Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20170928 07:00:00

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secede from iraq heading also coming up. from the machall hits the campaign trail again just days after winning the general election this time around she's helping out an election in one of germany's states. and hugh hefner the founder of the adult magazine playboy dies at the age of ninety one launched in one thousand fifty three playboy was an overnight success will go to los angeles to look at his life. i'm brian thomas welcome to the show iraq's kurds are facing growing political isolation after the massive yes to independence and monday's referendum airlines from turkey egypt jordan lebanon say they'll be halting all flights to iraqi kurdistan at the request of baghdad now turkey has also warned it could stop cross
border trade with the region and iraq central government as threatened its own sanctions. there were euphoric scenes among iraq's kurds after the official result was announced could issue authorities say that with a seventy three percent voter turnout the poll had been a resoundingly success. at this historic moment i want to congratulate you on the success of the referendum on the independence of kurdistan in our autonomous region and the areas outside the autonomous region which kurdistan claims. in baghdad the reaction couldn't be more different iraq's government opposes the kurdish push for statehood and has demanded an immediate an element of the vote. iraq's government has already taken retaliatory steps threatening to halt flights in and out of the kurdish autonomous region it's also demanded that those behind the vote including kurdish leader massoud barzani face legal consequences iraq's
prime minister said he wanted to keep his country united without resorting to the use of force but parliament has given him a mandate to deploy the military to the kurdish territories including the oil rich region around the city of kirkuk that we will impose federal authority on the whole of iraq with the force of the constitution and the force of the law this is not a threat some people have made threats and some have used force to impose their will in the disputed areas we will use all the tools provided by the constitution and the law. the measures passed by parliament also called for the closure of foreign diplomatic missions in the autonomous kurdish region. neighboring countries turkey and iran are worried that the referendum will embolden their own kurdish minorities and are applying pressure with sanctions of their own. for the very latest on this let's bring in b. against fans and he joins us on the line from kirkuk and one of the disputed parts of iraq where this vote was held. first off what do the people who've been
celebrating in places like care where you are want to say are they expecting this referendum to bring independence. yes good morning now they don't expect this referendum to bring independence and the. atmosphere in cocos was very much divided i mean there was the kurdish parties they were celebrating yesterday but not in the turkmen and not in the our parts because there were boycotting the elections so it is a very mixed and somehow a very critical situation in kirkuk because it's cheer cook to be the hot spot in all that so if this tank sions will imply and mr body made it very firm yesterday that he wants to have full border control over iraq's borders to watch turkey and iran and poor bought full control over the airports in erbil and still money and kirkuk as well although in kirkuk you have what is only military airport and not
million people don't even have clean water. truly this is the first water tank of that i've seen in this area it's the first. time they didn't bring any water to this place. that's why you're seeing people going crazy like this. the way they say the eights coming from the u.s. but i still haven't got any. the u.s. government has dispatched the navy and the national guard sent in millions of meals on bottles of water but many ports are reconstructed they aren't receiving the same level of help given recently to mainland u.s. states the island's governor has set clear priorities getting immediate resources here to puerto rico and getting a package from congress that it is consistent with the amount the gravity of the
this didn't you know still to come on the show german chancellor angela merkel hitting the campaign trail again just days after winning the general election we'll tell you why. and big spending p.s.g. are the talk of the town after the french side defeated bonus league and giants by in munich in the champions league will have a match report. well and is here now on president trump has unveiled his long awaited tax reform plan much awaited and by the looks of it brian they could be a boon to companies large corporations the wealthy as well as middle income families we don't know exactly whether the money would trickle down to no income american workers that's not currently clear at the moment but many analysts have already criticised the lack of detail in the plan the one of the biggest changes is a drastic tax cut for corporations that take a listen to the president outlining that part of the proposed tax overhaul. we're
doing everything we can to reduce the tax burden on you and your family by eliminating tax breaks and loopholes we will ensure that the benefits are focused on the middle class the working men and women not the highest income earners under our framework we will dramatically cut the business tax rate so that american companies and american workers can be our foreign competitors and start winning again. we will reduce the corporate tax rate to no higher than twenty percent that's way down from thirty five and thirty nine. so you just heard part of that plan for big companies the corporate tax rate potentially going from thirty five percent to twenty percent now smaller businesses
