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Backfire and give kids issues. Im antonio mora, and this a consider this, here is more of what is ahead. The majority of American People want to see Immigration Reform done. Republicans are making it clear the bill will die. If you come to the country illegally, you cannot stay. The border is notafe. Their fear is greater than the reality. Crisis. Iran signing a deal with the e. U. Refusing to sign it got the last president run out of the country. Russia consequences. Camp people told not to say hey, i like your dress, but say im inspired by you. Telling kids they cant talk about it, that means they cant encourage each other we begin with president obamas stern message to parents in central america. Our message is dont send your children unaccompanied on trains or through a bunch of smugglers. That is the directness to the families in central america. Do not send your children to the borders. If they do make it theyll get it. 52,000 unaccompanied children have arrived in the u. S. Since object. That has led to overcrowding at detention facilities, army bases and schools. Will the children be allowed to stay in for more, we are joined by congressman steven horsbred who plans to visit the border with house leader nancy pelosi and others on wednesday. Thank you for joining us. You heard the warning by the president , dont send your children to our border. Many in Congress Called on the president to do Something Like that, issue a warning. We have 52,000 kids here. Many are coming in every day. Will the president s message make a difference . Well, the president made a clear statement that its not safe, nor is it lawful for children who are unaccompanied to cross the border, and that was a message that the president sent. It was a clear message. Now we need congress to come together, offer thoughtful, compassionate and swift recommendations to deal with the hume jp tarian crisis that exists, as you riot fully indicate. Is the president rite when he says the kids will be september home. Reportedly 2,000 children were deported last year. Some estimates say 80 of those coming in will be allowed to stay, and the u. N. High commissioner for refugees says 60 would qualify for refugee status. It seems many would stay. I cant speak to every piece of the process. I can tell you under a law passed by the bush administration, upped the refugee under the Refugee Resettlement programme, the unaccompanied children that crossed the border are permitted a safe and conducive environment that is least restrictive in order to help to reunite them to their home country, to a responsible parent, guardian or adult and that is the law. Now, the underlying issues that are causing the kids to flee their home countries to begin with, i think, has to be looked at. Its part of what im friday in learning about. These are kids that are fleeing gangs, they are fleeing being human trafficked. Some are young girls in the sex traffic trade. They are serious issues requiring the congress to Work Together in a bipartisan way to crisis. The first lady of honduras visited on friday, most coming from el salvador and gata moralea. You are gauta malla. You are mading there. What do you hope to accomplish . Im a parent, i have three children of my open. I want to see first hand the conditions that the children are in. I want to understand the need for Additional Resources by the customs and Border Protection agency as well as the department of health and human service, which are responsible for caring for the unaccompanied children. I want to see the conditions that i have heard about, so see whether they are getting the level of care and attention thats required under the federal law, so i can go back to congress to work with my colleagues to form thetype of bipartisan solution we need so that unaccompanied children are not victimized further. You bring up boarder protection. At this point everyone believes Immigration Reform is dead and this election year, conceivably for the president obama area. Many would say this is proof the border is not secure. I dont agree with the premise that Immigration Reform is dead. It actually should be passed, and this is one of the reasons why the consequences of not acting is continuing to have an unsecure border. For my republican colleagues who talk about strengthening americas borders, you thu want to pass comprehensive reform, thats what it does. I served, we passed a bill unanimously. That doesnt happen in congress, to put more resources on the border. The bill has not been brought to the floor by a vote. And other bills that will address some of these issues have not been brought to the floor by the speaker of the house. They are complicit in these continues where they find unaccompanied children. They are not helping to address a problem by passing a comprehensive reform bill. I work with anyone from either side of the aisle that will do what is right for our country and responsible immigration policy going forward. You are a cosponsorof one of bills, and theres wrangling that it does enough to secure of the border. Lets move on you brought up conditions. Many have been saying that those countries need to do more to stop the influx. As we