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Rail. Cause new rep hello has moved from mexico city. We should know that this is a crisis thats not only playing out along mexicos border with the United States. The situation seems just as dire along mexico southern border with guatemala, over the course of the last few days, weve seen very dramatic images of migrant. So trying to make their way in to refugee shelters, their mexican immigration policy experts have been calling on the government of mexico to do more to establish more Processing Centers for migrant. But there was simply too many people. And what were seeing here is that there isnt a single reason or a single factor contributing to this latest surgeon migration that were seeing along mexicos board with United States police in somalia. As a truck almost killed at least 18 people, economic checkpoint, and a central town of blood when a at least 40 others, including soldiers and civilians. The engine, the desktop, was expected to rise. Spinning where at least 34 people were killed in an explosion of an illegal fuel death. But it happened that a Storage Facility in the border with nigeria, which is a major oil producer. Legal fuel stations are coming along, its products. Must go says theres been another attack on its black sea pulled up to the vast up all in russian control. The crimea ferry traffic was temporarily suspended, but its not resumed. No casualties reported comes a day after you find in miss alice target at the headquarters of russias black seats late in the city. The head of ukraines Intelligence Service claimed, at least 9 people were killed, to russian generals injured in the top of the not to nations. Russians, foreign minister lashed out at the west, but didnt directly address the war in ukraine to try to put you in the us. And its west and collective continue to create conflicts which artificially divide that humanity into hostile blog. And they are doing everything they can to prevent the formation of adjust the world all day, trying to force the wealth to pay according to their infamous self centered rules. A Foreign Ministers have also by john and armenia have raised the conflict and the going to the car back of the un general assembly. Because the by johnny invoice said ethnic mediums living in the enclave will be integrated as equal citizens. The median envoy pushed for un mission to monitor for humanitarian conditions. All efforts have now be mobilized to address the immediate needs of the local civilians. On this point, i wish to reiterate that does everybody john is determined to integrate. I think, i mean, your residence over the government vision of his advise you on as equal citizens because of the national, just based off of the advise you need to National Company plus who will have undertaking. But why the so theyve gone to these and in the international community, sit down to take all the efforts for an immediate deployment of, from the interagency mission by the united nations, to not going to come up with the, to monitor and access the human rights. You mentioned in the security situation on the ground authorities of Eastern Libya say at least 94. 00 rescue workers were killed during recovery operations. Often last weeks. Deadly floods and done a on thursday. More than 300. 00 bodies were covered in a single day. The bodies were discovered at various locations along the coast is the largest number recovered in one day. Thousands of people in israel took the streets once again on saturday to protest against planned changes to the countries traditional system protest as ive been demonstrating across the country. Every week and every 10 months, despite that in an investment, yahoos far right government has passed pots of a lower limit. The powers of the Supreme Court prompted as calling on a european governments to do more of a migrants crossing the mediterranean. The head of the Catholic Church held a large abdul mass and must say its a 2nd and final day. And the principal city, the pontiff, has repeatedly called on europe to show compassion for assign suitcase. So those are the headlines and this continues here now to 0 off the bottom line station. Thanks so much the a. Hi steve clements, i have a question. Are american politics just getting to pay rise . Been to extreme for most americans. Lets get to the bottom line. The poll after poll shows that americans have become dissolution with their own political system and their institutions on a good day, Approval Ratings for the president , for congress. And the Supreme Court really dont rise above 40 percent. The rest of the people are dissatisfied and consider themselves independents preferring to shop around every election and refusing to commit to either of the 2 major parties. So is there any way out . Is america become to paralyze to solve its own problems just to political and took screen . My guess today says theres still a chance to fix things. I think he says that he is andrew yang, a business man and former democratic president ial candidate in the 2020 election, who left the democrats to create a brand new party, the Forward Party. And now hes just published his 1st novel. Its called the last election co authored with Stephen Marsh and it paints a dark picture of politics in america today. Andrew, its a pleasure to have you here with us in studio. I have read the book. It was riveting. It was depressing. And as i said, it was dark, it was really, really dark. Is this the way you see american Politics Today . Well, its something we should take very seriously. Stephen, as you read it, your, an expert, a lot of and you probably scratched church and thinking we could that happen and then unfortunately you came to the realization. Yeah. It, it very well could. I did run for present in the last cycle and got a sense of the mechanics of our politics. There are a lot of americans who feel like theyre on the outside looking in. And the