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Mccaul and dutch russberger and marco rubio and chris kuntz for sponsoring the event today. Between my time in Fox News Channel and in london ive been covering terrorism since 1987. So for 30 years. And i was reminded that it was about six years ago that we were celebrating the takedown of Osama Bin Laden at his compound in pakistan, which was in so many respects an extraordinary accomplishment. And then later in 2011, a successful drone strike took out Anwar Al Awlaki targeted for death by the cia and the father of this digital jihad that we are living today. And im reminded that it is one thing to kill a man, and another to kill his ideas. And here we are today in a threatened environment which is extremely dynamic and extremely diverse. And the topic of our panel today is whether the i. C. , the Intelligence Community, has the tools it needs to blunt this terrorist threat and would you like to introduce members of our panel. I would like to begin with jane harman on my far left. She is a very family face here on capitol hill. She resigned from congress in february of 2011 to join the Woodrow Wilson center as the first female director, president and ceo, representing the Aerospace Center of california during nine terms in congress, jane served on all major security committees and has made numerous congressional factfinding missions, to hot spots, including north korea, afghanistan, and guantanamo bay. She has been recognized as a National Expert on security and Public Policy issues, jane has received the Defense Department medal for distinguished service, the cia seal medal and the cia directors award and the National Intelligence distinguished Public Service medal. Jane, thank you for joining us. And immediately next to jane is congressman pete hoekstra. He is the chairman of the House Committee on intelligence between 2004 and 2007 where he partnered with jane harman in passing legislation in 2004. The first modernization of the Intelligence Community in 50 years. Chairman hoekstra is currently working on tourism as the showman senior feller. Congressman will hurd, former undercover cia officer and entrepreneur and Cyber Security expert he is the u. S. Representative for the 23rd Congressional District of texas which stretches from san antonio to el paso and includes 800 miles of the u. S. Mexico border. In washington he serves on the permanent select mit kmity on intelligence as wells the vice chair of the maritime and Border Security subcommittee on the committee for Homeland Security and as the chairman of the Information Technology subcommittee on the oversight and government reform committee. Immediately on my left is nicholas ma Nicholas Rasmussen from the nctc. Prior to becoming director, he served with the National Security counsel staff as special assistant to the president and senior director for counterterrorism where he was responsible for providing Staff Support to the president , the National Security adviser and Homeland Security adviser on counterterrorism policy and strategy and also previously served on the nsc staff as director for Regional Affairs in the office of combatting terrorism. Nick, i want to start with you. Flint, michigan. Was this an individual who was on any of our watch lists . First of all, i think it is too early to say exactly what we knew and i think i would probably in deference to my fbi and local Law Enforcement colleagues in michigan want to step back a second before we share publicly what was known and what well learn in the days ahead. I would just say that any Law Enforcement investigation you know more on day two than you knew on day one and youll know more on day ten than you knew on day nine. So i think i would be getting out in front of my fbi colleagues if i went very far on the specifics of the individual. That said, the indications are that this individual may have been motivated by the kind of ideology you referenced in your opening remarks, catherine. And i think while it is too soon to draw firm conclusions, certainly the type of attack that was conducted bears some of the hallmarks of things weve seen in other capitols around the world in recent days. Attacks that are not particularly complex, they are not particularly largescale, they are not particularly sophisticated and yet they can do enormous harm and cause loss of life and strike terror and fear and insecurity in the hearts of populations. And so that makes them worthy of our heightened concern. At the same time, it is a different threat environment than the threat environment that weve been living with for much of the post 9 11 period. Yes, it is more complex. Yes, it is more dynamic. Yes, it is more challenging in many ways. But it is also worth remembering and not losing sight of the progress weve made in mitigating some of those threats that we were the most worried about a decade ago or five or six years ago when al qaeda was our principle counterterrorism concern. The threat of a large scale mass casualty attack aimed at a u. S. City, i think weve done a tremendous amount to reduce the likelihood of that a terrorist group, isis or al qaeda could carry out such an attack. The likelihood of an large scale attack using weapons of mass destruction, i think weve made tremendous progress in building up our defenses to counter that attack. And as a point to a threat that is challenging, disturbing, concerning, all of the words you want to use, it is worth differentiating what we talk about when we talk about that threat environment. Jane, when you sat on the House Committee on intelligence as the ranging democrat, is this what the future looked like in terms of the threaten environment . Well, first of all, let me say about you, catherine, since you introduced all of us in glowing terms that you are an extraordinarily capable reporter and i think everybody should respect