Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170603

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the british prime minister, theresa may, and the opposition labour party leader, jeremy corbyn, have been facing to do everything that to do questions from voters ahead of next week's general election. they were questioned separately by members of the studio audience after mrs may refused to debate directly with other party leaders. our political editor laura kuenssberg reports. nervous? not so you would notice. this crowd was waiting. theresa may had much more to lose. a brave face after a bumpy few days. both facing the hardest audiences of all, this studio and you. a smile but a hard start for the prime minister. pressing bruises she has taken on in this campaign. you have backtracked on the social care policy. your plans have holes in it. everyone can see that. i did not just want to stay in the job, i have called an election because of brexit. i think this is a really important moment for our country. you have called a general election for the good of the conservative party and it will backfire on you. then to what her team thinks is her biggest advantage, brexit. people who voted out, perhaps they should be given a second chance. you should have the confidence to say, shall we have another vote? collectively, people here in the uk said, that is not the way to behave. if the people have given their choice, let's deliver on it. then question after question about social care and her change of heart. you can spend your whole life working to build up a nest egg. if it will all be taken away from you again if care is needed, why should you even bother in the first place? it is today we see people sometimes having to sell the houses in order to pay bills. we want to introduce a system, a sustainable a given the ageing population. if we do nothing, our social care system will collapse. if you can tell us what the floor is now, why can you not tell us the cap? on the floor it is important we give people protection on their savings which is greater than today. that is why that figure is 100,000. on the cap, as to where you set the figure, the absolute figure that people pay, i think it is right we have the consultation. then pressure on the nhs and this nurse's wage packet. my wages from 2009 are flecked what i am earning today. how can be fair? we have had to take some hard choices the public sector about public sector pay restraint. we did that to bring public spending under control, because it was not under control under the last labour government. i am being honest with you in terms of say we will put more money in the nhs but there is not a magic money tree we can shake. i have been waiting a year and a half of this. i have suffered so much because of the work capability assessment. i will not make excuses for the experience you have had. that is why it is so important we do deal with mental health. this is something where we do look at improving how that assessment has taken place. then, to her arrival, jeremy corbyn... the first challenge — whether he would play brexit hardball. if the eu understands your position that no deal is a bad deal then you have no chance. we are not approaching the negotiations by threatening europe by setting up a low tax haven for big corporations in this country. we are saying we want to continue the trading relationship outside the european union. he was pressed on whether he would work with the snp and whether the country can afford his plans. is labour's manifesto a realistic wish list orjust a letter to santa claus? i think it is a serious and realistic document that addresses the issues that many people in this country face. i'm thinking of the last time that the labour party was in government but they left a note saying, we have no money left. the very richest in our society have got richer. there have been more tax giveaways at the top end and more charges at the other end. it is time to rebalance it. then his long held resistance to nuclear weapons came under pressure. if britain were at threat from nuclear weapons, how would you react? the idea of anyone ever using a nuclear weapon anywhere in the world is appalling and terrible. it would result in the destruction of their lives and communities and environment for millions of people. are you saying there are no circumstances under which you would use it? any circumstances where anyone is preparing to use a nuclear weapon is disastrous for the whole planet. that is why there has to be a policy of disarmament globally but through multilateral policy and not unilateral policy. would you allow north korea and some idiot in iran to bombers us and then say, we had better start talking? of course not. —— to bomb us. of course i would not allow them to do that. how would you stop them? that is why i made the point a short time ago about the need for president 0bama's agreement with iran to be upheld the debate is important. also to promote disarmament in korea. that is difficult, i appreciate. i don't understand why everyone in the room seem so keen on killing millions of people. difficult moments for him as well on the ira. the tough night for both arrivals. a brief but big and counter. moments that could