Burch and even the name the John Birch Society is even less known in china than it is in the United States which is not surprising. While the name of mccarthy may be well known or pretty well known in china, the name of a Birch Society did not reach that same level, mccarthy was in Political Office and had a different kind of platform from robert welch. In the Birch Society. I think think if the book were to be translated in published in china then there would obviously the more interest and it would be extremely interesting to know if there is more information in the archives about the incident. As far as i know the communist party to the late 50s and 60s, while they followed american politics at a distance in terms of the Civil Rights Movement and were quite concerned and quite interested in what they viewed as oppression of africanamericans, blacks in u. S. Society and this was evidence of the ills of capitalism. Not to mention imperialism, there was not that much attention, partly this is because the Birch Society was so heavily focused on the communist conspiracy within the United States, they were not that interested in the threat from abroad. Welch imagined that conspiracies were everywhere, he thought the Kennedy Administration of the bay of that the actual purpose was to reinforce the power of castro and reinforce the communist regime. He had a way of, it was alice in wonderland, he called it the part rentable a reversal. So everything was not exactly what appeared to be. It was actually the opposite. The vietnam war he felt was being fought as a distraction to the real issue of communism at home. He he actually opposed the vietnam war. Which led to another falling out with conservatives. On that note we will draw this seminar to a close. Before we exit lets remind you that next week we have a talk about cuba and american history. There are books for purchase and signing outside of the store. Please join us for a reception. Get to our audience enter a guess. [applause]. [inaudible] zero Nonfiction Author or book you would like to see featured on book tv . Send us an email, book tv at cspan. Org. Tweet us at book tv. Or post a a comment on our wall, facebook. Com book tv. Come [inaudible] [inaudible] good evening everyone. My name is jennifer and i am a firstyear student at the nyu liberal studies program. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the auditorium for tonights auditorium. Broad influence, how women are changing the way america works. Im thrilled works. Im thrilled to introduce to you these two influential women to tonights talk. Jamie small as a washington correspondent for Time Magazine and author of a broad influence which is the focus of tonights event. She writes about everything from washington politics to form policy and national trends. She has covered stories on five continents for time, from conflicts in the middle east to the earthquake in haiti to the Scottish Independence movement and to the 2015 terror attacks in paris. She has interviewed had a states including president s brock obama and george w. Bush as well as senators, governors and foreign dignitaries. She is a reporter for playing burglaries were she covered the 2004 president ial campaign. She received her degree from Columbia University and tennessee university. She she was a 2015 Harvard Institute fellow in a 2016 America Foundation fellow. Welcome. [applause]. Tonight second panelist as the honorable kay hagan who served as a United States senator from North Carolina from 2009 until 2015. Prior to her time in the u. S. Senate she served in the North Carolina senate from 1999 until nine until 2009. After taking office in january 2009 senator hagan served on a committee, arm services, housing and urban affairs, Small Business business and entrepreneurship and health education, labor and pension help. She introduced Bipartisan Legislation to train workers for jobs that are available now by bringing businesses together with Community Colleges to make it nationwide credentialing program. Shes been a champion for education throughout her career. As a member a member of the Senate Health committee she worked to include legislation, the Financial Financial literacy for students act in education reform. To make sure the u. S. Remains competitive. She tries to meet the needs of state students. She was born in North Carolina and is a graduate from lake forest law school. Please try me in welcoming tonights panelist. [applause]. First of all thank you for nyu and for having us talk about broad influence. I want to think so much kay hagan for doing this, its really awesome to have you here to talk with me about this. To give you background, can i were fellows together at harvard so she saw my early draft a broad influence and help me write through some things. It is great to have her here because we talked over a lot of these issues in the year that we have no need chug. Shes really familiar with so much of the stuff having served in the senate as well as worked in a lot of industries that i talk about in my book. To give you background about broad influence, i first got interested into doing a book after i did a story for Time Magazine in 2013 during the Government Shutdown about the women of the senate coming together during the shutout to restart the negotiations were none of the men would talk to each other. I have a lot of interest in writing about the women of the senate, they were already known books so they didnt need one for me. What interested me in that episode was it was the first time the senate was 20 women. They had a huge impact in that session. They produce 7575 of the legislation that passed that session. It was a tangible difference. I i had covered the senate and congress on and off for almost 13 or 14 years and there was a tangible difference in that session. You you could see the impact women were having. Havent written that story i started getting cards and emails and notes from friends and strangers from across the country saying this but not a month exists elsewhere. The Critical Mass is somewhere between 20 and 30 of any institution whether it is the legislature, Corporate Board, a