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After isis, either way, they have to find a way to deal with russia. That reality is on the heels of a big moment as the secretary of state, rex tillerson, heads tomorrow to moscow, so at the same time, if thats going on, you got the u. S. Navy moving an Aircraft Carrier near the Korean Peninsula, escalating tensions are going on there because of pyongyangs nuclear ambitions. The white house flexing its military might on this 81st day of Donald Trumps presidency. We begin our coverage with cnn joe johns live at the white house. Reporter the administration taking two steps forward, one step back on the issue of regime change in syria with that symbolic bombing run on friday, but one thing demonstrated for sure, that the president is willing to use force. Every time one of these horrific attacks occurs, that draws russia closer into some level of responsibility. Reporter secretary of state reck tillerson talking tough about russias role in last weeks syria chemical attack on the eve of his first diplomatic trip to moscow. Regardless whether russia was complicit, incompetent, or out witted by the assad regime, clearly they failed in their commitment to the international community. Reporter slamming the kremlin for allowing syria to house chemical weapons despite a past agreement to ensure that assads stockpile was destroyed. How can they with a straight face coffer for assad . Reporter National Security adviser mcmaster echoing criticism and keeping the door open for imposing additional sanctions on both russia and iran due to support for assad. I dont think anythings off the table at this point. Reporter top officials sending conflicting messages about the future of dictator, tillerson emphasizing americas First Priority is a fight against isis, not toppling assad. Its through that political process, the syria people can ultimately decide the fate of assad. Reporter as haley insists regime change is a primary concern. Theres not any sort of option where Political Solutions going to happen with assad at the head of regime. Reporter reversals from last week and discrepancy thats not gone unnoticed by tillersons critics. The strategy hes outlining is based on assumptions that are not going to work. Theres no such thing of assad, yes, but isis, no. Reporter this as the president sends an aggressive message to north korea, days after kim jung un tested another Ballistic Missile. Sendsing a strike group towards the Korean Peninsula. Prudent to do it, isnt it . North korea engage in a pattern of provocative behavior. This is a rogue regime that is now a Nuclear Capable regime, and president xi and President Trump agree thats unacceptable. Reporter north korea has also weighed in on the u. S. Missile strike in syria calling it an unforgivable act of aggression and saying it proves north korea was right to beef up its military power saying that choice was right a million times over. Chris, back to you. How will that kind of twisted reasoning apply to the ships sent in the waters off the Korean Peninsula in the United States . Well have to see . Thanks to joe johnson. Acceptable message to a rogue regime. Thats how the attack in syria is now being spun. And, again, that Carrier Group is on its way to the Korean Peninsula. So what shape will the message be this time . We are live at the pentagon with details. Ships off the shore can bring the hurt. What happens now . Well, this is a a very tailored message yet again that the Trump Administration is using, chris. Aircraft Carrier Strike group. Everyone throws the words around. Whats it mean . Aircraft carrier is a big visible message to the North Koreans, but militarily, not as much use if there was a north korean provocation. Its the u. S. Navy ships that have missiles on board that could shoot down a north korean Ballistic Missile launch. Thats where the real message is. Thats what the North Koreans know. The u. S. Watching this carefully because north korea could launch more missiles, conduct an underground nuclear test, a visible message from a president who said he doesnt like to signal what hes doing with the military, and like we have talked all morning, the same kind of messaging going on in syria. That strike against that air base did not destroy the base. It was not meant to. Dont use chemical weapons. That air base in syria now by all accounts up and running again, syria war planes again attacking assads own people. You raise the the right questions including this one, how is north korea responding to all of this . Cnns will ripley is live in north korea, the only American Network in that country. Will . Reporter the North Koreans are certainly receiving the message that President Trump is sending, but their response to it may not be with the administration is intending. Weve been on the streets of pyongyang talking all weekend with Government Officials. We were with them when they learned about the interior strike group moving back to the Korean Peninsula, not unpresence didnted because they were in the region weeks ago for joint military exercise with south korea, and the officials told me they believe its another provocative act by the United States. They think