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Welcome to americas news headquarters from washington on a very busy saturday. Im elizabeth prann. Leland busy saturday near and busy sunday in singapore where the preparations continue. Nice to be with you at home, im leland vittert. President trump just leaving the g7 summit in the past couple of minutes, where he spent the better part of two days meeting with u. S. Allies and World Leaders. The summit coming on the heels of President Trumps tariffs and new trade restrictions hitting many of those g7 nations. Kevin is in quebec city. Give us a sense, how frosty was the reception that the president received there . Good to be with you, lucky, not terribly frosty on the surface. The president did make it clear during his statement, the closing statement before making his way east as you pointed out that there would be a serious set of consequences if nations, not just the g7 nations leland, but nations beyond the g7, if they were to retaliate against the u. S. For, say the new steel and aluminum tariffs for example. If they retaliate, theyd be making a mistake. Theres a trade imbalance. They do so much more business with us than we do with them, that we cant lose that. Cant lose, the president says, he began his day later than expected. He was taking part in this gender equality breakfast and the president showed up about 15 to 20 minutes late. Of course, he made the comments you just saw ahead of his departure to singapore. By the way, today, he also tipped had his about you shall for free and fair trade without barriers. Thats the way it should be. No tariffs, no barriers, that would thats the way it should be, and no subsidies. Its going to change 100 and tariffs are going to come way down because people cannot continue to do that. Were like the piggy bank that everybodys robbing and that ends. That ends, says the president. Now, he did talk about nafta, leland. You and i have talked about this before, the president , quite honestly, has not been a big fan of nafta. He sort of reiterated here hes probably going to lean towards two separate bilateral agreements, one with mexico and canada, an although they didnt make official announcements on that end today. Leland. Leland kevin corke in canada, thank you. Now joining us to discuss more on this and the effect here at home, congressman Roger Marshall representing kansas first Congressional District. 1st Congressional District and first in america for agriculture and agricultural exports. The reciprocal tariffs as a result of the president s tariffs and trade policies hit your district particularly hard. How worried are your constituents . Certainly trade and tariffs topping everybodys minds back home. Agriculture is the tip of the spear when it comes to retaliation. We saw the price of sorgum and its hitting us quickly. Leland what does that mean for a former farmer in your district. And already, the trade issues are creating more incertainty and driving the price of commodities down. Were walking into the harvest season for wheat. We still have wheat left from two years ago sitting on empty runways in the middle of nowhere in kansas so we cant ship anywhere, what are we going to do with this years crop. Leland the president addressed that a little earlier at his press conference, essentially saying, look, im worried not only about farmers, but about manufacturing jobs as well. Take a listen. Theyre either going to make the trades fair because our farmers have been hurt. You look at our farmers, for 15 years, the graph is going just like this, down. Our farmers have been hurt, our workers have been hurt, our companies have moved out and moved to mexico and other countries, including canada. Now, we are going to fix that situation. Leland he says were going to fix it, what it sound like though, the cure might be worse than the disease right now. Leland, its been a tough couple of months in agriculture, but theres lots of opportunities here. I appreciate the president s commitment. Mexico was right. Mexico was ready to finish up a nafta agreement. We met with the mexico ambassador this past week, a great conversation. Canada doesnt want to get serious about negotiating right now so i understand where the president is coming from, until canada respects us and quits having high tariffs on milk and stealing our intellectual property we have to deal with them, but mexico is ready. Leland canada is stealing our intellectual property or china is stealing the intellectual property. Yes. Leland and canada stealing that is news to me. In youre in the movie industry, and music industry, and canada into our markets as well. Leland this brings up an important point, because at the same time that youre dealing with our allies in putting tariffs on, whether it be european goods or canadian goods or mexican goods, the president is trying to deal with china. Would it be more important to focus on china first before dealing with our friends . I think we need to take care of mexico. I think once mexico agreement is made, canada will fall in line. The European Union will fall in line and then we can Work Together on china. Leland bringing it back to the farmers in your district, can they afford the retaliatory tariffs that are going to come in the next months or years as the agreements you talk about are worked out . I think if we get nafta and the European Union we can survive whats got to happen with china. Leland thats a big if. The president has to do with better trade agreements, i believe in him. Its a year and a half now, and its time to get mexico done and canada will fall in line. Leland youre talking a year and a half to get mexico maybe done and then canada, then europe and then china. Thats a lot of pain for people in your district. Would they be better served by the status quo . I think agriculture in the shortterm probably would, but in the longterm, noment we have to go after china. China is stealing maybe 500 billion of our intellectual property every year and we send over sorgum to them and they stop shipments in mid ride over there so we have to address some problems with china. I understand that, and my ag producers are willing to stand beside the president on china, but we need nafta yesterday. Leland willing to stand beside him despite the pain to get nafta done. Its a group of people, theyre patriotic and understand whats going on with china. When i had the opportunity to explain whats going on with the intellectual property theft, they stand besides the president. Leland north worthy he can afford to lose points in your district. Republican plus 40 . And growing over day. Leland and good to see you, congressman. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Elizabeth the president is headed to the meeting with kim jongun in singapore. Our rich edson is there with a look ahead to the big tuesday meeting. Hi, rich. Hey, liz. President trump just outlined the potential for this summit. He says at the minimum he wants to develop a dialog with kim jongun, perhaps even a relationship with the north korean. At a mass mum, he alluded to the fact that this could be a larger deal in the making. The president claims within the first minute, he will understand and know if kim jongun is serious about all of this and then he stressed that the United States in all of this will only give north korea one chance on this dialog. So, its a onetime, its a onetime shot and i think its going to work out very well. Thats why i feel positive because it makes so much sense. In between getting to know kim and broad agreement is a very long list of details to work through. How will north korea surrender its Nuclear Weapons programs, Ballistic Missiles or chemical weapons. What access would inspectors have to a mountainous, secretive countries and ensure kims safety. And teams have been discussing this and more. The president says north korea has been working well with the u. S. And in his words, so far so good. Reporters also asked the president will he would raise human rights and north koreas notorious gulag system when he meets with kim jongun, the president says the u. S. Will raise every issue. President and secretary of state pompeo are set to arrive here in 24 hours. And its a spur of the Moment Developments, and an unpredi unpredictability of the kim jongun, 0 when he meets with him. The president is known as spontaneous and canceled the meeting for a week and then its back on. As for how this will be, he says hes confident. Elizabeth itrich, thank you so much. Lets bring in strategyist, general jack keane. Thanks for having me. Elizabeth i want to get to some of what we might hear out of the summit. First and foremost, the format. The president says ill know right away how its going to go. Im a people person, i know how its going to go. How is it going to go, down to for malty and the handshake. I had that kim jongun has asked for a oneonone obviously with interpreters, i suspect the reason for that, this is a big deal for kim jongun, hes never met the leader of the free world like this. President trump is probably one of the largest physical men hes ever met in his entire life. President trump has a larger than life personality, kim jongun is familiar with having seen him on television. I dont think he wants to appear intimidated as he meets this personality and the leader of america, so, thats i think the reason for the oneonone, 15 minutes, lets break the ice