candidates who also ascribe to their extreme views on abortion. ainsley: so let me read you this statement i want to get your response. kelly robinson we reached out to planned parenthood, the director. vote super pac. she said next november our very rights and freedoms will be on the ballots. already we have seen trump and his buddies in congress and state lidge lay temperatures do everything they can strip us of our rights and access to healthcare. who we elect will determine our access to birth control, cancer screenings, sex ed, abortion access and more. when people think of planned parenthood people think of abortion. they say they are a healthcare entity is that true? >> what we know to be true is. this if you look at planned parenthood's annual reports over the past 10 years, you see a trend. you see that their actual healthcare supervisors that they provide the std testing and treatment. birth control service those

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Ainsley ,Candidates ,Response ,Abortion ,Views ,Statement ,Kelly Robinson ,Republican Congress ,Donald Trump ,Everything ,Planned Parenthood ,Rights ,Temperatures ,Freedoms ,Director ,Buddies ,Ballots ,Vote Super Pac ,State Lidge ,Sex Ed ,People ,Birth Control ,Health Care ,Access ,Abortion Access ,More ,Parenthood ,Cancer Screenings ,Treatment ,Healthcare Supervisors ,Reports ,Birth Control Service ,Healthcare Entity ,Is ,Trend ,Std Testing ,10 ,

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