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Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. The uk is to monitorflights. Chinese authorities have admitted the country is now at the most critical stage of the virus. New bbc Analysis Finds the cost of Poor Mental Health in the workplace has increased dramatically in the last two years. And the duchess of cambridge is in cardiff helping to launch what has been described as a landmark child survey which aims to improve the lives of under fives. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Chinese authorities have admitted the country is now at the most critical stage of prevention and control of the new, fast spreading respiratory illness coronavirus. They have advised people to stop travel into and out of wuhan, the city at the heart of the outbreak. The uk has also announced that its to begin monitoring flights and ships arriving from china, and separating some passengers, as part of a series of precautionary measures, while Public Health england have upgraded the risk to the uk population from very low to low. The virus originated in the chinese city of wuhan, but there are a number of confirmed cases elsewhere including thailand, south korea, japan, and now seattle in the United States. The World Health Organization will today consider whether to declare an international Public Health emergency, as they did for ebola, zika, and swineflu. So far Health Authorities in china say nine people have died after catching coronavirus. And the vice minister of the Health Commission there says 440 cases have been confirmed. Our Global Health correspondent Tulip Mazumdar has this report. A city on high alert. Wuhan, where this mysterious virus first emerged, is bracing itself. Several hospitals in the city are already dealing with hundreds of cases. This virus, which can cause severe lung problems, appears to be spread through close contact with infected people. There are particular concerns ahead of the Lunar New Year as millions get ready to travel for the holidays. China says the situation is under control but many more cases are expected. The outbreak has already hit several areas of china, including the capital, beijing, and shanghai. A handful of cases have also been identified in other countries in the region. Two in thailand, one injapan and one in south korea. Now the us has also confirmed a case a traveller from china who became sick in seattle. The World Health Organization has only declared a Global Health emergency five times before, including for ebola and swine flu. Today Health Experts will meet to decide whether this outbreak poses a serious enough International Threat to call one again. They will be looking at what measures might necessary in order to better deal with the outbreak. So, they will assess the outbreak based on three conditions is it unusual . Is it spreading internationally . And does it risk causing interruption of travel and trade . Screening is already underway at airports around the world. Its unclear how this outbreak is going to unfold, but Health Authorities are trying to be as prepared as possible. Tulip mazumdar, bbc news. The Lunar New Year means there are millions of people on the move, they are crisscrossing this country and travelling abroad and i can tell you that attitudes over the last 48 hours towards this virus have com pletely hours towards this virus have completely changed. Two days ago, speaking to travellers, you could barely find someone who was all that that worried about the situation. Now you have people here queueing up to buy face masks, they are cancelling their trips, in some cases they have had their trips cancelled for example north korea have cancelled all tourist groups coming infor have cancelled all tourist groups coming in for the new year. Scientists are recommending that nobody travels to wuhan, this is the city where this outbreak started and they are also saying that people shouldnt leave that city, a city of 11 Million People are now suggesting during the most important festival of this country that people shouldnt be coming and going from there. Really though, you can understand why people are worried, they had a press Conference Today warning that this virus could mutate and if mutated it could be even more contagious. So, if you compare travel patterns in 2002 when the sars outbreak happened, 600 people, more than six and two people died, compare that to now and you kind of understand why all this travel is worrying people. In 2002, comparing that to now, just in the province where this outbreak started, there are now twice as many people travelling by train in that province. In terms of passengers flying out of china, there are six times as many people now flying out of china than there were in 2002 and so of china than there were in 2002 and so this is why the authorities are now desperate to try and get the situation under control before this potentially deadly corona virus which causes pneumonia and spread to many more cities and countries and thatis many more cities and countries and that is why the World Health Organization is meeting to discuss the situation. They are taking it very seriously. That is Stephen Mcdonnell reporting. While some officials have been announcing warnings, President Trump has been speaking to people in dallas where he said the situation was under control. Cdc has been terrific, very great professionals and i think china is in very good shape also. Thank you very much. And at around 11 30pm questions will be answered about coronavirus. If you want to get in touch hashtag bbc your questions. Lets get more now on the news that the saudi authorities have dismissed reports the kingdom was responsible for the alleged hacking of amazon founder jeff bezoss phone. The Guardian Newspaper quoted unnamed sources as saying his phone was infiltrated bya Whatsapp Message from an account apparently belonging to the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in may 2018. In a tweet, Saudi Arabias Embassy in washington described the now is our Cyber Security reporter joe tidy. What has emerged so far about this . We have heard previously thatjeff bezoss team has said that the Saudi Arabian authorities were responsible for hacking his phone, an allegation that was put back in march and i we re that was put back in march and i were hear more details from the guardian allegedly and how that happened. As you say, it was a p pa re ntly happened. As you say, it was apparently a funny conversation on whatsapp between the crown prince and the amazon founder in may of 2018 and as part of that conversation and unsolicited file was sent from the crown princes phone tojeff bezos which was said to bea phone tojeff bezos which was said to be a video file and it is thought that this video file was how the Malicious Software entered the amazon founders phone and we dont know what type of software it may have been. Of course the saudis are denying this whole thing but we do know that if you months later we have the pictures and intimate details from jeff based cars and his private life, published in a newspaper in america. Jeff based cars. It sounds Pretty Simple sending something through whatsapp . We knew a bit about this last year. They are sent to provide surveillance and that sort of thing and the allegations from them is that they developed a tool that allowed hackers to access a person phone through whatsapp so all you had to do, according to the reports from facebook is making a phone call oi from facebook is making a phone call or in some way connected to somebody through whatsapp and you can basically take over the entire phone, you can see phone calls, text messages, pictures, videos and any data that you receive. The perpetrators can receive. We dont know whether or not those of the type of malware that is being implanted in the hack ofjeff bezos but it is certainly something that old tied in to various events that we have seen in the information and security world in recent times and we also know that as well as facebook suing the group for making and selling this software, Amnesty International and other groups are taking them to court or trying to get the export of these tools from the israeli company, trying to get those suspended or curbed in order to try and stop this thing happening again but certainly all the way through the saudis have denied their involvement in this. Thank you very much. President trumps impeachment trial in the us senate has got underway in earnest. But senators have clashed over whether to allow new evidence at the start of the trial with mr trumps republicans blocking demands from democrats to summon white house officials to give evidence. The trial could in theory lead to President Trump being removed from office. The process started in the lower house the house of representatives where two charges were brought against him. The actual trial takes place in the senate the upper house and thats the one that has already started. The chamber of 100 senators acts as a jury 53 senators are republican and 47 are democrats. A two thirds vote is necessary for a president s removal its never happened before. From washington, Chris Buckler reports. Americas constitution gives the us congress the power to remove a president but in this divided country, republicans and democrats are struggling even to agree on the rules for this impeachment trial. Mr chiefjustice, i send an amendment to the desk to issue a subpoena tojohn michael Mick Mulvaney. Democrats put forward an amendment after amendment, asking for the right to demand documents, witnesses and evidence from the white house, the state department and other parts of the administration which have refused to comply with subpoenas. Are you prepared to say and accept that president saying, i have absolute immunity, you want me to come testify . Senator, you want me to come and testify . No, no, i have absolute immunity. Each amendment was voted down by republicans who hold the majority in the senate and who want this trial to be over with as quickly as possible. And thousands of miles away in davos, at a meeting of World Leaders, donald trump couldnt hide his frustration at the attack on his presidency. That whole thing is a hoax. It goes nowhere because nothing happened. As they debated in dc, mr trump tweeted in capital letters, read the transcripts. A reference to records of a phone call he held with ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky. The central allegation is mr trump threatened to withhold military aid to ukraine unless the country lodged investigations into his political rivals. But in making their arguments, both sides arentjust talking to the senators who will act as a jury in this impeachment trial. Theyre speaking to the American Public who will vote in a president ial election before the end of the year. Chris buckler, bbc news, washington. Donald trump will be speaking to the media in davos at the World Economic forum a little bit later and we will bring you live coverage of it. These are life pictures, the pressjust lining up their cameras, checking that everything is in orderfor lining up their cameras, checking that everything is in order for that news c0 nfe re nce that everything is in order for that News Conference from the president. He has already been speaking about the coronavirus and saying that he is confident that china had it under control and of course all of this happening at the World Economic forum in davos whilst President Trump is facing those impeachment proceedings in the United States in the senate with the procedural issues yesterday. The democrats wa nted issues yesterday. The democrats wanted witnesses and further paperwork to be put before the senators as they consider whether to find President Trump guilty of those charges of abuse of power and constructing the enquiry. For now, we will say goodbye to viewers on bbc two. Goodbye. Lets go back to davos as we wait for president truss to speak. President trump. Senators were here until 2am trying to figure out the rules of this trial and how this is going to u nfold trial and how this is going to unfold over the next few weeks. Now the stage is set. Today, opening arguments, this is their chance to make the opening case against trump to the senate. Democrats will come forward over the next three days, they will give 24 hours of arguments as to why they believe the president committed