polarization is getting stronger in a week or so. As you look at this and youre telling the story, id like you to take our viewers who havent yet read the book into the, into the background of this, why you wrote this and what are the, some of the stand out features that you say are eroding or democracy right now, and its ironic, i say it on this platform, but a lot of it is the media. No, i know i felt the pressure i felt i felt you go right after me. Oh, so when i ran for present that was one of the biggest realisations and unfortunately now our relationship with the media is itself very partisan and polarized about 69 percent of democrats have a high trust in the media. And then 15 percent of republicans, do you see that vast gulf and what i didnt realize, but a lot of americans now are, are coming to is that the party system and media operates very, very much hand in glove. So when you started, i mean, i remember you on joe rogan, that you went on some of these new media folks. It wasnt my show, but we show rogue and show and did very, very well built. The brand came out again, you know, talking and you know, and very refreshing ways for many americans. So is it really the media or are there parts of the media that you think provide kind of waves around if you will, the stagnancy or the kind of cho cold that a lot of the traditional media have over you getting your voice out. All i didnt use independent media and i, you know, despite what i just said, i mean, i think you all do a really exceptional job. Its one reason why a lot of americans and are turning to you for their news. But the party is now have taken on either a pro or institution or anti institutional bent. And so a lot of americans now think that Corporate Media is part of the set of institutions that doesnt want certain things to happen. The neighbors, some people in narratives over others. And when i was coming up as a candidate, i definitely did turn to a lot of pod casters who werent part of that constellation. So when you, when did you feel that they were racist biased . What were, what were the, you know, what was the, the game that they set up against . You owe it in my case and someone can look this up and mean that there were times when they would just leave me out of the gods. Actually fairly, fairly common move but, but there are certain candidates where theyre very much improved and promoted and, and others that they kind of prefer. You dont Pay Attention to when i read the, the last election and, and i may get some of this wrong. Im still trying to process a lot of whats in the book. Theres a, you know, kind of semi libertarian successful guy, who basically is a pragmatic, no Problem Solver who is somewhat the center of, of, of, of the book. If you want to call in the hero, maybe the any here. Oh hes, hes is in that and, and his name is cooper sherman. And i assume that you all and its a mixture of me and other people who are obviously right what you know. Yeah. But i mean, it certainly seems like you in that, in that, in that book. But it really is depressing, but you sort of see the trail of someone with good ideas, powerful ideas running into essentially the corruption and strangle hold of a 2 party system. And what that, what, what that creates and how hard it is to change that youve created the 3rd party, the Forward Party. We have a lot of talk in america right now about no labels about other 3rd party efforts. And everyone comes out that i know of and disparage, has them right away, as opposed to looking at the power of ideas that someone brings, or the disruptive thinking may, may bring to some, you know, challenge that we have in society or, you know, like you did with universal basic income, how are you going to think about an age when we just wont have enough jobs for everyone . How do we deal with rewarding in keeping the society solving . So, is this essentially a future where ideas dont matter and kind of corrupt franchises . Do oh, thats what americans are trying to figure out right now. If you have a i coming online, what are we going to do about it . There are challenges that are getting more and more serious and powerful in our government. It feels like its always behind the curve and that lag time is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. So when people talk about 3rd parties, and heres what our innovation is with the Forward Party, when the people think about 3rd party is why do they think president ial election and we, the Forward Party are emphasizing City Council Mayors race is Even School Board race. Is there about 500000 elected positions in this country . Majority of them go uncontested and uncompetitive in any given cycle. So were trying to create an option on the ground where it can actually have an impact on peoples lives before we tackle anything at the national level. And we think thats what people want us. Who do you think is the andrew yang of the selection . Is it vac ramos swami. So one of the frustrations that a lot of americans feel right now, steve, lets say you, you want an alternative to jo binding, the Democratic Party, probably not going to see it or get it because the dnc is not even holding debates. Is that right much of a process. On the republican side, there is donald trump blooming over the whole thing a by 43 points over his closest rival. So even as were tuning into these debates, theres a sense that will this matter and the bigger proceedings are happening in some court room, some of the weather that trump, you know, makes it to a election day. But if he does make it to election day, its probably going to be as a republican nominee. So the frustration americans feel is that if you ever buy and trump rematch combined age, 16020242 thirds of americans arent excited about either alternative. And so how the heck in a country or 300000000 plus you wind up with 2 choices that very few of us want folks who may have read the constitution, people