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I want to talk to you about a few things. S time for a true discussion. Not the lies we get from media and tenured leftists and the rest. Talk about the facts, i wont go to civil war, where Democrat Party was tied to hip with confederacy, and dadavis of a democrat,. No. I wont go to Bles Plessy Versus Ferguson but i will go to woodrow wilson, one of the great socalled leading progressive intellectuals in late 1800s and 1900s president of princeton university, governor of new jersey and elected president of United States, and he overturned every major prointegration law that was put in place by the republicans who preceded him. Recession gated the departments of federal government, Fired Black Forward Administrate hours, and openly sympathetic to the kkk. And he was critical of reconstruction. Less than than 60 years ago, 1964 Civil Right Act was opposed by 69 of Senate Democrats supported by 82 of Senate Republicans and opposed by 61 of House Democrats and supported 80 percent of House Republicans of those who voted no in house 74 were democrat, and in senate 78 who said no were dem at th democrats those who filibustered. Robber bird. And bird spoke for 14 hours in a lastditch afford to kill the bill. Bird would go toserve as Senate Democratic leader from 1967 to 89. And including Majority Leader from 77 to 81. And 87 to 89. And Minority Leader 81 to 87, he was leader of the democrats for a very long time in the senate. He was longests serving senator in history of senate. He came along way, bird. As a young man she was he was a Chief Recruiter and organizer for the klan in West Virginia when bird died he was praised by leading lights of Democratting Party ruling class including joe biden, barack obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest. And several called him their great mentor. Okay. But there is more. Joe biden and early to mid 19 70s, senator worked closely with some of the senate most noter toious racists, east land who fought hard against Civil Rights Act opposed to Public School iny itgretion, show was joe biden, and he bragged about receiving praised from late alabama democratic governor george wallace, one of the leading racist, called biden one of the Outstanding Young politicians of america. But Democrat Partys greatest icon was fdr. Largely due to his new deal agenda, transformed u. S. Away from constitutionalism and capitalism toward socialism and centralism, for this reason, more that been done to immunize his representation, 1942. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9006 rounding up military rounding up 120,000 Japanese Americans including 70,000 u. S. Is thes, forcibly relocated to Internment Camps in remote parts of the country. They lost their homes, property and their liberties, in 1944, in a case Expowr Superior Court upheld the Internment Order in a 63 decision, and black writing for majority lead the way up to hole that decision. Now who is hugo black . Black rose through dem Kratdic Pademocratic Party rank for alabama a lawyer for klan and resphrieresigned from the klan but kept in contact with them, and opposed the antilynching bill and was a supporter of roosevelt and awarded as first nominee to Supreme Court, his record is mixed and disputed. He was an activist for Roosevelt Socialism he insist on interpretation of the bill of rights that said, hou his son. Stated that kkk and da daddy had one thing in common, he suspected the catholic church, and thought that pope and bishops have too much power and too much property. So roosevelts first nominee to Supreme Court was an activist with the klan, he wrote Majority Opinion upholding roosevelts internment of japaneseamericans and established federal housing administration, a purpose was to insure mortgages providing homeownership, it furthered racial segregation, it denies insurance in and around black neighborhoods, the fha was subsidizing builders who were mass produces subdivisions for whites. When the requirement that none of the homes be solid to africanamericans. Did you know that . , red lining comes from the development by new deal by federal government of maps of every metropolitan area, where you do not give the insurance backings were black areas, they were called red areas, hence term rid lining, Roosevelt Slighted jesse owens in 1936, he won multiple gold medals from main 36 and berlin were invited to white house with the extension of jesse owens, he was once asked if he was snubbed by hitler, hitler didnt snub me, he said, it was the president. Radios vet said he opposed lynching and lobbied by his wife to support the bill but he refused, he put politics ahead. He would not support for Sign A Federal Anti Lynching bill that would have to come later. There is more. About the democrats and roosevelt. Even to this day. But republicans never stood in any schoolhouse door ways to block little black kids from going to school with little white kids and republican never supported systemic Voter Suppression or repression. As democrats did they claim today. The republicans never supported jim crow, Literacy Tests and rest, ever. The republicans never supported lynching, they pushed billed to end it. Thats a piece of history of the Democrat Party, now, both parties are imperfect. But the pattern in the Democrat Party goes way back, a very evil, antiamerican party, if