see, we are having trouble controlling our own border. How can we think that the poor coming . This is why the president has invested a surge of resources. He has deployed mr biden to the area, to meet with leaders to discuss what more can and should be done. There are Economic Conditions that must be addressed. Theres life and safety conditions which must be addressed, as i said. A lot of these kids are fleeing violent gang activity. They are fleeing Human Trafficking as well as sex trafficking schemes, so they are very serious underlying issues. That is not going to be solved overnight. We need a longterm bipartisan strategy, and that is why Congress Needs to come together, stop pointing fingers and Work Together to address the issues so the unaccompanied children can be safe in their om countries and dont feel the need to flee. Many are fleeing the danger. Going into more danger, seeing the beast, and dealing with the cartels. Congressman, hope to be back and tell you what we see on the trip. I look forward to see you. For more political news we joined by new york daly news, Washington Bureau chief james horen. We heart our previous guest that he doesnt think Immigration Reform is dead. Youve been in washington, is that wishful thinking. I dont know who hes talking to. Its dead as a door nail. If there was a vivid example, it was the deck laration, by louie gooudy aira of chicago, the most high profile champion of Immigration Reform in the house. He threw up the white flag saying it is ding. What is playing out and the reason for it, talking about what is going on in the border further undermines the chances that the Obama Administration will get anything through. That is huge, the surge on the border. We are talking about more than 100,000 people detained in the last nine months, thats the size of a small city. Is this a liability for the president. Absolutely. When you get to a point where the department of Homeland Security cant find space for them and turned to the gsa, the General Services administration, which oversees the federal buildings, and it is calling up resort hotels near rochester new york, warehouses and even an old grummen aircraft factory plant that is vacant not too far, when they are trying to find room, you know you have a problem, and clearly there are alarm bells going off in the white house. There are complaints in miami about kids coming into the school system, that they have gotten hundreds. Lets move to another of the big hot topics, the irs scandal is heating up. Lets listen no ted crews, calling for a special prosecutor, and calling for attorneygeneral eric holder to one. We need a special prosecutor with meaningful independence to make sure justice is served. When an attorneygeneral r attorneygeneral refuses to enforce the law and mocks the rule of law, when an attorneygeneral core unts the department of justice by conducting a namedly namedly partisan investigation to cover up wrong doing, that conduct constitutes misdisharns. Cruz is no fan of holder. You have the disappearance of emails, news that irs official lois laerner suggest that irs examine a speaking invitation for a senator, suggesting she was targetting senators. At this point, given all that that is going on, is it time to name a special prosecutor, if only to put the the matter to bed . I dont think quite yet. I dont know if you have sufficient evidence. Up to this point i might argue that the hume la around irs and the office in cincinnati, and the extent that it delayed applications for tea partyrelated folks, i think it as temper in a teapot. Does it follow that eric holder would be the first cabinet member to face impeachment . No, i dont think so. But if one does 140 years ago or so. Republicans will say, you know, its not just the targetting of the tea party groups, its the fact that it seems theres a lot of smoke. The emails disappearing, the fact they were told theyd get the emails in february and march, and then when the irs knew that emails had disappeared. Telling congress that in june. I agree. Does it rise to the level of having had a special prosecutor. I dont think so. If you watch the hearings, multiple. A guy who had a previous experience. John is a straight shooter, giving as good as he got. He vigorously defended the irs. He had multiple lies and lots of money. Lets end on Hillary Clinton and the book tour turned nightmare. We made the illadvised common. The comment about how they paid ordinary income tax. Now on friday it was reported that bill clinton on his own made 105 in speeches, hilly, 200,000 plus. Should she have let the book sell itself. Pure stock envy. A colleague of mine once said i retired the stupid award for not paralleling tv appearances and i declined to do that. This has been an innel gant confrontation with working americans, and can she get over the hurdle. Shes lucky to get the stumbles out early. Theres a reach tradition, pun intended. Of wealthy president s of the United States, whether it was Franklin Roosevelt and kennedy and george w. Bush who sur mounted that reality. Now i think of it, ron emanual, within 18 months of leaving the Clinton Administration made 18 million in private equity. No one holds that against him. A lot of things going on in d. C. Glad