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Reaction is going to shock you. He is here live to tell the tale. Brian new overnight. Dennis rodman landing in north korea for the second time this year to visit his good buddy kim jong un who just had his girlfriend assassinated or killed. Were going to tell you why Dennis Rodman is there. Fox friends starts right now. Steve it started out as such a nice story. Dennis rodman to the rescue. Then you had to throw in the thing about the girlfriend. Brian you would think hes going to go over there and use his anna basketball diplomacy. Brian he seems to look up to dennis rod man but hes not going to do that. He says im going over there to play basketball because we dont have enough hardwood here. Steve we dont . Brian we dont. Were going to be telling you about that. Also the latest on the syrian development. A lot happened yesterday. A lot will be happening today as we build up to stphepb 9 september 9. Kwoeupl anna a lightening storm in miami left two men injured. It is o it is not clear if they were directly struck by lightning or hit by a tractortrailer. A plane forced to make an emergency landing. The plane was heading from north carolina. All of a sudden i heard a boom. I saw flashes out the window. People were saying it is a fire my heart was going fast. It was very scary. People were scared. Babies were crying. Anna none of the 124 people on board were hurt. The fifth time was the charm. Diana nyad becoming the first person to swim from cuba to florida without a shark cage. This time she did wear a special mask to keep her from getting stung by jellyfish. [cheers and applause] the 64yearold arriving in key west after 53 hours and 110 miles in the water. We should never ever give up. You never are too old to chase your dream. Anna the swim had been a dream of hers for the past 35 years. Her first attempt in 1978 at the age of 28. She tried again in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Dennis rodman landing in north korea for his second trip there this year. Heres the new video of him in china on his way to north korea. Rodman says it is just a friendly visit to see kim jong un and not an attempt to get the jailed american kenneth bay free. U. S. Officials criticized the trip but rod man said basketball diplomacy could warm relations between kim jong un and president obama. Those are your headlines. I dont think were going to see president obama and kim jong un playing basketball. Steve fox news alert. Key members of the senate are going to make their case to congress hoping to win support to take military action in syria. I should have said key members of the president s cabinet. This as we learn the president may be sending new arms to the rebels. Kelly wright is live with the latest from our nations capital. President obama continues to push for getting support from members of congress to give authorization for u. S. Military strike against syria. The president is relying on two leading republican senators Lindsey Graham and john mccain to help him persuade other congressional members to approve his plan for a punitive strike. But the senators want president obama to knock down assads airplanes and armed f and arm Syrian Rebels with more weapons. Fox news is learning there is no true definition of what the president s definition of advanced weaponry is. Bringing the military capability of the opposition. Youre upgrading their political cohesion and giving Regional Force behind the opposition. These three things together would work. If the goal of this is to put it in my happen, i welcome a discussion about what we should do. Giving arms and equipment to the resistance which has been shameful while huge amounts of arms have flown in from russia and iran and now thousands of hezbollah on the ground from lebanon. President obama is convinced the Syrian Regime is responsing out a chemical attack on its own people killing more than 1,400 people. The president who said last year a chemical attack would be a red line that would provoke america to intervene in the Syrian Crisis says he wants to take action but stunned the world when he said he would first seek authorization from congress. Now he must convince even members of his own party to stand with him. But democrats so far are not entirely convinced. I dont think many of our constituents understand the full significance of chemical and biological warfare. Thats something that the president has got to spend some time explaining the significance of that. Later today, as you mentioned, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will be holding a public hearing onni syria. Secretary of state john kerry, defense secretary chuck hagel and joint chiefs chairman general Martin Dempsey will make the case for the Obama Administration for carrying out a punitive strike against syria. But senator mccain and senator graham, theyre pushing for a plan that will lead to ending the assadni regime. Steve if the president is goingco to make a personal pitch, hes got to hurry because hes going to hop on Board Air Force one later on today to go to sweden a l then russia and the g20. Brian among the people who say hes got to make aco personal push, not through secretary of state kerry, not through secretary of defense hagel, not through susan rice. Its got to be himself. Its robert gibbs who said the president has got to make his case. The president has a way of making his case if you ask mitt romney that, if you ask john mccain that. He goes to syracuse and goes to buffalo. He says ive got a great idea how tococo redo thenini financing of College Loans and College Financing and keeping the cost of college under lock and key. Hes persuasive when he does that. He takes his jacket off, puts it over his shoulder and tells everyone what to think. The question is, is he playing politics by going to congress . David axle rod says im telling you aoeupt toxd go but im im telling you i want to go but its got to go to congress. It looks as if the president turned the tables on republicans. Either you think its a National Security interest and our own interest to stop whats happening in syria and stop the useuo] chemical weapons or you dont. Republicans should not oju into it especially when you see how Many Democrats are not on board with this yet. Anna another big question is why is the president turning to congress now when it seemed like he was going to go ahead and do this himself. Does he have a newfound respect for the constitution and federalist papers and all of that . Steve good one. Anna i think not. At least a lot of pundits says this is not the president opening up the history books. This is playing politics with it. Respect for the separation of powers is rather minimum as he showed with suspension of provisions of health care, the creation of the dream act and won executive fiat by suspending half of the immigration laws. This isnt a sudden stroke of constitutionalism. This is simply expediency and delay. The problem is not that strategy. He doesnt have a strategy. And thats the reason everybody, left, right and center, has no idea what hes doing. Hes zigzagged left and right. He telegraphs hes going to strike. He does nothing. He calls in to congress. Then he plays golf when the secretary of state had given a speech the day before with remarkable urgency and passion. Steve we hate to think that the president of the United States is making decision that will put americans in harms wayq based onni politics, but he has treated syria as a political problem all along. There are other development. The United States kicked britishni intelligence out of the syrianr discussion because the english, the british are not going to be in on the deal. Weve kicked them out when it comes to secret meetings. Brian were concerned egy and ] c incredible. Just because parliament voted it down doesnt mean theyreni not trustworthy. Were going to be in the same boat with france. David cameron went to parl lamont so e said ill go to my people too and play thisco democracy thing. Will franceco be kicked out of the coalition . Depending on how our congress votes. Brian did you go to marines. Com. Anna Syrian Rebels hacked into the marines website displaying a proassad message. This is a sign of the times that were having to battle allnr this Technology Type of problems as well. They srg also claiming they were responsible for what happened with the New York Timesni websitenai being hacked. Brian ni a diplomat was asked by Hillary Clinton to broker things in syria when the civil war broke out. He saw what the president did, kicking it to congress and talk about the policy and limited response. He calls this the president s weekend strategy strategically appalling stpherpls his response. In terms of hisni response. Strategically appalling. Steve president assad thinks it is appalling that the United States would go after him. And in fact now he has mocked our president when he refers to his historic american retreat with the president going to congress. Now mr. Assad warns of uncontrollable war if we dr something over there. Also posturing is very expensive, the cost of the pentagon waiting is to the tune of millions and millions of dollars. Money while, lets have aco little flashback here. Want to take you back to 2009,q 2010, 2011. John kerry, who isco currently the secretary ofni mr. Assad asnico hitler and saddamco hussein. As it turnsco out, just a couple of years ago they were dinner buddies. Anna wining and dining. Weve got a photo of the two of them together. This is from 2009. Apparently a few months later kerry wanted to go back and it was nixed by the Obama Administration and france saying it would show some signni of western weakness there as, you know, preiranian forcesni are trying to gain steve that particular picture is in ani restaurant heinznr kerry, john kerry and mr. And mr. Assad. Brian he says he is an agent for change. When nancy pelosi said no to president bush, when president bushbu r dont go there in 2007,ni weve isolated syria, they do not deserve high level diplomatic relations she defied and said they are going to be an agent for peace. That was proifphetic. I dont thinkni so. Anna that is why so many died. Brian ourni coverage of the syria crisis continues. Up next general jack keane on exactly how the president s delay will onlyni h america look weak. Anna nr its hard to believe that after weeks being pulled from this burning car dickni vandyke is back on his feet. Well show you the video. [ telephone rings ] heart healthy, huh . You dont like flavor . Actually, its deliciously bold with southwest spices. I think im getting hungry. I think were going to like this class. [ male announcer ] progresso. Surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. For our so slimming jeans. Meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. Slim, smooth, flatter. The so slimming collection. Only at chicos and chicos. Com. To take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. I told him, sure. Cant hurt, right . And now today, i see this in the news. Once again, centrum silver was chosen by researchers for another landmark study. 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Every time youre ready to upgrade. Having what you want on the 4glte network you rely on. Thats powerful. Upgrade to the droid ultra by motorola with 0 down payment. Brian president obama weighing on congressional waiting on congressional approval. Meanwhileni the Syrian Government mocks what it called an historic american retreat. Is this making america look weak . Eneralnews analystbm jack keane. Are you more optimistic the president has a more robust response after talking to the two senators yesterday . I think thats a fair assessment. Guarded optimism i think is the way i would describe what the senators told me. They believe the military intervention is going to be more robust than what they had expected. That the focus of it will be not just on deterring the use of chemical weapons but degrading assads military capacity level. And i think many of us certainly have an advocacy for that. They will concentrate on chemical weapons delivery systems, rockets and artillery will be harder to get to because you can move those around and obviously hes doing that. Airfields, airplanes and logistical infrastructure that supports air power will be much easier to get to. Then the other thing, its going to be complemented by an upgrade in support for the moderate Opposition Forces, training, assistance, funding and some arms. ni yet undefined what they mean by arms. But i think overall thatsco somewhat encouraging because that moves the momentum then towards the Opposition Forces. Brian youve done a lot of work, as much as anyone i know about who are these socalled rebels. What are txer factions andnr what numbers they are. Z mojjt bei they are screaming allah akbar. Weve seen this movie before. We dont like the way it ends. It could end that way particularly if we do nothing. If we wring our hand and say oh my god, syria is going to become jihaddist or an islamist state. There are moderate Opposition Forces which is the largest group, Opposition Force in syria, they are spearheading the attack. The jihaddists are geographically separated from them. This moderate group received arms from saudi for six to eight months and none of those weapons have fallen into the hands of the jihaddists. The jihaddists are becoming quite territorial and not involved in the fighting as much and imposing talibanism on the Syrian People who are resenting it very much, demonstrating against it. Similar to what we saw in Anbar Province in iraq. Brian you were so concerned last week about the fact that were putting this off until september 9. Do you believe that general dempsey was being sincere or political when he said our targets are not time sensitive, we can wait . Im sure hes being sincere. Im not going to question his veracity here. But the fact of the matter here is the great strategist said break your points will. When you break your opponents will. When you delay the attack for a week youve given a victory to assad. I think this attack should have been over a week ago. Secondly, you obviously giveni him an opportunity ton protect his resources, particularly the thing hen w can move around, command and control facilities he can emptyco out. ni itt qj it more with it. G for us to deal brian general, weco appreciate the work you do. Thanks soco