navy ship, an Appellate Court and women began to change the culture of that institution. It comes from science so its the point in which a Chain Reaction cannot be stopped. Is the point in which in a Nuclear Reaction reaction you can not make the thing go boom. In this case, sociology is used as a Critical Mass in terms of gender but any minority. Its used in integrating africanamerican students post Civil Rights Act in the south. There was a Critical Mass of 20 mandate of each school. In terms of gender there has been studies on this issue. That looks at this phenomenon. Is somewhere between 20 and 30 because a lot will depend on critical actors. The reason why the center was the threshold of 20 it was because they had so many powerful women in that critical senate. I think they ended up cheering nine of the committees or 11. They controlled more than half of the committees. The same sort of thing happens with navy ships. You need at least a minimum, you start with the officers and then go into the rankandfile. Thats why its always important to get female ceos and president s. Because they are the ones who will help lift other woman up and create Critical Mass. So when you have critical actors you need less overall. That is the idea of the book. There are a lot of chapters about the senate, about the house, about different areas. So i thought i would be fun to chat with kay and with you as well the chapters with kay has so much expertise. I want test kay to talk a little about being in the senate in the one 13th senate and what it was like to be one of those 20 women. Did you feel a tangible difference . I want to go back to a set about the 20 percent. It was so true and so evident that when i got elected we had at that time 20 women in the senate. Obviously we had had that 20 threshold. Then you look at what that means. That really does mean that we are able to pass significant legislation because we came together. When 11 of the 20 committees were chaired by women look what took place. Got transportation bill, got a farm bill, an agricultural bill which was long in coming. We got a water resource bill gather budget. All of those things came into play. When you study it you wonder why. I think your book really analyzed a great deal and other people especially sociologists they say women bring to the table something different. An ability to compromise and to stay added until you get the job done. Through the power struggle, the boss mentality is put aside, whats in it for everybody. That means youre not going to get everything you want to otherwise its a win lose situation. But how can we compromise and come together. Understand what these issues are at the end of the day you had to get something done. I think that one is what our country wants and is demanding. At the same time who is doing it, the woman at the table. You cant get it done unless you run for office, you get the education that makes you available to become that ceo. Go through the navy to get to be those first women and on a submarine. All of these things dont just happen because youre a woman, they happen because youre welltrained, welleducated and, well educated and you know how to do the job. We have to always focused on that. Historically few look at women running for office women tend to be recruited. Whenever i am speaking to a group us students in particular male and female i always encourage everybody to consider one day running for office. Im giving this speech to you here right now. We need young people. People. We need women and men were well educated that understand how the government offices were, how City Councils and education boards. It really is important. Then i take it one step further and i look at at the woman and many times young girls and i say i am recruiting you particularly to run. Because girls need to be recruited. I have to admit when you have the governor calling me up and saying by the way we really would like you to run. It it gives you the extra impetus to go. Lets talk about this for a little bit. They said takes asking a woman seven times before she will run for office, with that true for you. It certainly makes it easier, not seven times. But once again you all wanted to do it, but when you have a governor, when you have the president of the senate or the majority leader come to you, sit down and say, we really want you by the way we are going to hell. It going to hell. It helps a lot. So sure enough, they said we are behind you more than 100 and off we went. So youre the first woman who ran so it shouldve been elizabeth overset it. Talk about terrible commercials. There is times or she called you got this i believe. Historically theyre saying it was one of the best retorts to commercial. Evidently individuals who did the fundraiser for me was a humanist atheist. They use that as the i was a godless person. I am an elder in my church, sunday school teacher, the furthers thing you can imagine from an atheist. You really dont think that should focus in on running for Political Office. I ended up having a press conference on the lawn of my church the very next morning after that add fran. I have my Bible Studies class, jewish rabbi, Catholic Priest as well as a retired minister. I was not we have lots of a variety of people at a religious organization as you can imagine. But what my retort was an ad that said, thy shall not their false witness against my fellow christians. I ended up winning by close to nine points. So it didnt work out. It was their hell mary passed. One of the things that fascinated me about the senate and why they got so much done was they actually got together a lot and had monthly dinners where they would talk about not necessarily legislation or anything that was going on and theyre actually friends. It used to be in washington, once upon a time time in the stable days when washington was functional. You had Ronald Waggoner and tip oneill who called each other and have drinks every night. The house and senate would move their families here and would live here and become friends. That began to change under new to gingrich in order to allow more recesses and send members home