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The world is not enough, and the white house, under its leadership, must lead countries from all regions forward so that the prim the statements of representatives of the american elite did not sound so selfish, the authors of its text. We decided to add a statement that was questionable based on its results, saying. Our country stands on the same level as yours came out not so the United States is committed to a safer, more prosperous and more just world for all humanity, because we know that our future is tied to yours. Let me repeat. We know that our future is connected with yours. In his speech, biden reminded the world that he initiated the allocation of additional funds for World Bank Financing for such international institutions. The white house will see the future in bidens idle talk. Brazils president exposed rich countries sectionalism is on the rise, while the World Trade Organization remains paralyzed, especially its dispute Settlement System , last year. The imf has provided 160 billion in special borrowings to European Countries and only 34 billion to african countries. However, almost all the income received by african countries is used to service external debt. Such criticism from dassi lions either got into joe bidens head, or else it completely disappeared from it, as did diplomatic etiquette. During the speech, the leaders of the two countries, biden, almost knocked over the flag of brazil, and missed the first minutes of his colleagues speech while fiddling with his headset for translation. And after completion, he turned around and left the stage, without shaking hands with his brazilian colleague, there was nothing left but to indignantly give up on all the absurdity that was happening. But biden never came to his senses, because real heroes never turn around to see an explosion. Moreover, the United States was personally brought into this caste by duda, the president of poland, who assigned the United States all the credit for the defeat of nazi germany. The United States played a key role in defeating nazi germany without the support of the United States. The United Kingdom and the soviet union could not have resisted hitler. He spoke in his speech. Duda asked at the very beginning, when he praised the americans for supplying weapons to ukraine and also for ensuring the security of europe, his polish colleague was brought down by colombian president gustav petra, who with from the podium, he reminded the world exactly how the northern neighbors achieve their goals. Latin america was called upon to hand over military vehicles. They forgot that our countries were repeatedly invaded by the very people who now talk so much about countering invasions. They forget that it is for the sake of oil. They invaded iraq, syria and libya, citing reasons why they needed to come to zelenskys defense. They forget that for the same reasons it is necessary to come to the defense and palestine needs to end all wars, but at the same time they they dont let one of them end because it suits them. Game of thrones they did not have 100 billion to protect countries from flooding storms and hurricanes. But they immediately allocate this money to ensure that russianukrainians kill each other. Not only the leader of states, but also many us officials began to disavow the ukrainian conflict. Speaker of the us house of representatives mccarthy denied zelensky the opportunity to speak before congress, they say. Too busy. People there dont bother asking you for money. Throughout visibility will become more difficult. American congressmen are disappointed. In this enterprise , the counteroffensive in ukraine did not go as some in america had hoped, and therefore there are serious doubts about the future of financial and Logistical Support for the Ukrainian Military from the United States, further evidence. The bitter experience of the german president , who touched upon the conflict in ukraine and criticized russia during his speech, deserved it in an almost empty hall. The same fate befell zelensky of ukraine, his speech was distinguished by amazing connections, in order for everyone to adhere to the un charter, it is necessary to move away from it, asserts zelensky, like many other politicians, he called from the tribune assembly for the revival of International Law for the revival of the un charter, but at the same time he called for depriving russia of the right. The veto in the Security Council given to her was thereby tired. He is a kind of slingshot the United States would like to take away the Legal Council from russia, but to be on the safe side , japan and germany, as planned, advocate for expanding the composition of the un Security Council washington should be replenished with their controlling stake in the Security Council as a counterbalance to russia and china. Well, the main thing is that the United States will have the opportunity to dilute the law of the century, replacing it with the adoption of resolutions by a majority vote. In a word, to do everything according to ones own desire, yes, at ones behest, despite bidens key words about compliance with International Law, the improvement of life on this mortal earth, the president of cuba managed to remind the World Community. How much is opium for the people today . I cannot come to this world tribunal without condemning. More once the fact is that for 60 years cuba has suffered from repressive blockades designed to suppress its income and standard of living, have constant shortages