much. Take care, brian. Have a goodnr day. [0b c 3 brian aaq minutes w a e you wereninrco sleeping,na jazeera was yanked off theni air. Then, he was just bit by a shark so why isco he smiling. Shark so why isco he smiling. He joins us liveconiw3 next. ni turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around barry i finally found the right snack were not gonna give up what we love. And when the pounds still come off. Well be like, whoa Weight Watchers. Join for free. Because it works. Hurry, join by september 14th and youll get a free month. Before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page. Before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time. Before he could even think about planning for his daughters future. Mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. Thats the wonder of streamlined connections. Thats merrill edge and bank of america. Brian quick headlines. Overnight, off the air in egypt. An Egyptian Court banning aljazeera and three other stations. They say biased coverage in favor of Muslim Brotherhood protests. The suspected leader of a notorious drug cartel in captur. He allegedly runs the jawarez cartel. He is now in mexico city facing organized crime charges. Anna Holiday Weekend at the beach takes a petrifying turn when a nineyearold boy is bitten by a shark. Steve the most astounding part of the incident, the boys reaction. Joining us is connor baker and his father ryan from jacksonville, florida. Fellows, good morning to you. Lets start at the beginning. Ryan, you guys were fishing, and either youxd or your other son caught a fish, and you decided since youre out there in the water, what would youni do with the fish . We caught a fish cast netting and connor decided he wanted to hold the fish. We handed it to him, and he  feet ofoute water and just kind of swimming around next to him, holding it in his hand. Thats when the shark came up. Anna my tkpwdness. Describe my goodness. Describe what happened. He chomped on to your leg. What happened . I was screaming. Steve you were screaming. Weve got an image of connor where it looks like hes almost happy. If you could explain this to us, ryan. He seemed to be excited that he was bit by a shark. Yeah. It was a really interesting reaction that he had. The shark came up, it had bit him, then it swam pastni him. I thought it was a relatively large shark. And i thought weve got to get him out of the water. We started to run in. When we got on the beach, he noticed he had been bit. He started yelling i got bit by a shark. It was crazy. Anna and hes got battle wounds to prove it. Today is your first day of school. What are you khaoeuted about showing excited about showing off to the classroom . Well, justni showing it to people. Anna you had to get nine stitches, i understand. Are you going to be going swimming any time soon . Yeah. He said hes only going to go swimming in a pool. Steve i dont blame you. Rwr, what would you say the moral of this story is now that youve had a couple of days to think about handing your son essentially bait for a shark . Well, you know, when youre out cast netting, theres a lot of bait around. You probably dont want to hand the bait to your son. Steve although what a story hes got to tell today on his first dayco of first grade. Gentlemen, thank you very much and were glad it all worked out so well. It could have been a lot worse. Anna have a great day. 27 minutes after the hour. Coming up on fox co friends, stocks are soaring on word of the president s delayed decision on syria. How long will it last . Stuart varney is on deck. Steve kanye west just got a giant payday from a brutal dictator. Were talking about three million bucks. First happy birth to actor charlie sheen. He is 48. [ male announcer ] dont miss red lobsters endless shrimp. Its as much as you like, any way you like. Try new soy wasabi grilled shrimp and more. Only 15. 99, offer ends soon. So come in and sea food differently. Now, try seven lunch choices for 7. 99. Sandwiches, salads and more. Now, try seven lunch choices for 7. 99. Wits hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, and thats why we use angies list. Online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. I want it done right. I dont want to have to worry about it or have to come back and redo it. With angies list, i was able to turn my home into the home of my dreams. For over 18 years, weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today. Steve an extreme weather alert. Are things Getting Better overnight . Big gains in california where that Massive Wildfire is still burning near Yosemite National park. Fire fighters have it more than 60 contained. It already devoured 225,000 acres, a quarter of a million acres. Maria molina is tracking Mother Nature outside on our plaza. Good morning everyone. Across parts of california weve had that moisture increasing, so thats really helped out conditions in that part of the country. Not just california but other areas that did experience wildfires as well like parts of idaho, parts of western montana and even down into nevada. Again, the moisture levels are up in that part of the country. Otherwise across the center of the country were still looking very much like summer. Were talking upper 90s across parts of texas, even triple digits for some of you. That heat does stretch into parts of colorado like denver, where youre going to make it into the 90s and also parts of kansas and nebraska, expecting temperatures well into the 90s. The northeast, great lakes youre going to be feeling like fall out here over the next several days. Its finally going to be drying out. In new york city we had a messy labor day weekend. We had a lot of rain, a lot of thunderstorms rolled through. That was the story for many along the i95 corridor. Today a chance for more storms. You can see clouds out here in new york city. Once those storms clear out, that front pushes through were going to be looking at a stretch of dry weather, lower humidity, feeling a lot more falllike for you including in cities like new york city, boston and temperatures are going to be below average. It will be only in the 60s in boston on thursday. Prescriptionpittsburgh staying e low and pittsburgh staying in the low 70s. Across the rockies, some rain can come down quite heavily at times, so you have a flood concern out here. The other issuenr isco t rg oujuuimes and that lightningnr can spark up wildfires. We still have Drought Conditions out here, extreme for many of you, so that can be an issue. Back inside to the studio. Steve maria, thank you very much. Brian 27 minutes before the top of theco hour. The president has delayed his decision send stocks soaring. Can we expect this boom to last. Stuart varney here to weighnini in. Pending war. How is that affecting the market . ni your money, your pension fund, et cetera, et cetera, your money is heavily connected to what goes on overseas. About an hour ago we were expectingni the dow jones average to open up 100 points. Its come back since then because investors are taking a second look at what is going on. Americans are delaying a strike, may cancel a strike, it may be a limited strike. But there is a great deal of uncertainty about whats going to happen in the future. We are projecting an image of weakness and investors dont like that because it means uncertainty for the future. Now were looking at a gain of maybe 80 points for the dow jones industrial. And the price of oil which a lot of were expecting to come straight down with the news of the delay is not happening. Were down 60 cents a barrel at 107 dollars a barrel. Anna you mentioned the uncertainty is whats causing this. What happens once Congress Comes back, they debate and a decision is made . I really dont know. Nobody knows. Are we going to strike . Yes or no . Dont know. What kind of strike is it going to be . Dont know. But this vacillation projects weakness and your enemies can be expected to exploit that weakness. That is what got the markets on edge this morning. Steve stuart, if we could put the map up it shows how oil gets to us from various places and youve got various suppliers. Apparently what the syrians revealed and it is in the wall street journal this morning is that as soon as we strike them, andnr 99 of the world thinks were going to do that the first thing theyre going to do is retaliate against war ships in the mediterranean and that could impact the flow of oil. So could retaliation against the pipelines which move that oil. Pipelines are vulnerable. You attack a pipeline and you shut down a hundred thousand barrels of oil a day, maybe less. Steve you think the price of gas is high right now, wait until theres something going on over there. The price is 3. 60 nationwide. If there was anr strike, you can expect the price to go up. At the moment the markets are very, very nervous because they dont know whats going to happen and theyre worried about america projecting weakness. Brian they are reassured to know varney and company will put it in perspective at 9 20. Thats what we offer, brian. Reassurance. Hand holding nationwide is what we do. Anna stuart, thank you. 37 minutes after the hour. News headlines. A new report revealing hospital infections are onnini the rise and costing billions. Thats according to a new study. Itsnr estimated one out of 20nr patients will develop akic infection andnr researchers say the cost to treat them is nearly 10ni billion a0 yea. Brian dm legendary actor cheated death two weeks ago when his car burst into flames on a los angeles freeway but that is not stopping dick vandyke from performing over the weekend. Watch. ni brian that is amazing. The 87yearold singing and dancing to the songxd supernr supe cclfrajilfo8okninristic. Steve are you paying for this plane and it doesnt fly. The sequester eliminated fuel and pilots, so it sat there collecting dust. Folks, were paying for it. Anna kanye west is cashing in on what some say is blood money, pocketing 3 million for a performance for a dictator. The plane flew to kazakhstan to play at the grandsons wedding. During the dictators rule hes been accused of steal the countrys oil fornr himself and violating human rights including murder. Those are your headlines. Steve mr. Kilmeade, as we call him, has sports. Brian police and School Officials in alabama investigating this brawl between two rival High School Football coaches. This following a close game. Both men tumbled tonr the turf as cops, players and coaches rushed to separate them. One of the coaches has already been placed on administrative leave. Take your time investigating. We already have footage. He was best known forni turning on rockyco balboa after rocky took time to mentor him inni rocky v. This morning boxer tommy morris is being remembered. The former heavyweight champion passed away sundayni night. His family didnt state the cause ofco death. He was diagnosed with h. I. V. Inxd 1996. He later said the test was false. Living onni denial and a ventilator for the last year of his life. Some of his famous fights were againstni George Foreman and lenox lewis. The fight against rocky not official because it was in the street. A profootballco career. A rookie arrested for Disorderly Conduct after an altercation with police in indianapolis. According to cops he was insistent they couldnt arrest him because he played for the colts. He was released on 150,000 bond. Steve didnt he Say Something like you cant arrest me, im a colt 20 minutes before the top of the hour on this tuesday. Its called the silent killer and numbers are staggering. 27,000 men die each year from Prostate Cancer. This monthni viewers can get free screening. Dr. Samadi is here with details. Anna before you leave the house youll want to hear about this one. The city with the worst drivers ever just revealed. I bet everybody is going thats my neck of the woods. 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Is sharing his bonus with his din thousand employees, his way of saying thanks for making lenovo the Worlds Largest computerni maker. Brian a deadly cancer with no symptoms. Prostate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in america. 240,000 american men will be diagnosed with it this year alone. September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness month. Here to tell us how to reduce the risk is foxs medical a samadi. This is your area of expertise. You are the chairman of urology at lenox hill hospital. This month we want to make sure men are aware of this disease. It is a silent killer because men can have Prostate Cancer and have absolutely no symptoms. This is a good time to get checked, get your blood test, the p. S. A. It is a simple blood test. Go to a youre roll gist and get go to a urologist ani getni checked. It is a preventible test and men need to getw3 tested. Brian for men its skin, lung and Prostate Cancer, the three big ones that hit men . nr women are extremely proactive. They go for their screening. They get the[r pap smears and mammograms and men, they dont really like to go toq doctors. Its not a good they think. If you know the p. S. A. , you can prevent it and save lives. Brian youre offering every year during the month ofnr september weve had people that view fox news viewers and others, if youre diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, you can send your information, go to my facebook, et cetera, get in touch with us. Free of charge for the month of september weve been able to help them and give the consultation and save many lives out there. Brian we go to friends foxnews. Com or go to . Roboticoncology. Com. One of the things weve said is now adays with advances in robotic surgery, people dont have to lose their quality of life. They can be cured ofnr i prefer surgery because you can always do radiation after surgery but difficult to do surgery after radiation. More importantly for the month of september get tested. Brian to clear up what you said last week after we went over a study that talked about medical causes for men and women. One of the things i said is women are excellent and this was a compliment to them. They are very proactive and get screened. In my practice it is the women that bring men to our practice because men dont get checked. Just like the mammogram, when u. S. Task force said women, we dont want you tonr get mammograms, they fought for it and they went ahead with mammograms. With men when they said no p. S. A. s, everybody said okay. Sound good to me. Its important to remind men out there that this is a preventibleni disease. 