together and get to know each other. Elizabeth does that surprise you to learn that information . Do you think that makes him less vulnerable if he just meets sort of oneonone in a very i think getting people comfortable is really important. President trump, anybody thats been around him and ive been around him a little bit not much like other people, he puts people at ease. Hes got significant social graces. He knows how to deal with people. So, hell interact develop very well with kim jongun and how comfortable hell be. Ive been told theyll go to one plus one, each one of them will have an advisor. Weve already seen who kim jonguns advisor is, hes been at the meetings and came to washington d. C. I suspect President Trumps advisor will be mike pompeo, secretary of state. Elizabeth okay, so, blatantly right now, this administration is on a different path than administrations previous. Why is this so different . Well, first of all, the situation got worse, and thats number one. I mean, north koreas weaponizing icbms. They started in the Obama Administration and accelerated it here recently. Secondly, the real reason, certainly is that President Trump pulled out all the stops. He got three u. N. Resolutions and took 80 of north korean revenue one form or another by the maximum pressure on sanctionings. Its enforcement of the sanctions, and youve got to give credit to the state department for that. And the credibility of a military option being put back on the table and first announced by secretary mattis, no accident he was the first one to say that, given the credibility of him personally and President Trump never letting go of it. Those two things clearly have changed, forcing a reset of the entire strategic frame work. Elizabeth involving china . Yes or no . Yes, china is a big part of that. China knows that trump is not obama and they have to make concessions. Though they wanted to slow roll him, theyre going to work with him more than theyve had to work with another president. Elizabeth before you go. I have to have your reaction just on one issue of the g7 summit. Obviously theres a couple of headlines out of the g7 summit. One sound bite i heard should russia be included in this dialog and i think that you may have an opinion on this. Im surprised by that. I absolutely think its a mistake to do that, here is the reason. Weve got Russian Troops in ukraine, theyre sitting there and killed 10,000 ukrainians and their boots are there, their tanks are there, their rockets are there, their artillery is there, and until theyre out of the ukraine and ready to do something about crimea, this he should not be welcomed back into the International Order as a responsible nation, having violated those rights. Elizabeth right. So they stay out. Elizabeth general keane, thank you so much. Its a busy week and i suspect you may be in high demand. Well keep an eye out for you, general. We appreciate it. And well have this leading up to the summit. Chris wallace will be live in singapore for Fox News Sunday tomorrow. Check your lo he local listings for time and channel and special report, and media buzz, howie kirtz and his panel will look how the media is covering this, and so a very packed weekend and week ahead of this very big summit. Leland its just starting. Overseas islamic militants killed a u. S. Soldiers and wounded four others. It happened outside of the capital of mogadishu. Coalition forces were conducting against alshabaab when they were hit with mortar fire. President trump shared condolences on twitter, my thoughts and prayers are with the families of servicemen killed, an and fellow servicemen wounded in somalia. They are all truly heroes. Elizabeth President Trumps former Campaign Chair Paul Manafort hit with a new indictment from special counsel robert mueller. Manaforts legal team is starting to push back. Garrett tenney. Paul manafort is facing charges of obstruction of justice and conspiring to obstruct justice, and other charges hes facing for financial crimes. In court filings, the special counsel accused manafort trying to coach two witnesses whom investigators have contacted about his lobbying work in ukraine. Muellers team has also charged a russian Business Partner for manafort for taking part in that tampering effort. The special counsel unveiled these before a judge. Manaforts attorney saying in a court filing, the new charge of witness tampering made by the special counsel should be seen for what it is to derail modified conditions of release at the 11th hour, the court should not condone heavyhanded gamemanship by the special counsel when with charge of increased flight in this case. And these are alleged crimes that took place before the work on the president s campaign and thats a point that the white house continues to stress. I do know that from what i read, with respect to mr. Manafort, most, if not all of that activity was before he was part of Donald Trumps campaign. And Paul Manaforts russian Business Partner who is also charged is not appearing in court and hes back in russia, and hes been accused of having ties to russian intelligence. Leland more destruction on hawaiis big island as lava from that volcano is on everything in its path. And Jeff Sessions decision not to defend one of the popular parts of obamacare, the protection against Health Care Insurance Companies Using preexisting conditions to deny coverage. What that means for you. And were going to talk to a whiskey disstiller who is worried about his products being slapped with new tariffs overseas. What he wants to hear from President Trump to ease his concerns. Im never gonna be able to sleep with this cold. Ill take a sick day tomorrow. On our daughters birthday . Moms dont take sick days. Moms take nyquil severe. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Im your phone,istle text alert. Stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hidenseek. Cold. Warmer. Warmer. Ah boiling. Jackpot. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. So get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. Like me. Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands . Crews in hawaii are surveying the erupting kilauea volcano on hawaiis big island. They made it to the coast with the mayor kim saying nearly 600 homes have been destroyed so far. Experts say lava is spewing from the east side of the volcano with no guess as to when the flow will eventually stop. Is the Justice Department now offering Insurance Companies a little bit of wiggle room . It could mean that they would be able to deny coverage or offer higher premiums to those with preexisting conditions. Democrats say if that happens it will be Campaign Gold as though protections are one of the most popular parts of obamacare. Ellison barber here to break down what the Justice Department is doing and what it could mean politically. Good to see you. So, it was a unique rare move for the department of justice to say they werent going to defend this in court. On thursday, the Trump Administration did this and they said they would not defend the Affordable Care act. And in the filing, sided with republicanled states who say the mandate is unconstitutional and so are two provisions meant to protect people with preexisting conditions. President trump said that obamacare is a bad law and he wants to repeal and replace it, but repeatedly talked about how a replacement must protect people with preexisting conditions. Said on twitter, i would not sign grahamcassidy if it did not cover preexisting conditions and told congress and 60 minutes something similar in the past couple of years. We should ensure that americans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for americans currently enrolled in the health careexchanges. I am going to take care of everybody. I dont care if it costs me votes or not. Everybodys going to be taken care of, much better than theyre taken care of now. In a letter addressed to House Speaker paul ryan, Jeff Sessions why the department of justice will not defend the law in this case and says he made the decision with the approval of President Trump. Democrats in the house and Senate Released statements, and nancy pelosi called it sabotage and trying to detroy protections for preexisting conditions. Health care is an issue that Many Democrats are running on, at least in part some say that the Administration Just gave the democrats running in these Midterm Elections an enormous gift. Representative jerry conley said youve handed us an issue we will ride into the sunset with. In the latest fox news polls, more voters say they view obamacare favorably than unfavorably, 3 there. This is one of the popular provisions in the Affordable Care act. Leland the Department Says theyre not going to defend them. Where in federal court or district . Federal. In this particular situation, the Justice Department is saying theyre taking an unprecedented step and not defend it in this situation. Leland weve seen the Supreme Court rule on this before. Thank you. Liz. Elizabeth coming up after the break, President Trump touting tariffs to protect american industry. How the voters are responding to the president s handling of the economy. And chaotic moments outside of a popular coffee chain when a car struck customers outside of a starbucks. What witnesses say they saw on the ground. I just heard the loud bang and my window was broken. I proceeded to call 911 because i saw people laying on the ground and kids screaming. Within two seconds, chaos. 