they want to it i discuss race lets learn our history, their history and discuss race, what amazing me with what they talk about tearing down confederate symbols and burning books and changing names of military basis, how is name the Democrat Party persists . And continues . Because they control the culture, right now, lets talk about abortion. I have no problem talking about abortion. The Big Push For Abortion came at beginning of the last century. With Margaret Sanger who founded the Planned Parenthood organization, which your tax dollar have gone to in billions to support. And Planned Parenthood as theyod say, supports abortion, they pretend a support other things what is abortion . Democrat party votes they said to codify roe, they did not vote for that, they didnt vote to codify any Supreme Court decision or any position other than the most radical position on the face of the earth. What do they want to do. Their bill, they proposed, media know butdi they cover. Eliminated parental consent for abortion. L it supported partialbirthppor abortion to last second of birth, do you know what that is step one abortionist grabs one of the babys legs with forceps, the leg is leg pulled into the birth canal. They turn the baby. He used his hands to deliver the babys body up up toth the neck then forcesth scissors to the base of the babys skull, opens the scissors, to enlarge the hole. Then taking a suction cater catacat catheter into the skull and the babys brain is sucked out, incredible pain for. That baby before birth, then the child is removed having n beenot killed. Not understand how republicans know how to explain that who is margaret sander, pointed out in washington times, she shapes the ueugenics in america, they contribute to Sterilization Laws in 30 u. S. States, resulted in over zurich Thousandst Sterilizations Of Vul First F Vulnerable People and a ku klux klan rally. She set i accepted anta invitation to talk ttio the womens branch of the klan, i saw through the door dim. I was introduced and began to speak, i believed ize accomplished my purpose. A dozen in in invitation to speaks too similar groups were proffered. And sanger also rote, we dont want word to go out we want toi exterminate them negro population, she wrote many articles about eugenics and journal she founded in 1917, her articles include moral aspects of eugenics, and Birth Control and positive eugenics, and the true eugenics to name a few, she was a horrific racist. No there wasnt until a year ago, that Planned Parenthoodlann and other apologists for sanger threw in the towel, said yes, she was a eugenist, she pushed Abortion Issue in the United States and look how the Democrat Party and radical left runs with it. 79 of Planned Parenthood abortion activity takes place in minority neighborhoods. Mostly black neighborhoods. This is the history of thathb organizationor. The history of the radical Abortion Movement this is the history of the Democrat Party. You want to talk about race . And abortion . Do lets do it ill be right back. With directv i can get live tv and on demand together football, housewives, football, housewives. Whoops. I just want to talk get your tv together. Call 1800directv to save up to 120. Some days, it felt like asthma was holding me back. But asthma has taken enough. So i go triple. With trelegy. With 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,. Its the only oncedaily treatment for adults that takes triple action against asthma symptoms. 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O which isam a contract, that you want all your candidates to rally around. Till us about it. Te you arell right, friday we went to in washington. Not washington d. C. But washington county,on pennsylvania. With real americans. We rolled out was bl plan for new direction, the commitment to america, based on 4 pillars, an economy that is strong. A nation that is safe, a Future Built On Freedom and a government that is accountable. In each pillar we go to american public. What well do if you trusto if us with the majority. Not just for republicans, not just for candidates but e nation. You understand that bitter than anyone better than anyone, this is a moment in time. We have to save the nation. Wen th have to become Energy Independent, Stop Buying Depend on other country andic brina. G supply chain back from china to america and we have to secure our border. Stop catch and release,ic fentanyl Kill Dleeg00 Ame300 Americans a day, we have to not defundrats our police, but provide 200,000 more police officers. You know what else . We have to hold accountable the prosecutors what will not up hold the law, then we provide and defend national security. You know howpr important thatt isfe, we go to create a future that is built o freedom, well give a parents bill of rights, that you hav have a say in our kiddie education kids education and Parental Choice and hold the Tech Companies account ag and create fairness, then gov a government that accountable, preserve ourr Constitutional Rights and like you have not seen. Well find out where the accorigins of covidth started, the doj, you have tha an individual that called parents terrorists because w they went to a School Boardth meeting . There iser so many elementsts well be able to w do movingng f forward. And on the very firsrdt day, well repeal 87,000 irs agents just to start, this is