high crimes and misdemeanours that he is charged with. That is obstruction of congress and abuse of power so we will be watching at the next three days, that is a little different from what we expected. That has changed from the rules yesterday, we thought that these arguments were going to have to happen overjust 2 macro days which would create even longer days here, just like we saw last night but now senators have a little bit more time to die just what they were here. Digester. There is no hundred 11 page brief outlining their arguments and there isa outlining their arguments and there is a lot to go over. The headlines on bbc news. The uk is to begin monitoring flights arriving from china as part of a series of measures to help limit the spread of a new coronavirus which has killed 9 people and infected more than 400. In sport Heather Watson wins from a set down. Dan evans is out. Serena williams continued her good form to reach the third round. Novak is also free. They came twice from behind to earn a two all draw with chelsea in the premier league. More on those stories that have passed. Social media sites, online games and streaming sites used by children will have to abide by new rules. The information commissioner says the age appropriate design can be translational. Internet companies will be expected to enact the highest possible default privacy settings which include having location trackers switched off and restrictions on data collection. The information commissioner has been speaking to bbc radio this morning, she said the new standards are vital. There is increased awareness that there are algorithms working in the background of games and websites and social media and those algorithms are really used to promote certain time of content by using personal data of content you have seen or liked and the problem with that is the same kind of algorithms that are delivering content online are delivering at that same content to children and we think the childrens code is necessary to protect children in the real world. That is the childrens information commissioner. The duchess of cambridge is on a 24 hour tour of the uk to launch a new survey she hopes will help tackle the problems faced by many in early childhood. She is visiting a number of organisations to hear how Early Intervention can prevent the repeated problems affecting some families. Thomasjoins as thomas joins as now. Thomasjoins as now. Tell us thomas joins as now. Tell us what she is up to today. She is in cardiff today as she launches the big five questions, a survey for the people asking them how best to inform her and the wider public on what is the best way to bring up our next generation. It is something thatis next generation. It is something that is very close to us and that she has been involved in and she has three Young Children herself and she arrived here in the Childrens Centre, Childrens Centre in cardiff that helps provide support work and educational work for Young Children and young families. She arrived about 20 minutes ago here in cardiff. She very much gave the demeanour of business as usual when she arrived here but of course it has been a difficult few weeks for the royal family and a has been a difficult few weeks for the royalfamily and a difficult week as well for the duke and duchess of sussex out in vancouver having their own issues with the media and now they said they are stepping back from royal duties was that there has been a suggestion that there has been a suggestion that there has been a suggestion that the cane as may have to pick up some of the royal work that this is it says will now not be fulfilling. The cambridge two. This is something that has been in the pipeline for some time that is close to the duchess of cambridges heart. It isa to the duchess of cambridges heart. It is a project that is described on focusing specifically on under fives but the duchesss hopes are obviously that it rolls out far beyond that it is just those of the key stages of development . Yes, you can see the full list of questions on our website but one of the questions asks, which age group is most important when bringing up a young child . Which is most important to provide that healthy background, the educational background that will help sustain a young person as they grow so i think she wants to know from the public what is important to them and she wants to make sure that if anyone has a problem, any adult has had a problem in their childhood but that doesnt get passed on to their own children so it is notjust informing the public, it is informing the public, it is informing her. As i say, this is an area that she feels very passionate about and she wants more information on it as she continues working in this field and i think we will see more of her doing this type of work in the future as well. Thank you, thomas. A report estimates that cuts to uk employers has risen to more than billion pounds a year. They say it is an increase in employees going into work even when they are unwell and less productive. The report also highlights how research changes such as working from home and being co nsta ntly as working from home and being constantly connected to devices can contribute to burn out. Thank you for joining contribute to burn out. Thank you forjoining me. I know that you are talking effectively from a dual perspective, that of an employee who has had some issues around anxiety and asa has had some issues around anxiety and as a boss so what are your thoughts . Im really glad that this research is being done. I think that costs to the uk economy of poor Mental Health and Mental Health issues hasnt been looked at enough. And in enough detail. I think particularly often stress and anxiety can show in physical symptoms, often muscular pain is related to Poor Mental Health but it has manifested itself in a physical way so actually as someone who suffers with my own Mental Health but as an employer i am really pleased that we are actually looking at this and the cost implications to the uk economy. What is the best way an employer cannot support an employee . You have got to empower the individual to manage their own Mental Health and well being and i think it is the same as our physical health. I do suffer with depression and anxiety. I know what strategies to use, i have had cognitive behavioural therapy, i like to run actually at the moment to help to balance the chemicals in my brain so i know what i need to do. What i have needed in the past from an employer that i didnt get and i hope i give as an employer is support and flexibility and open and honest conversations because if we dont talk open and honestly about Mental Health and well being in the same way that we would about physical health then we are not going to come up with the answers, we are not going to help people develop strategies to deal with it. What do you think of this presentiesm . People going to work because they feel like they should but it is actually worse for them to be there and may worse for the company to. I am big on that in my office and we are a small team of 15 people so i am very much about, it is much better if you are feeling ill to actually have a day off and then feel better than to keep coming m, then feel better than to keep coming in, potentially infect everyone else depending on what you are struggling with and then also actually end up having longer off in the long run so yes, i think the lack of productivity as a result of that is also something we need to address but we again need to have open and honest conversations about it because otherwise it is not going to work. Thank you very much. Lets get more now on the news that the saudi authorities have dismissed reports the kingdom was responsible for the alleged hacking of amazon founder jeff bezoss phone. The Guardian Newspaper quoted unnamed sources as saying his phone was infiltrated bya Whatsapp Message from an account apparently belonging to the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in may 2018. In a tweet, Saudi Arabias Embassy in washington described the allegation in british and american newspapers as absurd. Gordon is with me now. The investigation thatjeff bezos has triggered has appointed the finger at the Saudi Crown Prince and they say it is absolutely not true, what would be the motivation . It is an astonishing story and it all came out because jeff astonishing story and it all came out becausejeff bezoss account had been hacked and details of a personal relationship he was having emerged and that started the question of where had those details come from . It looks like the investigation has zeroed in on a dinner he had with the crown prince in los angeles. They exchanged phone numbers and Whatsapp Messages and its thought that on may the 1st he clicked on a message which included a video file and that may have instilled some kind of malicious softwa re instilled some kind of Malicious Software on his phone. One of the reasons that was the moment because right after that, the amount of data leaving his phone goes up 300 fold so it looks like at that moment, suddenly private information is leaving his phone and going somewhere else for that we do know as well that around that time the saudi government is also alleged to have being trying to hack into other dissidents phones and use a similar softwa re dissidents phones and use a Similar Software to try and get data on them and they were in a campaign in which the crown prince is alleged to have been involved to try and put pressure on dissidents. The key factor is thatjeff bezos owns the Washington Post newspaper, one of the colonists there he was a first critic of the saudi regime. It is possible, it is hard to connect all the dots. There is one possibility that the saudis have denied but we do know that later pictures were sent tojeff do know that later pictures were sent to jeff bezos apparently from the crown prince and later on those details were leaked. Where does this potentially go from here because it has been claimed previously that saudi arabia was behind this hacking . It saudi arabia is saying it wasnt. I think firstly there are the Technical Details which gives a more backing to the idea that this happened, if there are these kind of Technical Details, we have not seen in the public domain, we have reports of it but we also have a new Un Rapporteur he was accepted to make some statement in the coming hours and is expected to call for more investigation. I think this is really putting the pressure on to say there is more to this story, there are more allegations to what went on. How much of that will come out and how much the saudi government will be able to just keep denying, well have to see but certainly it is extraordinary that this level of detail is now which in royals a crown prince, a major us tech figure and the death of a dissident. Jess phillips, who quit the labour leadership. Now, the weather. This scene, just an hourto go, now, the weather. This scene, just an hour to go, for the favoured few there are some sunshine but the overriding impression i had of the morning, good part of england and wales had a really slow start. A lot of cloud around and some dense mist and fog and for that we have to thank the area of High Pressure still feeding in a relatively moist airfrom the still feeding in a relatively moist air from the atlantic down across many parts. It wasnt their first up across the south but the cloud filling in in places and that fog taking its time to lift if indeed it does. Best of the sunshine, eastern side of scotland and the pennines perhaps, maybe down into the far south as well. They can cloud across the north of scotland, nine to 12. Through the evening and overnight, my real concern is about the concern of mist and fog if you ever get rid of mist and fog if you ever get rid of it but with a more complete cloud shield, the temperatures should mean that. Four to seven it. The uk is to monitorflights arriving from china to help limit the spread of the coronavirus. The risk of contracting the virus here remains low. In china they are at a critical stage of trying to retain the ina in a tweet, Saudi Arabias Embassy in washington has described the allegation in british and american newspapers as absurd. Republicans reject attempts to call witnesses and obtain documents in President Trumps impeachment trial. New bbc Analysis Finds the cost of port Mental Health in