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Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. This condition has not been reported with entyvio. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. While other World Leaders and even some of the supporters on capitol hill arent a fan of the president s new tariffs, American Voters are more optimistic than ever about how the president is navigating the economy. A new fox news poll, 50 of americans approve of President Trumps handling of the economy. Here to way in ross comiskey. Always good to see you. This is my question, youve got the dow and stock markets near record highs, unemployment near record lows, huge innovation in places like denver where you live. 52 of americans approve how the president is handling of the economy and what are the other 48 complaining about . Well, a lot of the issues where donald trump interacts with Foreign Countries in any way, trade, immigration, Foreign Policy generally, theyre a little more negative about, but i also think some of it is just no matter what President Trump does, some people are just bound and determined in their own minds, im just not going to like this guy and we saw it with other president s as well, but more with trump than with others ap remains to be seen. Are they going to vote based on whether they like him or like 3. 8 unemployment. Leland its fascinating you bring that up. Our friends over at axios brought up these data points that were profound. If you were to forecast the 2018 midterms historically by president ial approval, the g. O. P. Would lose 68 seats. View of the economy, based off the polls we just showed you the g. O. P. Would gain 55 seats. There has to be something in the middle there. Yeah, i agree with you. Absolutely. I think it sounds trite, but its going to come down to who is more motivated. It has felt like democrats were more motivated to get out to the polls in this cycle than republicans, but the problem for democrats is theyre not really giving people a reason to vote for them other than just saying, i im not this gu or dont support this guy and thats not usually enough. Leland a lot of the complaints you hear about President Trump are almost more about style than substance. Foreign policy, he gets high marks for going to kim jongun in singapore and sitting down for this meeting, but americans are still skeptical. Take a look at this. Will north korea ever give up its nukes. Now 28 versus 60 no. March 2018, 16 76 said no. So youve had about 12 more americans now say they might give up their nukes. In terms of Midterm Election politics, how important are you seeing this summit . I think its enormous. I think donald trump has staked a lot of of his own credibility on it as a dealmaker and when this first started going on, a lot of people are saying, this is very high stakes and its going to lead to war or not and i dont think that really is the area where its high stakes. I think its actually high stakes for domestic politics. I think that trump has a lot riding on this and to the extent that his numbers are kind of negative in areas that deal with international relations, this is a way where he could change that almost overnight. Leland even hawkish members of the Republican Caucus up on capitol hill, even hawkish members who are fans of President Trump worry that for just the reasons you point out, the president will have dealitis, essentially being willing to do anything kim jongun wants to get a deal, even if in many view, it would be a bad deal, agree . I dont agree. I think that barack obama was that guy, and i think that donald trump actually said explicitly, maybe it was yesterday, im willing to walk away. I did it once before. Im willing to walk away again. I think its more important for Donald Trumps own psyche as well i think its better to get a good deal than no deal. Leland to push back, the president said he was willing to talk away from a deal with zte, and the chinese and so many now even republicans are saying he rolled over on that one. And i think he did, i agree with that criticism. Leland why do you trust him now that hes willing to hold out for a good deal with north korea when youre saying he rolled over with china . Yeah, thats a fair question. I think the difference is that the north korea thing is so much more out in public. Zte, those who Pay Attention to politics notice that, but this not so much. Not just america is talking about it, the world is talking about it and i think trump will think about it differently and i think he did the zte think in order to get more help from china behind the scenes on the north korea thing. So, thats my take there. Leland well, weve seen the chinese use north korea as leverage in these trade deals. Ross, thanks for being with us. We could talk to you a lot longer. Youre headed to singapore, so if this summit keeps stretching out like the president said it might, youre going to be our man on the ground in singapore, all right . Youve got it, leland. Thanks for having me back. Leland were counting on you, safe travels. Liz. Elizabeth the eu, canada and mexico hitting back at the u. S. With tariffs on bourbon. Well talk to one local distiller how his business could bear the brunt of the trade war and voters in the palmetto state hit the polls for tuesdays primary. Well take a look at one crowded race to replace South Carolina congressman trey gowdy. But as it grew bigger and bigger, it took a whole lot more. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. And that 2 cash back adds up to thousands of dollars each year. So i can keep growing my business in big leaps whats in your wallet . We believe nutrition is full of possibilities to improve your pets life. We are redefining what nutrition can do. Because the possibility of a longer life and a better life is the greatest possibility of all. Purina pro plan. Nutrition that performs. Mitzi Psoriatic Arthritis tries to get in my way . 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Even a cactus calamity. man 1 i read that the saguaro can live to be two hundred years old. woman how old do you think that one is . man 1 my guess would be, about. man 2 id say about two hundred. man 1 yeah. burke gives houseplant a whole new meaning. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum one person is dead and five others injured after a pickup truck plowed into an outdoor table in starbucks in utah. The sheriff said the dodge ram sped across the street and slammed into customers sitting outside. The driver of the vehicle is in critical condition. Its pretty scary stuff. As we heard from kevin corke and some reporting out of the g7, canada and the eu looking to strike at the heart of American Business with retaliatory tariffs that could take effect next month. Mexico already has a massive tariff in place on u. S. Bourbon. American distilleries, many who are Small Businesses will worry theyll literally get crushed as countries around the world strike back and President Trumps trade policies. Joining me founder and general manager of catoctin, these tariffs hit, what does it do to your business . The business in europe, weve just started and were working five years to build the European Business and starting to get traction there and takes time to get that going and now we have customers in the u. K. Who are literally going to the shelves and theyre going to see a 25 price increase on what is already a relatively expensive product to stay whats available there. Leland you think about it and especially in the u. K. And most of europe, youve got the vat added and then the import tariff and then add 25 to that. So, suddenly, your bourbon rather than buying it from you, theyre going to buy japanese whiskey or something else. Theres home grown stuff in whiskey, just like in america and starting to sell it over there. Leland the wall of unintended consequences, many of the president s supporters say, too bad if its going to hurt Small Businesses like your own, but weve got major trade imbalances with these countries. Theyre note treating us, quote, unquote, fairly, therefore we need to do this even if it hurts you. The simple reality is, the types of jobs this is going to hurt are the very ones the president wants to support the most. Its hurting agricultural jobs and manufacturing jobs. So, Big Companies and Small Companies alike, were all members of the distilled spirits counsel, talking the owner of jack daniels, us, relatively small company, but there are thousands of us in the u. S. In 50 states and those agricultural and manufacturing jobs are impacted by this. The largest export of agriculture, you know, to germany is our largest export is whiskeyme whiskeyment whiskey and thats grain. Do you think that the president and supporters dont believe you . I dont think they thought it through. Leland we know that mnuchin and gary cohn before he left talked about this. Jack daniels has given downward guidance in their recent quarterly earnings, theyre saying 50 of their earnings are exports and thats a big number. Leland 50 for them. 25 for you. How much business do you have to lose, well talk exports, before some of your 20 employees dont have jobs anymore . Well, its also sort of im not sure how long we can endure it. We have some reserves, we can make things and adjust things and focus more at home so thats definitely something were going to have to start