Well also join the conversation on the issues in the campaign with the panel of political on ultants, live coverage span 3. Representative Debbie Wasserman schultze. Thank you for being with us. Youre welcome. How much of this convention have you been watching so far here in cleveland . Well, i thinf it. Enough to see how divisive and feminist the rhetoric has been divisive and venomous the rhetoric has been. Enough to see how uncomfortable speaker ryan was, so much so that he was really unable to wholeheartedly embrace or support donald trump, or even speak his name more than twice during his remarks. You can see throughout the whole tenor of the convention that they are really training all of their messaging against Hillary Clinton, and really doing nothing to lay out their own vision. Was the theme of make america work again, and they laid absolutely no policy out on how they would create jobs or anything to continue to move the economy forward. That will be in stark contrast to what we see in philadelphia. Which is where i want to on. Ow up as they have been talking about, are you tweaking, changing, taking a second look at how it will unfold in philadelphia . No, we have been preparing all along to layout Hillary Clinton and the democrats vision for how we can move our economy forward, to build on the economic progress we have been able to make under barack obama. We came out of the worst economic crisis since the great depression, caused by republican Economic Policy focused on taking care of people at the very top at the expense of the middle class. But we made progress, need to help people feel that they are on more firm ground, to make sure the economy works for everyone. That is the theme you will see running through the convention. You will hear our speakers, a diverse array of our Party Leaders and activists, talk about and explore the virtues of Hillary Clinton and what a fantastic president she will make. But also very clearly lay out the policies and division of the Democratic Party. That is not whats going on and by the way, our hall will be full, unlike the Republican Convention in which they struggle to fill the seats, because donald trump is so toxic. Will senator Bernie Sanders have a primetime slot next week . Yes. Sen. Sanders be speaking on monday evening, i believe in prime time. Absolutely, he will help kick off the convention. And finally, let me ask you about your home state of florida. Hillary clinton is going to be in florida on friday. There is speculation that her running mate will be announced either friday or saturday. Any insight into the timeline . We are thrilled that secretary clinton will be coming to florida on friday and saturday. To come to orlando and south florida as well. The final stages of making a decision about who her Vice President will be, and i dont think there has been any decision about where that will its certainlyi going to be in dramatic contrast to the ambivalence and buyers remorse donald trump appears to have. Shell be announcing it in more than just Debbie Wasserman schultz, you have a busy couple days. We will see you next week. The most important thing to me this address is having a candidate that will adjust the National Debt and entitlement. Trump knows that we have to she just doesnt have the guts to come out and say it. I dont think trump it is going squeeze the entire budget. They know it and dont have the guts to say anything about it. Were excited about having a job creator in the white house. Im 71 years of age and still actively engaged in the practice of law. The most important issue to me in this years election are First National security for obvious reasons, but the second someone balancing the budget and eliminating the federal deficit. It is inconceivable to me that these candidates can be running and no one, not one hazardsed balancing the budget and reducing the deficit. That is critical to our children and grandchildrens future. Thank you. I think it has been really great having attention on our city in cleveland on it has brought a lot of business and world attention from other countries. Recognizing the great city. Yeah, i think it will be really great bringing a lot of money into the city and stuff. Yeah. Think it is a great issues that are important to me is the economy and getting america back on the right track. Stop subsidizingo governments like south koreas military and japan around start having mericans work for america. Therefore i support trump. Next highlights from the third day to have Republican Convention with remarks from Governor Scott walker and rick scott, conservative commentator laura ingram and former House Speaker newt gingrich. Ernor scot walker. [cheering] my fellow americans, you have bettere, you deserve because america deserves better. The wellconnected in washington are standing behind Hillary Clinton because Hillary Clinton is one of them. They want more of the same. Donald trump is standing with the American People, we want a leader who is not afraid to take on the mess in washington. Knows that there a better way forward and we believe as republicans, we believe in a rimer cap where everyone can get the education and training that they need to succeed in college, and career and in life. Where washington does not deepen dependency, but rather helps create genuine opportunity. Why . Because america deserves better. [cheering] we believe in a country where we can achieve, maintain and enjoy their piece of the American Dream without government stand in the way. Because america deserves better. Webelieve in a country where take the threat of terrorism seriously. We name it for what it is, you know the words. Radical islamic terrorism and we do everything in our power to eliminate it. To ensure our safety. Why . Because america deserves better. Whereieve in a country there is a responsibility to deliver to our troops the support and tools that they need to achieve absolute victory and then provide them with the health care and the respect that they have earned when they return home. Lets thank our veterans. [cheering] why, because america deserves better. Believe are at it, we in a country where those who lawrably serve in enforcement, the people who put their lives on the line for us each and every day are not just respected, the revered but revered. Why . Because america deserves better. We believe in a country where power is taken back from washington and return home to home state and government. More effective, more efficient and more accountable to the people. Why . Because america deserves better. We believe in a country where freedom and personal success do not come from the clumsy hands of government, but rather from the dignity that comes from hard work. Why . Because america deserves better. The simple truth is liberal washington insiders created our problems and Hillary Clinton is the ultimate liberal washington insider. If she were anymore on the inside, she would be in prison. [cheering] america deserves better than Hillary Clinton. [cheering] and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we need to support donald to be themike pence next president and next Vice President of the United States. [cheering] last august, right here in cleveland, i sit on the stage and i said that any of the republicans running for office would be better than Hillary Clinton. I meant it been and i mean it now. Let me be clear, a vote for anyone other than donald trump in november is a vote for Hillary Clinton. [cheering] make no mistake, we cant wait for years to get them next time. The consequences are too great. Literally, just an hour ago a waiting to go on stage, i was on andphone with donald trump the subject came