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Where he made critical remarks about republican economic philosophy after spending the holiday on the Campaign Trail in wisconsin and pennsylvania. We will talk live with the republican nominee for senate from pennsylvania, dr. Mehmet oz a little bit later. First up tonight, White House Correspondent peter doocy live from the north lawn. Good evening, peter. Peter good evening, bret. We noticed something while out on the Campaign Trail with President Biden this weekend when he is surrounded by midterm voters he spends a lot of time talking about Maga Republicans. But back here at the white house, surrounded w by the cabit he is trying to stick to official business. Im not a fan of big fan of trickle down economics. I find the trickle stops fairly quickly coming down. Peter he is also not a big fan of socalled Maga Republicans. The extreme Maga Republicans in congress have chosen to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate and division. Peter he is making a point about their policies, too. These trumpys, these Maga Republicans in congress are coming from your Social Security as well. Peter the president is referring to a proposal by senator rick scott to address wasteful Government Spending on voting on every Spending Program every five years. Of course he is going to lie about it. What i believe is we have got to do everything we can to preserve medicare. Preserve Social Security. Make sure these are lasting programs. Peter white house officials want to make sure maga republican doesnt cover all trump voters. He was has been very clear that he is talking about office holders. Peter particularly the ones that dont accept the results of the 2020 election. Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election, either they win or they were cheated. Peter but White House Press secretary Karine Jeanpierre has tweeted about elections she claimed were stolen by republicans from Hillary Clinton and stacy abrams. You tweeted brian kemp stole annual election. Is denying Election Results is extreme now. Yeah. Peter why wasnt it then . Lets be really clear that comparison you made is just ridiculous. Well, you are asking me a question. Let me answer it. Peter and you said its ridiculous. I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with Voting Rights and what was in danger of Voting Rights. Peter however, two years after the georgia Gubernatorial Election she was still saying that election was stolen. And while the Press Secretary did say in 2018 and 2019 that trump won the Electoral College, the only difference between her claims in 2016 that trump lost in n. Recent republican claims in 2020 that trump won says threatening item democracy is party i. D. Bret. Bret more on this with the panel peter doocy in the north lawn. Thank you. There were accusations tonight from a top House Republican that the Treasury Department is providing cover for the biden family. The allegations involve the departments refusal to turn over information regarding suspicious banking behavior tied to hunter biden. Correspondent Mark Meredith has the latest tonight. Republican congressman james comer is furious with the Treasury Department after it denied his request to review any suspicious activity reports it has collected on President Bidens son hunter. This is another coverup in the Biden Administration to block republican oversight and republican investigations of Hunter Bidens shady business dealings. The report, filed by financial institutions, notified the government when they suspect someone is committing fraud or money laundering. The Treasury Department says congress can see the report under certain conditions. Republicans who are not in the majority lack the power to force treasurys compliance. The Department Also argues if those reports are released and then leaked, it could, quote undermine potential or ongoing investigations or proceedings. Republicans are hopeful voters will be outraged by what they say is a double standard compared to how democrats investigated the trump administration. Hunter biden is still out there being able to peddle influence All Around The World and they do nothing to him. Americans are pissed off about that. They are going to show up in november and democrats are going to answer for it. The white house insists its not involved in the ongoing criminal probe into the first son but critics, including iowa senator Chuck Grassley say federal investigators are moving too slowly and have yet to provide the American People with answers. Nothing seems to be moving. Are they an Enforcement Agency or arent they . Are they using political bias or not . Thats why total transparency is important. Senator grassley along with senator ron johnson of wisconsin are vowing to investigate social Media Companies like facebook and how they handled stories involving hunter biden back during the 2020 campaign this really all depends, bret, on what happens in the midterms and whether or not the republicans gain the Subpoena Power they say they need. Bret . Bret mark, thanks. Bret in this Special Report midterm watch we have 63 days, a little more