the workplace has increased dramatically in the last two years and the duchess of cambridge is in cardiff helping to launch what is being described as a landmark childhood survey which aims to improve the lives of the under fives. Heather watson is through to round two. Dan evans was beaten in his second round match. John has been watching in melbourne. Disappointment for dan evans, who is hoping to book his place in the third round where he would have set up third round where he would have set upa third round where he would have set up a meeting with the defending champion Novak Djokovic. He lost in sets to someone ranked lower than him in the rankings will stop dan evans at just that him in the rankings will stop dan evans atjust that he pay the conditions better today in what has been really blustery conditions here in Melbourne Park in day three, perhaps admitting he has played a little bit too much tennis in the lead up to the first grand slam of the year. Maybe, not playing last week, but i fancied playing and rather than be hanging around in melbourne for a week i played and i had two good matches here as well and good experience in the first round so i enjoyed it and i have no regrets playing so much. What are results for Heather Watson, she came through her first round match results for Heather Watson, she came through herfirst round match to book a place in the second round. A really good performance from her as she beat pliskova. She says how much she beat pliskova. She says how much she is enjoying her tennis at the moment. Also, the performance of harriet, another british player who booked her place in the second round. It means that Heather Watson and harriet, the two remaining british players left in the singles and we will see both of them in action here on day four. John in melbourne. There were no shocks for the big names with Novak Djokovic and osaka and Serena Williams and Roger Federer through as well. Williams is aiming to wind a 24th record equalling grand slam title. The manager says. Arsenal got a two all draw against chelsea. Chelsea looked to have the game one when they scored in the 81st minute but there is still time to equalise for dot arsenal are ten points behind chelsea in the league. Manchester city turned to pass a stubborn united. What a game it was, everton two nil up but then two goals in the last few minutes. A wacky game is how he described it. That is all your support for now. We are now going to President Trump. The average and implement rate for my administration is the lowest in recorded history, Unemployment Rates among african american, hispanic american, Asian Americans has reached a record low. African American Youth on impairment has reached the lowest in history of our country, so proud of that. African american poverty numbers have plummeted to their lowest rate ever recorded. Unemployment rate for women has reached the lowest level in almost 70 years and the veterans Unemployment Rate dropped to a record low. Unemployment rate for disabled americans has reached its all time record low also. Incredible numbers. Workers without a High School Diploma have received and achieved the lowest Unemployment Rate ever in recorded history and it is so important without a High School Diploma, a lot of great people who dont have a High School Diploma so we have record low unemployment was up a Record Number of Young Americans are now employed. We have the highest number of people working in our country that we have ever had before, we havent had anything even close. We are now up to almost hundred and 60 million. You know all about food stamps, we talk about it all the time, millions and millions of people dont need food stamps any more. They dont need them any more, they have jobs, are doing really well, the us stock markets have stored and they have reached the highest point is that they have ever had. They have soared. We have made at least 19 trillion in terms of Wealth Creation for our country beyond the stock markets and we are now by far the biggest economy in the world. China would have caught us, they were getting very close and im not telling any secrets, by 2019, china would become the largest economy in the world and right now we are much larger but we have a great deal with china andi larger but we have a great deal with china and i would say the best elation ship we have ever had with china on top of Everything Else and we are starting phase two. Phase one turned out to be much bigger than anticipated because we had intellectual property protections, we had many of the financial deals and aspects of the financial deals that we got done and we have the total com plete that we got done and we have the total complete package for the farmers and we estimate that will be anywhere between 40 and 50 billion. The number, i think is going to be closer to 50 billion, we go from 16 to anywhere near 40 50 billion that we will be purchasing was that we are an economic powerhouse like we have never been. Jobs, companies are putting back in the United States, this is one of the reasons ive been in davos, we have had conversations with leaders of other countries where we have traditionally had to move factories and plants back care. It took a lot of handling to move them back and the companies are coming back because Everyone Wants to be here but the countries understand that we have to balance out our trade and we are doing incredibly well in that way and one of the people is very important for me to meet from the trade organisation was roberto and he is a highly respected man and he happens to be right here. The World Trade Organisation, as you know, i have had a dispute running for them with for quite a while because our country hasnt been treated. Were not viewed as a developing nation but as far as im concerned where a developing nation too. They got advantages because they were considered developing and we went, if they are we are and were talking about a whole new structure to the deal will stop. It has been unfair to the United States for years and without it china wouldnt be china and where they are right now. I dont give the people who were in my position great credit because frankie led like thatll happen but the was the World Trade Organisation and roberto and i have a tremendous relationship and we are going to do something that is dramatic. Hell be coming with his representatives. I would like to introduce roberto. Please, roberto. Thank you, mr president and i think it is fair to say that we have been saying for quite some time that if the multilateral system, the wto is to deliver and perform its role at. That is the World Economic forum in davosin that is the World Economic forum in davos in switzerland and President Trump speaking there and going over the same ground he covered in his speech yesterday talking about the us economy and how strong it is and its leadership as those impeachment proceedings are under way in the senate. Strict new child Safety Standards for Tech Companies are being unveiled by the uks data watchdog. Social media sites, online games and streaming services all used by children will have to abide by new rules. The information commissioner says the age appropriate design could could be transformational. Internet companies will be expected to enact the highest possible default privacy settings that includes having location trackers switched off and restrictions on data collection. Joining me is steve he was the Deputy Commissionerfor joining me is steve he was the Deputy Commissioner for policy at the ico. Thank you very much for joining us. Explain more about how this could work . Good morning. This cloud is the first concrete step in protecting Children Online in an area where one in five uk Internet Users are children so it is a really important step focused on protecting the privacy of Children Online and decode it we published today has 15 standards to ensure that Online Services so the digital platforms, social media etc that children are using online regularly. The interest of children already put at the centre of the design process, when these services are being designed and updated to make sure that there are default settings which protect childrens privacy from the outset to make sure that children can still learn, explore and play online with those default settings in place. The information commissioner has said that future generations will be astonished to think that we ever didnt protect kids online are so obviously, you know, you believe that the Information Commissioners Office that these are vital things to do but theyre not going to come into force for some time until autumn 2021 so how vulnerable potentially our kids in the meantime . While what we are doing already is making sure we are speaking to the Key Technology players and the organisations who have to put this in practice and they can of course start to make some of these changes now but we are actually giving a 12 month transitional period once the cloud has been laid in parliament, we are going to work very closely with the key players in the Technology Centre to make sure they understand what is expected of them. This will be an evolution and we expect them to take the concrete steps to actually put children at the heart of the design process. We will be walking them through the 15 Design Standards to make sure they are very clear what is expected of them. We think it is fairto give is expected of them. We think it is fair to give them a year to get this ready. Of course, some of them are already reaching out proactively and taking steps now. That is very positive but obvious he would want this process to continue and for all organisations to be conforming to these 15 key standards. 15 key standards. Steve wood, Deputy Commissionerfor policy standards. Steve wood, Deputy Commissioner for policy at the Commission Commissioners office, thank you. In a moment we will have all the Business News, first of all the headlines. The uk is to begin monitoring flights arriving from china as part of a series of measures to help spread the stop the spread of a new coronavirus which has. Saudi arabia denies claims the crown prince hacked the phone of amazon boss jeff the crown prince hacked the phone of amazon bossjeff bezos. A battle over allowing new evidence, republicans reject attempts to bring in witness statements. Hello, at the business use. Jaguar land rover says that five new people lose theirjobs on merseyside. That is 10 the car maker says its aiming for volu nta ry car maker says its aiming for voluntary redundancies. Glr said its sales had fallen for the second year. Sainsburys has announced that its chief executive will retire in may. He ran the supermarket for my six years, during which time he successfully took over the catalogue retailer argos but his bid to merge with the supermarket rival as that was blocked by the competition regulator. Ted baker has revealed that it recently overstated the value of stock in its shops and warehouses by £58 million. The fashion retailer has not said how or why it made the miscalculation. It is the latest in a series of setbacks for the Company Whose founder and chief executive quit last year over misconduct claims. Lately its sales have been falling. First this morning to the issue of Mental Health in the workplace. New analysis for the bbc suggest that one in six employees have a problem that many are in comfortable discussing it with their bosses and that the cost of business of managing Poor Mental Health is rising. The report by deloitte cites rising. The report by deloitte cites rising levels of present tears as a major factor. That is where employees come into work even when they are unwell and they are therefore less productive. The reports authorjoins me now to discuss. At a time when a lot of us are discuss. At a time when a lot of us a re really discuss. At a time when a lot of us are really talking more about our Mental Health and been aware of its importance, why do you think this problem is getting worse . Well, we looked at it two years ago and when we looked at it again now updating the analysis we found that a 16 rise in the cost to employers, so it is now over 40 billion every year. And as you said in your introduction, we think one of the main reasons for this is the rise in present theism and this is people not feeling comfortable to take time off and making the decision to come into the office. Sometimes that is the right decision for the employee but that is means theyre not always able to work at the best. The Research Also shows that this is a particular problem among younger workers. I wonder why that is, why are younger workers less likely to talk about the Mental Health problems . We didnt look at whether they are less likely to talk but we do think that going into the workplace for the first time and taken a job is a really big change. There is a lot of stats and data at the moment looking at the issue of Poor Mental Health among young people. As part of this we focused on the 18 29 Year Old Age Group and we found that the cost is a portion of their earnings is the highest of any age group. We do think that employers should think about the support that they are able to give these young people when they transition into work for the first time. Is itjust about support there. How many of them are perhaps caused by undue stress in the workplace . Youre right, it is about workplace . Youre right, it is about work and health and life issues coming into the workplace as well. I think if the bad news is that cost employers a lot, it is really worth employers a lot, it is really worth employers investing in interventions to support employees around the Mental Health. For every £1 that is bent you get £5 back. And if you actually invest early you can get better returns, so about £6 by investing in education awareness campaigns, reducing stigma. Elizabeth, thank you very much for joining us. Other stories making Business News today and the latest Business News today and the latest business borrowing figures that out. Borrowing reach £4. 