30,000 men die every year from this. Absolutely not necessary. Get tested. Get screened. If there are issues, were available to give a second or third opinion. Brian you dont have to separate between mens issues and womens issues, whats more important and more expensive. Youre stating a fact. 70 of Health Care Decisions are made by women. That is a compliment to them. Theyreco involved. They follow through, they do the research and want the best for their health. We want the same for men. Thats the purpose of last weeks segment. Brian how many surgeries today . Today im seeing patients. Tomorrow i have five. Brian what a schedule. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. Doctors told him hed never play football again. Play football again. Months theres nothing like that feeling of getting something new. And now, with verizon edge, you can experience that new phone thrill, again, and again, and again. Phil can you close your new phone box, were picking up some feedback. Every time youre ready to upgrade. Having what you want on the 4glte network you rely on. Thats powerful. Upgrade to the motox by motorola with 0 down payment. A a steve weve got a fox news alert. The president pulling back on action in syria immediately. Now waiting to see if congressional lawmakers approve. But is this 11th hour decision really just a delay for the president to avoid doing something that could be illegal . Anna if lawmakers vote against intervention in syria, does he have the authority to go forward alone . Lets ask our fox news senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano. Great to be with you. Good morning. Anna this actually is something that could happen for 90 days, you say . Lets take a step back. Its a little mystifying legally why the president is asking congress for authority to do something that it has already given him authority to do. When the war powers act was enacted, a federal statute elected over president nixons veto, it said the president can bring troops into any area that he wants, offensively or defensively, without the approval of congress for 89 days. He has to bring them back on the 90th day. The president has the authority to do this. Is the war constitutional . If Congress Says well let the president declare mini war, he can declare all the wars he wants and fight all the wars he wants, as long as they dont exceed 90 days, is that constitutional . Anna has it been used before . Yes, by every president since richard nixon. Nixon vetoed it because he thought it restrained his power. Steve obama has used it. They all used it. So again, mystifying as to why the president wants the approval of the congress. Steve oh, come on it is not mystifying. Its not a legal question. Its political. He has treated syria as a political hot potato ever since he was running for president and now in case anything goes haywire, he wants to say look, Congress Said its okay. He will have some problems in international law. Steve of course. But there is no International Court before which to drag him for doing this. He will have a very difficult time making the case that in order to preserve the National Security of the us us of america, he has to bomb syria bus if that is the argument hes going to make, how can he be sitting on his hands . How can this be an issue of National Security and hes doing nothing about it . Steve sure. If its so bad y is he golfing . Precisely. I dont think he wants to answer these questions, steve. Anna say he did go forward with p without the united nations, without great britain, parliament, without congress no, and he does it anyway. Anna so say that happens, then can a court step in in time to even do something before a missile ever goes . Probably not. Ill tell you why. The courts just do not like to enjoin president s when it comes to august the military. Their view is this is a political question. This is a decision made by the other two branches of the government. Congress said no, the president said yes. Its for the people to referee this. Not for us. Also as a practical matter, the president can have the triggers pulled a lot faster than justice can resolve these cases. Steve yeah. For folks watching right now, if theyre thinking, okay, president obama, who taught constitutional law is worried about the constitution. Constitution may have been bent in such a fashion, he could legally go ahead alone . He can. I dont think hes concerned about the constitution. I think hes concerned about domestic politics at home. Im repeating myself. Steve which would be shocking. No, it wouldnt at all. Steve i know. Thank you very much. Anna 56 minutes after the hour. Coming up, 40,000 workers cutting ties with the Biggest Union in the country. The reason why . Because obamacare just isnt liberal enough . Steve theyre members of a union of the and take a look at this beast, the gator was so heavy, it took nearly five hours to bring him in. Oh, boy. That guys got quite story to tell good job still running in the morning . Yeah. 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Before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page. Before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time. Before he could even think about planning for his daughters future. Mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. Thats the wonder of streamlined connections. Thats merrill edge and bank of america. Anna good morning. The beginning of a short week week, its tuesday, september 3, 2013. Im anna kooiman in for gretchen carlson. In a few hours, lawmakers will make their case to congress, speaking on action in syria. This as the president wants to give even more advanced weapons to Syrian Rebels. Were live from washington next. Brian yep. Possibly the most anticipated movie, casting of all time. Ever. Its just released. Who will play christian and anastasia in fifty shades of grey the movie. Youll be surprised. Not by the ending. Steve there you go. And has this ever happened to you during a big interview . My name is cheryl. You can call me cheryl. Thank you so much again, carol. It was such a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to hearing from you. Nice to meet you. Steve dont. The most common interview disasters and how to fix them anna cheryl ne, coming up. Steve fox friends hour two for a tuesday that feels like a monday, starts right now. Steve when they get your name wrong, the immediate inclination is, ill just let them go. How far could this go. If they keep doing it over and over, you got to put the kabash on it. Anna you have to understand if the person interviewing forgets the name or gets it wrong, but not the person going in. Gosh. Thats rule number one, from getting there on time and make sure your outfit looks right. Steve what do you think, ryan . Brian its not important. I never forget when i interview with robert ailes to get the job. Anna oh, boy. Brian he was immediately captured by my charisma and presence. [ laughter ] anna i sure roger is not watching you right now. One minute after the hour. Were going to get right to your news headlines. Sudden Lightning Storm in miami injured two men, leaving a third man dead. They were pressure cleaning a tractortrailer when the storm moved in. They took cover under the truck, believing it would protect them. One of the gentlemen that was outside came to tell me one of them was hit. Anna the injured men are in stable condition right now. Its not clear if they were directly struck by the lightning or if it hit the tractortrailer. The fifth time was the charm for diana nyad becoming the very first person ever to swim from cuba all the way to florida without a shark cage. This is amazing. This time she did wear a special mask to keep her from getting stung by jelly fish. [ cheering ] the 64yearold arriving in key west after 53 hours in 110 miles in the water. We should never, ever give up [ cheering ] you never are too old to chase your dreams. Anna her lips swollen from the sunburn and salt water. The swim had been a dream of hers for the past 35 years. Her first attempt, in 1978 at the age of 28. She tried against in 2010 and 2012. Congratulations to her. New overnight, Dennis Rodman landing in north korea for his second trip there this year. Here is the new video of him in china on his way to north korea. Rodman says its a friendly visit to see kim jongun and not an attempt to get the american free. The two bonded over basketball in february. U. S. Officials criticized the trip, but rodman says basketball diplomacy could warm relations between kim jongun and president obama. A massive catch in mississippi. A team of alligator hunters reeling in this 727pound gator over the weekend. The hunters struggled with the record breaker for more than four hours before pulling him to a sandbar for help. Hours earlier, another team caught a 723pounder. It took five hours to grab that guy. And both broke records for the largest gators ever caught in the state. Steve tastes like chicken. Rubbery chicken. Brian you take the first bite. All right. Meanwhile, fox news alert. New video overnight showing Syrian Rebels reportedly shooting down a government jet. Listen. yelling . Allah akbar brian great. Fighting continuing to escalate on the ground in syria. We havent armed the rebels yet, but word is from a mccaingraham meeting, the president plans on boosting aid there rapidly. Kelly wright has the developing details. The wall street journal writes even though the president pledged to do this earlier, he hasnt given them a gun yet, but that will change. Brian, thats supposedly going to change, according to an agreement that the president has made with senators Lindsey Graham and john mccain. President obama continued to push for pushing rather, for getting support from members of congress to give authorization for a u. S. Military strike against syria. That video that you were just showing, by the way, shows how the conflict on the ground continues, supposedly Free Syrian Army fighters were celebrating, taking down a Syrian Air Force jet on monday. That video, which has not been independent confirmed by fox news, was obtained apparently from a social media web site. Meantime, getting back to the president , he is relying on the two leading republican senators, Lindsey Graham and john mccain, to help him persuade other congressional members to approve his plan for a punitive strike against syria. But the senators want president t obama to knock down assads airplanes and arm Syrian Rebels with more advanced weapons. The fact is that we have not given the arms and equipment to the resistance, which has been shameful, while huge amounts of arms have flown in from russia and iran and now thousands of hezbollah on the ground from lebanon. President obama is convinced Syrian Regime is responsible for carrying out a chemical attack on its own people, killing more than 1400 people. Senator Lindsey Graham says arming the moderate syrian Resistance Forces will strengthen the president s plan. Youre upgrading the military capability of the opposition. Youre upgrading their political cohesion, and youre getting a Regional Force behind the opposition. These three things together would work, but if the goal of this is to put it in my lap, i welcome a discussion about what we should do. Senator Lindsey Graham there. Later today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a public hearing on syria. Secretary of state john kerry, defense secretary chuck hagel and joint chiefs chairman general Martin Dempsey will make the case fort Obama Administration to carry out punitive strike. But senator mccain will be pushing for a plan that will lead to ending the assad regime. Brian . Brian wow. So theyre on somewhat a different page going in, but not going out. Thanks so much. Talking about the resolution in particular, it turns out senator leahy a democrat and two other democrats who dont buy into this so far. They want a more limited resolution if theyre going to back it at all, which essentially ties the president s hands. You got 60 days to do it. Maybe 30 days if you want to finish off your mission, but thats it. You pull it back, the money stops. Steve lets talk about the developments. The United States has kicked British Intelligence out of the syria discussions. If theyre not going to be part of the attack, theyre out of the room. Also Syrian Rebels attacked the u. S. Marine recruiting web site, displaying proassad messages. Brian telling the marines dont fight with the syrian army. Dont fight with alqaeda. Steve also after syria mocked the president s historic american retreat, saying hes going to go to congress, assad now warns of an uncontrollable war. Speaking of war, at least prewar, the posturing is very expensive. The cost of waiting, as our ships steam around the mediterranean, the meter is running. Costs a lot of money. Brian meanwhile, general jack keane weighed in on this earlier, says its not easy keeping five warships offshore. The fact of the matter is, we were taught the by the great strategist is break your opponents will. When you delay an attack for three to four weeks, youve given a huge psychological victory to assad that was somewhat unnecessary. I think this attack should have been over a week ago. And secondly, you obviously give him an opportunity to protect his resources, particularly the things that he can move around and the command and control facilities he can empty. That makes it for challenging for us to deal with. Steve one other thing thats challenging for the president , hes going to the g20 summit later today. If hes going to be making a direct appeal, hes got to do it today before he leaves tonight. Also, putin thinks this is a great idea. Couple of lawmakers in russia said, you know ha . If the United States congress is going to be deciding whether or not to get involved in syria, lets send a couple of russian lawmakers over to capitol hill and they personally will lobby the americans not to do it. Anna do you think thats going to go over very well . Steve no. Anna yeah, like a lead balloon. Brian evidently putins dislike for president obama, its dislike for him personally and hes getting set for a direct confrontation at the g20. I hope the president is ready. Anna the problem is our adversaries dont fear us anymore and the people that are normally on our side feel like they