguna honda, the doctors, nurses, custodian, administrators, facility folks. It was truly a team effort to get everyone up to speed, recertified, retrained and ready to go. I am confident we will have a better laguna honda that serves San Francisco well over the next generation, and as many of you know, the California Department of Public Health and department of helt care services, recertified laguna honda hospital in the medicaid provider. That is 95 percent of the residents supported at the facility through medical. But we still have a medicare recertification that we have to go through. We have submitted the application, but not had either the audit or been recertified and we will hear from mr. Pickens about that. The recertification was because the staff at laguna honda has proved in multiple rigorous surveys, we could meet the highest standard of resident care and safety, fire, life safety and operations. So,b i would like to welcome pickens and sandra simon and thank them both in advns for your presentation and we also have several city staff who are online or here to answer any questions we may have and thats troy williams, [indiscernible] greg wagoner who we know because he takes care of the money. Thank you and welcome. Mr. Pickens, good afternoon. Good afternoon president peskin. Good afternoon members of the board. Roland pickens, director of San Francisco Health Network and transitioning out of my role as interim laguna honda ceo and passing the helm to our new leader, sandra simon. Wanted to give the opportunity for you to see her. Meet her. She met some of you and sure will make the rounds to meet all of you, but so pleased to have someones of sandras caliber to lead the helm to realize our dream making a 5 year Skilled Nursing facility and the best in the country. We will go ahead and start our presentation and well of course be here to answer any questions you might have. First slide. Laguna honda made tremendous progress in our journey to achieve full recertification to secure our future for another 150 years. The California Department of Public Health, and California Department of Healthcare Services recertified laguna honda in the medicaid provider program, which as you know, funds more then 95 percent of our resident care. This was a extraordinary achievement and represents the collective efforts of our staff, our union partners, you, our government and other leaders and many advocates within the community. This journey could not have been preceded in the passion it has without your support. And the journey is not over, which well talk more about in this presentation. Currently we are working towards recertification into the Medicare Program center for medicare and Medicaid Service and we submitted our application. Next slide. We are now preparing for thorough and rigorous facility wide full cns medicare certification that can come at any time. We applied for medicare recertification because of the tremendous progress we made over the last 18 months and are confidence we are ready to show again that we can and do consistent meet the highest standards for patient care, safety, Fire Life Safety and daily operations. Because laguna has been recertified in the medicaid provider program, we are so fortunate and appreciative of the fact that those involuntary discharges scheduled to take effect september 19 will no longer move forward. This was a great relief to our entire laguna Honda Community and thanks to all you and many others who helped make this achievement possible. Please note, laguna honda continues to transfer patients who no longer have skilled needs that make them eligible for services at laguna honda, or who have completed their care plans and no longer meet the patient profile at laguna. Next slide. I like to address some of the common questions about our recertification journey that have risen as of late. First, there have been questions about when will laguna honda begin admitting new patients . While we are eager to do so, we will only admit new patients once we determine that the improvements we made over the last few months are sustained for the longterm. It is crucial that we wait until this upcoming full Medicare Survey is complete to see what their findsings and what improvements we need to make based on the findings in a form of plan of correction. That is the standard process, when there is a survey there are findings so it is prudent upon us to get those findings and are then make whatever modifications we need tothat need to be made. That also still allows us time to make sure that these recent improvements are hard baked into daily operations. Once we see those cms findings and make improvements well need to insure we make those changes again to sustain them before new admissions start. In addition, we also need to make sure we have all the adequate internal systems in place to welcome new residents. For instance, we spent the last 18 months making sure every resident has a customized and updated individualized plan of care. This has been a major finding over the past several years and so we need to make sure that those processes are solid before new residents are added to our rolls. In addition, the process to begin new admissions will be incremental when it starts and we want to make sure we are admitting residents at a pace we can insure we have the staffing and the infrastructure in place to make sure they are safe and being cared for in a regulatory appropriate manner. It is also important to know when we do begin new admissions, any of the former laguna honda residents transferred due to the cms requirement, they will be our First Priority and given preference for new admission to laguna provided they still meet the Skilled Nursing care level of care requirements. Having new admissions resume at laguna will be the final step in this journey, because it will help insure the complete longterm future of laguna, particularly in terms of additional sources of revenue in the form of medicare dollars. The second issue other then admissions i like to address is the issue of 120 beds. As you recall, when cms updated their rules in 2016, it required those rooms called triplets, spaces that actuallythree separate rooms that share a bathroom, but by definition of a new cms requirements did not meet their physical requirements and thus we were not able to include those 120 beds in our current operations. It is important to note as i said before, those 120 beds have been maintained on the state license in the state of california, and once we go through the medicare certification process, well reassess making sure we meet the requirements of the cms waver to ask them to allow us to bring those 120 beds back online. We recognize the importance of those beds in San Francisco given the dirth of Skilled Nursing facility beds and eager to get them back online. We took that into account as we took them out of operation. We did so in a way that we can quickly put them back into service, put the doors back on those areas, put the furniture back to the space. So, we welcome and will be doing everything to restore the beds as quickly as possible. Finally, i like to thank you for your recent approval of the Emergency Declaration for public works to conduct desperately needed Capital Improvement projects and repairs at laguna, necessary for Ongoing Operations and recertification. The expedited completion of the project will help demonstrate again to cms the city wide commitment to immediate compliance and insure laguna continues to strengthen our position in a successful survey. Throughout the recertification process, we remained dedicated to our residents, their health, safety and wellbeing have and always will be our top priority. We remain confidence laguna is the best place for our residents to receive care. Our goals has always been to demonstrate to both cms and California Department of Public Health that we meet the highest standards for our patient care and safety, and operations. I also like to address the date of our recertification back in the medicaid program. While on august 16, the California Department of Public Health and Healthcare Service rk notified laguna we were recertified in the medicaid program, cms subsequentially later amended the actual recertification date and changed it from august 16 to september 5. It is important to note that cms is not questioning the recertification, only making administrative change to match the official recertification date of the Fire Life Safety plan of correction we completed as part of the 90 day survey number 3. Specifically relating to that Fire Life Safety plan of correction, cms determined that they over and above California Department of Public Health needed to do additional review to give themselves assurance we were in compliance. Upon receipt of the Fire Life Safety plan of correction, cms did infact approve it and gave it a date of approval of september 5 and so therefore september 5 is the official date of laguna honda recertification in the medicaid program. So, as i close and will open this up to the opportunity for mrs. Simon and i to address your questions or comments, again, thank you for all your support over the last several months and know that we are going to be at laguna in a very structured way even as we transition out of incident command to regular operations. I will continue to be on site at laguna for a while to support mrs. Simon as well other members of the incident command team. The commanders [indiscernible] troy williams, supervisor melgar mentioned,b maggie [indiscernible] [calling names] we are not abandoning laguna, we want to make sure that we never find ourselves in this situation again, so we are there for laguna for the longterm. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Pickens and thank you for your work. Supervisor melgar. Thank you mr. Pickens. I know we wont be into the situation again because many of us are here to make sure that Going Forward we are involved. I would like to give mrs. Simon an opportunity to address the board and just introduce herself and talk about her credentials. I have one question for mr. Pickens which is, up until now, most of what i heard from constituents and some colleagues is the anxiety about not being able to get new patients into laguna honda. I wonder if you can talk about that. About the timeline and the risk of admitting new patients until we have the medicare certification . Absolutely. We are operating now at about 200 less residents then we normally would at full operation. At the same time, we made tremendous rapid pace improvements over the last 18 months. Many what we call pdsa plans for improvement to improve our operations. As a result, there are several new systems we have to train staff on to get up and ready, and while we have been successful in our medicaid survey and anticipate being successful in the Medicare Survey, we know that because the systems are new we need to be very careful as we bring in additional patients and add them on top of the volume we have now with existing staff that we have now. We know that i mentioned those individualized care plans. We have roughly about 480 patients right now for whom we have individualized care plans. The word individualized care plan rolls off my tongue like no big thing but it is. It is the result of physicians, nurses, dieticians, therapists, everyone involved meeting with the residents, families and care team to make sure their plans reflect their current needs and their abilities. That is a huge process that as i mentioned has been a issue for laguna for several years, even proir to recertification. We think we made progress in setting up standardized individualized care plans but we know the process isnt complete so would not be in our best interest to introduce a bolis of new residents when we are not yet certain that all those processes have been put in place. When i came here previously i mentioned we had a initiative called, continuous care at the bedside. We brought in experienced nursing home directors of nursing and deployed to each of our 13 neighborhoods or nursing units. That program just started in june so only 3 months into, but paid off hugely helping us proactively identify issues which i think was one of the causes of decertification, lieu guna did not have systems in place to quickly identify problems that then turned into regulatory deficiencies, but now with programs like the cccbm, like what is called a daily Interdisciplinary Team meeting sandra simon brought the last two months we have those systems in place, but all new. Mrs. Simon has only been here since june 26 so we need a few more months, get through the medicare certification, get that plan of correction submit those corrections and then make sure that these new initiatives are hard based and then well be ready to accept new residents. Can we givebefore we go to colleagues, questions if okay a chance for mrs. Simon to introduce herself . Sandra simon. Good to see you again. Good afternoon. Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself. I want to say how thrilled i am to join this Leadership Team and just come in at the end of this 18 month of real culture change and transformative work and come in and help lead the team for sustainability so that we never go back to where we found ourselves. A little about me, i spent my whole career in Skilled Nursing. I wasin college i was working in fast food and my roommate said we are hiring nursing assistants and we always industry has always been short nursing, even back then and so, started as a nursing assistant and decided to change my degree to a bachelor in gerontology and with a new program back then and pursued mba in healthcare and worked my way through various levels of Skilled Nursing organizations. Social services. When i was a baby administrator, a young administrator i used to say, i admired laguna from afar and always used to say i want to work there. I want to work there some day so thrilled to be able to come and join this team and help the city and help this icon be the new laguna honda hospital. Thank you for giving me a few minutes. I dont if you have any questions . Well see. Stick around, mrs. Simon. Okay. Sit in the front row. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you president peskin and thank you supervisor melgar for this hearing and for keeping all of us up to date on what is transpiring at laguna honda, which i think is of interest to all of us and a city wide issue and welcome am mrs. Simon. Thank you for stepping up to this challenge. And i want to follow just briefly on the beds, the numbers, the types and thank you for letting us know of the desire at least or intention to bring those 120 beds online if we can at some point. It has been and i heard from folks and other parts of our Public Health system the inability to get people into beds at laguna honda has been impactful in negative ways. This is horrible for families and folks who had to leave laguna honda but also terrible for a system that doesnt have anywhere to discharge people from higher levels of care. So, from my perspective the sooner we get the 120 beds available for Skilled Nursing, this is everybody perspective, but the realty is we areuntil that happens looking at a system with 120fewer beds. At points along this journey as you updated us, you have talked to us about the thinking been going about the different populations of folks who find themselves there and the particular needs of people with who in addition to other Skilled Nursing needs have severe Mental Illness, Substance Use issues. There is talk along the way that a challenge at laguna honda has been the inappropriate mixing of populations with different needs and maybe it made sense to think about physically separating and having different facilities or parts of facilities used for different populations. There was also apparently i think a working group person thinking going on about the particular needs of people with serious Mental Illness who might find their way to laguna honda, but might not in the future or did need a different version of laguna honda so curious where that thinking is. If it landed anywhere. If it is ongoing. If we have a proposal. Thank you for that question, supervisor mandelman. You recall at the good beginning of the journey there was a root cause analysis. In that analysis it listed 13 areas of possible cause for decertification. One of those was the delivery of Behavioral Health services. The action plan that was created in response to that root cause analysis did just as you described, called for the creation of a group to reevaluate Behavioral Service operations at laguna. That group has been meeting over the last year, and has come together and will be presenting to the Health Commission at the meeting in october. In general, they brought in minds from the community, from ucsf, Behavioral Service to talk about number one, what are the requirements within a Skilled Nursing facility for the provision of search services, Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Cms actually clarified in their what we call phase 3 regulations that went into effect october last year, Skilled Nursing facility must provide mental and Behavioral Health services for those with those needs. In addition to meeting that requirement, the group met. How do you do that in a environment where you are commingling residents who dont have those needs . The group has again met and has a proposal they will bring before the Health Commission at the october meeting and sure will be happy to share that with members of the board as well. I would be interested in that and depending what is in there it might be something that our homelessness Behavioral Health committee might be interested in looking at. I at least would be interested. Supervisor ronan. Thank you. Those are most of my questions but i wanted to congratulate you. Sounds like we can finally breathe and to thank you for all the work. Simon, so excited to meet you and get to work with you and i want to thank supervisor melgar for all her leadership during this grueling excruciating process. Just cant wait to put this behind us and like supervisor mandelman said, begin admitting new patients who desperately need the service. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor melgar, any concluding comments . Mr. Pickens. Just wanted to say thank you again to mr. Pickens and dr. Colfax and mrs. Simon for being up to this Monumental Task and also to all my colleagues for your patience and help along several times, along the way of this journey, so thank you so much, and i after we get Public Comment i would like to make a motion to file this hearing. Thank you supervisor melgar. I open up to Public Comment. All speakers are allowed to two minutes to provide comments. Madam clerk, please call the fics first speaker. Those in the chamber, line up on your right hand side of the chamber. We have a special accommodation i believe at yes, we do mr. President. We are ready pursuant to title 2 of the americans with disability act through a prior arrangement we have an individual who would like to make his Public Comment. Staff, please send mr. Munet shaw through. Thank you. This is patrick. [indiscernible] redirect now to insure laguna honda never faces decertification again. You must create a system of longterm care coordinating council that failed miserable to provide adequate oversight. Clearly those lead to laguna honda being decertified 18 months ago, april 2022 because of the mismanagement by laguna honda staff. Please considerto change appointments to the Health Commission to create greater and more effective oversight over laguna honda. My written testimony, because the Health Commission failed to monitor laguna honda policy and procedures for years, the commission had to race to hf hf1900 pages of highly technical medical and nursing policies that was just catch up work. [difficulty hearing speaker due to audio quality] additional 507 pages of root cause analysis and monthly monitoring reports. It is not [indiscernible] any of those 507 pages of recommendations. The report suggests the health thank you. Thank you patrick for your comments. I do apologize for cutting anyone off. When we get to remote park, but wree are setting the timer for 2 minutes. Welcome. Is this general or just hospital . Just for laguna honda. Okay. In regards to the hospital. They have been killing machines. These hospitals have been turned into killing machines. P i was listening to dr. Brian artis, and dr. Jane rudey and he went to the hospital, he it supposedly covid. He walks in under his own steam and say he has covid and put him on medicine. Day 4 he says let me see the chart and he said, take him off this and put him on that and in 4 hours the man urinated 10 pounds, became cognisant and could talk because dr. Brian put on pausing your time. This is about laguna honda hospital strategy for recertification and the submission of closure and patient transfer and relocation plan. It is still a hospital, right . Laguna honda hospital specifically. I think all are [indiscernible] every hospital including laguna are using this [indiscernible] which shuts down the kidneys and die like dr. Brian artis fath er in law died. It wasnt from [indiscernible] that is the stuff and why we have the highest death rate. It wasnt from covid, it was the [indiscernible] and dr. Brian artis is the only doctor that read these two studies that fauci said shows [indiscernible] made by giliad i tried to buy at several different hospitals, not laguna but wont sell it to me. It is killing the people, so we have to discuss this. We have to talk about this. United states that isnt the subject of this hearing. Ill redirect you. Your time is ticking. Well, if you are not go toog let me talk, it is is a hospital. It is not laguna is using [indiscernible] lets hear from our next speaker, please. Hi. My name is theresa palmer. I worked at laguna honda 15 years, and i have been pretty vocal about laguna honda. There is a reeen there was a book wreten about it called gods hotel, and im very relieved the progress has been made and having an actual certified nursing home administrator at laguna honda for the First Time Since 2005, why did this happen . Why is laguna honda continuing to struggle facility wide with functions that are basic to the care of nursing home patients . Writing a individualized care plan for nursing home patients is one of the fundamental things that you must do, and modifying it when things change. Whythere is a very good reason that the federal government decertified it. It was badly managed, and we got to prevent this from happening again, and i really think the board of supervisors should have a meeting of the whole about this every 3 months until it is fully back in operation and readmitting. I think nursing home residents that had to find facilities out of county because laguna honda has been closed should have priority to come back, and i think please oversee getting keeping those 120 beds. We are not out of the woods yet, but we also, please work on the changes if ness sary to the charter to make sure the oversight never go through this horrible and expensive episode again. Thank you. Thank you dr. Palmer. Anyone else in the chamber . Alright. Just the same [indiscernible] in the case of the hospital, [indiscernible] you have to deal with [indiscernible] thank you. Seeing no one in the chamber getting up to address this matter before the board, mr. President , well head to remote Public Comment on your request. Please do. Alright. We are going to remote callers. Lets have the first caller come through, please. Welcome caller. Madam clerk, no more caller in the queue. Okay, thank you. Public comment is closed. Are there any members of the board who have final comments . Supervisor melgar. I just like to make a motion that we file this hearing. Motion made by supervisor melgar, second by supervisor mandelman. Colleagues take that without objection. The public hearing is held and now filed. Madam clerk, lets go back to roll call for introductions. Yes. Supervisor safai asked to be rereferred after supervisor dorsey. Thank you madam clerk. Just wanted to say a few words to add to filipino heritage month. Thank you supervisor dorsey being the cultural home of the Filipino Community. Im very proud to represent the largest number of filipinos in San Francisco and to celebrate their culture. Wonderful to see them in a number cultural events we experienced over the last few months from parades to food festivals to cultural recognitions and so i thank supervisor dorsey and look forward continuing to partnership with him to uplift and celebrate the wonderful contributions filipinos contributed to San Francisco and will continue to. We went to a wonderful celebration the other night and end with west bay Filipino Community service has been serving Soma Community for all most a hundred years. Or about a hundred years, right . It has gone back some time. But there was a moment in their history where they all most were shut down as a organization and that was when i was a Deputy Director for Community Development. It is important to stabilize organizations like that and continue to uplift and celebrate what they have done for the community and culture. Thank you supervisor dorsey for your partnership and thank you to all the filipinos out there in San Francisco for what you do to make San Francisco special. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor safai. Supervisor dorsey asked to be rereferred after supervisor safai. Supervisor dorsey. Submit. Thank you. Supervisor engardio. Thank you madam clerk. Im introducing a ballot measure urging San Francisco Public Schools to let kids take icalgebra in the 8 grade. Now we make everyone wait until the 9th grade because some kids are not ready for sooner. Lets better prepare all students instead of holding back kids who love math. When did you learn algebra . At my Public School in michigan i took algebra in the 8 grade. This is still the standard today. Most School Districts in the bay area teach basic algebra in the 8 grade. Some let 7 graders take it when they show eagerness and ability in math. In San Francisco algebra 1 isnt offered until 9th grade. Not every student was prepared. This is not a solution. We should do better to prepare all students for algebra and not punish kids who can handle it earlier. By delaying algebra math loving kids in San Francisco are punished because they wont be able to take cal culsh course work by high school graduation. This hurts college options. There are work arounds. Student can cram a year of geometry in Summer School but the long wait list means not everyone gets a seat. Parents can pay for math courses that help students reach calculus by senior year but that only works for families who can afford it. Why does 8 grade algebra matter . Every resident of San Francisco should care about this because well run Public Schools are essential for a city to function and thrive. We have a tail of two School Systems in San Francisco. Private schools are growing and Public Schools enrollment is declining. This reduce School District revenues based oen the number of enrolled students and are this makes it more difficult to provide what students and teachers need. A quarter of our kids attend private school compared to only 9 percent in california. A policy against 8 grade algebra is a big factor when families decide to leave Public Schools when their child reaches middle school. Families also leave San Francisco entirely. They leave for many reasons. Cast of housing, quality of life, and schools. We have the low est percentage of children among major u. S. Cities. It is said San Francisco has more dogs then kids and thats a problem. San