to look at, but whats lost is perhaps the chance to grow quickly into a new market which would, of course, allow us to add more jobs. Leland so, what is your message . You said youre conservative. Whats your message to President Trump . Is it fair trade . Is it, hey, we should back off tariffs to our allies. Hey, im willing to endure this as a Business Owner for the good of the country . Your message . I think my message would be, im a free trade republican, ive always been a free trade republican. In that sense i believe that open markets, let americans compete. We have the best whiskey in the world. Leland he would tell you that there isnt free and open markets because our places are taxed all over the world and we dont tax reciproically those coming into the u. S. I guess well see. If the tariffs happen, if could be a year, i heard earlier on the show, even 18 months, thats a big impact on a lot of Small Businesses, a lot of people that arent going to be able to start to compete head to head with other producers in europe. Leland you make a good point because other people have talked about, well, it could be 18 months until this gets negotiated, it could be longer, quote, unquote, in congress, theyre working on it. Thats cold comfort for you. 18 months is a long time in a Small Businesses. In a Small Businesses, absolutely. Leland thats the difference between what, hiring people, firing people. Or just treading water for a water while we try to figure out what to do next. Leland and your competitors theyre stroking ahead and getting ahead of us. Leland scott, we wish you luck, starting a business in 2009 wasnt an easy thing to do. Well have you back. My mra pleasure. Elizabeth in a primely, why the massive number of candidates, could lead to a runoff. As South Carolina voters head to the polls for tuesdays republican primary, voters are trying to fill congressman trey gowdys district. There are no shortage to choose from. Congressman gowdy served four terms. And there are 18 candidates. Thank you for joining us, i said there are 18 and there are actual 12 republicans and 18 total candidates because obviously the democratic side as well. Im sort of curious how republicans are distinguishing themselves when there are so many in the field right now. Well, first off, its going to be with you. You said im not in the studio, but here in the greatest state of South Carolina and theres a crowded field and 12 republicans remain in the race. We try to communicate where we stand on issues and in this district you have to be a fiscal, and National Security conservative and thats our message and seems to be resonating and thats what folks he believe in and what they got with trey gowdy. Elizabeth how are republicans setting themselves apart . Im not mistaken you had a Town Hall Forum on wednesday. Some of the critics were saying everyone was trying to align themselves closer to trump. There wasnt a way to distinguish between the candidates and how are you doing that . Every person is supporting the president and i think all republicans in this primary want this president to succeed, succeed on immigration and successful on reducing the deficit and bringing down the debt. All of us have a different skillset and each one of us are drawing contrast, whats our Life Experience and business experience . What have we done to this point. Anybody can say anything during the campaign, you all know that, you see it all the time. What were trying to communicate, look at our record, look at what weve done, what ive done and why im best qualified to sir of the Fourth District in congress and continuing the conservative legacy. All of us agree were sportyive supportive of the president and how can we best be the ally in congress. Elizabeth im curious as to what issues you found really the most hot bed out of that discussion on wednesday. Are we talking about immigration . Are we talking about people saying the effect of tax reform . What are the South Carolinaions concerned about on tuesday. If there are 12 folks, its going to a runoff unless somebody gets 50 plus one and with 12 people, its hard to get to 50 . A runoff, were preparing for that. The two biggest issues people are worried about in South Carolina, the trillion dollar deficit and open borders. Thats what weve been talking about, whether im in a debate or a coffee shop. How to end trillion dollar deficit. We cannot continue to go from 20 trillion in debt to 40 trillion in the next ten, 20 years, and we cannot afford that. People are deeply concerned about for decades weve had virtually an open border policy. There are millions of people in the country, unauthorized, not supposed to be here. We have gangs and violence coming across the southern border. People are worriedment what do we do to reduce the deficit, the debt and get control of our borders again. If we dont have control of our borders, were not really a country. Elizabeth those are issues that not only south carolinians are concerned about, but voters across the nation. My last question, you did pick up a major enforcement. What group is now supporting you and has that propelled you . Im thrilled to be endorsed by club for growth. The same that supported jim demint and tom cotton and ted cruz and mike lee and the great conservatives fighting on capitol hill every day. I cant be im so thankful to be in the company of those conservative giants and thankful for the great work that club for growth has engaged in providing limited government and Economic Freedom and ill be true to that endorsement in congress. Elizabeth good luck and keep us posted. Leland. Leland a new rule adopted by the Democratic National committee could prevent Bernie Sanders running as a democrat for president. The rule adopted friday is aimed at nondemocrats speaking the partys 2020 nomination. Sanders is an independent. And the the change is it to get those on the ticket to run and serve as democrats. Dnc its part of a push to limit the power of socalled super delegates. Elizabeth and we have much more ahead in the next hour of americas news headquarters. A lot going on this saturday. President trump heads out from the g7 summit saying it was good, despite tense comments from other World Leaders. Our kevin corke is standing by live. Good afternoon from quebec city, where President Trump left the g7. Well tell you all about the trip coming up. Rawwggwwrughh well, i told you they wouldnt have it. Rawwggwwrughh its ok, its ok. Weve got time. [impact collision] rawwggwwrughh [impact collision]. Ughhhh what seeing your reallife millennium falcon get damaged is painful enough. Filing your Insurance Claim shouldnt be. Esurance makes it easy. So you can get on to your next adventure. Oh, we gotta pick up my mom. Ughhhh esurance. See solo a star wars story now playing. Hi leland americas news headquarters from washington, weve got reporters in canada, in singapore on this saturday. Im leland vittert. Elizabeth im elizabeth prann. Heres whats making news right now. President trump is enroute to singapore for his historic meeting with kim jong un after holding what he calls very successful talks with g7 leaders. Leland u. S. Officials accuse chinese hackers of stealing a massive amount of data on our underwater warfare technology. How they did it and what it can mean for the u. S. Navy. Elizabeth and, of course, were going to go live to the Belmont Stakes where justify will attempt to win horse racings triple crown. Well, President Trump says he had a productive meeting with other World Leaders during the g7 summit in canada. The president s claims contrast with strong rhetoric from u. S. Allies following his announcement of broad trade restrictions and reform. Kevin corke is in canada with the very latest. Kevin . Reporter hey this, liz. President trumps g7 experience was, quite frankly, pretty brief, but it could have a Lasting Impact on just how hard our Global Partners hit us. As you pointed out, the president is enroute to his next summit, over to singapore. More on that later. But he left here not before warning member nations that the days of unfair trade and excessive tariffs on u. S. Goods are over. As for his relationship with the other leaders in attendance here, the president said this the level of relationship is a ten. We have a great relationship. Angela and emanuel and justin, i would say the relationship is a ten. And i dont blame them, i blame as i said i blame our past leaders for allowing this to happen. Reporter this as in unfair trade deals. Now, the president also issued a stern washing to those who warning to those who plan to retaliate against the u. S. For grossly unfair trade deals. If they retaliate, theyre making a mistake. Because, you see, we have a tremendous trade imbalance. So when we try to bring our piece up a little bit so that its not so bad and p hen they go up, right, the difference is they do so much more business with us than we do with them that we cant lose that. Reporter cant lose that, says the president. Now, he did not, liz, take part in the traditional signing of the communique at the conclusion of the g7, but he did make notice of this idea that and a half a that as we know it nafta as we know it may not be there for much learning, sort of floating this idea of bilateral trade deals with canada and mexico. No official statement on that, just more talk. Of course, well be following the details, but for now back to you. Elizabeth kevin, thank you so