of food, medicine and other basic goods and cause damage. Its development potential. This is the nature and purpose of the policy of economic coercion and pressure that the United States government is using against cuba. The us liar causes great damage to International Counterterrorism efforts when it baselessly accuses cuba of is the country of this disaster, covering up. With all the arbitrary and fraudulent charges , they extort money from hundreds of banking and Financial Institutions in all parts of the world. After the introduction of the mimbarga state, kubo for many decades called for the blockade to be lifted , and it seemed soon. This should have happened over and over again. Cuba was supported by about 190 states, but the initiative of so many countries was defeated. Decisive american vote against no one has the right to consider himself an example in the field of human rights to stigmatize other models cultures or sovereign states. Moreover, when these moralists silently, evading, changing sources and literature, inverting meanings, try to hide their skeletons in the closet. Almost all western powers grossly violated both the un charter and resolution 1244, and this happened 24 years ago for the first time in world history, 19. The strongest countries made a decision without involving the un Security Council, i repeat , without any decision of the un Security Council, to brutally attack and punish the sovereign a country on european soil, as they said, in order to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe with such rhetoric, such duplicity and naked unprincipledness at the top of human courts, humanity opened the gates of hell nikita makhotkin around the planet. Rewriting the basic principles of International Law to suit ones own needs and ignoring the laws of interests of the majority of members of the World Community have led to the highest degree of polarization in the world as a whole and in our region. In particular , the voice of belarus at the General Assembly. He is a fair reasoned criticism and destructive hostile strategy and appeal to the world. And how you need to be able to move towards achieving peace. Minsk shows by its example the attempts of individual players to rewrite the basic principles of International Law and International Relations for themselves while simultaneously ignoring the legitimate interests of the majority of members of the World Community, which has led to the highest degree of polarization in the world in general and in our region in particular. The situation is aggravated by the aggressive opposition on the part of individual countries accustomed to consider themselves the center of human civilization to the formation a fair, equal, polycentric model of the world, as a result of which the role of the factor of force in International Relations is increasing, almost in complete decline, the architecture of International Security has come to the nonproliferation and control of arms. We observe with great caution the disproportionate growth of military potential and the arms race not only in our region, but also in our neighboring countries, all the initiatives of belarus to reduce confrontation, restore trust and strengthen regional security, which we proposed in the past for years they remained without an answer, for some reason they looked down on it. As a result , the conflict in ukraine flared up with renewed vigor in the european region and the whole world suffered dire consequences in the form of economic food and energy crises, being in the neighborhood of ukraine, belarus is more interested than anyone else. We hope to resolve this conflict as soon as possible. We, as a neighboring country, also have our own deep view. In response to this conflict, it was in belarus that the minsk agreements were signed, which laid the foundation for the Peace Process in ukraine and a set of measures. Oh their implementation, which received the approval of the Security Council about we consider it necessary to remind about this so that whoever does not want to hush up this topic. The longawaited result of negotiations with the belarusian capital was supposed to become the basis of the Peace Process in ukraine ; the implementation of the agreements could lead it to a stable positive trajectory. However, this did not happen and it is obvious today. Why this couldnt happen , western colleagues spoke eloquently on this issue, some directly stated that they did not planned to end this conflict, and today they intend to fight until the last ukrainian. Against this background , accusing belarus of complicity in aggression looks completely absurd. I remind you that last year three rounds of russianukrainian negotiations took place on the territory of our country. Since march 22, belarus began to freely accept ukrainians and all foreign citizens fleeing hostilities on its territory. In ukraine they were and are provided with the necessary assistance. Including humanitarian immediately upon arrival by a special decision of management. Countries. They have practically equal rights with our citizens. Any western countries have made such decisions. Since the end of february 22, about 120,000 ukrainian refugees have arrived in belarus, which is almost 1. 