will also see a cap on their taxes the problem is a lot of them are already in a lower tax bracket and they're feeling left out by trump's reform plans. lowering copsey opened his bicycle sale and repair shop in washington d.c. five years ago business is going well so well in fact that he's about to move to bigger premises along with his five employees but despite lauren success his company doesn't make enough money to benefit from trump's tax plans mom and pop shops on main street are not the ones that are going to be affected by this from my reading of what the bill might be so it's going to be much larger businesses that are able to sort of benefit from the deductions that they will be able to take in the lower tax rate i don't think it's going to hit the people that you think of as small businesses so who would get a tax cut doctors investment bankers and high turnover companies for example and
what's more the new proposals would also cut corporate tax republican supporters have long argued that giving tax breaks to big business will boost the u.s. economy they also say that cuts on everything there's other reforms through tax and they were talking about tax reform they're important full expensing making the tax code simpler easier to pay if they are to hire out accountant these are all benefits that help both small and big business. but as far as lauren is concerned the cuts do matter reducing costs for larger companies inevitably increases competition for businesses like his. the margins for small businesses are so so slim our profits are not huge you know we all want to be able to make a decent living but those that are making outrageously large profits i think that maybe there should be a little bit more tax burden on them. the republican proposal would make sweeping changes to the tax code but it wouldn't change much follower inspection up for the
moment trumps tax proposal is just that a proposal he now needs to really supports before a more detailed bill can be put before congress but why. one big question remains such deep tax cuts would leave a large hole in the budget trump and the republican party have yet to explain where exactly the money to pluck the soul would come from. and to unpack the president's tax plan and now i'm joined in the studio by professor owen collier from the free university of berlin lovely to see this morning now this document has been billed as a framework more than a plan and he's promised relief for companies what does that mean specifically. the companies are interested in the net that they're getting from increased sales in the future when economic growth brings about new sales it's going to be in the first instance the net income coming to the corporation that will be important for
making these investment decisions if you're willing to invest more if you know there's going to be more sugar if we can call the extra profits sugar if that's offered so that's the theory behind everything but corporations are not people they're owned by people corporate income goes to people who own stock and. roughly the top. thirty percent of the population own the very overwhelming majority of stocks so one looks at that as as much a redistribution as it is an incentive for further increased investment in dayton where we know that we could see the corporation tax potentially go from an average of around thirty five percent down to twenty percent potentially guaranteed food for the wealthy the middle class could also they be lifted through some of these tax proposals but my question is i'm wondering what about lower income people and families in america right now it looks like there's going to be essentially a sop
a little bit could be coming out but when you hear a doubling of the standard deduction what is happening is a merger of what's called the personal exemption with the standard deduction so from the point of view of the small. poor family there might be a fifteen percent increase in this deduction which means a tax saving but it's it's peanuts compared to dropping for instance the personal tax rate for these so-called passthrough companies by the way the trump organization is a passthrough company and that would be an income tax rate of twenty five percent what are the chances that this reform well actually implemented. let's just say better than i think the repeal of obamacare with the repeal of obamacare was possible to mobilize people who are directly suffer the cuts the way this is all packaged is the necessary spending cuts will come in the future so the victims if
you will or those people paying the cost of this tax reform will be mobilizing yet . when do stay with us because i want to get your insights on a nother topic now and that is the much maligned german u.s. trade imbalance now the american chamber of commerce in germany has updated its midst of the biggest american carbon companies and their sales last year and i want to have a look at the top five now because topping the list is car maker ford with sales of over twenty two billion dollars followed by opel which has since been sold to french auto group p s a then amazon with sales ringing in at over thirteen billion dollars followed by energy giant exxon mobil and general electric so all in all business seems good for american companies in germany with sales up three point two percent last year now and president trump regularly complains about the u.s. getting the short end of the stick when it comes to trade but u.s.