than two months to go until the 2022 midterm elections. Actually only three days until voters cast their first General Election ballots. Early voting starts in North Carolina on september 9th. Now, today is massachusetts primary, next week delaware, new hampshire, rhode island voters head to the polls in the wrapup of primaries. Lets take a look at some of the top issues facing voters this election season as we look at the polls, most polls have inflation or the economy listed as number one. 227 of registered voters in quinnipiacs latest poll you facing the country . Todays republican matchup. Governor, businessman chris doty says he can help the states economy grow. He spoke to reporters as he voted today. He says he is a job creator. He face former state representative geoff diehl he has former President Trumps Endorsement Lags in fundraising goes on to face mara healy in november. The top searched political issues on the internet are these new polls show the issue of inflation. 10 say its the most important. Many more women are registering to vote across the countrys dobbs case in the u. S. Supreme court. Overturning roe v. Wade could affect a number of races as democrats are now running specific ads on abortion. Lets take a look at one of those races as the Georgia Senate race. Republican Herschel Walker has been gaining ground in that race in recent weeks. Incumbent senator democrat Raphael Warnock holds a one point lead in the real clear average politics of polls. Georgia as a state has been leaning more purple than red state neighbors in recent elections. According to our own fox news poll says that independence who really could sway this race, 19 in Georgia Say Abortion is their top issue. Gun violence and immigration place tie for third 9 . Immigration policy is important, too. Especially for border states. Watching one of those in the Arizona Senate race where the Real Clear Politics average shows incumbent democrat mark kelly with a 6 point lead over republican challenger Blake Masters in the latest poll out there. Arizona independents ranked Border Security second most important issue behind inflation. But, again. Abortion gaining precedent. Correspondent Aishah Hasnie shows us how that subject is affecting many contests. Joe oday opposes the law protecting Abortion Access in colorado. In colorado democrats have Republican Senate candidate joe oday on the defense over abortion rights. Paints me as absolute prolife. Thats not where im at. The left has made the Dobbs Decision which returned the Abortion Issue to the state the focal point of their Campaign Across the country. Ripping away our constitutional freedom. Our reproductive freedom has awakened millions of voters a New York Times analysis of Voter Registration shows the scotus ruling galvanized female voters. The biggest surge happened in kansas where where more than 70 of new voters the month after the decision were women. The same state where voters rejected a measure to restrict abortion rights. Now Republican Senate candidates in Battleground States like owe District Attorney are leaning on wives to soften their image among female voters. While others are softening their position. In arizona, Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters Whose Campaign website once described him as 100 percent prolife now says he does not support third trimester abortion. I trust our candidates to know their districts and how they will appeal this their voters. Ronna mcdaniel told the a. P. The g. O. P. Needs to narrow its message on the issue. Offering this. The past four republican president s since roe believe in the exception and that is where i think a lot of the American People are, she said. Adding but they also believe in limitations and democrats have shown no inclination to have any limitation. Doug high echoing that message. He said republicans should stick to pocketbook issues about high inflation, the economy because, according to a recent pugh survey about 77 of registered voters still believe the economy is the number one issue this november. Bret . Bret Aishah Hasnie live on the hill. Thanks. Biden Administration Officials are suggesting americans may need annual Coronavirus Vaccine Booster Shots. Dr. Anthony fauci says it would be similar to the annual flew shot. New Booster Shots from fis and moderna are expected to be widely available this week. Stocks were off today. The dow lost 13. The s p 500 fell 16. The nasdaq was off 86. Longst Losing Streak since 2016. Up next, we will talk live with pennsylvania Republican Senate nominee mehmet oz about his race in the november midterms. And still ahead, the latest Stumbling Block toward an agreement to revive Irans Nuclear deal with the west. Open up the redesigned chevy silverado. With a sophisticated, hightech interior. Open the door its easy to forget its a truck. Thanks. Nice truck it was. Find new style. Find new roads. Any way you want it thats the way you need it any way you want it any way any way you want it thats the way you need it its back america. Applebees all you can eat boneless wings. Just 12. 