make the difference. there are still minds to change. the white house has defended donald trump's decision to withdraw from the paris climate change agreement. the environment secretary refused to say whether the president still believed climate change was a hoax and described withdrawing from the agreement as a brave decision. the president made a very courageous decision yesterday on behalf of america. he put america's interests first with respect to environmental agreements and discussions. i appreciate his fortitude and leadership. there has been thoughtful deliberation. many voices across a wide spectrum advantage points. the president made a very informed by thoughtful and important decision for the country's then a fit. some cities and states that they would still cut emissions despite the us withdrawal. here is the former mayor of new york, mr bloomberg. americans are not going to let washington stand on the way of fulfilling that commitment. that is the message that mayors, governors, and business leaders across the united states have been sending. iwant across the united states have been sending. i want the world to know the us will meet our paris commitment. there has been harsh reaction around the globe. from brussels, damian grammaticas reports. in the fight against global warming, and just hours after donald trump retreated, enter new leaders — the eu and china. apart from the us, these are the world's other two economic heavyweights, prompted by president trump to act in concert. what we're seeing here with this joint reaction to donald trump's statement is striking, not just for the swiftness, but also for the message it sends, at a time when the us under president trump is withdrawing from global leadership on climate change, instantly the eu and china are stepping in to take up that mantle. it's a striking global change which could herald a decline in us influence. so at this special summit in brussels, the eu and china are making a joint declaration, they will not abandon the paris agreement, the opposite. they're committed to it. today we are stepping up with china. which means today, china and the european union are aligned on the need for international solutions. we are convinced that the decision yesterday by the united states to leave the paris agreement is a big mistake. when president trump announced his decision last night, he said paris was a bad dealfor the us. but this deal—maker won't be able to re—negotiate, say eu countries, who have issued their own coordinated condemnation. a single statement signed by germany, france and italy. angela merkel today called the us decision "regrettable", and added she was holding back her real feelings. translation: the decision can and will not stop all of us dedicated to the protection of our planet earth, quite the opposite. we, in germany, in europe, and in the world, are more determined than ever to pull our strength to face one of the challenges of humankind. theresa may did not sign the joint letter with europe's other g7 members, that prompted this scathing attack from jeremy corbyn today. given the chance to present a united front for our international partners, she has instead opted for silent, and once again, subservience to donald trump. it's a dereliction of both her duty to this country, and our duty to our planet. downing street says the prime minister did not act together with other european nations because she spoke directly to president trump last night to tell him she supports the paris deal. i've made the uk's position on the paris agreement very clear. we remain committed to the paris agreement, it's an important international agreement on climate change. i made the uk's position clear to president trump last week at the g7 meeting, as did the other g7 leaders, and i made the uk's position clear to president trump last night. canada and japan have not signed that letter, neither has the uk, but we all have the same view that we remain committed to the paris agreement. in brussels, the eu and china have been prompted to take a stand because they share the belief that fighting climate change makes both environmental and economic sense. and the eu says it put it on the right side of history. damien grammaticas, bbc news, brussels. well, in his speech on thursday, donald trump said he had been elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. but the mayor of pittsburgh was quick to point out that he and those who voted for him actually embrace the paris climate accord. the bbc‘s nick bryant has spent the day in pittsburgh hearing from residents who have found themselves thrust into the middle of this debate. pittsburgh, pennsylvania, a city twinned unexpectedly by the president with paris. but this morning it was not hard to find citizens delighted by this decision. i think our president is trying to do everything he can that is good for the american people. america first. absolutely. it is about time people and presidents put america first and he is doing that and showing that all these agreements that are not fair to the united states, it is time date we negotiated them to become fair. the old pittsburgh was very different. steel city, and manufacturing capital often shrouded in fog. now it is a high—tech