5 of the population of our country. What do you think, feeling aggression from us . These people would have arrived voluntarily, belarus, the answer is obvious and logical. Let me remind you that our country bears this burden on its own and instead of assistance , we only receive illegal sanctions. West, we officially invited the general secretary. He will visit belarus personally or send his representatives to study the situation on the ground. Our borders are open and we are open to constructive cooperation. The end of the conflict is inevitable and it will end at the negotiating table. We welcome the emergence of an increasing number of countries that offer reasonable peaceful initiatives to resolve the situation in ukraine. In conclusion, i would like to reaffirm belarus readiness to contribute to resolving the situation in order to achieve a longterm and sustainable peace in the region, which all our countries and our peoples need today. I give the floor to the schedule of the belarusian delegation at the 78th General Assembly network. I am not a mendelian minister of Foreign Affairs of belarus held a number of bilateral meetings with colleagues from hungary croatia azerbaijan vietnam egypt turkey philippines mongolia eritrea nicaragua qatar saudi arabia algeria zimbabwe and a number of other States Sergei oleinik also spoke with serbian president Aleksandar Vucic and held negotiations deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of china with the rank of minister. The head of the Foreign Ministry of our country spoke at a meeting of a group of friends of the alliance of civilization at a ministerial meeting on preparation for the summit of the future. The head of the Foreign Ministry expressed minsks concern about arbitrariness on the part of individual states, as Sergei Oleynik said. Minsk views sanctions as a modern form of non colonialism. It affects life, third humanity, this has no place in International Relations between civilized peoples in xxi century. The head of our delegation took part in the work of the eighth ministerial meeting. Meetings of a group of likeminded countries in support of middleincome countries, advocating the adoption of a comprehensive longterm strategy. The un in relation to these countries and finally outlined the position in belarus on the main challenges of our time with the high rostrum of the General Assembly if we all want to make life on the planet safer and better. How is it constantly stated from this rostrum . We have no choice but to engage in dialogue and reach an agreement. The belarusian state invariably emphasizes the importance of organizing such a dialogue in the spirit of San Francisco. Indeed, the conference in San Francisco gave life to our organization and gave hope to the whole world for a better future. We all need the same hope and today we are convinced that it is the platform where this initiative should be implemented. Poland manure ukrainian grain between the countries continues to flare up a serious conflict in relations. Kiev and warsaw have been accurately diagnosed; they are in serious condition; they have stopped to supply weapons to ukraine, conflicts over grain fueled zelenskys statement. In fact, he, the president of poland, called ukraine drowned. It would be nice. If ukraine remembered that it receives help from us, that we are also a Transit Route for everything that is supplied to ukraine, it is known that a drowning person clutches at a straw to save himself and can drag anyone to the bottom, ukraine is now in exactly this situation should we act in such a way as to protect ourselves from the actions of the drowned man, if the drowned man causes harm and drowns us, then he will not receive help kiev plans to lift the embargo on polish Agricultural Products, warsaw promised to expand the list of products prohibited for import from ukraine in poland they also stated that they found harmful substances in the third grain from ukraine, the control chamber claims that salmonella pesticides were found there gmos and myotoxins, in response to the greedy election in ukraine, we are no longer transferring any weapons to ukraine, based on the fact that we ourselves are now planning to arm ourselves with modern weapons relations with ukraine now in general, at least in a serious condition. Following recent statements by senior officials and the president of ukraine, we strongly disagree with these statements. Decided to protect its members from attacks from kiev the european union, according to the financial times, brussels is going to speak out in defense of poland hungary and slovakia ukraine previously complained to the organization to the wto due to the introduction of bans on the import of Agricultural Products , contrary to the decision of the European Commission. Initially , brussels demanded that states lift the bans, but now it will work above coordinating arguments against it. Latvia unilaterally closed one of the checkpoints on the border with belarus for an indefinite period of time; the government decree states that the work of the checkpoint has not been significantly suspended to supposedly prevent certain threats of illegal migration, but this decision of the latvian side is another openly unfriendly politicized step stated in comments from the press service of the ministry of Foreign Affairs. Belarus clumsy attempts by official riga to justify his interests are in strengthening border security. They dont stand up to any criticism. It is obvious that Illegal Migrants do not use official checkpoints, but several dozen Latvian Border Service officers are released at the same time. They are unlikely to be able to coordinately strengthen border security. It seems that this decision was agreed upon during a meeting of the ministers of internal affairs of the baltic countries and poland at the end of august 