up. Think about it, the Supreme Court, he and i talked about the court, he raised that as a concern and we talked about the fact that Ronald Reagan nominated Justice Scalia over 30 years ago to be on the court when i was in high school, we cannot concede the court to liberals like Hillary Clinton for the next 30 years. [cheering] the consequences are too great. After hearing the fbi directors report a few weeks ago, i listened to that and said, i would not even give Hillary Clinton the password to my iphone, let alone access to highly classified information. [cheering] this is not just another clinton scandal, hillary scandal put our National Security at risk and that, ladies and gentlemen, may Hillary Clinton unfit to be president of the United States. [cheering] tell hillary enough is enough. No more double standards for the clintons. [cheering] why . Because america deserves better. Republicans are offering a better way forward. It is working right here in ohio and it is working in places like florida and new mexico and North Carolina and south carolina. It is even working in places like massachusetts and maryland because american Republican Leadership works. [cheering] i know. I see it firsthand as it is working everything will day in wisconsin. Every single day in wisconsin. In 2010, we were tired of high on the plymouth. Budget deficits, stifling taxes and Rising College tuition. Most of all, we were tired of the Big Government union bosses running our state and local governments. We have had enough. We did something about it. The handse power from of the Big Government special interests and returned it to the hands of the hardworking taxpayers. [cheering] in terms of the Big Government bosses and washington more than 100,000 protesters who occupied our state capital. They tried to intimidate us with threats and mobs, but we did not back down. And we won. They spent tens of millions of dollars trying to defeat us in a recall election, but we did not act now. And we want. Back down. And we won. Three times they came at us and three times we won. We won because our common sense reforms work. Today more people are employed in wisconsin than ever before. Our budget is balanced and responsible. Taxes are down for working families and seniors. And College Tuition for the First Time Ever is frozen four years in a row. Conservative forms can work in a blue state like mine, they can work anywhere in the country. [cheering] see, it was not too late for wisconsin and it is not too late for america. If you have had enough of washingtons brokenness, of their wastefulness, of washingtons empty promises and of washingtons arrogance, i invite you here and across america to join us, elect us help us elect republicans to office from the courthouse to the state house and the white house. America, you have a choice. You decide. Becauserve better america deserves better. Why . Because america deserves better why . Because america deserves better. God bless you and thank you and god bless our neck president and please welcome laura ingr aham. [cheering] hello, everybody. We love you, laura i love you back. [cheering] laura, laura, laura thank you. Sit down. From tv and me radio. Know me by my was important name, mom. [cheering] im a single mother of three adopted children and they are watching in minnesota right now. [cheering] and im here tonight supporting donald trump. [cheering] because like most americans, i refuse to leave my kids a country that is worse off than me. One my parents left [cheering] grandparents were polish immigrants. Up andnts, they grew depression era new england. My dad, he listed in the navy in world war ii. [cheering] , she waited tables until she was 73 years old. Dad, he worked at a car wash. My parents flew the flag at our house and not just on the fourth of july. [cheering] saved, my mother made othes, she wore the same with her coat for 20 years 40 years. Any extra money went into the bank for our education. Learned that there is dignity in every job. [cheering] every job. No matter what you do. My brothers, they take tobacco and deliver newspapers. Greated blueberries and raked lawns. My parents did not believe there were jobs that americans would not do. [cheering] in the early 70s, i was a little kid and i remember watching the news with my mom that night and one night come after, mom, why are people burning the American Flag . And she looked at me and she answered, honey, because their parents did not teach them about respect. [cheering] mother. D have loved my [cheering] respect. Respect. Receipt and decline in america once again. We see it in decline once again in america. People dont respect the government. Government does not respect the people. Not even our veterans. Boo politicians dont respect the constitution. Life ofnot respect the the infant in the womb or that elderly who languish the elderly who languish alone. [cheering] others, you dont respect the police. They dont respect the police. The men and women who risk their lives every day for every one of us. [cheering] office, we know this all too well, many in Public Office dont enforce or respect the rule of law, isnt that right, mrs. Clinton . [cheering]. Ats right there [cheering] too many citizens dont respect our laws either. Many of our allies, they dont respect us anymore. Friends, it is really sad and heartbreaking, to see this happen to the country that we love. This is our home. It belongs to us. To our children, to our grandchildren. It is where our dead are buried. And we deserve better and we can do better. [cheering] like us, donald trump understands that we have to turn this around. We have to restore respect across all levels of society. Us, Hillary Clinton believes the status quo is just fine because she helped create it. Donald trump knows that a nation without borders isnt a nation at all. Hillary clinton, she does not believe in borders. Knows that a country must put it citizens first. And what about Hillary Clinton . She thinks americas just another nation and a global order in a global order. Understands, he that americas greatness comes from her people, from her freedom. [cheering] clinton, she believes our greatness can only be found in the evergrowing, bloated government bureaucracy that only she, her majesty, can rollover. She believes that there is a government solution for every column. No hillary, you are the problem. [cheering] i was thinking about back when i was in high school, 1979, we were in a mess back then. We waited in line for gas, wed waited we waited for hostages to come home. We waited for someone to convince us that the Long National nightmare would soon be over. And then, Ronald Reagan rode in justintime to restore our National Confidence [cheering] he is watching us today. [cheering] he is watching. N to restore our National Confidence, restore our economy and our military. Today, many of our people wait wait for ae strategy, any strategy to keep us safe, and our veterans, they die waiting for decent care. Boo with Donald J Trump, thank god that wait is over. [cheering] it is done. [cheering] and donald trump has pledged to work tirelessly to get our country back on track. Plainly, say this very we should all, even all you boys with wounded feelings and , we love you, but you must honor your pledge to support donald trump now tonight. [cheering] tonight. [cheering] i hope they are listening to you. I hope they are listening. My friends, this is the most election most important election since 1980. I worked for Ronald Reagan and i remember, before he came along we had, you know, things were bad. We have stagnating wages, skyrocketing health care costs, doubling of the debt, threat of isis and the rise of