you got out of d. C. For the weekend. If you know any paid speaking me. Too. Now for more stories from around the world. We begin along the arizona border with mexico, a mexican Law Enforcement helicopter crossed the border. The helicopter as on a drug mission and identified Border Agents firing two shots before returning to mexico. The agents were unharmed. Mexican authorities apologised. Next to gaza, where on friday an israeli air strike killed two palestinianians. The two men were accused of launching rockets into israel. Israeli Officials Say they were planning terror attacks. It comes on the same day that u. S. Special mid east envoy martin indyk resigned, the resignation of the chief negotiator between israelis and palestinians are believed to be a failure in the negotiations. The next pick in the 2014 n. B. A. Draft, the n. B. A. Selects i saya austin. [ cheering and applause ] austin, who had been widely expected to be a firstround picked was diagnosed days before the draft with marfhans syndrome, a disorder leading to heart complications and death when under desertion, disqualifying him from playing in the n. B. A. Austin plans to complete a degree and the commissioner offered a standing invitation to work for the n. B. A. Coming up, ukraine signs a deal with the european union, infuriating russian officials, border. Secrets of the creative mind. A look at why Creative Genius is linked to Mental Illness. And harmeli aregawi is tracking tap stories on the web. A beaut yit pageant contestant told she is not eligible for the crown after she wins it. A lot are coming to her defense. Let us know what you think Al Jazeera America presents the system with Joe Berlinger new york city has stop and frisk some say these laws help serve and protect. We created the atmosphere that the policemans the bad guy. Others say these tactics are racist discrimination is wrong 99 percent of those arrested in Drug Free School zones. Were not near a school at all are they working . This time im gonna fight it. The system with Joe Burlinger only on Al Jazeera America hundreds of days in detention. Al jazeera rejects all the charges and demands immediate release. Thousands calling for their freedom. Its a clear violation of their human rights. We have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. Journalism is not a crime. Looming deadlines in two hot spots had diplomats and leaders on edge. In ukraine while Russian Forces stage the military exercises not far from the border, ukraines president petro porashenko was in brussels, where he signed sa free trade and political deal with the european union. It is a symbol of faith, and of unbreakable will. It is a tribute to people that gave their lives and help to make this moment happen. European leaders threatened Vladimir Putin with drastic sanctions unless prorussian separatists in ukraine look to end their rebellion by monday. In iraq, a spokesman for the ayatollah ayatollah ayatollah called on the election of a new government. Im joined by the former u. S. Am bass door to ukraine, he is currently Vice President for the middle Eastern Africa for the u. S. Institute of peace. Ambassador, lets start with ukraine, german chancellor Angela Merkel on friday wanted to see progress in hours, the e. U. Will wait until monday to see if the separatists back down. In moscow the Foreign Ministry said ukraines e. U. Deal would have serious consequences in a russia accused of the sponsoring the rebellion. How much more serious consequences than that . The russians make it difficult for ukrainians by cutting off exports to russia. They have already done. They have trumped up ideas that theres a problem with the chocolate that the ukrainians sell to the russians, or problems with the potatos. They can affect the trade, illegally. They are members of the w. T. O. They are supposed to be Free Trade Organization members. The russians have the leverage over the ukrainians, and theres the price of natural gas. Onethird of the trade is with russia, and the ukrainian economy is struggling. Monday, as i said, the deadline for the ceasefire in eastern ukraine, between the separatist forces and the government, even though there has been ongoing fighting. While the peace talks were going on, both sides say the ceasefire has been a failure. The separatists did release four of these eight o. S. C. E. Hostages that they had kidnapped over a month ago. Do you think the signing of the deal with the e. U. Will make is more or less likely that the ceasefire will hold . The signing with the e. U. Is a great event. This is one of the original reasons for the demonstrations that drove mr Viktor Yanukovych away. Now the signing with the e. U. Is a big deal for the ukrainians across the country, now the separatists supported by the russians, indeed, led by, trained by, equipped by the russians coming across the border oppose that. So they, however, are also disunified. They are squab lipping among themselves. Some agreed to the ceasefire extensions some have not. This makes it difficult for them to present a united front. The russians are not happy, an advisor to Vladimir Putin accused the e. U. Of putting nazis in power in ukraine. Nazi development the nazi government is . Are you saying