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Look for a vote on thursday. Live coverage on all of these events on the cspan networks, but we begin with the latest developments in north korea connecting a ground test saturday for a new type of rocket engine. Kim jongil is calling it a revolutionary breakthrough. It comes at the same time secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in asia with new concerns over north koreas intentions dominating the discussion. Just how should the u. S. Deal with north korea . Our alway phone lines are open. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 if you are a republican. For independents, 2027488002. Join us on facebook. A tweet. Ighd us good sunday morning to you. Thanks very much for being with us. We want to begin with this headline from the bbc. New concerns this morning over north korea as the country conduct a high trust engine test. Here are the details. In jongil declaring a test north koreas rocket industry. He said the engine would help north korea at you a worldclass satellite launch capacity, ate it all and not confirmed elsewhere. That this morning from the bbc. Here are the comments from secretary of state Rex Tillerson, who is in beijing this weekend. He was in tokyo on friday. [video clip] let me be very clear. The policy of strategic patients has ended. We are exploring a new range of diplomatic, security, and economic measures. All options are on the table. North korea must understand that the only path to a secure economically prosperous future is to abandon its development of Nuclear Weapons, as missiles, and other weapons of mass destruction. Incall on all nations joining us to demand that the north korean government choose a better path and a different future for his people. The United States has committed to supporting the defense of our allies, and we will continue to develop that conference of set of capabilities to counter the growing north korean Ballistic Missile threat that is why the u. S. And republic of korea decided to take the defensive measure of deploying fast Missile Systems. While we acknowledge chinas opposition,s economic retaliation against south korea is inappropriate and troubling. We asked china to refrain from such actions. Instead, we asked china to address the threat that makes that necessary. That being the escalating threat from north korea. Host this is the headline from the london guardian with response to secretary of state Rex Tillerson saying all options are on the table with regard to north korea. He made reference to the military equipment being shipped to south korea in several months in advance of the plan to be there in the summer. Asking, how we are should the u. S. Deal with north korea . Robert from wister, massachusetts, democrats line, good morning. Caller this is very dangerous. Powerful. Ery, very we never went to war with china. We went to war with every nation in the world. We do not want to have problems with china just like we had with vietnam. Look at you got china and north korea. Both are underneath china. China is going to protect vietnam. China is going to protect north korea. We have submarines that come on the coast of new york city. Chinese submarines come on the coast of new york city. Be talkingous to this dangerous thing. Ry, ve dangerous. Host robert, thanks for the call. Japan holding its first evacuation drill because of the developments in north korea. That is the headline at cnn. Com. Duck,en playing duck, goose outside their school when the siren blared. The teachers drop to the ground and wait for further instruction. This is a drill. A missile has been launched. This is just a test. Moments later, the entire school body runs from the Athletic Field to the school gym. They are joined by elderly volunteers who lineup in rooms next to the children seated quietly at the floor. This is japans first evacuation exercise preparing for the scenario of a north Korean Missile attack against their country. Again, details on the test at cnn. Com. Our phone lines are open at 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 or republicans. We also have a line for those of you outside the u. S. That number is 2027488003. Next in northmike carolina, republican line. How should the u. S. Deal with north korea . Caller morning, steve. How are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller i think a reasonable approach would be to look at what has not worked. What has not worked is six party bribes, oil. Acy, you can use nuclear power, but you cant. This is the path going back to the clinton administration. None of that has worked. Now we have a new administration. I am not sure it will work, but i dont think a hard line is wrong. I think a hard line here is maybe something that we have not done in the past, and maybe it will get some type of a response one way or the other, but again, what has not worked orthis soft diplomacy somewhat tough diplomacy that has been executed. It has not slowed them down at all apparently. It has not been anything. They are still a rogue state that kills the own people so they are not going to have any regard for possibly starting a war and killing people of another nation. Possibly letting japan and south korea off the leash, so to speak, meaning either the threat of it or actually allowing it to happen because it would be admit our purview to not it but encourage it and i would be to allow south korea and japan to go nuclear. There is no doubt that the japanese with their Technology Proficiency have probably a Nuclear Weapon in the basement so to speak. They are capable of