companies judging by those numbers seem to be doing quite well abroad don't they actually they are and trade between the united states and germany is healthy kind of trade the problem with the trump critique is that it sees everything in this bilateral context and it's also missing the fact that what we have is an imbalance between domestic investment and domestic saving the domestic investment in germany is low in the domestic savings is high in the united states it's precisely the opposite it's these macro economic imbalances that's the problem it's not something about the toughness of competition the fairness of competition that's not what's driving these imbalances oh and from the free university of thank you very much to be here. now off to federal elections here in germany you might have thought that campaign season was
over but apparently not brian has no that's right hello as if you had had enough electioneering chats americal is campaigning again this time ahead of a key vote in the state of lower saxony a snap elections been called there because a member of that state parliament switched parties bringing down lower saxony s.p.d. green governing coalition. chancellor angela merkel is back on the campaign trail already despite her narrow election victory on sunday or perhaps because of it she's out to reassure voters they're in good hands. i'm waiting for some clear statements from her about the outcome of the vote since the far right got so much support. to spend if she's disappointed i don't think she'll show it oh how she's going to go from here. and toast. the crowd of roughly two thousand surge chancellor back in normal business move this regional
election all in a day's work not a whiff of stress about her party's lackluster performance at the polls only about the homework awaiting her and her fellow conservatives. we can implement successful policies in germany when federal and state governments work closely together and take a unified approach and they say we want to make things better so. the stakes for america the no a saxony are high a defeat in the state's regional election would seriously weaken her hand as she tries to forge a new governing coalition in berlin. and to talk about all americans options right now we're joined by hans brock from our political desk. doesn't give the impression of being all that concerned right now about her party's losses in the general election and she afford a business as usual approach right now. well at the moment being in an election
campaign again in lower saxony i think she can afford cannot afford to do anything else she can't present herself as a weakened leader when she's trying to win another regional election and that's really quite important for her and her party the christian democratic union the conservatives have not been in power and lower saxony in recent years and they have the hope of regaining power there that would strengthen her hand in coalition talks here and burden so it is an important election and in fact the election in lower saxony means that in berlin the coalition talks will be put on the back burner nothing of substance is going to happen here until those elections have been held on the fifteenth of october ok things on hold in a way in berlin is there is there any sign of what direction coalition talks might be taking. well in fact coalition talks haven't started yet but there is
a very strong sense that there is a preparation for them and the prep of the talks that are being prepared others between the conservatives on the one hand and the left leaning green environmentalist party on the other hand and the market liberal free democrats and one major indication of that is the fate of germany's finance minister of both gronk choice that has in fact already been decided it is clear that he is not going to continue being finance minister he's going to be president of parliament that has the in terms of protocol the second highest job in the german state he has no prospect he's not going to be finance minister anymore and that is in fact a ministry that the free democrats the business friendly liberals. aiming for there is being space made for it's the exactly that kind of coalition constellation yeah gong show believing as finance ministers is really the end of an era isn't it now
i'm ackles sister party in bavaria the c.s.u. they were especially hard hit by the success of the far right turn in for germany what does that mean for the formation of any new government that in fact puts another break on developments because in fact amongst the bavarian party the knives are out for the leader of that party is does not look likely to survive as leader there will be a party congress in mid november and the leadership will be decided then that's also crucial for these coalition talks so i'm told that this is the side as well not much movement is possible in coalition talks so we have a whole lot of factors that will mean that the formation of a new government in germany will really take a very long time ok a lot of undecided variables out there right now hans braun for us our political studio thanks very much. it's the u.s. now where hugh hefner the founder of playboy magazine has died at age ninety one
hafner and his magazine became instantly famous when playboy first hit the newsstands in one nine hundred fifty three both were symbols of the sexual revolution and were part of the cultural revolution that changed america in the one nine hundred sixty s. after spawn the playboy brand into a giant media and entertainment empires critics accused him of degrading women and undermining the traditional family let's go to los angeles now we're joined by shotgun olu in los angeles thanks for being with us again shah going to talk you know while he's host the new rotten tomatoes film show on face book watch. can you tell us how you have changed america well first time for every break you have here was that american icon to remember that this man was more than just the start of playboy he formed in world war two i mean he started playboy for eight thousand
dollars and at the time of the tonight at ninety one he was worth over a billion he did empower women more sort of than people give him credit for because as he forged social more laid of the sixty's and seventy's that's all women only have homemakers he made them sexy to make you to fall he gives them the magazines had articles written by ian fleming in jaguar why they interviewed fidel castro and miles davis he was a ground breaking when i try on yeah there's all this is lost is amazing sharga not know he was was he an icon you know of course he was a hero to very many people but but he was also a villain tall others wasn't. yes he was a villain to the traditional idea that was prevalent in the thirty's the forty's in the fifty's appealing to women and the american home a certain way and because he pushed down trees opening nightclubs in major u.s.