much. Leland . Leland from quebec city President Trump now on his way to singapore for his muchanticipated summit with north korean dictator kim jong un. Rich edson on the ground in singapore early sunday morning there as we look ahead to this meeting. Things already underway there, rich . Reporter good afternoon or good evening or wherever you are, leland. There have been teams working here for weeks now. The president will be arriving within 24 hours, and hes saying that this is a onetime shot for north korea. Well never have an opportunity like this again. The president says that within the first minute of meeting kim jong un tuesday, hell know if he has a serious partner. But he says he thinks this will be a productive meeting. Its unknown territory in the truest sense, but i really feel confident. I feel that kim jong un wants to do something great for his people, and he has that opportunity. And he wont have that opportunity again. Reporter the president says success in this could range from just establishing a good dialogue and relationship with kim to the beginning of a major agreement. The president acknowledges solving the most difficult issues will likely take multiple meetings. It is still unclear how much Nuclear Material kim jong un has or or where its located in north korea. Officials say theyre also concerned about north koreas Ballistic Missile program and its chemical weapons. North korea says it wants security guarantees, whether that means the u. S. Altering its military drills with south korea though defense secretary james mattis says u. S. Military personnel levels in south korea are not part of these discussions. Theres also the question of how and when the u. S. Would phase out economic sanctions. For weeks the u. S. And north korea have been negotiating here, discussing these issues and more, though the president is leaving open the possibility of going off script. He says the results of this summit could always be a spur be of the Moment Development with an unpredictable leader like kim jong un and one like President Trump. When asked how he felt in his gut, the president says he feels confident. He was also asked by reporters whether he will bring up the human rights issues with north korea and its notorious gulag system. To that, the president says we will raise every issue. Leland real quick before you go, rich, so often in these foreign meetings everything is scripted from where the president s going to sit to how many times theyre going to smile for the cameras, how many times theyll address the press. How much do we really know about whats going to happen here, and how much, as the president said, is going to be spur of the momentsome. Reporter we know very little about all of that. We know the location, a nice resort on an island here. But beyond that, we know very little. We know very little about specifics of what kim jong un will do and how he will arrive. There has been a team from the u. S. Negotiating with the North Koreans about all of that, theres been a separate team in the demilitarizedded zone who have been negotiating the details of any agreement they would have. Leland the unknown unknowns here are significant even given how unusual in summit is. Rich edison on to the ground covering for us for the next couple of days, thank you. Liz . Elizabeth elizabeth yes, unknowns and lots of moving parts. Joining us now to discuss the possible outcome and the impacts on the diplomatic relations is democratic congressman rohan that. You wrote an oped in january, and it almost is just as relevant, but there was one part where you said any type of preemptive bloody nose strike would be a disaster, and that never happened. So actually youre in agreement with the president which respectfully may be something that could be a first. I am. I had met with a small group of legislators, with the president in the oval office, and i said to him if he pursues engagement, hes going to have the support of many progressive democrats. And im rooting for him to succeed. I think hes taken a very bold step with meeting kim jong un, and i hope hes going to come back with some agreement. But i applaud him for doing this. Elizabeth there are other democrats who havent been applauding him despite the progress. There was a letter from seven democrats that was sent to President Trump, and this is just a piece of it up on our screen here. Any deal that explicitly gives north korea sanctions relief for anything other than verifiable performance of its obligations to dismantle its nuclear and missile arsenal is a bad deal signs by Chuck Schumer and six other democrats. So what is your stance when you see democrats critical of the president and his administration so far . Look, i have been vocally critical of the president on manyish issues, on immigration, on the saint. But when the on the environment. But when the president is doing what youre actually called for, then i think it looks just partisan to criticize him. And every american should be rooting for the president of the United States to succeed with north korea in bringing peace. I believe the letter is unfairly restrictive. Why would you tell the president that you are going to limit his negotiation ability with the North Koreans unless theres complete denuclearization . Thats a more how hawkish positn than john bolton. I mean, we need to give the president some latitude and understand this may be a step by step process. Elizabeth would you still be vocal in supporting the fact that any type of treaty should be ratified when it comes to congress . I mean, we saw president obama make the iran deal really something that could have been, and it was, really dismantled with the stroke of the next administration. Right. And i probably disagree with many of your viewers. I supported the iran deal, but i do think it would have been better if there was a treaty process. We learned this when Woodrow Wilson didnt get the league of nations ratified and didnt pay enough attention to the senate. I think things should come through congress. Hamilton said that the difference between us and george iii was people in the senate should have some ability to make treaties. Elizabeth but would he get the same support . Is so there are democrats such as yourself who are supporting the president. Right. Elizabeth but would they put their money where their mouth is, and would they ratify that . I think the president has to come back and say we engaged in negotiation, and heres what i can tell the American People. Now north koreas not going to strike our homeland, theyre not going to have intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, theyre not going to have tests. And i dont understand how anyone in congress where our obligation is to keep the United States safe wouldnt really be supportive of that kind of movement. So i wish the republicans had supported president obama on iran. We can relitigate that, but i dont think its a principled position for someone who supported the iran deal now to criticize engagement with north korea. Elizabeth to go full circle before i let you go, i want to get a couple more details out of that meeting you had with the president. Was he listening to you, and what did you and other democrats and republicans, for that matter what advice did you have for him going forward, and was it received . Well, the principal part of the meeting was term limits, and he agreed with that effort, and i was part of that group, and we both all of the group and him believe that there should be term limits for members of congress. But at the end, i had a couple minutes and i said, you know, mr. President , i wanted you to know that there are a lot of democrats who want you to succeed in north korea. And he said, what he says publicly, its the greatest chance in a generation to get peace, and hes working on that. I believe personally the president on north korea has far better instincts than john bolton and some of the neokey advisers neoconservative advisers. I think we should encourage him to follow those instincts to get a deal. Its going to be a long process. I dont think we should expect denuclearization, but if theres a peace treaty after 1953, if they stop nuclear testing, if they say theyre not going to have intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, thatll be a step forward. One final point. As americans, we should care first and foremost to make sure korea. Not attacked by north and that if the president can assure us that theyre not going to have intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, thats a huge win. Elizabeth well, youve been open to dialogue so, congressman, thank you so much. Its inspiring. Others should take your lead. Thank you for having me on. Leland all right. Aaron elmore joins us on the other side of the aisle from the congressman. Nice to see you. Its not unusual to ask the 435 members of the house of representatives a question and get about 6 or 700 different answers to the same question. Congressman kahanna is laughing at that. But this north korean issue is, oddly, not dividing along party lines. What do you make of that, what should the president make of that . Well, this is truly a nonpartisan issue here. And as anyone sees it that way, especially if theyre an elected official, their constituents are certainly not going to be happy. We are talking about kim jong un here. Its a very volatile nation. Their ability to acquire Nuclear Weapons as