deploying Nuclear Weapons. They are just too write a nation and advanced technologically to not be able to do it. They have not been because of our agreement with them to defend them, but if it looks like any nation that feels like they are living under an existential threat from another nation, all bets are off. I applaud the new approach. I applaud the hardline approach. Host thanks for the call. Let me read a couple of tweets. This is from richard. This from bill king. There is this from michael. That based on the cnn story of testing going o preparing for the possibility of the potential of a nuclear strike. Let me go back to the Washington Post that details what happened saturday. While the missiles themselves were not new, the tactic was simultaneous firings. That this morning from the Washington Post. California takeaway ron from san clemente, california. Caller good morning misty. Than good morning, steve. Thank you for all you do. We probably should have said that is robin rather than t Rex Tillerson to try to deal with the johnny one note, kim jongnam. Kim jong un. Years,0 years ago or 30 north korea and south korea were asked to unified into one country. There was a real effort being staged that way. I dont know what happened, but we need to have some of that is looking at this in a totally different way. I mean, this is a kid screaming in the darkness to beat his people. Going to war with kim jong un is a joke. Anyway, just a thought. Lets take a more clearheaded way of looking at this problem. Host thanks for the call. Another comment. Share us your thoughts. Send us your tweets. This from a veteran of the obama white house. Histories available at nytimes. Com with this headline story available at nytimes. Com with this headline. Mr. Kill his and father both proved willing to negotiate. They saw the Nuclear Program as a bargaining chip. Kim jon again, that this morning from the New York Times in the opinion section available at nytimes. Com. Gilbert is next from maryland. Good morning. Caller morning. Morning. If china is worried about china, china is now looking to calm us downight of than us rather than us trying to to calm us down rather than us trying to calm them down. We kind of need to talk to both of them now because the u. S. Is acting a little you radical because of trump. They do not know what trump will do. I am in no way in favor of trump at all. But china is looking at it like we will talk to you now. That means they may think harder about talking to north korea because north korea is the cause of their problems as far as the usa. I dont know if it is that bad of a strategic move right now. Nothing else is working in north korea. They have a little boy running their country. Host gilbert from maryland, thanks for listening. Thanks for listening on cspan radio if you are tuning in or on sirius xm, the potus channel, which also carries this Program Every sunday morning. We are asking how the u. S. Should deal with north korea a new rocket test. Took place yesterday confirmed by the north korean government and by u. S. Officials in south korea and japan monitoring north korea. We will go to jerry in north carolina, democrats line. Good morning. Caller gary. Host go ahead. Caller i think did we have any trouble with north korea, it will be a mass surrender. We probably zeroed in on every bunkerndocket or whatever they got. We can take them o in the first day. That is not the right call. They moved all of these sporting events out of here. They moved from greensboro to greenville, south carolina. There would have been a home game for us in greensboro. Now they moved us to greenville. Int i am going to jump because that is a completely different topic to this network. We want to focus on the situation in north korea. Alan from east chicago, indiana. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan and for taking my call. Wecomment is i believe should totally and completely ignore him. We should not make the mistake that korea thinks like america does. We have been through this before with other countries. They have a totally different train of logic. I personally view kim jong un as being a big frog in a little pond. Whatever is on his mind, i have no idea, but lets not panic and go into devcon 4 or whatever level. Igno the guy. We spent over 700 billion a year on our military. Weapons,00 nuclear this guy is trying to make one . No problem. Even more importantly, i believe he is 100 subsidized by china. They are actually broke. Anytime they fire a test missile, that costs money. That has to come from s somewhere. Eventually, that country will have an economic collapse. Host allen from east chicago. President xi expected to visit the u. S. President trump is expected to formally invite him. Why is part of the reason secretary tillerson is in asia this week laying the groundwork for that meeting. Michael has a followup. Another tweet from this viewer. This editorial from the Chicago Tribune. Waking up to a north Korean Nuclear nightmare. Is Available Online on the website. North korea is americas , isolated,dversary paranoid, belligerent, and here is the worst part, armed to the teeth. China has no more interest than anyone else in waiting for north korea to set up world war iii in asia, so amid the scary stories, and it is an opportunity for the Trump Administration. From be Chicago Tribune. Next is joe in indianapolis on our line for independents. Caller good morning. Thank you so much for cspan. Long time caller. Have not called in in a considerably long time. Host glad to hear from you. Caller i am now 4. 