8 billion. That isa drop borrowing reach £4. 8 billion. That is a drop of 200 million on the same period in 2018. Borrowing for the Financial Year to date from april to december last year is four times higher than previously. Boeing is saying that its max payne is unlikely to get safety clearance to fly again before the summer. The delay that is longer than previously expected. The aircraft has been grounded since march sent to fatal crashes. Boeing says it is confident it can convince regulators of its safety a nd it can convince regulators of its safety and expects it will be airborne again by the middle of this year. And have you got one of these devices . This is as big, it is one of the leading makers of home speaker systems but soon they will stop providing Software Updates for older models on sale up to 2015. There are discounts for users who recycle products but some are quite angry at having paid hundreds of pounds for the speakers. We are going to talk about coronavirus, chinas authorities have admitted the country is now at the most. Coronavirus. Advising people to stop travel in and out of wuhan province. So also said it will end monitor shipping and planes coming in and out of the uk from china. You have been sending us your questions about it so to answer some of them im joined by our Global Health correspondent. How does the speed of the confirm spread compared to previous outbreaks and does that say anything about the transmission factor . In other words the source and the trajectory . So it may seem that this has all happened very quickly but the fact is we dont know. We dont know if it was identified very quickly at this stage because it is very early stage. What happened is that the chinese authorities notified the World Health Organization of this mysterious pneumonia like virus that was circulating at the end of december. Within ten days they had identified that it was the coronavirus. A new coronavirus that we have not heard of before or experience in humans before. So even though even though the diagnosis was done relatively quickly this could have been done relatively quickly. Barry asked about comparing it to previous outbreaks. In the Ebola Outbreak for example in west africa, the initial cases were identified in march of 2014 but actually when they look back several months later they realised it had been circulating for some months before that. Crucially we just some months before that. Crucially wejust dont some months before that. Crucially we just dont know. It may have been that it picked up quickly and we will know about all the cases that are circulating but it could also be that this thing has been around for longer. All of that will become clear as time goes on. In terms of the trajectory of this, we are been advised by chinese officials as well as officials here in uk to expect more cases. We are going to see more cases. We have at around 440 at the moment with nine deaths. In terms of the host of this virus, the vector, we dont know. We dont know, we know it is an animal source of the suspicion at this stage is it is an animal source that it came from a fish market in central china. But we dont know what that animal source is. And as time goes on Research Goes on that should become clear. Moving on to barry. How like elite is it to travel to the uk or europe . Just today Health Officials and uk have raised the risk level from very low to low, so the risk is low at the moment. But this is a virus that has spread to other countries already. Overnight we saw it had gone to the us, previously it had already arrived in south korea and japan. It is also worth noting that it isa japan. It is also worth noting that it is a big Lunar New Year celebration period in china so people are moving around, people are travelling internationally. So at the moment i think it is unlikely but it is not impossible. There may well be cases here. That is why as you mention in your introduction, Public Health england on the government here ive decided to put in some additional screenings at airports for flights coming in from wuhan and actually there are only three flights a week from their but there will be additional checks to pick up no sort of things. We are going to go back to davos in switzerland. President robbie speaking again at the World Economic forum. If you take a look at this and what everybody tells me, all i do is and what everybody tells me, all i doisi and what everybody tells me, all i do isiam and what everybody tells me, all i do is i am honest, i make great deals. Im make great deals for our country. Now we are working with the wto, you are probably surprised by that but this has been a long abusive situation to the us. I make great deals for our country that are honest deals and when you read that transcription and by the way, it wasnt one call, it was two calls. Nobody likes to talk about that. There was one call that was perfect and then there was a second goal, i get a couple of months later, which was perfect. The president of ukraine said it was perfect. The foreign minister of ukraine said it was perfect. So if we have a transcription, we have the call and we have the person on the other side of the call saying it was good. Now here is the other thing, they got their money long before schedule. They got all their money. What nobody says, it is important to me, why isnt the only pain . Why isnt the uk paying . Why isnt france paying . Why arent the european nations paying . Why is it always the soccer United States . And the other thing i wanted to check very carefully is corruption and we do that too. That was a perfect call andi that too. That was a perfect call and i think we did very well. With the china trade deal do expect human rights in hong kong to be part of it . We would like to see if we can do something but again we are doing a trade deal and it is a very big deal, phase one is done, phase two is being discussed. We are discussing aspects of your question, yes. Just to clarify a policy question, we know that the senate will set the rules for witnesses but what you want . One point you demanded. I tell you what i think, it is such a hoax, i think it is so bad for our country. When we have the head of the World Trade Organisation here and he has to listen to this nonsense about a call that was perfect. And nobody talks about, i never hear them talking about, i never hear them talking about the transcription or talking about the transcription or talking about the transcription or talking about the call because there is nothing to say. You read it, somebody so just nothing to say. You read it, somebody sojust sit nothing to say. You read it, somebody so just sit there and read it and everybody is going to say, you mean that is an impeachable event . You mean that is an impeachable eve nt . If you mean that is an impeachable event . If that was impeachable lyndonjohnson would have had to leave office in his first day. Kennedy would have had to leave office in his first day. It is a hoax and you understand it its a hoax and you understand it its a hoax more than anybody. It is a hoax and that is the way it is. The question on iran, initially you said repeatedly that after iran retaliated, no americans were injured. We now know at least 11 us servicemen were airlifted from iraq. Can you explain the discrepancy . No, i heard that they had headaches and a couple of other things but i would say and i can report, it is not very serious. A potential dramatic brain injury is not serious . They told me about it several days later, you would have to ask the department of defence. No, idont would have to ask the department of defence. No, i dont see them very serious injury is considered to other injuries that i have seen. I have seen what iran has done to our troops with roadside bombs. I have seen people who were horribly, horribly injured. In fact, many cases the bombs were put there by the general who is no longer with us. I do not consider those with bad injuries, no. Is there a timeline and are you automatically going a great question actually. |j and are you automatically going a great question actually. I dont have a timeline but maybe i do in my own mind. We have to move relatively quickly but they have to treat us fairly. The European Union was formed pretty much for this reason i suspect. If you really think about it, why was it formed . They form the Aeroplane Company which does very nicely and now is doing better than ever because boeing has not had a good time of it. They had better start recovering fast, i hope they do. They have some great people in the company but they have some good people leading it now so hopefully that will be taken care of. But i have a date in my mind and its a fairly quick date and if we are unable to make a deal then we will do even better, we will do better. But they havent treated us right. Look, the United States has been losing 150 billion and more for yea rs, losing 150 billion and more for years, more. I losing 150 billion and more for years, more. I mean losing 150 billion and more for years, more. I mean really more than that with the European Union. They have trade barriers where you cant trade, they have tariffs all over the place. They make it impossible. They are frankly more difficult to do business with than china. We have a great relationship with china now. We had some testy moments, very testy, beyond testy. Worse than a lot of people would understand but we got it done and i think phase two will go nicely also. But with the European Union and frankly i will be honest, i wanted to wait until id finished china before i went to work on respectfully europe. But europe, it is so beautiful, a lot of us come indirectly from europe, isnt that nice. But they are actually more difficult to do business with than china. All you have to do is ask boris. But i think boris is going to be ok too. I think is going to come out great. He has had a lot of guts, he has done a terrificjob. I think is in he has done a terrificjob. I think isina he has done a terrificjob. I think is in a good position that they would never been able to do before boris. I have a date, a very specific date in my mind. I think we will have a deal before. They have to do that. Look, i am not saying it from strength or weakness, im just saying that they have to do it. They wa nted saying that they have to do it. They wanted to make a deal, this nation, our country under president obama. The eu refused to talk to him. And then they said no, no, we like it then they said no, no, we like it the way it is. Of course they like it the way it is they are making 150 billion plus, right . As you know, president bush was desperate to make a deal, they wouldnt even talk to him. And we will have a deal. If we dont have a deal will do even better. We have