francisco future depends on keeping families here. This starts with treating parents like partners and offer programs that make parents want to choose Public Schools, especially the parents stretching themselves to pay for private tuition. How do we get to this point . San francisco stopped letting 8 graders take algebra in 2014. It was a well intended policy. There were concerns about a racial gap in algebra completion rates. The goal was to stop tracking kids based on ability and keep all students together until everyone was prepared to take advanced math classes. But School Superintendent matt wayne told the San Francisco chronicle delaying algebra till 9th grade did not improve out spp comes and study by stanford universe showed the policy had little to no impact on improving pas rates, proficiency or enrollment in higher math classes. Another unintended consequence of the math policy effects college applications. San francisco offers a compression class of algebra 2 and precalculus combined two years of math into one. It is supposed to make up for the late start of algebra 1. This mash up course does not meet emission stanards to university of california system because it doesnt have enough precalculus content to be considered advanced math. Imagine the disappointment of a student who want said to attended a uc school. Rex ridgeway is a advoicate for 8 grade algebra because his grand daurth loves math. Wanted to make sure jocelyn could get into college of choice so payed a thousand dollars for jocelyn to take algebra the summer before 9th grade and another thousand for precalculus class the summer before 11th grade. Rex says knowing calculus in high school is essential because he pointed to uc san diego with 78 majors that begin with calculus. Now his grand daurthoon track with all aerkss in math at Lincoln High School but shouldnt have to be this way. Rex has written opedjz spoxeen at city hall somewhere organize parents to call on the School District to change the algebra policy. The board of supervisors we do not have control over the School District. Our schools are governed by a independently elected school board but every resident of San Francisco is our constituents including parents and students. Their voices deserve to be heard. That is why im is introducing a declaration of policy for the march 2024 ballot. It urges the School District to offer algebra 1 to students by the 8 great and develop a math curriculum that prioritizing excellence for studentst all grade levels. Thank the cosponsors of the measure, supervisor safai, melgar, stefani, and dorsey. Thank tuesday the advocacy of parents like rex ridgeway, the School District initiate adprocess and committee to look at bringing algebra back to the 8 grade. This is great but many parents know that committees can veer in different directions. There is no guarantee what this committee will determine. That is why the ballot measure is important. It gives parents and voters the chance to tell the School District that there is a mandate for 8 grade algebra. Some worry a vital School Bond Measure in march 2024 could be jeopardized by 8 grade algebra measure on the same ballot. I believe the two measures complement each other. Lets vote yes on both. Lets fund our schools and tell the School District we need 8 grade algebra. Both are needed for our Public Schools to succeed. If a kid likes math, lets do everything we can to encourage it. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor engardio. Supervisor melgar asked to be rereferred after you. Thank you madam clerk. So, i am cosponsoring supervisor engardios effort on algebra. I wanted to explain why. So,b i have two main reasons. One is data driven and results oriented as i usually do. As someone who has spent many years doing after school and inschool support around academic recovery, math recovery and reading recovery for low income kids, this was a policy that was well intended that resulted in no outcomes for what it was intended. That is a main reason why i support revisiting it and doing Something Else. I think that when we intend something and it doesnt result that we should have the courage to say, this didnt work out, lets try Something Else and i think this is where we are. This data is at the state level, it isnt just in San Francisco. It has not worked as inteneded. But it is also a equity ish sue for me and want to explain why as a parent because im the mother of three daughters. Two who are math heads and i think it will come as no surprise to you all that math is really important for stem careers, which is something that in San Francisco has been a industry, one really important in San Francisco and silicon valley. People of color and girls are under represented in stem careers. That has had an impact in earning differential, upword mobility which is something San Francisco and bay area always prided itself on. For girls in particular, 5th grade is when girls start saying, im not good in math. This is not something for me. There are all these subtle indirect messages that come from folks around them in educational institutions and peers that reinforce that stereo type about girls and math. I think that we should be doing the opposite of not allowing folks. I like i said have two of my three girls who are math heads. My middle daughter was the president of her Robotics Team in 5th grade and her team was so good they made it to the state finals. We walked into Mission High School in free mont for the state finals and saw thousands of kids all most all boys, and my black latina girl was the only girl who looked like her in the entire room and she looked at me and said, i will fix this mom, some day. I will be the ceo of a company that deals with stem. She went on to major in statistics in college. She is a math head, but we did have the means to support her to get that extra during her school career. My youngest daughter this year is 9th grade and we did have to go through this. The one test the only test that was given in the San Francisco unified School District to enter geometry was on a saturday the day her she was not have been able to take it. I had to fill out forms asking for religious exemption and the school said we are not giving this test this year. I would like parents Going Forward to have a certainty of how this is going to work. I would like the School District if not ready to come out with sequencing starting in third grade, at least be clear what we will do and i would like a system where kids who show promise are given every opportunity and kids who have been disadvantaged are given even more opportunity to be able to succeed so we can equalize the Playing Field for girls, and for people who have been under represented in math and stem fields, because that is our future. I am grateful to supervisor engardio for introducing this and i hope there is a outcome that is positive with our School District, understanding that this is a urging, not anything that we can actually control. Thank you. Thank you. Last but not least, supervisor mandelman. Thank you madam clerk. I have an ordinance and hearing request. The ordinance im introducing is legislation to extend the deadline for Small Businesses to comply with the San Francisco mandatory Disability Access improvement ordinance. That ordinance established what is known as accessible building entrance and know a lot on the board are already familiar with that. As you know, the american with disability act or ada passed in 1990 and prohibit discrimination with people with disabilities. Title 3 focus on businesses mandating the spaces accessible to people with disability. Passed the access improvement ordinance in 2016 to implement these requirements locally and provide a measure of protection to businesses at risk of being sued for failure to comply with it the ada. The City Ordinance lists a multistep process to get in compliance with the ab program. First Property Owners submit building inspected by a licensed architect engineer or access specialist who fills a check list to determine whether the building entrance meets accessibility requirements and any changes that need to be made. After the inspection, the Property Owner must get the Planning Department to review potential changes to the building and are most cases needs to apply for Building Permit to make the modifications. Once the building entrance is upgraded to meet requirements the Property Owner is officially in compliance with of the ab program and if Property Owners dont meet the requirements of the program subject to Building Code enforcement penalties. The ab aerks program also provides for safe harbor exsemption where the physical changes are technically infeasible and necessary changes unreasonable Financial Hardship for the business. Documentation of compliance with the program or city approved exemption provides Small Businesses a Legal Defense against frivolous ada lawsuits. Folks know this. The covid19 pandemic impacted Small Businesses throughout the city to meet the requirement ozf the program. In recognition of those hardships, the board of supervisors amended the ordinance in 2021 to extend 2 years the deadline for businesses to submit check list for Building Inspections and secure the permits to modify their buildings and meet the requirements of the program. With the extended deadline for businesses to obtain the Building Permit necessary to comply with the abe program now at hand, we heard from Business Owners in district 8 and across the city facing significant challenges modifying the building to address the issues or had difficulty requesting exemption from the program for technical and feasibility or Financial Hardship. One Restaurant Owner in Bernal Heights spent thousands of dollars on Building Inspections to address a single step in front of the business entrance. Then the acsess potentialest informed him it is impossible to bring into compliance as removing the step threatens the integrity of the building. This Small Business owner tried to contact both the department of building inspection and Access Appeals Commission to receive exemption but never heard back from either. And my office understand the Access Appeals Commission has not met in two years. A store owner in my district in glen park reached out to a consultant she found online. The consultant convinced the owner to meet Program Requirements she has to payphony thousand to install a Automatic Door owner and the store owner paid that 15 thousand even though we understand a typical insfulation cost several hundred dollars and the door didnt work. So, that is a couple examples we heard and we reached out to the great office of Small Business director katie tang to see if there was a larger program. These folks are not alone. Some folks manage to comply but a lot are running into problems like the one i highlighted. The city would have a Better Process to bring businesses into compliance of accessibility requirements with fewer opportunities for abuse and i know director tang is hopeful the city may be able to achieve the improvement process and committed working on it and having those conversations, but in the mean time, again i know we have done this before, i think we need to provide additional breathing room to the stressed out Business Owners who have not come into compliance. I do want to thank director tang for her thoughtfulness and are desire to work on this and willingness to corral various City Departments to try to figure something out. [indiscernible] explaining these very complicated things to me and for her work on the ordinance and i want to thank supervisor engardio who i understand signed on as cosponsor. Alright. My hearing request i actually thought i was going to do next week, but developments today suggest that today might be the right day. I do not share plainlythis is a issue where folks on the board of supervisors disagree. The mayors announcement of her policyworth noting that that legislation the mayor announced is still being drafted, and so we dont have it in hand to evaluate the particular challenges, but on its face, i think it is reasonable to ask folks in exchange for receiving a cash benefit from the city to engage in treatment. The proposal is not to take away peoples shelter or housing, it is to say the cash will not flow unless folks are willing to engage in treatment. We can have conversation about whether that is horrible or not. I think in the city with hundreds of Overdose Deaths every year it is worth trying and i do think the notion that San Francisco needs to shift from being a place that is trying to keep folks with addictions alive longer until they do die rather then a cityi think we should shift to be a city that supports sobriety and helps folks get started new a life. My concern about this proposal though is more practical one, which is, is the city actually going to be able to pull this off and that is the root of my hearing request. In february, the department of Public Health came up with the annual treatment on demand report reporting on the prior year. I typically do a hearing on the treatment on demand. Late asking for that, but this seems like a good moment to do it. One thing we heard from prior treatment on demand report and hearings is the department of Public Health insist we are basically meeting the treatment on demand obligations and typically have a fight or at least annot a fight, but a argument or where folks who are actually on the ground trying to get folks into treatment, folks engaged with criminal Justice System and dual diagnosis and trying to access treatment for people mono lingual all say we are not actually meeting our treatment on demand obligations. The penut gallery is adding. I have concerns we are not meeting our treatment on demands obligations but think it is worth talking about. I want to thank supervisor stefani for the leadership she provided on this back before the