5 years cancer free and i think the v. A. For saving my life. As far as north korea is concerned, it all started with and we did nothing. It has expanded from there. It all started hosthost it all . Ss pueblo. E u. S. Poin host mary, how should the u. S. Deal with north korea . Caller i am not sure how we should. I dont have an answer for that, but i believe that trump will take us to war with them. Colorado,der, marie, good morning. Caller thank you, steve. We love the sunday morning show. I am calling with a brief comment. I would disagree with the gentleman, terry i think his name was from north carolina. About the hardline approach that President Trump is taking is a good idea. I would say President Trump and tillerson would be wise to confer and get some smart tactical advice from both former secretary of state hillary clinton, bill clinton, and even barack obama, and i will explain why. Of radical policies President Trump and company mirrors the attention gathering that the adolescent on practices. That will not work. North korea has been a nightmare. We have done with that for a long time , even in the bush years. Dennis rodman has a rather bizarre effect. Let me make myself clear. Bill clinton had a diplomat. People should watch this documentary the diplomat made by his son. Going to kosovo to deal with milosevic, who is another monster. I think bill clinton, former president bill clinton, could advise President Donald Trump appropriately. Thank you for taking my call. Host thank you. Abc ne thiws has story. Abc news. Com. Un. Icture of kim jong ins go to peter charlottesville, virginia. Independent line. Good morning. Caller yes, good morning cspan nation, and thank you. I was calling about the career situation. It is my understanding 60 plus percent of the worlds constant right on tungsten is the area north korea is holding. As some of the callers have suggested, north korea is an arm of china. Right after world war ii, we wanted to go in but truman fired macarthur. Tungsten is what we put on the bullets that go through the text that makes us militarily superior. Host thanks for the call. This tweet from james. This from another viewer. Sam, you are next, washington, republican line. Good morning. You with us . Caller i was in korea for five years. Host what time frame . Caller 1986 to 1993. They are still sending stuff over the border. People have never had an arstice. Chinese are the ones controlling these people. We need to put a leash on that dog, but i dont think they are going to. Careful. O be very we have never had any diplomatic success with these people. Host thank you. Jeffrey lewis has written a piece. Is available at Foreign Policy. This is the headline. North korea is practicing for nuclear war. It is Available Online. The picture of the Nuclear Capacity north korea may be preparing for. North koreas military exercises leave little doubt about the plan to use large Nuclear Weapons against u. S. Forces southhout japan and north korea. That this morning from Foreign Policy magazine and the view of Jeffrey Lewis. North korea is not testing dismissals. It is preparing for a Nuclear First strike. Lets go to russell in kentucky, republican line. Your reaction to all this. Good morning. Caller yes. Goingwondering about over there to fight. Their stuff that they got over there, i dont know if we blew them up or something, but all of ort was spread in the u. S. Whether they got some way to keep it from spreading or whatever. Host are you worried about this, russell . Caller yes. Yes, i sure am. I dont know anything about this stuff. They have had it for many years. They want to harm the United States with it. I dont know what we have to do about it. Us andt let them bomb stuff and shooting rockets over them. Ith stuff on i dont know for sure. Host thanks for the call. New york times, possible options for striking north korea all being viewed as highly risky. Details in the sunday New York Times. Fitzpatrick has this tweet. That is one of the topics secretary of state tillerson is dealing with today and over the next few days. His first thought was tokyo. He will travel to seoul, south korea, before returning to the u. S. Democrats line, joanne, good morning. Caller good morning. It just does not stop. We are going to see the likes of nothing if north korea does this. We are going to be facing more. Has not be mentality to deal with this kind of man. Thank you for taking my call. Host thanks for the call. The bbc on the news outlets reporting on the developments over the weekend. Let me read to you what they are reporting this morning. North Korean Leader kim jong un declaring the test a new birth for the north korean rocket industry. He said the engine would help north korea achieved worldclass satellite launch capability. We will go to frank in frederic, wisconsin, democrats line. Good morning. Caller morning. Host go ahead, please. Caller pardon me . Host you are on the air. Caller i think the best solution would be to try to get south Korean People to move out of there. Love them have that stretch let them have that stretch. Host there are 25 Million People in seoul, south korea. Caller i understand that, but, you know, maybe it is better off to take north korea out and hope are the best for the best. Label arm themselves with they will arm themselves to where they do some damage to us. Host ken joining us from new york. Good morning. Caller good morning. What a way to wake up. Is i hear question very little discussion about the north korean ability to deliver a Nuclear Weapon vm more standard means, a ship, truck, and i am wondering if anyone can illuminate me on this. Otherwise, i have no brilliant thoughts on how to handle this other than to look at the fact that several of the people we have in the white house right now strike me as exactly the wrong type of people emotionally and mentally. Thank you. I will hang up. Host thank you for the call. This is another tweet. He stopped by at the tucson book festival that we covered last weekend. The question, how should the u. S. Deal with north korea. Our phone lines are open. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. We have a line for independents. That number is 2027488002. Those watching outside of the u. S. , 2027488003. We will keep the numbers on the screen. We will hear from fill in brooklyn ne, new york. Caller hi. I think china is using north korea as a pawn. I think our influence in that region is already going down. Think we have a good solution to north korea. That we far east sees dont have a solution, china will step in and be the hero and save the day. They will take over the whole far east. I think that is their plan, to make us look bad and step in as the hero. Host ok, thanks for the call. A photograph of the 4 missile tests that took place in north korea. The piece by Jeffrey Lewis with this sobering headline, north korea is practicing for nuclear war. The piece is Available Online. Jodei. S a tweet from d. C. , you washington, are next. Caller good morning. Hire stion is dont also to have the holy bible and e host ok we are getting a bit of a delay. Line,irginia, independent turn the volume down and go with your comment. Caller good morning. I just had a comment and a quick question. Thomas jefferson taught us a famous quote from him was i hope our power grows with our that the lessches we use our power, the greater we will be. I think bullying is not the tactic to go. You do not sound tough or scary by threatening anybody. It makes the situation worse. The second comment i have is more nukes were planted by the russian spy ship that was in the delaware, virginia, and connecticut. How come nobody is talking about that . The bbc reported that the russian spy ship planted nukes up and down the coast. I dont think it is an investigation. We are worried about north korea. We have nukes surrounding the washington, d. C. , area and up and down the east coast. I think that is more of an immediate thing that we should be looking at. I would be more concerned about that than kim jong un all the way over there in korea. Host your source for that story that there are Nuclear Weapons being put there by russia . Caller that was from the bbc world. They quoted a russian newspaper. Host could it be russian propaganda . Caller we dont know what is propaganda right now because the russians have propaganda here when we were doing the election the whole time. Whether it is propaganda or not, i think it needs to be investigated. Host this is a headline this morning from the Washington Post. Infighting within the white house. A class war is brewing. The players involved in the administration. Back to your tweets. Robert has this point. There is this from another viewer. Arlington, virginia, republican line, good morning. Caller this is a pretty tough situation. I was say that the people who talk about acts of war from russia and the u. S. With whatever they did or may not have done in the election, i launchedma actually acts of war against north korea with attempts to play with the Missile System through the internet and stuff like that. Now, all of that aside, we have two real problems right now. Are a bitouth koreans of a mess because of the political situation. That has to straighten out. They should be taking the lead on this rather than us. Two, i am really not happy about putting those missiles systems that we are putting in south korea. The chinese dont like it, and it is all wrong if you are comparing with what we did in germany in the 1980s when we put the missile against the russians. The North Koreans have all kinds of al artillery within l that makesu this irrelevant. It may protect one of our bases, but the North Koreans can devastate seoul with conventional weapons, artillery. It is not a good thing. We in the end, i think that are going to have to work with the chinese primarily on this. Pyongyang is a little off the rocker. He has put the limits really for any kind of flexibility in terms of any kind of situation that develops because anything he does now, the South Koreans almost have to respond. They have been pushed to the edit on this, and we are in a tight spot. Prepar ads will have to prevail, and we will have to work with the chinese on this. Host place for the call. Thanks for the call. The Washington Post. A photograph of the secrery of state his chinese counterpart beijg yesterday. We will go to mike in iowa. Good morning, independent line. Caller we should deal with it the way that we dont with it back in world war ii. Back in with it world war ii. This country has become leftwing liberal bias. Back in world war ii, we went war. That is the way it is, and sometimes you just have to kill them. Talking about this nuke story, the liberals just will not let this die about the fact of the russians hacking our elections. They may have hacked them, but they do not do anything to force the outcome. Trump is president. That is the way it is. You guys in the fake news have to deal with it. Is just the way it goes. Get over it. Back the guy. Let him do his job. Everyone else, shut up. Host democrats like, eric, south carolina, you are next. Caller how are you doing . Host we are fine. How are you . Caller you are scaring me, cspan. First