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The days top stories from around the world, from politics and money, to sports and pop culture. The days top stories from around the world, from politics and money, to sports and pop culture. A voluntary interview suggests theres more to the interview. When you want that you want it written down so you can use it in the future maybe for perjury. In terms of that, if you are roger stone and youre watching how this is playing out, you and your attorneys as youre huddling, whats the thinking there. Well trks ha, its hard to k. Hes under scrutiny. If you were going to make a list three years ago of the Trump Associates who were most likely to be in trouble, it would be Paul Manafort, roger stone beneath him. So i think that the major jeopardy were seeing in this case, you have one shady lobbying case. Paul manafort. Russians indicted who will never see the inside of a u. S. Courtroom and then you have perjury. You have people not telling the truth. So any lawyer working for any of these people under scrutiny has to be emphasize, do not think you are more clever than these professionals who will nail you to the wall if you make the slightest fib. Roger stone released this statement about kristen davis, quote, she knows nothing about russian collusion. Wikileaks collaboration or any other impropriety related to 2016 elections which, thought was the subject of this probe. Rich just laid out what we know so far. Weve got manafort on trial. Russians who have been indicted. Questions of personal jury. How is this coming together . There are people who look at this and go wait a minute, everything thats going on, thats not collusion. Hold on. Never say that. Mueller is methodical. The man doesnt make a move without a reason. So its the methodical mueller meeting the manhattan madam. I worked with him for four and a half years. Does not do fishing expeditions. I can think of two reasons. One is people and the second is money. If roger stone is in the middle of this investigation, one of the basic sort of questions or lines of questions you would have for her is what do you know about him, but what else do you know about people he introduced you to, people he talked about. You know and if there is a relationship, either out of intimacy or friendship, theres still the idea of pillow talk. So what has he said to you, a trusted person that nobody else knows . I want that and i want it in front of my grand jury. There was a lot of focus on a potential interview, once again, talk iing about potential interview for for some time. So this report ng the New York Times this week that the president realwanting the sit d because he believes he can convince. This is really a witch hunt. On the one hand, its not surprising as we know that the president may want, may very well have said that. That he thinks hes the guy. At some point. But theyd also based the question, is that whats going on or is it being filtered out again by the legal team to see how it plays in the court of public opinion. Thats thats what i think. I believe that donald trump is occasionally delusional enough to think i can convince robert mueller. But he has a broad team who have to be sit doung with him saying no, you really cant do this. You cannot make things better for yourself. I felt like it was a pr strategy to say yeah, the president was always said so. Hes got nothing to hide. He wants to. He wont. Phil . You think he will . I think thats dead on. Let me give you a simple explanation. People keep saying theres a lie between the legal team and president. That may be true. The president s pretending to play along. To be on a different side than his legal team and Behind Closed Doors hes saying im going make it look like mueller made the conditions so difficult that i couldnt speak. I think this is a game and i think the game is to get the president off the hook because if he walks in that room, let me tell you whos going to win. Not the president. Drirector mueller is going to wn that game, i guarantee you. Laura quickly, just weigh in. On the one hand, you could see why youd prefer if youre the president of the United States to testify voluntary will and not wait until muellers team gives you a subpoena. You get to have the lawyers present when youre there. You get to have them sittinging next to you nudging you saying you didnt say that. Remember, we talked about this in a different area. But i think its will the of smoke and mirrors so aim willing, but they dont want to hear from me. Not a farfetched conclusion given you heard him how he hid behind the curtains because he was i had forgotten about that. The other former fbi director would maybe suck come to his intamation. But maybe hes em boldened why what hes heard. So many maybes. To be a fly on the wall. The next time were all back, stay was. After all the Nation Security chiefs warn that our democracy is in the cross hairs, President Trump makes big joke of confronting putin. Will the white house and the president be on the same page when it comes to rug but new information on a Cnn Exclusive. Slashing security at the nations airports. Will there be a federal air marshall on your next flight . . Hawaii is the first state in the u. S. To have 100 Renewable Energy goal. Were a very small electric utility. But, if we dont make this move were going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaiis economy. 