The first Republican Leadership summit is shaping up to be the biggest president ial event of the year here in the Granite State. Seven wouldbe president s addressing hundreds of republican activists today. Nine more tomorrow. Since this morning, voters have spilled in like syrup over pancakes. If you missed our live stream today, which has been awesome, heres the greatest hits of this fitnsummit. Were not going to fix washington. By electing a president who is from washington, of washington or for that matter for washington. The world itself is moving beyond our control. Because we have an administration that wont defend our interest, wont protect our allies, wont stand up to our adversaries. Her record of achievement is zero. And you can understand why she destroyed all those emails. Id be embarrassed too. You need somebody who is going to stand up on a National Basis and explain the truth to people. I didnt run for governor of new jersey to be elected prom king. [laughter] ok . Im not looking to be the most popular guy in the world. Im looking to be the most respected one. Mark the most recent of the wouldbe president ial candidates to take the stage was jeb bush. You see him there speaking live now. Plenty to pick over. Which well do throughout this episode. But for you, so far today, with him still speaking, whos done the best . Heidi im going to say jeb bush. He did something that none of the other candidates did. He introduced himself. He said, im jeb bush. This is a little bit about my family. This is what i did in real estate. New hampshire voters like this. What they dont like are presumptuous candidates who come in and assume, especially if youre a bush or a clinton, that people already know who they are, they know their story. They want to be courted. Mark i agree with you that that biographical piece has been missing and its important for him because he is a bush and people do know him. But theres a lot of resistance to another bush. I thought Chris Christie was pretty good as well. Hes coming in here now as a guy who is not who where he thought hed be. Hes not a favorite. Hes trying to fight his way back into relevance and maybe closer to the top tier. I thought did he pretty well. Heidi he has a very nononsense style. Northeasterners like that kind of approach. The big question for christie is whether this gamble on Social Security and the entitlement messages that hes carried, it wasnt his style, its more his substance. You have to wonder how successful thats going to be. Mark he made it pretty clear today hes going to continue that at least for a while. A lot of speakers today as we said. Report cards on all of them. Governor gilmore of virginia cminus. Our guests coming up later in the program, ambassador bolton a bminus. Congressman king of long island, a bminus. My full report cards available on bloombergpolitics. Com. Right now for those who have spoken and well continue to grade folks throughout the evening. Marco rubio speaks tonight and tomorrow. Of the other folks, lets exclude ambassador bolton since hes sitting here listening to us, of the other folks who have spoken, pataki, gilmore, king, did anyone stand out to you as maybe breaking through at all today . Heidi i dont know about breaking through but im going to give kudos to pete king for taking on the issue he had arguably the hardest questioning session. He had folks stand up and challenge him on the shutdown and why hes been critical of ted cruz and he was honest. He took it head on. And he said, those are not my politics. If you disagree with a policy, you dont shut down the government. You work the legislative process and legislation through the house and senate and he got applause for it. Not from everyone. The composition of the state is 1 3 tea party so not everyone was going to be clapping but kudos for taking that on. Mark all of these people come in, the format is a little bit of a mixed bag. A combination of some speech and q a. Moving on. Republicans are all about family values and jeb bush faces a lot of questions about his family and its values and also its record. This morning at the proteinheavy politics and eggs breakfast, jeb bush went on the offense, not waiting to be asked, and trotted out what is now an increasingly familiar line about differences. Im going to have to show my heart, show who i am, tell my story. Its a little different than the story of my brother and my dad. This may come as a shock to you but you have brothers and sisters, so you may appreciate this. Were not all alike. We make our own mistakes in life. We are on our own lifes journey. Mark after that event, heidi asked jeb bush about Foreign Policy differences he has with his big bro, 43. You spoke in the beginning about how your story is different from your brother and your father. What do you want New Hampshire voters to know about how your policies would be different . They will. Today was a good example. I got to share what i did as governor of the state of florida. Ill get, if i go beyond the consideration of this, to be an active candidate, candidates sometimes actually propose ideas for the future and thats what i intend to do. Heidi can you point to anything specific . Not yet. The circumstances for today are different than they were in 2000, certainly different than they were in 1988. Theres a whole new set of challenges, whole new set of opportunities. The world that were