the quality of jurnism you bring to fox and i want to express my distress that fair and balanced has been removed as the moniker of fox. Way above my pay grade. But i would offer this fair and balanced comment. Which is that the terrorists arent going to check our Party Registration before they blow us up. So this is really something we have to do on a bipartisan basis. And pete and i, when we served as chairman, which he was and Ranking Member, which i was, did that. And it is also true that when i chaired the intelligence subcommittee of Homeland Security and mcmccall was my Ranking Member, we did that. Just want to put that out there. Bipartisanship is not dead. But it needs to be more robust than it has been. No, i didnt imagine that this would happen. We were there on 9 11. There was no contingency, survival plan for congress. Many of us were Milling Around in front of the capitol and i remember going to saxby chamblisss apartment just off the hill. He at that time was i think chair and i was Ranking Member on a subcommittee of in tell and his tiny little basement apartment had golf clubs which took up half of the place and a bed and there was no place to go. And we finally commandeered the Capitol Police headquarters and went there and tried to offer help but we never imagined that what came at us on 9 11 was going to metastasize into this. And i do want to commend nick and the nctc and the other parts of the i. C. For heroic work trying to get ahead of the problem. But no, speaking for me, we didnt anticipate it and youre right, it is an idea, it is not just a person. And defeating an army is one thing. Defeating an idea is a lot harder. Congressman hoekstra. Bipartisanship. Thanks. And lack of technology. There is no way that jane and i or those of us on the Intelligence Committee anticipated this, especially when we were leaving in 2011. I mentioned to jane, as you went through the countries that she visited, you didnt mention one that was maybe the most notable. We had some very interested trips and that was to libya to meet with gadhafi and we were part of the process, a small part of the process that ended up in gadhafi flipping and becoming an ally in fighting radical jihadist threat that was out there. The interesting thing is jane asked me about one of the people that we met, musa cusa, who was his intelligence chief, a graduate of michigan state, and a big fan of tom izzo and those types of things. But we took one trip, we went to egypt, we met with mubaric, and arafat and we met with assad, later on we met with gadhafi. Little did we ever imagine that four or five years later we would be looking at a threat environment where iraq was a failed state, with isis, that syria was a that syria would be a failed state, that libya would be a failed state, that egypt would lose control of the sinai, that we would have changed our policy and started working with the muslim brotherhood. And that that is really changed, when you saw those failed states, when the saw the refugees, when you saw the mass migration into europe, the fighters going from europe, some from the United States, into syria and into libya and now coming back into europe and those countries, those have all created a threat environment that i dont think anybody ever saw coming out on the horizon. And now that the challenge is how do you go back and stabilize syria . How do you go back and stabilize libya and yemen and we still really havent gotten a strategy to address a number of those issues. So congressman hurd, weve got a a handful of failed states, which are effectively safe havens for terrorist groups, so does the i. C. Have the tools to work with entities in those nations to try and gather intelligence effectively and, if not, how do we do the workaround in. Ill try to answer that question in less than 50 minutes. So the Intelligence Community has the capabilities and the resolve, they have the right people, they have the leadership. But this is an issue that is bigger than just the Intelligence Community. And it starts with, i think ambassador crocker is here today and is talking later and one of the things that he always said is if you have wing tips and pumps on the ground, it prevents boots on the ground. Basically saying, that when you have diplomats in some of the regions doing the work that diplomats do, you can prevent the need for having to come in militarily. So we have to support the state department. We have to make sure that u. S. A. I. D. Have a strong budget to do their work and we have to make sure that the Intelligence Community has the operating authorities to bring the hammer down on the folks over there. But we also have to think about what day do we celebrate . One of the things a question i all ask people when that are experts in this field, i say what do you day celebrate when it comes to global war on terrorism . And the best answer ive gotten is from my friend and ambassador hank compton, former head of was involved in prosecuting the war in afghanistan following 9 11. And he said, you dont celebrate a day. Because terrorism is always going to be here. It is like influenza and the strategy you use to fight influenza are some of the same strategies that you have to deal with when it comes to terrorism. So we have to bring our hammer down and stop them from having safe haven and counter their ideology. When i was chasing al qaeda in pakistan, they were doing a thing called night letters ab putting them on peoples doorsteps and now isis is translated into 49 different languages. We have to counter that and we have to make sure that local Law Enforcement and commercial security have the information on techniques and procedures these bad guys are using in order to defend the population from this. This is a hard problem and broughter than just the Intelligence Community. Nick, you suggested in your earlier statement that we have disrupted