cant trust us. Israel still has their iron dome Missile Defense system forward deployed. Theyve canceled military leave for some people. They called up military reserve. And meantime, some of the citizens are making sure they have their gas masks ready just in case things transpire. Steve here is the headline of the New York Post today. Fit to be tied, these are the two stars for fifty shades of grey. It could be one of the biggest movies of all time. It was one of the biggest books of all time. So get rid of those question marks. He will be played by Charlie Hunnam. And dakota johnson, the daughter of don johnson and Melanie Griffith will play anastasia. Anna some of the fans are going im shocked there isnt some huge name that would be casted. A lot of folks are going, who is that again . You know what . They are not going to be known about this big for long. Theyll be huge stars, i imagine, from this. The movie is slated to go out in august of next year. Brian the sequel, best selling book of all sold 70 million copies of all time. They all go rocketing up the best seller list. Steve one movie goer put it this way, according to the New York Post. Brian one movie goer. Steve didnt even read fifty shades of grey and im disappointed in the cast. [ laughter ] but if you think about it, if you cast somebody that everybody is familiar with, they go, i didnt really see brad pitt as grey. Anna i bet this movie will be so big, these people may end up being typecast forever. Brian Henry Winkler is always the fonz. Steve in the beginning of these franchises, the people were nobody. Harrison ford, who heard of him . The list goes on. Who would you like to see . Pretend they didnt already cast these two as the stars in fifty shades of grey. Who would you like to see as the guy and the gal . Email us. Brian what was your favorite part . Be specific, of the book. Anna that could get a little too kinky for tuesday morning. Brian i would like to know what people like about the book cause i have not read it. Anna you know what . Guys love this book, even though its more popular among the women. Steve the headlines should tell you. Fit to be tied. Brian so well go into overtime. Anna quote of the morning. Oh, my gosh. 12 minutes after the hour now. Still to come, the president only has a few days to change some minds in congress about syria. But can he do it . Brian right now our next guest says hes a no vote. Republican Congress Mike turner here to explain. Steve then it was a slap heard around the world. Now the race car driver speaking out about that surprise attack. Brian he said his jaw was broken. Steve with that little pat . Brian yeah. Steve it was a love pat. Ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant [ female announcer ] with the Weight Watchers app you have the power of Weight Watchers. And helpful tools like the pizza cheat sheet so you can make the most of any situation. What can i get you . Illave that one. Even saturday nights. And the barcode scanner so weekend road trips dont mean losing your way. 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Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. If i could describe being a nonsmoker, i would say awesome. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Brian president obama seeking congressional approval before ordering a strike on syria. But some key lawmakers are against action as of now, claiming military readiness may be at risk due to defense cuts. 52 billion to be exact. So is the u. S. Even equipped to strike . Joining us right now is the ohio congressman, mike turner, member of the House Armed Services committee. This is about money and its about the president s lack of clear mission. Am i correct, congressman . This is about leadership. The president has left sequestration in place. We have planes being grounded, pilots not receiving training, equipment not being maintained. Yet he wants to go and spend money with the attack against syria. He has no strategy. We dont understand the risk. We dont understand who were fighting for. And he has an unexplainable policy with his imaginary red line where 1,000 people have been killed and he acknowledged chemical weapons have likely been used, but yet now that its been large scale, the president wants to take action to support his imaginary red line. I dont think there is an appetite in congress to bail the president out. Brian you think bail out or do you think the president deserves credit for going to you before going alone . I think the president rightly is coming to congress, but hes not done his homework. He should have been coming to congress and the International Community for months while this has been going on. To take it to this level where suddenly we have a crisis, where the president again has allowed sequestration to be impacting our men and women who are every day getting up for National Security, for 12,000 people four lowed alone in my community. Then to bring to us this crisis is completely irresponsible. Brian do you think its irresponsible for us to allow assad to gas his own people, defy us and move forward . Absolutely. Thats why the president should have been doing his homework. This is not a crisis that just occurred. The white house has acknowledged the chemical weapons have been used in this conflict before, that the imaginary red line had already been crossed. But the president did nothing until as theyre now saying, the large scale use of chemical weapons has occurred. This is a crisis where the president has allowed it to unfold and now wants to rush the United States to a conflict. Brian we watched senator graham and senator mccain, big critics of president obama, meet with him yesterday for an hour and come out and say we got to back the president s decree and allow him the freedom to attack. Is there a chance when you get your briefing that youll change your mind . Its certainly possible. People are leaving the door open for the president to make the case. Its why im in washington today, to receive the classified briefing from the administration. But at tnot see congress having a change of heart. I think people are very reticent with a president thats not showing leadership in support of our military. Certainly hasnt shown leadership in this conflict to suddenly vote to have the United States become engaged. Brian i notice this quote and part of a quote fromever dempsey earlier says our military force is so degraded and unready, it would be immoral to use force. He has changed his tune, but has welcomed a delay, at least until september 9 when you guys officially come back from vacation. Thanks so much. Thank you for having me. Brian coming up, 40,000 workers cutting ties with the Biggest Union in the country. The reason why . Because obamacare just isnt liberal enough. Well explain next. Then talk about horsepower, why these horses ran wild down the highway too big. Too small. Too soft. Too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progressos new creamy alfredo soup. Inspired by perfection. Vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaas commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. Begin your legacy, get an Auto Insurance quote. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Of getting something new. And now, with verizon edge, you can experience that new phone thrill, again, and again, and again. Phil can you close your new phone box, were picking up some feedback. Every time youre ready to upgrade. Having what you want on the 4glte network you rely on. Thats powerful. Upgrade to the droid ultra by motorola with 0 down payment. Anna hoping everybody had a nice Holiday Weekend. Time for news by the numbers. Summer box office editions. The totals are in. First, 1. 2 billion. Thats how much ironman 3 made as the biggest film of the summer. Next, 822. 1 million. Thats how much the second place flick despicable me 2 placed. 87. 2 million made. Fast and furious 6 made. But for the worst movie of the summer, that title goes to the lone ranger. Over to you, steve. Steve 40,000 long shoremen are cutting ties with the aflcio over obamacare and socalled cadillac tax. They claim the unions president , trumka, pictured there, played along to get along on the health care reform, but unions had a big say in crafting the law. So is obamacare simply not liberal enough for them . Here to weigh in is news editor for town hall. Com and fox news contributor, katy. Good morning to you. Good morning. Steve be careful what you wish for. These guys worked hard to get president obama elected on this and now they hate it. They do hate it. There is nothing like a union scorned. Now we have the long shoremen saying look, obamacare isnt liberal enough. Look, they have a point. Barak obama, before he ran for president , talked about a single payer system. You have harry reid most recently saying that obamacare is the first test of single payer. Now this offshoot wrote a letter to richard trumka, the president of the aflcio who has been going along to get along. He bragged about shoving obamacare down the throats of republicans. Didnt really know what was in it because he enjoys going to the white house. He enjoys being an honored guest at president obamas state of the Union Addresses and this aflcio is saying look, you let him tax our cadillac plan at 40 . Were not giving the unions what they need. In the end, if they dont really want a single payer system, theyre not being realistic about the cost of that. So if theyre upset about a cadillac tax, they better start getting upset about the amount of taxes that are going to come out of the paychecks of workers once we get a single payer system, god forbid that ever happens. Steve you mentioned that the long shoremen wrote a letter to trumka. Here is an excerpt of it. It says we feel the federation has done a great disservice to the Labor Movement and all working people by going along to get along. President obama ran on a platform that he would not tax medical plans and since 2009 aflcio convention, you stated that labor would not stand for a tax on the benefits. But that is exactly the direction theyre headed with this thing. Going forward, though, historically, unions have fallen on tough time when it comes to membership. Okay. Aflcio just lost 40,000 more members. Where is the incentive to join a union . Well, weve seen there really isnt one on both sides. They think its too far left or not conservative enough. Weve seen when people have a choice to join a labor union, they decide not to. So labor unions are getting it from all sides. President obama is getting it from all sides. Lets not forget that a bunch of union leaders, from the teamsters and other big unions, wrote a letter to congress and president obama saying we voted for you to fix the problem. Youre killing the 40hour workweek, but you cant have it both ways. You either have to understand that government involved in Health Care Costs more for workers, whether youre unionized or not, or you have to understand that you need to keep it privatized and find other ways to reform the health care system. You cant have it both ways. Steve thats right. One of the brilliant parts of obamacare was it would start to be enacted in total after the president was reelected. Here we are. All right. Delaying, delaying. Steve there you go. Thank you very much for joining us on this tuesday. Thank you. Steve what do you think about this . Email us, cause youre really heating up the email about this fifty shades of grey thing. Also coming up, its a medical first, a flu shot that fights four different strains of the flu. Thats new. But do you want it and can you even get it . Well talk about that coming up. Then doctors told him he would never play football again. But just months after having his leg amputated, this High School Hero was back on the field and joins us live. You wont believe what that kid did. Right back as your life and career change, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust your Retirement Plan along the way, rethink how youre invested, and refocus as your career moves forward. Wherever you are today, a fidelity i. R. A. Has a wide range of Investment Choices to help you finetune your personal economy. Call today, and well make it easy to move that old 401 k to a fidelity i. R. A. Showstopping glamour. A little leopard, a lot of roar. Our most fabulous jacket collection. Only at chicos and chicos. Com. Made glutenfree cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. Like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex. Were in cereal heaven. So thanks. From the mcgregors, cause we love chex. So t anks. From the mcgregors, ive got something for you too. announcer fancy feast delights with cheddar. A meal that is sure to delight your cheese lover. Now available in the classic form she loves. Fancy feast. The best ingredient is love. Before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page. Before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time. Before he could even think about planning for his daughters future. Mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. Thats the wonder of streamlined connections. Thats merrill edge and bank of america. Anna maybe they should have cast him for fifty shades of grey. Its your shot of the morning. First a horse, now a walrus. Youll see that. Another day and another animal stunt involving russian president vladimir putin. Steve what do you mean stunt . Anna the crisis in syria is not stopping him from visit ago college aquarium. He watched walruses do pushups, if that was even possible, and even took the chance to give one a high five. Putin also stopped by to feed the dolphins and watch them perform. Brian that is command. Steve a fox news alert. Moments ago, israel confirming it carried out a joint missile test with the United States in the mediterranean. But the United States denying that we have fired any missiles. Conner powell live in jerusalem with the very latest. We were curious who shot those things off. Now we know, conner. So were the russians and so was everybody in this region. The tension here certainly not fading away. Earlier in the day, russia said it detected two Ballistic Missiles fired from the mediterranean somewhere. Russia pointing the finger sort of at israel or the United States. Israel saying a short while ago they were conducting a test to align their radar system that this was preplanned. Officially, this has nothing to do with