99. kari i just switched to Verizon Business unlimited. It is just right for my little business. jeni we switched, too. kari unlimited premium data. Unlimited hotspot data. My Point Of Sale is on point. vo switch to Verizon Business unlimited today. From the Network America relies on. So we need something super disctintive. Dads work, meet daughters playtime. Wait till you hear this thankfully, meta portal helps reduce background noise. Zero lace model. Adjusts to low light. And pans and zooms to keep you in frame. Take a look at this. So the whole team stays on track. Okay, lets get you some feedback. Im impressed. Great, loving your work. Meta portal. The smart Video Calling Device that makes work from home, work for you. My name is douglas. Im a writer director and im still working. In the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. I had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. I discovered prevagen. I started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. It was a gamechanger for me. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Energy demands are rising. And the effects are being felt everywhere. Thats why at chevron, were increasing production in the Permian Basin by 15 . And were projected to reach 1 Million Barrels of oil per day by 2025. All while staying on track to reduce our Carbon Emissions intensity in the area. Because its only human to tackle the challenges of today to help ensure a brighter tomorrow. Bret Elecelectronic Cigarete Maker giuliani labs pay 424 million to settle by 33 states into the marketing of high nicotine vaping products. The Company Still faces nine separate lawsuits from other ostates along with hundreds of personal actions brought on behalf of those saying they became addicted to its products. Now, a horrible story, the body of a 34yearold Memphis School teacher abducted during a run friday has been found. Prosecutors are charging a 38yearold man with the murder of eliza fletcher. Correspondent Charles Watson is in memphis tonight Memphis Police have confirmed that the Human Remains Found in a South Neighborhood remains missing mother of two. The man suspected in her kidnapping and death with first degree murder and first degree murder and per at the trace of kidnapping. That in addition to a especially aggravated kidnapping and tampering evidence charges. While the outcome of this investigation is not what we hoped for, we are nonetheless pleased to remove this dangerous pled tore off the streets of memphis. His arrest came less than a day after police say they found the g. M. C. Terrain w be a stolen henderson that was used while she went for a run on the University Of Memphis texas. According to an Affidavit Abston puts him in the area out of a black g. M. C. Terrain run aggressively toward the victim and then Force Fletcher into the Passenger Side of the vehicle. Police say abston left behind a pair of sandals investigators later linked them to him through d. N. A. Typically very little today go on. But, in this particular case, there is a lot of pieces of evidence. Fletchers body was located in an abandoned home less than a mile away from the Apartment Complex where witnesses including Abston Henderson saw him cleaning the floors of his suv. She is just a beautiful person. Its awful to see the evil thats in the world. We are hearing from the fletcher family. They released a Statement Saying in part we are devastated and heart broken by this senseless loss. Liza was such a joy to so many. Bret . Bret Charles Watson, thank you. Im here to issue a warning to pennsylvania voters. You cant do the job of u. S. Senator sitting at home firing off snarky tweets. Its a demanding job. It requires extensive time on the road, long days and nights. It involves lots of communication. Based on what i have seen from the videos of his very few public appearances, i have my doubts about whether John Fetterman is up for the job. Bret retiring pennsylvania senator pat toomey speaking today alongside pennsylvania Senate Nominee mehmet oz who is trying to pressure his democratic opponent Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman into a series of debates. So far fetterman is refusing. Dr. Mehmet oz joins us tonight. Thanks for being here. Good afternoon, bret. Bret the Pittsburgh Post Gazette was even more pointed than senator toomey calling for fetterman to debate you. In your opinion, is Lieutenant Governor fetterman medically fit to serve as a u. S. Senator. I dont know if he is medically fit although im a doctor and should have an opinion on it. The fact is nobody knows. None of you was have had access to his medical records. Frankly, thats his decision what records he wants to provide. I think he is insulting the voters of pennsylvania by dodging debate. Is he donging their questions. Is he dodging questions from the press. His Campaign Says he is doing fine and he said that as well. And, yet, he doesnt debate. Can i only assume because he wants to avoid answering for some of the far left radical comments that he has made. But, if he is sick, then he has been lying to us as well. Either way, this is really not about health, its about honor and integrity and honesty. Bret while the post gazette wrote