a travel ban and is a very powerful ban and i had a reporter recently saying he lost the ban in court, id say thats a little deceptive, he said i lost the travel ban, ididnt lose deceptive, he said i lost the travel ban, i didnt lose it, it was lost in the lower courts and one in the Supreme Court save you years ago. We have to be safe, we are adding a couple of countries to it. You see what is going on in the world, our country had to be safe so we have a very strong travel ban and will be adding a few countries to it. It is going to be announced very shortly. In regards to the proceedings going on at the senate, would you like to see this over quickly . Would you like to see a thorough examination of the facts . What did you make of it. Youre asking a lot of questions. He is a high quality human being, i was very impressed with paddy. Pat is a great guy but i have never seen that emotion and thatis have never seen that emotion and that is real emotion, that is because he knows it is a hoax. And i was very proud of the job he did. Because he knows it is a hoax. And i was very proud of thejob he did. I have known a long time, i got the more built, very successfully built in new york. So we have yet another. Isnt it amazing . But if you look at other aspects of your question, i think. I would other aspects of your question, i think. Iwould rather go other aspects of your question, i think. I would rather go the long way, i would think. I would rather go the long way, iwould rather think. I would rather go the long way, i would rather interview bolton. I would way, i would rather interview bolton. Iwould rather way, i would rather interview bolton. I would rather interview a lot of people. The problem withjohn is that it is a National Security problem. You cant have somebody who is at National Security and if you think about it, john, he knows some of my thoughts, he knows what i think about leaders. What happens if he reveals what i think about a certain leader and its not very positive and i have to deal on behalf of the country . It is going to be very hard, it will make the job very hard. He knows other things andi job very hard. He knows other things and i dont know if we left on the best of terms, i would say probably not. So you dont like people testifying when they didnt leave on good terms and that was due to me, not due to him. So we will see what happens. But when you have a National Security, you can call it president ial prerogative, i call it National Security, National Security reasons. Executive privilege they say. Sojohn would certainly fit into that. When you are a National Security advisor like this gentleman is doing a fantasticjob, robert, i just think it is very hard. And i have always got along withjohn bolton, he didnt get along with other people, a lot of other people. But when he knows my thoughts on certain people and other governments and we are talking about massive trade deals and war and peace and all these Different Things that we talk about. That is really a very important National Security problem. I think having other people, Mick Mulvaney is properly somewhere around here. Ithink mulvaney is properly somewhere around here. I think he has really expressed himself very well when he did a Chris Wallace interview. That was a very did a Chris Wallace interview. That was a very powerful interview. It was a very powerful interview. It was a very powerful interview. It was a long, tough, chris is a very talented guy and there is not much he can add. He has been great. I would. I tell you what i dont like, i would like to have pompeo testify but again that is a National Security problem. Mike pompeo. And rick perry would love to testify. But we are dealing with National Security. We are dealing with one other thing, our country has been tied up with this hoax from the day i came down the escalator. We have been fighting it, ive been fighting it, from the day i have been elected. I would say probably long before i came down the escalator, that some people have said that, which is hard to believe. It is hard to believe, we have been fighting this. I would rather have, personally i would rather go the long route. It is horrible for our country, our country has to get back to business. We have people who are corrupt like adam schiff. I dont mean misquotes, he makes up a statement. He had no idea that i was going to release the list transcript, he never thought i would do that. And for that i thank the president of ukraine because we got their approval. He had no idea i was going to do that but these are corrupt people, some of them. And some of them are just playing the political game. But if you look at the poll numbers, my poll numbers are the highest they have ever been. If you look at the funding numbers, look at the money raised by the Republican Party has just set a record. No one has ever done this before. It is because of the impeachment hoax. Ive got three questions. Three . That means six do you plan to. Number two, questions. Three . That means six do you plan to. Numbertwo, to feel that way about him now . And someone has come forward saint. He is a conman. I dont know him other than hes like a groupie, he shows up at fundraisers. I dont know anything about him. Hes a great crime fighter, the best mayor in the history of new york city by far. Solve the crime problem in new york andi solve the crime problem in new york and i think it is very unfair the way the media has treated Rudy Giuliani. Paris had dont know other than contributed to the campaign along with tens and thousands of other people. I was taking pictures this week and with hundreds of people. They contribute to the Republican Party and i stand there andi Republican Party and i stand there and i take pictures and once in awhile i look at them and i say gee, i wonder when that picture is going to be in the New York Times or the Washington Post or on fox. I think Rudy Giuliani is a high quality person why he is in on your legal team . He could be a witness at some point if this whole sham continues. I would love to have rudy on the team. Rudy is on my team, just so you understand, but i would love to have an up there. But it could be that he would have conflict. Rudy giuliani is somebody that i think the greatest mayor in the history of new york and think of it one of the greatest crime fighters of the last 100 years. And he hates to see what is happening because he knows corruption really better than anybody. How do you feel about Kenneth Starr . Ken starr it. I did make that statement because frankly ididnt make that statement because frankly i didnt think that bill clinton should have been impeached. And i thought it was terrible. I dont know ken starr but i didnt think that clinton should have been impeached and i was pretty vocal about that. I didnt know ken but what i did know is he was very smart and very tough and very talented. But ina and very tough and very talented. But in a certain way i was sticking up but in a certain way i was sticking upfor but in a certain way i was sticking up for clinton, for bill clinton. And, you know, isort up for clinton, for bill clinton. And, you know, i sort of still feel that way that what he did was nothing good, there were a lot of lying going on, a lot of bad things. With me there is no lion, there is nothing, they dont even have a crime. They say he is the only one who has ever been impeached and he didnt commita who has ever been impeached and he didnt commit a crime. And then you get into high crimes and misdemeanours but i didnt commit a crime. So i have Great Respect for ken but i didnt think frankly that bill clinton should have been impeached. I would love to go, would that be great . So why dont you go . I would love to sit front row and stare at their corrupt faces. Dont keep talking because you may convince me to do it. I think they might have a problem. I think they might. By the way, i think they will. I think theyve done a really good job and i think the other side is so light. I watched the lies from adam schiff, he will talk like he is so aggrieved. He these guys a major sleaze bags, they are very very dishonest people. When somebody will make upa dishonest people. When somebody will make up a statement that i made, you remember the statement, eight times quid pro quo. Think of it, how can you say eight times . That means i was asking somebody eight different times of the same thing. What kind ofa times of the same thing. What kind of a conversation would that be . If you asked once, that would be fine. If you ask twice. How can you ask eight times . They would say you are a looney tunes, right . And then i think he said he finish my so dont call me, ill call you. He made that statement. And he didnt say you made it up. Now, ultimately, he had to come in a sense, apologise. He can hardly apologise but he had to apologise because fortunately we had apologise because fortunately we had a tape. We have the transcripts. I am so happy that i had the transcripts because it showed he is a liarand he is a transcripts because it showed he is a liar and he is a fraud. And they continue to just a liar and he is a fraud. And they continue tojust go a liar and he is a fraud. And they continue to just go on and on. But this has happened to me with the russian hoax, this has happened to mei russian hoax, this has happened to me i call it the witch hunt. The greatest witchhunt in american history. In the report they exonerated totally, there was no collusion after all that. Two years there was no collusion. And then what happened . There was no collusion. And then what happened . Jill there was no collusion. And then what happened . Jill steyn there was no collusion. And then what happened . Jill steyn from the green party gets called russian agent by crooked hilary. And then. I dont know either of them but i know theyre not russian agent, get called a russian agent. This is what these people do, they demean and the press largely is their partner. And you know, one thing, if we could straighten out the press in our country we would have a place that would be so, the press is so dishonest, so corrupt. I dont mind bad stories when i deserve that story sometimes but when i do something great or good, let it be written about good. The same thing with other people. The corruption in the media, as i call it the fake news media, is unbelievable. And hopefully everybody is going to sort of learn a lesson. People got Pulitzer Prizes for their coverage of me and it turned out they were totally wrong. Other people, a lot of great people, a lot of great writers, they got it right. They didnt get Pulitzer Prizes but they got it right. The russian hoax was a terrible thing. The dossier was a phony deal, paid for by Hillary Clinton and the dnc. It is a terrible thing that happened. This was a take down attempt at a sitting president of the United States and we caught them. So lets see what happens. Would you consider delaying the state of the union. Now. Very excellent writer, bob woodward, this timei excellent writer, bob woodward, this time i will actually give him an interview. He said you are enjoying this, arent you . I said interview. He said you are enjoying this, arent you . Isaid no. He said you act like you are winning a new one. You are enjoying it. I said you act like you are winning a new one. You are enjoying it. Isaid im not enjoying it, im doing it because it is very important what im doing. I consider what i have done here with this whole witchhunt from day one with the insurance policy, with the horrible statements made. James comey lied to congress and did so many other bad things. When i finish i think that this is going to go down as one of the greatest things i have done for our country. These are bad, corrupt people. These are bad people. Im very bad for our country. Thank you very bad for our country. Thank you very much, everybody. President trump answering questions at the World Economic forum in davos from journalists focusing primarily of course on the impeachment proceedings under way against him in the us senate. They began yesterday, they continue today. He was asked what he thought of them, he again said it was a hoax, witchhunt. He called several of the people liars. He said he hasnt lied and one claim that he asked a question eight times ina that he asked a question eight times in a conversation was ridiculous because he said he would do that . He said if you did that people think you are a loony. Well be heading back to the United States, he was asked whether he would shock to those hearings, he said that would be good. Now, lets take you straight to the house of commons. Prime ministers comments starting at midday. Another 50 minutes or so to go. It is clear that this place it simply doesnt accept the reality that the Scottish Parliament speaks for the people of scotland. The devolution settlement must be respected. Prime minister, all three devolved parliaments and even the house of lords have called on you to end your governments attack on devolution. For the Prime Minister, stop the attack on our parliaments. Mr speaker, i agreed for a second with the right honourable gentleman, as he said, scotland said no. The people of scotland said no to independence in 2014 and they meant it because they were told it was a once ina it because they were told it was a once in a lifetime vote. Once in a generation. 