syria. However, the russians and other people in the region may think this was sort of a coded message about finger on the trigger and ready for any possible scenario here. Meanwhile, russia says that they dont believe that the american evidence thats been put forward is proof of a chemical weapons attack in syria two weeks ago. Russia calling on the white house to declassify all of its intelligence that they have regarding this chemical weapons attack two weeks ago. Russias foreign minister saying that what he has seen so far is absolutely unconvincing, while president putin says the notion that syria forces would fire on their own people is, quote, utter nonsense. Of course, president obama is heading to russia here later this week for the g20 summit. No doubt syria and the chemical attack and the claims of the chemical attack will be a topic of conversation. Here in the middle east, tensions are still very high. A lot of finger pointing about whats happening, who should do what here in this region. Things here are always tense, but still wrapping up here, it is still really, really tense because right now nobody knows what washington is going to do. There are a lot of naval ships, both american and russian in the region. Of course, syria, the fighting is ongoing. Guys . Steve yeah. Syria is the wild card. Conner, thank you very much. Now other stories making headlines, was it an accidents or a murder . The family of a High School Wrestler killed in january believes foul play is to blame. The 17yearold Georgia High School student was found dead rolled up in a wrestling mat. Authorities believe he climbed on top of them to get his shoe, then fell. A second autopsy was just done and the family is expected to release the findings in the next few weeks. The first autopsy ruled his death, an accident. Brian new reason you may want to get a flu vaccine this year. For the first time ever, the vaccine will protect against four strains of the flu, including one where children are likely to catch. But there is one problem. There are 135 million flu vaccines this year. But only 30 million will offer this new protection. Experts say parents should not wait to get the new version as there is no hard data that shows its better. Anna talk about horsepower. 30 horses went wild in mexico city, galloping down a busy roadway. They were scared by the sound of a car engine apparently as they were taken out of their trailers near the citys congress building. They were helping to control protesters, is their normal job. One person suffered minor injuries and 11 cars damaged during that stampede. Steve thats a lot of horsepower. It was a slap heard around the sports carl. Driver taking a hard hit to the face from the girlfriends of another driver. This morning, pappas says he cant even eat a sandwich because he cant close his mouth. He also says his ears are still ringing. Brian, it does not appear that it is that big a slap. Brian you remember the bolo shot hit in the front of his face. People are still saying how could you knock that huge man down. Maybe it caught him just right. There is some footage of that. His jaw was open. He was aghast that this woman was about to strike him of the then they strikes him anna actually, it was pretty good. Anna zinging him on the ear is what really messes him up. I dont know about the broken jaw aspect of it. I took a defense course. They say zing them in the ear. You leave your arm lymph limp and go like that. Brian thats good to know. Also, just dont hit him. Women shouldnt be hittingn sho. Does maria feel differently . It depends. Do we know why she did that . Steve her boyfriends car was bumped. Oh, i think it was right. Steve really . Im just kidding. Terrible. Now with cameras on your phones, now you got that on video on the phone. And things end up on youtube. Now lets look at the weather conditions. I want to look at the temperatures across the northeast, over the last several days weve been dealing with very muggy weather. Thats all ahead of a cold front thats finally going to be clearing through the area as we head into later on this afternoon and in places like new york city, while today your high is going to be in the low 80s, over the next several days, youll feel temperatures dropping a little bit and so will the humidity. The nice weather is around the corner across parts of the northeast. The parts of the plains are still experiencing very summerlike weather with temperatures well into the 90s. Even triple digits for some of you across parts of texas. Otherwise very quickly looking at the northeast, you can see those temperatures gradually dropping by thursday, only in the 70s in new york city. And out west, were talking flooding concerns across parts of nevada, idaho, and even sections of oregon. A number of watches are in effect. Now lets head over to steve, anna and brian. Steve thank you very much. Anna 38 minutes after the hour. A comeback story unlike any other. High School Football player lost his leg last fall after a severe break led to a lifethreatening infection. Doctors told him he would never play football again. Brian just ten months later, he joined his team for their opening game and left the field with no less than two touchdowns and one sack. Steve this incredible athlete joins us right now on the phone. Good morning to you. Good morning. How you guys doing . Steve were doing okay. But you are doing even better. They said you would never play football again. But there you did. How did you do it . You know, its been a long road. My first day out of the hospital, i mean, i made my coach open up the weight room for me just so i could maybe get something in. Its just been ive just been in there ever since. I force myself to wrestle a month after surgery to get out there and compete. Six months out of surgery, i did track just to get on my blade more, so i could get more used to running with that thing. Steve youve got a blade like oscar pistorius, right . Yeah. Anna how long did it take you to even learn to walk again . They said it was going to take a whole lot longer than it actually took you before you ended up on the football field, you had to learn to walk. You played track, you wrestled. Youre an amazing individual. What was rehab like . I tried to do rehab with the doctors. They sent me there. My mom made me go a couple of times, but i felt like they were holding me back. So i quit going to rehab with the doctors after my second time, i think. I just stuck with my coaches and the weight room and i felt like i was pushing myself harder than they ever could. I felt like they were holding me back course they didnt want me to do certain things and my prosthetic guy, hes understanding of where i wanted to be, you know, coming into the summer i wanted to be playing in team camps with my team. I was getting fitted for my first leg three weeks after surgery, when im not even fully healed right now. These things take forever to heal up. I really pushed the healing process and pushed had to push through a lot of pain to be where i am right now. Brian i understand its even painful during the game. As well as youve gone, youll take a couple plays off because the pain gets so intense, right . Yeah. Just constantly beating on it like that, i dont mind i have a high pain tolerance, so i dont mind it. But just the feeling of being out there on the field again was way was overwhelming. It kind of blocked my mind of the pain. Steve its overwhelming for us, too. And i understand you were recently offered a walkon scholarship from your dream college, right . Yeah. Steve where . Montana state bob cats. Anna congratulations this is amazing that this just happened in october. You lost your leg and youre leading your team to victory. Thank you so much for your time today. Thank you. Brian good luck. Congratulations with that intense motivation. High School Football player playing on one leg. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. Steve the president bypassed congress in the past on obamacare and amnesty for illegals. Now he wants congress support to launch an attack on syria. What kind of leadership are we seeing from the white house . Ann coulter right there, is going to talk about that next. Good morning to you. Brian soon right here. Anna and then which of these woman won the model of the year award . We reveal the winners next. Brian i need more evaluation time. Steve first the aflac trivia question of the day. Born on this day in 1957, this actor played tony sopranos brotherinlaw and starred in the American Life of the american teenager. Who is he . Email us with the correct answer. Ann coulter will come to your house and mow your yard ready to run your lines . Okay, who helps you focus on your recovery . Yo, yo, yo. Aflac. Wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. Pays you cash when youre sick or hurt . [ japanese accent ] aflac. Love it. [ undehis breath ] hate it. Helps you focus on getting back to normal . [ as a Southern Belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. Uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. Youre on in 5, ck. [ male announcer ] when youre sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. Find out more at aflac. Com. About yoplaits fall favorites. So we brought pumpkin pie and apple crisp back for a limited time. See . You really do call the shots. Yoplait. It is so good. But chantix helped me do it. I told my doctor i think im. Im ready. 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Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. If i could describe being a nonsmoker, i would say awesome. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his Small Business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. Produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less . Ahh, oh [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward heres your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark Business Card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. Choose double miles or 2 cash back on every purchase every day. Whats in your wallet . [ crows ] now wheres the Snooze Button . Steve quick headlines on this tuesday morning. You think fat free yogurt that youre having for breakfast is better for you . Think again. This is to people who had fat free yogurt for breakfast. Brandnew Research Shows the fat free stuff might actually cause more weight gain than regular yogurt. The reason . Sugar is an additive to replace the fat is a cause of obesity. Kate upton won model of the year. She will formally accept the award at an event kicking off new York Fashion Week tomorrow night in the big city. Anna brian, stop drooling. Brian i would have gone with giselle. Steve there you go. Brian now your fox news alert. Republican senator Lindsey Graham sending a strong message to america on americas involvement in syria. Listen. Mr. President , clear the air. Be decisive, be firm about why it matters to us as a nation to get syria right. Brian is the president ready to be decisive and firm or is there a lack of leadership from the white house . Steve joining us is author and conservative columnist ann coulter. Good morning to you. By the way, her book just came out in paperback. Thank you. Steve what do you think of the president now dealing in congress, hey, you guys decide . Right. Surprisingly enough, even the New York Times headline on this was president drags congress into box of his own making. What republicans ought to be able to vote on in congress is whether they can invent a time machine, go back and not have obama issue an ultimatum on chemical weapons. Im really enjoying seeing all these liberals, the utter, utter blinding hypocrisy of them complain being this chemical weapons attack . Saddam hussein killed ten times as many people with chemical weapons. 5,000 kurds, his own kurds, in a single day. And now suddenly oh, no, now we must be the country that stops these genocides. What about rwanda . Is it better to see little kids have their limbs macheted. We ought what america should do should be in americas National Security interest. I dont see any National Security interest here. He doesnt either or he wouldnt be trying to drag congress into make this decision for him. Brian David Axelrod made a political statement after. He said the president has turned the tables on republicans. The dog that caught the bus. It seems to be a telling slip. Does that show that this is political when axelrod makes that statement . Yeah were talking about our National Security. Him being the commander in chief. This is just a political game for them. You can not trust democrats to be commander in chief. Americans remember that when you vote for a president. They can not take National Security seriously. We do not intervene in countries to make america safer. Were 20 reasons to take out Saddam Hussein and by the way, can you imagine if he were around now in the middle of this . Literally thank god george bush took him out of the picture. Steve now it looks Like Congress is in hes boxed congress in. We saw john mccain yesterday after the meeting with the president say unless Congress Goes along with it, it could be catastrophic. As opposed to going along with it and then it will be smooth sailing. Its catastrophic to go in. If he hits the chemical weapons plant itself, he could be responsible for releasing things. What if syria retaliates . The entire world they used to say under bush, the world hates us, the world hates us. Now the world is laughing at us. Can you imagine what putin thinks of this guy . Brian right. What will happen if he intervenes and there is an attack on israel or who knows where the attack could come . By the way, these chemical weapons came from iraq. Brian i wouldnt doubt that. I would be happy to see the top of the canisters to see the return address. Senator kerry, Speaker Pelosi and you look at others, have all said positive things about assad. Friendly, a reformer, agent for change. Now hes enemy number one. Right the point id make is liberals are so unserious that i mean, obviously any country youre not at war with, youre going to have diplomatic relations with. They made such a big deal of Donald Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein 20 years earlier. We werent writing puff pieces in vogue about Saddam Hussein asking about assad. Steve always a pleasure. Check out mugged in paperback. Ann coulter. Brian straight ahead. Anna Something Like this ever