that petro porashenko is a nazi . He accused europe of forcing ukraine to sign the agreement and he called it economic suicide for the ukrainians. Why are the russians saying this kind of stuff . Its no theres no explaining the russian statements about this. They are does connected with reality, and this argument that in ukraine there are these nazis is a cary over from the old foreign policy. President petro porashenko was elected across the board, east and west. Its the first time in the ukranian history that the east and west agreed on a president. Hes a responsible person who is moving them towards europe, policy. And is happy to sign the agreement and didnt feel forced. The russian side of the argument is that ukraine signed the deal, georgia and moldova union. Is moscow getting alarm that its losing influence in an area that is crucial to it . Moscow is forcing its neighbours to fully moscow. It is scaring its neighbours. The neighbours, ukraine, georgia, moldova are looking for where they can be secured. They are looking to europe, and looking towards n. A. T. O. , this foreign policies that the russians pursued has down the opposite of what they are trying to do. They could have good relations with the ukrainians and mohl dove jps and the bell russians and all the neighbours. They could have that. They decided not to, to scare them, threaten them, call them nazis. Policy. Lets get a couple of questions in on ukraine. The ayatollah Ali Alsistani is standarding quick action. He was a minister in place. Given the way the country is being torn apart from the different factions, is it possible therell be a power sharing arrangement that will kurds . It will be difficult. Its not impossible, and its possible that the iraqsies will full together. They have pressure from Ali Alsistani, they heard from americans and other. So all of the neighbours are encouraging the iraqis to pull together. Its not impossible but it the be very difficult. Kurdish leader was in kirkuk on friday. He said the kurds will never give up the city. I. S. I. L. Terrorists made their way into iraq. Does that mean hes declare an independent kurdistan, and that it will end the possibility of an iraq. It doesnt quite end the possibility of an iraq, but it symbols that he is moving in that direction, and a direction of independence, he has not taken that step and laid the ground work. And in the future. Ambassador, great to have you insights. Turning to the struggle of freedom overseas to struggle for the freedom of the press. Protests continue in relation to the prison sentences for three al jazeera in egypt. Pressure is building, backing a law that would protect Confidential Sources one was approved last year, but yet to get to the floor. A democratic congressman, a passionate liberal, offered another. Im joined by the congressman. Good to have you with us. Thanks. Your language would block prosecutors from forcing prosecutors to give up sources to the government. You got a quarter of governments to vote, us would have gotten more if it hadnt been an amendment to a spending bill. Support. 175 democrats, 53 republicans, its a strange vote count you can find in the 113 congressman. Typically twothirds republicans support any amend the. This time we had a quarter. Many are constitutionalist. Where it says Congress Shall make no law to abridge freedom says. Le we are breaching if in a fundamental way when we make journalism a criminal act. The text of the amendment would deny funds to compel a journalist to some of the people that oppose your vote say its too broad. Who would qualify . Thats for the courts to decide. But its commonsense. As i indicated in the legislative history, people whose employment is journalism, people who work for a living as journalists are journalist. Same for reporters. I dont think we should spend too much time or worry about the nuance of the definition when whatsoever. Some argue would it be too broad because it includes people that dont do it for pay. Lets talk about the senate version, that is narrower, and its not a privilege. It calls on judges to balance the interest of maintaining the First Amendment free flow, before forcing a journalist to flee a source. Do you think your version would fly in the senate or the senate fly in the house. We are looking for a senate to pick up and run with it. A reason we had the problem for 42 years since the Supreme Court decision, a reason why the problem continues is the fact that people make it soundlike its so complicated, theres so many nuances, if you delve into a loss bill na is passed once or twice, you find that people are overthinking the problem. My solution is simple lets respect the constitution, give the words in the constitution the meaning that they clearly have and deserve. Lets respect the independence of reporters in performing in a us. What are the chances of anything happening. The Senate Approved this a while ago, but its never made it to the floor. I have come up with a novel way to make it to the floor. One of the hard things in the house and the senate is to take a bill and get it to a vote. I benched this into an appropriations bill, and the senate can do the same thing. The senate has its aappropriation bill. I hope someone will