of all, north korea has been firing missiles since i am a teenager. I am 50. They have been doing that for the longest. We know that if we try anything, china got there back. China is not going to allow any fighter to come near their border. North korea is like a buffer for them. That guy, kim jong un, will not do anything. If anything, we will be the ones to act a fool. Ok . Treating north korea like all the other president s before him. Dont panic, people. Host another viewer. The answer to the question, how the u. S. Should deal with north korea. Secretary solis and in asia secretary Rex Tillerson in asia. [video clip] i am pleased to be here this afternoon in beijing to discuss a way forward in forging a constructive and result oriented relationship between the u. S. And china. This is an important opportunity to follow up on the telephone conversation between President Trump and president xi and to pave the way for continued productive highlevel engagement. Since the historic opening of relations between our two countries more than 40 years ago, for u. S. China relationship has been guided by an understanding of nonconflict, nonconfrontational, mutual respect, and winwin cooperation. It is important that the leaders of our two countries engage in further dialogue to develop a common understanding that will guide our relationship for the next half century. The United States and china are the worlds two largest economies, and we must both promote stability and growth. Our two countries should have a positive trading relationship that is fair and pays dividends both ways. We will be workingn thagoing forward. Host comments of the secretary of state. The london guardian reporting on his travels through asia. Military action against north korea in option, that threat from the secretary of state friday when he was in tokyo. Lets go to jonathan in boston , independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. Host sure. Caller i guess if i understand my history, and i think i do, this and was the one that first started opening up trade negotiations with that area. Host china in particular in 1972. Caller right. Mix in open nixon opened trade with china. I am getting to north korea. What i see right now with the deficit and the way we are hamstrung is that north korea could be possibly a way for china to have plausible deniability if we were to retaliate against anything north korea to. I think china will step in. I think it is scary that russia has a nonaggression pact with china. We need to be very careful. And unilateralns support with our allies is the best course to go. Host thank you from boston. This is a tweet from james. Here is the picture you are referring to. You can see south korea, which is lit up in seoul, which has the bright star below the zone. The area pointed to north korea with no lights. This is a photograph taken several years ago but continues to get a lot of attention. James, thanks for thie tweet. Lets go to reid. Caller with gets me is you got people wanting ttalk about china and russia and all this and how korea is such a threat. You know something, man . Guy came on their earlier talking about world war ii. He got his datelines mixed up. My point is this. The u. S. Has been fighting russia and china since north korea. We were fighting. We were fighting the chinese and the russians. Were did all of that equipment come from . Who set their advisors . We need to tell them like it is and put the smack down on them. Just annihilate them and be done therehem and say, hey, are no winners in nuclear war. You want to start something, we have what it takes to finish what you start. Get off the bus. Yo get off of us. You know . Host another tweet. Thanks for the tweet, victor. Mark has this. Aziz joiningbdul us from springfield, massachusetts. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller my understanding is that america has not fought any wars since the civil war on their own soil other than something brief with the pearl harbor attack. It is more important to me that citizensrotects their from one of these Nuclear Weapons to get here in america. I was watching cspan, and they were saying that most of our that they will only be able to take down maybe 50 of the Nuclear Weapons that come here. That means 50 are going to hit. I think it is more important that we prepare our citizens from being attacked by Nuclear Weapons here, especially when we have we dependent on oil, gas, which we got underground, and we got our nuclear facilities. If they hit us, it is going to be interesting with the other explosions from our use of gas and oil for fuel. Host that is a sobering thought, abdul. Thank you for the call from springfield, massachusetts. As we sat at the top of the program, a big week in washington, d. C. The fbi director testifying be the House Intelligence Committee. The first day of hearings for neil gorsuch to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. Our live coverage beginning at 11 00 eastern time. You can listen to it on cspan radio, watch it on cspan2. Itll will also be streamed on our website, cspan. Org. 10 00 eastern time for the fbi director. You can watch that hearing on cspan3. We will be previewing those hearings tomorrow morning on washington journal. The editorial from the Chicago Tribune is available on the website, and it includes the following words. North korea is americas greatest adversary, isolated, paranoid, belligerent, and he was the worst part, armed to the teeth. China has no more interest than anyone else in waiting for north korea to set off world war iii in asia. Amid this