2023. In warsaw, belarus will respond to the unmotivated blockade of freight and pa. In including specific economic measures , at the same time, the belarusian side remains open to normal interaction through the competent departments, minsk calls on the authorities of the neighboring state to abandon the destructive practice of unfounded accusations. This week , the conflict in nagornokarabakh flared up again. The ministry of defense of azerbaijan stated that it was carrying out local antiterrorist measures with the aim of restoring the constitutional order, as well as the expulsion of the Armenian Armed forces as a reason to start the departments operations called regular shelling by the armenian military, imitations. They territories of the Armenian Ministry of defense denied the information that the Armenian Armed forces are present in nagornokarabakh. The United States, despite the aggravation, decided to continue working together with armenia, the pentagon said, and an Interparty Group of american senators hastened to submit a bill to provide assistance to armenia, including military assistance, and the imposition of sanctions against azerbaijan, as well as in baku and yerevan. A day later we managed to achieve ceasefire agreement. But protests broke out in yerevan and continue; opponents of Prime Minister pashinyan do not leave the Central Square of the armenian capital demanding the resignation of the current government; dozens of people have been detained. Washington continues to increase and a new antirecord has been set for the unsecured money supply, 33 trillion dollars. That is how much the Us National Debt is now in recent years. 3 years. It has grown by almost 3 trillion, and in 100 years 84 times, and now it is increasing at a catastrophic rate by almost trillion per quarter, let me remind you earlier that us President Joe Biden canceled all government ceilings until january 1, 2025. Europe is destroying its own economy and continues to methodically pump kiev with money. The European Commission brought ukraine another monthly tranche of 1. 5 billion euros. According to ursula vonderlein, this year alone, i paid 13. 5 billion to help ukraine. The us is losing faith in ukraine, chairman of the committee of chiefs of staff, mark miles, said that the counteroffensive of the armed forces will not allow the return of lost territories the offensive, although significant, has operational and tactical goals that are limited. Even if they are fully achieved, they will not allow the russians to be completely driven out. What is zelenskys broader strategic goal . The American Military leader characterized the counteroffensive as longterm, difficult and bloody. Ordinary americans are tired of the protracted support for ukraine, get away from my country. If you ask for money, go home. We dont want you here, im leaving and dont come back, beggar in the city, hide yours wallets. Come back, you dont deserve our money. They are also fighting off the beggar zelensky in various ways, who stands behind them and begs for money and tanks. And new trends are gaining popularity in tiktok, please ukraine. Come on quickly, please. Ordinary lithuanians are saving on food during these times against the backdrop of the conflict in ukraine and antirussian sanctions, which vilnius actively supports, their Economic Situation is deteriorating every day, the 7th Prayer Commission on Health Issues approved the sale of expired products. It is now possible to extend the minimum shelf life of Food Products labeled best home and sell them for longer than indicated on the food retail packaging. After the expiration date. In lithuania it can be extended by 3045 days. Latvia is facing a serious mortgage crisis; borrowers are unable to repay loans; the latvian Seimas Commission on budget and finance held a meeting on the mortgage situation. According to local media reports, Rising Interest Rates could make tens of thousands of people homeless, with plans to an increase in real estate taxes due to an increase in the cadastral value of land. Residents of latvia cannot expect help from the authorities. The ukrainian conflict has become a trigger for managerial collapse in europe. The continent is experiencing current protest traffic. This is a mirror of the unpopular policy of local authorities in their clear and guaranteed energy and food future on the streets , bulgaria is trying to find a laborer for 13 hours every day of the economy, for the sake of the greeks are not ready to resolve migration force majeure, the government is demanding residents, italy the germans coupled with inflation, they do not intend to collect weapons from the link for the independent polish march of anger. The country needs no introduction at the top of the eu inflation rating and social contracts marked failure evgeniy belousov so the summer has passed and , according to tradition, the old world is again on the verge of a social explosion, because the faithful friends of the ordinary european have not gone away , recessions, inflation, energy and fuel crisis going to hectares in step with western society , added to them are the consequences of climate disasters, support for the ukrainian conflict and the antirussian sanctions that euro officials are so proud of have driven residents of many countries to the brink. For example, bulgarians almost every day find new reasons to take to the streets of their cities. It all started with a protest from farmers who announced a mass action so that the authorities would ban the supply of Agricultural Products