around the world have read the american constitution. There is a section in there that if one of the candidates does not get to 270 Electoral College votes where the certain majority that that needed. Uh, in the Electoral College, there is no rerun. Theres no redo of the election. It goes to another process, and the Vice President of the United States is elected by one senator at a time in the United States senate. And the president is elected by the house of representatives. One speak at a time in this. And how close are we to Something Like that actually happening l. Weve been living with a 2 party system throughout our adult lives. And so you dont think, hey, what happens if you have someone not get the majority . But we found out about the contingent election because there are folks whove been trying to disaster plan and scenario plan for what the heck happens if you have, lets say multiple candidates and no one gets to a majority. And in that in stands, you wind up exactly with the process you described. Would you be a shocker to most americans and i am waiting for you in the constitution . I know. Yeah. Weve seen when President Trump was an office trying to raise questions about the Electoral College certification process, something that people thought was a ritual and not touchable. You just kind of go through and do it. How many rituals do we have built into the political system that could be on there . A lot of them, unfortunately, and when you actually get down to brass tacks and you realize how much of it is ritual and how much of it is kind of fi, do you find out that were much more dependent on ritual that i think a lot of americans would like to believe, ill tell you one major example, theres not a word about the Republican Party or the Democratic Party in the constitution. Our Founding Fathers were famously anti partisan. George washington warn about parties on the way out. In his farewell address, john adams said to parties would be an evil across the land. Were leaving a version of our Founding Fathers worst nightmare. And those nightmares are going to come to fruition. Unfortunately, and, and not so distant future in less, we were to, lets say, modernize our political elections with rank, troys voting or some other system that will allow for new forces to come in that dont end up leading to to results. Americans dont actually want. This is the opportunity, so heres the fiction that americans have. Our leaders have to make 51 percent of us, happy to stay in office generally not true. Generally speaking, our leaders have to make 10 to 12 percent of the most polarized base voters happy in their primaries, and then their job security is assured. So the way out of this bind where in is to say, anyone couldnt vote for anyone of any party and, and all party primary. And then you choose the winner. So give us an example because they, we do have a couple of those, right . I think in louisiana, dont we have we all use the alaska exactly. Cuz i love it so much. Uh, so you had multiple people run for congress. It was sarah panel in another republican and then a democratic legislator named mary pal toller. And people could vote for more than one candidate, so they can say, hey, im going to rank mary one sarah palin to if they want to know theyre quite different people. So thatd be a kind of a weird ranking. A big i big about rancho is voting is then you can vote for whomever you like. Theres no spoiler effect, no saying hey, youre going to waste your vote. And this way the winner gets majority support. But also you can allow new points of view to emerge and everyones vote is actually counted. You know, so you have that happen. And yet in alaska, you basically saucer appealing go down and you have someone else come up. And i know in louisiana, you have folks like bill cassidys inner go, cassidy, whos able to be somewhat of a, you know, basically call 10 your vote for Donald Trumps impeachment and survive in a, in a state like louisiana disorder accounts get alaska as well voted for trumps impeachment and survived. And if you think about it in the president ial, lets say youre not excited about how to draw binder donald trump. Lets imagine a system where you could rank some other person one and then bite into hypothetically and then not be worried about wasting a road right now. The 2 party system trying to keep everything in place in an error when Everything Else is changing. And so were going to get either the bad version of the change of the good version of the change in a book not to give anything away, but the book does present what i think is going to happen unless we actually modernize our system. You know, i think i grew up. I mean, i think in all the elections, i have voted in. I took them seriously. I knew there were consequences one way or another. Ive never voted party line. Ive always been in independent candidly. And ive seen real structural problems in both parties. So i been there way, way before it was a fat. And before i, you know, have the privilege of knowing you. But you now see of these elections just to be kind of benign events, almost exciting events. You know, opportunities, you know, contests, you see now elections are to be feared in some sense. All thats the way a lot of americans feel, but half of americans now self identify is independence. Steve, so youre in very good company and that numbers going up and up because more people are waking up to the fact that the 2 party system is not responsive to us. It doesnt actually have solutions where the challenges of the day. And so the question is, are we going to be able to actually evolve our system to something that will listen to us get in front of challenges like a i, its a big challenge because a 2 party system has a lot keeping it in place. But on the other side, you have tens even hundreds of millions of americans who will want Something Better for ourselves and our children, you know, one of the elements of your fictional novel that, that it starts with is a potential. Its, its, its really, you know, somebody, the New York Times gets a dropbox tape of a conversation. Ill tell folks i can to use this a little bit with i would say in, in, in part of it is taking out the proud boys taking out black lives matter, looking at both extremes out there and seeing essentially, you know, National Security forces coming in and taking democracy away because its become a horrible place. How close you think we are to some vision like that. If you look at the most trusted institutions in american life, the us military is one of the only ones that right now is coming in above 50 percent. And there are folks in the military who are looking around saying, what is the appropriate rule. Now many of them, in my opinion correctly are saying, look, we should continue our proud tradition of civilian leadership, but then there are others where looking around and in our novel saying look, maybe we should also disaster scenario plan. And what the heck does that look like . And if you had a major Journalistic Institution who might have a sense that Something Like that was even a possibility, what would their responsibility be . So do you think that parents today can have confidence that the future for their children will be better than what they enjoyed . It. It motivates me every day. Steve, im the child of immigrants, and when i was running for president , i asked crowds of hundreds, even thousands of people. What is the American Dream . The American Dream is just that your kids are gonna have a better life than you did. And at this point, most americans are deeply unsure whether thats a reality and by the numbers, 50 percent of americans wont do better than their kids will. And thats a, you know, right now at the present. And those trans, unfortunately, might be getting worse, not better. So in that environment, what does american politics look like . What is the response that people can legitimately say . I feel worse about the future than i do about the past. And as you talk about immigrants has this become a toxic and hostile place to immigration and america, the space and part of our tradition was we were the brain during problem for the rest of the world because our worlds best minds came here, done. And thats what brought my parents here. My parents met, as students said, you see berkeley, my dad got his ph. D in physics and generated 69 us patents for gene ibm. And the question is, does Americans Still have that kind of Magnetic Attraction for towns and people around the world . Or did they think theyre better served . Trying to start a business or a family someplace else . If you lose that, you lose our Competitive Edge for generations to tell me about the Forward Party. How is it doing . Is it listed as the Forward Party . Because and one of the other interesting dimensions of the book which i dont want to get into is the Maverick Party was out there. But sometimes those that supported Maverick Party candidates were democrats. Some of the photos supported them, were republicans. And so you had a kind of flagging challenge if you did in the novel, ill leave it there. But do you have a flagging challenge with the Forward Party . You know, the Maverick Party name was it was like a, a bit of an inside joke for my friend mark cuban the death beverage. But a, and also by the way, i think you meant we make a fantastic president ial candidate if youre just around. But they heard it here, mark, cuban you, you would, you would think youd be, i definitely, im part of the draft Cuban Campaign um, but um the forward parties attracting independence, republican, the democrats, libertarians, you name it. We have 35 elected officials now, mayors district attorneys of the county, executive state legislators. And its not left or right, but board, which is where most people watching this want to go. And the question is, how are we going to get there . Is it going to be from within this 2 party system thats pulling us apart and turning us against each other . Or are we going to have a different dynamic . Uh and one of the jokes i tell is imagine a Sporting League where you only had 2 teams. How the fan base is feel about each other over time. They probably start to dislike each other a lot. Thats what america feels like right now. And so one of the ways out is to have another alternative that can help change the dynamic. Is there something unique and compelling about a business person running for office as opposed to you know, the governors, the legislators, those that have held Public Law Office before you know what they say that promised for me is making a bit of a start right now. You certainly did. Donald trump came from the business sector as well. What is appealing, do you think to americans about Business Leaders coming into this game . As i think in the best possible light, some Business Leaders genuinely does want to solve problems and make things work better and theyre not motivated by the trappings of office. Now some thats not true for a so its, you know, Business Leaders are just like any other type of person. Theres some great ones. Im not as great ones, but one of the things that makes american super sad now is a sense that our system is being held hostage by a corporate interest and various lobbying money. And i think that in some circles they think a Business Leader is going to be more immune to that kind of influence. You have a dark forest, dark money, 1000000000 air in this book, and im not going to say much about that. I think i know who it is in real life or who in parties inspired by, but it raises the question for me. How much of that kind of dark player with lots of money, whos thinking and triple level chess on how to create chaos. Do you believe really exist in americans . American Politics Today. Unfortunately, its pretty close to the truth. I mean, there are some bad actors and we have a very, very vulnerable system. 