60 of scotlands trade is with the rest of the uk and they know, they can see the vast investments in manufacturing that come from the uk to scotland, whether it is in recycling, fantastic investment in manufacturing, we support manufacturing, we support manufacturing in scotland, they support nothing other than manufacturing grievances and they know it. After being inundated with complaints from people, with the Prime Minister agree with me that the Northern Rail service is no longerfit for the Northern Rail service is no longer fit for purpose . Mr speaker, ican longer fit for purpose . Mr speaker, i can confirm with my honourable friend that we have indeed started a process that could indeed either result in stripping Northern Rail of it franchise or issuing them with a very different form of contract. Both myself and indeed the Northern Powerhouse minister are concerned that power cables over the tyne are a real barrier to businesses securing work and Large Renewable Energy structures will stop will the Prime Minister through his good offices undertake to support the bid to off gem for permanent removal of the cables and to unlock the potential of the tyne . She is a bsently potential of the tyne . She is absently right to raise this issue. It is right that these decisions are independently made by off gem but i appreciate the problem that she raises and we will do everything to make sure to sort it out as fast as possible. My right honourable friend will know that the peak district provides a huge proportion. Will be delighted. They will, this is necessary to deliver brexit to the people. Doesnt it show that the support for these ha rd working people are the real conservatives and that this party is the party of the working. Order. You have got to be short questions. Members have got to work with the chair. |j to be short questions. Members have got to work with the chair. I think my honourable friend very much for what she has said, i will certainly do whatever i can to see her in Derbyshire Dales as fast as possible andindeed Derbyshire Dales as fast as possible and indeed to get to the bottom of what we can do to support the bypass and she is quite right that we speak for working people and i thought it was said unsurprising that the president of the durham miners gala said the other day that conservatives mps and i hope my right honourable gentleman will dissociate. This week this was placed in special measures, it was found to have three months backlog of new patient files. Will be Prime Minister increase the funding urgently for primary Care Services so that 4000 of my constituents who pitching at this service. We are not only hiring more nurses but more gps in order to deal with the very problem that he raises. Cheltenhams Renewable Design Company supplies low carbon Heating Systems like ground source heat pumps, does my right honourable friend agree with me that we need a successor to the nondomestic renewable heat incentive so that the roll out can accelerate and we can send a message in this year of cop26 that Global Britain will be a force for a Greener Planet . Absolutely and i congratulate my honourable friend, everything he is doing and tell them to encourage renewable Heat Supplies including ground source heating and ican including ground source heating and i can confirm that we are indeed looking for successor arrangements to the renewable heat incentive. Brexiteers will be chaired by the fa ct brexiteers will be chaired by the fact that a possible trade deal with america might raise gdp by. 2 and australia new zealand make. 2 but they should beast sobered by the effect that if achieve this would only claw back one 30th. Given the cabinet ministers, talking with the 27 trading bloc, will be Prime Minister commission and published Impact Assessment so it is clear to all in pharmaceuticals, ceramics, food and drinks orjust what these breezy gambling deals might cost . |j might take the honourable gentleman more seriously if. He is proposing that the pensioners of scotland should have their assets now denominated in a new currency whose name they cannot even specify. They need to prevent the build up of al guy and the solent mean that planning permission cant be granted for care facilities and other buildings was that there is a blockage in the system and would like to urge my right honourable friend to get out his plunger and make sure that Natural England and the Environment Agency are all working together to protect our waterways and to make sure that housing commitments can be met. We will make sure that the ministerial dino rod is employed to sort out the blockage that she is experiencing but it is very important we deal simultaneously with nitrate neutrality, that we satisfy our Environmental Needs also ensuring that her Community Gets the housing that her Community Gets the housing that it needs. I think there is a way forward and i would be happy to ta ke way forward and i would be happy to take it up with you. Rail users are suffering due to this governments failure to truly invest in real infra structure over the last decade. The north now needs both hs2 and northern power has failed to make a real start in tackling the north, south, divide. Will the Prime Minister commit to publishing the report this week and committed to delivering both these projects in full, delivering a rail service which is fit for purpose for my constituents and for the north . Mr speaker, i think she is raising a very important issue, we are investing in £48 billion already in rail services, excluding hs2. Investing in £48 billion already in railservices, excluding hs2. It is right that we should look at the value that this country could get from a scheme as costly as hs2 rising now to 100 million and i can assure that the will indeed be published in full in due course. Misery is a. Misery is a polite word to express the daily commuting experience of those using the train line. It is notjust cancelled trains, late trains or even broken down trains, it is infrastructure. When my right honourable friend sits down with me and the trains minister to see how heads can be knocked together to finally clear the bottleneck for the £3. 9 billion Trans Pennine upgrade which is in a standstill . Mr speaker, my right honourable friend really makes a very good point and follows the honourable lady, we are indeed committed to improving the Trans Pennine committed to improving the tra ns pennine route committed to improving the Trans Pennine route and will be investing very considerable sums to make sure that is done. Thank you, mr speaker. Examining action by ofsted and the shows that it is weak and requires a significant improvement. There a backlog of 170 outstanding education assessment and when low assessments have been carried out, people are being forced to wait months before the plan is to implement it was a bit to scandalous that these children arent getting a decent education so does the Prime Minister agree with me that every child with a special Education Needs or disabilities should have the right to a good education and will he address the funding shortfall . Mr speaker, i remind the honourable lady that this government is putting money into s it en d send. Ofsted is the best guarantor and protector of children of all abilities and the ma nifesto to of children of all abilities and the manifesto to which that party is still committed proposes to abolish ofsted. The Prime Minister will know that this constituency is home of 150 internationally focused companies, can you please reassure the house what is being done to develop new post brexit worldwide trade deals for the benefit of eve ryo ne trade deals for the benefit of everyone in bracknell, crowthorne, finchampstead and of course right across the uk . Mr speaker, from the 31st of this month we will begin the process of negotiating fta, free trade agreements notjust of the eu but friends and partners around the world so that bracknell is at the epicentre of free trade. The Prime Minister has said he wants to be known as a brexit he so will the Prime Minister. She raises a very important point and that is amongst the schemes that we are certainly looking at and as you know, mr speaker, we are looking also at the potential for free ports around the country which can deliver a great deal of benefit to coastal communities. Solihull is next to britains second biggest city. Many of my constituents, myself included, struggle to get adequate broadband, something that is repeated across this house. The Prime Minister agree with me that this is a matter that needs intense parliamentary scrutiny and when it commits to put the government has a great honour to get providers to improve our countrys broadband . Mr speaker, together with the state for dcms, chaired a meeting at a couple of days ago with all the broadband providers and it would be fair to say that we collectively wielded, because we need to make progress, we will make progress, we will deliver the broadband over the next five years. Last week, the Prime Minister didnt know anything about plans to dump radioactive waste in my constituency but i hope he remembers what i told him afew but i hope he remembers what i told him a few weeks ago that men in his constituency live 14 years longer than in mine at the request for a new hospital, but just than in mine at the request for a new hospital, butjust when is he going to end this scandal that means that he sighed men have the same life expecting cfos in ethiopia and to tackle the Health Issues in our area . Msa to the honourable gentleman that his point that slightly valid and the life except in country is a disgrace but it is coming down and it will come down and Life Expectancy is at an all time high. On the specific issue that he raises about the disposal of nuclear waste, mr speaker, i understand that my right honourable friend, the ministerfor the environment, has written to the honourable gentleman about that issue. You may have noticed that it has been a long time since i was a teenager. My memory has faded over the years yet i still remember the embarrassment and shame that i felt each month when i had my period. We couldnt afford sanitary products and was forced to use toilet paper and was forced to use toilet paper and when we didnt have that, newspaper. With the Prime Minister agree with me and acknowledge the work of the founder of the Free Periods Campaign group which means that no young person of school age should have to feel the shame that i remember all those years ago . Mr speaker, i congratulate my honourable friend about the campaign she is raging on this issue and im delighted to tell her that free period products are to be made available at all that schools and colleges in england so that we can ensure no Young Persons education is disrupted by the period. Id like to pay tribute to the work of those have done so much to bring about change. Can a man house that it is when we get brexit done that we will be able to cut vat on a sanitary products and make period products cheaper for everybody in the country. As we approach the moment where we leave the European Union the Prime Minister will be aware of concerns in Northern Ireland. We welcome his assurance that they will continue to be unfettered access for Northern Ireland businesses to the uk single market. Does that commitment also apply to goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland . Emphatically, mr speaker, it does. We now come