the u. S. Is the one to blame for escalating tensions. They talked about the missile strike on syria saying if it happened in north korea, the big difference is they would retaliate. We know that north korea has the capability to do real harm certainly to the millions of People Living within range of the Demilitarized Zone and seoul area with 28,000 american troops in that country. Tomorrow, a Major Political gathering, the supreme peoples assembly, delegates vote an appro approve motions, and saturday, day of the sun. Five years ago, they tried to launch a satellite in orbit days before the day of the sun, and many officials watching their Nuclear Test Site believe at any moment he could push the button on six Nuclear Tests as a way to send a strong message ahead of the important north korean holiday. Chris . Will, appreciate it. Keep us in the loop. Joining us now republican congressman from texas, former undercover cia officer serving in the middle east. A pleasure. I want to talk about what we saw in texas with people missing with the emergency signal system, what that means for the integrity of our Cyber Security with our grid, but talk about bigger macros first. Help me understand the moral agency involved with what just happened in syria, president justifying the strike by saying, listen, they crossed a line, you know, now its wrong, this is the right moral message. Were america. How does that not apply to the other killings thats going on in syria . I get chemicals are bad. I get we have the 1925 agreement, and thats always been a priority in the international community, but either you think its wrong this december pit is killing his people or you dont. How do you draw a moral distinction . Well i think assad should go. I said that for a long time. You cant have stability in syria with assad in power. Assad is the one reason why we have a refugee problem. Assad is the reason that a civil war started, which created a vacuum allowing isis to come in. I think isis is an immediate threat to the United States, but in order to demolish him, you have to have assad go as well, so i do believe there needs to be more conversations about what disease syria look like postassad. What does syria look like once the rebels take back raqqah . These are conversations that the executive branch and congress should be having conversations on. I also believe that the strikes of last week, the 59 tomahawk missile strikes in syria was the right move to show this is a new day, and that connectic strikes are on the table. Whats the plan . Everybody says, i dont know the plan. They have to form the plan, see what the plan is, top officials in the white house, they are mix messaging at best. Do you think theres a plan, or do you think this was a one off . I think this was e evolving. That would be the best way to describe this. I think the president is consuming intelligence and the situation on the ground is changing daytoday, and his thoughts on this is evolving as well. I think one of the conversations that secretary tillersons going to be having with the russians later this week is going to be on the Russian Support to assad in syria and what the russians can do in order to move forward there. Because they are complicit. They are supposed to be responsible for getting rid of the chemical weapons, obviously didnt happen, and so im sure this topic will be a major part of the conversations that secretary tillersons having in russia. Whats your take on sending this battle group up into the waters off the Korean Peninsula, again, something thats been thought through, in your opinion, or just the hope that the show of force is enough . Well, that battle Carrier Group has been in the region before. I think kim jong un has the ability to kill hundreds of thousands of people right now in south korea with the push of a butt button. Hell stop at nothing to have an intercontinent intercontinental Ballistic Missile. They likely have the capability of putting a Nuclear Warhead on top of that, meaning in less than 12 minutes, he could kill 12 million people. We have to ask ourselves, what are we going to do when we see a potential test . Are we going to try to shoot that icbm down . Are we going to let the test go on unpaimpeded . These are questions that should be asked of congress to north kor korea, but the reality here is that we have this is a real opportunity for the u. S. And china to have true Security Cooperation when it comes to north korea. The chinese have to recognize that kim jong un is a problem to Chinese Security than a u. S. South korea alliance. So lets bring it back home. Down where you are in texas. Somebody hack ed public communication systems, emergency alerts going off, 911 calls. Its a distraction, a disturbance, but is it an indication that, wow, we are really vulnerable to Cyber Attacks of our power grid. Things could really happen, and thus, bringing our tension back to the russian interference investigation. You know, you have to take them seriously because you dont have to use a missile to mess with somebody these days. When i got out of cia, i started a Cyber Security company, and my team was involved in trying to hack a subwaylike system, and we figured out