significant plots targeting the homeland, is that correct . Yes. And im talking about kind of a sweep of a long period of history in the period since 9 11. Lets talk about recently. Have we disrupted major plots targeting the u. S. In the last year . Dont know that i would Say Something with that degree of specificity, we constantly looking to identify individuals who may have designed on the homeland but i dont think i would put anything in the category the same way just put it. But i would say, weve stopped people that were capable of planning and plotting a major attack on the u. S. You have to remember, when you take key people off the battlefield that have the capabilities and the leadership abilities to do some of these things, that counts. And there have been a number of those significant activities. I wasnt tried to i didnt want to leave the impression that necessarily there was some incipient imminent plot aimed at the homeland that kind of just came close to happening because i think that would be misleading. But i want to pick up on Something Else that congressman hurd say, the different away of things that we can do to defend ourselves includes all of the things that the congressman mentioned but one of the things that is underplayed in this discussion, particularly in a homeland context, is just an effort to create a greater sense of societal resilience, and a sense that we will cope, and prosper and bounce back and succeed in living our lives regardless of what happens on any given day. I would agree with Hank Crumpton that unfortunately some form of terrorism will be a semi permanent feature of the landscape, whether it is this ideology or some future ideology and so the answer is to continue to hone our Law Enforcement and intelligence capabilities and bring the hammer down when the hammer needs to be brought down. But the big part of the answer is also giving the communities around this country the tools they need to protect themselves, the information they need to protect themselves, and an understanding of the terrorist threat so they could understand how to put this terrorist threat in perspective as a rate against all of the other things to worry about on a given day. I just wanted to point out how hard this is and to salute the Intelligence Community for what it is able to do. It will never be 100 effective. Now we have learned that the new tools of terror are a big truck and a butcher knife. And even if we have gun control in this more gun control in this country, there are still people with validly licensed guns who go crazy and do dumb stuff and kill people. So thats not the casa strophic threat that you were asking about, catherine. But i dont rule that out, either. There are biological weapons easily accessible in hospitals. And anyway, but the other point i wanted to make is resilience matters, yes, it does. Think britain. Keep calm and carry on. Theyve had more attacks than anyplace but there are also things we can do to win the argument. You said this is an idea. And yes, having pumps and wing tips is a way to win the argument, using just diplomacy, but there are better arguments against the arguments that recruit child brides to go get their Swimming Pool in afghanistan or wherever it is, yemen or someplace that peter and i have been. I went to yemen, i dont think you did. I did. Oh, you did. Everything he could do to keep up with me, he actually did. But so how do we win the argument . We live our values. That is a very important part of it. A lot of people want to live here because of our values. We also do effective counter messaging that we need to work on more. When john kelly was talking earlier, i think most of you were here, he was talking about the response part and he was talking about the private sector intercepting bad messages, but the private sector is also capable of in near simultaneous time putting on good messages. And having those who have escaped from the horror of these of isis or those who are respected imams or respected Community Figures come up in the same space that some kid is looking at and say, you know, wait a minute. Here is a alternate idea and having communities give these kids opportunities, these lost kids who are susceptible to the messages. So i think there are some tools we need to invest in more. And catherine, if i could add on to what jap jane is talking about. This notion that in the cia, you learn about covert influence or a covert action, but as a country, not just a government, but as a country, how do we do counter covert influence and that opens up a whole lot of questions. And in order to do proper counter covert influence, you have to have groups like the wils Wilson Center and philanthropic groups. Thank you for that. Appreciate you that. What you are all doing on nafta is awesome, by the way. Coxing from texas, this is an important issue. But it is that counter covert influence and it is hard to coordinate the various elements within just the Intelligence Community. So thinking about how you coordinate the federal intel in Law Enforcement, local Law Enforcement and the private arena in order to have a somewhat coordinated strategy on how were going to deal with this ideology is hard. But i will say this, jane, the bipartisanship that you all showed, that exists. I think todays event is a perfect example. Chairman mike mccaul and dutch russ burger are two key examples of how we could Work Together across ideological divide to make sure were focusing on protecting our homeland. Nick, what tools do you want that you dont have right now . I guess i would turn the question a little bit, instead of identifying a single tool, saying if i could go off the shelf and buy that, wed be set. I thi i think i look at it more of a transformational exercise. The difference of intelligence analysis for understanding the modern terrorism threat is literally changing under