happen to you . Why do you want to work here . Well, i just it seems really cool. Anna Cheryl Casone is up next with the top interview blunders you dont want to make [ male announcer ] even ragu users a. Chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. Prego . but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices ive made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. Choose prego. [ male announcer ] bobs heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Of getting something new. And now, with verizon edge, you can experience that new phone thrill, again, and again, and again. Phil can you close your new phone box, were picking up some feedback. Every time youre ready to upgrade. Having what you want on the 4glte network you rely on. Thats powerful. Upgrade to the motox by motorola with 0 down payment. Anna the answer to the aflac question steve sharipa and the winner is katherine savage from san antonio. Congratulations to you. Prepare to be laughing. You think you bombed that last interview . Well, it might not actually be the kiss of death. Here with some easy fixes for those interview blunders is Fox Business Networks Cheryl Casone. Good morning. Good morning. Okay. Interview, the number one place that you make a mistake on your job search process. Youre nervous. We understand that. But ask yourself, are you bad with names . My name is cheryl. You can call me cheryl. Thank you so much again, carol. This is a pleasure to metropolitan you. I look forward to hearing from you. All right. Nice to meet you. Anna what do we do . She said the wrong name. Dont make excuses. If you realize it during the interview, say im really better with details. Im so sorry about that. Or if you realize it after the fact, email the person doing the interviewing saying, look, im much more detail oriented. Lets move on. But send an email. Anna what happens if orgeat stain on your shirt . You can make a joke about it. But first, here is what happens to you if you get a stain on your shirt. So tell me about yourself. Well, i Just Graduated College last year. She got a stain on her shirt. What she could have done, though, is made a joke about it and said, okay, i see that youre having coffee, oh, look, im wearing mine today. Great. Move on. Its not a deal breaker. Its never a deal breaker if you have a stain on your clothing. Dont even really worry about it. Dont stress out because youre going to end up looking fidgety. Thats the main reason you wont go the job. Also when during the interview, youre nervous, whatever, you give a bad answer. Here is an example. Why do you want to work here . Well, i just it seems really cool. Again. Anna not a good answer . No, its not. You gave a poor answer. Follow up and give more reasons why you want the job. Thats a perfect example of what not to do during the interview. But then how to come up and follow up and say look, i had a lot going on that day and whatever. There is one more. I want to tell you that there are many ways that you can fix the interview. Follow up with the person that did the interview. You can fix the situation, absolutely. Its happened to all of us. Anna its not like youre being a nag. They want to hear from you and know youre passionate about the job. Thank you so much. You bet. Anna he has been attacking the president on syria. Now Senate John Mccain is weighing in at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant like carpools. Polly wants to know if we can pick her up. Yeah, we can make room. Yeah. [ male announcer ]. Office space. Yes, were loving this communal seating. Its great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share . A data plan. At t mobile share for business. One bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. Now, everyones in the spirit of sharing. Hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend . No. [ male announcer ] share more. Save more. At t mobile share for business. 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The so slimming collection. So fabulous. Only at chicos and chicos. Com. Anna up and at them. Great to be with you. Its tuesday, the 3rd of september, 2013. Im anna kooiman in for gretchen carlson. Fox news alert, moments ago, israel confirms it has carried out a missile test off the coast of syria. The United States not involved, as president obama insists thats congress call. Laura ingraham joins us to react. Steve yes, she will. New overnight, reunited and it feels so good. Dennis rodman landed at north korea for the second time this year visiting his old buddy, kim jongun. Well tell you why rodman is on the rebound. Brian is kanye west cash not guilty on blood money . Where why he got a multimilliondollar payday from a brutal dictator. Fox friends starts the final hour starts now. Anna everybody have a good labor day . Steve today seems like monday. Anna it does. Steve yesterday when you were working, it seemed like sunday. Brian i thought it was sunday. I said, i didnt know we had a 5 00 a. M show on sunday. They said, we dont. Its monday. Anna so whats brian doing here on the weekend. Steve today is tuesday and anna has been with us and its great. Anna thanks. Were going to get to your headlines this tuesday morning. Brandnew video into fox friends. Fire breaking out around 5 20 this morning at atlanta airport. Officials say it started inside a terminal escalator and quickly filled the area with smoke. It was contained shortly after 6 a. M two firefighters suffered minor injuries when they slipped in water. All gates have been reopened. The security line wait is now about an hour. New video in of Dennis Rodman landing in north korea overnight. Its his second trip there this year. Rodman says its just a friendly visit to see kim jongun and not an attempt to get that jailed american, kenneth bay, free. The two bonded over basketball in february. U. S. Officials criticized the trip. But rodman says basketball diplomacy could warm relations between kim jongun and president obama. Also overnight, turbulence force ago flight from madrid to saopaulo. 12 people were hurt. As of now, two are hospitalized. The plane landed in northeast brazil. He cheated death a few weeks ago. This car bursting into flames a few weeks ago on a los angeles freeway. That didnt stop Dick Van Dyke from performing over the weekend. Anna i was hoping for something else. The 87yearold singing and dancing. Brian was he matlock . Steve no. That was andy griffith. Brian what did he do beside dance and sing . Diagnosis murder. Steve now a fox news alert. There are conflicting reports over just exactly who carried out a Ballistic Missile test in the mediterranean just hours ago. Moments ago, israel said they were involved in joint exercises with the u. S. But at this hour, the u. S. Is not confirming any involvement. Brian we have new video showing Syrian Rebels reportedly shooting down a government jet and yelling allah akbar. Allah akbar allah akbar brian hard to take that two ways. Thats the same thing that major hasan said before opening fire at fort hood and with the terrorists i imagine screamed on the plane before they smashed into buildings. Joining us is Laura Ingraham. Sounds like james madison. Brian yeah. I dont think so. They were writing article 1, section 8 of the constitution, Congress Shall raise armies, but appropriations shouldnt be longer than two years, they were thinking basically in those terms. Brian i sense the sarcasm. Where do you stand on all this . The president s announcement on saturday. If you ask me, i would go and attack. Look, for all the people, and i know john mccain is coming up and i know hes going to make this point that look, at this point, regardless of whether you like obama or not, and this has nothing to do with whether we like obama or not, this is a question of whether this is good for the United States of america. People talking about weapons of mass destruction is a horrible thing. We have a current weapon of mass destruction called unemployment in this country. This president s number one focus was going to be jobs. I think we can all conclude that whole thing is out the window. This whole jobs thing is is an afterthought. Its confused and muddled. The idea that the republicans and john mccain and Lindsey Graham march out of the white house yesterday and say, well, the president really screwed all this up, and we should have done a lot more and we should have armed these rebel, but we really have to move forward because our credibility is at stake. No, no, no. Our credibility is not at stake. The president s credibility is at stake. Anna isnt that one and the same . No, it actually is not. Whats good for our country and whats good for president obama politically are two separate things. I think he has made things very difficult for himself and our country, but it doesnt mean we make things worse by getting involved in a conflict where apparently were going to be arming people who are screaming allah akbar as they shoot down a jet or whatever it is theyre doing over there. Anna normally the president doesnt seem to go to congress to consult with them. No anna the red line and if you cross it he had a bill buckner moment. Anna why is he going to congress now . Im not going to say anything about buckie dunn. Hes a bungled series of decisions that have been made. Its almost like its been done between tee times. You cant figure out their approach here and kerry, the photo, the embarrassing photo from 2009, the dinner with brian nancy pelosi. Pass the sarin, please. What was happening at that table . He didnt say sarin, did he . I thought he said salt. Steve kerry was friends with assad before he was against him. Its a mess. Steve for people looking in right now, in your estimation, there is absolutely no reason we should be involved in syria. Our country is really hurting and i think our people are extremely skeptical for good reason. We were told that the engagement in afghanistan, we understood it was not going to be an unending war and ten years later, people thought we were still there. We lost a sergeant on august 31 on foot patrol. We have still people being killed there. Again, for the neoconservatives to say, our credibility is at stake, i would submit to them that our credibility might be at stake because of very confused Foreign Policy over the last 12 years, let alone over the last 12 months. Brian which americans say its the Current Administration is saying and form secretary of state, now the current one. Here is congressman turner, one of the many republicans who will be asked to support the president when it goes up as early as september 9. This is what he said to us this morning. He has no strategy. We dont understand the risks. We dont understand who were fighting for. He has an unexplainable policy with his imaginary red line where over 1,000 people have been killed. Now that its been a large scale, the president wants to take action to support his imaginary red line. I dont think there is an appetite in congress to bail the president out for this. Brian thats basically your feeling. Charlie rangel, among the democrats saying im not going to vote. This is a time to bring the country together. Red state, blue state, purple territory, this is purple territory. The American People want a sober and i think judicious attack. Brian you know assad has blood on his hands. Of course he does. Who doesnt. Brian hes a vital ally to iran. Of course he is. We made iran stronger sadly. I was one of the most vociferous supporters of the iraq war. That strengthened irans hand. In the last ten years, we got involved in two Major Military actions. Our country is poorer. We have more unemployment. We have barak obama as president. We wouldnt have him as president , sadly, if we didnt go into iraq. Yes, all of those things are true and its true that we do not have a defined role. Maybe somehow this will emerge in the next week. I doubt it. Steve chemical weapons are atrocious. There is no doubt about that. But aside from that, when it comes to the civil war, you got who we would consider bad guys killing each other. So why get involved in that . When you look at the people now saying that weve got to do something about assad, you look at the president. You look at john kerry, chuck hagel, joe biden, they all opposed george bush playing tough. What about sarin gas against the kurds . We would go around and around, christopher hitchens. He had this incredible video he would show me about what happened to the kurds. None of that mattered back then. So what is the actual test for this president and today where we are with all the realities on the on the ground now . What is our test for Foreign Policy . What . For people to say you have to sport president. The constitution is very clear. There is not a blank check for any executive, republican or democrat, to bring the country into another illen conceived, undefined read your constitution. Anna even having the five military ships in the Mediterranean Sea aint cheap. Russia today is sending out these tweets saying, we detected this Ballistic Missile launch. Nobody knew who launched it. Russia, were trying to figure out what is going on. Things are very tense over in the middle east. Brian i have not said i dont believe necessarily that nonaction is the best action here. So i dont agree with you on that. Although i agree with you that this policy couldnt be more muddled or more unimpresssive. I said military action. There is a lot we can do geopolitically. Number one, get our country stronger. Brian why assad legitly senator kerry, chairman of the foreign relations, sat down with him and called him a friend. The former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, says he does not stand for president bushs policies are not my policies. Hillary clinton said hes a reformer. He thought he had this administration in the palm of his hand. President bush, putin, i looked into his soul, his eyes. It was a moment. Cue the Lionel Richie music. Next well be dancing on the ceiling. Youre making my point. No one understands what americas role is in the middle east today, given the promises that were made to the people who are funding this war going into debt over this war, dying, bleeding, getting wounded. We do all the Wounded Warrior stuff on fox. These men are so many so many are broken coming back to this country. We can say its limited engagement today. But most of the military experts say there is no limited engagement