We are grateful for outpouring of offers of support from neighbors locally, statewide and nationally, our number one priority is to give the Great Community the closure it deserves so that our families can begin to heal. Please continue for prayers, god bless. I would like to turn it over to mayor elect from the city of santa fe. Good afternoon, thanks for being here. We are working with School Officials and Law Enforcement and also those in mourning. Our unified goal is to give santa fe conference during devastating times and we will never leave your side. We need to unit as one during tragedy, we are hurt, but not broken. Our strength comes through our resilience. Please pray for our city. Good afternoon, thank you for being here today. Im patty, assistant superintendent for Human Resources and public relations. Our students and staff will need support to help them grieve and recover. Their personal grieving recovering and healing is going to be a long process for them and the entire community. Please respect the privacy of these families and students as they mourn. At this time, our campuses and the district will be closed on monday may 21st and tuesday may 22nd. We will continue to keep you informed through our website and social media as we receive additional information. Please continue to pray for our santa fe isd community and now im going to turn it over to county judge mark henry. Im county judge mark henry. I held the probable cause hearing on the suspect shooter yesterday, found probable cause on two charges, capital murder, aggravating assault,i denied bond from those charges. Thats the only information i have of it. I dont believe that anyone up here has current information and i would encourage you to direct questions towards District Attorneys office, Galveston County Sheriff Office for the state investigation and to the fbi and atf for the federal investigation. Im letting you know, unless im mistaken no one has current information or updates of the investigation as of today. Congressman of the area. Thank you, judge henry. I represent the 14th district of congress. This is a tough time. We have a hurting community. Weve got people who have lost loved ones, some of them students, some adults, we are going to pull through this. This is going to be a time for our community of healing. This is the second time in 8 months that weve gone through a tragedy, we had Hurricane Harvey in last august and now this. We will pull together. We will grieve together. We will love one another, we will work together. We did it after harvey, still doing it after harvey. We will do it after this. I told people back after the hurricane that harvey may have brought the downpour but our texans and friends and neighbors are bringing the outpour. Lord help us to grieve through this, to love on those folks, to be a bless to go them and to redouble efforts to hug our kids and maintain degree of respect to one another, for family, community, santa fe is what i call a salt of the earth community. It doesnt get any better than this. We are going to get through this we will once again laugh, itll be a while but we will get through this and we just want everybody thats watching or listening to pray for santa fe and all the victims and their families and we appreciate yall being here. Im going to turn it over to henry with the red cross. Henry. My name is henry, im the regional chief executive officer for the American Red Cross texas gulf coast region. Our hearts and minds are with the community of santa fe and with the entire Galveston County community, at the request of local Law Enforcement and local authorities the American Red Cross in coordination with the fbi victims assistance, dps victims assistance has opened assistant center, families affected by the devastating tragedy can receive support, community services, get something to eat and drink and retrieve from their current safe. Agencies that have served vary from red cross, salvation army, dps family services, victim services, fbi victim services, gulf coast, innovative alternatives, the attorney generals victims assistance, the District Attorneys office, texas medical Examiners Office and funeral services. The Family Assistant Center is located at United Methodist church, 1327 fm1764 in santa fe, open today from 9 00 to 6 00 p. M. And we will be open tomorrow 9 00 to 6 00 p. M. We unit with the santa fe isd community in saying we ask that all media respect the privacy of the location to allow the spaces for those families to grieve and to receive a very secure and private way to receive vital services, thank you. Okay. If you had any questions [inaudible] im going to let chief ron address that question. Hes been overseeing that with the students coming to pick up vehicles. Good afternoon, im walter brown, chief of police for santa fe isd. We are doing a limited allowing students and Staff Members access, oneonone with an officer to go and collect their valuables, car keys and vehicles, they are brought in in groups of 10 to the campus and theyre logged in and individually they are escorted by an officer and to gather belongs and brought to vehicles. Only part of the building thats available to us for that, so its on a very limited basis. As of right now, theres been approximately 50 thats come through there and this will continue through the afternoon till about 4 00 p. M. [inaudible] for what they are likely going experience with the kids, once you put hours after and are they going back not only back to property but to campus themselves, what pep talk did you give to your staff, you know, in anticipation