from ukraine because it was a betrayal of national interests. They even set up a blockade of border crossings and roads. Now ukrainian goods are not supplied at market prices, but rather at political and military prices, everything is being done to help to ukraine we are solidarity of ukraine but as people say, i care about you, but i care about nothing more than care. And i think its high time for our politicians to follow the example of zelensky , who is trying to save his countrys agriculture at european expense. As a result , the countrys government caved in to the demands. Albeit partially, the Prime Minister of bulgaria stated that the supply of ukrainian sunflowers will be limited, and in the future they will consider stopping the export of other beneficial products. The baton has been intercepted bulgarian miners. They staged a massive protest to protect the countrys energy future. According to local media, the reason for the discontent is that the authorities are considering the idea of ​​closing some parts of the mining sector. The threat to about 20,000 jobs was the reason for protests and the recent incident of a ukrainian drone, which was found attached to it off the coast of bulgaria. And the most surprising thing is that the mine is reportedly of bulgarian origin . Such an interesting boomerang, people are confident that war is getting closer to them homes, and this is primarily the fault of the government, which should resign ; the government protects other peoples geopolitical interests to everyone. It is clear that the United States is in a state of war with russia on the territory of ukraine, but we do not want to become hostages of this hostility. Participants in the next antiwar rally in berlin are speaking out against the flow of arms into ukraine and called on the German Government to stop the escalation of violence and move to a political settlement of the crisis. Ukrainian conflict. Can only be resolved through peaceful negotiations, which is why it is so important to involve all parties in dialogue. Providing weapons will not solve the problem, only peaceful negotiations. However, the germans also complain about the economy of about 20,000 demonstrators. From the medical sector, they occupied the streets of the capital to demand immediate Financial Assistance from the authorities. In our case, the crisis in the industry could lead to the closure of clinics throughout the country. If you really want our country to have a Reliable Healthcare system in the future. If you want us to treat people quickly both qualitatively, and if you want no one to worry about their health, then there is only one thing left to do save the hospitals; the greeks , shocked by the economic plans of their authorities , are planning a sharp tightening of labor legislation in the country. Tens of thousands of workers and employees have come up with standards that will soon begin to operate reminiscent of the wild era. Capitalism, the working day will be able to reach 13 hours, and the working week will last up to 78 hours. At the same time, the employer gets the opportunity to fire employees without any explanation. And obligations, restrictions are also introduced on the activities of trade unions in the future. They will have to coordinate the strike for a long time. We are against the bill. Which the government is preparing, they want to fire us , taking into account age restrictions, it turns out that we are suitable for summer and unsuitable for winter. This issue must be resolved and the authorities must give us clear answers regarding what is destined for us to cut back on economic rights and italians at the end of july, about 170,000 families received notice that they will no longer receive social benefits under the Citizen Income program. This is a monthly allowance for the purchase of food , bills, electricity and rental costs. People took to the streets of rome to call on the government to help people who are now not only without work, but also without a livelihood. There must be some way to live, even if you are unemployed, lets move forward together. Today we arrived in rome and we will definitely return here again, because struggle is the only way to get answers. Off the mainland in london, Health Workers are also protesting and besieging a hospital , demanding higher wages and better working conditions amid an ongoing dispute with the government, real wages for medical staff have fallen by about 26 over the past 15 years. Hello unstoppable inflation to protests. Tens of thousands of doctors across the country joined in. Today we do not have a credible settlement proposal that would satisfy both sides. More and more doctors are going to leave for other countries america canada new Zealand Australia and unfortunately, the residents of our country will suffer from this. But perhaps the most epic spectacle in canada, local activists believe that the root of world evil is the imposition of nontraditional sexual orientation. In the largest cities of the country , about 500,000 people came out on a march of millions to protect children against the inculcation of lgbt people and dialogues in schools. The number of dissatisfied people made me tense, even the lover of multicolored socks, justin trudeau, through social networks, spoke out decisively against rallies in support of the Prime Minister, they took to the streets and his rainbow friends that brought me here today so this thought about what is happening in schools public schools. I think teaching this kind of thing to children. Is