security measures to avoid detection and impede any investigation. what can you share with us about that? >> one of the things we know is that isil is very good at propaganda. anyone that has ever taken a look at isil inspired magazine called "inspire" which lays out both trade craft, ability to make bombs. this is a very sophisticated organization. and part of the way we have to counter this threat is by making sure that folks in the community are willing to step forward. if they see something that is inappropriate that oftentimes may mean community leaders, folks are much more willing to respond to community leaders than necessarily government proclamations. why we need a concerted effort around countering propaganda, one of the reasons why mr. trump's comments play so much against our national interests in terms of adding fodder to the fire in terms of radicalization, why we need an approach in terms of reviewing the visa waiver program, why we need a better approach in terms of intel sharing. and we're going to have to take a serious look at this encryption issue.