just the beginning. Mark that is a solid agenda age Kevin Mccarthy. The democrat agenda is the opposite of this. O because you have to Fix Everything Thefiythiy Havee destroyed and beyond. Whatyond is the contrary . Ra tshave democrat put out their s agenda for securing the border. They have no plan, whenthis you think about this why to we have inflation . It was their runn away spending, larry summers,ed democrat treasury secretary warned them and Steven Ratner an adviser to obamao called it the original si of inflation you look at the border, why do we have that problem and millions of people coming across, why is fentanyl thee number one killer of americans between the ages of 18 and 45, because the democrats have no plan, we put a plan together to secure our border the responsibility of the federafedel government. You are now catching people on Terrorist Watch List from yemen and others coming to america, what do they haveing planned . Joe bideton and democrats say,sa that republicans are antidemocracy. Violent. They cannot be trusted. And they are semi fascist, whatever that means. What is your response. He is calling half of america, that this is what i believe elections should be bideas, why dont the ideas put for forth their idea . Because they have no plan, if you carry about the future of your nation. If you care about your kids that you a say in your kids education, and lost learning we finding because of covid, we have a plan to make the kids catch up, we i supply a tac tax credited for individuals to have scholarships, we hold Tech Companies accountable. We want too create fairness, and definl defends your rights, we may disagree with your opinion but we will allow you to have your say, not government coming after you and build an economy based on an american economy, we think that american some could Energy Independent, you payless at gas pump and inflation would go down and jobs should come back from china too america this say simple plan with a Foughture Thfuture that next century would be the american century, after this election join with us, well Passat The House but we need your help to get it to president s desk, for ern that wants to be a parted of this go to take the house to the commen takethehouse. Com, join with us. In a commitment toto america. E the house. Com. A couple yes, and no questions. Do you can support packing the Supreme Court . No. Mark to you supported open borders. No. Do you support aboarding babes on the last second. No, and you know, what democrats actually voted for that i dont believe that americans believe in that, a baby can feel the pain in 9th month, they are able to live and then they want to abort them . Do you support endless Deficit Spending for a variety of programs in wash tc was washington, d. C. No way, every Great Society has collapsed when they over extend, you are hurting a future generation, making America Weaker and china stronger. Mark when we come back, i want to ask you some questions about this United States department of the just justice. I lot of us are concerned about the politicalization of that department. And i get questions every day from callers, what are we going to do about this . What will the republicans do to expose what is taking place there when we return, well be right back. This is the sound of better breathing. Fasenra is an addon treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. It helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. 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Because when you invest in yourself, everyone gets the best of you. Welcome to fox news live, i much Ashley Strohmier in new york, floridas relents residents braces for worse they fear ian will continue to gain strength over next 48 hours, with potential to become a category 4 hurricane, Governor Ron Desantis isa advising people to repair for the storms, many stores are already running out supplies in north, thousands of ca canadians remain without power, i am Ashley Strohmier back to life, liberty and levin. To life, liberty and levin. Mark welcome back. Kevin mccarthy, a lot of people are upset about the department of the justice, they went after parents and they refuse to enforce a federal felony statute to protect Supreme Court justices. They refuse to enforce Immigration Laws to protect the southern border. They seem to look to go after donald trump. Ron desantis. Republican members of congress. Republican state ledge legislators, we have a department of justs they has gone rogue. I agree. We need to rein government a abuse of power, we have a department of the justs they caljustice that calls parents terrorist because they went to a school board meeting. We watched the abuses, we have sent more than 500 Preservation Letters we have that information now, there needs to be a check and balance, while democrats control all they have been no there has been no oversight of any agency that is a role of congress, congress should do that regardless of who . Power, we dont know why the decisions were made in afghanistan not listening to military, shouldnt we know that, so it never happens again, shouldnt we know with covid originated. The picking, choosing and using power of government to go after americans because they have a different political view is going to stop. Well provide awound di accountability. Were sending the letters out and have that information, we will start on day one, repili repealing 87 thousands irs anxietiagents, we will become Energy Independent and com comeback and pass a parents bill of rights. So you have a say in your childrens education, and we rein in our wasteful spending to lower inflation, and make sure that streets are safe, we will not defund the police but provide more officers and hold the prosecutors and District Attorney account able to up hold the law andic cu secure the borders. We will make sure that government is accountable at the same time. These are a few things that were going to do if you is up plsupply and votes and change the direction, join with us, takethehouse. Com. Mark other thing, joe biden uses is Executive Order like no one i have seen before. Executive order 1. 