this appropriate . There is an age limit for this. And if they cant respect that, then its a complete failure of society. The only thing that now holds together the largely fragmented west is nontraditional values ​​and support for ukraine. But if sexual minorities , by and large, do not pose a global threat, then any attempts to overturn the kiev page will be a recognition of the complete failure of the current policy with all that follows for the authorities, until the citizens are ripe for the revolution and are not ready to destroy the rotten politicians with righteous fire. But the closer winter is, the more actively we will have to act , at least in order to warm up evgeniy belousov around the planet. Belarus is dynamically developing interregional cooperation with russian regions. Today we are on the list of key partners of the pskov region; issues of transport communication are being resolved; import substitution is being worked out experts. The current time is called the battle for africa. The continent is gradually clearing itself of the colonialists of the past and is ready for cooperation. Africa is objective, our field of possibilities and nato countries can and want to cooperate with us. Almost simultaneously they decided to conduct exercises in the baltic and black seas. During the maneuvers , landing operations and strikes from the sea on land will be practiced. We invite the polish military to join us for exercises. Refusal. In return. Helicopter provocation. We do it without visas, we get closed borders. Someone elses one gets the impression that we are pushing the main topics on the main broadcast. Belarus 24 the best way to spend an unforgettable weekend is to take a short trip. It seems to me that i have found a unique corner of belarus that for many will become a place of power. Lets visit a belarusian village together. I returned to the village to my grandmother. Just look, and here is the ideal option, a complete reboot, no gadgets and a block of civilization, we will visit the largest boulder near the volozhensky district, if you believe folk superstitions, so that your desire is mandatory came true at the top of the stone. We need to leave the coin and learn all the intricacies of wood carving. In fact. Its just like some kind of meditation, because when it goes well. It is very nice. Watch in the program the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. You are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24 civilizational additions to the World Heritage list an archaeological site dating back to the eleventh millennium bc teli sultan is now under the patronage of unesco the most ancient ruins are located nearby modern irichon in the territory of pastina. Thanks to the mention in the holy scriptures , the phraseological unit trumpet of jericho appeared; these sounds are capable of breaking even the walls of the west bank of the jordan; archaeologists have discovered a vein of buildings, towers, palaces and temples. The find is not inferior in importance to artifacts from the egyptian valley of the kings; by the way, it is the first known to mankind. The villages or guru of the neolithic era were probably destroyed by an icy meteorite whose power from the impact of a celestial body was a thousand times more powerful than an atomic explosion. Hiroshima researchers we are sure that the episode caused the fall of the garden. May gamora the 45th session of the World Heritage committees was a fruitful one. Another addition to the unesco family is calicobach. This is the third object in guatemala that has been awarded this city status ; translated from the mayan language, the name of the city sounds like a durable stone. Today it is a unique monument of its kind. Yes, colombian america is mountains of two cultures. Its landscapes refer to the architecture of the almecs and the mayan tribe. Mecca of scientific and Technological Progress was at its zenith from the 7th century bc era, until the second century our territory there were two stadiums, a dozen squares with rear areas and cultural compositions, thanks to local hydraulic technologies. Cocoa was grown there and also mined into volcanic glass. Why did they lower the streets and weave kabakhs . The mayan civilization never left clues in its calendar. What else happened in the past 7 days . What events will not leave you without emotions . What you should definitely know about a special selection for you was prepared by yana mendelev barbie the trend in the field tai has begun milenberga bloom, high, fashion and ponytails, where the dachshund parade took place, the clubfoot in the fairytale kingdom, how the bear got into disneyland and whose traces were found in texas, will we find out together in the next few minutes . Barbie trend in the fields in china , million bergei has begun to bloom, keyzhou City District , chinese province. Guangxi has become a popular photo spot ; the plants halfmetertall pink stems create the feeling of colored clouds and give visitors plenty of options for colorful shots. I saw this flower sea on the platform short videos and my mom brought me to see these flowers today. Just so fabulous. This beautiful mullenberg traditionally blooms from september to november, during which time the field of more than four thousand square meters becomes a local landmark. High fashion and ponytails in st. Petersburg took place in st. Petersburg , which has already become a traditional dachshund, the theme of the festival this year was music, and therefore the owners dressed their pets in