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Ban kimoon is joined by San Francisco mayor edwin lee, california governor jerry brown and House Minority leader nancy pelosi to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the United Nations. Hosted by the u. N. Foundation and city of San Francisco, this event is about 45 minutes. Ambassadors, consuls general, elected officials and distinguish guests and that includes everyone we welcome you to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations charter here in wonderful San Francisco. [ applause ] we thanking the pacific boys chorus for a wonderful start. [ applause ] and secretary general, we welcome, as i said him to california and i hope you remember when you were a teenager and that wasnt so long ago right that you were an Exchange Student and nearby novato. So youve learned a lot since then and now were happy to have you back as the secretary general. [ applause ] wed like to recognize the ambassadors that are here from around the world that are ambassadors to the United Nations. May i ask you to stand please . [ applause ] we in San Francisco would like to acknowledge our partnership with the United Nations for this celebration of the 70th anniversary. And we welcome the founder and chairman of the United Nations Foundation Ted turner. Ted, are you here . [ applause ] all right [ applause ] you know, you could have had your americas cup on San Francisco bay. Its not too late. You know, everyone here, especially those on the stage, know that a celebration like this cannot be held without the support of Wonderful Community leaders. So if i may i would like to recognize them. Brian chesky and airbnb community. Michael dell, Kaiser Permanente sean parker and the Parker Foundation nancy fund and phil polovkov, the sale force foundation and tom stier. Thank you for your sport. [ applause ] through these 70 years, we have had many celebrations in San Francisco to celebrate those 70 years of in San Francisco of the signing of the charter now people ask r asked yeah, people ask. They say why was in the San Francisco and i always say why not . So goes the story that president roosevelt, soviet leader stalin and Prime Minister churchill were in a discussion to decide where this meeting should take place but did not come up with any answer. Geneva . Well, that passed by. However there was a day that roosevelts secretary of state had a vision he had a vision and in his diary he recalls awakening at the inging at yalta on february 9, 1945 and writing i saw the Golden Sunshine and as i lay there on the shores of the black sea in the crimea, i could almost feel that fresh and invigorating air from the pacific. He suddenly imagined San Francisco as the ideal spot for the gathering. It was, after all equal distance between asia, europe, and latin america. Perfectly positioned for a world get together. Roosevelt also liked the idea to emphasize the importance of winning the pacific war. Well im sure most people have that vision of San Francisco and come here maybe for not as stately reasons but they do choose to come here well, they came here and the matriarch of one of the big old rush family, mrs. Flood graciously gave up her penthouse at the Fairmont Hotel and they drafted the United Nations charter. On june 25 1945 a dramatic session took place in the opera house which as host of you know is right behind us here and in that session lord halifax was presiding and he said this is such an incredible occasion. He said instead of saying inging inging yea or nay or holding your hand, we will stand. So 800 delegates stood. Then the press staff, visitors, 3,000 on a very strong standing ovation that was unprecedented because it was unanimous that the United Nations charter would be in session and would be passed. The next day on june 2650 nations went to our War Memorial Building which is right behind us which is being restored and will be open in september, the 50 people signed the charter and it was presided over by president truman and president truman said the United Nations charter is a solid structure upon which we can build a better world. We are proud in San Francisco that the United Nations was created in San Francisco an International City where we celebrate diversity. Now id like to introduce the landlord of these buildings. Have we paid our bill . [ laughter ] now, mayor lee hes he was not here 70 years ago like some of the other people here. [ laughter ] and there, willie brown. At that time the mayor, lee, his parents were immigrants from china and lived in seattle, his father fought in world war ii. As a teenager, he was a delegate to a National Model u. N. Today he shares the values of the United Nations advancing peace, human rights, gender equality protecting the environment environment. All of these he has pursued with strong leadership. May i present the mayor of the city and county of San Francisco, mayor ed lee. [ applause ] thank you charlotte. Isnt charlotte the most wonderful chief of protocol weve ever had . Thank you. [ applause ] thank you, charlotte. And before i say welcome, i must tell you that every time i see Willie Browns face here at city hall and i look around on these moments, these historical occasions im reminded that he led to effort to restore our city hall to make sure we had the world class place for world class event, thank you, mayor willie brown for that. [ applause ] good afternoon, everyone, welcome to city hall. Welcome to the peoples palace. [ applause ] the charter of the United Nations was signed on june 26, 1945, as charlotte said right here in San Francisco. A police of peace equality, acceptance and tolerance for all people. And we are proud of our citys role in leading the nation and perhaps the world on these very values. And at long last, ladies and gentlemen, Marriage Equality in the United States. [ cheers and applause ] we started that movement. We started that movement right here in San Francisco when then mayor Gavin Newsome dared to marry loving samesex couples right here in the dome of city hall nearly a decade ago and took civil rights, the civil rights issue of our generation to the highest court of our country and now our city leads the way in lgbt movement because we are committed to equality for all, equality without exception [ cheers and applause ] there is always always room for equality, so we are once again changing the world. These are San Francisco values and now they are values touted around the world. From the Gold Rush Days to the building of the railroad to wars liberation movements, the aids crisis, the dotcom boom and now our housing crisis. The story of San Francisco is one of rapid growth. Spurts of growth. Its a story of new industries and movements that brought new the waves of people all seeking a better life and opportunity that San Francisco more than most places has always represented. And with our Strong Economic Foundation we have a special opportunity to change the city for the better, to see that San Franciscos affordable for families and to ensure that every San Francisco shares in our citys rising prosperity. As usual it was dr. King who said it best. We may have come on different ships but were all in the same boat now. [ applause ] because hope and opportunity after all are really at the heart of the place this idea called San Francisco. Many of us came from somewhere else, or our parents did, or their parents before them. And whether it was guadalajara county cork or a rural place in texas, what brought us here was a sense of hope that San Francisco more than most places offered greater opportunities to a different and better life. We are changing the world once again where all lives matter and we are a beacon in a world to often torn apart by differences. Here in San Francisco we celebrate diversity, we just dont tolerate it. As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the United Nations charter and because of the secretary generals goal to end all forms of discrimination and ensure that each and every member of the human family can enjoy their fundamental human right s rights i am pleased to present his excellency ban kimoon with our citys highest honor, the key to our city. [ applause ] [ applause ] its a great honor, and thank you very much. [ applause ] im so delighted that he is joined today by his American Mother mrs. Patterson, as well. Hell explain that hopefully in a minute. [ applause ] on behalf all the way from novato. On behalf of the city and county of San Francisco i to continuing our work with the United Nations and ensuring freedom and equality for everyone without exception. It is my great pleasure to introduce someone that everybody here knows and hes doing such a fantastic job, the great governor of our state of california, the honorable jerry brown. [ applause ] thank you mayor, its great to be here. I cant help but note i came here first on june 8, 1944. And i sat right here watching my father sworn in as the District Attorney of San Francisco so i go back 72 years. [ laughter ] to celebrate this great day the United Nations is such an amazing idea and its declaration of human right, what an unimaginable idea at the time. El noor roosevelt was instrumental in making that happen. And those many years when the countries of russia and china and america all these other major countries got together, after all the killing and the suffering and the holocaust to enshrine this hope the United Nations, United Nations committed to universal declarational rights. Well, what a wonderful thing. And were not there yet. But it gives me hope that something that was completely unimaginable when this United Nations charter was adopted here in San Francisco, that is Marriage Equality has become a reality. [ applause ] so i think we can take great comfort and hope from the fact that people didnt even conceive of not so many decades ago has become a reality but the United States Supreme Court all over this country. Marriage equality, the right to samesex couples now recognized gee the highest court in the land. Who would have ever thought that even five years ago . But it happened. It happened. [ applause ] so it is never time to give in to cynicism or despair or belief things cant happen. Things can happen and the United Nations can fulfill its dream of a world at peace. Of a world where the climate is protected instead of destroyed. Where Nuclear Weapons are eliminated instead of replicated and built up. So a great opportunity to renew our hope in the impossible dream because we saw the impossible dream become the reality of today and now we have to then believe and do everything we can to make sure the United Nations cans fulfill its fundamental mandate. Let me now introduce someone whos been in the forefront of making all these things come to pass in the United States congress. Our leader of San Francisco, our leader of the democrats and hopefully the leader of the entire congress as soon as possible, nancy pelosi, my