5 trillion. Let me ask you, did Congress Vote on for giving a trillion dollar in Student Loan Debt for the wealthiest american. No, we did not. You would never forgive smn machine someones debt, that is passed on to someone else to pay. Mark did Congress Vote to destroy womens sports with a reinterpretation of title ix. No, title ix is 50 years old, we ensure fairness in our commitment to america, ensure women will only compete with women in womens sports. Mark did congress or seen the iran deal that is going to arm, ran with Nuclear Weapons befored by everyone gets ready to seen off on it . No, he has never met with us or briefed up, i promise you if were in majority we make shsure we get that information, this administration is allowing russia to negotiate this. We watched what future holds, they are creating iran to be stronger and move throughout the world, their terrorist activities, america should have a voice in this congress should be able to have oversight. And because this democrats in all power they the not hold this government accountable. There needs to be a check and balance. Mark how many hearings held in house of representative since nancy pelosi speak or bidens family on their ties with foreign governments and moneys that come in. Zero. The thing i promise, Intel Committee will become an Intel Committee, they will know what is happening sw we will end perks for congress, no longer will you vote by proxy. You will be on the floor working. Bring the bills back to committee, give you a check and balance and a plan for a new direction for america, you will be bottom Energy Independent and gas price lower, and border secure and streets safe again, you will not attacked based on your political beliefs you will have a say in your kids education. Kevin mccarthy thank you very much. I wish you guys and gals a lot of luck for this second of my children and grandchildren. God bless you my friend. Thank you i earn 5 cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. I earn 5 on our cabin. 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I first got into this, i wondered if come on man, would get lost in the shuffle, there are dozens of Books Written By Former President Donald Trump when she was in office, my concern was would i be competing for eyeballs. All of these journalists, white house correspondents and reporters talk often about speaking truth to power without fear or favor to party, that was bs. Im looking at literary landscape, i see 15 books on donald trump over next month. You know guy not in power, i see one book on the current guy in power that is mine. That is it. That does that tell us . Overall the last year, joe biden has polled lower than any first term president in polling history, i would think that i would have competition from these patronizing journalists, it is not happening Jonathan Karl abc news wrote two books on Trump Presidency and jim acosta that was not happening, no biden book from him. Maggie, New York Times with another book on trump coming, she serves at pleasure of democratic party, it appears ill find mback to beginning of joe bidens adult life there is more than enough material to work with. Mark you probably have to be considered number one expert on joe biden the way have taken an exam nation to this monthto mans life. At his core what does joe biden believe in, what is motivating him. Oh, boy. As his core he really is this ideologue were seeing as president. As senator you have so much power. But i have come to a conclusion that joe biden is the luckiest man on earth. He failed upwards his entire life to the oval office. You remember he claimed he was first in his class in law school, he finished near the bottom and nearly thrown out of the bottom for plagiarizing a paper, his reflect is to lie, he is Brian Williams of president s, he would go to shows and talk about his stories. They were not true, they were unforced errors that is what we see with joe biden. Plagiarism is repeating, he is not very intelligent. Were talking word for word, that should have been end of his political career, but he is a senator from a blue state like delaware, they kept electing him, when barack obama captured democratic nomination, he is forced to choose someone older with some Foreign Policy experiencing, he chooses joe biden. He voted again first gulf war that was good one, for the second gulf war, in 2011 when obama asked biden if she should take bin laden out biden says no. There was discussion internal to replace biden with Hillary Clinton. That is how incompetent obama viewed him. The famous quote, never under