because he thought it was a bad influence. Which is true in a different way. It ended up depriving members from friendships across the aisle or even friendships within their parties. People did not have time in a few days a week they were here to get to know each other. So when things became more dysfunctional there are not many friendships left in order to rely on each other when this official leader broke down and talks ended. So one of the striking things i saw was that woman always kept talking. They kept having dinners. When. We you tell us more about that. There is one from marilyn who is retiring this year. Shes the dean of the women. Women. She is the longestserving woman in the u. S. Senate. In the democratic room there are telephone booths and she has her dedicated telephone booth at for being honored as being the longestserving woman. That is a very big deal. She would convene about every six weeks would have dinner together. Democrat and republican. At some point the dinner would be held in the capital, its a very elegant room with a chandelier. I think i can say this to it he was a renowned female grabber, when you would be warned not to come within arms length of him. He was definitely a ladies man you could say. So the fact that theyre having these women dinner and lunch is in the thurman room, the irony is not lost on the woman. And then i can remember when senator lisa makowski, senator from alaska hosted it. We got an email saying she was going to have a pot luck dinner. She set her team said you can have a potluck dinner and ask u. S. Senators to bring something. And she said said yes i can. Sure enough, everybody brought something for their home state. Shes sorta said you bring you bring this. She had the the entree of salmon that her husband had just caught a week before. We had it at her home. It was wonderful. We had a ball. Women, we talk and have a good time, time, we talk about our families, business, and everything stays there. Mccaskill headed at her place one time and her condo was down a long narrow hallway. Youre looking at your phone saying was the address, with the apartment number, you, you get out of the elevator you didnt have to have her number. One of the main things that i found was the Public Sector does a lot better for women than the private sector so they are reaching Critical Mass at the same time with congress, up 30 of highlevel Civil Service and political appointees and 35 of the federal bench 40 percent of state lawyers and judges are women as well. It is striking looking at the private sector over the past decade and about 21 representation. There are a lot of factors winfield they will leave their kids every day or the greater good. Sometimes the state legislature is a parttime job that is easy to do with kids. And publicsector unions are a lot stronger purpose there is a bunch of different reasons. And with the private practice . I was in the Financial Sector at that time. That is one of the worst areas for women in fact, by far in Silicon Valley on wall street also bear the farthest apart from the Critical Mass because women are not as strong as men with their size technology education. And also because they tend to be competitive on dont have a lot of opportunities for women. So there is the theory with the 80th that of Lehman Brothers were leave his sister is a Global Financial crisis would not have happened because let women take less risk. [laughter] the you think that is true . I will think about that. Working for a bank were the predecessors to bank of america i can remember at that time we would go over loans and credit risk i can remember one male in particular making lots of lowes bill lot did not work out i guarantee when i did was so thorough. I am not and expert with the analysis but i can document my own experience that when i first got hired right eye of law school. What i was the first woman that was hired in that part of the bank. And i was told by the head of the department with the woman they assigned to be my assistant said no because she would not work for a woman. I said they never met me. To a very long time ago. Sure enough i net spurted three got along great but thats what it was so long time ago. One of the nba recent hires we worked together to open up a new division and it different city she was also a woman and we would host a local Community Business lunch and there is no opening for a woman to join the club. So the president of the bank at that time who is credited with making bank of america the place it is today said are you kidding me . If they want us in that committee better lettuce and. These of the two women represent us so now sure enough we could join in be in the main dining room that percy said the back door. These are truly things that happened and one other story is from when i first got to the u. S. Senate kediri 2009. We were averaging 700,000 a month in this country. When i went for trading late december for the parliamentary issues to say this is the rules of the senate and i remember one thing about health care dash and certainly there is a gem aias senator hayden come back next week we will take you. They said sure enough. The rules committee met me and said here is the womans part and my husband has a great sense of smell. [laughter] so they said that is for men only. I see your faces. I said really . [laughter] i didnt make a big deal of that that might the mill College Director said it is for men only. They wanted to talk about that i said no we are hemorrhaging thousands of dollars a month we will not talk about a pool but fastforward when the media found out about it we talk to the rules Committee Said she did know where she was talking about. After a couple of weeks that pool is now open to women it in the locker room is says pool coed facilities. Where appropriate attire. [laughter] i always wondered about that [laughter] where they swimming naked . [laughter] so the idea of risk is interesting because you cant say that women who take more risk or to these ideas but steady show women are inherently more so 90 percent of micra finance lending is more risk averse. And there are tons of studies that show Financial Planners are more concerned than men. So that adm of lehman sisters is one of my favorite stories there is a guy who is a narrow scientists from cambridge who did a study of bankers in london and basically every morning the more testosterone they had then he had a whole series that financial bulbuls are created by men essentially because there isnt enough women to balance them out. When men are around other men the testosterone compounds. 