break. You may recall she took the lead on a letter of inquiry that asked about folks that told a story of First Responders trying to access not a treatment program, just detox facility for someone trying to access detox and not able to do that. I dont know that is a completely isolated story. I think it is not. Thank you supervisor stefani. I dont know if you have anything you want to add. I will say this is a unajndized item and we are getting to the point where deputy City Attorney givener is starting to question whether or not we are having substantive discussion which dont think we crossed that line, but supervisor stefani, you are advised. I will try to heed that advice. I think i shall succeed. Thank you president peskin. I just wanted to add first of all, thank you supervisor mandelman introducing the hearing we have been talking about quite some time, and to say why im joining on to that hearing, the discussion that has been had and one reason why i care so deeply about those who suffer from Substance Abuse is because i grew up in a home with a lot of it, and my lived experience informs how i make conclusions, the policies i try to pass, the people i try to hold accountable, and i dont think that is something that should be made fun of, discounted, or in any way dismissed. When i think about what propels me to try to hold the department of Health Accountable in terms of the letter of inquiry i did and this hearing, i with know with a brother who struggled with drug addictions to every single drug out there since he was 18, he is now 51, who i cant begin to tell you the struggle my family and my parents went through in terms of trying to get my brother the help he needed. Addicted to everything and of course heroin was the worst towards the end, and he was living at home when my dad trying to help him. He had 5 kids but two living with him, and giving my brother money and paying his rent was not working because the rent didnt get paid and my brother spent it on drugs and my dad had to stop giving my brother money and raise my two nephews. My brother is finally sober. He gave up drugs. He is finally trying to give up alcohol at 51, still struggling with his health, and it is extremely difficult to watch because i love him beyond comprehension. I love my mom and love everyone and my dad who no longer is cognisant of what is happening, but what i have seen my family go through, not just my mother, this is oldest of 6, the isis family disease. I have a sister who i had to help. Raise her son for little bit, and so when i come to a conclusion that giving people money to do the drugs that might kill them might be a problem, i am not a bad person. I am not someone who is thinking about harming others. This is a concept and a way to try to help people, and i will not participate in anything that will make peoples live worse and one reason as supervisor mandelman stated, we have to believe that we can do better to deliver services, or it wont work. There is no point to it. Unless we get the department of Public Health to do better. They are not delivering on treatment on demand. This whole no wrong door policy is somewhat of a joke. And so, i wholeheartedly join in this hearing request after i sent that letter to the department of Public Health inquiry about the status of our withdraw management treatment system. In response the San Francisco department of Public Health provided information on the process an individual must go to seek medical detox and gave statistics on effectiveness of services delivered by our contracted non profits. The response did not provide sufficient answers to the questions i and supervisor mandelman raised in the letter. The data provided left me with additional questions. These questions include, how effectively are with draw management care starts sustained path to recovery and how the treatment on demand annual report fails to match with anecdotal evidence i hear from those in recovery because i know tons, hundreds of people in recovery in this beautiful city. Those who all working in Recovery Centers and blessed to know them and also those who are trying to get people into recovery. First responders who are constantly telling me the struggles of getting people to help they need. For example, the letter, the response states in fiscal year 2022, 23, 1683 withdraw management discharges from health right 360. The Salvation Army and joe heely program. Of these discharges, 671 to residential treatment and 672 to outpatient treatment programs. Discharged from withdraw treatment about the plan to continue recovery. Are we keeping data on the individuals with detox care and if so how many times on average do we see patients receive these services. These are critical questions that we need hard data on to better understand where the gaps in the system are and what is leading to individuals falling off the path to recovery in our continuum of care in San Francisco. Dph response the wait time is less then 1 day for patient who completed initial assessment to be admitted. Yet later in the response States Health right 360 admitted 45 to 55 percent of individuals seeking withdraw management. There is discrepancy. Where do our Service Providers lose the other 45 to 55 percent of individuals who seek with draw management . Are they return to the life plagued to addiction and that is what is happening. It is revolving door. I know how hard it is for people to want to get help from their addiction. Denial is a huge part of this disease and we have to be ready and willing to do everything we can. We have to have the resources. Have to have paths to get them into beds and we have to make sure we have detox in Everything Possible before we embark on anything that takes away services from people, but by god, the fact that we are giving people funds that are helping them continue in their addiction without helping them with their addiction. We can do better. And i know we can do better. I do admire the passion because i know the passion comes from a good place and i know that we have to somehow come together on this because we all care on our own way about this issue, but i hope to god we can come together because like i said, what i have been through in my family and what i see people the mothers i talk to, the departments going through, what everyone is going through in terms of trying to help those with Substance Abuse addiction, it is a real problem and one that is hard for a lot of people that has grown up in this miserary and tell you im committed to do everything to continue to get at the isue and why i was the first supervisor to provide a platform to those in recovery. The recovery summit working group, those formally incarcerated and go to meetings every day, those who admit they have a problem with alcohol or drugs, those who are living a life free of drugs and alcohol. They came here and told us what works for them and we have not listened to them in a way that has been effective. Im going to make sure again through our hearings with supervisor mandelman we continue to push on department of Public Health to do better and provide more resources for those who are suffering from Substance Abuse addiction and to make sure we are not taking away from them and making the lives more miserable but by god we better make sure we are doing everything we can to help those who suffer from this disease. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor stefani. Seeing no names on the roster, that concludes introduction of new business. General Public Comment. Alright. Those who are here in the chamber please line up on your right hand side of the chamber. You may speak to items 27 and 28. The items under adoption without Committee Reference calendar. Other general matters that are not on todays agenda, but are within the boards subject matter jurisdiction. All other agenda content will have been reported to the board by a appropriate committee where the Public Comment requirement has occurred. We still have our season interpreters, they know to jump in once we have a speaker in language and lets hear from our first speaker. Welcome. Ill set the timer for two minutes. Like two hours but if you give me two, better then nothing. Okay. [indiscernible] a great enemy of the church and he killed christians and then got saved and he wrote many of the books in the new testament and he said if any man preach any other gospel to you then that which i preach if he was a angel, let him be cursed. Let him be cursed. That is very simple. Christ died for our sins according to the scripture. He was buried and raised again the third day, according to the scriptures. That is david said, he would be raised. Isaiah said he would be killed. David said, he would be pierced. Hands and feet would be pierced. There are scriptures in the Old Testament that said he would die and why would he die . He dies for our sins. If you dont come to him you are doomed. You are toast. You really are. When you die, really. Here is a few things he said. If any man wants to be my dispipeal disciple and does not hate his own life also, he cant be my disciple. If he doesnt take up his cross and follow me, he cant be my disciple. In a different occasion, he stated it differently. I have come to set the world on fire. Come to bring a sword. If you dont love me more then your mother, your father, your sister, brother, wife, children or your own life, you are not worthy of me. He is the only way to be saved. The hour is late. Hes coming back soon. One thing he did not say, but that year [indiscernible] he didnt say that. We are in the sabbath year now. It certainly implies that and [indiscernible] thank you for your comment. Lets hear from our next speaker, please. Good afternoon. District 11 native and i am here to thank supervisor engardio, safai, stefani, melgar and dorsey for using your authority under the charter to listen to the people and placing a ballot measure in march regarding algebra. You are listening to voters who care about opportunities for all students at all schools. Francisco, aptos horace man, james lick, presidio, all the junior highs in San Francisco. I had a lot to say, but supervisor melgar said it so well so powerfully caring for all kids. Our kids in San Francisco should not be bistandards to stem careers. They should not be looking out as a Sales Force Tower and not envision ing in their future a job there in technology, in science and math and that is what the taking away the 8 grade algebra has done for too many kids. This is a opportunity to let the voters speak and you through your powers have listened to those voices, those parents, those families and we appreciate your efforts and thank you for your efforts overall for San Francisco. Thank you. You guysthey want to take the america from the natives. They called them savages. They want to take the coyote heel, call wild animals and they want to put them in some kind oftake the street from the homeless and call them ah. Somebody isif i disappear i want people to look into what happened. This is a huge thing that happened. Over the last 2 years people have whole peninsula [indiscernible] about 50 or hundred times a day i hear it. When i was a child i was tortured. I have the evidence. Big chunksover thousand lacerations. Every day beaten and tortured as a child and this all frashs back when people put me down. [indiscernible] telling people that i had housing dozen times andi give permissiononly one time the city gave housing. I came out of the hospital [indiscernible] 5 years. This is horrible. [indiscernible] i cant get housing. It looks like im on drugs [indiscernible] i cant stop doing it when the flashbacks come back. I was in housing. You kicked me ouls. I was there 5 yearsism kicked out falsely and started antihomeless thing. I cant function or get housing and look at the state calling me this and there is a crime going on i i have done and tell everyone about it but not crime to put handcuffs on but tell the whole state of california. [indiscernible] im a good person. Never hurt anyone. Needs to be looked into. Smallpox blankets and [indiscernible] thank you for your comment. Good afternoon board. Christopher cline. Just wanted to talk about Technology Today another target closing, Banana Republic closing and good restaurant closeing. I will make it simple for everyone in here. I have a document here from february 6, 2013 from department of justice and the fbi. It was unclassified and now public record. It is the technology called a stingray and are this was specific for Law Enforcement for lawful purposes. Unfortunately the mayor got a hold of it and gave to civilians and are they deployed it on large groups of populations in San Francisco. Line item 2, the San Francisco Police Department assumes responsibility for operating the Equipment Technology in accordance with federal law in regulation and accept sole liability for any violations thereof irrespective of the fbi approval. You will not like what i say next, but she put it ontechnology that influence you. It is illegal, unethical and needs to be looked into. I filed complaints with department of justice to do that for you, but it really would probably be better coming from you as well. And since we are talking about Public Health, Public Health knows this. They have similar technology. A lot of people struggling is because they have a stingray placed on them cyberstocking them and have increased anxiety. Vote to them at all cost or they dont get anything in return, no benefits. That is all i have. If something wants the document ill send it to the board of supervisors. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Does my time start now . Now. I want to say i love San Francisco. I believe in the heart of a world class sanctuary city. It is said the health of the city measured by the local and street art which is a reason im here today. Jd cutana, a best seller author and artist and former Government Social worker pursuingwriting a news article [indiscernible] which includes partnership with the Midmarket Business Association and possibly colab[indiscernible] larger plan for the city. None of which champion the arts. The focus of the funds are going to 15 preselected organizations and appear to be focused on the funding of high art investing in real estate. More specifically, 15 million is just a drop in the ink well of San Francisco 14 billion coughers. What is the fate of the artist . Why are well funded organizations like the fac [indiscernible] 15 programs 15 programs receiving this million allocation while struggling artists and galleries are left with art campus closure of fort mason [indiscernible] is this about art or taking advantage of talented artists which is who have most [indiscernible] history tells the initial burst of funds spur artistic revival but when the tide receives find high and dry. More Economic Development with little art thrown in. More importantly, america likes art but not artist. [indiscernible] commitment to the life force of the city, student, artists. Forging connections, sharing experience, creating community. Inspire others to inge cha. Why not provide arts education. What if city hall allocate [indiscernible] paint the future as we desire. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Thank you. Hi, president peskin and supervisors. Luke bornhimeer. Thank you supervisor peskin for leadership on the resolution for city wide no turn on red policy and encourage you all to support or cosponsor the resolution. Turn [indiscernible] stressful for people. Implementing no turn on red city wide make it safer, easier and more comfortable for people to cross the streets and straets safer and more predictable for drivers. Thanks to the leadership of supervisor haney, sfmta implemented no turn on red in the tenderloin in 2021 and the Agency Evaluation of that implement showed and this is critical to hear, 92 percent driver compliance with no turn on red with nearly Traffic Enforcement enthe city and 80 percent decrease in close calls and 92 percent in blocking or driving through cross walks. No turn on red is studied in cities around the country and shown to increase safety for all people, especially people walking and on bike s. But car drivers and passengers. Sfmta doesnt have a city wide policy but the agency can approve and implement a policy immediately. Supervisor preston resolution helps raise awareness about the need for city wide policy and encourages sfmta to approve. Encourage you to support the resolution and join no turn on red policy to make it safer, easier and more comfortable to cross the street in our city and make our streets safer and more predictable for drivers. Anyone who wants to support no turn on red campaign go to ntorff. Com and send an email. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Alright. Hi. My name is [indiscernible] electrical engineer and parent of two sfusd alumni. Thank you supervisor engardio. 10 years ago city supervisors tried to advocate along with families not to delay algebra 1 to no avail. The district wasnt tracking before the delay and they hadnt been for years. Everybodys was placed in algebra 1 in 8, now everybody is placed in algebra 1 in 9. My son was the last of algebra 1 in 8 and able to get to calculus at 12. He is now an electrical engineer. I paid for my daughter to [indiscernible] with 8 grade math to take geomry in 9 and calculus in 12. Now a stem college senior. Common core 8 grade math is not equivalent to algebra 1. Stem professors wrote to the sfusd Math Department saying the common core 8 grade curriculum is not comparable to algebra 1 course. This letter also references the district created compression class which tries and fails to combine algebra 2 and precalculus as antithetical to reresponsible preparation. It is not equitability people with resource have access to pathsways those dont. Not Everyone Wants to go into stem, however those who do especially the socio economically disadvantaged should have the same opportunity as privileged counter parts. In 1982 you didnt need high school calculus, now many stem colleges look for it and so many studsants apply with it. We need to diversify the field. We need to make sure all district students who want to go to stem colleges are preparedism thank you. Thank you for your comments. My name is susan, resident of district 2 and the parent of three sfusd alumni. Im not go toog repeat everything said about 8 grade algebra because it is true. I will say that i looked at the last yearslatest state standderedized test results and are indicated 40 percent of 7th graderss in sfusd passed proficiency test, level 3 and 4. That translated to 1250 students prepared to take 8 grade algebra and multiply 1250 times 9, thatd is roughly 10 thousand students over the last 9 years who did not have the opportunity to take 8 grade algebra in our San Francisco Public Schools. Just think about that. That is 10 thousand students that you make them waste their time. They were quite prepared so i want people to know it impacts real people. That is number one. And also, equity acknowledges that all students can learn math in every grade, especially in elementary and middle school. Sfusd by default has given up on economically disadvantaged and under educated students. The achievement gap in black and hispanic students shocks the conscious of caring adult. What are you going to do about it . We heard number of times that the city has a 14 billion budget, just throw a few million or way so our 8 Grade Student can take it and also the school board should listen to what we have to say and i support putting on the ballot in march 2024 8 grade algebra issue. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Hi. My name is [indiscernible] the parent advocate of two San Francisco unified School District boys. Thank you supervisor engardio, dorsey, melgar, safai, stefani for coming together to make this algebra 1 ballot measure happen. I am not a fan of politics to the school, but this is all hands on deck. The citizens of San Francisco want algebra first back in the 8 grade. It has been a decade of damage since the district moved algebra 1 out of 8 grade. Parents are leaving. This move will help motivate the district to do the right thing and give kids the opportunity to take algebra 1 in middle school. I have a son, hes in 7th grade and is so smart and he can do this. He can do this math. He can do this and dont want him to be discontinued of not doing this math. I hope it will come pback. 8 grade math, because hes a brilliant student and also, i have parents so i know there are dedicated into Public School, but they want to leave or thinking about leaving because there is no 8 grade math. Their kids are just as intelligent as my son and i urge you to bring this to happen. Thank you so much. For introducing this. We recognize you do not control the School District. Ill be over there in a couple hours talking to them. You represent the city and county of San Francisco. We are here tosupport the ballot measure to bring algebra back to middle school. Send a message from the city that San Francisco values math. Thats what we want. We want that message to come out. San francisco values math. Given the opportunity, kids are capable of mastering common core algebra 1 before 9th grade. Working around the School District ban my youngest child did that and by todays age cut off would have been at 7 grade at the time. 98 Percent School on math validation test was not too shabby. Kids are capable oof doing the math, but not all students have that opportunity. All students should have that opportunity. I urge us the city of San Francisco to send a message to School District that San Francisco values math. No one should tell kids they cant take math that they are ready for and want to take. Offer algebra in middle school. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My snaim is rex ridgeple pway and like to say of all these young people here, this is great. I just want to say fortune favors the brave and you guys are next leaders. I want to acknowledge you guys. Supervisor engardio, stefani, melgar, stefani, and dorsey you 5, i want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. [saying thank you in different languages] i said thank you in 9 languages because this San Francisco has world wide people all over the country and in [indiscernible] 8 grade algebra. Ill cut through because a lot already talked about something but this is very important. Because 8 grade algebra to the 9 grade they had to create a hocuspocus course called compression course. Little algebra 2, precalculus wrapped in one course and the Math Department of stanford, ucla, uc berkeley and harvard wrote a letter in june 2022 to the district saying this course is bs. That is basically what they said. Here is the thing, at Lincoln High School, a math teacher who teaches the compression course told her class that it should be banned. That is a teacher whoim not going to name names, but the teacher told the compression course that she teaches that this compression course should be banned because you cannot teach a little of precalculus, little of it to get the calculus. What you guys have done is helped us put Major Pressure and embarrassment on the School District to thank you rex for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. [indiscernible] speak on school board. Supervisor melgar spoke abouti live in freemont. My daughter graduate. Computer science, other biology. My son is in 12 grade. He wants to go oo john hopkins. [indiscernible] i dont have money. I lost my house because of taxi medallions. It sucks our blood. [indiscernible] now i speak about School Districti urge you all should visit freemont School District and [indiscernible] number one. And where you should visit my [indiscernible] uber is not allowed in my city because mayor of the city is my college mate and listen to me, but you dont listen to me. I come here every meeting, butthere is no [indiscernible] victimization of the taxi drivers. Thousands ofsorry, thousand of uber drivers [indiscernible] show solidarity with ride share drivers, did nothing for us. It is disgrace. [indiscernible] because i want to see [indiscernible] been to new york, boston, chicago, washington dc and princeton and new york so saw taxi drivers so happy with smile on their face, make money. Thank you for your comments. Speaker time is concluded. Thank you. [speaking in the background] thats enough. Thank you. Good afternoon. You know who i am. You can also see how pissed off we are. You guys can do nothing. You can do nothing for us. Supervisor peskin wrote a resolution to the bank and mta to get something going. Have you followed up on the resolution you wrote . Any of you guys. Frustrating. So, now there is a Pilot Program that is city launched to put fly wheel on uber platform. Can you believe that . We sat down with the representatives and are said we cant give you the meter rate but can pay more for surge price so encouraging us to charge them more then we are regulated to charge. Does that sound right, guys . Now, four months later, i was bullied by my company not to speak and fight what they are doing because they will make moneyeverything is money. Look at london breed comment and the sweeping of the homeless. I dont like the tents, but it is true. They take it away and kick them to the curb. A Convention Comes in, they sweep them down to 8 and mission, 9 and market. It looks great and what happens after we let them go back on the streets . We are making strides. Where will say we are making strides. Now the city after 4 months of this one year Pilot Program which always runs forever, wants to make it three years. You cant get through the first damn year and want three years to screw me. They are doing this up front pricing. If you take a taxi you know the price. We have a meter. This isnt brain science. They are pushing us to be uber. Im tired of San Francisco feeding these Tech Companies because once they are done sucking us dry, they go to nevada, they go to idaho. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon and mr. Aaron peskin and all the board of supervisors. Good to see you again. The same issue and Everybody Knows what is going on with the taxi community. I really wish you guys give us providers the justice, because working 18 to 16 to 18 hours every day, not giving time to family every day, we did for one year. You guys [indiscernible] been gone years and years and we still there and we are still [indiscernible] pushing ourselves. With blood sugar and cholesterol and arthritis everything is getting us. You have millions of decisions and are this decision is compared to other decisions is nothing. They will make our life easy because we have family but you dont see our family. What time i go home they are sleeping. When i come from work they are out of school so we are missing all the living life. Living in a beautiful country, living a great city in San Francisco and suffering every day with the stress and getting claust phobic sitting in the cab 6 hours, [indiscernible] as you guys know, Everybody Knows that we taxi culture is dead and only technology which is good, but please i just want you to bail us out. If it is not like mr. Peskin did last time for [indiscernible] waiting for 5 to 6 hours. If we do more probably able to make more money unless before we get bailed out. Thank you for your time. Appreciate it. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. My name is [indiscernible] here in support of supervisor engardio measure can you pull that microphone close to you and starting your time now. My name is autumn here in support of supervisor engardio measure to bring algebra back because delaying algebra has consequence. On my way in here i was speaking with a college student. Just before this meeting. She was shut out from algebra in middle school and derailed her dreams to attend a competitive collegeism she dialed down her hopes and still hurts today. I dont want San Francisco kids to have their dreams derailed. I want them to have the same opportunity as their peers down the peninsula. Many San Francisco families leave the districtb in middle school to get those opportunities. They want their kids to have access to algebra because it opens doors. This isnt a small problem. One in 7 Public School 5 graders leave the district for middle school. Bring algebra back. It st. True the school board will vote on algebra next february but if they vote to bring it back, the ballot measure is necessary. In 2018 agreed to bring back neighborhood schools. It has been 5 years and still waiting. I dont want that to happen to algebra. Every year of delaying means hundreds of kids left behind. Thats a betrairl of principles to give every child a chance to succeed. Put algebra on the ballot and let the voters bring algebra back. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome. Hi, thank you for the opportunity to speak and like to thank you for putting the 8 grade algebra back on to the ballot and i want to say special thank you to supervisor engardio, dorsey, mandelman, stefani, safai stefani, safai. Stefani and safai, excuse me, and melgar. The importance of algebra in 8 grade is showing that San Francisco does care about education. We had 8 gradealgebra pushed to 9th grade since 2014 and it hasnt produced the results we hoped for. The test scores and the opportunities gap which used to be called the achievement gap has not improved in the time for us to redirect our courts and let the school board know that it is necessary to have algebra back in the 8 grade. I think that is a wise move to put the ballot measure in front of the voters to send a message to the board, to send a message that the voters care and San Francisco does care about the education of our youth. Thank you again. Thank you for your comments. Lets hear from our next speaker. Welcome. Can i please have the yes. Place it. Try to center it. There we go. Start now . Thank you. My name is christine, proud graduate of Lowell High School. I would like to point out when i went to Lowell High School in 1989, you can see that i had to actually move the put my own dot here. We had 65 thousand students in the sfusd. Im so old this chart does not include my demographic group. We need our board of supervisors to send a message to the board of education and allow the citizens of our city to do this. Math matters, algebra mattersal scepter education matters. Algebra means reunion of parts. It is a arabic word. Math is a language. It is a language that derives from a place where there are no boarders or boundaries or countries. It is universal to all people and when we speak about education, we must not just speak about black people or brown people or girls or boys, all people uplifting everybody so everyone is eligible to participate in stem. Most unified School Districts in california, algebra is mandatory in the 8 grade. How can our students compete if people are moving out of San Francisco at this rate . How will we fill the homes we need to build . Please, stand in front of San Franciscos Golden Gate Bridge with a big sign that says, come back, we are fixing middle school and please Start Holding hearings every quarter with the board of education to take on transportation and other items to make sure everyone gets to school and feels supported. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Well come collect that from you. Thank you. Mr. White. Welcome. Object to the cuts proposed for mr. Scott, the police chief and his staff. Every time there is a negative multimillion dollar cash flow you want other people that dont have nothing to do with the problem to pay for it. For example, each and every one of your board of supervisors got a Salary Increase of 1500 per month. You got it during the tax cutss of president trump. A combination of highx tas that can only be afforded by the multimillion high Tech Companies you ended up with the largest amount of money in the city that you had in the history of the city and county of San Francisco. Passing money like candy passed out to kids trick or treating on halloween and you turn around when you have a 180 million negative cash flow and want people that have nothing to do with the problem pay for it instead of you. You have been paid and wasting 165 thousand a month. Multiply by 12 because 12 months in a year, that is 198 thousand per year between all your board of supervisors being overpaid. There was no reason to get that Salary Increase. You are doing the same amount of work now then before you got that Salary Increase. It was unjustified. It is a misappropriation of funds and insult on everybodys intelligence. Total of 792 thousand a year and about this drug addiction problem, i told you about that and you still wouldnt Pay Attention to me. You talk about a safe injection site aint a thing safe about being present while using drugs. Now have the highest overdose rates in the United States. [indiscernible] that he went to. You got a situation [indiscernible] but not low income bracket people. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Mr. Williams, city worker, just like you are. This is regarding reparations. There is no amount of compensation that can be repair the damage, but lets make it reasonable. [indiscernible] there is no eccuse not to pay cash reparations. The jews got it, [indiscernible] get annually, look it up. They are getting all most 2 billion annually right now they have been getting since the holocaust and that is less then 50 thousand Holocaust Survivors and now in San Francisco we only have 4 percent of black residents left here. You dont have a lot to pay here. If i got a Million Dollars in my pocket right now, im still homeless in San Francisco because i cant buy a house. My house is 2 million. Think about that. So, there is no excuse for that and banks closing, malls closing. It is like a ghost town. You got to restore the economy. This ispeople arerunning rampant. Crime is rampant. What it would do if you did pay reparations it would cut crime 50 percent across the boardism think about that. You want to feel safe going out to your cars . Crime will be cut 50 percent and then you got to restore the economy. Revive the economy. If you pay that you can revive the economy and make this world a better place. Thank you mr. Williams for your comments. Next speaker, please. Sfgovtv can you zoom out a bit so we can see a bit more . If you can begin your comments ill start your time. I will start your time now. My name is [indiscernible] chandler and i am an abolitionist and social justice fighter for my people for my nation to make a better humanity and also the mother of [indiscernible] murdered the San Francisco homicide on january 9, 2015 and that was 8 years and 8 months and also moving and yet still waiting for a trial date. Im the only mother of the quadruple that never missed a court date going to court every two weeks. All most going on you say 9 years now. July 1, 2015mize steiner was murdered at the wharf by immigrant and her case has now been closed. All been closed. Her case was 6 months after the quadruple homicide and we are still waiting. Now the unfortunate thing, it is obvious it is racism and discrimination here and we as a nation is not being acknowledged and it is because a nation without the knowledge of selfis like a tree without roots, which means culturally, if you erased of your culture ceremonies your sacred language the connection to the spiritual realm and taught you were nothing but a slave and worthless, you are not able to stand and fight and are represent the way we need to. Many will show up, feel the house when it has to do with money, but you notice it is all most [indiscernible] and so what will be very few of us and because i stand in the name ofi have the strength to stand even of the murder of my child. I will not stop. I protested for the week and one day with District Attorney and now assigned me to meet with her on the 29. I want to leave with this. This is written by georgia washington. The power under the constitution will always be in the people. It is adjusted for defined purposes thank you sella. [speaking in the background ]thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is ellie smith, a d4 resident and former student and graduate of both the public and private School System here in San Francisco. I dont have any specific statistics to cite, but here to profusely thank supervisor engardio, supervisor safai and hope i got the other three correct, dorsey, stefani and melgar for supporting the ballot measure to put the option of algebra back in the 8 gradeism i chss a young student in the Public School system, i would get in trouble for day dreaming,ic looing out the window and not paying attention in school. Looking back i realize now that a lot of the cause of that was just wasnt challenged in school, so i am a big proponent to allow to [indiscernible] math or academic subject. We dont want kids at the very worst finding school to be boring and dropping out or not feeling the pride of being challenged and not feeling the pride of succeeding in something they knew they could master or thought they couldnt master, or especially we dont want them experiencing the tragedy of not being qualified to apply for a top college of their dreamsism thank you so much to the 5 supervisors who are endorsing putting this on the ballot and putting this more challenging math class at the 8 grade level for those who desire to take it. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon board. Sure all you know my already. Jake hunter and copresident of [indiscernible] i spoke to a lot of working class residents and tourists who are trying their hardest to make their experience here in San Francisco the best one ever. It used to be where a small shop owners had nightmares in their sleep but now the nightmare happens while wide awake at work. Smashed windows, property stolen, front vandalized and some cases owners murdered. Our tourists are treated just as bad as residents cht these tourist are people who could have chosen anywhere in the world to respond their time and chose San Francisco. They came here with belongings and leave without them because out of touch leaders believe it is the fault of the people they became victims, not the fault of the perpetrators. Now, i used to be homeless for 20 year s and i never thought my biggest fear would be if the business i work at would be shut down because of the theft, crime and inaction of this elected body whos job is care and safety of the city. Some say businesses have popped up around the city and that is true and good, but it is not enough if more are leaving rather then coming in only for new businesses to follow suit and leave as well. Now, we dont suffer the gun violence like chicago or the constant chaos like new york, but we suffer from criminals who keep committing crimes because members on this board would rather coddle then contain them. This to me is very unacceptable. 60s problems are or 2024, the very people who reside in the city will do that. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello board supervisors. Everyone. Ace on the case. Im here to talk politics because politics is full of tricks and sometimes it makes you turn to a lunetic. I want to talk about reparations. In the article i read, clusters are saying something about the mayor and saying, mayor isnt supporting the reparations office. The mayor is not giving the blacks the money because she says it has to come from the feds. The bottom line, i have to do interviews to find what is going on. My name is ace. The president says theit has to support reparations for fillmore heritage center. That comes from the fillmore. Im the fillmore corridor ambassador and been around 20, 30 years, but that should [indiscernible] we are dealing with housing, health, education, the population is going down. No doubt about it. And politics getting ready to go into election year. A lot of you cant talk about politics now. I can say what i want to say. Im here supporting london breed without a doubt. Queen bee from the fillmore. You saying she dont want to support the issues. She is black. How she dont want to support it . She probably cant say it now because politics is full of tricks and turn you into a lunetic. Here to say the reparationi dont know what you plan on doing. You havent passed it. Aint got the money to do it and bottom line, our people want to know what is going on and i want to know about my [indiscernible] i want my [indiscernible] great grand father was George Washington and i got three generations under me. My name is ace, im on the case. Thank you for your comments. Any other member of the public like to address the board during general Public Comment . Seeing no one get up, well head to remote call in system. Thank you madam clerk. Lets hear from our first caller. Caller, welcome. Are you with us . Yes, i am. Good afternoon. You know who this is. Im calling in remotely because i dont feel like showing up in person. First offalgebra ballot measure. It is stupid idea to put on the ballot. It is talking the political football for something sfu [indiscernible] for those who use drugs. Im a cocaine user myself, but never bought it myself. My bff gets me cocaine. [audio cutting in and out] [indiscernible] but she wants to crack on poor working class people who do drugs. This is 2023 San Francisco. Not [indiscernible] i yield my time. You. Lets hear from the next caller, please. Hello caller, are you with us . Ladies and gentlemen of the board, good evening. I stand before you today to discuss a issue that effects each and every resident of our community. The state of our