of walking students and teachers through this . Our officers have been, very resilient and i dont think its really sunk in yet as to allowing emotions to take control. Our officers are very well prepared, they go through thrills, level 1 to level 2 active shooter training, we drill all of the time with the students and staff and theyre prepared to go into action, that was reflected by the two officers that engaged in right away. Would you describe the engagement . Im not going to talk about operational things or investigationive. I investigative. I will differ that to the fbi. Last i heard was critical but stable. How many rounds did your officers im not going to discuss any investigative. Students say the behavior was odd, did you have any warning signs . Im not going to discuss any operational. [inaudible] i will differ to the fbi and Texas Rangers. [inaudible] we are assisting in investigation but the fbi and Texas Rangers have the lead. [inaudible] were you the one that went in and helped get im not going to discuss that at this time. [inaudible] do you have any information about the other people who were wounded in the incident . I cant discuss that at this time. [inaudible] can you talk about the the officers went in there and did what they could. They did what they are trained for and went in immediately and its tragic event for everybody involved. Thank you. Id like to thank you once again for being here. We are going to conclude this press conference so that we are able to get back to take care of our students, our staff and their families. Can i ask one question about that [inaudible] a hotline available, counselors available, can you talk a little bit about how triaging the resources that your students will need in the next few days . Youre pulling in a lot of counseling, not only the victims but the families as well, can you talk about that . We have been in the process of working with multiple agencies to get those resources together. The hotline was designed specifically for santa fe isd and for this tragedy. As we move forward, more services are going to be be aligned. We are in the process of working as a team to develop the return process for our students, for our staff and all of the counseling that will be necessary for that. We have multiple districts and agencies that are going to assist. [inaudible] once again, im going to thank you for being here and local officials in santa fe, texas trying to make sense after unspeakable violence has rocked the tinny community southeast of houston, texas. Hello and welcome to americas news headquarters, im mike emmanuel. Julie and im julie banderas. We will be joining by casey stiegel who picks up the story from santa fe, texas where information continues to come in and, of course, the suspect has waved right to an attorney, so he is talking and he has confessed to the shooting, casey . Yeah, julie, we will get to that in a second but first of all, let me set the scene for you right now. We are on the High School Campus and we are just right next to that location where the press conference just wrapped up and you heard the Independent School district chief of police talking about the process thats been going on today of allowing students to come in here and Staff Members and pick up their cars because, remember, yesterday was friday, they came in here, started their school day and then the gunshots interrupted first period and everything was just left as is, school buses still parked out front, a little eerie to be frank when you see it. Brandnew information coming in from the fbi, theyve now raised the number of injured to 13, they initially reported 10 fbi now saying 13 injured in yesterdays shooting including the School Resource Police Officer who remains in Critical Condition after helping stop the shooter yesterday. Out of the 10 who lost their lives on this campus, 8 were students and two were teachers, one a substitute teacher. Cynthia tisdell, we want to show her picture now, one name, one picture, one story that will begin trickling out. Life is cut tragically short. She planned on one day retiring and looked forward to being a fulltime grandmother. A special Family Support Resource Center you heard has been set up now for next of akin and survivors, they can have access to things Like Mental Health care, grief counselors, access to funeral planning, Law Enforcement, members to ask questions, anything to help in this devastating time of loss, listen. We know that yesterday yesterday really touched a lot of folks but it touched these families in a particular way and so really today is about giving our arms, hearts and our minds and our services directly to those families. Time now bring you up to speed on the suspect, last night the 17yearold accused gunman arraigned and formally charged. Demitrius has confess today believe and even said that he did not shoot people that he liked so they could, quote, tell his story, otherwise described as a normal kid, active in School Activities and extra curriculars and no red flags in history, no criminal rap sheet as you heard the three campuses here in santa fe, texas near houston will remain close on monday and tuesday, julie, they were just two weeks away from the end of the school year, everyone looking forward to those summer vacations and breaks and now they are dealing with burying their classmates, thank you. Julie casey steigal, thank you. Democrats objecting to the measure because it would impose strict and trading requirements on people receiving food stamps. Conservatives in favor of the move still chose to sink the bill. We want