china, and the democrats answer to all that is to nominate the woman who helped orchestrate americas decline. Boo think about it. Some cruel joke. Like skinny jeans on men or man buns. A bad joke. I dont want to sit around and tell my kids stories someday about how Great America used to be. Do you . No we never give up. Challenge, wery fight and we went. Win. We are americans [cheering] need, america, we need a president who believes in the constitution and who will fight for us, not against us, treat us like an ally, not an enemy, fight alongside with us. [cheering] we are not the enemy, we are the people [cheering] we are not your servants hours ours. [cheering] friends up there in hello , i feel, boo two all my friends up there in the press, you all know in won thert Donald Trump Republican nomination. You know it. You know why he won it . Because he dared to call out the phonies, the frauds and the corruption that has gone on unexposed and uncovered for too long. [cheering] too long do your job. [cheering] doing your job is a novel concept. [cheering] people on another Table Network was talking about how there was no energy in the room last night, what are you seeing here with the people . America is on to you. Donald trump respects us enough to tell us the hard truths about what has happened to our country. On issues like immigration, trade, our diminished status around the world, even in the face of unfair criticism and , they had their chance. Now it is our chance. [cheering] america, let us tonight go forth and reject the politics of division. Lets defeat the clinton machine. [cheering] send the consultant, the pollster, the lobbyist packing [cheering] lets give the power back to the people. [cheering] trumpts elect donald president of the United States [cheering] god bless you and god bless the United States of america [cheering] new to and ome callista gingrich. We are excited to be with you. Weve enjoyed reconnecting this week with republicans from all across america. Know, it and i love American History and recognize that we are gathered here at a historic moment. Nominate ae republican candidate for president who for the last year has given hope and encouragement to millions of americans. Many candidates, he has received more republican votes in primary than any other republican in history. [cheering] as he assured us that we can make America Great again for all americans. We are proud be working to elect a president who will put America First and make our country safe again. There also delighted by selection of governor mike pence as the Vice President ial candidate. [cheering] we have known governor pence since he first served in. Ongress in 2001 we are confident he will make an exceptional Vice President. Tonight, hes going to speak about making America First again and safety at home and abroad. As the son of a career soldier, newt was convinced at an early age to dedicate his life to our country and the protection of freedom. He has been studying National Security since 1958. Tonight, he speaks from firsthand knowledge having served in the United States congress as well as on the defense policy board, the Terrorism Task force, and United States commission on National Security. Newt has been a lifetime fighting to put America First. To keep america safe and to return power to the American People. Please welcome my husband and former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. [cheering] thank you for that very generous welcome. Ista, she you call writes documentary films, right books, sings in a choir, plays the french horn, im amazed at her achievements. Im also proud to be here as a republican activist to see the extra effort donald trump has invested in bringing your Pelican Party together. [cheering] with no requirement for endorsement, he encourages competitors to speak once again. Governor rick perry, donor chris christie, Governor Scott walker, dr. Ben carson, senator rubio and senator ted cruz have all responded to donald comes generosity. [cheering] i think you misunderstood one paragraph that ted cruz, it was a superb orator said, i want to pointed out to you, ted cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. In this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. [cheering] to paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of United States, the only possible candidate this fall is the trumppence republican ticket. [cheering] that way we have the republican ticket to implement republican principles in washington. What i want to focus on is the subject that is dominated by thinking for decades, how do we keep america safe . Keeping america safe is the first responsibility of the print president. Any fascinating things to watch about the extra ordinary historic rise of donald trump are the most significant has been donald comes courage to tell some important truths about our National Security. For example, we are at war. We are at war with article toamist, they are determined kill us. They are stronger than we admit and there is no substitute for victory. [cheering] in contrast to donald trump, our National Security and foreign oficy elites are incapable speaking with such honesty while they lie about the threat. We need to tell the truth about the danger. If our enemies have their way, not a single woman in this room could define her future. If our enemies have their way, gays, lesbians, transgender citizens would be put to death as they are today and the islamic state. If our enemies had their way, every person on earth would be subject to conversion by the sword and a cruel and violent system of law. There would be no individual liberty. There would be no equality. There would be no freedom. If you doubt we are at war, if you doubt that the threat is as real as i said, let me refresh your memory. On monday, an afghan refugee in germany used in acts and axe to stop passengers. Isis claimed responsibly after a tunisian man driven cargo crock truck into a crowd of friends. He murdered 84 people including 10 children. Injured over 300 other 32 weeks ago, almost 300 people were killed and more than 200 wounded and bombing attacks in baghdad. Two days before that, radical islamists in bangladesh killed , including three American College students. A few days before that, at the us temple airport in turkey, isis attackers armed with guns and bombs killed 44 people and injured hundreds more. Last month, a radical islamist in paris stock to French Police officer to his home where he murdered the officer, tortured his wife to death in front of the three old son while streaming it all on social media. He was puttered out loud whether to kill the threeyearold when he was killed by police. Three days before that, an attacker pledge of allegiance to exist and 49 people in an orlando nightclub and wounded dozens more. All of this in just the past 37 days. We cannot let ourselves groan im to the circulating gro w numb to be speculating atrocities. [cheering] analysismous estimated since january, 2015, some 30,000 people have been killed at the hands of terrorists. Lets be clear, donald trump is right. We are at war with radical islamists, we are losing the war and we must change course to win the war. [cheering] let me be very clear, because i know the news media will do their best to distort this, we have nothing to fear from the vast majority of muslims in the United States or around the world, the vast majority are peaceful. They are often the victims themselves. They are people we would be happy to have as our friends and neighbors. [cheering] the challenge is when even a billionrcentage of a people support violence against those who disagree with them, that is still a giant recruiting