hub, a centre of excellence in robotics, the place where uber are testing driverless cars. i was one of the american representatives. the democratic mayor says its resurgence has been based on green—friendly policies and has hit back at donald trump. the decision to withdraw is not only bad for the united states economy, but it weakens us throughout the world. it is the old rusting steel towns in the valleys outside pittsburgh left behind by the new economy where the slogan makes america great again reverberated most strongly. donald trump would not be president were it not for the support he received in the rust belt states, they became the critical battle ground in us presidential politics. there are many voters here who believe that the global anger over his paris decision offers proof of his determination to fight on their behalf. at this derelict steel plant today we found something unexpected, the old economy meeting the new, employees from google on a day out learning about this region's industrial past. the paris accord will help stimulate the economy of this region. green industries are the future in this region. unfortunately this industry is not. the post—paris question for the us economy, is donald trump trying to revive old, declining industries in a way that impedes the development of the new. stay with us on bbc news. still to come... what effect will donald trump's withdrawal from the paris climate agreement actually have? our science correspondent investigates. the queen and her husband began their royal progress. in accordance with the order of service, by a signal given and great guns of the power... the violence has continued with the army firing on civilians throughout the following day and night. over there you can see the mighty tailplane. the only sign left that an aircraft has been here. u efa uefa imposes an indefinite ban on english clubs playing in europe. todayis english clubs playing in europe. today is the 20th anniversary of the release of the beatles sergeant pepper ‘s lonely hearts club band. the record described as the album of the century. this is bbc news. the latest headlines... with less than a week until the uk general election theresa may and jeremy corbyn have faced questions on brexit, nuclear weapons and the future of social care from a live television audience. china, the european union and india have restated their commitment to the paris agreement on combating climate change — but president trump's team are standing by his decision to pull the united states out. did rush a hack the us presidential election? that question has been hanging over washington since donald trump took office. it is alleged patriotic hackers may have interfered. moscow has always denied involvement. the topic came up again when he spoke to nbc news. hackers can be anywhere for that they can be in russia, asia, even in america. they can even be hackers by the way in the united states. very skilfully and professionally shifted the blame on to russia. can you imagine something like that? it is a political battle. it was convenient for them to release this information, so they released it, citing russia. can you imagine something like that? i can. a group of children conceded that badly conceived through ivf... this was just the first round. you can see what winning meant to them. the room is full of people wondering if the person sitting next to them is that brother or sister. the mothers all had ivf and now they believed the doctor who ran the clinic secretly inseminated them with his own sperm. translation: i did not see the similarities at first sight.|j translation: i did not see the similarities at first sight. i spoke with the lawyer and talked about biological conditions. my son has both the characteristics, the overbite and hypermobility.” both the characteristics, the overbite and hypermobility. i want to know fish all that this is my dad. he does not live any more. if anyone asked me who my dad is, at the moment i cannot answer the question. he called himself a pioneer in the field of fertilisation. this incredible case has raised questions about how ivf clinics and the procedures they offer are monitored. the verdict has brought hope. for the donor children we hope we can work together with the biological children to sample a match their dna to see if there is a match their dna to see if there is a match with the donor children. even if his family refuses to cooperate, thejudge agreed that if his family refuses to cooperate, the judge agreed that dna samples could be taken from items from the home shortly after his death. the dna profile will be sealed until anotherjudge rules whether the results can be compared to the dna of the donor children. more now on donald trump's decision to withdraw from the climate accord. our science editor david shukman attended the paris meeting which produced the agreement in 2015. he looks now at impact the us withdrawal could have. these spectacular sight of the thames barrier. the great defence keeping london safe from flooding. a place that researchers see as a front line in the effort to tackle climate change. what is happening here and along coasts around the world is year by year, bit by bit, the level of the sea is rising and that is