to the urgent question. Diane abbott. Prime minsters questions is finished. I will get the thoughts in a moment of norman smith who has been watching it all. First of all let me bring you some breaking news on the coronavirus. It is primarily in china. There have been some cases outside of china but none in europe so far. The department of health saying that the risk to the uk population has currently been assessed as low. That has been upgraded from very low. They are enhancing enhanced monitoring from wuhan province in china which is the province which has been initially affected by it. There are three flights a week into heathrow from wuhan. There will be a new procedure needing advanced notice of any passenger on board feeling unwell and if necessary they will be met at heathrow by medical team. Ok, lets go back to prime minsters questions, our assistant Political Editor norman smith wasnt listening in. Norman, your thoughts. Not a whole different page p cues. We got a little nugget at the end which was interesting when the Prime Minister was asked whether goods going from Great Britain to Northern Ireland after brexit would have unfettered access to Northern Ireland. Why this matter is of course as you know that has been a big row about the border in the irish sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Mr johnson said yes they would be u nfettered johnson said yes they would be unfettered access. I can see there will be quite a lot of pick up on that because i think the view of many people is that is up to the eu if they want to impose regulations, customs restrictions good they can do so. Elsewhere, not really much to excite people. Jeremy corbyn going on the attack of universal credit, insisting that it was complex, it was forcing people into poverty. Citing the case of a greggs worker who was given a £300 bonus but only been able to keep £75 of it because he was on universal credit. Jeremy corbyn saying it should be scrapped. Borisjohnson is a naturally universal credit had helped. He said 200,000 people into work and simplify the system. One of the interesting thing just in terms of the general atmospherics of of it. The number of questions about northern constituency issues, schools in the north and yes about transport in the north. Boris johnson asked a couple of times what he was going to do on hs2. We didnt really get an answer he was also asked whether he was going to take Northern Rail back into public ownership. We didnt really get any a nswe rs ownership. We didnt really get any answers but it shows the extent to which i think the balance of at least a political debate seems, yes, to be shifting more markedly to issues which matter more to constituents in the north. Of course why . There are now many more government backbenchers from northern constituencies. Thank you, norman. Chinese authorities have admitted the country is now at the most critical stage of prevention and control of the new fast spreading respiratory illness coronavirus. They have advised people to stop travel in and out of wuhan province at the heart of the outbreak. There will be a series of precautionary measures in the uk. Public Health England have upgraded the risk to the uk population from very low to low. The virus originated in the chinese city of wuhan but there are a number of confirmed cases elsewhere, including thailand, south korea, japan and now seattle in the United States. The World Health Organization will consider today whether to consider a world Public Health emergency as it did fora world Public Health emergency as it did for a bowl and swine flu. So far Health Authorities in china have said nine people have died having caught coronavirus and more than 470 cases are now been confirmed. Steve mcdonald is in beijing for us and explained how people in china are reacting to the outbreak. The Lunar New Year in china means that there are millions of people on the move. They are crisscrossing this country and also travelling abroad. I can tell you attitudes here over the last 48 hours towards this virus have completely changed. Two days ago, speaking to travellers, you could barely find somebody who was all that worried about the situation. Now you have people here queueing up to buy facemasks, they are cancelling their trips. In some cases they have had their trips cancelled for them, for example chinas neighbour north korea has cancelled all tour groups coming in for the Lunar New Year. Scientists are recommending that nobody travels to wuhan, this is the city where this outbreak started. They also say people shouldnt leave that city, thatis people shouldnt leave that city, that is a city of 11 Million People and theyre suggesting during the spring festival, the most important festival in this country, that people shouldnt be coming and going from there. Really though, you can understand why people are worried. We had officials, they held a press Conference Today, warning that this virus could mutate. And if it mutated it could be even more contagious. So if you compare travel patterns in 2002 when the sars outbreak happened, 600 people, more than 600 people died. Compare that to now and you kind of understand why all this travel is worrying people. So 2000 and 24 sars, comparing that to now, just in the province where this outbreak started there are now twice as many people travelling by train in that province. In terms of passengers flying out of china, there are six times as many people now flying out of china as there were in 2002. And so this is why the authorities are now desperate to try and get the situation under control before this potentially deadly coronavirus, which causes pneumonia, spread to many more cities and many more countries. And it is why the World Health Organization is meeting to discuss the situation. They are taking it very seriously. President trump has been speaking at the World Economic forum in davos in switzerland, as his impeachment trial continues in washington. You once again reiterated his belief that he has done nothing wrong, calling the proceedings a waste of time. There is nothing here, i had a very innocent conversation with a very innocent conversation with a very fine man from ukraine and it was based on that. People doted on a talk about the conversation, i got to watch glimpses into two metres out in between meetings i about. They dont talk about my conversation, they dont talk about my transcripts. Remember this, when adam schiff made up the phony story and he repeated it to congress in the world, and it was a completely phony story, then i released the transcript. There was supposed to be a second whistle blower, what happened to him . Wait, otherwise i wont do you. There was supposed to be an informer, what happened to the informer . All of these people disappeared. And when they saw this transcript they said we have got problems but they went ahead because they were already there because they had a phony concocted story made up. So heres the story, i did nothing wrong, it was a perfect conversation. It was totally appropriate. The best lawyers in the world have looked at it, the department ofjustice has looked at it, given its a sign off. There was nothing wrong. They never thought i was going to release conversation, they probably didnt think we had transcribers they probably didnt think we had tra nscribers and that they probably didnt think we had transcribers and that we had transcribed the tape. But they never thought we were going to release it. When we released our conversation, all hell broke out with the democrats. Because they said wait a minute, this is much different than shifty adam schiff told us. So we are doing very well, i got to watch enough, i thought our team did very well. We have all the material, they dont. President trump talking earlier. Davos this year is all about the climate crisis. Tough on berg is there and has criticised greta thunberg. She had some strong words that the us and other industrialised countries need to do more. Do you still feel that you are doing enough . How will is she . Shes 17 now. Thats good. Do you hear from other World Leaders and Business Leaders who say that they think that she has a message. No, i havent actually but i would have loved to have seen her speak. I did not. Donald trump on turn one. Now a business update. Donald trump on greta thunberg. Jaguar land rover says that 500 people will lose their jobs at its halewood plant on merseyside, that is 10 of the workforce is one of three daily shift has been cut. The car maker says it is aiming for voluntary redundancies. Earlier this year jail lr said that its sales had fallen for a second year in a row. Sainsburys bosses to retire in may. He ran the supermarket from a six yea rs he ran the supermarket from a six years during which he successfully took over the catalogue argos. His ta keover of took over the catalogue argos. His takeover of argos was his ta keover of takeover of argos was his takeover of asda that was blocked. The fashion retailer has not said how or why it made the miscalculation, it is the latest in a series of setbacks for ted baker. Its founder and chief executive quit last year over misconduct claims and lately its sales have been falling. Hello there. First this afternoon we are going to talk about the issue of Mental Health in the worst plate in the workplace. One in six have a problem cost to business of managing Poor Mental Health is rising. Employees come into work even when theyre feeling unwell employees come into work even when they re feeling unwell and employees come into work even when theyre feeling unwell and are therefore less productive, that is something that personally affected the chief executive of Lloyds Banking group. Who told our Business Editor about his experience. The problem is going around my mind co nsta ntly problem is going around my mind constantly which led me to sleep less and less and the less and less sleep progressively led me to exhaustion and not sleeping at all. Which was like a kind of torture when you dont sleep at all and i have to address that, which i did. It was a huge Economic Cost for society of Mental Health. So there isa society of Mental Health. So there is a huge impact in having your people in Better Health if not tackled appropriate and help appropriately Mental Health issues can degenerate into issues that break families. To retailing and mike cooper is retiring as the boss of sainsburys less than a year after his bid to merge a supermarket was as there was blocked. He subsequently said that he would continue to run the company but today he said reach the difficult decision to hand over to a successor. Lets talk now to Claire Bailey who runs retail champion. Within the space of the year his signature deal to merge with asda fail. You think he was pushed re jumps . It is really hard to say because hes been with the company for many, many years. He has been the integration of argos within sainsburys and i think that he has been a very dedicated employee for a very long and auspicious career. So i would hate to make a judgment as to whether he has been pushed or jump. Lets face it, he is 59, he is personally well enough off to take retirement, why not . Yeah, you talk about the many successful ventures including the takeover of argos which was seen as a success. The planned merger with as that was blocked, not necessarily his fault. Some analysts are saying that perhaps he took his eye off the core business of just running supermarkets well while he was focusing on all these other ventures. What are your thoughts on that . I think it is very difficult when people who have been a very good shopkeeper Operations Director are promoted into a role that is com pletely are promoted into a role that is completely different, it is very political. There is a lot of shareholder requirements, conversation to the city and so on. Its not the same as actually running the business as it was. When you have been a brilliant retail director it doesnt necessarily mean you are going to be a brilliant ceo. And i think there are very different pressures on people who do get put into those roles when perhaps they have come from the traditional shop floor retailing background. So i would certainly not be the first person at all to ever this mike coupe. He has done a brilliantjob with what he has done with sainsburys but obviously all things have to come to an end and a successor will take over and hopefully