today there are legitimate Health Concerns about his health. It accused you and your campaign of, quote pressing the issue in an adolescent manner. Fetterman recently said this about the whole campaign issue. As a doctor, you are going around making fun of somebody that had a stroke and when you look around and realize that there is pennsylvanians all across the state that have Serious Health crises in their own life and i dont think anybody would want a doctor in their lives making fun of them. Bret i understand what you just said. But do you regret the way your campaign has dealt with this issue . I love John Fetterman to raise his concerns about my campaign. I will do the same back to him here with on the debate stage. He knows that i have been from day one empathetic to his condition as a physician who has dealt with stroke and Heart Failure i know how challenging it can be to bounce back. But the reality is you havent expressed yourself in any capacity about what these debates are going to look like. Share with me what i can do to help you debate. What concessions need to be made . I love to consider them, talk them through. My goal and yours, John Fetterman, should be to educate the people of pennsylvania. Undermines democracy, bret. When someone is campaigning for the senate, which is, you know, the most of all the bodies in the world one that prides itself on deliberation and being able to articulate arguments back and forth and he is unable to move forward and debating me and he doesnt want to answer questions from the press or from the voters. And democracy is built on us asking difficult questions of each other. To really figure out where the truth lies. I have been compassionate through this process. Bret i want to move onto the issues. But just to hit this your critics say it wasnt appropriate to call out a man to question his eating habits. Im clarifying you stand by what the campaign states. I would love to talk about the issues which is what the goal has been august along. I have been trying to emphasize that John Fetterman wants to release 1 3 of all prisoners, he believes in legalizing the criminalizing all drugs. Sanctuary cities with an open border. These run afoul of the values of most pennsylvanians. We are suffering from the highest murder rates ever in philadelphia which is the area that im from. We have got Fentanyl Deaths that are higher than they have ever been as well because you have got an open border and cartels are profiting from huge trafficking and bringing drugs across the border. These are realities of the position that John Fetterman has tweeted about and taken positions on. Answer the public about what you would do. Do you regret having taken these stances . What would you do differently if you were a United States senator. Bret you call him a radical. You essentially link him to Bernie Sanders or alexandria ocasiocortez. And, yet, if you look at the recent polls, the real clear average of polls, any recent poll, you are trailing by anywhere between 6 and 10 points. Why is that . Well, the polls that i have seen recently are traumatic closure of that gap. I think much of the reason for that is the Republican Party is recovering from a debate. It doesnt matter what public polls say over the summer. We are now in the final stretch two months to go. Im very clear on what i stand for and what i would do if i was a senator representing this beautiful commonwealth. We dont know what he would do as a senator. He has not been out campaigning. There have been 180 events. 180. He has done less than half a dozen. He has spoken for 20 minutes, taken no questions. What kind of a campaign doesnt show up for its people . This is what pat toomey was arguing today. If you are not going to show up on a Campaign Trail why would we think you would show up and fight for us in the senate. You have to take some positions and defend them. Is he not doing that beginning to undermine his credibility with the voters of pennsylvania. Bret we should point out we asked Lieutenant Governor fetterman to come on Special Report. We have tried numerous times. He was campaigning in pennsylvania yesterday. Muck the attacks he leveled here is just a clip. How many homes does dr. Oz have . 9, 10, 11 . Which state . I guarantee you he doesnt have a steel millwright across from one of his mansions, you know. But you are going to have one senator that lives across the street from a steel mill because, lets tell something. Lets tell something. [applause] in the valley, we make steel. [applause] we make steel. In new jersey, in new jersey, dr. Oz makes crudite. How does it improve the lives of pennsylvania. Suffering the highest murder rates in philadelphia. High fentanyl death rates across rural pennsylvania. Suffering from an economy thats not working for you. Speaking of steel mills he says fracking is a stain. Want to regulate wanted a moratorium. He signed a document to that effect. How is that going to help the steel mills in pennsylvania . This is why everyone is in a panic about John Fetterman coming into office it will be a catastrophe for the commonwealth of pennsylvania. I think for the nation as