70 gets riskier and riskier than the whole thing explodes in the bubble burst in the market collapses. Men have a hormone it is a paralyzing agent seven nations so they dont. They freeze and women produce the antidote to that so physically to have more women in the room can actually theoretically with those financial bubbles not so much freezing aged or testosterone. So it is an interesting thing in remarkable that washingtons response was to appoint almost unilaterally female regulators weather was t. A. R. P. Or sheila bair at the fdic to help with dodd frank or shapiro or white at the sec the new share of some of wall street were all women to say get your bank in order but also the three women were on the cover of Time Magazine. In the wake of the financial crisis that wall street has use that excuse to get rid of a lot of the women so now they have even less women now than they have never had before at least in the last few years so that needs to be addressed. Another problem is the military. It has varying rates but depending on which range looking at about 18 percent women depending on the bridges. The best is the greenspan then the navy. The marines then the navy. So i was amazed in 2013 when the women of the senate started to look at libyas no and others as they were trying to raise this issue for years but nobody paid attention. So they said this is ridiculous. The first time there was seven women. It is like calling in the generals. Guy, from North Carolina to a Strong Military family. And nephew on active duty right now with the airports Fighter Pilot one is an abc bill my husband was in the navy. So i look at this as we continue to strongest of the military in the world so i went to the four operating base is in afghanistan a lot of the up places going to afford operating base out where that i. E. Teas in many places and i talked to a number of women if you are one of two women on an operating basis it is something that we need to focus on in a better way to ration at 20 is magic. The people that i talk to quite a bit said she would leave her name tags on her dog tags and in the middle of the night it was her fellow brother in coming in to her tent to scare her or harasser or attacker no matter what bin that would let her say get out of here or should stop drinking fluids late in the afternoons she would not have to go to the latrine in the middle of the night. Here we are fighting for your country and also worried about your brother and. So we have to do something. With that recognition it was a problem not just to the women but though whole military concept. And the women who you talked about it and theyre fellow senators with incredible progress in this area. So they are not the ones that get kicked out to have an attorney representing them going for word. There is still a big debate whether or not the commander on the base has the authority to bring the charge or not. There is discussion about that. The women who understood what was going on. We encourage you to go look at that rate cspan hearing. Calling in the generals they are just hounding them wire you not doing anything about this . Some people describe it like all of these women pounding these men. I dont think it is the am afraid of sexual attack to keep the amount. It is their decision. The also making sure maternity benefits in time off is greater for every position to join. So i think we are seeing a lot more positive growth. So looking at the ndp in particular. And that is disastrous with two women or 400 and and everyone was miserable and made everybody uncomfortable it just didnt work so the navy came to the trial and error Critical Mass so now we mandated on all ships better integrated a minimum of 20 a goal of 25 and they start with the officers then integrate on down. Even submarines there integrating now for the first time. And the two women from North Carolina. Into start training. As they open up to combat situations you dont want it to be the same to make it super awkward. Trying to make an effort to integrate into a Critical Mass where it operates as smoothly as possible so the dreams before we actually do them. One with the first female defense secretary. Our first female fourstar. But g. I. Jane remember that movie . The First Female Navy seal 199620 years later for the first time they will open up navy s. E. A. Ls for women to a tryout. With up the surveillance much of that conducted by women. They do work very closely but one of the areas you have done a lot of work as well is judiciary making a huge amount of progress that change things by leaps and bounds if women first come into the workforce it was Rosita Ritter because the economy demanded it and not until the 70s all the laws banning married women without working for a husbands permission were fully repealed. That went about the country to be spearheaded and Sandra Day Oconnor said she was not a feminist but yet there roofies women who did nothing but try to purge these ridiculous antiquated laws. No. Jury duty is not optional. It cannot stop your daughters working in a bar so it was amazing and interesting with the growth of female judges that has changed of law how 30 years ago or 40 years ago they couldnt divorce naturally favored men it was hard to get custody. And with the conscious uncoupling. And into prioritize with children to know which changes things over the years. Looked at Sandra Day Oconnor in the 1952 graduating from stanford and editor in chief 40 firms she interfered she ended up accepting the job as the city attorney. But she did it for free in order to get in the door and look what she became. After i graduated from moscow i remember it like my first week this senior male Officers Office do you want to go to lunch today . What would your husband say . I said he would probably want to know if i was hungry [laughter] so we went to lunch. He wasnt modified. If you look at the judiciary there are six states that have female governors 20 states have of female chief justice of the Supreme Court and that says it all. In 20 states that have female justices and makes a huge difference. And with the u. S. Supreme court 35 of the federal bench has women. We are the magic 20 number. President obama has nominated an appointed 130 female justices in our country. 