good friend. [ cheers and applause ] and fellow i wont say fellow immigrant to San Francisco. Like everyone else on this stage. Thank you very much, governor brown. On behalf of the congress of the United States it is my privilege to bring greetings and congratulations to all of you gathered here on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations. Many more of my colleagues would be here, but at this moment they are accompanying president obama to Charleston South Carolina to be with people there as we mourn the loss that was suffered this past week in that community. And we do that sitting here in this city hall a place that has been the scene or a hate crime too. Over 17 years ago. And thats why it makes the Supreme Court decision today all the more momentous and spectacular for all of us here. As Martin Luther king said and has been said, nobody said it better than he, the arc slowly but it bends towards justice. What great morning we had to erase some of the sorrow we have been carrying. [ applause ] i am very honored to welcome the secretary general to join in welcoming security general to San Francisco and to this city hall. Im pleased to do so with mayor lee and to say to the secretary general we had the conference of mayors last week and lee has been in the forefront of all of the issues. That you are championing at the un. I particularly mention his leadership where the mayors gave their awards and established their priority of protecting our people working for people in a planet friendly way. Thank you mayor, lee for your leadership. To be introduced by jerry brown is a great honor. This is a visionary. When he was governor the first time he was saying some of the things people are only now saying today about climate and the environment. A visionary then, building on that now a leader of the world. Human rights and Environmental Justice as they all go together. I want to acknowledge the presence of the president of the ceo of the United Nations foundation. Thank you for your leadership. I want to say of willy graham, yes, he had the esthetic dream and pride but he came to the congress for the money to get city hall done. We all take pride in all this. Thank you for your leadership. I do want to say and acknowledge how proud we are of ambassador Samantha Powers who is our ambassador to the United Nations. The secretary general honors us with his presence. But he honors us doubly by having ms. Von with him. Thank you so much. To all of you, thank you for being here today. We are gathered here. In commemoration and celebration of one of the great moments of history. A great moment of history for the world. A great moment for the history of our country. A great moment for our city. 70 years ago the delegates of 50 nations gathered in San Francisco opera house to open a new era. For humanity. Here in San Francisco the hope earlier of president wilson, the vision of president roosevelt. The congratulations of president truman were all fulfilled. On an earlier occasion when president roosevelt was here when he was nominated for Vice President he said if you want toods somethingto do something right, do it in San Francisco. Here in San Francisco, diplomats found their way to a dream by a parliament of men and federation of the world. On this day in 1945 the city on the golden gate, the word went forward. We the people, not we the countries, we the people of the United Nations would come together in a new union to promote freedom and advance to run confront disease, hunger and poverty to lead the world in the olive branches of peace. How proud they would be of secretary general. Im going to depart for a moment of personal privilege, if i may. Earlier today i heard the secretary general reference a meeting he had with president kennedy. I wanted to tell you my connection to the u. N. When i was a teenager in the 50s, my father was the mayor of baltimore. I was in high school and i was a member of United Nations youth. Senator kennedy who was hoping to be president came to baltimore to speak to a dinner. The United Nations association of maryland honoring someone named jacob bloustein. Who was a big supporter of the un. My mother said she was sick. Ill never know. She said you can take my place at the dinner knowing how much i admired senator kennedy. And so i had the privilege of sitting next to him. He was a featured speaker at the dinner, sitting next to him and hearing his words of encouragement to view the world globally and encouraging young people to do that. It was something, of course, ill never forget and this is the best place i could tell that story of so many years ago. [ applause ] it wasnt long after that that he became president and at the u. N. , before the u. N. General assembly, he spoke of global action. He said plague and pollution, the hunger of children are the foes of every nation, the earth, the sea and the air can be the concern of every nation and Science Technology and education can be the ally of ever nation. The truth of president kennedys words speaks across the generation. True today they are the thoughts that are conveyed every day by our great secretary general. Seven decades after its founding, the United Nations and the ideals of the charter that guides it continue to inspire and challenge its member nations to answer our responsibility to fellow human beings. Under the leadership of secretary general moon with his fresh eyes on every subject a strong un has made for a better world. In so many arenas, the United Nations has played a role. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for mr. Secretary general for driving the National Mobilization against hiv and aids. In advancing human rights and empowering women and girls he has been a leader. In recognizing the scale and the urgency of the Climate Crisis where i have seen first hand his determination. He has given an impassioned leadership to the cause. It is now my great pleasure to introduce the leader of this great gathering. A man dedicated to advancing peace, promoting sustainability and upholding the ideals and vision of the founders who came together in this great city of San Francisco. Honored guests all of you, please join me in welcoming the 8th secretary general of the United Nations. Kimoon. [ applause ] thank you. Please take seats. Honorable nancy pelosi congresswoman and democratic leader of the United States house of representatives thank you for your very kind introdication and thank you for your great leadership. The United Nations are very much grateful for your continuing support and we need your support from the congress. [ applause ] the honorable jerry brown, i thank you for your continuation and for your strong support frt the United Nations and Climate Change and social development. Im looking forward to working very closely with you. Thank you for your leadership. [ applause ] the honorable lee, mayor of San Francisco, thank you for organizing great and historic opportunity to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the signing. Its a great uninationted nations charter. And by honoring me with this key of San Francisco. I will keep it on behalf of all the United Nations staff for our working day and night for world peace and security. Thank you again for your recognition for this great meeting today. Thank you. [ applause ] and id like to thank recognize particularly mrs. Short. Shes been working as a chief of protocol of this great city since when i was a courier. Whenever i came with my present foreign minister and shes always been there. And as a secretary general i have been very much helped by you and thank you very much. Thank you. Id like to thank our colleague and ambassadors who came all the way from new york. Thank you for your participation and strong commitment. Thank you very much, thank you. And honorable concert generals and members of Diplomatic Group groups [ applause ] yes. Yes. [ applause ] thank you mufor your continuing commitment. She may be very young, but she has given such a strong hope sense of hope to many girls around the world who have been ignored and discriminated. And she campaigned this cause. What terrorist fear most is girls who can read and who go to school. And she has given such a great message to our world and thank you very much malala again. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us to celebrate the founding of the United Nations, the indispensable organization i am honored and proud to serve. Id like to tell you that i regret that his excellency who is serving as president of the General Assembly of the United Nations could not be with us today to represent the Member States of the United Nations who make up the United Nations. But i welcome, again, the many distinct ambassadors who are recognizing the United Nations today. And thank you very much again. [ applause ] and, again id like to express my special gratitude to governor and mayor of this San Francisco and great state of california. The center of diversity and invasion. In fact, San Francisco is not just about the place of the United Nations. For me, personally, it was the place where my passion my passion as a young boy to be a Global Citizen that was born. My passion was born here in San Francisco in 1962. More than half a century ago. To be exact 1962. I came to the United States as a part of a young student group. International student, sponsored by the American Red Cross society. I was just 18 years old at the time. Our trip began right here in San Francisco in the bay area. It was my first ever foreign trip. You may understand. It was my eye opening to the world. Greater world. I was hosted by a very kind pattersons, a wonderful family. Mrs. Patterson is here with us. [ applause ] shes now 97 years old. What an admiralble lady. Thank you very much. Shes my american mom. Thank you. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, the drafting of the charter was a glorious gamble. Delegates from dozens of countries bet on humanity. So much faith was lost in the trenches and gase chambers of two world wars in the space just one generation. But they dared to believe in something bigger than a person or a country. For two months they turned San Franciscos war memorial into a peace palace. More than 3000 women and men took part in the negotiation. One them was miss ellen durman. A High School Senior at that time. She was a spanish translator and helped everyone speak the universal language of peace. Im pleased that she was the first un staff who is still here with us. Ms. Newman, thank you very much for joining us today. [ applause ] the delegations were against the backdrop. The liberation prison camps and victory in europe. Victory in San Francisco was never assured. Today, we take the ideal of the United Nations for granted. But bringing in to life required huge state craft to reach differences among the delegations. Through intense negotiations, they began to realize their dream. They knew you do not just rebuild broken