that we couldnt get access to the trains or to the Critical Infrastructure, but you could take over pa systems, so i think a pa system like what was taken over is separate and on a separate network than usually the control systems that are being used to power our lights, but its an indication that, you know, you can create a lot of havoc taking over a p. A. System. Imagine if it was more than sirening. Local municipal ities need to realize the surface is much more broad. Interesting. Your message to the American People, dont worry about someone taking over air Traffic Control or trains or anything that was, you know, has a high degree of lethality to it, no reason to believe those capabilities exist . Well, the capabilities are always there. The intent is there. We have seen that defenders are able to protect against this threat. You know, any time you upgrade system, you introduce a new vulnerable or potential vulnerabilities that can be attacked, but just know that, you know, department of Homeland Security is working closely with our municipalitiemunicipalities make sure that federal resources are available to local municipalities for these types of rs, so, you know, the cyber threat is real. The cyber threat is diverse. Those defending need to recognize that all these systems are connected, and you can create pandemonium in a number of ways. Will hurd, republican representative from texas. Thank you for being on new day as always. Always a pressure. Different messages in the white house from syria. What do they say about mr. Trumps strategy Going Forward . Thats next. This is the new new york. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts. R . The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Different messages from top Trump Officials concerning the u. S. Policy in syria. Listen. Theres not any sort of option where Political Solutions going to happen with assad at the head of the regime. Asking and calling on assad to cease of use of the weapons. Other than that, no change to the military posture. If he goes against civilians no matter what weapons he uses . The president makes whatever decision he thinks is in the best interest of the American People. Okay. Lets discuss this with former new york city counsel speaker christine quinn. Matt, starting with you. Sure. Matt, do you know what President Trumps strategy is in. No. I wont spin you here. Look at the three apsnswers, yo can see potentially different paths. I give general Nick Mcmaster for the right answer that all alternatives should always be on the table and be careful to draw lines we dont intend to enforce which is why the bombing is the right decision. He said the use of chemical weapons is something we cant tolerate. Basically to your mine today, that was a one and done . That was a one and done solution, assad used chemical weapons. That crossed the line. We sort of bombed the airfield, sort of, although on saturday, assad was back to bombing his innocent civilians, so thats it. Yeah. I guess i look at it this way, which air strikes are only so effective, alison. President s like to use them because they seem tidier, but at the end of the day , you dont accomplish what you want to without using everything at our disposal. I like the fact it was a pinprick attack. Sure. Dont read into this that were going to war in syria. Okay. How do you see it, christine . I find the fact that you have three, four different people in the Trump Administration speaking for the Trump Administration, but saying completely Different Things. Doesnt that tell you its not cemented yet . Theres nosyria. If you have not figured out a few steps yet, i understand youre not going to necessarily with the situation as complex as syria, figure out a to z, but one hopes we had beyond a, right . At least we but if you dont know, dont talk. What good does it do the American People in a scary time to here the International Leaders of the United States say Different Things and help our standing on the world stage. There is no plan beyond a. A was it. I mean, you hear matt. We heard our guests all morning. A was it. That was it. Were done. We sent the message. Assad, you cant use chemical weapons, we bomb the airfield. We did. Were done. Haley said, on the news over the week and last week, alluding to this clearly and strongly at the women in the world conference, that its not done. Shes in the papers today, on television over the weekend saying she sees the mission as accomplished when the leadership of syria is changed, and she seems to be taking a hard line on russia where secretary of state is taking a very different line. These just dont be the parts of the world that we want to lack clari clarity. I agree Ambassador Haley seems more clear that the eventual goal should be to get rid of this dictator, assad, in syria. So why dont mcmaster and tillerson know that . I worked for president george w. Bush, toppled a couple authoritarian regimes, you can fight in the countries decades after having our young brave men and women in harms way. Look, we know the dangers of war. The repercussions. Why is it a different stage . As i told you, im not going to spin you on it. Seemed like there were three paths outlined over the