realise this is the way to go if you want to see action. We had a New York Times reporter james ricen on thursday, he talked about his case. He could face gaol time for refusing to reveal a source and in this to say about the Obama Justice department. The Justice Department is used by the Obama Administration, like president nixon used an enemies list. Its a more officially list. Your reaction to that . The president , my president , i voted for him twice, hes the leader of my party. At this point the Obama Administration prosecuted eight individuals in eight different cases. When the first 43 combined, prosecutors three. Thats telling. James ricen had this to say about the impact the governments prosecution of journalists are having overseas. They are sending this message to the rest of the world which is dangerous, which is the home of the First Amendment is cracking down on journalism. Everywhere else you can do the same thing. That, to some extent is a message you are trying to send too. Listen, journalists are the bearers of bad news, but it is news that you need to hear. You know the saying dont kill the messenger. On the Foreign Affairs committee we pass resolutions on my committee telling other countries what they should be doing, and other countries look at how we treat our reporters saying physician, heel thigh self. Would you be open to some form of National Security, or that a judge could look at National Security situations that might be involved. We are in a different situation. Theres no application at all at the federal level. 49 states have shield laws. Wyoming doesnt. 49 states have shield laws on the books already. In the federal realm, theres nothing. Again, specific details is not what is important. Done. I am sure journalists around the country are rooting for you to get something done. Its a measure to have you. Thank you. Thank you too. Time to see what sa trending on the web. This years miss delaware has been stripped of her crown less than two weeks after winning it. 24yearold amanda longacres title has been revoked because they say shes too old. Im really upset. I found out tuesday i was stripped of my crown over an age claws that the board of my state didnt know about. Im left wondering why i was put in this position to begin with. Amanda said she provided proof of age and was told she was eligible as long as shes 24 in september. Shes 25, october 25th. Thats not what the rules say. They dictate contestants cant turn 25 the year of the pageant and it was written in the contract amanda and organizations signed. The miss america crowned the runnerup. On the Facebook Page they wrote wrote . The top comment on the page says there are a lot of people that disagree let us know what you think. Tweet us, or share your thoughts on our Facebook Page. Shes not going down without a fight. Shes talking to attorneys about her option. I hope she fights and wins. It seems a little ridiculous. They shount have let her compete if it was an issue. Straight ahead new research on creativity. Why high iqs dont translate into creative jeanious. Eight months pregnant and making a run for it. While this athlete is praised, another is scorned for working out whilst pregnant. Summer camps some have banned talk about kids bodies. As far back as aristotle Creative Genius has been linked with Mental Illness. Are they connected, and where does creativity come from. The new edition of the atlantic magazine, takes a look in a story the secrets of the creative brain, the neuroscientist that wrote the story, joins us from colorado, where shes attending an aspen ideas forum. Good of you to join us, its an incredible piece in the atlantic, you studied some of the amazing minds of the last century. Part of the the trouble i am sure you face as you study the brain is coming to a clearer definition of what is. Yes. I mean, there is a consensus among people who work in the area that creativity is a capacity to do something that is useful in a broad sense. The arts are useful, not in an obvious way, but they are useful because they uplift the human spirit and the science are useful because they give us things like electric lighting and the wonderers of chemistry and things like that. Lets work through some points you raise. You go into the relationship between iq and creativity, and you found theres not a cause and effect relationship. Scoring at genius levels doesnt mean it will lead to being a Creative Genius. Thats correct. One of the problems is the word genius. Genius is used as equivalent to a high iq. Yet jeepius is genius is used to refer to people who are creative, leading to the assumption that they are one and the same thing. There was a famous study down at stamford of high iq people. They followed them for years, and the outcome was the high iq kids, almost none of them did anything highly creative. At the same time you found that creativity needs a level, a intelligence. A relatively high level. I think every creative person whom i have studied has an iq of 120. Some are higher than that. To be smart is one thing. 