well. He is way out of bounds so far left on so many of his positions. Just notice as he was giving his little speech there thats all he talks about personal attacks but no Real Foundation to explain why he would be able to help us through our problems. I have been very upfront about what i would do to fix the problems. And i have asked him pointed questions on his policies. His ideology, what he thinks is going on in the world and how he would fix it he doesnt seem able to argue at that level. Its very concerning if you want to be a u. S. Senator. Very different to tweet out snarky comments than it is to serve in the United States senate as pat toomey said. Its a very high bar. Bret looking back Grocery Store video do you wish you had gone to the meat aisle and picked up a steak . Im proud many things i do campaigns or border squirmishes. Work your tail off and try to serve the voters and help them on issues that pertain to them. The issues that im proudly talking about, bret. Have to do with the issues, Kitchen Table issues that all of pennsylvania is struggling with thats why this race is so important. Bret here is an issue they are hitting hard and thats abortion. Abortion is legal in pennsylvania. Should it be . As a senator, i definitely do not want the federal government involved in state decisions. I have found as a physician local healthcare works beth. I trust local democracy and the ability of voters to impact on people in harrisburg much more than what they can control. Im prolife i have three exceptions life of the mother rape and up access and my values align with a lot of the values in pennsylvania. As a u. S. Senator i will leave those decisions to the states. Bret i asked a couple people to tweet in asking for questions jan tweeted in do you believe the 2020 election was stolen. The second part of this was to me but you wont ask a hard question like that. So heres the first question do you believe the 2020 election was stolen . I have been asked that question many times. As a doctor im very precise with the words i use. There is lots more information we have to gather in order to determine that. And i would be very desirous of gathering some. I think it would improve the process in general. Did you ask the question contrary to what people think you are asking tough questions. Bret you believe that joe biden is the legitimate president . I do believe biden is in the president. He is in the white house now. Most people can tell he is the president. If you look at the Inflation Rate 40 year high and lackluster ability to get the economy back on its feet again and potentially putting us in recession its pretty clear he is president. Bret okay. Are you a maga republican . I support what President Trump has argued while he was in the white house that we can actually make america a great country if we put our Country First tough on trade and do the kinds of things that were done during that administration. I think a lot of americans look objectively at how the country was doing while President Trump was in office would have to argue and could convincingly argue it was in better shape than we are now. Bret couple of quick things people asking why you want to be a senator. John tweets do you plan on donating your Senate Salary if you win . I have already been on record that i would donate my Senate Salary if i win. It would be a great honor to give that back to the country. Believe me, running for senate you do it because you are passionate about making this country better. My father was an immigrant to this country. Grew up on the i am the American Dream. I grew up in humbled means and done very well and im proud that america made that possible. That was the deal my father and i and my whole family believed was the case. You work hard and serve your fellow american you will do great and america will do great. I do have concerns that some members of our leadership dont believe that quite as vehemently part of the far left where John Fetterman lives. I want to push back. I do believe the American Dream is live and i want to nurture it. Bret will you support Mitch Mcconnell for leader if you are elected. I look forward to being in the United States senate and having to make that decision for the next leaderboard of the United States senate. It will be a republican. Bret you cant make it tonight . Not going to make it tonight. Bret dr. Mehmet oz, we appreciate the time. Thanks, bret. Bret up next, new yorks mayor sends a delegates to texas following the frustration of Illegal Immigrants to his city. I typed in grandmas name and birth year. 