we know and our research has suggested has really escalated. So what the president is doing here by going to singapore benefits democrats and republicans alike. Leland well, it benefits them especially if you get a deal. The American Public seems to agree with you. Should President Trump meet with north Korean Leader kim jong un, 66 say, yes. 24 say, no. This, perhaps, is the more pertinent question. Will north korea ever give up its nukes . The American People right now 28 say yes back in march 2018, only 16 say yes. If the president comes back without a deal, was this a fools errand . Absolutely not. First of all, the fact that both men President Trump and kim jong un are willing to go to singapore and come to the table shows that both are very, very serious about getting a deal. Leland hold on, wait, hold on, hold on. The fact that kim jong un is willing to leave his hermit kingdom and come to a fancy hotel in singapore and sit down for a bunch of free meals which we know the North Koreans dont often get and be on the same stage with the leader of the free world and being held up as a Nuclear Power and suddenly no longer ridiculed, but President Trump saying that i think theyre acting very well, that shows hes willing to be serious, or that shows that hes willing to play us . Or both . Well, that question was actionpacked right there. First of all, hes not the average north korean, hes the leader of north korea, so his ability to stay in a fancy hotel and have a nice meal, i dont believe, are quite that limited. Leland they are, but go ahead. Erin, they are limited, its why they ask the u. S. Government to pay for their meals, its why as you saw the reporting earlier that they barely could figure out how to pay for their visit to singapore. But go ahead. Be that as it may, President Trump and we all know that kim jong un was educated in switzerland. He has experienced capitalism. He wants to be a hero. Perhaps this is his chance to change the world. And by the way, we already know that on, you know, it was april 27th kim jong un met with president moon, and they sat together. This is the First Time Ever leland but, erin, erin, youre im being interrupted left and right here. [laughter] leland erin, youre making the case here though that kim jong un is getting exactly what he wants and hasnt given up anything. Im still looking for something from you that proves that hes serious about giving up his weapons. I dont even think that President Trump knows. I am not miss clee woe. I dont have a crystal ball here. This is going to take several steps. We have to realize they are getting here, they are going to singapore, they are going to meet whether its one meeting or tree meetings. The president has indicated that his intent is to have total and complete denuclearization. And without that, there will be no resolution, and sanctions will continue. We have virtually cut off, you know, his ability to 70 of his income stream coming into north korea has been cut off. So we have already with these sanctions and this ability of cutting off their income stream, we are squeezing and squeezing and squeezing kim jong un. So changes have been made. Things are happening. We are progressing. To say that nothing has happened thus far is, you know, really crazy because he and president moon virtually ended the korean war, as you know, that was happening since 1950. So that alone is a huge milestone. So to say that progress hasnt been made is a little negative sounding, if you will. Leland well, i guess its our job to be, shall we say, contrarian and questioning. I dont know about negative. As for the korean war being ended, i think youd have to ask the american soldiers that are staying on the dmz whether they think its over. But we appreciate youing being here, erin. Thank you. Always a pleasure. Elizabeth american Authorities Say Chinese Government hackers targeted a Navy Contractor and stole a massive amount of Sensitive Data on undersea warfare from his computer, including secret plans for a supersonic antiship missile for use on submarines, officials say. The breach took place in january and february. A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy says they know nothing about the breaches. The navy is investigating with help from the fbi. Leland authorities now ordering new back evacuations in guatemala following the volcano eruption that killed 109 people. That death toll could rise. Families of the victims now urging authorities to bring in heavy equipment to try and uncover the remains of their loved ones. In this after wet weather and hot volcanic material all mixed, and that caused the government to have to stop their rescue efforts. Authorities estimate about 200 people are missing. Elizabeth and coming up, widespread flooding and strong winds strike arkansas knocking out power for thousands of people. Plus, Farrah Fawcetts only child is facing some very serious charges after years of drug abuse. And theres new fallout from the controversy videos of a Police Beating in mace saw, arizona. Mesa, arizona. Well have the latest. Let me be crystal clear. Im angry and im deeply disappointed by what i saw in those videos. Its unacceptable. And it needs to stop immediately. The wonderful thing about polident is the fact that its very, very tough on bacteria, yet its very gentle on the denture itself. Polident consists of 4 powerful ingredients that Work Together to deep clean your denture in hard to reach places. That Work Together come hok. , babe. Nasty nighttime heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Leland and look at those streets turnig into streams. Thousands now without power in arkansas. Heavy rains and winds ripped through that state on friday. Roadways flooded in fort smith yesterday. Cars there were engulfed and stalled. National Weather Service issued several flash flood warnings in multiple counties. As of now from the wind and the rain, so far no injuries reported. Elizabeth well, one Arizona Police department at the center of some serious controversy after disturbing footage shows the rough arrest of one teen. Now the department is facing not one, but two internal investigations. Our own jeff paul has all the details. Hi, jeff. Reporter liz, mace mesas police chief is angry. Hes now pledging an independent investigation using outside agencies saying he wants to restore the publics trust. Now, this is video from the first arrest that brought the situation to light. Robert johnson, who was unarmed, was punched over and over again during a domestic disturbance call on may 23rd. An arrest report reveals one of the officers claimed johnson refused to sit down and was showing body language like he wanted to fight. Johnsons Attorney Says the actions were unjustified. After reviewing, mesa pd has placed five officers from that incident on leave and two more officers from an unrelated arrest the week before. Let me be crystal clear, im angry and im deeply disappointed by what i saw in those videos. Its unacceptable, and it needs to stop immediately. Reporter that second incident happened on may 17th and involved a 15yearold boy who was ultimately charged with Armed Robbery and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The chief didnt elaborate on the responding officers behavior in this particular case, but body cam footage appears to show the officers threatening and yelling at the suspect. s the gun . No gun, no gun. Wheres the gun . No gun we saw you in the video with a gun. Wheres the gun . No gun ah reporter neighboring departments will take care of the criminal probe, theyre also bringing in a forum from washington to reviews forcef incidents from the last three years. The Mesa Police Association which represents the citys officers says any video of officers using force usually wont look good. Liz . Elizabeth all right. Jeff paul with the very latest. Thank you so much. Leland the debate in Congress Continues about immigration even within the Republican Caucus, and theres a possible vote before the midterms. Meantime, the number of people being apprehended at the border increased last month. That includes a sharp increase in the number of families. William rah jewish necessary with a closer la jeunesse with a closer look at those numbers. Reporter how long has he been on the road . Translator 22 days from honduras. Reporter a spike in illegal immigration with new numbers from the department of Homeland Security showing border arrests almost triple a year ago. My men and women in the Border Patrol have been making the apprehensions. Its those loopholes in the system that need to be fixed. Reporter illegal immigration is a mix of push and pull, say officials, with poverty and violence in Central America and increasing bloodshed in mexico helping drive the numbers. Its the drugs that are coming across, it is the Transnational Criminal Organizations that are working in the area. Reporter but the Trump Administration also blames rulings requiring it to release children after three weeks in custody. The socalled asylum loophole which allows some 80 of Central American families to live in the u. S. , though most claims are ultimately reject ared. And unlike unaccompanied minors from mexico, the u. S. Cant immediately deport Central American children. Were trying to inform congress and the public about how these loopholes affect be our ability to protect that border. Hes claiming they were dropped off and will cross on their own. Reporter up 435 from a year ago and unaccompanied minors up 329 , may arrests are only up 5 over april and similar to trends in 2013 and 16. The difference . Apprehensions early last year fell to near alltime lows in the wake of President Trumps election. Officials say it is too early to judge the president s antiimmigration policies by these numbers since many immigrants were already on their way before his pledge to prosecute all adults and separate parents from children detained along the border. If los angeles, william la jeunesse, fox news. Elizabeth all right. When we come back, a major report on hawaiians email scandal on Hillary Clintons email scandal is set to drop this week. Were going to have our panel weigh in. And its day two of the g7 summit in canada. Our mike tobin is standing by with a live report. Reporter hi there, elizabeth. The g7 has once again attracted protesters, but its not like summits past. Ill explain coming up. gasp singsong budget meeting sweet. If you compare last quarter to this quarter. Various mmm. 