Public Transit system. As our cities grow, so does the need for reliable efficient and sustainable transit network. Lets talk about accessible. Currently many areas are under served by Public Transit forcing to rely on personal vehicles. This not exacerbates transferic but also limits opportunity for those who cannot afford a car. We must expand our bus and train routes to reach these areas and offer more frequent service, especially during peak hours. Secondly, affordability is a concern. High fares discourage from using Public Transit. I propose we explore options for subsidized fares for low income families, student, senior and most importantly immigrants. We need to purchase as many cattle cars a we can andback to home land to run can we cut that caller off, please . Can we hear from our next caller, please . Caller, are you with us . Welcome, caller. Perhaps that is unattended line. Next call. Welcome caller. Are you with us . Good afternoon. Hello, can you hear me . Yes, we can. Welcome. How much time do we get . Setting the timer for two minutes. Okay. Thank you. Good afternoon board of supervisors. Gilbert, district 8. I want to show my support for supervisor dean preston and his legislation to have no turn on left and hopefully no turn on right neither. He is a transit first supervisor that supports transit riders and transit in the city and we need his support for this legislation. I hope other supervisors will follow along so that [indiscernible] safe in the city. Muni only cares about fare hikes and service cuts. We need a Transit System that works and not a dysfunction at muni. Also, disappointed that billion airs like elon musk are putting bounties on supervisor heads and [indiscernible] interfere with our elections. This is what happens when billion airs and million airs run rampant in the city and have control over code and now corporations are writing their own traffic codes in the city. We need a city that works for transit for everybody. Not the super rich. Thank you. Thank you gilbert for your comments. Lets hear from our next caller, please. Welcome. Supervisors, yes, hello, mr. Decosta, please continue. It is a little confusing today. Okay. You have heard that the mothers ask you all for help because their children have been killed. You have heard the taxi drivers plead their case. What i see more and more when i listen to you all is that you have no empathy. Have some empathy on those who are suffering. Thats all i got to tell you all in the two minutes you have given me. This city has lost its conscious. Have empathy on those who ask for help. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Decosta for your comments. Alright. Lets go to our next caller, please. Yeah, hello. Hope im coming through. How long do i have . Two minutes. Okay. Good. General comment. I can talk about whatever . Generally, yes. Ill start your timer now. Good. This is within the purview of your group because i will talk about the double standard and discrimination used against white people. Also talking about your algebra on discussion. I think it is important we teach math early because these kids are learning math way too slow to be competitive. It is bad enough that they are livering in that city filled with these type of influences like the people who have been calling. I guess you can say words likebut you cant say the yiddish word for circle which is [indiscernible] and somebody said that and you cut them off. This is the reason why the jews were called that is because when they came into ellis island they put a x on their hand. Hold an second, please. What i talk about is discrimination against white people well go to the next caller. Welcome. Hello, my name is bandy, a Public School parent and sorry is the comments people have had to hear but it doesnt surprise me this is coming from our proponents as 8 grade algebra. Our kidsi am a parent of a middle school child and i see the curriculum. Sfusd revamped the courses so kids are learning algebra in kindergarten and i wish that you supervisors would talk to supervisor walton who had experience working in our Public Schools and also 8 years as a board of education and as the president. This has been a very successful curriculum for our students, a lot of schools around the United States want to copy it, and we dont need to take the district back. This is essentially a segregationest policy which seg greats many of our children with learning disabilities into different classes instead of learning side by side with their peers. This has againi really appreciate all the work from our teachers and think this is disrespectful of math teachers, many have seen the benefits. I dont see any teachers here and think this is so disrespectful to create the legislation without our Math Department involved. This is just a many examples we have seen of teachers disrespected in the United States. We saw this with the recall and if you care about numbers we had teachers who because of the superintendent chosen by our prorecall school board, we have teachers who have not even gotten paid because we have unfortunately an administration that not for the last year and a half been able to figure out their pay roll. I dont really think that our prorecall folks are the people to look to when it comes to matters of education. Thank you for your comments. Lets go to our next caller, please. Hey community. San francisco. Lets run through the numbers here. Last month there were 84 fentanyl overdoses. Approximately 3500 plus deaths since 2017. More then 911. More then the 06 earthquake and more then u. S. Military loss in afghanistan. 2023, there has been 40 homicide, 165 rapes, over 2,000 robberies, over 1700 assaults and 5,000 over 5,000 Motor Vehicle threfts so this is a concerning issue. [indiscernible] scared to confront these matters. The Supreme Court ruled about [indiscernible] through the Second Amendment so the state of california due for many lawsuits with the recent legislation and people should not be grand standing on the [indiscernible] ronan is always grandstanding, saying these 4 people. It has been going on 6, 7 years now so nobody did anything about it and nobody was bouncing off the walls back then. You cant [indiscernible] fix it now. Just give your keys. With regards to algebra, anything and everything could be learned online. Kids can go to little einstein. In the 5 grade they can learn algebra online. Internet offers a wealth of learning for languages, spanish, and any language you wish to learn. Finally, with regards to the upcoming election, no should be grand standing again on all their issues that they have outstanding. We hear so much grand standing and quite frankly dan [indiscernible] should be mayor tomorrow. [indiscernible] she wants welfare recipients to have drug testing. That should begin with her and the whole board. All is a lot of really really lets hear from our next caller, please. Hello. Good afternoon. This is barry toronto, calling because i had a experience the other night that raised issues that ought to be addressed sooner then later. I picked up a couple in a taxi from the opera house and took Market Street down and as we were passing 7 and market, they asked me were appalled what they say there at 7 and market. The outdoor fencing operation going on and hundreds of people gathered for whatever reason. It is not a good image for San Francisco. And then, we see stories about people whositeps are stolen and brought to San Francisco for selling other people who would sell to other people. There is a law that says possession of stolen items is against the law, but the problem is why isnt it being enforced . The camera equipment was told there was athat the 300 blog of leavenworth is a major fencing operation but why dont do they anything about it and let it stand . Yes, there are tents and some of the people [indiscernible] but there is also criminal activity going on under those tents. Why it is not important issue and why is that allowed to become the image of San Francisco . Tourism is down. Businesses that rely on tourism are having to go out of business or take less money or become impover rshed including the taxi industry which relies on the tourism industry, especially the people working the airport. There isnt as much business at the airport. I beg of you to work with the police or urge the police to do something about these criminal activities going on in the streets and still have compassion for the homeless. Some may be criminals. Thank you very much for your time and i appreciate you taking this one seriously, otherwise San Francisco will continue to be in decline, especially as a tourist thank you for your comments. We have 5 callers who are line up, but if you want to speak you should press star 3. There are two callers in the queue and will take the last group to the end. Lets hear from our next caller. Welcome caller. Can you hear me . Yes. My name is [indiscernible] and just wanted to touch on the topic of reparations since i heard a few people bring that up earlier. I just dont feel like right [indiscernible] should have to pay reparations when [indiscernible] next caller, please. Hello, can you hear me . Yes, we can. Okay. I just wanted to address that as well. The environmentlets be clear, i fought to have unlimited remote Public Comment. I will be introducing a change to the board rules. It isthis will be done. Aint going to happen in this chambers in this city, it is over. Next speaker, you are going to be one of the last remote public speakers we will have. Go ahead. Mr. President , that was the last caller in the queue. Public comment is closed. Madam clerk, if you please prepare that change to the board rules and if you would read the adoption without Committee Reference calendar. Noted mr. President. Item 2728 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee. Unanimous vote is reeured for resolution on First Reading today. Any supervisor may require a resolution on First Reading to go to committee. Supervisor walton. Please sever item 28. Item 27, same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, please read item 28. Item 28, this is a resolution to accept the final San Francisco reparations plan of the African American reparations Advisory Committee. Thank you. Colleagues and public, i want to reiterate my thanks, including allies, my team in district 10 office and all of you for the dedicated work on achieving reparations here in San Francisco. This resolution to approve the final reparations plan from the African American reparations Advisory Committee further solidifys commitment to reparations. As we work to get office of reparation up and running our commitment to this work is imperative. Thank cosponsors supervisor ronan, preston, peskin, chan, mandelman, melgar, safai and dorsey. Thank you. Supervisor melgar. Thank you president peskin. I just are wanted to say thank you to the Reparations Committee for all their hard work, but also just taking so much abuse and toxicity for doing a really good job and doing exactly what we asked them to. I also want to say particularly thanks to my colleague supervisor walton for his grace and elegance through this process and his leadership. Through what has proven to be an unacceptable level of just viteral over accepting a report of something that we asked a group of citizens to do on their volunteer time unpaid. I wanted towe are talking about math, a lot this meeting, i want to do a little math because i have gotten a lot of emails and correspondence about this resolution. I just want to remind us going back into San Francisco history in 1957 San Francisco was able to woo the giants from new york to go into the new stadium, and their star Center Fielder willie mays and wife started looking for a house in my district, district 7 and they put a offer down on a house that was 75 mara loma drive which is in sherwood forest, and [indiscernible] there was tremendous pressure put on the owner of that house to not sell to a negro family. It was front page paper. Mayor christopher got involved and tried to get folks to calm down. He offered a bedroom in his house for willie mays family, which they turned down and they eventually found a house, but if you do the math, that house was listed in 1957 for 37 thousand. That is how much a house cost then. That house today on zil low between 2. 7 and 3. 