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Now were being hindered by the russian hoax. Its a hoax. Okay . Striking a new and discordant tone coming hours after his team stepped forward to cull out russia for its role in attacking russia in its elections. Russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage in maligned Influence Operations to this day. To the head of national intelligence. We cant continue to see a pervasive Messages Campaign by russia. To try to weaken and divide the United States. To the secretary of Homeland Security. Free and Fair Elections are the corner stone of our democracy and it has become clear they are the target of our adversaries. All saying what the president has refused to say in public. This is a threat, we need to take extremely seriously. To tackle and respond to with fierce determination. And focus. The president dwelling on his warm relationship with putin. In helsinki, i had a great meeting with putin. We discussed everything. I had a great meeting. We got along really well. By the way, thats a good thing. Not a bad thing. Three weeks after trump and putins summit, a meeting that elevated the russian president on the world stage, a Central Question remains. What did the two men talk about during their twohour private meeting . When asked in the White House Briefing room, dan coates said he still didnt know to what degree Election Meddling was discu discussed. Not in a position to either understand fully or talk about what happened in helsinki. Ill turn it over to the National Security director to address that question. The issue was discussed and in fact, president putin said the first issue President Trump raised was Election Meddling. So as we end this week here, we do still have so many questions about that helsinki summit, but there has been a major change at least from the xwovt. There was the unified show of force about Election Meddling, but it was missing one critical voice. The president s voice who of course has the loudest megaphone of all. He will be here on a working vacation. Hell be going to ohio for a brief campaign tomorrow. Erica, well see if he mentions it there. We will be watching thank you. We heard today from a Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson who said this twoyear hysteria around the alleged russian interference which did not happen not only undermines bilateral relations, but mocks the whole political system of the u. S. Representing democracy there is the house of cards. So obviously, not surprising that would come from russia. It played right into though what were hearing of the President Sa Playing right into the hands there and against his own officials. Its not the first time, but it is become iing more ab more obvs and getting louder. Is it becoming more damaging . Well, you had the split effect because on the survey stan substance, theyre doing everything they should. He thinks for political purposes, its important to be an 110 against the Mueller Investigation and say the whole thing is a hoax as possible for his political purposes to discredit that investigation. And the split goes deeper because he has this fixation about getting along with putin. Tat the same time, his policy, whether its given lethal arms toukrainians, embrace iing the Energy Revolution here at home which is not good for the russians depending on high energy costs or opposing very vociferously the pipe liline, t single most important Russian Initiative in europe. President trump has consistently blasted the germans for embracing that project. This weird disconnect and its not going away. Is It Em Boldening the russians . Is there a sense from people youre speaking with and this is giving them a little bit more power . Yes. Obviously. And you know, rich is right about all those policy points. But i guess i would quarrel as to whether we know that the government is doing all that it can it can do to prevent future russian meddling. And when the president goes up again and again, hes in his bizarre world with his supporters and he rebukes or contradicts his top people. This is the kind of gaslighting and its creating, continuing to fracture america. So you have this minority of, the trump supporters, who believe in a totally alternative universe. Weve got the russians didnt meddle. Nothing went on in the russia hoax. Dangerous for the president to play it up that way. When we look at this, we dont know whats really happening. Phil, number one, can this administration effectively combat this threat when it doesnt have the full public support of this president and number two, on the heels of that, can the American People trust that this system will in fact be secure . Can i challenge this for a moment . We do know whats not happening. If not a question, number one, is there a white house spokesman for the American People in advance of the midterm elections who says to Everybody Voter in america when youre on facebook, this is what to look out for. The cia director doesnt do that. The president should, hes not. Number two, whos leading the congress to have a conversation about how do we tell the russians this is going to hurt. Wee going to sanction you further. Were not doing that. Number three. Whos leading the europeans to say were not the only country being attacked. Can we talk the italians, the germa germans, the french and british about how we isolate putin . The president shows up for the g7 and says why dont we make it the dwrks8. We know whats happening here and its the white house that says we dont want to bring it to putin. Its not very kocomplicated. Put in quotes there. Rich, tat end of the day, this all comes back to the president not wanting to acknowledge this. The president s own concerns that if in some way, he acknowledges it, his win is illegitimate . Yeah, so look, i think he should just frankly acknowledge it. No reason he shouldnt. He should have been denouncing it during the campaign. But lets be honest. The opposition has dug into the idea that russian somehow illegitimately gave him the presidency and is looking for the Mueller Investigation to leverage him out of the office. He knows that. Hes resisted. He never wants to make a concession against interest and doesnt want to give any ground to that whatsoever and its how he politics, i dont like it, its the way hes done everything for 40 years and he was elected president of the United States. Being this kind of guy. If he had nothing to fear from the Mueller Investigation, if there was no