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Were a fiduciary, obligated to act in our clients best interest. other Money Manager so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money . Fisher Investments yep. We do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments, were clearly different. Bret fox news exclusive new yorks mayor sent a delegation to texas following the shipment of Illegal Immigrants to new york. Correspondent Garrett Tenney is in eagle pass with this exclusive tonight. Good evening, garrett. Bret, good evening to you. This visit is significant because it is the first time officials from the sanctuary city have come to the border to see this crisis firsthand. New york city mayor Eric Adams Office is calling it a Fact Finding Mission to hear directly from folks on the southern border. Our cameras were the only ones here as the delegation met with Border Patrol officials on the banks of the Rio Grande River where hundreds of migrants cross on a daily basis. A source familiar with the trip tells us the delegation also got a very small taste of the overwhelming numbers of people flooding into the state during a tour of a recently built Cbp Processing Facility in eagle pass that was packed with migrants waiting to be processed. Members of the delegation wouldnt speak to us but mayor adams Press Secretary tells fox News New York city will continue to welcome Asylum Seekers with open arms. Adams has been fiercely critical of Texas Governor greg abbott for busing more than 2100 migrants to the big apple in the last month and tonight, abbotts office is firing right back saying governor abbotts invitation is still open for mayor adams to come visit our southern border and see firsthand the devastating impacts of the Biden Made Crisis on border towns smaller than a new york city borough. Its important to note though that while mayor adams himself didnt come to the border, if texas hadnt bused migrants up north this delegation likely would have never come here to be able to see this crisis for themselves. Which is what texas officials have been wanting washington to do all along. Bret . Bret Garrett Tenney live along the border. Thanks. Up next, we will tell you about the latest hold up in a striking a deal to revive Irans Nuclear agreement with the west. First, here is what some of our Fox Affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Fox 11 in los angeles with the first day of a new Outdoor Watering ban in portions of the county. 36mile pipeline delivering water from the Colorado River shut down for emergency repairs. That ban is now in effect for 15 days. Also this evening, consumers are being advised to be yesterday for potential rotating Power Outages in california tonight amid the hottest weather of the historic heat wave. And this is a live look at new york. One of the big stories there from fox 5 our affiliate the start of broadway week. Many shows are offering two for one tickets through september 25th. Broadway week is a twice yearly event that has been going on since 2011. And after covid, its good to be back on broadway. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from Special Report, well be right back. Welcome to new york its been waiting for you Welcome To New York Welcome To New York Welcome To New York with directv i can get live tv and on demand together football, housewives, football, housewives. Whoops. I just want to talk get your tv together. Call 1800directv to save up to 120. Today, my friend, you did it. You did it. Today, you took centrum and took one more step towards taking charge of your health. Centrum gives you 100 of the daily value of key nutrients. So every day, you can say, you did it with centrum keep it comin love keep it comin love dont stop it now, dont stop it no dont stop it now, dont stop keep it comin its back america. Applebees all you can eat boneless wings. Just 12. 99. Only at vanguard, youre more than just an investor youre an owner. We got this, babe. That means that your dreams are ours too. And our Financial Planning tools can help you reach them. Thats the value of ownership. Bret the u. N. Atomic watchdog industry will ukraine to establish security and Protection Zone around europes Largest Nuclear plant in ukraine. Fears persist that ongoing fighting could trigger a catastrophe in that region. Shelling continued today around the facility. A day after it was, again, knocked off ukraines electrical grid. The political pendulum seems to be swinging against the long rumored settlement to revive the Iran Nuclear Deal with the west. The European Unions top diplomat says he is less confident now than a day earlier about closing the keel. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin tells us where things stand right now. U. S. Flew two capable Nuclear Bombers over the middle east as tensions with iran remain high and negotiations over Irans Nuclear program falter. Irans response did not put us in a position to close the deal. The bombers at one point escorted by israeli f16 jet fighters took off from he can glanced as the top u. S. Air force general in the middle east warned threats to the u. S. And our partners will not go unanswered. The head of Israeli Intelligence made a whirl wind threepoint washington, d. C. To try to halt the deal as israels Prime Minister visited the air base to receive a security briefing. It is still too early to know if we succeeded in stopping the nuclear agreement. The European Unions top diplomat expressed pessimism about the deal. Im sorry to say that i am less confident today that 28 hours before. Adding to the tension just days after u. S. Military helicopters intercepted irans revolutionary guard tour towing a sail drone. Seized two