in is radically different than it was when my brother was up here in 1999. And certainly light years away from the 1980s. Ideas need to be about the future. Ill get a chance to do that. Mark so if you assume hes got two audiences in dealing with this question, reporters who ask him about it a lot, both in terms of style but also in terms of the record, but also voters. How is jeb bush doing in handling so far this question of, hes another bush and hes got the legacy but hes also got the burden . Heidi you know how some guys have daddy issues . Jeb has brother issues. I would argue that the number one obstacle he faces is overcoming the shadow of his brother. George w. Bush was not beloved in this state. He lost the state. Just in terms of his profile his politics, social conservatism wasnt the best fit and you saw that today. Jeb bush acknowledged it. He said, i am going to come out with different policies. I think he planted the seeds. Mark he definitely did. Although hes pretty clear in saying this election isnt about history and he doesnt want to talk about history. A lot of times in politics campaigns will say, reporters ask me about this issue all the time, i never hear it from voters. Walk the halls here, go anywhere in the state, there are a lot of republicans who are not open to voting for jeb bush because hes a bush. Theyre not even focused on whether he would have supported the invasion of iraq or whether he supported this or that bush. Theyre not interested in another bush. This attempt to defuse it is going to be ongoing. It is going to be one of the stories, not just of this primary, but of the jeb bush candidacy. Heidi i think hes going to have to work to overcome that. Thats why in this state, especially, because of the disposition of New Hampshire voters, hes going to have to get in front of them and show them that hes different not just in terms of substance but style. I covered george bush and he is very different in terms of being just very focused on policy. In his own words, hes a policy nerd. He embraces that. That was very different from his brother. I think that the more he gets in front of New Hampshire voters, the more that theyre going to see that for themselves. Mark no doubt. Speaking of getting in front of New Hampshire voters, so far on this New Hampshire swing, we started last night, jeb bush has done three speeches, three voter q as and two very available press events. His stump speech is better than it was even a few weeks ago. And hes more accessible to the media than pretty much any other major candidate in this race. Especially compared with Hillary Clinton. I asked jeb bush about that earlier today. Why is it important to talk to reporters . I dont think its that unusual to talk to you guys, you come out here to talk. Im missing the point of why would you not talk to them. Mark thats the way we used to do it. Some of the other candidates go days at a time without ever talking to the press. We may reach that point at some point but right now i kind of enjoy it. Mark before we talk about jeb bush and his openness and speech, lets go back to the video replay. I want to point out that in all the excitement of being at the breakfast, i held the microphone upside down as i talked to jeb. Luckily my colleague had a mike over him and pointed out to me that the thing was upside down. The speech he gave this morning i thought was excellent. Today maybe not quite as good at this event. But stronger than before. Its the openness. Taking questions ever day. Not john mccain 2000 level, but will he be rewarded if he continues to take more questions than rand paul, certainly scott walker of late, and most of the other major candidates . Heidi because hes jeb bush, my answer to that is yes. He should continue to do that. Because he has the substance. The real risk for candidates and being too open to the media are that they stumbled. That they make mistakes and look awkward and stupid. Thats not a problem for jeb bush. So i think the more accessible he makes himself, the better its going to be. Mark totally agree. I asked him this morning, should the u. S. Be for regime change in iran, he left the room and then stopped and looked back in and said, thats a good question, i dont know, let me think about it. Most candidates wouldnt have the confidence to say that and get away with it. He does. Well have marco rubios speech here this evening on our Live Streaming from nashua. Hell be on the 7 00 hour. Coming up here, though, mr. Ambassador, the john bolton, live here in nashua, New Hampshire when we come back. Mark our guest tonight has a lot to say about barack obama and Hillary Clinton and the current administrations Foreign Policy. Sometimes some of the things he says arent all that nice but he also says he spreads sweetness and light wherever he goes. Ambassador john bolton. Thanks for coming by. Youre often a critic of the president and the policy. Hes fighting for trade. Passed through congress yesterday a Pretty Big Movement on free trade. How would you rate the job the president s doing on the issue of trade and is america right now, do you think Public Opinion supports the kind of free trade deals the administrations pushing . Guest i think hes six years late on this although i was asked this morning on a radio program, name one good thing the president had done, and i picked this effort to get the fast track approval