85 percent of americans would like to see less money in politics, not more. Unfortunately, right . Now its hard to get there because we need a constitutional amendment, but if we had a better system, maybe we could accomplish that and make ourselves less susceptible to one super wealthy person who wants to see their agenda and acted White Nationalism is one of the other forces very active in the pages of this fictional novel. How much of that White Nationalism do you think . Permeates the american political scene today . And how much did you run into when you were actually running . When i was running, i experienced very, very little hostility or racism there. A lot of folks are actually very open to my campaign that werent, lets say traditional of democrats or even moderates, honestly. But White Nationalism is a very real force, and its getting stronger in large part because we are decimating the way of life for a lot of Rural Communities and places that maybe were depending upon manufacturing or cool or some other industry. You. One of the other things i liked about the candidate whos the store and this, it keeps saying, do the math, do the math, you know, as i, i did have a call out, i knew it or whatever. But did you sort of look at the, the, you know, the slogans that you see coming in today . And i really loved the way i agree with, frankly, the way you frame to, you know, 2 sets of choices that seem to be percolating within the Republican Party. I keep telling my audience, its not over till its and over. Yeah. But, but, you know, youve got 2 people basically on, on opposite sides of 80 years old, but very, very much up there. And im just interested in how you think, you know, is there an alternative scenario i gave you credit for maybe having an idea of seeing a fix for this outside of this dismal set of choices. What is that if there, if it does exist . So in a better system, wed have multiple choices and youd be excited about more than one of them and then you could rank them. Now unfortunately, thats not a 2024 proposition. Right . Um, could it be a 2028 proposition . I think theres an outside possibility it could. There are other countries, lets say australia, who use rank towards voting for the their National Race is how can us greatly accomplish something in the United States, canada. And the reason is that the United States political system does not have an interest in upgrading itself. Even though more and more of us are waking up to the need. If youre a candid, i, i used to love listening to you in the debates or your candidate about hope prospect. So lets build something donald trump came in as a candidate, you know, stirring up beer. Or weve seen other players like that. I would put, you know, a dick cheney in, in that mix some what that, that there is there seems to be templates that some politicians bring and build in positive future. Ronald reagan was a hope guy. Others are fear folks or are, you know, more cynical, which works better in america right now. Unfortunately, i think scarcity is winning, which means beer is winning. And the book is a warning. As you say, when i was running for office, i was saying some very bleak things. I was talking about a, i decimating jobs and yet people still believed and felt me to be optimistic and hopeful, which is something i really appreciated. Im trying to build our way out of this mess. I think thats the american way. But to get there, youre going to have to actually recognize the reality of the mess were in. How do you see things going as donald trump gonna win this next race you think, i think is a very real possibility. He does when this next race and large part because you might have multiple 3rd Party Candidates in the race. And they may poll a little bit more from joe than from trump even straight up. Its not its not that big a gap where theyre tied in recent polls. And the way our system right now is structured as a democrat actually has to win by a couple of points in order to win the Electoral College. Well, i want to say is a real pleasure i have, youre not laugh, not right, just forward. Thank you. So much for being with us. Andrew yang, former democratic candidate for president , co chair of the Forward Party and now offer the political thriller the last election. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, steve. Its been a pleasure. So whats the bottom line . The game of politics. Well, its a rough sport in any country, but the question, my guess, andrew yang is provoking today goes really far beyond the issues of National Unity and the weakness of democracy. Hes worried that a new narrative is taking holes in america. One that our talk received could be more effective than messy democracy to a nation that believes that might makes right. And 3, a place where fascism actually becomes popular. In his novel, he paints a dark scenario about how a wealthy political minority could seal its victory and dominate america. Literally the last the election. Ever sure its far fetched, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Especially when the wellbeing us of americans own democratic process is so obvious to everyone. And thats the bottom line. The, the teva on algae 0. Trying to host the asian games with athletes from across the region competing and celebrating sports. Rigorous debate, unflinching questions upfront cut through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom. U. K. Prime minister. Assume that its expected to address these 1st Party Conferences leader with the general election looming. And a wave of strikes being housed. The broke house premier, a new series, exploring the implications of us anti bully cutting on the 1st amendment. Right. Which is in liberia to the popes kind of incumbent president george way over come corruption allegations and keep the temp job up. Tell you back on 20 the the

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