that is going to turn the tide. So maybe it will help credibility in the shortterm. But in the longterm, a strategic goal will not aachieved by a military strike or two or three strikes. I think mccain even knows that. Steve hell be on in about three minutes. Im sure hell respond to your very clear point of view. I hope so. Hes the bff of barak obama. A big life saver for barak obama. I hope hes happy. Steve if youre going to the radio, listen to Laura Ingraham. Down stairs to do the show. Steve 45 minutes from right now. Thank you very much. Great to see you. Anna all right. We got some lighter news for you. Straight ahead, the stars of fifty shades of grey, the movie, finally revealed. And fans dont seem to be too impressed. Who is under those question marks . Those details are coming up. Brian i cant wait to read the book. Steve what kanye west accepting a multimilliondollar payday from a brutal dictator . Hes smiling all the way to the bank. Is it right . Brian will north be proud . Or is it west [ villain ] well mr. Baldwin. It appears our journey has come to a delightful end. Then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. Purchase eraser . Its the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. I just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, its taken care of. Impressive baldwin. Does it work for hotels . Absolutely thank goodness. Mrs. Villain and i are planning our. You scare me. And i like it. Lets go whats in your wallet . Made glutenfree cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. Like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex. Were in cereal heaven. So thanks. From the mcgregors, cause we love chex. [ male announcer ] bobs heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. If youve had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor nascar is about excitement. But tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. Thats why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. Hps Technology Helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into realtime Business Insights that help nascar win with our fans. Vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaas commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. Begin your legacy, get an Auto Insurance quote. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Steve fox news alert. You just heard Laura Ingraham who echos many republicans say senator john mccain is flip flopping on his support for president obama. Senator mccain is here right now. He joins us live from washington, d. C good morning to you, sir. Im sorry i didnt hear that section. Brian she feels as though youre bailing him out, misguided confused policy. Now when you come out to the microphones and say, hey, we got to support this, that people cant understand where that came from. First of all, i didnt say hey, we got to support this. Second of all, i said i was encouraged when the president commits to increasing our support for the Free Syrian Army, providing them with weapons that they need to combat assad and to degrade the capabilities of the syrians to deliver these chemical weapons and other weapons. That cannot be anything but encouraging. But ive said ive got to see the details. Ive got to see what happened and i will not sign on to a resolution that doesnt say that thats going to happen. Im very worried about just one of these cosmetic kind of resolutions. So i just beg to differ. Im sure that with her vast knowledge of military tactics and strategies, she knows better than me. Steve there is an item in the wall street journal today that talks a little about how even though the white house authorized arping some of the moderate fighters, theyre still waiting for a rifle. Theyre still waiting for bullets. Brian or mra. Its terrible. Steve it looked like the plan was lets look like were doing something, but lets not do anything. Lets see how this plays out. People are dying over there. Absolutely. While we dither here and Congress Stays out of session, the massacre goes on. Ive been so disappointed and angry because as you know, ive been in syria. I know the Free Syrian Army. Theyre brave people and theyre being massacred by arms that are flowing in by air from their sponsor, iran, and russia and its an unfair fight. Theyre fighting tanks with ak 47s. So thats why i said, id like to see what that plan is and id like to see it done. You are right, not one single weapon supplied by the United States of america, has reached the hands of the Free Syrian Army. By the way, we know who they are. They are the most effective fighting force and we can get the weapons to the right people. I know that. Brian i know you met with the general, a defector from the syrian army who has come out. Some say he does have tie to muslim extremists. I dont know. Listen to this video, senator mccain, of a syrian looked like a fighter jet being shot out of the sky. Listen to what they say afterwards. Allah akbar allah akbar brian i have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit. Would you have a problem with american person saying thank god . Thank god . Thats what theyre saying. Come on. Of course theyre muslims, but theyre moderates and i guarantee you they are moderates. I know them and ive been with them. For someone to say allah akbar is about as offensive as someone saying thank god. Brian general differently came out and said the time doesnt matter. We can wait a couple of weeks. Its not going to affect us tactically. Do you agree with that . Thats crazy. He may be candid, but its crazy. Look at the israelis. Do you think theyd give them a week or two warning . And by the way, i understand they struck again maybe today from a distance without endangering any of their people or their aircraft. Of course, its i hate to use the word disgraceful, but to tell the American People that it doesnt matter when we strike while assad is moving his military into civilian areas and viceversa and implicating our challenge dramatically is just disgraceful. Brian so you dont support this tactic then . You dont support waiting on what president obama is doing . Of course not. I didnt think the president needed to wait. Ronald reagan invaded granada without congressional approval. The war powers dont say that. What im trying to do is to see if we cant give the resistance whatever they need, which is not a lot, in order to prevail and remember, this is a regional conflict. Dont forget that. Dont forget that. Brian senator mccain, thanks so much. Very tense time in washington. Thank you for joining us. And now, with verizon edge, thank you brian quick headlines. New overnight, off the air in egypt, Egyptian Court banning aljazeeras local station and three others. Why . They say for biased coverage in favor of Muslim Brotherhood protests. There is more great white sharks at beaches. They can swim 3,000 miles in three months and return to their favorite beaches every year. But scientists add the low number of shark attacks mean its probably safe to go in the water. Circle the word probably. Anna scientists shocked the world, releasing new findings that claim being fat might not be such a bad thing. The study coming to us from germany found that one in four overweight people also happened to be healthy. An attending physician of urology in new york. Good morning to you. Good morning. How are you . Anna fantastic. So were thinking hey, im going to have sausage and bacon with my pancake this is morning when we hear this news. But you say that may not actually ring so true. This study was presented in the medical journal and its fascinating because what they did, they presented data on what they call metabolically healthy or unhealthy obese patients. They separated them according to those patients with obesity alone and those patients who have obesity with the other risk factors like high blood pressure, high lipid, high cholesterol levels, high sugar levels. What they showed in these observational studies is that patients who have these other risk factors have far worse outcomes than those that just have obesity alone. This is very, very interesting data. Anna how can you tell if youre someone who is overweight . We use bmi here in the states a lot, which has been in the cross hairs because its pretty much your height and weight and if you have a lot of muscle mass, then you may appear to be obese even. But how do you tell . Is it your heart rate . Is it how quickly you can run a mile . What is it . Bmi may be a crude way to assess obesity and the consequences to your health of being overweight. In these new studies, really what theyre look at is do you have fat around your abdomen, what we call visceral fat is thought to be a much higher risk factor. The other issue is do you have abnormal sugar levels . Do you have insulin resistance, a condition called metabolic issues. There are a subset of patients overweight who do not have these risk factors. But there are many patients who also have diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. This may be very interesting in the way we manage obesity. Do these patients qualify as metabolically healthy, or are these patients better served by having gastric bypass . I think it will be very useful to use that intervention. Anna thank you so much for your time today. Thank you very much. Anna she says the bottom line is he still cant be you still cant be obese over the long haul because thats not healthy. Unfortunately we cant have the bacon and the sausage with our pancakes. Next up, the stars of fifty shades of grey on the big screen, finally revealed. Fans, some dont seem too impressed. Find out who is under the question mark. And thousands of taxpayer dollars are going down the drain each month for this. Its a plane, but whats it doing . 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[ tires screech ] and your favorite songs always playing. [ beeping ] may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] may things always go your way. But its good to be prepared. Just in case they dont. Lets go places, safely. For our so slimming jeans. Meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. Slim, smooth, flatter. The so slimming collection. Only at chicos and chicos. Com. Before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page. Before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time. Before he could even think about planning for his daughters future. Mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. Thats the wonder of streamlined connections. Thats merrill edge and bank of america. Brian fox news alert. President obama just over an hour from meeting with ranking members of Congress Looking for syrian attack. Molly henneberg is live at the white house. The president is on a quick offensive. Then hes got to hit the road and go to the g20 summit. Good morning. Yes, he will be leaving town tonight. There has been this debate and its going on now not just about whether to get involved in syria, but debate over whether and how to arm the opposition in syria. Republican senator john mccain, for example, has been pressing the Obama Administration to do more, to help those fighting Syrian Government. Mccain now says the president has sort of changed the thinking on this and is now willing to, quote, upgrade the capabilities of the Free Syrian Army. The fact is that we have not given the arms and equipment to the assistance, which has been shameful, while huge amounts of arms have flown in from russia and iran and now thousands of hezbollah on the ground from lebanon. That may be changing, according to senator mccain. He, along with republican senator Lindsey Graham, met with the president on syria in the oval office yesterday. The white house says the u. S. Started helping the antiassad forces after the first chemical weapons attack earlier this year. Here is the president axe spokesman from last week. Lets be clear, that we have substantially stepped up our support for the opposition and we did so fairly recently in response to our assessment that the Syrian Regime had clearly used on a much smaller scale, but numerous incidents, chemical weapons. The white house wont confirm, though, if that kind of support included any kind of weapons or what kind of weaponry the Obama Administration now may be considering sending over to Syrian Opposition as senator mccain wants and says the president may be agreeing with him on. As for the president s schedule today, he will leave tonight for sweden and then the g20 summit in russia. But before he goes, hes going to be meeting here at the white house with top house and senator leaders, both republicans and democrats, on key National Security committees to try to win their support for military action in syria. Back to you all in new york. Steve thank you very much. Molly doesnt know officially because the white house hasnt responded. John mccain just told us 15 minutes ago that so far, the support the white house has given them has not been in the form of any weaponry. Brian at all. Yeah. Now he convinced senator mccain to somewhat spar it, but he thinks its been totally bungled to this point. Steve you just heard jay carney say yes, weve been very supportive. How . Go get em, guys brian the president met with the the senator just met with the president for an hour. If he was supporting him, it would have come out. Anna he doesnt have a lot of time to make his case. More headlines this morning. The San Francisco bay bridge is back open after being shut down all week for repairs. The work finally being done 24 years after an earthquake damaged the eastern span of that bridge. The new span was built six years behind schedule and five times overbudget. Design disputes and Financial Issues the reason for the delay. Brian long shoremen and Warehouse Union now cutting its ties with the aflcio. Thats not a okay because its because of obamacare. Not the reason you think. The unions 40,000 members are angry over the socalled cadillac tax and call Union President richard trumka, they say he played along to get them on board with health care reform, something unions spent a lot of time promoting. Remember . You either have to understand that government involved in Health Care Cost more for workers, whether youre unionized or not, or you have to understand that you need to keep it privatized and find other ways to reform the health care system. You cant have it both ways. Brian long shore had been affiliated with the aflcio