guitarist costumes. Rockers, ballerinas, one could meet at the event dogs in the images of bob marley and Philip Kirkorov are people with positive emotions. It has already become a family holiday. He comes with the children for a walk. Everyone is delighted. Everyone gets into a positive mood. And every time we leave with pleasant impressions, the outfit was appreciated, and so not only the audience, but also the jury members , this year the winner of the festival was the family and their faithful furry friend in images from the ballet, swan lake. Similar events took place in st. Petersburg for the eleventh time. In addition to being entertaining, it is also charitable. Organizers. They provided the opportunity to purchase care items and toys for dogs ; proceeds from sales will be donated to the fund for helping abandoned dachshunds to pay for their treatment and maintenance. A new quest in the american disneyland, biologists and Law Enforcement officers caught a wild black bear in an Amusement Park in florida; a clubfooted bear was spotted sitting in a tree on the territory of a fairytale kingdom. Fortunately, we even had to close several sections of the park for a while. There were no casualties, the predator was caught and brought to the nature protection staff, supposedly the bear came to disneyland in search of not only spectacle, but also bread. So that they dont forget, who was the owner here, where although traces of giant dinosaurs that lived more than 100 million years ago were discovered, only about 70 prints until recently, they were hidden by the river bed, which has now dried up due to lack of rain, this trace belongs to an adult individual. Agrocanthosaurus. Presumably. Shes fun 12 tons. There are also some trails behind the gate here. You can see five fingerprints. This is the trace of his hind paw, further on they go again traces of an agrocanthosaurus traces, as in the ballroom one gets the impression that they were dancing; scientists note that the discovered traces belong to different groups of dinosaurs. Among them are agrocanthosaurs, which could reach four and a half meters in length and wade. Whose height could reach 30 m. The First International Cultural Forum golden panda was held in china; the television and Film Festival was held in china for the first time, but brought together more than 300 guests from china and outside the country more than 7,000 works were submitted from more than 100 regional countries in the world, 90 films were included in the final short list for the best films, the american jojo rabbit was recognized; the award for best actress was received by Penelope Cruz in the film parallel mothers for the male language in wales they will recite farsi lessons in the film. Many other notable events also took place within the framework of the live event. The main theme of the forum is civilization in harmony and diversity, equality and inclusivity ; critics have no doubt that the golden panda has a great future, that the award will be presented once every 2 years france austria germany actress by vocation and aristocrat by birth grew up in the country of mozart and the decadent. The viennese cinema dynasty made its feature film debut at 15 and received its first ovation from the audience. She received it for the heroine about the third elizabeth in ernst marischkes trilogy. The hostage did not become one role, having earned the status of an expensive actress in germany , she personally chose her partners in the filming workshop, without her romance. We wouldnt have seen our actresses in allen delons frame, and the french in paris fell in love with sattens direction for filming in rich man 70, viscontia was personally dressed by coco chanel, survived the death of her son , her husbands suicide and pressure periods. So the owner of two caesars was a passerby in sanushim 1982, who met her tragic ending at 43. Today, from the fulllength star , she is wearing an award awarded to young actresses in france. Date of the week, september 23rd is the eighty fifth birthday of the gorgeous romy schneider, you looked around the planet. Thank you for being and staying with us. Visit the website www. Tvr. By and see the agencys favorite projects tv news online, goodbye. Young interviewers ask bold, unexpected and sometimes very touching questions to famous people. Do you believe in love for the rest of your life . Or are you of the opinion that she lives for 3 years. Why do all children now want to become bloggers . Would you like to install another child thanks to the guys. We learn interesting facts from the biographies of celebrities. We agreed to tell the truth, so ill tell you everything now. I dreamed of a golden helica. And actually came out, so i still got it sincere emotions and exclusive stories. Hockey players earn money differently, just like all people in different industries. If you achieve, uh, Great Success and become. Well, conditionally, there is a top level, yes, then, of course, you earn a lot of money, watch the project 100 questions for an adult on our tv channel, you dont want to stop running and sound like a grandfather. The leaves are whispering, the sun is shining, like the fractions of saints, our life is formed. I would like to look at this world differently. And every day discover something new for ourselves, and we this one is tactical. Because we cut it out of love. With love to belarus its 7 pm on sunday, which means its time to sum up the results of the day in the studio sergey lugovsky

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