base. For example, the Research Finds that only 9 of muslims in isis favorably. Unfortunately, 9 is 16 Million People that is just one country. The truth is all that we are losing the war with radical islamists, we have been very lucky. Worsenger we face is much than the horse that happen in germany on new years eve when 1200 women were assaulted. It is worse than what is happening in france where there are stabbings of jews in the streets and the Nation Security chief warned recite that europe is on the brink of civil war. It is worth that what is happening in israel when average citizens fear for their lives whenever they leave their homes. The danger is worth than september 11 when 19 hijackers murdered almost 3000 americans. The worstcase scenario is losing an American City to terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction. Instead of losing 3000 people in one morning, we could lose more than 300,000. Instead of losing two great buildings, we could lose block after block after block to a nuclear event. That is not just my view, back in january of 2001, the commission warned the terrorist acquirell require weapons of mass destruction and some will use them. Americans will likely die on american soil, possibly in large numbers. Later, dangerous or greater than a world where pakistan has nuclear weapons, north korea has been weapons and i ran iran is close to having nuclear weapons. Very real threat. This brief is the heart of the matter, we are sleepwalking through history as though this is all about politics. It is not. [cheering] it is about our safety and survival of the country. We cannot keep in place the people and the systems that have brought us to this point and then lie to us every single day about the threat. That is why every american should be terrified at the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Hillary clinton has been right at the center of this dishonesty. We know this and ministration and the allies lied to us about the iran nuclear deal. We know it because they openly bragged about it to the old New York Times between a fully clinton lied about us know in the about the terror attack in benghazi. We know that Hillary Clinton and president obama lie to the American People when they said they can safely screen the syrian refugees. They cannot. And yet, hillary was to increase the number of refugees by 500 . When you hear about hillarys remember, this is not about politics. Dishonesty hillarys to the loss of america as we know it. [cheering] the first of four to safety is elected a leader who will be truthful with the American People about the realities we face. Only then will we understand support and demand that strategies require to confront the threat and because safety and security of the preconditions for our freedom and prosperity. It is also the First Step Towards rebuilding the america we love. Donald trump understands this. That is why he will rebuild our military because he knows that a Strong Military is the best way to secure peace. Donald trump will secure our borders because there is no such thing as a nation without a quarter. Donald trump will enforce immigration laws, he will end the policy of nonenforcement and and the abuse of our visa program to protect American Workers. Donald trump will take care of our veterans by Holding Bureaucrats accountable. He will far those responsible for the waiting lists and will give veterans more choices about their care. With Donald Trumps leadership, no pure cat will get between a veteran and their doctor. [cheering] donald trump will get america voting again. He will blow apart the ridiculous regulations and requirements that the drive infrastructure cost and the time i to get things build. The Dollar Company for such a program make us once again the most competitive economy in the world. Donald trump will rebuild our Education System and give every parent of every income and every ethnic background a choice about where their child goes to school. Donald trump will help us rebuild and strengthen the community. [cheering] the first of the safety. The basis for Strong Families and a good jobs and vibrant neighborhoods, that means restoring law and order. Donald trump will showed zerotolerance for people calling to the death of police officers. [cheering] think about this. If anyone publicly threatens the life of a president in, the secret service is on the men an instant. Our Law Enforcement officers deserve the same respect as the president of the United States. [cheering] of course if individual officers are thought to have violated someone elses rights, page must be held accountable under the law. Nation under god, with liberty and justice are all. That has allowed us to absorb more people from our backgrounds than any nation in history. Nobody is above the law and nobody is too small to deserve the protection. Donald trump one our partys nomination because he is willing to tell the truth about the things that matter. He is a great running mate and mike pence. They will put our safety first and they will defend America First. [cheering] proud to stand with them. Tonight, the challenge for everyone in this hall and everyone republican, democrat, independent watch at home and those we cannot concur ,ontinue on the current course we must rise above the politics we have inherited. Ignore the lives of the news media and old order. Reject the dishonesty of Hillary Clinton. Stand with donald trump and mike pence for what we know is true. We can make america safe again, we can make america work again, we can make America First again and together, we can make America Great again for all americans. Thank you and god bless you. [cheering] please welcome businessman phil ruffin. [cheering] hello. Now i have been friends with donald trump for 20 years and business partners. I can tell you that his brand is unbelievable. Donalds word is his bond. If donald tells you something, you put it in the bank. He has been my partner and friend and believe me, his handshake is better than any contract will ever write. [cheering] innovator. Entrepreneur. No one in business works harder than donald come. Sometimes he works 20 hours a day, i worry about him. He can see things that others cannot see. , he will makedeal something incredible out of it. York on parkw , there was ath building called the ge building could i do not like it. Ill bought it, made 200300,000,000 dollars on the deal. That is what he does. Kraft,ach, with Robert Donald has a had a house on the ocean, he paid 40 million for it. I do not like it. I thought it was a mess. He sold it for 100 billion. Shows you what i know. Vision, he of his has put tens of thousands of American Workers to work. [cheering] jobs are are high paid constructed. If any of you do construction, you know 4050 dollars an hour is not unusual. Many of thethis in nations greatest states. Chicago, he has done in chicago. [cheering] new york, where is new york . You know what he does in new york. [cheering] his name is all over the place. Miami, where is miami . He just bought a country club there, you know what he does, he loves florida. [cheering] let me tie about las vegas, nevada. Tell you about las vegas, nevada. [cheering] one of the deals we did together. We built the Trump International hotel in las vegas. Beautiful hotel. All the amenities. He knows how to build. E builds them with detail 1300 units and they were sold out in 90 days. 90 days. That was 2007. 2008, no one could close. The recession hit. The bank shut down. We were stuck. 75 . Them were empty. 