American Drones taking unclassified photos In The Red Sea friday as a u. S. Warship approached the iranians tossed the u. S. Drones overboard. I can confirm that the cameras were missing. These run classified. Unsensitive off the shelf technology. The farce new agency known mouthpiece of irans Supreme Leader who criticized the nuclear as western plot and recommended the regime quit the treaty. The biggest Sticking Point to renewing the deal iran wants an end to an iaea uranium traces found at three undeclared nuclear sites. The u. S. Thus far has balked, bret. Bret back to ukraine, the u. S. Intelligence agency says russia is really having to resort to unlikely sources for weapons in the war with ukraine there. Thats right, bret. Today, the pentagons new Press Secretary confirmed newly declassified intelligence suggests russia has turned to north northkorea to rockets. A signs that sanctions and export are hitting russian supply lines in ukraine finally russia turned it another Ax Sit Of Evil member to source drones for ukraine recently. Pentagon says the first batch of iranian made drones are having mechanical problems. Bret like the Legion Of Doom or something. All right, jen. Thank you. Up next election politics push toward november midterms and my interview with Senate Nominee mehmet oz. Russian president Vladimir Putin attends war games china and other nations it is considered a show of force amid moscows tensions with the west. Exercise with the far east is intended to growing defense ties between russia and china. This is a live look at london. One of the big stories there, probably the biggest story there tonight liz truss takes over as british Prime Minister avoiding a Energy Crisis in the u. K. She plans to cap energy bills at cost to taxpayers with as much as 116 billion. Truss is also tasked with curbing soaring prices. There seen with the queen. Just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. Well be right back. Wave out to the crowd take final bough. Its our time to go at least we stole the show try boost® high protein . Was i happy when i beat donald trump by nearly 3 million votes but lost the Electoral College . No, i was not happy. Did i even for a nanosecond think im going to claim victory and try to get the democrats to refuse to certify the election . No. I believe he knows he is an illegitimate president. He knows. He knows that there were a bunch of Different Reasons why the election turned out the way it did. Bret okay. Hillary clinton on Cbs Evening News and then Hillary Clinton September 29th 2019 looking back. This as the Wall Street Journal puts the race this way joe biden holds a trump rally. His strategy is to outtrump trump bipolar rising the electorate around the former president because he thinks a majority will come his way. Is democracy lying as a political gambit. He has to swear most americans as would be fascists to make swing voters believe none of them can be trusted with power. Lets bring in our panel the Washington Post columnist marc thiessen. The five cohost Jessica Tarlov and ben domenech editoratlarge for the spectator, host of the Ben Domenech Podcast for fox news radio. Jessica, welcome to Special Report. Jessica thank you. Bret usually see you the hour before. Jessica yeah. Bret what do you make ever the Wall Street Journal right up there and the president s Clear Strategy here that on Different Campaign rallies is he definitely going down the maga, donald trump road . Jessica he is definitely being very clear and focused on who the enemy is in all of this. It is donald trump and the people who continue to spout his election lies to try to thwart democracy. I thought he was very clear about that in his speech on thursday evening. He even led by saying im not talking about the Conservative Party in general im talking about a very specific subset here. This is what democrats have been wanting President Joe Biden to do to go on offense. It has long been a problem within our party. Something that we have talked about that we feel we are always the ones that, you know, when they go low, we go high as Michelle Obama said it. At this particular moment joe biden knows that independent voters are up for grabs and thats how we are going to win the midterms and that talking about the Clear And Present Danger that donald trump and the people who believe in the same things he believes in pose is the way to win the election. Bret well, there was an exchange between our own peter doocy and the White House Press secretary today about election denial in the past. Take a listen. Umhuh. Cant be a democracy when you support violence, when you dont like the outcome of an election. So, if we are all in agreement that it is incorrect to say the 2020 election was stolen, what about 2016 election . Look, im not going to go back to where we were or what happened in 2016. Were going to focus on the here and now. We are going to focus on what is happening today. You tweeted election. You tweeted brian kemp stole an election. If denying Election Results is extreme now. Yeah. Why wasnt it then . Lets be really clear that comparison that you made is just ridiculous. Bret ben, your