estimate joes ability to to f things up that any his b bff. American people are seeing first hand just how much joe biden can f things up. In terms of border, and inflation, and skyrocketing gas prices. That is where we are at this point, a country destroyed and a made why that helped elect him. Mark when we come back joe concha, what is that relationship between the obamas and the bidens . We know they didnt support him early on. In the primaries. Now they alike they are supporting hip all of t him all of the time here, is surrounded by the obama sycophants, we return, you discuss it in the book, a great book, come on man, you can get ifa amazon. Com, you think you know everything about joe biden, trust me, you dont. Well be and its easier than ever toâ–  get your projects done right. Inside, outside, big or small, angi helps you find the right so for whatever you need done. With angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. Just search or scroll to see upf on hundreds of projects. And when you book and pay throug youre covered by our happiness its easy to make your home an a check out angi. Com today. Angi. And done. Prop 27 sends 90 of profits to outofstate corporations in places like new york and boston. No wonder its so popular. Out there. Yeah i cant believe those idiots are going to fall for this. 90 hey mark, did you know california is sending us all their money . Suckers. Those idiots [ laughter ] imagine that, a whole state made up of suckers. Vote no on 27. Its a terrible deal for california. We win. You lose. Mark welcome back america. A great book, com come on man, life and types of joe biden. More than you know, trust me, the only book on biden out until christmas. If you want a trump book, you are at the wrong place, joe concha relationship between the obamas and the bidens . Like we talked about. It was amazing that joe biden when he was running for president , put up you know by the way, barack obama and me were best friends, i have Friendship Placbracelets to prove i it. But joe biden saw while joe biden needed barack obama, barack obama really did not need joe biden. Where you saw when he was winning for president , obama, you could kind edward snowden. That shows you at one Point Wrac Barack said to joe, you dont have do this in terms of running for president in 2020, he convinced biden to not run in 2016, you saw history, nixon run for president after eisenhower and that is what Vice President s do after they search for 8 years biden was convinced to sit in 2016 because barack obama saw Hillary Clinton as the heir apparent, she is the ivy league gal, he was history makes in Terms Of First Black President she would be first female president and joe biden was cast aside, hype aground the great relationship between obama and biden that dog dont hunt just based on those fact. There were several i came from, me being a media watcher. Worst collusion we have seen, we talk about collusion from traditional media, very plate e examples in book, abc news with a town hall of independent voters a guy from pennsylvania asked a tball question, he was a Speech Righter in the obama and biden administration, and cnn hoiste host hosted a0 town how town hall, he gets 7 questions from democrats and 2 from republicans that sounds fair to me. In particular his sons laptop from hell to control important Communication Platforms on twitter and facebook, they have reach and big tech that took down conservative systems social media sites and amazon removing it from servers. That is how you squash free speech, 2020 was a fixed fight it marks i would say most shape shameful time in our history in as far as free speech. Mark is that why they dont want to talk about the 2020 election . These terms. . Putting aside machines and ballots is there any question that the media influenced that election . There were billions of dollars spend in what we call inkindy from contribution from media the way they would prop upped by everyone and sensor negative information and trash the hell out of trump. We heard when democrats come to power they will break up the companies, but why would they do that . Social Media Companies like and facebook. Where so much messaging goes on they are the best is u super pacs they could hope for then covid asi expect, without covid donald trump gets elected. We were in peace and prosperous, bouabi biden was able to hide in his basement. I am glad you had me on to talk about it. Mark you deserve it, you are smart. You have integrity, you are objective, the book is fascinating and compelling, come on man by joe concha. You can get it at amazon. Com it is current it relates to this election as far as im concerns joy thank you my friend. Happy debat belated birthday by the way. Mark thank you, if you have Type 2 Diabetes or high blood pressure. 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T now, if yourean so right and so smart, what do you have to beus afraid of . T im just me, just a tv host. The garland, graves, cheyney, james, please come on the program. , id love to have you. See you next on the program life, liberty and levin. On friday, Michael M Moore s on with bill. And i know michael moore, theres something kind of chilly this time. I think theres going to be such a landslide against the traders. 1993 canada voted every conservative membe

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