40 of the ports are run by a female justices. So they have made great progress. But looking at that legislation and then with the state of washington because they got into office in 1982 with fellow was in the books at that time anything to do with Domestic Violence with 100,000 of funding. There were no womens studies all based on bin. No Child Health Insurance available at the federal level. You could go on an arab on. Theyre all incredibly important areas that were neglected until you have the cohort of women realizing you know, how important this is. I will finish the conversation on this favored discussion because it is the hardest Glass Ceiling to break us then 5 are women only six governors and 18 of mayors. So that is for a reason talking about the senate talking about legislative office they think of women to be great at a winwin situation. And working together to create good outcomes. And with the with the news scenario to make those decisions on your own. And women are perceived to be weaker and in order to show that they can overcome this end the last time they were asked to be tough enough to be a commander in chief or comptroller of the national guard. It is a tricky needle to thread because you want to prove you are tough and thats not easy and it is also hard for hillary to embody this height Carly Fiorina how do show passion when you run for office in you are a woman . All the people here are screaming. When a woman raises the voice. It is Bernie Sanders can scream for 40 minutes. That is awesome and youll never see that happen. There are interesting challenges. Ted is about an end to get that under control and to put that aside. Of about what you have to say but it does seem people are assessed with the women are wearing with the families are light how many times and you hear what about your children or husband . They do not ask that to the men. It is justice of assumed they are taking care of. They dont have to position that initial question because of xyz. The more we have the corporate ceos that made frontpage news. So you have to have a lot to go one before that is frontpage news. I read the other day for hillary has to put an extra hour in her day because they dont have to get up to get their hair done. But it is what it is. When i first got to the senate i noticed very quickly to cut and the senators. If you are getting ready for of floor speech or press conference in you were very concerned about your hair and makeup the other senator the women. [laughter] the menu do that. Is a river talking about the makeup and thus letting . Talking about marco rubio is boots welcome to womens world. The reason is high heels in love falls from the treatises bigotry step on a with a high heel you are down. I interviewed 200 women and a bunch of others what was running for the second time. We will take your questions now. And. Good question. Today you have to raise money you have to realize it is something that you have to do. With Citizens United when the Supreme Court made and that decision it has changed the dynamics that 2008 senate race was night and day. The 2014 was 120 million the most expensive year in history. This is not good for democracy. With other organizations the first elected woman in the state house in North Carolina so it is named after her. To encourage women to run and if you do across the state to realize who is capable and to be very targeted. Back in 1998 to open the envelope it would be check after check 50 your 25 to give a great sense of momentum and confidence. We dont have the exact numbers but to have a very small percentage of those contributions. Very small. But she realized if you want to get into the game to be a part of this committee make a 25 contribution and that is why you have to encourage more women to get involved in the process. Democrats have been a vintage like emilys list or builtin donors. I dont think we have the advantage. I would say over republicans republican women dont have that same structure that Democratic Women have very few republican female donors. There are. But there are no female Koch Brothers or george soros or superdome under. But then you can cross that barrier plea cannot tell you how much that means. You do need them giving no bullseye its. Is j your real name . The neck is actually done never it is actually jennifer. I was born when my dad was asleep. He said he had a couple of sleepless nights they sent him to sleep and then they did an emergency procedure. The only picked boys names my mom picked the name jennifer without my father. My father hated the name. His nom named was graham everybody called him grey and so he started to called me j. Everybody calls me jay on the planet except for another. Most people think i in middleaged white man especially Rush Limbaugh or glenn beck our choice words. What do hope readers take away . Personally . When i am done reading it . But what i usually tell people is i was surprised i always thought in my lifetime to get parity that seemed like 1 million years away. So i was delighted it is a lot closer than any think. As i mentioned it was economic necessity and we at the cusp to bring women fully into the workforce by the year 2030 we will be a jowl in short 26 million workers. There are two ways to involve the shortfall or you bring women into foreign plant up to play it will have to deal with this issue there are models that we could use the what we have in japan of that promise kidded that than the u. K. Have that 30 club med middle management but that best example that i found was day program in australia called