take . Well, Karine Jeanpierre doesnt have a leg to stand on on this and its astounding that you didnt play it but her response saying that she anticipated this question for quite some time. The fact that she would not have an answer for it is very telling. Look, i think that, you know, jessica and her party may very well believe that it is to their advantage to describe millions of americans as being the financials of the american government. But i do not believe that that is actually a path to victory. In fact, i believe it is a course that is only being undertaken because the record of this president is so weak, it is so terrible, it is so unquestionably bad when it comes to economic issues, the border, when it documents Foreign Policy and every other real significant manner that they are engaged in a project right now that i think is actually the opposite of everything that joe biden ran on. Everything that joe biden ran on was coming together, bringing Back Normalcy to american governments. Normalcy to the presidency. And, in fact, as he has governed, we have seen he has done the exact opposite in ways that have rifted this country apart and will continue to wreck our ability to Work Together around partisan lines and across all of the different divides that we have here as a nation. Bret Real Clear Politics average of president s approval still under water, mark at 42. 1 . Disprove 54. 8. Interestingly the generic congressional ballot is now tied and republicans and democrats essentially just tied. This is the beginning of the push to the midterms. This is when everybody starts paying attention. This is when the ads happen. This is when the get out the vote starts to happen. This is game time. It is indeed and i second everything that brother ben just said i would add one other thing the hypocrisy of democrats approach right now. If joe biden thinks Maga Republicans are the threat of the very foundations of our republic why is the Democratic Party he leads Spending Tens of millions of dollars across the country trying to get Maga Republicans elected, nominated in g. O. P. Primaries . They did it they are doing it right now in new hampshire. They did it in colorado. They did in michigan. They are doing it in california. They are doing it across the country. They are Spending Tennessees of millions of dollars trying to make sure the most extreme people. People denied Election Results. Who called mike pence a traitor are the ones who are the nominees because they think they are the easier ones to beat. If such a threat to the country why are they essentially giving them tens of millions of dollars in Campaign Donations total hip totalhypocrisy. Bret what did you think of dr. Ozs interview and answers. First the strategy that the dcc has im not in favor. Sends a bad message and something could go really wrong and end up with Doug Mastriano of the governor of pennsylvania. For instance. Not supportive. In terms of the dr. Oz interview, i thought that he dodged your questions pretty effectively. Because he you went at him with issues that are important to voters. Everyone is talking about what is going on with John Fettermans health at this particular moment and you gave him a nice out, which he chose not to take in terms of taking that back and the crudite mess. I think John Fetterman should be able to hold on. Im interested in georgia where i see that gap closing. Bret see if he comes on John Fetterman or does a debate or town hall. Panel, thank you very much. Jessica thanks, bret. Bret time for tuesday tweets. First from sabryna, are you and others going to have town halls for candidates before the elections . The answer to that is yes. We are working on a number of them around the Country Negotiations maybe even a couple of tweets. We will see. Jack bauers whatever happened to the durham investigation . Are we getting close to the statute of limitations for any possible crimes that occurred in Early Trump Administration . There is a trial next month. Thats the next step. It is still going on. No sense that it is stopping any time soon. We will cover everything but so far no word. Up next, kiki good win wants to know can you work in more past clips of Charles Krauthammer on some of todays topics he has such wisdom the answer is yes we always do. You will be surprised how many times it all fits in. He could cut through the noise day to day. Last next do you think 2024 General Election debates are going to happen . I actually do. I think they will. We will see. Tomorrow on Special Report, our Common Ground segment features democratic senator Amy Klobuchar of minnesota. Republican senator rob portman of ohio on set. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this Special Report. Fair, balanced and still unafraid here is jesse. Jesse im with Question Kiki i want to see more krauthammer clips. Summer is done. Football season officially started so now i have Something Else to watch besides cops reruns. Getting dark out earlier and kids going back to school telling their buddies what they did all summer and making some new friends. Rules. Thanks

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