cities because he had his playboy bunnies but he made them either or pornography whichever word suits your fancy he made it palatable any made it from art it wasn't run she like a larry flynt or some of the magazines that were to follow any kept it from being just in the shadows he brought women and nudity and art and put it out there for mainstream consumption he was vilified by some when he was a hero and a champion to many other children thanks so much for joining us on what i saw on a little low in los angeles host of the new rotten tomatoes film critic sal thanks for that thank you. get your modern now of our top stories at this hour kurds have been celebrating after their independence referendum on ninety three percent support but both baghdad and neighboring states are threatening sanctions. and german chancellor on the macro has hit the campaign trail again just days after winning the general election this time she's helping out in the election in the
state of lower saxony where her party hopes the when a snap election. that's all for now thanks so much for being with us. testing drugs to see how they can be of use in agriculture. these quanta. to survey evolve quickly and some really for a more targeted control of the past and when it's. tomorrow today
next. entered the conflict zone fronting the powerful. this week conflict zone is in berlin and my guess is junk politicians on the news is he's a member of the european parliament and the social democrats who have just suffered this dummy defeat you know that the votes are counted as germany had it. in sixty minutes. good job with. your link to news from africa and the world your link to exceptional stories and discussions for more news a visit and while website dedicated poems not to come join us on facebook at g.w. africa. handley one mine is made by him better known as merely

Related Keywords

Playboy , Success , Los Angeles , Age , Life , Ninety One , One Thousand Fifty Three , Kurds , Brian Thomas Welcome To The Show Iraq , Independence , Referendum , Request , Flights , Iraqi Kurdistan , Yes , Isolation , Baghdad Now Turkey , Cross Border Trade , Lebanon , Turkey Egypt , Airlines , Government , Iraq , Region , Sanctions , Result , Scenes , Authorities , Areas , In Baghdad The Reaction Couldn T , Kurdistan , Voter Turnout , Poll , Kurdistan Claims , Seventy Three , Vote , Kurdish Push For Statehood , Element , Massoud Barzani , Consequences , Steps , Vote Including Kurdish , Kurdish Autonomous Region , Prime Minister , Parliament , Force , Use , Military , Territories , Mandate , Country , Authority , Presorting , Whole , City , Oil , Kirkuk , United , People , Law , Some , Will , Constitution , Threat , Threats , Tools , Countries , Closure , Missions , Iran , Us , One , Pressure , B , Line , Parts , Let , Minorities , Fans , Off , Care , Places , Elections , Parties , Cocos , Atmosphere , It , Situation , Mr , Spot , Body , Tank Sions , Money , Control , Turkey , Military Airport , Border Control , Airports , Borders , Water , Area , Water Tank , First , Way , Haven T , Place , Weights , Help , Ports , Level , Meals , Millions , Navy , Sent , Guard , Bottles , Governor , Gravity , Party Congress In Mid November , States , Resources , Amount , Priorities , Package , Puerto Ricans , The Island , Election , Germany , Angela Merkel , Campaign , Didn T , The Show , President , Side , Bonus League , Spending , Giants , Match Report , Talk Of The Town , French , Champions League , Psg , In Munich , Corporations , Wealthy , Looks , Families , Tax Reform Plan , Boon , Workers , Plan , Part , Changes , Tax Cut , Listen , Analysts , Tax Overhaul , Lack , President Outlining , Detail , Everything , Family , Tax Breaks , Tax Burden , Benefits , Loopholes , Passthrough Companies , Women , Framework , Competitors , Business Tax Rate , Class , Income Earners , Men , Tax Rate , Thirty Nine , Twenty , Thirty Five , Businesses , Copsey , Problem , Lot , Bicycle Sale , Taxes , Reform Plans , Cap , Tax Bracket , Washington Dc , Doesn T , Fact , Tax , Company , Pop , Employees , Mom , Premises , Five , Bill , Ones , Shops , Benefit , Deductions , Reading , Main Street , Companies , Investment Bankers , Turnover , Example , Tax Cut Doctors , Cuts , Tax Reform , Tax Code , Supporters , Big Business , Reforms , Proposals , Expensing , Economy , Republican , Lauren , Costs , Accountant , Profits , Competition , Margins , Living , Proposal , Follower Inspection Up , Wouldn T , Question , Tax Proposal , Tax Cuts , Budget Trump , Hole , Tax Plan , Soul , In The Studio , Professor Owen Collier , Relief , Document , University Of Berlin , Sales , Corporation , Instance , Growth , Net Income , Net , Sugar , Investment Decisions , Theory , Income , Top , Stock , Population , Thirty , Incentive , Investment , Corporation Tax , Stocks , Majority , Food , Average , Redistribution , Tax Proposals , Sopa Little Bit , Deduction , Merger , Happening , Exemption , Doubling , Tax Saving , Increase , Peanuts , Point Of View , The Small , Fifteen , Reform , Income Tax Rate , Chances , Organization , Passthrough , Twenty Five , Repeal , Obamacare , Spending Cuts , Victims , Stay , Insights , Cost , Topic , Trade Imbalance , American Carbon Companies , List , Look , Car Maker , Midst , American Chamber Of Commerce , French Auto Group , Psa , Amazon , Opel , Energy Giant Exxon Mobil , Thirteen Billion Dollars , Twenty Two Billion , Thirteen Billion , Twenty Two Billion Dollars , Business , Three , Two , Kind , Trump , Trade , Critique , Numbers , Imbalance , Context , Saving , Low , Imbalances , Fairness , Savings , Toughness , Something , Campaign Season , University , State , Snap Elections , Lower Saxony , Electioneering , State Parliament , Member , Americal , Campaign Trail , Victory , Green Governing Coalition , Spd , Support , Statements , Voters , Hands , Outcome , Crowd , Surge Chancellor , Toast , Two Thousand , Ackles Sister Party , Conservatives , Stress , Polls , Homework , Performance , Whiff , Things , Approach , Governments , Policies , Hand , Berlin , Governing Coalition , Saxony , Defeat , Options , Stakes , Impression , Election Campaign , Desk , Losses , Hans Brock , Anything , Power , Coalition , Christian Democratic Union , Hope , Nothing , Substance , Back Burner , Coalition Talks , In Berlin , Direction Coalition Talks , Fact Coalition Talks Haven T , Sign , Hold , Fifteenth , Others , Preparation , Sense , Talks , Left , Prep , Market , Democrats , Leaning Green Environmentalist , Finance Minister , Choice , Indication , Fate , Gronk , Job , Ministry , Liberals , Prospect , Protocol , Terms , Friendly , Space , Finance Ministers , Isn T , Coalition Constellation Yeah Gong Show , Break , Developments , Formation , Hit , Knives , Bavaria , Csu , Leadership , Leader , Factors , Movement , Founder , Hugh Hefner , Playboy Magazine , Variables , Our Political Studio Thanks , Hans Braun , Shafner , Magazine , Newsstands , Revolution , Sexual Revolution , Symbols , Sixtys , Nine Hundred Sixty , Nine Hundred Fifty Three , Critics , Entertainment , Media , Lets Go , Spawn , Shah , Thanks , Rotten Tomatoes Film Show On Face Book Watch , America Well First Time , Shotgun Olu , Icon , Man , World War Two , Eight Thousand Dollars , Eight Thousand , Seventy , Sixty , A Billion , Magazines , Homemakers , Articles , Miles Davis , Ian Fleming , Jaguar , Fidel Castro , Villain , Hero , Ground Breaking , Sharga , Course , Idea , Fifty , , Trees , Nightclubs , The American Home , Cities , Fancy , Pornography , Playboy Bunnies , Word , Larry Flynt , Art It Wasnt Run , Mainstream Consumption , Champion , Art , Children , Nudity , Stories , Independence Referendum , Host , Film Critic , Sal Thanks , Rotten Tomatoes , Ninety Three , Chancellor , Macro , Snap Election , Party , All , Testing Drugs , Agriculture , 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