120 is smart, but to have to be creative you have to have something on top of intelligence. And something that is different from intelligence. Well get to some of that. Lets start with Something Else you look at, the nature versus nurture issue. You found that creativity runs in families. Yes, it does. Not always, but it has a tendency. It doesnt have to be in the same field. You bring up one family. Yes, thats one of the most intriguing things. You pick someone because hes a physicist and the relatives may biochemists. You bring up nurture and talk about the example of london cab drivers that them ris the streets and they memorise the streets, and they have a part of the brain that is highly developed and Symphony Orchestra people that have a highly developed part of the brain. What comes first, they are born with it or their brains develop so they can do it. The london cab drivers and orchestra players are there as examples to illustrate that you can strengthen parts of the brain by exercising it. The taxi drivers who learn the complicated maps developed their memory regions to a high degree. Yes, you can improve your brain. I want say the cab drivers are creative. They have just enhanced an innate capacity in the brain. What about the association then between creativity and Mental Illness. There are all sort of studies, but they are wanting in different ways. Most found there are some associations, and it seems they are strongest with writers, that writers seem to have, you know, more issues with Mental Illness than other creative fields. I cant say that. Fizzual artists are found to have higher rates of mood disorder. I studied a lot of the writers. The Current Study im doing is a mixture, people from the arts and sciences and maths more broadly defined. The rates of Mental Illness in the group is lower than in the group of writers that i study, but its high. You know, there is a link. The tendency to run in families is another link Mental Illness families. Is there anything associated with Mental Illness that makes us think more creatively. We have a saying in science that if you work at the cutting edge youll bleed. And when you are a creative person you have to take risks. You have to present things that are novel. That others may not see or understand. You have to be doubted. Rejected and you have to continue to do it anyway. Sometimes i use the analogy of a boxer this is knocked down and has to stand up. Its a common theme among creative people. You have done a lot of neuroimaging and you found higher levels of activity in the parts of the brains of creative people that are associated or involved in kelenting things, so that may allow them to see things in a way that is more original that the rest of us mite not manage to do. Might not manage to do. Yes, thats. A challenge in the new study is that it includes neuro imaging. The nature of the Creative Process is such that its very complicated. You cant put someone in an mr scanner and say think a creative thought or make up a beautiful sentence. We chose tasks that stress the association cortex. And the role of that part of the brain is to make connections. And as i was thinking about this i was saying to myself, what is the difference between the brain of someone like shakespeare who had an enormous vocabulary, and, say, a stockbroker, not that stockbrokers are uncreative, but put them against shakespeare and they are upcreated. Shakespeare had a welldeveloped associated cortex. Its fascinating and the people interested in the workings of the human mind and creativity should look at the atlantic magazine. Thank you, we appreciate you thoughts. My plarure. Summer camps are looking to help girls avoid body issues. The tactics could have the reverse event. Al Jazeera America takes you inside battle torn iraq. As those on all sides of the violence flee for their lives. Were seeing family after family just hoping for an escape. A first hand look at the people, politics, and the future of iraq. The United States will continue to increase our support to Iraqi Security forces. Dont miss america tonight exclusive reports front line iraq only on Al Jazeera America todays data dive goes for a challenging run. Ploip alicia ran an 800m race at the u. S. Track and field championships, 8 months pregnant. 800 metres is half a mile, finishing in 2 minutes, 32 seconds, 35 seconds off the career best. She was last but got an ovation for finishing 6 weeks. She planned the pregnancy now to be ready for the 2016 games in rio. She had clearance from her doctor and wanted to show exercise is good for pregnant women. Late pregnancy exercises is not always cheered. Leanne elson was profile last year for posting this picture, showing herself lifting weights two weeks from her due date. The picture wept viral. Many said the 35yearold risked a miss carriage. She delivered is healthy baby born. The obstetrics college says work outs depend on the women. Low impact aerobics, walking, cycling and jobbing is okay. During the second and third trimelt bers, bike raiding and weightlifting should be avoided because of falling. Some require a doctors note for flying. Most exports say women should consult their doctors before flying late in a pregnancy. Coming up, summer camps america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now body imaging is a sensitive issue in american culture. Women and men are bombarded with i deal bodies by the