because of global warning. it is why scientists say climate change is real and why they are so worried about what donald trump has just done. for people in low—lying countries like bangladesh, holding back the rising seas is a desperate struggle. researchers say the evidence is clear that warmer conditions will add to the dangers. professor miles allen is working on computer simulations of the climate. he says america leaving the paris agreement might encourage others to go as well. for the first time, we actually had all the world's countries joining together to say they were going to do something about it. notjust the rich countries but everybody. for the richest country in the world to pull out, obviously, may send a very strong message to the other ones. so, what about donald trump's allegation that america is suffering from the paris agreement? for a start, it's voluntary, with no obligations. the us offered to cut its greenhouse gases by up to 28% by 2025, compared to 2005. by contrast, china pledged to reach peak emissions by 2030, a far more lenient target. mr trump is right about that. but it's because china is still developing, as is india, which has promised that 40% of its electricity will be carbon free by 2030. someone who has worked for years on climate change is economist lord stern, author of a highly influential report published more than ten years ago. he was at the paris summit in 2015, here on the left. what does he make of donald trump's aims about unfairness? given that china said it would peak its emissions by 2030 and now looks as if it is going to peak its emissions by 2020, that's not unfair to the united states. given that indian emissions per capita are about one tenth, 10%, of the united states, that's not unfair to the united states. in any event, china and india facing a crisis of air pollution are pushing for a cleaner future anyway. without america's help, that might take a little longer. he's ireland's first openly gay minister — the son of an indian immigrant. and at the age of 38, leo varadkar is now set to be the youngest leader in europe as ireland's next prime minister. chris buckler reports. leo varadkar is the new face of modern ireland. an immigrant, openly gay and for months he has been the favourite to become this country's leader. he set out his vision of leadership amid a sea of signs bearing one name. i think if my election today has shown anything it is that prejudice has no hold in this republic. and so every proud parent in ireland today can dream big dreams for their children. every boy and girl can know that there is no limit to their ambition, to their possibilities if they are given the opportunity. his father was a doctor who emigrated from india and married an irish nurse. two years ago he came out as gay, ahead of a referendum on the introduction of same—sex marriage. he celebrated the yes vote on stage, a sign of social change in what many still call catholic ireland. and leo is totally different to the last taoiseach, enda kenny. he is not one of these high—fiving enda kenny types, but that is not always what is needed. times change and they know what is in him, that steel and determination. island's economy may have emerged from a time of the bank crises and bailouts, but brexit poses its own challenges. and as head of a minority government, leo varadkar is likely to find his leadership is tested sooner rather than later. this is bbc news. hello. we would do the easy bit first and i will give it a weekend forecast. a mixture of sunny spells and showers. friday was not as straightforward. you can see why i am going back to friday in a second. it started off well enough and then it looked threatening. probably because many of you were getting tied up with the weather front. ahead of it warm, moist, muggy air was turned into thunderstorms in parts of east anglia and the south east. that is why some of you were looking more like that. there was some localised flooding due to the heavy downpours. the muggy air is still to be had. rain in the north east. towards the west we will have to see the finest of the conditions to see the finest of the conditions to start off today. one or two showers across the western facing coasts of the hills. they are there in the western side of scotland. you'd be used to help the overhang of cloud. —— in the east, we have the overhang of cloud. let's get you wa nt the overhang of cloud. let's get you want through the day and see how things are shaping up. a lot of shows going on, a lot of weddings planned as wealth but as we get on through the day, the bulk of the showers across central and northern parts of scotland and northern ireland. fewer showers across the western side of england and through wales. all the while the merc drifting up the eastern shores. eventually the eastern side of england will improve as the bulk of the cloud and showery rain comes to live there across the eastern side of scotland. that is saturday. into sunday, a fairly quiet start for central and eastern parts again. later on we will bring more in the wa ke later on we will bring more in the wake of showery rain into the south—west and into parts of wales. a slightly fresher feel to the day. this is monday. not one, not two but three