societies with bricks and mortar but with ideas. With the adoption of the United Nations charter, a word in rubble found a path toward renewal. Ladies and gentlemen, i was born just months before the United Nations was born. But it did not take long for it to change my world for good. When the korean war ravaged my country, i lost my home, my village, my school. Everything was destroyed, burnt. But help came bringing the United Nations flag. That was a beacon for all the korean people. Help came from unicef, sacks of grain and textbooks from unesco. And many young soldiers from 16 Member States and five more who would send their young soldiers. And five more countries who sent their medical teams. The representatives of those countries are participating in this. And i thank you for your sacrifice and support at that time. [ applause ] i would not have been able to stand as secretary general of the United Nations now without the help of the United Nations. That was the first peacekeeping mission of the United Nations since the birth of the United Nations. The United Nations showed that we were not alone. Today, when i travel to refugee camps and conflict areas around the world, i tell young people, refugees and displaced persons, saying that dont despair. You are not alone. United nations stands with you. I myself made it and you can too. The United Nations will support you. This is what im sending messages to many helpless and unfortunate young people and refugees around the world. And i believe it is my mission and our mission of the United Nations every day the United Nations feeds the hungry, shelters refugees. 60 million refugees now. And vaccines more than 60 of children we vaccine against deadly disease. Every day we depend human rights for all, regardless of race gender, religion, nationality and sexual orientation. [ applause ] and that regard, i welcome the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that paves the way for gay and lesbian americans to have their relationship legally recognized no matter which part of the United States they are living in. And this is a great step forward for human rights in the United States. And i join the Lgbt Community and its millions of allies in celebrating this historic decision. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, the United Nations led the charge in dismantling colonialism, bringing freedom to millions of people. We mobilize the world to defeat apartheid, our peacekeepers are on the front lines of war. Our mediator bring everyone to the table of peace. Yet tragedy has also been with us every step of the way. Genocide, war and a thousand daily indignities and abuse plague far too many people, especially women. Conflict has forced more people to flee their homes today than at any time since the end of the second world war. Forces of division are on the march pedaling the false promise of isolation in an ever more interdependent world. And the planet itself is at risk. Ladies and gentlemen, 70 years ago miss ellen newman was a young student. Today, we are honored again to be joined bide another, malala. Malala, you are radaughter of the United Nations and a torch bearer for young generations. Thank you for reminding us that anniversariesyies are about the future. We vehave a big world ahead. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen i tell you why we have big works ahead. In september, World Leaders including president obama will come to the United Nations special session, special summit session and well adopt an inspiring agenda to end global poverty. In december the International Community has committed to reach a bold Climate Change agreement to place the world on more sustainable footing. These are once in a generation opportunities. This is our San Francisco moment. Let us work to make these things happen. [ applause ] the next guest on the podium, ladies and gentlemen, in signing the United Nations charter, the founders achieved what many thought impossible. It first was to heed the charters course to unite our strength, unite our strength and to use their creation, the United Nations, for the common good. The United Nations is the home and hope of all humankind. The charter is our compass. Let us never relent on the journey to a better world for we the people. And i thank you for your strong commitment. Lets Work Together to make this better for all the people. Thank you very much. [ applause ] [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, the secretary general will now present United Nations charters to the delegation from the future. Three young adults from the bay area, renae gerarrd. An alise and dennis. The un charter, 70 years today and 70 years from now. Please welcomealise and dennis. The un charter, 70 years, today, and 70 years from now. Please welcome them. [ applause ] thank you, mr. Secretary general, for gracing us on this wonderful occasion in San Francisco and also around the world. The 70th anniversary of the United Nations. We are all, im sure, hoping for peace and praying for peace around the world. So we welcome you here today. And we look forward to you being here on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations charters signed in our beautiful San Francisco. Thank you very much for being here. [ applause ] [ applause ] [ applause ] each week American History tvs reel america brings you archive films that provide Historical Context of the 21st century

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