see the company go from strength to strength. Ok, Claire Bailey from the retail champion. Some sad news to bring you about the monty python star terryjones, he has died at the age of 77. We have got a statement from his family. They say we are deeply saddened to have to announce the passing of a loving husband and father terry jones. Terry passed away on the evening of the 21st of january at the age of 77 with his wife by his side after a long, extremely brave but always good humoured battle with a rare form of dementia. Over the past few days his wife, children, extended family and many Close Friends have been constantly with terry as he is gently slipped away at his home in north london. We have all lost a kind, funny, creative and truly loving man who is on uncompromising. Intellect and extraordinary humour has given pleasure to countless millions over decades. His books, television programmes, poems and other work will live on. A fitting legacy to a true polymath. Those are going to say that they would like to thank the carers and professionals who have made the last few years if not bearable, often joyful. David sillitoe has this look back on his life. They cant get the fire brigade, moving, all thes brigade. Hello, mrs rogers. Oh, i must be the wrong house. Terry jones faced with enthusiasm and in brighton, was often at its best in a frock. Now you listen here, he is not the messiah, he is a very naughty boy. I am his mother, thats who. Born in colwyn bay this was a film he made about amorous deckchairs that he made with his father. He met his friend and writing partner Michael Paling at oxford and on leaving University Got a job at the bbc. Twice a fortnight was a hint of things to come silly inventive and with a bit of history groaning but it was childrens programme. Do not adjust your set, where you can see them template for python. You cant make more, get it. I would like to restate our position on agricultural subsidies. The surrealism, the lack of punch line, the soul of python so i would allot to terry. Lack of punch line, the soul of python so i would allot to terrylj python so i would allot to terry. think mainly it was in method that i think mainly it was in method that i think we locked horns because i think we locked horns because i thinkjohn does like to dominate. You come to this mark there. On the python films he directed and injected a bit of his medieval knowledge. And he carried on writing. Those. Edward heath. Then came ripping yarns and after that the tv history programmes. Not only bad but mad. His brain brimmed with ideas, the words came in torrents. There was then something of a special cruelty when all of it was robbed from him by dementia. Reunited with his old friend Michael Palin it was all too visible at this ba fta palin it was all too visible at this bafta ceremony. We would just like to thank everyone, i know it is a great honour for to thank everyone, i know it is a great honourfor him to thank everyone, i know it is a great honour for him to win this award. The struggles we are having at the moment have been hard but we are so proud of him. 50 years on then, a final moment of thanks for then, a final moment of thanks for the wit and creativity of terry jones. Terryjones, who has died at the age of 77 after his family say spending a long, extremely brave but a lwa ys spending a long, extremely brave but always good humoured battle with a rare form of dementia. It affects the ability to communicate. In their statement they say that they hope one day that disease will be eradicated entirely and they say that they ask for their privacy to be respected at this sensitive time, giving thanks. They say that they lived in the presence of an extraordinarily talented man. In his word living a life lovingly frosted with glucose. The Guardian Newspaper quoted unknown sources are saying that the phone ofjeff bezos was infiltrated in may 2018. In a tweet, Saudi Arabias Embassy in washington described the allegation in british and american newspapers as absurd. Our security correspondent explains more. It all came out because of jeff bezoss account had been hacked and details of a personal relationship he was having emerged. That started this question about where those details had come from. Now it looks as though the investigation has zeroed on an dinner he had with the crown prince of saudi arabia back in 2018 in los angeles. The exchange phone numbers, they exchange Whatsapp Messages and thenit they exchange Whatsapp Messages and then it is thought he clicked on a message by the crown prince which included a video file and that may have installed some kind of Malicious Software on his phone. One of the reasons they think that was the moment because right after that the moment because right after that the amount of data leaving his phone goes up 300 fold, so it looks at that moment suddenly private information is leaving his phone and going somewhere else. We do know as well that around that time the saudi government is also alleged to have been trying to hack into other dissidence phones and using similar kinds of software to try and get data on them. And a campaign in which the grand prince is alleged to have been involved to put pressure on dissidents. The key factors that jeff bezos, as well as be best known for the founding of amazon, owns the Washington Post newspaper. One of the colonists at the Washington Post was the critic of the saudi regime. It is possible that Cyber Espionage was carried out to put pressure on the owner of the Washington Post. It is something they have denied but let we do know that later pictures are sent to jeff bezos apparently from the crown prince suggesting some knowledge of his private affairs and later on those details of his private affairs are leaked and of course there was the death of economist the embassy. Poor Mental Health in the workplace. Driven by more than 16 . They said it is down to earth, a nation of rising wages and increasing present where employees go into work even when they are less well and less productive. The report highlights how recent changes like being co nsta ntly how recent changes like being constantly connected to work m essa g es constantly connected to work messages can contribute to burn out. Ah, you know what its like, you have had a long day, you are exhausted, you want to relax. Messages, e mails, they keep flooding in. This sort of tech was supposed to help us work more flexibly but at what cost . And the knows all about that. flexibly but at what cost . And the knows all about that. I felt like i did not have time to be unwell. Amber thought she was thriving in a High Pressurejob amber thought she was thriving in a High Pressure job at the impact of being always on caught up with her. She spent six months recovering after a complete breakdown. she spent six months recovering after a complete breakdown. I had chronic exhaustion, i was tired all the time. I was suffering really badly from migraines. I had very, very strong abdominal pains. I went through patches of having rashes, a break out on my face. Ijust wanted to cry all the time. And there were many times when ijust didnt feel like i wanted to exist. What about if we were to track our Mental Health in the same way we track our diet, weight and work tech may be driving the culture of always on but this entrepreneur thinks it could also be the solution. So as my mood is going down my stress is going up. This app allows you to build up a picture of your mental well being so you can work out what triggers periods of high stress. you can work out what triggers periods of high stress. I decided to ta ke periods of high stress. I decided to take my recovery on like a job and i tracked everything i was doing and thatis tracked everything i was doing and that is sort of how the app came about. We are actually here to change the way people think about what is to be fit to include tracking the mental fitness. This doctor is a sleep expert with 20 yearss experience. People have been become wedded to their devices, it is really ha rd become wedded to their devices, it is really hard to switch off and put them down. What i have seen is more sleep problems, more exhaustion, more burn out because people simply cant switch off. She encourages her clients to ban the phone at bed time and take regular screen breaks. She says bosses need to lead the way. you want your staff to come to work and bring the best of themselves to work, that means energised, inspired, there is a competitive advantage in that, isnt there . Amber agrees. She is now running her own business and is taking control of her work balance. I ignored my body for a really long time and now i understand my help a lot better. I understand that i am not a robot. Some employers are waking up to the advantages of investing in Mental Health but the bigger battle could be our own inability to switch off. Canada has been enduring huge amounts of snow. Residents made the best of it making little shelters in the snow drifts for what could be canadas cutest dog as well as ensuring their beer was kept nice and cool while stuck in the house. Hundreds of canadian troops have been sent to the region but it is nice to see residents making the most of the snowy conditions of social media. Sophie raworth will be here with the one oclock news in just a few moments. Before that, time for a weather update with lucy martin. Hello there, we have seen a su btle martin. Hello there, we have seen a subtle spell of weather to start this week and we are going to see more subtle weather to come as this area of High Pressure keeping things quiet over the next few days but we are going to start to see some su btle are going to start to see some subtle changes. One of those we saw sneaking in overnight, more in the way of cloud, particular for central and southern areas, this is the satellite picture from today. With that cloud we have also seen problems with visibility. This picture sent in from a weather watcher earlier in lincoln. Generally cloudy picture, i think will see showers in north west england feeding into parts of the midlands as well but they will be isolated. Breaks in the the best of these to the east of the pennines. Eastern scotland could fare well, at 12 celsius in any sunshine and slightly milder than it has been with a bit more in the way of cloud. Not a great deal of cloud overnight, temperature is not falling too far, overnight lows generally for degrees. England and wales the fog could be dense in places and could cause issues with transport and travel. Want to be aware of over the next few days. Not a great deal of change day by day though, a fair amount of cloud but it will remain mostly dry. Change starts to move in though as we move towards the weekend, the area of High Pressure slips away and we start to see a weather front moving into the north and west. He is the pitch on saturday, still a fair amount of cloud around, we will see that band of rain pushing into the far north west, a few showers in western parts of wales and england. A breezy day though, temperatures generally eight 11 celsius. That conference sta rts eight 11 celsius. That conference starts to slip its way south eastward on saturday. Isobars on the map so it is looking breezy, a spell of rain slipping south and east. Behind it we will see sunny spells and scattered showers, a breezy day and showers in the north could be wintry over high ground. Temperatures on sunday sitting at around 6 9d. More like 9 11 in the south. Goodbye. We will be broadcasting live from events all around the country. Stay with us as we bring you every development in every angle as it happens here on the bbc news channel. Flights from china into the uk will be monitored amid concerns about the spread of a new virus. The corona virus has killed nine people and infected hundreds more in china. Experts will decide whether to declare it a Global Health emergency. Well assess the outbreak based on three conditions. Is it unusual, is it spreading internationally . And does it risk causing interruption of travel and trade . We will have the latest advice to travellers. The other main stories. The chancellor and the us finance secretary have clashed in davos over a new tax on american tech giants like google. Claims that the mobile phone of amazon founderjeff bezos was hacked by the Saudi Arabian crown print is using a whatsapp

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