the work requirements, singleablebody individualed should be able to do the job and we want to provide for those things and we think thats important, it doesnt mean to say that all of the rest of the foreign bill is fine and theres no work to be done there. Garrett tenney has more from washington. The conservative House Freedom caucus defied gop leaders and President Trump by voting with democrats to defeat the foreign farm bill. It had nothing to do with farming, it was all about immigration. This week several moderate republicans signed on with democrats to force the house to hold a vote on daca next month, with that in mind, house conservative who is actually supported the farm bill, say they would vote against it if their own security focused immigration bill wasnt given a vote first. When that didnt happened, the farm bill didnt pass. We have plenty of time to do the farm bill. If the discharge petition comes, we will be dealing with that eminently next month. Its more important right now to prioritize immigration and we have been asking and waiting fur months. Every democrat opposed the farm bill because of changes to food stamp or snap Program Including requirements for ablebodieded adults to work or receive job training. He could help deliver vote ifs they are able to relieve requirements . The whole problem was food stamps. It would have been worked out. Im not happy this failed. You know, im not happy we are in this situation, but im willing to do what i can to try to fix it. This was a symbolic stance by house conservative, own immigration bill doesnt have a lot of support on the house but forcing vote in the house, they are playing power ahead of race for new speaker and putting pressure on moderate colleagues to go on record against it ahead of midterm elections. Garrett tenny, thank you very much. For more on this chief congressional correspondent, susan, nice to see you. Hi, mike. It seemed like they would cave, whats your read . Thats exactly my read too. They were on the fence, i know they were thinking about which way should we go, garrett is exactly right ahead of having new speaker if republicans stay in the majority, this conservative group is flexing muscles, they want to see what they can get out of this. Here is what i think is happening right now, you have conservatives who are working with this moderate corp. Of republicans, they are trying to get together and come up with a compromise, some kind of bill that both sides in the Republican Party can vote for, that they can take up on house floor. They say they are looking for a solution. Instead of just saying, lets vote on the various Immigration Reform proposals that have been floating out for a long time, why dont we find one that can get 218 votes, whatever the current number is vacancies, can we get a majority, lets try to get something done rather than just hold a symbolic vote, thats whats happening as we speak. I dont know if they can come up with a solution. They havent been able to do that in a long time. Whats interesting too, mike, dont forget, the house has been trying to get away and escape the debate on immigration for a really long time and theyve been quite successful at it. So what you have happening here is the speaker announcing retirement and that kind of sets up the vacuum, they know hes leaving. You have the moderates acting up, conservatives acting up, however, they may get together and create solution that the leadership hasnt been able to solve. This could be interesting. That would be something to watch. Sure would. Makes you wonder why paul ryan wants to retire. Farm bill doesnt expire till the end of december, the case conservatives made are immigration. They are concern about moderates working with democrats forcing something on the issue perhaps this they wont like, right . Thats exactly right. If the moderates say they have enough vote to force vote through discharge override position to control the floor. They are ready to go with this, we could see a debate happening next month. The problem is amongst the options in the discharge petition are some that a lot of republicans dont like including one that would legalize the young people who came here illegally as children. There are some that they dont like and i think that thats the problem with the discharge petition. Washington examiner, thanks very much, see you back on the hill. Sure. Julie doj, Inspector General getting ready to release longawaited draft report on the investigation into Hillary Clinton. So could it deliver a blow to the officials at the highest levels of the Justice Department and fbi . When you combine ancestrys dna test with its historical records. You could learn youre from ireland donegal, ireland and your ancestor was a fisherman. With blue eyes. Just like you. Begin your journey at ancestry. 