male to be is for change he cannot assume they will all bring out millions of women because they are though leaders right now so they very publicly challenged their workforce to report how many women they were recruiting or training and have no figures much they are paid or what levels. That transparency is key so they started to mock those that were not making it anneals trillion press are pretty vicious so i was interviewing Hillary Clinton we talked about how she would govern differently and they cited a Publicprivate Partnership model that would bring business a long to hire more women and retain more women. Is a direct answer but going into the workforce is about child care if you dont do something of the cost of child care you will not see those numbers. And this should be flat bed in center and i always told people equal pay for equal work is not just the women not one man that doesnt want his wife or daughter or sister to during the same pay that is why equal pay for equal work is an economic issue is a family issue i look at child care in equal pay to move our country for word. That message is that im hopeful i look at that millennial generation the first ever born the hallmark of the generation use the millenials to say i want paternity leave and went to go pick up my kids and 30 of First Contact our men. That will change as well you cannot have a workforce unless you bring more men into the home life. The one to ask a question about politics you mention the former senator and thoughtful this from the country we viewed North Carolina the lighthouse of this south but now it seems in a tremendously conservative direction that is one indication this School Boards are conservative the state legislature, can you define or pinpoint what has brought that about to change that scenario . I would love to. Look at North Carolina there are books or many articles also riding of peace from the new yorker if you go back 15 years there is a small group for the local city council if you think about it there are few places to invest money when you get control of the school board or even in the statehouse 120 house districts then you can control the majority of the state house then all of a sudden they are in charge. Coupled with that with happens every 10 years with the census then what happens . Then you are gerrymandered. They do have a case that went to the Supreme Court by the way you have to go back and read dry your congressional districts right now. But their primary opened this week that yet those underpart of the primary theyre not counting any of those now. So if you look at the gerrymandered districts and if you control the house in the Senate Whether democrat or republican you are in charge. That is what has happened in North Carolina the American Legislative Exchange council is a conservative group that puts out legislation North Carolina has passed more if you look at the voting id requirements the right to vote has all of these things adjusted to it those are the things that people have got to wake up to to realize it is not what the majority wants we have gerrymandered congressional seats and yet we still have republicans than democrats. About what that says you have to look at a different way to take of politics out of the gerrymandered districts so there are things that the president is focused on as well that is a problem for democracy in our country. With the pressure to come to bear it flies in the face of what we consider democracy with democratic politics. A big movement in North Carolina will have significant change. Any of their questions . Back to your question whether the most important things government can do is when you are 48 in the nation that teacher pay that is terrible and it has gotten people riled up in that is one of the main reasons you will see that. I worked for the National School board to be as helpful as we could to North Carolina. Thanks for being here. Dell pc to different ways to have gender equality of women coming together to fight for their rights on either hand programs from the United Nations to say i am a feminist to have gender equality how much do you think we need then to step up to gender equality . What is more successful . With in fighting for their rights or how much do they need to step up to say i of a feminist . To ask the female coworkers how much to do you get paid . The same amount that i do . Women already make a 47 of the workforce but make twothirds of minimumwage and threefourths of the shift workers when they have that education to make up the College Degrees in the graduate degrees. There are frankly not enough women or less than 5 of those to expect those into the management work force. Especially in the private sector to do that. Because women vote you dont have the power and the threat to get you to do what you need to do the zero tenders have more than average. So men who are elected have to appoint the women at the cabinet so when you have that public voice that they bring to bear the urgency with the voice of women with the same type of public voice echoing and to empower them know up until this point and also to hire and promote women. But talking about those millenials with that paternity leave for to take my kid to a kindergartner be very involved. And it is wonderful for women and men to come together to compromise. The more we can Work Together the much better off we will be. Reading an interesting book a couple of years ago. And this was the very different approach was because of prohibition if they were focused and they want men and women to do get the vote but heres somebody different but a way to use within four very different reason. If you ever looked at the website of pricewaterhousecoopers. The private companies are more on the Corporate Board did 26 percent more burning and even earning less. I want to take up the point about millennials. You talked about how millennials are the first generation that was born expecting equality. I think thats really illustrated in polls about support with Hillary Clinton. Women over 45 are overwhelmingly supported of hers and women

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