collusion there. You know there was interference, but if there was no collusion, i dont know why hes so hostile to mueller. If theres an investigation, they can get to the bottom of it. Sometimes people, innocent people welcome that. A year long obsession in the press and every time he turns on the tv or lifts a newspaper, he sees this story. And theres been few president who is just accept the Special Counsel investigation and say, oh, this is just fine. Bill clinton didnt do it. Were going to have to leave it there. But it is important to point out, too, thises a president who brings it up at every opportunity. So he doesnt want it to be t k talkeded about, perhaps he should. Maybe not bring it up every time. We are going to have to leave it there for now. There is new information coming out in court about what Paul Manafort might have been doing with his property in trump tower. So you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Prosecutors in the trial of Paul Manafort making their case. The 69yearold is a tax cheat who engineered an elaborate scheme the hide millions in income. The governments star witness, manaforts long time business partner, rick gates, could take the stand any moment. Evan perez is in the courtroom for us today. We heard from manaforts accountants today. What more did they reveal b about his financials . Two accountants that testified today both said that they did not know about these Foreign Bank Accounts that Paul Manafort had in cyprus and other countries. They said they knew that they were these foreign entities, but they thought they were clients and thats where the money was flow iing in from. Not that these were Bank Accounts the government says Paul Manafort controlled. We also heard from the first witness, the first witness thats been given immunity in this case. Cindy is one of the two that was testifying today and she was testifying about how her company and people who work with her Fudged Loan Numbers essentially faked loan numbers in particular, one 900,000 loan in the tax year for 2015. And she says quote, i very much regret it. This was done she says at the request of rick gates who was working alongside Paul Manafort. And really, the reason why she said she did it in order to help Paul Manafort reduce his taxes in 2015 was because Paul Manafort was a very important customer. Very important customer. Meantime of course, the anticipation is building as e wait for rick gates to take the stand. Questions about what he might say. Of course how d testifies may grill him. What are we expeg p ekting . Right, absolutely. It is all of this is building towards rick gates. Now cindy and were going to hear from a couple more people who work nd the firm who were going to testify that they were part of this conspiracy and thats where rick gates comes in. We may hear from him at any point perhaps monday. But heres what we expect him to say. We expect him to say he was part of this conspiracy with Paul Manafort to deceive the irs, to hide these Bank Accounts he had overseas. And we very much of course expect that a Paul Manaforts attorneys are going to point out to the jury that rick gates has pleaded guilty. He pleaded guilty to lying to the government as part of this investigation. Of course now rick gates is now testifying for the government so hes changed his tune. We expect thats going to be a very fiery day on the stand for rick gates. Thank you. Breaking news. A a judge blasting the federal government for trying to get the aclu to reunite hundreds of children, children that the government separated from their parents. Overall 1 rated, weathers it all. Find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. It is such a good time to dance it is such a good time to [ laughing ] scoobidoo Doobidoo Scoobidoo doobidoo [ Goose Honking ] [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Progressive helps keep you out there. Proof in a criminal court of law. We dont try to correct what youve done wrong through policy implementation. What theyre basing it on here is not quite in the constitution, the idea of familial integrity, being able to have your Family Associations together. And that is the argument of the aclu and those who are supporting the reunification of Migrant Children who are separated from their families. The idea here is about due process. When youre talking about separating families and children from their parents its about you cannot deprive them of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, or even familial association. We wouldnt do it in an abuse case of an american citizen child. Youd have to have a termination of parental rights. Its a very lengthy process. Youre denying due process and denying equal protection of the laws you would otherwise extend to a citizen of this country. And the constitution of the United States does not refer to citizenship at all really. If youre in the United States you get the protections. There is a strong argument that they must reunify legally. Whats remarkable too, and really on a couple of levels, sticking with the legal argument here is the fact that theyre trying to pass off the government is trying to pass off its own mess that it created. There is no denying that on the aclu and say here, you clean up the mess that i made. Also the aclu is saying listen, you should come up with a plan to put together a steering committee. That the right way to move it forward, even legally, laura . Collectively, if you can have a solution to an urgent need, the courts want to facilitate that but if its a game of hot potato, that child cannot become that hot potato. If there is a way to facilitate reunification, but the problem here theyre talk about as youre saying is the legal hurdle of giving over private information because they do have privacy interests about giving the names of children, the names of family members, et cetera. But this seems to me like a very on a cost benefit analysis, you go for reunification. They