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Julie fox news alert officials in santa fe, texas giving update on the massacre at the high school in that town that left 10 people dead and 13 more injured. One of the officials just providing the update joins us now, Galveston County judge mark henry, thank you so much for talking to us on such a difficult time. Thanks for having me. Julie i want to commend Law Enforcement to get this guy alive and that has helped immensely in trying to put pieces together. Lets talk about a heroic effort made by Law Enforcement to wrap this thing up before it could have potentially become much worse. Lawsuit sli, i described the officer as a hero in my own words even though he doesnt work for the county, he ran toward danger even though it might get him shot and he did. Julie suspect didnt shoot students he liked, im not doing this guy any favors by mentioning name to tell a story, by waving his right by an attorney he did prosecution, favor by confessing to the shooting and justice will be served if hes convicted, in texas, can you tell me on capital murder charges, he will face the death sentence, correct . I am told by our District Attorney that, no, not eligible after Supreme Court ruling you cannot put a 17yearold, cannot hand him a capital murder charge cannot result in Death Penalty for 17yearolds. Julie what do you think of the law . I was surprised. I did not know that was a Supreme Court ruling and thats the law and we will have to live with it. Julie thats the law but cant laws be changed . If somebody will premeditate a murder and selectively choose those he liked not to kill, it seems to me that person should be punished not his age. If we were 10 we would be talking about somebody different. We are talking about a 17yearold . Please dont misunderstand, i dont think its fair, i dont think its just, it is the law. Julie hopefully the law will change because after Something Like this, a deterrent should be out there that if youre willing to pull this, you will lose your own life. He apparently had written in a journal that he wanted to commit suicide after this, its pretty surprising when a gunman goes into this, they expect to die in the end by police fire. How did that not happen in the case . He told arrests or investigator, he intend today kill himself but chickened out at the end. Julie not a chocker. Somebody who pulls Something Like this is a true coward. Governor abbott was referring to attack in church last november and he said this, unlike parkland, unlike southerland springs, there were not the warning signs, we have what are often categorized red flag warnings and the red flags warnings were either nonexistent or very imperceptible. Right. Julie the suspect did not have criminal history. There were warning signs all over his social media accounts which were taken down on friday, on facebook a photo, born to kill on it. Websites of sick guns, guns pictures, did his family, what is his family saying about social media, did his family not monitor social media . Hes 17 years old. I would imagine the family was aware that this was online . I have no idea. I have not spoken to his family, i was with the governor when we got the same briefing yesterday where investigators told us that they were unable to locate much other than the facebook post. As time goes by, they will have more opportunity to look, but the governor was basically repeatingpeating what we were ty investigators that they didnt have any warning signs and the criminal history. Julie warning signs have got to be seen by friends and family and if youre on instagram is public. The parents should be seeing it. This says a lot about parents who need to monitor their kids social media because those are warning signs to me, if i saw my kid post about shootings and i was born to kill i could not agree with you more. Im the backup judge for Juvenile Court in Galveston County and thats my biggest frustration, lack of parental involvement. Julie the shooting, by the way, Governor Abbott has been prompt today new prompted about new gun laws, people get frustrated and talk gun control. In this particular case in this state such as faster background checks or strategies to keep guns away from people like this guy who pose immediate danger, this kid used fathers guns, no gun law would have prevented him from getting his hands on his fathers gun, what would you recommend . Well, thats up to state and federal leaders. I would agree with you if they are going to ignore the laws, what law can you pass that will make the difference. Julie where is the accountability, if the parents owned gun, they legally obtained their guns, im assuming, we havent heard anymore, you have every right to have a gun, but if youre a parent and you have kids, they should be locked up, at what point do parents get held accountable if their weapons are actually accessible by their kids, i mean, if you go hunting and you have supervision and you know how the handle the gun, fine, i feel like more needs to come out of this family. What are the parents saying about again, i have not spoken to them. I have not talked to any investigators so i cant say anything with respect to the parents but, again, i agree with you. Im a gun owner, my guns are locked in a safe and locked in closet so theres no way that my girls 2 and a half years old cant get to them and no ammunition in there. Julie 100 . You have the right to bear arms, you have the right to protect yourself but you also have a duty to bear arms responsibly and thats the part that just sickens me when i hear the stories. No difference than driving responsibility. Julie or drinking. Thank you so much, Galveston County judge we appreciate your time. Thank you, good luck. Mike. Julie we have breaking news on trade between u. S. And china, what beijing just committed to doing, also the european assuring iran it wants to keep the nuclear deal in place after President Trump withdraws from the agreement, what tehran could do if the efforts fail and the Justice Departments watchdog wraps up review of Hillary Clinton investigation, we will speak to a former federal prosecutor about the potentially explosive results of that report its just a burst pipe, i could fix it. laugh no. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just beacuase of a claim. I totally couldve. wife nope switching to allstate is worth it. 