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This was supposed to be the big demonstration of the day, and here youve got a group of labor unions. The important thing to note is the images of the 2001 summit of the americas here in quebec really searedded into the collective memory of the people out here in canada. And they didnt want to see a repeat of it. So so far even the event dubbed the day of disruption wasnt that disruptive. Local police, in addition to 400 million federal, have been invested to secure this event. The kids with the black hoods are here, but every time they try to form up, theyre quickly overwhelmed and outnumbered by police in riot gear. Theyve dragged a couple of couches into the intersections and set them on fire, they blocked a little traffic, there have been some marches that were declared illegal because the organizers hadnt put the proper paperwork through the proper channels. You have the antig7 resistance network, they believe that the g7 nations rob poorer nations for their own profit. You have groups that are opposed to extracting any Natural Resource from the ground, youve got oxfam, the labor unions, but we just dont see the overwhelming numbers. Amnesty International Claims the overwhelming Police Presence is stifling peoples freedom of expression, but you also have Business Owners here who are enjoying their freedom to operate their businesses and the freedom from broken glass. Back to you. Leland all right. Mike toe tobin, enjoy the rest of the day. Elizabeth the Justice Department expected to release a report into the investigation of how Hillary Clintons email use was handled. Lets have our Political Panel duke out the political ramifications. Democratic strategist and former member of the Hillary Clinton finance team, al moder, and gop financier dan palmer. Dan, i want to start with you. Big deal this week or not a big deal . I think that i see this in the context of a larger con flicks. The two probes the Hillary Clinton email probe on the one hand and the Mueller Probe on the other really highlight the stark contrast. When the establishment investigates itself, as in the case of the Hillary Clinton probe, theres no real effort to try to identify wrongdoing or hold anyone accountable. In contrast, in the trump Mueller Probe, weve seen a basically noholdsbarred, out of control effort on the part of the establishment to pin something on the disrupter. And the ig report thats due out next week hopefully will shed some light on this and allow us to see whats really been going on. Elizabeth all right. Al, i want to get your larger reaction. We just heard this week there was an indictment of an aide up on capitol hill in regards to leaking and speaking with a reporter, so are there going to be consequences if we do find any wrongdoing . Well, i certainly hope so. And i have to say i think dans talk is a little dangerous. The fbi is the fbi, the Justice Department is the Justice Department, and its targets are its targets without regard to whether they are democrats, republicans, institutional figures or disrupters. And if people commit crimes, they should be brought to justice. And we just need to go where the facts take it, whether its Paul Manafort breaking a law, whether its trump, did he collude or not. Lets get where the facts take us and not talk about bias in these institutions. Elizabeth okay. That being said, intelligence officials will also be on capitol hill. Obviously, this is a separate topic. Theyll be facing questioning from congressional leaders. Im curious about what this does in the larger picture, and i want to pose this to dan, instilling faith in the fbi, in the doj. Its really become more political than anything. Well, i think the doj and the fbi are hiding the ball from the congressional investigators. There was obviously wrongdoing on both their parts, and theyve been hiding behind some fig leaf that they think some of the information is National Security and so should be protected. But inevitably, when information does come out, we find out that its just a case of political operatives abusing the power of these independent agencies for political purposes. Look, we mow the Obama Administration meddled in 20 something elections around the world, and i think were discovering the agencies under obama meddled in the 2016 election by giving Hillary Clinton a pass and by trying to damage donald trump i think thats the serious issue that the American People want to get to the bottom of. They dont want these institutions corrupted like a banana republic. Elizabeth all right, al, ill let you respond. Thats just such a distraction from the truth. Paul ryan, the intelligence agencies all believe that the russians meddled in our elections. No one believes, except for dan and a few other trump supporters, that the Obama Administration meddled by preferencing Hillary Clinton. The fbi, for many years, has been a Venerable Institution in this country, and its sad that republicans now want to bring them down. Elizabeth im going to give you the last word, dan, then we have to wrap it up. I have a lot of respect for the fbi and the doj. I think theres a few bad actors in both agencies, and i dont believe thats true, what al suggests, that, you know, we should throw the baby out with the bath water. These agencies are highly respected. Theres been some bad actors, and their actions are now finally coming to light and, frankly, they need to be held accountable. And i hope Jeff Sessions, when the time comes, take the appropriate steps. Elizabeth we will learn much more on thursday, who it was, who it was involving and what the consequences will be. Of gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us, i appreciate it. Thank you. Leland the troubled son of two hollywood actors now facing criminal allegations. Why police have called Redmond Oneal with attempted murder. And just ahead of the big north korea summit as the president heads to singapore, religious groups in south korea are rallying for peace and hope. Is there a reason to have it. Translator i believe that all people of this nation hope and wish for the end of the war on the korean peninsula. The normalization of the diplomatic relationships between north korea and the u. S. And a World Without war. Ive got to tell you something important. Its not going to be easy. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Actually, thats super easy. My bad. And experience more adventure its with audible. Utside audible has the Worlds Largest selection of audiobooks and for just 14. 95 a month you get a credit good for any audiobook. If you dont like it exchange it any time. No questions asked. 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Leland as President Trump heads to singapore for his upcoming meeting with north Korean Leader kim jong un, you can see some of the peace protests in seoul, south korea. Activists and members of several religious groups in south korea came together in seoul with candles to take part in a vigil and pray for peace and a successful meeting between the two leaders. President trump arrives in singapore a little less than 24 hours from now. Live coverage here on the fox fuse channel as it happens Fox News Channel as it happens throughout the next couple of days. The president earlier today said this is a onetime shot for the north korean dictator. Of joining us now, former Deputy Division chief for korea at the cia, 20 years at the cia, did you ever think we were going to be less than 24 hours away from the president of the United States, the president of north korea sitting down . Did you guys contemplate this. Well, we probably did, but its still coming as a surprise. And even though the runup to it has been a bumpy road, you know, i think expectations have been lowered. The president is, i think, lowering leland almost continually, the expectations are going down. Exactly. He had talked about, you know, he always said he might walk away, but he also seemed to be setting the bar pretty high for expectations that there would be kind of a major breakthrough. But i think once the North Koreans kind of basically publicly reiterated what was their longstanding policy on denuclearization, that surprised the white house, and they realized there was a bigger gap leland there does seem to be a huge difference between our versions of denuclearization. At the cia you guys spent so much time trying to