for 25 years. Steve meanwhile, you are paying 6,600 a month for this plane and it doesnt even fly. The plane was part of the United States efforts to broadcast an americanrun television station into cuba. The sequester eliminated funding for the fuel and the pilot. The lawmakers refused to kill funding for the actual plane, so now the plane is just collecting dust. Its not going anywhere. Anna kanye west cashing in on what some say is blood money. He pocketed some 3 million performing for a controversial dictator. The rapper flew all the way to kazakhstan to play at the president s grandsons wedding. During the leaders 23year rule, hes been accused of stealing the countrys oil for himself and violating human rights, including murder. Those are your news headlines. Over to brian for sports. Brian tennis, early exit for a legend. U. S. Opens Roger Federer gone. He was upset in the fourth round. The first time federer lost in the round of 16. He made had 3 unforced errors. He said it was frustrating. If he won, he would have faced nidal. Police and School Officials in alabama getting involved in this brawl. Both coaches would hit each other and tumble to the turf as the cops, players and coaches rush to separate them. One of the coaches has been placed on administrative leave. I dont believe thats exemplary behavior. Lets talk about professional football. This definitely is not the way to start a pro football career. This rookie, john boyett, arrested for public intoxication after an altercation with the police in indianapolis. According to cops, he insisted they couldnt arrest him because he played for the colts. He was released on 150 bond. Anna you think well see him doing any Reese Witherspoon action where he apologizes . Brian no. It didnt work for reese and she was in sweet home alabama. Steve thats right. Whats coming up on the radio . Brian frank wolf has his proposal. Get some experienced people, congressmen, around you, president obama, put together a council, jim baker and company, and then make a decision. Bill cowan goes to iraq once a week. The latest on the pentagon. All on kilmeade and friends. Steve brandnew video into fox friends. More than 60 people rescued by boat. In rhode island, rising flood waters forced them out of their apartment complex. Quite a deluge yesterday. Maria, can we expect more today . Unfortunately, we can be seeing more rain along the east coast, at least for the first half of today. Thats associated with a cold front. Over the last several days, weve been ahead of that system. To the east of it. Thats been the story across places like new york city, parts of rhode island, and even up into sections of boston. That storm system is finally going to be clearing out and behind it, were going to be enjoying nice weather coming up very soon over the next several days in the northeast. First i want to take you to the plains. Look at texas. Still feeling like summer out there. Upper 90s in dallas. Triple digits for san antonio. The northeast, again that front will be clearing out later on today and temperatures will be dropping. So will the humidity. So get ready for some more falllike weather across sections of the northeast. Otherwise out west, we have showers and storms continuing across parts of nevada and expected up into parts of western montana. There is a flood threat. So we have a number of flash flood watches in effect out here, up to two inches is possible. In this part of the country, we dont really need a lot of rain to see flooding. Steve thats right. Easy runoff. Thank you very much. Meanwhile, lets talk a little bit about one of the biggest books of all time, fifty shades of grey, it is going to be made brian it was requesting a tale of two cities. Steve it will be made into a big movie and now we are able to weve got a couple of silhouettes with big question marks. Were able to finally reveal who the male and female leads will be and there they are. Who are they . Anna a lot of people are asking that question this morning. Some fans of the book are going, i would not have cast these characters. This is Charlie Hunnam and dakota johnson. Charlie is 30 years old. Steve very good actor. Anna he apparently will be a good fit because of his age, being 33 and hes very muscular and all that. She apparently has this angelic, innocent look, which obviously changes a whole lot throughout the book. Steve and she is actually the daughter of don johnson and Melanie Griffith. So shes hollywood royalty by extension. So shes going to be one of the two people who will be launched into superstar dom if this movie is half as big as the book was. Brian so we asked you, who would you cast . Steve a lot of people dont like those two choices. Brian right. A lot of people are focused on this book. So lets talk about this. For the men, ann summerholder. Why not . Collin examplelesfield. Robert pattinson, always seems pouty. Matt ballmer and ryan gosling. Pretty solid choices. Anna ryan gosling, that would be a good one. For the ladies, emma watson, alexis slidel, vera sarmega. Steve a lot of those people are famous for other things. If youre the producer, you would figure you would want somebody new so they dont come with any anna so theyre not typecast. So youre not the Robert Pattinson from twilight or Daniel Ratcliffe from harry potter. We asked everybody at home. Jamie in ohio said are you crazy . I love Charlie Hunnam. You guys are out of the loop. Steve linda says i think they did a great job. Baby boomers and everyone else needs to let go of wanting only the same old type stars cast. We need new hollywood stars. Brian all right. Well see what happens. If it works, there is about two or three followups and sequels. Anna im trying to figure out how its going to end up in the real theater and not be xrated. This is kinky stuff. Brian okay. Our kids allowed to read this book . Steve you really shouldnt. Brian straight ahead, the phrase, one nation under god, may be a thing of the past. Atheists waging an unprecedented war against the pledge of allegiance. Peter johnson, jr. Pledges to talk about it. Steve the worst drivers in america come from, guess where. The answer after the break no two people have the same financial goals. Pnc investments works with you to understand yours and helps plan for your retirement. Talk to a pnc investments Financial Advisor today. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant jim, i adore the pool at your hotel. Ver had to make. Ho ho ho anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. Ryan, your hotels robes are fabulous. 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Since i was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of allegiance. Under god. Wouldnt it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools, too . Steve that was then and this is now. Red skeletons fear is now a strong possibility because in Massachusetts Court is set to hear a case that would banish the words under god from the pledge of allegiance. Here to discuss the case, peter johnson, jr. Hi, steve. Red skeleton was not only a great comedian, but prophetic in that sense. That is exactly become the issue. The new assault on the pledge of allegiance, one nation under god is somehow it defies equal Protection Laws under the state constitution of massachusetts. That will be dealt with tomorrow. In argument, this has gone up the court system. The school district, 20 miles near boston, prevailed and said no. This is not a mandatory recitation. The Supreme Court says it doesnt have to be. It shouldnt be mandatory. And this is based upon our cultural and historical roots in this country and the people should have known because they responded to the call of paul revere in the battle of concorde. Steve thats the key. Its historical. Its historical. And no court has really with a straight face said, well, this is a religious endorsement. This is a religious endorsement by the United States of america and were forcing this on the children as they stand up at School Every Day to say the pledge of allegiance. There is something wrong in our country when two things become a problem pledging and allegiance to the republic that stands for liberty and justice. That goes forward in the pledge of allegiance that goes back to the 18 90s, reformed in 1954 based upon a lawyer from the sons of the American Revolution and the knights of columbus proposed it, but it was based not upon the country adopting some religious belief, but based upon the fact that our Founding Fathers developed this country based on some understanding of natural rights, divine rights that any government cant pull away from us. Steve historical. Real briefly, the exit question, this suit is being brought by an unnamed atheist couple. Yeah. An atheist humanist couple and their children and theyre saying that somehow theyre being denied equal protection under the law and theyre singled out because they dont want to stand up steve are they . I dont think so. But its a big cultural problem. This a fight that will continue to go on and on. Its all the more galling every time we see a casket brought home to the United States when folks are going to say, im not going to pledge my allegiance to the United States of america, a nation under god. Its disturbing. Steve amen. All right, thank you. Well keep you posted on that. Meanwhile, shes cute, cuddly and as of today, a published author is taking the internet by storm and about to take over fox friends. First lets check in with Martha Mccallum for a preview of what happens in ten minute. Busy morning coming up. Good morning to you. The president now turns his attention to the house leaders today to win approval for a serious strike. This is no easy lift. What if the president loses that vote . Then what happens . The world is watching all of this very closely. Well hear from john bolton, brit hume, captain chuck nash as the action gets started this morning. Bill and i will see you at the top of the hour on americasai newsroom, coming up then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. Purchase eraser . Its the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. I just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, its taken care of. Impressive baldwin. Does it work for hotels . Absolutely thank goodness. Mrs. Villain and i are planning our. You scare me. And i like it. Lets go whats in your wallet . Of getting something new. And now, with verizon edge, you can experience that new phone thrill, again, and again, and again. Phil can you close your new phone box, were picking up some feedback. Every time youre ready to upgrade. Having what you want on the 4glte network you rely on. Thats powerful. Upgrade to the motox by motorola with 0 down payment. Anna they are cute, funny and theyve taken the internet by storm. Our week long series featuring some of the internets most famous viral animal videos. Brian one of our first guests is this adorable cat. Little bub is a kitten who never grew into a full size cat. Shes officially a published author, talk show host and movie star. Little bub is here right now with her owner, who is nice enough to be here, mike. Hi. Brian first off, what made bub a star . Its the things that are wrong with her that make her right. I dont like to say there is anything wrong with her. I say there is everything right with her. She has shes a rescue kitten. My friend has mom found her in her backyard. Anna if you look at her, she has an upper jaw thats a lot bigger than the lower jaw. Her teeth never grew in. She has extra toes on her paws. And she has is it an illness . Is that what you call it a condition, where she will always look like a little kitten. I think shes actually adorable and inspired all kinds of people. How did you this really happen to you . What made you think that she would do this for people . I didnt realize that this would happen. A friend of mine saw a picture of her and said, you should start a blog, like this is something that happens on the internet. Cat blog. I thought she was great and id like to share her. Then after a few weeks even of just putting a few pictures online, we started getting messages, very touching messages. Brian like what . The very first one i got was someone who said thanks for posting pictures of my cat. Shes the only thing getting me through grad school. Anna wow. Its like wow. She really has an effect on people beyond me. Brian some of the stories are in the book the extraordinary life of the most amazing cat an the planet. Well talk about that when we get back with mike and little bub [ female announcer ] a classic macaroni cheese from stouffers starts with freshlymade pasta, and 100 real cheddar cheese. But what makes Stouffers Mac n cheese best of all. That moment you enjoy it at home. Stouffers. Made with care for you or your family. 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Because it works. Hurry, join by september 14th and youll get a free month. Before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page. Before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time. Before he could even think about planning for his daughters future. Mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. Thats the wonder of streamlined connections. Thats merrill edge and bank of america. Anna hundreds of people line up to see her. She has a book available today. Make sure you stay tuned for the after the show show. Head to our web site because we are going to be showing you a clip from her brandnew talk show, too. There is a very funny person who is going to be the first guest. Brian it might change your life, cause it changed so many others. Steve thats it for today. See you back here tomorrow. Same time, same channel. So long, everybody. Brian same outfits. Bill big morning here. Good morning after the labor day weekend, making the case for war. At this hour president obama sits down with leaders of congress at the white house selling his case for a military strike on syria. Im bill hemmer. Hope you had a terrific weekend. Welcome to americas newsroom. We have plenty to talk about. Martha we sure do, bill. Welcome to everybody at home. Im martha maccallum. It would be up to the lawmakers it would appear. 9 45 the president will meet with key congressional leaders at the white house apparently to try to sell them on his missile plan. 11 30, all Members Congress will get a classified briefing. They will be

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