weekend. I think what the American People should not be scared by this, but i think they should understand the president is taking in the information and ascertaining what the right policy strategy is. As somebody who works in the white house, happens on tax policy, health care policy, doesnt shock anybody. Happens on foreign affairs. Look, i dont the president needs to take things in, needs to hear from different people, and make a final decision. Thats not whats happening. We had three members of the administration go out and say contradictory things, and that was not some attempt, i believe they were not contradictory. Not in lock step with each other, and this is what worries me and many, many of the American People, that the president made a decision that i think was the right decision, but a decision in a complex regime that needs to have a sense of a plan and policy, and a clarity, and thats what worries me is that hes over his head. Go ahead. Christine, if you agree with what he did, which is something obama failed to do when he said that there was a line in the sand and the very same people who were applauding trump criticized obama. Give him grace thats okay. Give him the grace that he made the right decision here. He has very difficult decisions to make ongoing from here. Nobody believes that assad will be a boy scout now. Hell do all types of terrible things. Well have to deal with the all the repercussions of it, but he made a good step here. Now the question is, what does he do Going Forward . Y, advisers are trying to interimly convince him of one path or any, but in the end, Donald Trumps going to make the decision, and i do not believe that that decisions going to be that we go to war with syria. Im not urging that he do that, baa i think thats, obviously, you know, a terribly frightening decision right now, what youre saying, going to war with syria. Not advocating that. Clear at all. But what im thinking is just unacceptable is to have the u. N. Ambassador and the secretary of state saying things that are not in lock step, and you know what . Im not going to cut in president or any president slack when they are talking about brutal horrible dictators like assad and Vladimir Putin and one day here, another official there. Arent President Trumps words the ones we should be listening to . Well, thats not clear not exactly. What he has said, unquestionable, one day he feels one way, another day he feels another way. Hes flexible. I dont understand how you are flexible about brutal deck at a timers. Okay. I dont understand why a child hold on a weak baby killed in syria by gas is its traumatizing, that that was traumatizing to the president , but as a dead syria baby on the shores in soldiers arms touches nothing in his heart. Why is my characterization of the flexibility not fair . Implies anything could happen. Thats not fair at all. What we understand is that as a president you is certain options when things happen, and he was willing to take this option. He could have chosen not to do that. I guess you can call that flexibility, but at the end of the day he calls it that. Im not calling it flexibility, taking him at his word. Pushing back on the idea if you mean by flexibility, anythings on the table. I think thats wrong. To clarify, he said that he was so struck by the pictures, the devastating pictures of children being killed, that thats when he decided to act because hes flexible. Thats what he considers his positive attributes. Those pictures i say this. Hes open to the facts as they happen, and what we learned in syria is this terrible attack happened. He wants a humble foreign policy, not an interventionist, but there are lines. Guy, leaving it there. Thank you very much for the debate. Great to talk to both of you. All right. The Supreme Court is about to become whole again, the swearing of in judge gorsuch at 9 00 a. M. , the oath, the ceremony afterwards, a live report from the Supreme Court looking at the 101st justice. We are not here to sit idly by. We are here. To leave a mark. Experience a shift in the natural order. Experience amazing. But theyre different. D kind its nice to remove artificial ingredients. Kind never had to. Weve used real ingredients, whole nuts, and Natural Flavors from the very beginning. Give kind a try. Number one, President Trump contemplating the next move to syria. Officials sending conflicting signals about removing assad. The u. S. Moving a Navy Strike Group towards the Korean Peninsula amid tensions with north korea. Hr mcmaster calls the Nuclear Provocations unacceptable. 