500 billion in debt. What do you do . Donald does not give up. He says, lets go forward with this project. We will put the money and, we will make the damn thing worked and it did. [cheering] apiece. Ay, we put in 39 apiece. Illion in i believe in him. He is tough, smart, knows what he is doing. Always pays his bills promptly. Probably. No discounts. Nobody lost any money. Sold, noteave 80 debt, and were going to make a lot of money. It has become a huge success. He wants to do the same thing for the country. [cheering] believe me, he will. His mind works like that. Instead of thinking of donald trump, he will think of the country. He is a developer, extraordinary, entrepreneur like nobody you have ever seen, he is a leader. He wants to lead this country. Me, we weret told go and he told me he would run for president , said donald, are you sure you want to do this . Your king of the world. You have everything you want. Why would you want to do this . America, ourve system is broken and i am going to fix it. [cheering] that is what America Needs now. A fighter, innovator, someone andknows what is going on donald can do it all. I know him like a brother. I love the man. He will make this country great again. Go donald, see you in washington, a tsunami is coming and its name is donald trump. [cheering] thank you. [cheering] please give a warm welcome to floridas attorney general pam bondi. [cheering] new york, are you plowed. Proud. Florida, i love you. November 8 is a day of reckoning. Those who have abused their powers. People will we the take back our government. From washington bureaucrats playing dr. With our health care. Plain fastnt is in and loose with our country and Constitutional Rights and russian roulette with our borders. November 8 is when america feels safe again. [cheering] because that is when america wi ns again. [cheering] because winning this election means reclaiming something to which i have dedicated my entire life and career. The rule of law. [cheering] laws that make our neighborhoods safe. Laws that make our economy strong. Laws that applied equally to everyone. [cheering] and louisiana, now more than back our lawat enforcement. They have our back, and donald trump will have your back. [cheering] today, these laws are under siege. Under siege by president determined to ignore laws and he ike an by ack l former secretary of state who believes the laws do not apply to her. Boo deserves the way, she no security clearance. [cheering] how do you become president of the United States and you have whencurity clearance you have no security clearance . This lawlessness must stop right here, right now. Donald trump will stop it. [cheering] lock her up. I love that. Stay with me. Donald is going to roll back obamas unconstitutional executive orders, hang on, donald is going to roll back obamas unconstitutional orders, he will enforce our immigration laws to keep us safe, while allowing Illegal Immigrants to bless the station with their this nation with their talents and dreams. And california, texas, new arizona, donald trump will take control of our borders. [cheering] stop the influx of cocaine and heroine coming into our country, my state and killing our kids. This hillarye is leaves our enemies, this is unreal, hillary believes our deserveo serve our our respect and empathy. Boo donald trump believes terrorists deserve to die. [cheering] hillary will stack the Supreme Court with liberal justices who will allow government to continue its rampage against our individual rights. With utter contempt for our second amendment. Donald and im proud to know donald. He will appoint conservative justices who will defend rather than rewrite our constitution. [cheering] i have one question for all of you here today, are you ready to a message that we are really coming after them . [cheering] when donald trump as president he will. [cheering] america, on november 8, remember this, if you believe in limited government, if you believe in our historic Constitutional Rights, if you believe in the rule of law, if you believe it is time for america to start acting like america again, there is only one choice in this trump n donald [cheering] america for trump and so am i. God bless america and god bless the trump family thank you. [cheering] first entry is the dream has backing from night skies part in the light of a million stars on quiet, clear nights. It ignited the minds of peerless and determined individuals who summoned the courage to break the rules of gravity. 47 years ago, july 20, 1969, a young man from ohio took one giant leap for mankind. We celebrate the memory and selfless courage of Neil Armstrong and the apollo 11 team. Us of all those who came before him to make his journey into history possible. Brothers fromoung just down the road in dayton, built thed wilbur First Successful playing in the back of their bicycle shop. Before we knew it, the race for space was on. By 1958, the nation committed to winning and nasa was born. The skies were no longer the limit. America aimed for the moon and the stars. While all that was happening, another young hero from cambridge, ohio was writing his own chapter. A decorated Fighter Pilot and combat veteran, john glenn became the First American to orbit the earth on february 20, 1962. Emerged beyonden breaking glass ceilings, they broke down barriers and the earth atmosphere. You will meet one of them in a moment. At the age of 23, Eileen Collins became the first female Flight Instructor in the history of the United States air force. She became the first woman to pilot the Space Shuttle. Later she became the first to command a special mission. Nation group the loss of Space Shuttle monday, she fearlessly let our First Commission mission back into space and she brought it back safely and the whole world breathed a sigh of relief. Astronauts, striving to see their country achieved greatness inspired by the star skies on clear nights and accomplish mens of those pioneers who preceded them. What is it about this great country where so many have risked so much and traveled so far into the heavens . There are many answers in the eyes of these brave men and women, but there is one we all share, they love their country so deeply they were willing to risk their lives to keep it strong and make a great. Make it great. You look to the heavens tonight, take a minute to thank god for each and every one of them. And stand next to the u. S. Will soon reclaim its right place as the leader in space expiration exploration because it will summon the courage and strength to make America Great again. When future astronauts look up to the night sky, they one other countries we can for them. Greatness abounds and once again, the stars are the limits. [cheering] please welcome colonel Eileen Collins, the first woman to command a spatial to woman. Space shuttle mission. [cheering] it is great to be with you here tonight. Thank you. From the moment the first pilgrims arrived at our shores, americans have been asking, what is next . We are a nation built by the passion of people who were not afraid to do something first. Intoep into the unknown paid our own way forward. We are a nation of explorers. In 1961, president kennedy issued a challenge to america to land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth. Ago, on this very day, strong and buzz aldrin answered that call and they walked on the moon. [cheering] and they took with them an American Flag and a plaque. The inscription, here men from planet earth first set foot upon the men moon. We came in peace for all mankind. [cheering] we landed on the moon to fulfill a leadership challenge and to explore. We know that exploration leads to inventions, innovation and discovery. For example, our successful Robotic Missions to mars, jupiter and pluto have provided Vital Information about our own