gilly stories of north korean brinkmanship, there is an opportunity for the Trump Administration. William is joining us from california, republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my phone call. War is certainly not the answer. Any type of negotiation with is the route to take. I dont think we have any contacts inside north korea. We are working with china right now, but if there can be any kind of contact with some type of official in north korea with Rex Tillerson or some kind of contact for negotiation to get us away from the path we seem to be taking toward war. If we can develop some kind of meansf counicating with the regime, kw ey are radical but wein la la land, need to keep those options open of negotiation. Host william, thanks for the call. Donna has this tweet. Tweet from robert. Archie, democrats line, birmingham, alabama. Good morning. Caller i agree with the rest thinking sanctions are the best way to go. President Trump Building more Nuclear Weapons is foolish. What you Nuclear Weapons do and how they design a. Sanctions are the best way. Trump and the people have never been in the military. Is always somebody elses children that die in the words, not theirs. Host mark, you are next from wisconsin, republican line. What are the options . What are the solutions . Caller i think the best option is to let trump play this out. We have had several years in the past doing this, and that guy is crazy. It here the debt out of me what he is capable of. I wanted to have the comment that we have Climate Change so the concern that we may end up with 1000 degrees before this is over. Host michael, tyler, texas, republican line. Good morning. Caller yes, my name is michael. I am an Army Coast Guard veteran and United States army veteran. re dealing with a big snake. I put it in perspective. China is a snake. F,u cut the snakes head of you beat wars with sanctions. Anything that says made in china, do not buy it. When you break their pockets, you bring them back. Break their back. The rest is just the tail. Bless america. Host this tweet. We look forward to that conversation in 12 minutes. Dennis joining us from hot springs, south dakota. Good morning, independent line. Caller yes. I think we should keep our finger on the trigger as far as north korea is concerned with one big caveat. With all the money we owe china, they may dictate our was during the farm crisis of 1984. My banker told me when i was going to do. I did not have very much left after i paid him off. Wet at least i did not o anybody anything, and i am free now. Thank you. Host thanks for the call. Lets go to david inleveland, georgia. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller my comment is this. Is definitely a threat. North korea is a threat. There is threats all over the world. It scares me to think about how many people are talking about using Nuclear Missiles to solve this problem. That is not going to solve anything. I am really afraid that that could happen very easily. Found i used to hide under my desk when i was in first grade preparing myself for a nuclear bomb. This has been going on for 60 years, 50 years, 60 years. We got to stop living in fear. Remember to keep our eye on what is going on here in the United States. They use diversionary tactics like this to keep your mind off of what is happening, how many people are being shipped over to syria. We only our guys over there dying. We got the our eye on it. Keep our eye on trump. It is our obligation as citizens of the united ace. United states. Thanks. Host thank you. Tillersons first stop in tokyo on friday. Comments with regard to all options being on a table. This tweet. A reference to iraq. Chad in fort myers, florida, republican line. Good morning. Caller thanks for taking my call. Well but i amded not an advocate for Nuclear Weapons. Are looking at cnn and other media outlets, and i wonder why posted scrutiny against president obama and his handling of north korea, russia, and all these other countries that have now been emboldened with our Nuclear Weapons. Here and watched eight years of president obama like we did with president bush, and we have seen the rise of russia, who he called a jv team. Now, we hear people on the other side say russia is our biggest threat. We saw the rise of libya under president obama. We saw the debacle of whether people or like it or not, isis was not a george bush problem. Host just to be clear, he said isis was the jv team, not russia. Caller you are right, he did. Thank you so much. Host he did call russia thirdrate. Caller he did tell mitt romney in the president ial election in 2012 that our whole war policies were out of date because russia was not a threat. Host right. Caller russia is very much a threat. Barack obama s poor handling of russia has emboldened russia now. I just wish my friends who do listen who are democrats stop calling in so angry and. Pissed off. A movement of resistance that released to any solutions. Do not just the in opposition if you will not be a fair critic to the previous president as well as the current one. I do not like everything trump stands for, but this is more a Barack Obama Problem because if we can go into libya and get rid nothingfi, but we do and we dont north korea are oppressing their people and they try to get nuclear and have been trng to get Nuclear Weapons, what is wrong with that enario . Host thanks for the call. A couple more calls. Jose joining us from arkansas. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. This is a great opportunity for to make it that war is not the right answer. He is known as big a great deal maker so it is a great opportunity for him to display his skill. Thank you for taking my call. Host thank you. Last call from huntsville, alabama. Michael, how should the u. S. Deal with north korea . Caller good morning. I think it should be handled very delicately. We have 30,000 troops that will be at the dmv. People to fight with us since 1950. I dont think we should avoid them that opportunity. Diplomacy,time for but i dont have a lot of faith in this administration to do a lot of the policy. Host michael, thank you. Thanks for your calls, your tweets. You can continue the conversation on our facebook page. There are three cspan networks. This is one of those weeks where we need all three of them and then some. Joining us on the phone is kyle cheney, who is following congress for politico. Thank you for being with us. Guest thank you for having me. Host lets walk through the weekend begin with what we can expect tomorrow, they one of the confirmation hearing for neil gorsuch to serve on the u. S. Supreme court. What are we looking at . Guest this maybe as a whole the most consequential week that congress will have this session. With neil gorsuch, a Supreme Court nomination is supposedly one of the top ticket items in washington. It will be a dramatic moment, but he seems to be in a pretty good track. Democrats may raise an issue that they will question him fully and completely are not necessarily prepared to go all out to block his nomination than what we might have thought at the start of the term. Host the confirmation hearing getting underway 11 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning on these cspa. You can hear it on the radio. Streaming on cspan. Org. Questioning does not get underway until tuesday. This will be wrapped up by thursday, he said. How likely is that . Guest they will use as our allotted and raising a lot of questions particularly about his views as some of the hot ticket items like Voter Suppression issues, things they have dug into the past on his views on executive power, and maybe put him in a position of really pinpointing him on some of the issue ae a trump and put him at odds with the president on certain things, but in terms of whether they are going to filibuster his nomination when it comes to a vote later on, that is not looking quite as likely. Host while that is happening on one end of the u. S. Capitol, in a house hearing, the House Intelligence Committee at 10 00 tomorrow morning in a Public Session that we will be covering on cspan3, fbi director james comey. Guest yes, there is a lot of hope that there will be finality here to what Law Enforcement has actually done when it comes to investigating trumps associates whether it was flipped up in an investigation regarding collusion with russia or relationships with russia and russian officials. The Trump Administration has doubled down the notion that barack obama has some role in wiretapping frotrump tower. That has been denied by agencies and foreign intelligence has been brought into this, too. We make it clarity finally on that. Host you indicated a consequence week because on thursday, the volt will unfold. We will have it for you live on can. The house plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. Let me first ask you, will it passed in the house based on the early what counts . If it does, what is the next step . Guest this is the biggest mystery. We hear from house leaders confident that it will pass, but i dont think they believe they are at the magic number of 216 because of some vacancies. I dont think they know they are quite there yet. They will work on moderate members, but they are moving in that direction. If it passes this delay . Mark. A question host finally, you are following a tweet from reporters in los angeles. This is what the story looks like on a potential for a trump ouster. She said i think he will get himself out. Explain what she said and who she said it to. Guest she was confronted by some liberal demonstrators after a fundraiser in los angeles and pressed about it trumf trump has done something impeachable. People were adamant that trump should not long in office. Responding to their questions about that, she talked about his conflict of interest. His sons going overseas to open up a golf club in dubai. It is notable in part because she is also on the Intelligence Committee that is investigating russian ties and digging into some of the background stuff that may include his business relationships. Whether she was just responding raised byntiment demonstrators is an open question, but it is kyle cheney, his work is available at politico. Com. We will turn our attention to job, trade, and manufacturing for it our next guest, Scott Jennifer mathis. Are about the newsmakers guests is mark meadows. He is the chair of the freedom caucus. What to expect with this republican healthrepublican hea. As is right now, the house bill passes . Absolutely not. We reach out to some who are not members of the caucus but typically vote in a fashion. If the vote were held today even potential tweets t weaks there is not the vote. This bill needs to be changed not just to pass the house, but the senate. As from there they votes they need . Ever give there whipeount count. Whip count. The undecided, they are trying to not put a line in the sand and so they are open to looking at negotiations and what might change. I would be encouraging the communicate we are a lot closer. Based onl you empirical numbers, theres no way it is close. Neuters follows washington

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