49 People Killed in the palm sunday bombings at two Christian Churches in egypt. Isis claiming responsibility for the bombings warning of more attacks. Tight security in churches across wisconsin. Police looking for 32yearold joseph jacobowski, believed to be armed and dangerous, author of a manifesto he sent to the president containing antireligion sentiments. The cubs wave the championship banner in their home opener tonight at wrigley field. They ended a 108year drought winning in seven games back in the fall. For more on the five things to go, go to anyday. Cnn. Com. Making the high court full again, the first of two swearings in ceremonies today. We are live at the Supreme Court with more. Good morning. Good morning. Well, its been more than a year since the death of justice aiptny scalia, and today, g gorsuch takes the congressional oath behind closed doors and chief Justice Roberts ad ministers. His family will be there, and the justices and spouses are invited to attend, including maurine scalia. Then moving down the street for the traditional oath by justice kennedy. That is because gorsuch is an old clerk of kennedys. Its a first time a former clerk works at the same time as his boss. No rest for the weary, next weekend of this week, gorsuch starts working, meeting colleagues, and getting to work. All right, thank you very much. Going to be a big day. The 101st justice is going to be installed. All right, time for cnn money now. New york will be the first state in the country to offer Free College Tuition to middle class students. We are in the money center. Big dee, yes or no . It is a big deal. Hundreds of thousands of kids, free tuition for middle class families, covering fulltime school, families the first year making up to 100,000 a year. Covers tuition ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 a year, depending which New York School youre talking about. The plan does not include costs of room and board. Important to note, thats more expensive than tuition, and thats the main criticism from those opposing the bill. Andrew qcuomo opposed the bill, and but built it into the budget passed late sunday night. Taxpayers will foot the bill, costing about 153 million in the first year. New york is the first state to offer, other states are not far behind. Lawmakers in rhode island are considering, tennessee, oregon, and the city of San Francisco have recently made tuition free after community colleges. Alison . Music to the ears of so many parents, christine, thank you very much. So it was a very frightening sound, and some dallas residents still cant shake it. Okay. Imagine that going off in your town for almost two hours. This was triggered by an apparent hack. What does it mean about the emergency system . Was this is a prank . Was this something far more sinister in we talk to the experts next. Is to always keep track of your employees. R micromanage them. Make sure theyre producing. Woo employee of the month you really shouldnt leave their side. Vita coco coconut water, hydration comes naturally. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 509 on auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. In my johnsonville commercial we open up in the forest. Hi. Im jeff. Im eating my breakfast and all of a sudden a raccoon come up and ask me, what are you eating . I told him johnsonville breakfast sausage, fully cooked. Porcupine comes in and he says, does that come in patties . I said yup wolf comes in and says, howd you learn to talk to animals . And i said books and we had a good laugh about that. [laughter] thats a commercial made the johnsonville way. Okay. That was the sound blaring through Dallas Friday night. Every single one of dallass 156 emergency sirens went off. Authorities are trying to find out who was behind this. Joining us now, cnn National Security analyst and author, and former cia counterterrorist official. Can you imagine for 90 minutes that sound blaring in your hometown . People there thought i mean, thats the emergency system that alerts people to either severe weather, say like a tornado or bombing or missile strike. People didnt know what to make of what was happening. How did this happen . So, no, they absolutely scary. Heres the bigger issue is you worry about people will ignore sirens that come in handy, in particular during climate events. It looks like this was a not sophisticated, but a direct attack, someone clearly wanted to get into the system. My mind immediately goes to an Insider Threat so they are probably looking at the people, did someone get recently fired with access to the codes . Are they now putting into position sort of Cyber Protection that do not create 15 single point of failure. You want a notification system to ensure this does not happen again. Its not good it happened. We have vulnerable infrastructure, but we got to learn like this because every city is going to be facing stuff like this. Go ahead, bill. Just tackling on what she said, theres a piece of this is awareness. The first piece is when americans talk about infrastructure, they think bridges, roads, dams, and i think in the next year as the Congress Considers whether they we should have an infrastructure build, one of the basic questions is antiquated Cyber Protection, not just in dallas, but in my world of National Security, you got to know that countries, north korea, iran, et cetera, are looking at cyber vulnerabilities in the United States saying in the event of war, cyber will become an instrument of war. We have to be aware of this. So what we heard from the authorities so far in terms of how this happened, they think it was local, to your point, not sort of this was not the russians. This was something local happening, but do you see this as some High School Prank or more sip steer at work like it was a a dry run . It could have been a