our feet as were doing the job every day. And so i often think about this, the analysts we probably hired ten years ago, who came with really Strong Social science backgrounds, good writers and thinkers who had Language Skills and understand the dynamics in yemen and pakistan and syria and iraq, we need all of that. And were going to continue hiring those people and training those people. But we also need people now who know how to look at haystacks of data and sift through the data and make sense of the data and draw nonobvious connections that help us shrink the size of the haystack so we could point shine our light or the light the limited light of the resources on those issues of the great concern, the individuals with the greatest concern. So now what im talking to young people who want to work in the Intelligence Community, i hope you can write and that you are digitallitier at and put new front of a spreadsheet with dozens of data points and you could use that and could you hire people like that, you have to empower them with the kind of tools youre asking about catherine and most of them are things that are available. Big data is not a problem that only the government has. There is is a sector of the private industry that isndealin with big data. So we could go to school on a lot of that with our private sector partners and friends but i want to make sure we have the right workforce to do what we need to do five years from now, ten years from now, to fight terrorism. And catherine, this is what i love about the Intelligence Community, nick is a perfect example. Were going to do it. Yes is the answer. What is the question. But what they need is more some of the Technology Like computer vision, because when you are looking at legislative imagery and from different parts of the day, a human eye is not going to detect a car that was moved half a pixel. Theyre not going to be able to detect a gray versus silver car. And being able to introduce that kind of technology into the Analytical Framework is going to help make sure were delivering the kind of results that we need. So not only is it making sure that we introduce that technology, but that the folks within the Intelligence Community know how to leverage it for to achieve the desired outcomes. And i want to bring jean and pete in here on this issue of interrogations. One of the criticisms of the last administration is that we got out of the interrogation business. Should we be getting back into it in a more robust way . Let me answer your previous question in terms of does the Intelligence Community have what it needs and i will answer your interrogation question as well. I look at the overall environment and these are some of the things that i jane and i worked on together when we were on the committee. It is absolutely essential and im glad that the bipartisan nature, the nonpartisan nature of the Intelligence Community continues. I dont necessarily always see that. But im not here. So i think you need that. The other thing i think i look forward to the day when the Intelligence Community moves back into the background and not on the front page every day. That it has effective oversight with congress. Im not saying go and do it without oversight. But intelligence needs to be done in the background, not on the front page. I like for the day when we restore the public trust into the Intelligence Community. Weve lost a lot of that now with what is going on with perceived things within nsa and weve had those struggles and debates in congress and the congress and the public is suspicious about what the Intelligence Community is doing to america and americans to keep us safe. They have to have a longterm out look and i think they need the red teaming alternative scenario and they could not have group and this is one of the ideas or concepts that we identified in 2001 as a problem, the terrorists are getting more creative but you have north korea, we need the red team alternative analysis to lay out the scenarios for policymakers and saying this is what we think is going to happen, but here is a 180 degree different look at that. Interrogation, for people on the battlefield, if we are capturing people, we need to intarot gate and Congress Needs to set the limits for how that takes place but just saying we are not interrogating no. Capturing live people is a great source of information that compliments Everything Else you get. We had that struggle and debate about what is acceptable and what is not numerous times and that evolves. But Congress Sets the parameters and the Intelligence Community implements but interrogation absolutely needs to happen. A couple of additions to that. It was a very courageous thing of special Operations Command to physically go to capture Osama Bin Laden. He was killed, but they did capture if they had used a drone and bombed his facility, the pocket litter, the stuff would not have been captured. So it is not just capturing people, which we should do, as an alternative to killing them, when possible, but it is also capturing their data, which is crucial. So i wanted to make that point. But back up, pete. Early in the bush 43 administration, i was briefed, i think you were not yet chairman, porter goss was the chairman on the enhanced interrogation techniques. Read your New York Times today, this stuff is finally seeing the light of day. And was briefed by then General Council of the cia, personally briefed with one staffer in the room and my this was very early. We all thought we would be attacked again and were extremely worried about the safety of the country. But my responsible to that was to write a letter then classified since declassified to that general counsel saying, i wanted to know what policy guidance he was given about those techniques. Hes not the Intelligence Community doesnt make policy. The Intelligence Community presents intelligence to policymakers, who make policy. At any rate, i wrote that letter because frankly i was quite shocked by what was on the list that i was briefed about. And i never received a substantive response. And the Bush Administration in its first term chose basically to operate under the president s commanderinchief authorities, his article 2 authorities and he does have those and they are important. But not to go through congress, and we had to struggle and you will remember this, to get the memos. We never got them from the office of Legal Counsel in the justice department, not on my watch any way. We never got them. And to get the Information Congress needed to do proper over sight. Pete is right. That there should be robust interrogation within legal limits subject to congressional over sight. Let me just reinforce what jane said. This is one where we walked in tandem for almost the whole ten years were we together on the intel committee, regardless of what role. And that is the executive branch has to be accountable to congress and follow the parameters that congress establishes and way too often in the time that we served, we couldnt get the information that we felt was absolutely essential for us to do effective oversight. And i think that diminishes the Intelligence Community and puts in place a framework where you could have an executive branch, whether it is republican or democrat, it doesnt matter. The executive branch has to be accountable to congress for what happens in the Intelligence Community, because we at that time, we set the parameters and they implement. And you cant have a president moving and doing things and it is only a gang of eight that they wouldnt even share information with. And that is totally unacceptable. On the al qaeda question, nick, what is al qaedas potential to carry out a mass casualty attack directed at the United States . Again, i think i was talking about that a little bit earlier. I was not being very specific. But i think we have done a great deal to degrade and constrain al qaedas ability, at least the core of al qaeda, the part of al qaeda that carried out the 9 11 attack against the United States, weve done a great deal to degrade that core capability resident in afghanistan and pakistan. There is no question though that al qaeda remains a robust, rye sill yent organization with a Global Presence and that their al qaeda affiliate organizations around the world that are profoundly threatening to u. S. Interest. I think about the amount of time we spender worries about al qaeda and the Arabian Peninsula and was directed at the United States over the last decade and this goes to some of your question about earlier about failed states, or safe havens and the difficulty we have in constraining terrorist activity in places like yemen. The fact that you see isis on the headlines and read it as being the forefront of the global terrorism problem, it shouldnt detact from the idea that your government, your Intelligence Community, is still focused, i would argue, as a matter of First Priority on al qaeda as a threat to the u. S. Interest, every bit as much as we are focused on isis. We get the privilege of having multiple number one priorities, that is one of the nice things about working in this area. And it means you sometimes have to make choices about where you stretch and spread your resources. But al qaeda has never stopped being kind of a number one principal terrorism concern for the United States even as isis has taken over the headlines. And just on that point, the most active base of operation, is al qaedas now in syria. I guess i would say either syria or yemen. Aqap, al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and they are concern the most interest to us. And the bomb maker al asiri, is he restricted to the Laptop Computers going on in the United States. And i think the chairman talked about the thinking that went into the aviation measures that the secretary enacted several a couple of months ago. And i think the best way i would describe that is that the known al qaeda figure operating out of yemen and focused on aviation as a targeting priority is that is one vector of intelligence that we continue to worry about. And focus on. But weve also seen other terrorist organizations try, fail and even some cases have some success at targeting aviation. So think of what happened in recent months more as an accumulation over time rather than tied to one individual. Because i wouldnt want to send the impression if we just got the right individual off the battlefield we would have secured our Aviation Industry for offe for ever. I dont believe that. What is concerning is how per spiftent and persistent and committed they are after going after aviation. So if it is not him, someone else will emerge to pick up that mantle. So he is active in targeting and plotting . I dont know that i would go that farment, i dont want to t about specific Intelligence Matters here. I would feel better if i knew with certainty that he wasnt. A double negative. Pete and jane, you touched on this earlier, what role do you think the current political environment is playing in terms of either helping or impeding this war against is that a trick question. Impeding im sure everyone in this room thinks that. Im not making having expressing an opinion about the political environment except that the Intelligence Community cannot become the adversary or even the participant in the partisan mudslinging. It could not. It has to remain impartial. There is a biblical statement in the main hall of the cia, it has been quoted all of the time and the truth shall set you free. George h. W. Bush, when he was cia director, i think was responsible for putting that statement there. And that is a hallowed hall. You know all know that with the tars on the wall of those, some of whom still cant be identified, who gave their lives to keep this country safer. But we need the most robust Intelligence Community we can field, pete and i worked on helping to reshape it in 2004 after the failures of 9 11 and the iraq wmd analysis and i think we reshaped it in a better way. The director of National Intelligence authorities are not perfect. It was congress for gosh sakes. But we worked closely together. We were two of the socalled big four working on that bill. The authorities are adequate to give the i. C. Tools that it needs to do its best job. Not a perfect job, there is no such thing as a 100 security and you just heard that the terrorists are very agile and try to work beyond us. And we have to scramble to keep up. Pete is exactly right about red teaming, by the way. So my bottom line here is, we need to praise the i. C. , we need to give it the right tools and then give it robust oversight on a bipartisan basis by congress. One of janes favorite comments used to be truth to power. That is what the Intelligence Community has to do. They have to be able to do the analysis and tell the political leaders here is what we see regardless of where the chips may fall politically. And so there is a responsibility then for political leaders to express their views and to hold the Intelligence Community accountable for their performance there is also a responsibility for the intelligence kmit community to act in a way that that has integrity to it. The leaks coming out of it appears some of the leaks coming out of the Intelligence Community are totally unacceptable. So there is a fault on both sides of this issue right now. The political discourse and in regards to the Intelligence Community, and some of the behavior that is apparently coming out of the Intelligence Community. So there is a responsibility for both of those actors to change their behavior and move back into a constructive framework. Ill add on this. I spent 9 1 2 years as an uncover officer and i was the dude at the back alleys at 4 00 in the morning collecting threats on homeland. I was one of the early employees in prosecuted the war in iraq and if you told me it would be 16 years before there was another major attack on the homeland, i would have said you were crazy. And the reason there hasnt been a major attack on our homeland is because the men and women in the Intelligence Community, and Law Enforcement community, and the military that are still operating as if it is september 12th. And these are men and women of integrity, that are working hard every single day putting themselves in harms way in order to protect us. And they are not going to worry about whatever drama comes up in this place, in this building, because their going to do their job despite who is in power because they are real professionals. Could i just add on one quick thought to that. Wont weigh into the politics because as a serving career person i shouldnt weigh into the politics but from a workforce perspective, nothing makes the day of an officer working for me more than hearing from a member of congress that theyve briefed, whether that is democrat or republican, thank you for your service, i admire what you do. Those five or six simple words can carry along with the sense of duty and commitment that will was referring to, can carry you forward through difficult times at the office. And so we had the opportunity earlier this spring to host mr. Hurd and a number of his hipsy colleagues at nctc and having that interaction between members of congress and professional intelligence unt scores what all members of congress have said here, it is our job to stay out of the politics but we need to be validated by the politicians that were doing go work and work that is valued. And so that doesnt matter to be personally. I serve in a position where i dont need to hear that myself. But i hope that the people who work for me can can have that level of appreciation offered to them. Not just by the public, but by members of congress. I have just a couple of final questions. For nick, were heading into the final days of ramadan. A lot of americans are waking up every morning and wondering when is a vehicle attack going to come to this country. What would you say to them . Have we disrupted that type of attack . Again, this came up in the congress that secretary kelly had with chairman mccall to tart the morning. And there is no question, but that a vehicle attack is one of those things now that terrorists that potential extremists or terrorists realize they have at their disposal. It is major league th it is s doesnt not require a terrific amount of planning, inordinate amount of resources or any particularized set of skills. And so while im not im in a zero tolerance business, and so im never going to say that something is inevitable or that we are bound to be struck in this way or that way, but i think what weve seen in europe and other places around the world is that terrorists will use what they have at their disposal to carry out operations to try to create fear and insecurity in populations. Vehicles are a tool they could use. It gets to something that will said earlier and that is our job in the Intelligence Community to share the kind of information with state and local authorities who can help build the kind of effective defenses in a city so that that operator of a vehicle might be stopped at earliest possible moment, so that first responders, Law Enforcement, police, know what to do and how to disable that individual and so that if can he do, god forbid, suffer that kind of attack, i pray it is an aborted attack or an attack stopped before it causes loss of life. I would like to thank our sponsors of todays event. Congressman mccall and reuber burger and senators rubio and kurnts and thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you to the panelists as well. Thank you. [ applause ]

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