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Goods, Senior Administration officials met with the chinese trade delegation at the department of treasury on thursday morning, later that day, President Trump met with chinese vice premier, china and the u. S. Released joint statement moments ago that china engaged in, quote, confrontations and both parties agreed, quote, taking effective measures to substantially reduce the United States trade deficit and goods with china, they go onto say to meet the growing consumption of the needs of the Chinese People and the need for highquality economic development. China will significantly increase purchases of the United States goods and services, this will help support growth and employment in the United States. President trump talked a little bit about this issue yesterday. They have been taking out hundreds of billions of dollars. Thats not good for people that get out of prison and thats not good for people that have never been in prison, thats bad for our country and we are changing it around. We are changing a lot of the horrible trade deals where they take our jobs, they take our money. President trump at Prison Reform summit. The meeting with regard to trade reportedly took place at the request of President Trump and president xi jinping, they agree to strengthen cooperation when it comes to intellectual property protections, with china moving forward on some related laws an regulations including some related to patent laws, both sides agree to agree twoway investment and meaningful increases in United States agriculture and energy export, so in order to work out the details of those exports and the agreements particularly when it comes to agriculture and energy exports, the u. S. Say that is they plan to send a team over the china but what they havent said just yet, mike, exactly when the team might head that way. Ellison barber with the breaking news from the white house, ellison, many thanks, julie. Julie European Union work to go salvage the iran nuclear deal, top official telling tehran the eu plans to stick with the agreement despite President Trumps withdrawal from the agreement earlier this month. How does that work . Mike joins us live from jerusalem to explain. Mike, so how does this work . Well, essentially, julie, the European Union has committed to undermining President Trumps position related to iran and the nuclear deal, top official in tehran, want to salvage the joint comprehensive plan of action, the President Trump pulled out of, with the deal iran had temporarily halted Nuclear Ambitions in exchange of lifting western sanctions, now european leaders say they want to try to keep the oil trade and investment flowing but admit itll be hard to do without the United States. As to the iran nuclear deal, we agreed unanimously that the eu will stay in the agreement as long as iran remains fully committed to it. Now President Trump has long criticized the obamaera iran deal and campaigned on the promise to get rid of it. Irans nuclear chief said the withdrawal shows the u. S. Is not a trust worthy partner for International Deals and threatens to restart enrichment of uranium to medical grade 20 . Thats a significant step above the 3 to 5 required for power plants but step below 80 to 90 needed for nuclear weapon. Politically collapse of jcpoa puts pressure on iranian president hasan rohani because his hardline rivals have criticized fiercely over inability to bring Economic Prosperity to iran. The iranian government has endured a few popular uprising, rohani are fearful of more economic hardships because the inability to afford life basics and necessity they fear could spark another popular uprising, julie. Julie all right, mike tobin, thank you so much. Mike. Doj Inspector General with highly anticipated report on clinton investigation. We will talk with a former prosecutor about the potential impact next. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Thats it . Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. Ftheres flonase sensimist. F up around pets. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. After more than a year through coming to documents, Justice Department horowitz submitting report, exactly when the report will be released is unclear but past the potential to cause major shock waves on capitol hill. Joining me now to discuss robert wray whitewater independent counsel and former prosecutor, thanks for coming in. Thanks, mike. A lot of lawmakers are waiting on the edge, what are the expectations knowing Michael Horowitz. I suspect he may also Say Something similar with regard to loretta lynch, former attorney general and the vacuum that was created by the failure of two significant opportunities to recuse themselves as a result of conflict of interest. The fbi director was then forced to step in. I suspect also that he will criticize at least former director james comey for the remark in connection with the findings about the conduct of Hillary Clinton being extremely careless. That was probably something that i think he recognizes now with the benefit of hindsight he should not have said and then finally, there may be some discussion about the seeming with regard to announcement of reopening the investigation right before election, that was something to be avoided, i suspect. This was partly the benefit of 20 20 hindsight, in an ideal situation it would have been better for fbi director to have waited, found out first whether or not there was anything relevant in the email and then make the decision about whether or not to disclose