dont care about anything. They dont care about anything having to do with the rights of these parents orrer these children expect theyre going to protect their Privacy Rights which is so outrageous. And aside the legality issue, the aclu says all of these groups at the border are working their tails off, sometimes with Volunteer Money to do these reunifications. Its not that theyre not trying. They really do want to be part of a solution if laura says. Thats the best way to do it. But they need information. They need funding. Theyre literally doing it. Volunteer lawyers are going to the border to try to accomplish these reunifications. Its so heartbreaking and so despicable. I dont think the government is literally washing its hands and saying aclu, you do it. Theyre saying aclu, please help us. And one of the reasons the Separation Policy is such a fiasco is once you separated the parents and the children, the children are an entirely different legal and bureaucratic track because theyre technically then unaccompanied. And you literally cannot under the law separate them one day and the next day reunite them. You need to do like a 50day waiting period to do fbi checks. So its an insane system. Everyone should be trying their hardest to put these families back together. And congress to actually have a National Policy at the border should change the law under various rules that prevent us just from Holding Families together, adjudicating whatever legitimate asylum claims there are and deporting them together the claims dont pan out. It didnt have to happen in the first place. Right. Its a plan that was not well thought out there. Was no planning, period. There were people who didnt have any information. We didnt know who they were. This is all a big issue. And now we have so 572 children, because as were talking about this becoming a hot potato, were talking about 572 children and their families. They are still in custody. 410 of those children have parents who are outside of the United States. Whats remarkable is dhs secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has said repeatedly no parents were being deported without the option to take their children with them. This is not true. Are we supposed to believe all 410 of these children, the adult, the parent that was with them all elected to say yes. Some likely did. Remember, these parents in the Central American countries send their children unaccompanied in many case. I know. But if you give some of them a choice youre going to be deboard your kid or your kid can stay in the United States, some of them will stay, let the kids stay. No, we have so many we have so many examples of lawyers saying my client was told the way to get your kid back is to waive all your rights and say yes, ill be deported, and then they dont get their child back. This is documents. Dozen. I shouldnt say hundreds. Dozens of these cases are documented by the attorneys for these families. These families, these parents were lied. To and then their children are being abused. Not all of them, but some of them are being abused in our custody. And theyre throwing it back on the aclu like its the aclu . Its just unconscionable. Why Wouldnt The Aclu want to help . I they are helping. Its not the aclu saying we dont want the help. Theyve been there. Weve all talked about it, covered it, whose all there trying to help out. Its the fact of the government coming forward by the way, which we heard for some time, we created this problem trying to pass it off. First it was Congress Needs to do something. There are things that can be done. Not trying to reunite them. The State Department is in touch with these embassies. It is trying to track down these people. Right. But these are clients of the aclu. The aclu wants to reunite them, as we all do, so help out . Whats wrong with that . They do want the help. I think the issue theyre facing is the idea of if you create a situation where you make someone has to go through herculean efforts to get the job done, and then you refuse to extend information that would accomplish that measure, how possibly could they help. I think the real issue is the court, as they set a deadline for reunification, they dont thumb their nose but you have in your power to reunify. Therefore you cannot simply pass off the buck to Somebody Else without giving all the information there but i dont think its a matter of complete and total indifference on behalf of the government in some capacity and the aclu not wanting to help. For the court, theyre looking at it and saying we have a problem. Id like to facilitate a solution. Everyone has to play their part. And the government, you the greater onus because you created the problem. So hand over information. And i as a mother, i dont think b i dont believe there are 500 sets of parents or parents who say you know what . Go ahead and take my child. Do you believe that parents will send their children through a desert for five days unaccompanied to get to the United States . Do you believe that happens or not . It does happen. You also know what happens . In america we have an Asylum Process that was not adhered to for many people. But the point is these families are so desperate to get their kids, theyll sometimes send them without even coming themselves. Theyll separate themselves from their kids. The only way they feel they can get their child to a safer future. Usually they pay a lot of money there. Is a lot going on here. This is tar from the last time we were talk about it. However, were wrapping it up for this afternoon. They are the Silent Majority on many of your flights, the silent security, rather. Could federal air marshall, however, soon be boarding fewer planes . And what does that mean for you the next time you fly . The surprising plan that could save some money. Its a Cnn Exclusive youll see first on the lead. man managing my type 2 diabetes wasnt my top priority. Until i held her. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. I take tresiba® once a day. 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Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Save 200 on this dell laptop Phone Ringing a Phones Offers big button,ecialized phones. And volumeenhanced phones. , get details on this State Program. Call or visit and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. Phone Ringing get details on this State Program call or visit back now with Breaking News and a Cnn Exclusive. The tsa is discussing cuts to save money. Documents reveal one option being explored, cutting the number of federal air marshals. Its part of the same story we first reported here on the lead that the tsa is also looking at eliminating security at small airports across the country. An idea widely panned by security experts, but again, an option being floated to save money. Rene marsh joins me now. These cuts could save the agency some 300 million in the next few years . Thats according to the document that is the goal. But tonight it raises the question, has the risk to aviation decreased or is this all indicative of an agency feeling the pressure to cut costs. A new internal tsa document Cnn Exclusively obtained shows the proposal to eliminate screening at more than 150 small to mediumsized airports is just one of several costsaving measures the agency is discussing. A senior tsa employee tells cnn the agency is looking at cuts that could save more than 300 million in 2020. One cut, reducing the number of air marshals, eliminating screening at small airports, Staffing Cuts at tsa headquarters, and changes to benefits are also being discussed. Tsa did not comment. Juliette kayyem, a former official with department of Homeland Security under obama is concerned. Ending security at certain airports and ending or flat lining the air malls service are actually inconsistent, because if youre going to decrease security at certain airports, what you would want to do is increase the presence of air marshals or other security features just in case. Cnn revealed the most controversial cut, eliminating screening at small airports like this one in redding, california, where Bryant Garrett is the manager. Since i as the airport dont want the take on that, either the liability nor the cost, and im quite certain the airlines dont want the take that on scott. If tsa backs out, there is a void and i dont know who would fill it. Ladies and gentlemen we are the police. Remain calm. Air marshals are the last line of defense, armed agents aboard planes the prevent hijacks. Critics have questioned its effectiveness, buzz the tsa a has defended the program as a deterrent. Yeah, just as recently as made the tsa defended the air marshals program. It really raises the question why the agency is discussing cuts, potential cuts to that flume. We reached out to tsa multiple times, but they did not respond to a request for comment. Sate lot to take in. Phil mudd, do any of these scenarios make sense . There is one broad scenario. Let me break some news for you, this country, that is the United States, and a citizen here, overspends on security. If you look at our spending on the conventional military and intelligence side, we far outstrip people around the world in terms of spending. So tsa is doing what other countries routinely have to do around the world that is risk management. Im not sure this is just about a proposal, and im not sure that we cnn really are the recipients of this message. I suspect somebody is leaking this as a message to congress to say if you keep cutting our budget, this is the kind of stuff youre going to get so you better give us this money. In that vein, renee, these are discussions being had. Have you gotten a sense of how serious any of these measures are . No, because we just have not been able to get anything back from tsa, despite us reaching out. We do know that the tas administrator was certainly briefed on this according to our source just last month. So we know the discussions are happening. What will the end result look like . Its really unclear. But the issue is, you know, people will say, agency to agency, there are always having these conversations about how can we be more efficient . Where can we trim . Where is possible to be trimmed. The issue that some im have here is a lot of the tickets you and i buy, when we buy an airplane ticket, you will pay a tax. And a lot of that money is supposed to go to security that tsa provides. The question that a lot of these small airports have if im spending, im paying a tax every time i buy an airplane ticket, why is it that i perhaps may see the presence of tsa disappear at my airport. These are system of the questions that are being raised, sure, certainly, cutting and trimming at agencies is something that is a routine. But i think that many people who live in those smaller area, especially with the screening, you know that you buy a ticket, youre paying a tax or tsa security. And you dont see the tsa security at your airport, youre kind of scratching your head. There is the obvious point too of does this make those vulnerable airports targets. Phil, are there some cuts that could potentially be made . Give us the 30,000 foot view. What do you see today that perhaps could be changed so people dont have to give up security at airports or on board a flight. Let me give you the tensecond ants. Americans have to undergo security a little more difficult for them. That is bring the purse size back on a plane. Everything else goes out in the belly. Americans wouldnt like it. Thats an easy solution. All right. There is one. You got a second one . Because you got another 15 seconds. The second one would be looking at i think some of the smaller airports and i would agree, looking at tiny airports do we need the kind of security we need today . I think thats okay. Do you think we dont need that kind of security at smaller

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