areas of low pressure. this one is the real driver of the weather. that could bring 50 millimetres of rain. some of the gusts of wind in excess of 50 miles an hour. here we are as far ahead as tuesday. a slightly simplified area of low pressure still providing a showery regime across all parts of the british ours. the cooler feel given the wind is somewhere between the west and the north west. this is bbc news, the headlines: theresa may and jeremy corbyn have been facing questions from voters in the final televised debate before next week's general election. mrs may stressed she was the best person to lead brexit negotiations and mr corbyn promised a left—wing alternative to the government's plan to spending cuts. the white house defended donald trump's decision to pull the usa out of the paris climate agreement. administration officials say it is down to otherworldly readers to decide whether to sit down and negotiate another deal. —— other world leaders. but china recommends to stick to the original agreement. the new leader of the party of ireland's biggest party is leo varadkar. at the age of 38, he is set to become ireland's first openly gay and youngest prime minister. now i bbc news, it is

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Prime Minister , President , Immigrant , Indian , Theresa May , Election , Questions , Voters , Labour Party Leader , Everything , Jeremy Corbyn , Uk , Studio Audience , Members , Laura Kuenssberg , Party Leaders , All , Start , Face , Both , Audiences , Studio , Crowd , Smile , Bruises , Everyone , Plans , Social Care Policy , Campaign , Country , General Election , Job , Brexit , People , Team , Advantage , Good , Conservative Party , Chance , Vote , Confidence , Way , Social Care , Question , Care , Nest Egg , Change Of Heart , Life , Choice , Place , Order , System , Houses , Bills , Population , Us , Floor , Nothing , Social Care System , Figure , Savings , Cap , Protection , 100000 , Nhs , Nurse , Consultation , Wages , Wage Packet , Flecked , 2009 , Government , Money , Spending , Choices , Control , Say , Pay , Restraint , Terms , Public Sector About , Magic Money Tree , Half , Something , Deal , Work Capability Assessment , Experience , Mental Health , Because , Excuses , Assessment , Arrival , Brexit Hardball , European Union , Europe S , Negotiations , Position , Corporations , Tax Haven , Trading Relationship , Wish List , Is Labour , Snp , Orjust , Letter , Document , Santa Claus , Society , Tax Giveaways , Note , Saying , Pressure , Weapons , Resistance , Charges , End , Threat , World , Anyone , Weapon , Anywhere , Millions , Communities , Idea , Environment , Destruction , Lives , Circumstances , Disarmament , Multilateral Policy , Planet , Course , Policy , Idiot , North Korea , Iran , Point , Agreement , Debate , Need , Room , 0bama , 0 , Counter , Arrivals , Brief , Ira , Trump , Paris Decision , White House , Minds , Difference , Paris , Climate Change Agreement , Environment Secretary , Hoax , Behalf , Made A Very Courageous Decision , Interests , Respect , Agreements , Leadership , Made A , Points , Fortitude , Discussions , Deliberation , Voices , Emissions , Mayor , Withdrawal , Cities , States , Mr , Fit , New York , Commitment , Business Leaders , Message , Governors , Mayors , Washington , Bloomberg , Reaction , Brussels , Globe , Will Meet Our Paris Commitment , Damian Grammaticas Reports , Iwant , China , Leaders , Fight , Concert , Heavyweights , Two , Statement , Swiftness , Striking Global Change , Mantle , Decline , Influence , Summit In Brussels , Opposite , Declaration , Solutions , Last Night , Countries , Mistake , Bad Dealfor , Won T , Decision , Sight , Angela Merkel , Feelings , Condemnation , Germany , Regrettable , Italy , France , One , Challenges , Strength , Humankind , Planet Earth , Partners , G7 Members , Attack , Silent , Subservience , United Front , Duty , Dereliction , Nations , Downing Street , Trump Last Night , G7 Leaders , View , President Trump Last Night , G7 Meeting , Canada , Japan , It , Side , Belief , Stand , History , Sense , Bbc News , Old Pittsburgh , Citizens , Speech , Damien Grammaticas , Paris Climate Agreement , Residents , Hearing , Middle , Nick Bryant , Pennsylvania , City Twinned , Presidents , America First , Showing , Capital , Fog , Manufacturing , Hub , Excellence , Centre , Testing , Robotics , Policies , Resurgence , Representatives , Hit Back , Driverless Cars , The American , Democratic , Economy , Towns , Valleys , Slogan , Determination , Politics , Danger , Support , Proof , Battle Ground , Rust Belt , Region , Plant , Accord , Learning , Employees , A Day Out , Google , Industry , Industries , Post Paris Question , Development , Queen , Stay , Effect , Husband , Science Correspondent , Accordance , Progress , Service , Signal Given , Power , Guns , Civilians , Violence , Army Firing , Tailplane , Aircraft , Efa Uefa , Todayis English , The Beatles , Record , Ban , Release , Album , 20th Anniversary , Lonely Hearts Club Band , 20 , Headlines , Nuclear Weapons , Audience , Paris Agreement On Combating Climate Change , Television , Rush A Hack , Hackers , Office , Moscow , Topic , Involvement , Nbc News , Russia , Asia , 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