dry run. I was pretty surprised how quickly the city came out and said its local. That made me think, you know, knowing about how these investigations unfold, they have a clue it was an Insider Threat. If you also look at the ticktock over that night, it seem they did have problems turning the entire system off suggesting someone was sophisticated in knowing the system. The challenge now Going Forward and just picking up on bills point, i was at the department of Homeland Security. We give a lot of money to local and state jurisdictions for protection, and often youll have the cops, the firefighters, and the Emergency Managers at the table grabbing that money, and you wont have any of the Cyber Protection people. Theres still sort of sidelined, viewed as technical, but the intersection of cyber and Critical Infrastructure is direct, and so we need to invest more in how we protect these Critical Infrastructure facilities. Still, how do we see this . Was this an isolated incident for dallas or suggest anything bigger about the vulnerability of the power grid . Well find out in dallas its isolated, but step back and look the the rapid expansion and takes on Cyber Infrastructure in the United States. There was an attack by iranis, for example, on a dam in 2013. Consider it a wakeup call. I mentioned the National Security piece in terms of investment in Cyber Security. Theres another piece thats not a surprise to you. As a former Government Official for 25 years, its difficult for the government to find people from sin coal valley to work these problems. They cant find the money, so in addition to the money, you have to find a way to get a balance between Silicon Valley and washington to bring a 25yearold from stanford into government. Because you know when we interview security experts, this keeps them up at night, the idea of the power grid vulnerable because then you just and its everything from Traffic Cameras to, you know, emergency systems to, i mean, i could go on and on, and it would send a shiver down our spines, so what do you think is our answer here . So the answer has got to be to build systems both redunda y redundancies and avoid a single point of failure. Its not wonky words. Its relatively easy to do. You ensure that a system, lets say an electrical grid, cannot be hacked by simple, like, sort of one simple hit. This is simplistic, i know, but so its clear to the viewers, put up different defenses through the the system so one System Administrator leaving work angry cant get into the system and break it down, let alope another country. Okay. Thank you very much. All right. Big question, is there a white house strategy on syria . Big part of the bottom line next. Sugar, were letting you go. What . 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The white house sending mixed messages about its top priority in syria or any priorities after the missile strikes last week, so whats going on here . How do we play to advantage . Whats the white houses real goal . Lets get the bottom line with cnns senior political analyst and Senior Editor of the atlantic ron brownstein. Ron good morning. You love the numbers. Yes. Dont the most recent poll numbers justify what happened last week . He got over 50 of the American People saying they liked it. You have his approval. President trump popping into the low 40s. Even amid with independents. It was a win. Forget strategy. Well, look, i think the polling actually reflects kind of what we have and dont have out of this. I mean, we have clarity. We have more clarity about one point, that the Trump Administration will act militarily to uphold infect the civilizational red line against the use of chemical weapons. Thats a good thing. What we dont have is a lot more clarity about their larger term objective. Their clearer implication, as you know, chris, the president said at points that he was willing to work with assad and russia to focus on isis. I think after this its pretty clear that that idea of working with assad is out the window but the idea of focusing first on isis and then kind of leaving the question of assads future to later is what they hope to do. Now whether thats a viable strategy as marco rubio argued yesterday is not is another question, but i think that is their inclination. Theres a lot of mixed messages about how exactly you get there. Ron, hasnt it become clear now that the dust has cleared and its now monday as opposed to thursday night, isnt it clear what they set out to do on thursday with the bombing of that airfield, was it Mission Accomplished . Yes. They said in the message no chemical weapons and thats it. There is no greater strategy because for all the reasons everybody articulated, its tough. Too hard. Chemical weapons is the line. Beyond that, what are we looking for . No, i agree. The clarity was sending the clear message that they would respond when assad crosses that red line in effect and uses chemical weapons, but the question i mean, even if their inclination is, allison, to focus on isis and essentially sublimate the question of what assads future is, which is the clear indication they were sending in the comments before this happens, exactly how you do that is another