restored. Which he had allowed to lapse earlier in his administration. I think he is swimming against the current in his party on this. Mark what about Public Opinion overall . Is the public a free trading country . Guest i think if the president demonstrates leadership. I think hell win this and get great credit for it if he stands out in front of it. Heidi you published a recent op ed in the New York Times advocating for bombing iran before iran gets a bomb. Why do you think that the outcome of that would be any different than it was in iraq . Guest let me say, i wrote the same editorial five years ago. And this one got a lot of attention because it was in the holy pages of the New York Times. the fact is right now there are only two good options. Only two options. Neither one of them are good. One is that Iran Gets Nuclear weapons and they will get them whether they sign this deal thats on the table now or not. Theyre on a path to do it, its entirely within their control. And i dont believe theyre ever going to give up their 30yearlong quest for Nuclear Weapons. The only other option is that somebody uses military force to break irans control over the Nuclear Fuel Cycle at key points. The president says all options are on the table. Nobody believes him. The iranians dont believe him. The israelis dont believe him. He doesnt believe it. So the spotlights on israel, as twice before in their history, theyve struck Nuclear Weapons programs in the hands of hostile states. Their decision now is enormously speeded up by Vladimir Putins decree on monday to allow the sale of the s300 antiaircraft Missile Defense system. So i think were coming close to a resolution on that. Mark lots we can talk about on that but i want to move to other topics. As you deliberate here youve said to me and others, youre largely part of this to influence the Foreign Policy debate and today you chose to talk exclusively about that. I want to ask you about a domestic policy. President bolton, what kind of Supreme Court justices would you nominate . Guest i worked for the Ronald Reagan justice department. Ive arced cases as assistant attorney general on some of these constitutional issues. Im an originalist. One of my law professors was robert bjork who should have been on the Supreme Court. I would pick justices who adhere to the words and original intent of the framers of the constitution and i think that would be an absolute requirement. Mark who is your favorite justice on the court today . Guest clarence thomas, my law school classmate. Heidi what about on the economy . Guest im pretty libertarian on economic and fiscal issues. I think what were seeing today and the weak economic recovery weve had since the recession the effect of the dead weight hand of the federal government excessive taxation, excessive regulatory burdens, e. P. A. Nlrb, the effect of obamacare. I think the failure to get the overall employment up with the lowest participation of the work force in over 30 years, since women have gone into the work force in substantial numbers, is a demonstration of the failure of the economic policies of the current administration. So my general principle, my operating principle, would be to get the government off the back of the economy. Mark we talked at the beginning of the program about biography and how governor bush talked about his, contrary to popular opinion, you were not born in a dark suit and red tie. So guest you cant prove that. Mark talk to us about yourself, your family, your upbringing who you are as a person. Guest i dont think that ought to be part of the subject of discussion in president ial elections. But i realized i lost that debate 30 years ago. My father was a firefighter for the city of baltimore. My mother was a housewife. Im very privileged to be the first person in my family to go to college. I attribute where i am today to two things. My parents genes and the admonition that they drilled in to me to work hard. Mark did you work during college . What kind of jobs . Guest i was a temporary summer letter carrier and i worked in a machine shop. Mark what did you do in the machine shop . Guest i formed metal for various pieces for scientific instruments. This was a job that my father also worked on. He was a law violator in baltimore. As a firefighter he was forbidden from working other jobs but since the pay was so low, he worked another job. Mark let us hear your baltimore accent. Guest my father used to refer to the thing you have in your kitchen than runs water in it as the zink. His job was a farfighter. Mark what do you like to do besides talk about Foreign Policy . You have hobbies, sports garden, cooking . Guest i used to be an avid baltimore colts fan. Then they went somewhere else and i dont acknowledge it. I still support the baltimore colts. Mark are you a fan of the movie diner . Guest no ive never seen it. Mark if youre a baltimore colt fan, you need to see it. Guest i dont think. So i dont know tyler swift songs either. Mark thanks for being with us. Welcome back. Coming up, rick perry just flew into the Granite State and, boy, are his arms tired. Mark so now we want to show you some highlights from todays session. Again, we had some republican president ial candidates and potential candidates speak. More coming tonight with marco rubio. A lot of the major candidates speaking here tomorrow. Lets look at some sound. First from governor