media. A number of summer camps decided to address the issue by banning all talk about physical suspicions. Its not just a prohibition on negative comments. Neutral and positive comments are against the rules. Some camps have known so far as to cover up mirrors. Could this be doing more harm than good . Amanda is a writer and distributor and writes for the daily beast, anusa today, and author. I had no idea this is going on. On its face it doesnt seem like a badded in. We are talking beside idea. We are talking about how girls are bombarded by unrealistic images. We teach the girls its what is inside that counts. What is so bad about it . I spoke to one person who had gone to the camps, and she said as a brief experiment, it was an interesting idea. Its treated as an ideology, as if the body should never be disuction. Hair, clothes, how you present troubling. Wont kids judge each other even if they are not allowed to talk about it. The issue you raise is could it backfire. By banning things, we know how you ban things for a kid many more. The thing that concerned me is in our culture we have a problem of people focussing on bodies on one hand, but we have a culture where we shame people for having bodies, and make them feel embarrassed about their bodies and caring about their bodies, and about their sexuality and things like that. I worry if we treat in a way of obsessing over them. We may be adding to the bodies. I thought the camps covering up mirrors was doing what you are talking about. Taking it too far. The shames girls for being vain or caring about their looks as opposed to redirecting their energies into point of view directions where they see their body and inner self as one person, instead of turning it into two things. It seems escapist, and theres a psychologist lisa morse who said one camp says they have talks to bring this up and discuss all of this. Does it make a difference . I worry when you put these things aside, it raises the taboo and shame and creates a gens that your body is a problem, and what we need to do is talk to girls and boys that their body is not a problem, and try to think about it i think it would be helpful if instead of nobody talking, what our bodies can do to us. Im not sure i would want to go to a camp with a lot of talks. Im not sure that that is high on the list of camps to go to. People say its political sworn 27 march run amok. I think in a sense assist. But i mean, it seems to be one of the rules that is designed to make liberals and conservatives hach. Theres a lot happy. Theres a lot of conservative about how vanity is wrong and girls need to thing about the soul and morality, and liberals are joined to the notion that theres too much pressure on girls to be beautiful. It becomes a middle ground where we are not talking about the real issues. The problem is this is summer camp for a couple of months, and world. Where your body is talked about all the time, and your body will be the face that you give to the world, your face being part of your body. It raises interesting issues that i had not thought of. Its great to have you with us. Pleasure to have you. Thats all for now. Coming up this weekend animals suffering from what you think are human ailments. Lesson from this goats depression to do with separation anxiety adults moving about with their parents and staying longer. There may be an upside. And the system focussing on justice what you thought you knew about the stop and frisk programme and drug free zones and what weight it puts on the judicial system. I look at what it costs for arresting someone for selling three bags of marijuana you use police tame, ipp cars rate them. Its around 40,000 a year for a person to sit in gaol for 50 of drugs. Its not cost effective. The trail of the drug buyers is ipp wards. Thats underat nine. The conversation conditions on the website aljazeera. Com considerthis or facebook or google , and on twitter. See you next time. Audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by american tv news today. Entire media culture is driven by something thats very very fast. There has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill that void. There is a huge opportunity for Al Jazeera America to change the way people look at news. We just dont parachute in on a story. Quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave. One producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story. At al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films. The people that you dont see anywhere else on television. We intend to reach out to the people who arent being heard. We wanna see the people who are actually effected by the news of the day. Its Digging Deeper its asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet. You cant tell the stories of the people if you dont get their voices out there, and Al Jazeera America is doing just that. Good morning to you. Were live in new york city. Im morgan radford. Here are the stories were following. The plan suspected of leading the he attack on the u. S. Embassy in bengahzi arrived in u. S. The shot heard around the world marks the assassination that led to the First World War i hundred years ago today

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