issue. And, you know, you did get you continue to get mixed messages on the question of whether, in fact, their ultimate goal is his removal. Certainly i think they have reaffirmed, as you said, that they are not here to remove him by force. There is no next shoe dropping or Broader Campaign coming in that way. But the extend to which you can kind of put aside that question how much you can work with the regime, how much you can work with russia against isis, i think all of that is much murkier after this attack. Bottom line, tillerson going to russia, big deal or will it ultimately be i think its somewhere in the middle. I think it becomes clearer and clearer as the confrontations arise and the conflicts accumulate that it is very difficult for President Trump even at the apex of the u. S. Government to execute what he said in the campaign. There are too many areas of conflict and where their behavior directly collides with our interests. What is tillerson tapped with . What are we hoping for out of this meeting . I think we dont entirely know. His tone and certainly nikki haleys tone at the u. N. Has been very different than the president s. The president has been an isolated voice and kind of the vision of what is possible to achieve with putin. I would say when he talked during the campaign about his own version of a reset with russia, very top of the list of what he was hoping to get out of that was greater cooperation against isis in syria, which is now something that seems much more difficult to imagine. So exactly why you are pursuing better, you know, kind of a rethink of relations if the principle goal you are hoping to achieve out of it is now kind of in rubble literally, you know, its unclear where that goes. I think its going to be a relatively chilly meeting. Ron brownstein thank you for the bottom line. Nice to talk to you. Its monday. Good stuff, what do you say . Lets do that. Done. Next. Success has always been measured in zeros. But shouldnt it be about firsts . And seconds. How about adding a third . We think theres a bajillion ways to measure success. And whether you have hundreds or millions. We think you deserve the Financial Freedom to sleep like this at night. This is the new success story. And at tiaa, were with you. Start today at tiaa dot org. The good stuff, talk about one slam dunk of a birthday surprise. Theres jovan walking down the hall. All the students wishing him a happy tenth birthday, but this is where things get even more exciting. Happy birthday to you Harlem Globetrotters sipping jovan happy birthday. The young boy suffers from chronic seizures. Hes overcome with joy. What made this so special . His brother. He made it happen. This is my brother. Very important because i know he had two brain surgeries. Its been pretty rough for us but we got through it. Im just glad he had it. Nothing like the love of a brother on full display. Thats wonderful. Can you have the Harlem Globetrotters come to my birthday . I can. Meanwhile, if you missed saturday night live this weekend, we have the highlights in late night laughs for you. I just had an amazing week, folks. I met with leaders from china, egypt and jordan. Gorsuch was confirmed. The media is saying nice things and no one is talking about russia. Well, what a difference just 59 tomahawk missiles can make. I recently got laid off a coal mining plant. Im going to do everything to make sure you guys work in coal for the rest of your lives. All we want are good jobs. They dont have to be in coal. Sorry, hombre, its all coal. In trumps america people work in coal mines or goldman sacks. Youre going to get rid of my health care . Like all of it . All of it, gone. After that youll never have to drive to see a doctor, hows that . You stand by me no matter what. Its like you found a finger in your chili. You still eat the chili because you told everyone how much you love chili. Its tremendous. I actually see a lot of myself in you, bill. Thank you, mr. President and thank you for coming to my defense last week even though no one asked you to. You even went as far as saying, quote, bill oreilly did nothing wrong. Thats correct. Thats based upon . Hunch. Just a loose hunch. Youre not familiar with the facts of the case . Im more familiar with this case than i am with, say, health care, but i didnt really look into it much, no. I was too busy being super president ial by bombing a bunch of [ bleep ]. Oh, my god. I wish we had more time. It was funny, but that skit with bill oreilly was controversial. It was a really broad range of discussion. You should go online to check it out. Okay. Time for cnn newsroom with poppy harlow. Good morning. Good morning. Do you know how many hours i was asleep before saturday night live even went on on saturday . Me, too. Youve got the baby, youve got the new gig. On the up side, at least you finally got rid of that side kick guy. Where did john berman go . Who . My goodness. Who . Hell be on four other shows today. Its my little girls first birthday. Happy birthday, baby sienna. Happy birthday to her. Have a great day, guys. Lets get started. Good monday morning. This morning at the Supreme Court, history

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