planet. Shuttle 2011, the Space Program ended. The last time the United States launched our own astronaut from our own soil was over five years ago. We must do better than that. [cheering] countries that are strong our countries that discover. Remain resilient. Im honored to have played a as a heritagetion explore. First woman to command a spatial mission. Joining the ranks of those who have fought to lead the way. We are all so proud of the Apollo Program to support our have to not on the main first on peace with all mankind. Nations that lead on the frontier lead in the world. [cheering] that Visionary Leadership again. Leadership that will inspire the next generation of explorers to have that same passion. We need leadership that will ask americans, ask again what is next. We need leadership that will make americans Space Program first again. [cheering] and we need leadership that will make America Great again. [cheering] i want to thank all of you. Thank you for what you are doing. God bless america. [cheering] welcome women for business and for trump. Etten. E van i was one entrepreneur and dreamer. By the time i was six or sold, i knew it. My dream was to be a circus performer. So i decided i was going to have a circus at my house. , i wentickets doortodoor and sold those tickets. I trust my baby brother like a clown. And i even taught my dog some new tricks. I was ready for my big day. Guest on to arrive, my parents had no idea i was going to have a circus. Guests andized to my refunded my money, i was so upset. Me anyrds, my dad told dream you have, he can do. As long as you are doing the work it takes to get the job done. [cheering] after you go to college. Wait, i want to now. I was good to take my dads advice and i recruited the neighborhood kid to be part of my circus and we charged our parents to watch the show. I had my circus for over a year. My dad told me i made rate candy money that you. Fastforward, going to my high school reunion, my 20 year, i decided to scope out the competition and what i realized, the girls i went to school with, they were driving bmws and look like barbies. I was 30 pounds overweight, a stayathome mom and driving a minivan. Point i neededat a change and i began to dream again. Faith took a leap of and decided to open up my own home based business. When i realize, when you go after a dream, you are going to have to learn how to fail forward and never quit. That i had to level up to become the type of person that i wanted in my business. Years, i was able to retire my husband, after 28 years in the dod. Today, my husband stays at home with our children and he homeschools them because i will not subject them to common core. [cheering] i own a small business. In florida. House of style. Florida does rock today, i run a multifaceted business. Multifaceted international business. And i am living the American Dream. [cheering] but that dream is in jeopardy. Fear, the next generation, the millennials to over 50 have an ultra numeral. And what to be their own boss will not be able to because of eight years of liberals. [cheering] us, have overtaxed overregulated us and they are killing the American Dream. Small businesses are the backbone of america, we need entrepreneurs. Deleted we live in the land of opportunity and we need to protect the American Dream above all else. [cheering] dream is being denigrated. Because of what is going on. Change and if you want to change, and if you believe that we can make a difference, then we need to have a president who is a businessman and not a hillarycrat. Is believes that business the backbone of america. Not raise who will not raise taxes. It will protect our children and and common core. Care andrepeal obama allow Small Businesses to be for to provide health care their employees again, who will foster creativity and innovation, who will bring back manufacturing. Who will take care of the American People and make America Great again. [cheering] there is only one man capable of this juggling act, only one man who can handle the circus we have inherited for the past eight years and serve as the ultimate ringmaster, there is only one man who can protect the american future for many generations and batman is donald trump that man is donald trump [cheering] thank you. Please give a warm welcome to state senator Ralph Alvarado of kentucky. [cheering] good evening. It is a great night to be an american. From the great commonwealth of kentucky, the home of horses, bluegrass and the finest people on earth, allow me to express my sincerest appreciation and gratitude for the privilege to address this assembly. Im proud to stand with you tonight as the first hispanic member ever elected to the kentucky general assembly. [cheering] thank you. But the road here was not an easy one. It is a long story of three failed political runs and adversity. With a lot of determination and grit and hardware, i try and and and im standing before you tonight. [cheering] everything i am, everything i achieved i o to god and my parents. My father was a proud legal immigrant from costa rica. My mother from argentina. Being the son of immigrants, i saw firsthand their sacrifice to provide our family a better life. I watch their struggle in mastering a second language and their strong and quiet commitment to hard work. We did not have the luxury to other families had, what my parents to give me was family discipline, support, high personal expectations, love and faith in god. They were hispanic, americans, and very proud of being both. [cheering] they understood the value of preserving our culture and language, but also the value of an education and pride and love for the country. Light most immigrants, they understood that their sacrifice would not provide them with immediate success, but the reward would be in the opportunity and success of their children and their grandchildren. The story is not unique to my account. It is the story of many legal latino immigrants who come to america. It is important for us to understand that hispanics believe what republicans believe. Traditional family values, church, faith in god, the dignity of work and the opportunity for selfsufficiency that comes from a free society and limited government. [cheering] they have simple dreams that might seem mundane to the average american, but sound familiar to our Founding Fathers and their core principles. The dream of liberty and freedom. Some leave crime and anarchy for the duma safer communities. Some flee hunger and despair for the dream of opportunity, entrepreneurship and abundance. All of them leave their homeland for the dream of america, a place where if you work hard, study hard and obey our laws, you can accomplish anything. [cheering] over the past eight years, our president and his apprentice Hillary Clinton have talked about that American Dream, that they have absolutely no idea how to protect it, foster it or expended. Expanded. Today we have a president who is not only failed to end racial tension, he has made us more divided than ever. We have a president who is itching to restrict our fundamental Constitutional Rights such as religious liberty, the right to bear arms and free speech. Today, we have a president who has rejected honesty and transparency, lying to the American People over and over again about obama care, the promise of immigration reform, fast and furious, irs enemy list, for coney bankruptcy, benghazi, the v. A. Scandal, iran nuclear deal, they list goes on and on. [cheering] clinton, thisry eightyear nightmare will get far worse. Americans face a very important decision. Do we want someone who is brutally honest, perhaps to a fault . Or do we want some who is brutally dishonest . It is not a decision this year about america moving left or right, it is a decision about moving america up or down. [cheering] and by protecting the American Dreams we can make America First again. There is only one candidate will protect it for our current and future generations and that candidate is donald trump. [cheering] nevertheless it for my Spanish Speaking latino friends, nuestro [spanish] [cheering] in a message for one more person. Hillary clinton. You have to be Hispanic Community and you dont deserve our boat. Vote. [cheering] god bless this convention. God bless our country. Thank you very much. [cheering] please welcome darrell scott. Pastor for new Spirit Revival Center ministries. [cheering] i first met donald trump several years ago. In that meeting he said he was troubled about the direction that our country is heading. I listen to his voice and i understood and shared many of the same concerns that he expressed. In the many times we have met since, we have spoken about the economy, race relations, immigration, jobs, urban renovation and revitalization, the military and many other issues that are critical to our nations wellbeing. The truth is, donald trump is a conservative father and grandfather who feels that his best days are in front of him, not behind him. Despite his competence, he still feels, a void that can only be filled by service to the country and service to his fellow americans. [cheering] the truth is that the Democratic Party has failed us. At home, our growth is atrocious and our debt is deeper. We are spiritually empty and we are more divided now than we have ever been before. [cheering] we are neither respected, not feared by our adversaries and our friends cannot count on us either. This is their legacy. We need to make a sharp turn. We need to put into practice the great ideas and principles that our country was founded on and which after god, the sorts of strength that have made this nation great. [cheering] this is in our best interest. It is in the best interest of the world because the greater that america is, the greater the world becomes. [cheering] while some people may call, from a populist, i call him a patriot. That is because by definition, a patriot is someone who loves their country, that supports it authority and promotes its interest. Liberals are embarrassed to use this word. Many liberals believe that we are a nation just like any other. But we know that we are not a nation just like any other. We are the greatest nation in the history. [cheering] republicans we are unreservedly proud to be americans and we are proud of our patriots. America is a melting pot. We are a country of diversity and we stand poised to make history by standing together as americans, by standing together as one country, one nation under god indivisible [cheering] americans here as regardless of race, because of greed, regardless of color, we are those who hold these truths to be selfevident that are all all men are treated equal and endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights among life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness [cheering] donald trump will rebuild the broken trust that now exist between our citizens and government which over the last eight years has brought the rhetoric of hope but throughout the of high minority employment, crime, drug use, more civil unrest and national distress. The mosttion is crucial election in American History. [cheering] something, you donald trump has played the big state and is a master negotiator and dealmaker and donald trump knows that for all of the sharp elbows and the sharp words and feelings,os and hurt the art of the deal is bringing people together to unify and to get them from no to yes. [cheering] problemsolving and finding Common Ground moving forward. Now was to take that experience to get the best deal for america and the best deal for all americans. [cheering] , i truly believe that nothing will prevent donald trump from doing everything in his power to create an america and to become a president that everyone can be proud of. [cheering] believes asrump you believe and i believe that we can become great again. [cheering] but we can only become great again if we have some leadership. [cheering] and i can think of no stronger leader will place their left hand on a bible that they believe in, raise their right hand and solemnly swear that faithfully execute the office of president of the United States to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States than Donald J Trump [cheering] usa god bless donald trump, god america and god bless [cheering] please welcome harold hamm, the chief executive officer of continental real estate. Resources. To benk you, it is good in cleveland. Four years ago, donald trump asked me to tell him about the American Energy renaissance and how we have transformed the north dakota into the largest u. S. Oil discovery effort. Americaim it was moving from Energy Scarcity to one of abundance. Change the world forever and can power america to greatness once again. He wrote that down. Donald trump. It. Will become the first president to achieve American Energy independence. [cheering] president obama chose not to get it. He has tried to destroy this renaissance and all of its benefits. On a raine turned oil, gave them the bomb, billions of dollars and vilified israel. Why would you do that would he do that . Obama imposed regulations to stop this renaissance and in his illustrations and words, they want to crucify him while americas oil and natural gas producer. Hillary clinton promises more of the very same. America has two distinct choices, our nation should embrace energy independence, not eliminate it. Hillary clinton would eliminate fossil fuel development in america. She would kill jobs, drive gas prices up and increase oil imports from our enemies. Get rid ofrump will trash foreign oil, regulations, create millions of jobs. [cheering] the most strategic gop weapon, crude oil. Foreign oil has plummeted by 65 . America now has more oil than saudi arabia or russia. We can double you Oil Production again and put america in a Global League of its own. Donald trump will restore americas rightful place at the Energy Leader of the world. [cheering] time we can drill a well in america, terrorism is being funded. Rolando orlando brought this home once again. It has been 15 years since 9 11. We cant ignore this problem any longer, it is not going away. Not a problem,is it is islamic terrorism. [cheering] every honors onerous regulars and put the market was at risk. Developing americas own oil supply is a matter of National Security. Critics say, im just a welltodo supporter of donald trump, they dont know about by a13 child, was inspired teacher. Start school before the first snow or christmas, whichever one came first. My firstotton, memories are picking cotton barefoot. Im standing here tonight because the American Dream was alive and well when i struck out on my own at 20 years old with nothing but a truck, and note and a fun. Phone. [cheering] thank god we have a clear choice today. Pence willp and mike restore the American Dream for children from smalltown america and they will make America Great again. [cheering] God Bless America the re to watch cspan cleveland this morning. At the democratic convention, Hillary Clinton becomes the first woman nominee for president of the United States. Live coverage of every minute begins monday on cspan. The way people are consuming media. We have to adapt to that. Its really exciting the way were integrating. Its a huge priority. We know that it needs to remain a priority or were not goifpk to get our content out to voters. Overing