12 million. That is how much the house is worth. Had that family been able to purchase that house they would have paid it off in around 1978 if they got a 30 year mortgage, which means that for 6 decades that family would have either had no mortgage or been accruing rental income from that house. You do the math of what that opportunity denied by the Structural Racism in our city in our city, not going back to anywhere farther then 1957 then you can see how we can arrive to a number like what was in the report, which was only one of the many many recommendations, but for whatever reason the one people fixated on. For that, i wholeheartedly support this resolution and thank the efforts and it is only the First Step Towards a very long road of apologies and reparations which we as a city owe our black community. Thank you. Thank you supervisor melgar. Supervisor stefani. I want to make sure im added as a cosponsor. Shall be noted. On the resolution, same house same call, the resolution is adopted and that brings us to conclusion of our agenda. Madam clerk, would you please read the in memoria . Today meelting is adjourned in memory of is the following beloved individuals. On behalf of supervisor president peskin, for the late mr. Oden schreder. On bemalf of supervisor walton, raynard hillis and francis ho. We are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] im connie chan district one supervisor and welcome to the richmond. Im an immigrant and came to San Francisco china town when i was 13 years old with my mom and brother. My first job is at the Community Organizer for Public Safety with San Francisco state. And land in the city hall and became a legislative aid to sophie maxwell. Went through City Departments when Kamala Harris was our District Attorney im proud to represent the richmondad district supervisor. [music] we have great neighborhood commercial corridors that need to be protected. The reason why we launched the neighborhood business for supporting the [inaudible] for 15 years special more. We have the Legacy Business Program the business around for 30 years or more and thought, you know, we gotta make sure the next generation contains for generations to come. Am im ruth the owner of hamburger haven we came back on july 11. We were opened in 1968 at that time i believe one of the owners of mestart today went through a guy named andy in the early 70s and my father took it mid 70s. Originally was just a burger joint. Open late nights. Then it changed over the years and became the breakfast staple. We specialize in breakfast, brunch come lunch now. I love this neighborhood. I grew up here. And it feels like home. I walk down the block and recognize people of people say hello. You say hello you talk and joke. Has that familiar environment that is enjoyable and i have not experienced anywhere else. There are many things i would like to see improve ams the things we might see are making sure that our tenants stay housed our Small Business in tact and those are the solutions that will contain to push to make sure that you know our communities can take root, stay and thrive. Im proud of you know, welcoming folks to the richmond. Everyone loch its we got Farmers Market every sunday there. The you see really business at the noaa. Ice cream at toy folks and going to chop for book like green apple. And thats when you like the deal is pizza place haall families love. You will see a lot of great chinese shops that is readily available for everyone. And that is just thein are richmond there is more to do in the richmond. What is love is the theatre. I mean adam and with my wife jamie, own Little Company called cinema sf we operate the balboa theatre. The vocabularying theatre on sacramento and soon the 4 star on clement. Balboa theatre opened in 1926 and servicing this Outer Richmond neighborhood since then. And close on the heels the 4 star opens since 1913. When you come in to a movie theatre, the rest of the world has to be left behind. But you get e mersed in the world that is film makers made for you. That is a special experience to very much we can all think of the movies that we saw in the big screen of with everybody screaming or laughing or crying. It is a shared Human Experience that you get when you go in to places that are gatherings and artist presented to you. A shared experience is the most precious. And the popcorn. [laughter]. At the balboa especially, we stroif to have movies for people of every generation from the pop corn palace movies on the weekend mornings, for families and kids. This is for everybody of all ages. What is great about the richmond is it is a neighborhood of the immigrants. Belongs to immigrants not ap i immigrants you will see that there are also a Huge Population of rush wrans and ukrainian immigrants they stay united you am see that the support they lend to each other as a community. And cinderella bakery is another legacy business. If you go on the website it is known as a russian bakery. The first thing you see their pledge to support the ukrainian community. You will see the unity in the richmond im so proud of our immigrant community in the rich monthed. My dad immigrate friday iran the reason he stayed was because of the restaurant. Has more centamential value it is the reasonable we are in this country. When he had an opportunity to take over the instruct he stayed that is why we are here part of our legacy and San Francisco history and like to keep it going for years to come. Another moment im proud to be supporting the richmond and the only Asian American woman elect in the office and as an immigrant that is not happen nothing 3 decades. You see it is my ability to represent especially the asianamerican community. In my case the chinese speaking elders in our community that really can allow me to communicate with them directly. Im Program Director of adult day centers. I have been here for 7 years i love to help the communities and help and the people with disability. I foal a connection with them. I am anim grant i love helping our community and new immigrants and improvements. If you want nature, richmond is the neighborhood to go we are between ocean beach heights and golden gate park. I love the Outer Richmond. For me this is the single best neighborhood in San Francisco. Everybody knows each other. People have been living here forever. It is young and old. The ocean is really near by. And so there is that out doors ocean vibe to it. There are places to seat Golden Gate Bridge it is amazing. Businesses are all small mom and pop businesses. Houses get passed down generation to generation. It has a small town feel but you know you are in a big city at the same time. Its got a unique flavor i dont see in other neighborhoods j. It is about being inclusive we are inclusive and welcome the communities, anybody should feel welcome and belong here and shop local, eat local. We believe that with that support and that network it come in full circle. It is passing on kinds knows. Thats when richmond is about that we are together at once. Welcome to the richmond. [music] bring up person that [laughter]. For me it was we had neighbors growing up that were fold my dad he is raising me wrong for having me pursue the things that are not traditionally female roles. And i think the biggest barrier to anyone in general is when you have cultural norms that make you feel like you cant do something that make you doubt yourself and make you feel you should not be there i dont belong. Those other big efbarriers i think that is the thing to focus on the most is belong everyone should belong here. [music] wishing we trained women grow in production. And recording arts and so we have everything from girls night classes for middle and high school girls. We have Certification Academy program. That would be women and gender [inaudible] adid you tell us. Progress in the internship frm program where they are working in the studios. They are helping to mentor the youth in the Youth Programs and the job place am component. Most of the time we hire interns instructors in our programs and engineer in our studios here. We have conferences we do all overnight country and we have concerts that we feature bay area women and gender artists. [music] [music] an education forward organization. And so advocacy organization. Dedicated to closing the gender gap and the audio and production industries. Started out of the lead answer, why is there a critical gender gap in this industry that started at city college. Why are there so few in this class i was ashamed i did not have the answer being a feminist. Why have i never thought of this i have been in the industry for decades and why have i accept today of all people. It was out of that and unraffling it. Actually started the infernship last fall and just fell in love with all the things about womens oshg mission because we are diverse and so many aspects of audio i did not know and i feel like eyes opened up and i gained a lot of confidence in myself and other fells and queer people in the industry i felt there was more connection and community. Ironically my time in the industry is all pretty good. I think what happened is i was raised by a father who is an engineer. I was comfortable being strounlded by men all the time in his lab i was used to technology. When i got in industry my mentors were men and i saw i had a unique importance that got mow in the place i could be fluent and navigate something difficult and it was the norm for me. What if it was not woman was createed provide it for everybody. Have this environment you are surrounded by technology and people that are going to support you and get you in this industry in a good way. I have been interested in audio i was never trained in music took piano when i was a kid. I never pursued it because not a lot of women doing that. And my family is not musically inclined. When i want to davis the first time i took a music class there were few females in the class. Like a rodey for my dayed was load you will the mixers and monitors and the giant speakers and gigs and help run out the cables and take things down and set up mics i did all of that growing up and never occurred to mow that that was a field they could at all. And then one i could pursue i didnt nobody else was doing temperature my dad and then i go with him to studios and see the men in the studio. Dj for 5 years now and comments you get like wow you are a girl dj that is crazy. That is wild. And i have great moments where it does not happen. And they treat me like easy. Telling mow what to do they correct mow in ways that make me feel less i sprjs the opposite and i notice hands on like you dont know what you are doing rather than asking me. Not consistent times it happens. It is like when i talk to other females they are like say the same things it is like funny i know that nice men dont experience tht main thing triggers me when i experience different treatment and that happens a lot in the audio world. Industry is changing slowly. There is still that issue making the places that are places belonging for everybody. I dont think so. Having a studio where it is not all run by white men like most studios. The studios are only in the word built and run by women. It has been super normalize thered are opportunity for girls and nonbinary people. You go in school and middle and High Schoolers know that this is a field. This is a thing there are many jobs you can have in this field. Some producing pod casts to setting up live shows. There are so many things you can do wee go in and teach the audio skills and give them equipment. I pads and then teach them how to make music and they get to come in here and will getting the tools to people who dont have t. That is really important to me. Thats why i was like wow. I want to be there for other fell and queer people who dont have the opportunity and also to be a mentor for them to really push them to experiment and not going to break it. Does not matter if it sounds bad that is the point to try it. I think it is the goal to see confidence what they are doing and passionate and asking for hymn and excite body learning and excited about making music and it changed my life to realize im callented in the field i can make music without being trained to it it is amazing to be able to be part of that process and ushering women to the field. We can entirely transform how the Technology Part of what you hear every day. We can put xhg something in womens points of view in this every time. It affects the store and he messaging. Think our best example is how we transformed an entire city. Place that major artists on tour one of the men looks likeip dont get it there are woman every where i go and the person was like you are in San Francisco. You like oh , you are right it is here. Most venues have graduates we are grateful to the city for that reason because than i supported us at the beginning. Following your curiosity and interest and dont let anybody get in the way what is presented to you, go for t. No matter what we are here for a reason. Find what it is. Dont let somebody else tell you what it is. You are the oldsmobile one that have been can know when you are supposed to do. Go do it. Im San Franciscos first drag laureate and the first one in the world. The drag Laureate Program and the position is one this celebrates an artist for being the best in their craft and im proud to have received that xroel it it is afternoon ambassador role. A role that represents the lbgtq community in San Francisco the focus on the drag performers and transactivists and performers in San Francisco as well. When i heard the city was creating the drag laureate role i was so excited because it did foal like they were paying attention to us. And cared about when we gave culturally and economically to the city here is your new drag laureate for the city and county of San Francisco im getting the call from the mayor i was chosen was fantastic day. I will always remember. I thought that it would just be about the bay area. Because of what happening in the world it became a national story. I hope it can shine a light on San Francisco and how they take care of the drag community and the lbgtq community. I hope that i can help carve out this position and create a role with programs and events this can be passed down to future drag laureate this is come after me and can set a stage and standard for what this program is in San Francisco and national low and inner nationally. There is a rich history in San Francisco. That the drag community has been part of. Im very proud to follow in their footsteps and able to maintain what the drag community has done in the past and move forward with creating a bright future. My job is to elevate and celebrate hybrid, inperson and Virtual Meeting of the San Francisco entertainment commission. My name is ben bleiman and i am the commissions vice president. We will start with announcements. We would like to start the meeting with the land acknowledgment. We, the San Francisco entertainment commission, acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush alone. Who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded loss nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place. As well as for all people who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. This meeting is being held in hybrid format, with the meeting occurring in person in city

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