develop a psychological profile of the kims, understanding who these people were, what they wanted. The president has his own feelings about sizing up chairman kim. Take a listen. You know the way they say you know if youre going to like somebody in the first five seconds, you ever hear that one . Well, i think that very quickly ill know whether or not something good is going to happen. And if i think it wont happen, im not going to waste my time. I dont want to waste his time. Leland it would seem its in chairman kims great personal interest and his countrys interest to make it seem like somethings going to happen and to play this out for a long time. Exactly. And what we saw kim jong un doing at the interkorean summit was acting very gregarious, very respectful to the south korean president. They seemed to hit it off, and so the south korean president was very eager to reduce tensions on the peninsula not only between the two koreas, but also setting the stage for a u. S. north korea successful summit. Leland how does the u. S. Avoid getting played here . Because the North Koreans have been geniuses at doing it in the past. Right. I think really two basic things are we have to have, if we end up with an agreement, very detailed text very similar to what we had with the soviet union in the warsaw pact very clearly delineating everyones responsibility. And the second aspect is robust verification leland we had both of those with the North Koreans, and they still broke it. Well, actually, all of the agreements with the North Koreans in the past have been very short, very vague and very insufficient verification. But with the arms control treaties, we didnt trust the soviets, but we had good verification and very detailed treaties. Leland on a more granular level though, we know President Trump likes to get deals done. He likes that photo op, those moments. Theres been a lot of criticism over the deal with zte, the Chinese Telecom company, that he was too eager to make something happen and garner goodwill with the chinese. More specifically, what do you watch for in that meeting when were going to get tape of those two leaders together . When theyre actually in that room, what are you going to be watching for . Well, were going to be looking for what kind of agreement comes out, whether its extensive or whether its more of a short joint statement, a meeting of the minds, we were successful enough to allow for subsequent leland so the president says im going to be able to figure out a lot in five seconds, you not so much. As cia analysts, we take a lot longer than five seconds to make a conclusion. Leland we appreciate your incites and your service over those 20 years, and youre going to be busier over the next couple of days i think so. Leland good to see you. Elizabeth a shot at the elusive triple crown. Bryan llenas is live at the Belmont Stakes where people are already placing their bets. Reporter hi, elizabeth. The crowd is growing, the hats are out, the excitement is building here at the 150 running of the Belmont Stakes. Will justify win the triple crown . Well have more next. Mom . Dad . Hi i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Elizabeth well, the stakes are high today in belmont, new york, where justify the racing horse, as you know, who has already won the Kentucky Derby and the preakness could take home the triple crown. Bryan llenas has the full story. What an assignment, not bad. [laughter] reporter it is a Beautiful Day as well, elizabeth. Look, just 12 horses in the last 99 years have won the elusive triple crown, and justify is the oddson favorite to win here today at the 150th running of the Belmont Stakes. Justify is a 3yearold colt. He aced here in new york on on arrived here in new york on wednesday. The big race starts about 6 37, around that time. The belmont runs a mile and a half. It is known as the longest and most grueling of the three big races needed to win the crown. Justify won the Kentucky Derby by two and a half lengths and won the preakness by just a half a length. Both of those tracks were sloppy, it was wet. Thats not expected here today. And justify is rare in that he is a strong horse, but he started his racing career just a few months ago s and hes a perfect 50, undefeated. His trainer is bob baffert, he talked about it yesterday. Listen. This is what a trainer hopes for to see the day before his horse runs, coming off the track he was just full of himself. I know hes going to show up and run his race. But, you know, he still has to get around there, he has to break well. Reporter and if baffert looks familiar, hes the same trainer for american pharaoh who was the last horse to win the triple crown here in 2015. Hall of fame jockey mike will be riding justify. He won the Belmont Stakes back in 2010, and the winner of the triple crown will be awarded a brand new trophy. For the first time, theyve redesigned the trophy, and all hope is that justify will be the first person the first horse to win that trophy. Here again, i spoke to sonny taylor whos been working here for 50plus years. He was the official timer when secretariat won the triple crown. He says justifys going to win, so i have placed my bet on him as well. Elizabeth i was just going to ask you if you placed a bet. Leland are i did notice there was some enthusiasm every time he said justifys going to win. [laughter] youve got the mint jewish lip at the derby, blackize susans at the prescribing black eye susans at the preakness. Im concerned with other matters. Elizabeth no, im also concerned with this. [laughter] reporter you know, i actually do not know. I really do not know. You know why . Its early here leland see reporter ill find out. Leland this was a trick question. I do know the answer. It was just to see if youve been on your game and not attending the bar. Its called the belmont breeze which is bourbon with orange and cranberry juice. So have one and report back to us. Thats your new assign isment. [laughter] reporter well, you see, ive got money on the line here on the horses, not the drinks. I was too busy studying that and not the drink. Leland good man. Reporter i appreciate that. Ill go try it out at 8 00 tonight and met you guys know. Leland thanks, bryan, have a great time. All right, an exciting day for bryan llenas and also for the royal family. Celebration in the streets for the queen and a big first for duchess meghan. Well tell you what the celebration was coming up. The first survivor of alzheimers disease is out there. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. Youre smart,eat you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Hear that sizzle . Yeah. Red lobsters lobster shrimp summerfest is back get all the lobster and shrimp you crave, together in so many new ways. Theres new cedar plank seafood bake. Tender Maine Lobster and shrimp, cedar roasted to perfection. Or new caribbean lobster and shrimp. Sweet pineapple salsa on grilled rock lobster, paired with jumbo coconut shrimp. And wait. Theres lobster shrimp overboard its a Seafood Party on a plate. So hurry in. cause lobster shrimp summerfest wont last. Leland welcome back on this saturday as President Trump is headed to singapore for his big sitdown with kim jong un. President trump just before he got on the plane addressed reporters saying his meetings in canada had been productive. The president spoke on trade and layed out what he wanted to have accomplished also in north korea. We tackled a variety of issues and opportunities facing our nations. At the top of the list was the issue of trade. Very important subject because the United States has been taken advantage of for decades and decades and we cant do that anymore. We had extremely productive discussions on the need to have fair and reciprocal, meaning, the same, people cant charge us 270 and we charge them nothing. That doesnt work anymore. I made a lot of similarity and we want and expect other nations to provide fair, Market Access to american exports and that we will take whatever steps are necessary to protect american industry and workers from unfair foreign trading practice of really which are many but we are getting them straightened out. Surely and slowly. We also talked about migrants, our citizens and quality of life. We are committed to addressing the migration challenge by helping migrants to remain and prosper in their own home countries. The statements from the president and took questions about his trip to meet with kim jong un and he would know for the first minute if he liked kim jong un and thought something was possible. We will see. Internal news, royals stepping out to celebrate Queen Elizabeths birthday. First time we saw new duchess. Thank you so much for joining us. Stay soon, packed weekend. Leland coverage throughout the weekend. See you. Fox news alert and President Trump now headed for singapore for historic event the world will be watching. When the president meets with kim jong un on tuesday in the first ever summit between a sitting u. S. President and a north Korean Leader. Good afternoon, to you and hello, everyone, im julie banderas, welcome to americas news headquarters. Good to be with you, im Connell Mcshane on a busy saturday. President trump left canada short time ago. He spoke there about his next stop, the highstakes meeting in singapore and how hell listen to his intuition when dealing with a reluisive

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