Deepstate investigation. Jillian bombshell revelations. In longer a victim. Rob confession about alleged attack on empire actor Jesse Smolett turns case upside down. Fox friends first continues right now. Jillian deep coast this morning rob i have to clean the camera, thats one of my jobs here. Its a pain climbing up that thing. Jillian good morning, youre watching fox friends first, president s day, im jillian mele. Rob im rob schmitt, thanks for starting the day with us. Liberal activists urging lawmakers to terminate president Trumps National Emergency Declaration. Now 5 states are teaming up to take the matter to court, Griff Jenkins live in washington with what to expect, good morning, griff . Good morning, jillian and rob, taking it to court and taking to the streets in big way today more than 240 actions across the nation, organized by a Coalition Led on by moveon. Org, to fight the president s declaration and address what Campaign Director calls, quote, the false crisis is illegal power grab that undermines american democracy to advance racist agenda. This is House Democrats plan to move forward with the resolution opposing the president s declaration which democratic congressman adam schiff says its unprecedented. This is the first time the president has tried to declare emergency when congress explicitly rejected funding for the particular project that the president is advocating. Griff already lawsuits are underway, at least 5 states starting with california plans to sue the white house Senior Adviser Steven Miller says the president is fully prepared to defend declaration. Hes going protect the National Emergency declaration guarantied, this is a threat in our country not in zimbabwe and if the president cant defend this country he cannot fulfill constitutional oath of office. Miller said that this congress rob of course, we will have that, griff, thank you so much. Former fbi director Andrew Mccabe doubling down on why he says he was fired from the fbi, mccabe also says mccabe says Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein was not joking about wearing a wire to record the president although rosenstein maintains that the comments were made in jest. I believe i was fired because i opened the case against the president of the United States. The Deputy Attorney general offered to wear a wire into the white house. He said, i never get searched and i can easily wear a recording device, they wouldnt know i was there. Now, he was not joking, she was absolutely serious. Rob rosenstein thrown under the bus there, mccabe says it was rosensteins idea to attempt to use 25th amendment against the president and the president sounding off on twitter writing, quote, the Mueller Investigation totally deflected and illegal and rigged and should never be allowed, except for collusion and many crimes committed by the democrats, witch hunt. Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh backing the president , calling one of the greatest political coup attempts in history. People unelected simply because they dont like a guys hair style or like where he came from, decided the American Peoples decision was in ballot and began a systematic process to get him thrown out of office. This is a silent coup, these guys if you ask me ought to be the ones in jail, they ought to be the ones under investigation, what they have done working with agents from the obama intelligence agencies is simply unprecedented. This is a kind this is one of the greatest political hoaxes that has ever been perpetrated on the people of this country, certainly in a couple of generations. All right, limb but in Chris Wallace believes spending bill for Government Shutdown was effort by credit toiks sink the president s 2020 chances. Jillian suspect who shot a police during 12hour standoff has died. Announced dead in mississippi after being taken into custody by swat team, allegedly killed 4 people during standoff which started as domestic hostage situation. A motive is still unknown. Manhunt intensifying a man suspected of shooting a Virginia Police officer, could be armed and dangerous after he allegedly shot, the wounded officer expected to be okay. Rob all right. Hate crime case against empire Jesse Smolett takes drastic turn. Jillian jeff paul live in chicago with the latest on the investigation, wow, jeff. Yeah, right now police are pushing to speak to them again, they are some Key Developments that they want to follow up on with the actor. This all started 3 weeks on january 29th when smolett reported the alleged attack, he said at the time two black men pushed him claiming they shouted this is maga country, he believed they pour bleached and rope around his neck, police considered him a victim and then 2 weeks later, two brothers who are from nigeria were arrested, smolett spoke with gma about the attacks, the next day brothers were released without charges, the attorneys for the brother who is were once considered suspects, hes thankful for the efforts of police who are trying to get to the bottom of the case. They are tired, they are glad that this prevailed for them. Im glad to say that they are on their way home. A lot of police work, a lot of good police work. A lot of hard work on their end but at the end of the day, as i said before, innocent prevails. Smolett Attorney Says le continue to cooperate with police and released statement, he said in part Jussie Smollett is devastated that the perpetrators are individuals hes familiar with. Nothing is further from the truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying. No word just yet if or when smollett will speak to police again. Rob unreal. Jeff, thank you so much. Jillian 2020 president ial candidate cory booker in investigation, initially blasted the report as modernday lynching. The information is coming out, i will withhold until information is out. