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this week's coven 19 special. ah, we start in guinea here, like in many other countries that potentially severe long term effects of cove. it were often disregarded, but to martha dna is helping to fight that. she's a well known tv presenter in guinea. she developed diabetes following a corona, virus infection, possibly as a secondary disease. her experience with cove it wasn't especially agonizing one. mm hm. cause if they hadn't these, i repeat that, i was in hospitality. so taken away every day or it was and i was afraid, as i said to myself, will it be me tomorrow or not just he thought mother james sutton, mustard janese guinea. i'm a journalist and t v presenter and i survived coke at 9 t geico the he said oswald, on the evening of april 30th 2020. i wasn't feeling very well too. i felt sick and had a fever. so i thought it be a good idea to go to hospital james, eugene, this is sam landmark. then i started to lose my breath. you're almost they up there . it was so hard to breathe that i can even say, my name's jaretha roger. my lad hysterical janelle, he repaired yet one of fabian expedia. it was a really difficult experience on the app. then it turned into a trauma because i spent a month 3 weeks and hospital e place them in. and then jiffy, i did move them to 14 covert tests and they were always positive. jeffrey dick, so i became to press it down because i was in hospital in a gary wasn't getting any better. ju, i, i was tired and couldn't see my family. met bashful, but luckily i met a doctor, he was there for me. he, he was very supportive and help me to get through it. all he marvel, we had the i privacy said billiard duncan so it is very hard to see him samples. i got, i wrote thanks to him. he had you book would think. yeah, i have a lot of chronic symptom. ha, i think cove it gave me diabetes like will be similarly i pike on she's and after i recovered from covert, when i had a pulmonary embolism and how to have medical treatment for 6 months. it was a very advanced embolism, which could still be fatal. happy, well, because i've had treatment several times and it came back and whenever you played the mechanical fossil young goes up to suffolk of mcdonald's lead after i'd recovered from covert, my parents didn't want me to talk about it because at the time when people knew you'd had cove it, they'd stigmatize, you should law, they wouldn't want to come to your house anymore and they keep away from the family . go what could get an appointment. i realized that many canadians don't take it seriously because a day, they think it's a game and it's not real well on girl. she started almost she long. so i broke my silence and wrote about my journey on social media. if i explain what i experienced and hospital to belt awareness in some people began to understand that covert has no bedtime story of it. there by this is la donna deborah will be living exists. lots of people get covert and have a story to tell if you're in when you good. so will this when you're home, hope it is about memory for me. have also green, but it's also a very good one. cookie because cove had made me question many things, issues not to leave until tomorrow. what can be done today? because i realized that life is hanging by a very thin thread that calls c o m o. long hold, it doesn't only affect those were hospitalized. but toronto virus, it can also result from mild cases. there are hundreds of symptoms associated with the condition which can hamper its understanding. but therapies are now being sought everywhere. and one hospital center in berlin is using simulations and virtual reality to try and give an insight into the experience of long covert on a frosty autumnal morning. i travel to east berlin with a camera team to the house desert combed center, which is part of the copy hospital between 5 and 10 percent of patients with cove at 19 will go on to develop long cove it fatigue is one of the main symptoms. one paper estimates 46 percent of people with the condition will suffer exhaustion. i'm in front of one of their exhibits here, which is a weighted vest which together with these waited arm bands and leg bands weighs about 20 kilos. now the idea with this is tara, emulate, the feeling that people with long cov, it have a very sort of large pressure on the chest and shortness of breath. i had one account of a man who couldn't read his children at bedtime story because he described this son back on his chest. i try the leg an arm wait, son alone with the suit to see what it's like. i try walking up the stairs. i already fell really quite out of breath, just walking up those stairs and i am conscious that my heart is beating quite a lot harder than usual. hum. i feel quite sick to be honest, as well, with the, with the effort of the waves. and my body is also in a bit of pain from sort of supporting the weight people with long covey to advise, to keep moving. if they can, to help with their rehabilitation, the center uses virtual reality to encourage that with activities like football, archery, or boxing. the hope is that by increasing their strength, long cobit patients can one day get back to their lives. what i really taken from this exhibition is not only how or consuming an intense, having long covey could be, but also how difficult it could be to function in everyday life. although around $200.00 symptoms associated with long covered. so any treatment would be highly individual and how it was tailored. still not very much about it is known medically for the center, told me what it does do is point people in the right direction of medical care and also towards support groups that can help them cope our next report is about the development of useful treatment options. for long covered various promising research projects are underway in spain, in and around barcelona. but with such a wide ranging symptoms, this can be a particular challenge. sh. was single. yeah. well, i have mental folk, tinnitus joint pain, all over this at the migraine attacks recurring conjunct to vitus are dry eyes, the recorder in beer or jose ago, 54 year old silvia. so there is one of the more than one point. 3000000 people currently suffering from long coven, in spain. her case is somewhat extraordinary. she contracted coven, for the 6th time in august 2022. she's only been able to have one vaccination against the virus run because if you're to improve most 18 months, i wasn't able to do my normal job magland nor have much contact with people and just but so not. so larry has now put her hope in clinical trials being carried out and several centers in and around barcelona. see, you know, we collected a blood sample for every single patient who was hospitalized in which i thought i saw because of called eat. and vic lanesha surgery not very heart work on the collecting clinical se thought of for these patients. this is why to from police so use for, for complete research. jeanette, this is dr. maria, hey, susan runs, leads the research program at the move to taught after the university hospital sits in the shadows of barcelona in the city of teresa. historically, one of the main drivers of the regions textile industry. today. one of the homes in spain for research into long cove, it and half that will fit the hero having 200 patients with long term copays, their biological samples, the clinical samples. and obviously we will look into, they need to respond, but also in genes associated with the specific pathologies they are, they are developing. now we know that people with long trying to compete all 4 times more likely to have carven puppies or diabetes for respiratory diseases than the general population, or people who have had called these hungry colbert. so they are not the song, a beach, and the call today shows all genetic predisposition that makes them more sick, sceptical. while the hospital has the expertise, it likes the funding to do all the research in its own laboratory. most of the research wark, the st. sue height, 12 foot facilities to do eating. last just came to the huge costs. funding lawn, coven research is a battle for darby. don't know. i have researcher at the hospital. we have no financial support for the administration. therefore, that thinks things stood the initiative of several groups of invitation that have their own financial funding. and we can maybe use some part of his findings to cover it that too long covered. but that's not due to the support of their shelf, a national health system or the administration. you know little peach. here people with long coven, who lost their sense of taste and smell, are treated as pine up both. i said we had last time doctor in yasenya mentee, there's an ear and throat specialist. so you give you the test. being honest, there is no medical treatment that the patient could have to get this mail back. the only thing that is known that could help the patient is that this mediterranean trade, the most common losses of smell, or of people's natural body odor and food. thing that you're concerned for doctors is the impact this hands on a patient's mental health or money. i think it at the socio part the majority of space because they got his man. they don't have, i would based on the policy flavors or foot. so they a stove ago. we now we trans order a while the restaurant side of them don't want to cab 6 on and relations because sometimes there are, they don't, don't smell, they have their body male or feel it's like bliss and they, they're like, 1st smart, more social if this is their 1st body says start to recover, they are, but if they continue with this and then get depressions and mental illness them and then hungry and patient that say that if he wants to, ah, to kill him said yes, because was very but for sylvia. so now the worry is that her life may never go back to normal and she will forever lose her job working as a public administrator. she also fears that research programs may end due to a lack of funding. with each passing day, she hopes were a breakthrough, you know, or they ha, and go try to when you get back to feeling well again, where you can idea to be able to laugh again every day on guy has delayed to get up every day with a desire to read the desire to work and to do all these things are tied to it before. but i need to have a future full of hype in the primary care system and in the research hospitals. i can't do any more than to have faith in them that they will find answers. you're in a group of young. ah, most researchers see long coded as an umbrella term for the many different causes and manifestations of the disease says neuro scientists, martin quarter. his latest book aims to summarize. the current state of research described, mar, gordon, you, mr. corda, your book says the majority of people am to 6 to you. develop a long covert. are women not why is that all in the us within the glass incidence? oh, we saw the same incidents with auto immune diseases or 2 thirds of those affected our women. and we suspect that's down to the immune system, which differs between men and women. when dosher women's immune systems deliver a quicker and stronger response that's advantageous when it comes to infectious diseases on in, including coven 19, which causes an acute infection of sars co. v to the women are less likely to die than men because the immune response is faster. but that comes at a cost. hoyt dep. highest of women's bodies also produce what are known as auto antibodies and a faster rate. since the one under called to on, please circulate in the blood and attack the body's own cells and or for me at all piggly. and that can lead to an auto immune response earlier soon fuel. and so women are more susceptible to these men on their farthest is the deal is the certain variance more likely to cause long covered long cove it so like that is does he as in, couldn't, is as but as far as we can tell, it's less common with omicron compared to the previous variant, omicron is currently the dominant strain with all its sub variance. therefore, but it doesn't make a big difference. it is, we're talking about 10 percent for delta and may be 60 to 70 percent for alma, crowns and implants. and for light ball also difficult, was asked by that because the vaccination status has changed. a lot more people have been vaccinated, men and we know that been vaccinated reduces the risk of long coven, one long corbett. swear con. it doesn't revenge long cove. it, which isn't shame, but it does reduce the risk of the info. anita was looted, see it as li, depending on which study liliana it's between 15 and 50 percent reduction. so by as much as half or at least 15 percent as witnesses and from templates and little here . that's why it's difficult to assess in terms of uncovered in because the situation has changed so much me at 400 side the ortho center. how big is the problem and how many people who get covert, i getting long covered the common wrong covert. susan food once input said elementary music in fits your tom, one up in between 5 and 10 percent of people who get infected, develop long cove. it, regardless of whether they had a mild or severe cases, side point will be shouldered for in 2021. in england, around 1000000 people had long coven, which is a large share of the workforce. and we have to assume that the figure will be similarly high in germany or sam or same. it wouldn't have the current state of research to people with long covert have grounds to hope it will pass and which specialists can they turn to for help lenses, even gonzales and uber being the majority of cases long covered symptoms will of improved if not cleared up altogether within a year, you would not all studies reached the same conclusions thing. it depends which symptoms they focus on. for example, chronic fatigue syndrome when you're always tired, however much you sleep, it appears to be especially persistent and can continue well beyond a year. does shine is on those art. nicky design when shined off toward the lang hours on young other problems such as concentration difficulties and memory lapses as well as shortness of breath, muscle and joint pain and loss of taste and smell tend to clear up within the year and from it goes follows. couldn't hoffman, does he and i bind his yard, has a decent tall you know, loss van and vein which specialist oh, should consult, is a very good question. but when you get advice about some therapy, you might want to try. it's worth being cautious. was it all treatments have side effects need? for example, if you get clogged arteries you can take a blood thinner, but there are risks associated with the blood thinners that can be life threatening . so you need to consult your g p as in some house out o r t fair ones. if nicholas murphy smell chrome on the mit monday, the oven was a ha. but kid on the case and get a diagnosis as soon as possible. and then talk to a team of doctors about potential experimental therapies consensus professor quarter. thank sorta. yeah. my mom you 03 years since the pandemic began, and there are still so many unanswered questions. our science reporter derek williams has already answered hundreds of your questions. and this week's comes from dan h. how soon after a coven 19 infection? can i start exercising again? 0, one striking thing that you often hear from people recovering from cove at 19 is that they're surprised how big of an impact it has on their physical activity. even if their symptoms are otherwise really pretty mild, um for lots of people, even those in good shape, they can take a while to feel fit. again, that's actually common. after many viral infections, there is no one size fits all answer to the question of when you can and should begin exercising again after coven. 19 battle, of course, depend on things like your age and, and your pre existing conditions. and of course, how badly you were hit by the virus. but the standard expert advice is that you should wait at least a week after testing negative. then if your symptoms have largely subsided, you can start with light exercise again. some experts suggest waiting for 10 days and there are some important things to bear in mind when you start. one is that you should definitely take things slow for the 1st couple of weeks because trying to do too much too quickly, can boomer. and instead of making you feel better, exercising too hard too fast, can cause go bad symptoms like fatigue or, or breathlessness to resurface. initially, the recommendation is to shoot only for about 10 to 15 minutes of, of light activity at a time. no matter how serious an athlete you were before you tested positive, start slow, even if you ran marathons. maybe just start with a stroll around your neighborhood. another important factor that pretty much all the experts agree on is that you need to pay close attention to how you feel while exercising, and only gradually increase the length and the intensity of your workouts. so listen to your body. and if, if symptoms do reappear while you're exercising, then stop. don't try to push through them as you might have before you were sick. and if recurrent symptoms persist, than you need to stop until you can see a doctor. am. if a pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we need to look out for each other. and in that respect, some people have gone above and beyond our next report and his a heart warming tail from kenya. so this is to be my life and is what i used to do and i was, i did dumb sake. and now i decided let me do other things because you see lazy, north lake, a stagnant, what a sad moving river. you need to get out of where you are and do something different from your life. the dan, dora dumpsite, one of the biggest landfills in africa is where taurus i'm all lived after both his parents died in a road accident and he became homeless. my neither would i do, i had to go for several years. he made a living here selling scrap metal he was eventually rescued by a welfare organization that helped him get off the street and go to school and i school mozilla school. i am one. he took a course in mass communication, no one will go, nothing's gonna be going really. but in, if we did her after passing miscommunication, i used that communication skills to come up with that. with the, with the facebook. i'm giving a give buck facebook page whereby i started collecting, collecting clothes, telling my friends and telling my neighbors if they can give me that gross that they of outgrown so basically let on. danny started just with a clothing idea tourism old founded the organisation from garden tourney. in 2015, the initiative distributed new and secondhand clothes to families and street children . it's one way of assuring their dignity and, and the reason why i said to, didn't let them to any either the less that a lived push to me to give back to the committee during the coven 19 pandemic. the organization was a lifeline for families living on the streets. you'll probably see him or more than his team visited nairobi, slums, distributing barza soap and informing the residents about government warrants of washing hands and wearing masks. the organization also donated over 6000 sanitary dowels and distributed food to some 4500 families. la la la la, dec. i didn't get my whole life. was hard back than hulu. that a little guy, a lot of people was suffering because of cage at 19 nellum and what we got help me food and so for wash in our hands lie logo own a knocking it now that luna was he zack was yeah. one is to provide us with masks because we didn't have the money to buy the adult ed alicia. thank you. hello quote . that's gun on the arm. tawny gave out from a little and taught the children about cove. it went up in there for about the importance of washing hands and using disinfectant and the various other things i hello, i'm calling upon. most people appreciated that and fall the actually so there were no corona virus cases in this area so to speak. while, while, while, while the pick up, the know the danger that if you go and collect anything, you may, you may go and collect lake mark, which contains a flight us. and you can also get that lead us. of course veda, thought that we read, we took that time to tell them that they should not be going collecting things and you know, through collecting through scott with us when they get money. so fitting was that a challenge for them. and mostly the ones who have children in the streets. so we came up with this lunch in town and program whereby we couldn't group and come with food and supplies. a former street kid torres a mole is now 29 and married with 3 children. he's received various awards for his exemplary volunteer work during the pandemic life. his service to the community is highly valued in nairobi and throughout kenya. oh, in this episode we've learned all about the many aspects of long cove it and caught up with the latest research me next week will be in south africa, where in just one year, scientists developed an m. r in a vaccine against coven 19. see you next time and take care. ah ah, with to the point. strong opinions, a clear the international perspectives. jim being west just confirmed and empowered as china's president. but now the people are protesting against to strict 0 cove at policy. and some are calling for she's resignation. on to the point, we ask protests in china, how deep is public unrest to the point with on d. w. in good shape tripping through the world of drugs. millions are addicted to the rush. with trends on the drug seen becoming more and more extreme. what should we look out for in soft drugs? and how can harder substances be medically fall on d w. so they breathe. ah, they have body and soul houses that daniel leaders can't construct are more than just building his ideas. bold and passionate. you have to be radical. that's a radical mean. go back to the roof. he is the son of jewish holocaust survivors. how lucky that i was able to build in berlin because it's very closely related to me as a person is architecture is a celebration of democracy and it's more buildings. the biggest thing in the world is the spirit of an architect of emotions. architecture is kind of the street believe me. i starts december 26th. oh d w. ah, ah ah, ah ah, this is deon is live from her land. there's another huge shock at the world cup in could tar germany are out. and the flicks men finally got a wind speed in costa rica, but it wasn't enough to stop them from heading home. fans are devastating. i can't describe, i feel as like empty. they're like 30 minutes. so just looking him up and hope.

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