we touch were making sure that the content operation will tell the story. Outside of the speeches and balloons. Were trying to create opportunity to capture content. Have Operations Support that. We will be doing live stream. Well also be integrating acebook, twitter and google. The app is a couple things. It will help bring information to the palm of your hand being able to find the schedule, speaker bios. Able to live stream it well. Well also have experience built into it for folks. The transportation. About around cleveland and also direction. Were excited we hope that being at home to being here it whether help. It gives you more access. More than just about having to be physically in front of your tv screen to watch it. I think thats important. Its going to help improve experience and our engagement. Were going to be using that platform. We think its important to be able to reach voters and give unique convention insight. Were excited to get that off the ground. Facebook will be helping us get back stage content. Were very excited about that. Twitter will be helping with that. They were also able to offer it. We have goog thats going to be their official live streem and digital provider. So you will be able to see gavel to gavel and they will have a buildout. So you have a fizz qul presence not just an online presence. Yes shes our mascot here. Shes we created a family content. Youll see some of the things weve done. Weve been sharing with delegates. Theyve been sharing on line as well. Keep on the lookout for her. Were a strong team of nine. We are really working hard and weve been i think several a or so plus professional volunteers contact and help us support. We appreciate that because it takes a lot of work. I imagine im going to be running around everywhere. We have our content teams trying to capture content from the delegates. From our surrogates. Just the events around the convention. Well also have being teasms supporting our Live Streaming and be sure the speech is archived so its really about making sure everything is amplified and the moment living on past the conclusion of the program. Were bringing the convention on line. We are making it accessible on line. Were trying to create opportunities. Its beyond the speeches. Its very exciting. No matter what digital youre on youll be able to engage with the convention. Obamacare and its destruction of some degree of personal liberty. Im serving as the assistant delegate with my wife because this country is in desperate need of change and the Republican Party needs to change with it. The most important issue for me is gun control reform. I think today in america we need to reevaluate human life importance and the ponches of a 2020 importance of a 200 year document. Need to take conversation children. Its awesome to have the convention here in cleveland. This has been the year of cleveland. The cavs won the championship. The indians are pace to maybe get to the world series. Having the convention here is a super topic for the stri and it puts it on the map. One of the most important issues for me in terms of donlt trump and the republican Republican Party is sour need to focus on america for americans. Its time for a change and donald trump is the person to bring us change. The division in our country, i feel for a daint we need a candidate who will bring us together and not fuel hatred and fear in our country. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to cleveland the next president of the United States, mr. Donald j. Trump. This was the scene early when donald trump and mike pence arrived. Governor pence accepted the vipettial nomination. Here is his acceptance speech. Please welcome the speaker of the house, paul ryan. [cheers and applause] i could not be more proud of our Vice President ial nominee. I served with him. Weve bsm very good friends. Ive watched him up close. Ive soon what he is made of. Let me tell you something about mike pence. This is a man of solid character. This is a man who sees Public Service as a calling not a career. He has served honorably be great dignity. The results the results are impressive. This is a man who led the charge to ban ear mavericks in congress and he ear marks in congress and he led that fight. As governor of indiana he passed the largest income tax ut in state history. Balanced state budgets. Ro life, pro strong defense. And most importantly, he is the father of three beautiful children. Ichael, charlotte, my fellow republicans, the man that you have nominated is a man of conviction. He is a man you can trust. Mind, s no doubt in my it is my honor to introduce to you the next Vice President of the United States governor mike pence. Cheers and applause] mr. Chairman, delegates, friends, and my fellow americans, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I deeply humbled by your confidence and on behalf of my family here and gone, i accept our nomination to run an serve as Vice President of the United States of america. Cheers and applause] and let me thank Speaker Paul Ryan for that gracious welcome. You are a true friend and Great American leader. Paul knows me well and he knows the introduction i prefer is just a little shorter. Im a christian, conservative and republican in that order. [cheers and applause] im new to this campaign and honestly i never thought i would be standing here. I thought i would be spending this evening with all my friends from the great state of indiana. Yet there i was a few days ago in new york city with the man ho won 37 states, who faced 16 talented opponents and outlasted every one of them. And along the way brought millions of new voters into the epublican party. Hes a man known for a large person nalt, a colorful style and lots of charisma. So i guess he was just looking or some balance on the ticket. Well, for those of you who dont know me, which is most of front row up on the of the American Dream. My grand father imgrated to this country. I was raised in a small town in Southern Indiana in a big family with a corn field in the backyard. Although we werent really a political family. The heroes of my youth were ohn fmpletkebbed endy and k. Kennedy and the reverend dr. Marten luther king jr. When i was young i watched my mom and dad build everything that mattered. A family, business and good name. I was raised to believe in hard work, in faith and family. My dad ed pence was a combat veteran in korea. [cheers and applause] dad ran gas stations in our small town and he was a great father. If dad were with us today i would have a feeling he would enjoy this moments and probably be pretty surprised. But it is such a joy for me to tell you that my mother is here. Cheers and applause] would you join me in welcoming the light of my life, my mom, nancy. [cheers and applause] gov. Pence you know, growing up, i actually started in politics in the other party, until i heard the voice and the ideals of the 40th president , and i signed on for the reagan revolution. [applause] but the best thing that ever happened to me, even counting tonight, is that 31 years ago, i married the girl of my dreams, a schoolteacher and artist. She is everything to me. Would you welcome my wonderful wife, karen pence . [applause] and, regardless of any title i will ever hold, the most important job i will ever have is spelled dad. [applause] karen and i are blessed. Karen and i are blessed to be the parents of the three greatest kids in the world, a writer named charlie, a College Charlotte a College Student named audrey, and a Second Lieutenant in the United States marine corps, michael j. Pence. [applause] im so proud of you guys. [applause]

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