rick perry redoing some hand and arm movements that will be familiar to people who watched him in 2012. You fast forward 10 years to 1989 and we saw the berlin wall fall, the end of soviet communism, because we had rebuilt our military and the president had the vision to rebuild this country. And we can do that again. This is an incredibly, incredibly resilient country. Weve lived through a civil war. Weve lived through two world wars, we lived through a Great Depression and through jimmy carter. Well live through barack obama. I promise you. We will do this. Mark heres another bit of rick perry from this morning. Again, reminiscent of the way he performed on the stump the last time around. Two things are abundantly clear to me. One, america is at a time of testing and our leaders are failing test. Number two, in response to the many crises that we are seeing around the world, that were experiencing in the world today. Both at home and abroad, i might add. The conservative Movement Must be the agent of reform. Mark so im a big fan of rick perry personally. I like the guy. I think his chances are pretty good. But this performance, the gothicserioussouthern thing, that is only reminding people in New Hampshire what he was like last time. I dont think he can win if he performs like that. He was like that for most of his performance today. Heidi im going to disagree with you a little bit here. I think that rick perry, if he can yes, i agree with you on the whole traffic cop thing hes got going on. But if he can get rid of that, if he can get rid of the arm waving and you just listen to the oration, hes a pretty good speaker. At the same time the bar is so high for him, given what happened the last cycle. The oops moments and the impression of him. Mark that guy, i interviewed him on the program a few weeks ago. Thats not what he was like. He has to be able to give a speech to have people think new about him. When he talks like that, they think the opposite of new, they think old. They think old rick perry from 2012 who was a loser as a president ial candidate. I just amazed, i know his supporters dont like me to say this, i didnt give him a good grade, but that performance style will not get him the second look he needs. Governor christie spoke today and was very strong on these themes of being a leader, being a truth teller. And being somebody who can get stuff done. Lets listen. Everybody who is considering running for president of the United States should have to answer for you what theyre going to do regarding the cost of entitlement programs in our country and how theyre going to make it fair for everybody. You notice the president hasnt talked about this for eight years. From the day he announced in 2007, to this very day he doesnt talk about it. The reason he doesnt talk about it is because theres not some short answer you can read to tell what you to do. I am opposed to government waste. That is a bold, wild statement. Isnt it . What amazing leadership i just showed by saying im against government waste and i want to cut it. Anybody who comes up here and says that, boo them off the stage. Boo them off the stage. Because of course everybodys opposed to government waste. Of course youre going to do the best you can to try to cut it. Then after that, then its time to get to work. Mark as christie tries to struggle back here, i think today and in his appearances in this state earlier in the week i think hes got a pretty Perfect Pitch on being confident because thats going to be part of any winning christie style and message. But not arrogant. Not suggesting to people that he knows it all or he thinks hes in some ways still a top tier candidate, because hes not. A lot of skepticism in that room about him still. Heidi the style is there. Its the substance. Again, he launched in on this pitch on Social Security and medicare and i didnt get the sense that this was resonating. He himself said, this is politically risky. Well see, i guess time will tell whether this works. Of course one of the questions was about cutting the debt and cant you just cut more from the government . Dont go after my Social Security. So this i think is showing just what a risk this is for him. Mark he didnt do the details today which i thought he might of his plan to deal with Social Security and medicare and medicaid. He just said, i got a plan. Well see if he keeps that up. So far its what hes going with. Coming up, all the information you need to know about your weekend spent here with us. Its all just Getting Started after this. Mark around 7 00 p. M. Eastern time tonight, marco rubios speech will be live here on bloombergpolitics. Com. Tomorrow well pick back up with rand paul bright and early. For now, bye. Pimm hello. Im pimm fox. A Global Stock Selloff today. U. S. , german and japanese stocks all fell. The s p 500 is now up only 1 for the entire year. Comcast acquisition of Time Warner Cable has potentially hit a stumbling block. Staff attorneys at the u. S. Justice departments antitrust division are said to be nearing a recommendation to block comcasts bid to buy Time Warner Cable. The attorneys are said to be concerned that consumers would be harmed and could submit their review as soon as next week. Stocks for both Companies Dropped on the report. And a potential drug deal in new generic drug giant may be in the

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