publicly. Again, some of that is a little bit of monday morning quarterbacking fi know Michael Horowitz the way i do, he will pull no punches. Inspector general sent a letter to the hill to relevant lawmakers saying the draft is ready, whats your expectation in terms of timing when theyll get to see this . Well, he promised for may, so that gives us 2 weeks, its possible that you may see it as soon as friday, right before memorial day weekend otherwise the following week. Are people in clinton world, do you think, worried about what may come out about this, about connections between the Prior Administration and their campaign and whether there maybe embarrassing revelations in this report . Its hard to say in having not seen it, its more about process and about whether or not department of justice procedure was followed and less about substance but, you know, when you do an investigation unavoid you see process or in this case inconsistent with department of justice policy, thats the role of the Inspector General, the primary function. This Inspector General you know personally, how anxious do you think former fbi director james comey will be, hes out selling a book but should he be worried about this report . I think theres going to be a fair amount of criticism of his conduct and i think, you know that will offer the president clearly an opportunity as a result of the findings to sort of double down on, you know, see i said all along he wasnt fit to be fbi director which is why i removed him. It would have impact on political process. Stay tune. We will have to wait and see what it looks like. I think this is going to be more about process, the failure to follow doj policy. A little easy to say with the benefit of hindsight but nevertheless in the vacuum created by the failure of two significant figures not to recuse, james comey stepped in, he stepped into something that he made the situation worse and that will be subject of criticism. Robert ray, thanks for your time. Julie. Julie prince harry and Meghan Markle tieing the knot, our royal commentator wraps it all up for us next. Termites, feasting on homes 24 7. Were on the move. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. Not the conservative guy, travis allen. What about this john cox . Talks a big game. But whats he done . A chicago lawyer . Huh . Thirteen losing campaigns seven in illinois . Cox lost campaigns as a republican. And as a democrat. Gave money to liberals. Supported big tax increases. No wonder republicans say cox is unelectable in november. Julie it is official, prince harry and Meghan Markle saying i dos in english country side this morning. The couple now known as the duke and duchess of sussex. This was amazing and it was definitely not your typical monarch nuptial in many ways, what stood out that made this so unique than past weddings . First of all, meghan walking into the church alone was moment, no one has done that in Royal Wedding before. What a strong woman she is, i thought it was a beautiful touch, Prince Charles walking her down the last half of the aisle, not just harrys father but the future king of england, what a sale of approval. You could tell that harry was nervous at the front but meghan was composed. It was like she was there to comfort him instead of the other way around. Julie very sweet to see they were very real. I think thats what made this couple so loved by so many around the world because many people say that they are literally the most relatable royal couple they have ever seen. When you watched the two interact, you look in the crowd and the crowd was much different than in past Royal Weddings, 600 people in attendance, you have an actress from california and a mixed of hollywood glits and glamor with centuryold traditions and among the guests were people like george and amal clooney, oprah winfrey. Serena williams, how did she get an invite . There were no politicians in attendance . No. Well, william and kate set the stage a little bit with wedding on the front. A lot of people on initial guest list who didnt make the cut. With harry, he already started at that point where williams left off. He left all dignitaries, folks that they barely know that they would have invited for the sake of pageantry. Julie also diversity at the wedding unlike ever seen before during ceremony american bishop curry gave a passionate speech, certainlyon talking about justice and quoted dr. Martin luther king, jr. And then came from my favorite part before the the chior sang a rendition of standby me. Listen. Julie this i could listen to over and over. This was remarkable. Wasnt that incredible . Never been heard in Royal Wedding. Can you believe we have never had gospel singing in Royal Wedding . Its just beautiful. Just relating to the remarkableness and how relatable they are, there was some drama leading up to this i believe that it ended perfectly. Absolutely. Julie thank you very much, thanks for joining us, that is going to doso it for us. Wish we got money back on gym memberships. Get money back hilarious. With claimfree rewards. Switching to allstate is worth it. Welcome to the journal editorial report. I am a paul gigot. First up, the Mueller Probe one year later. The first Year Anniversary of the appointment of the special counsel. Investigate allegations of russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the kremlin and trump associates. The probe has expanded to include obstruction of justice to payments to an adult film star. President trump referencing the oneyear mark thanks congratula

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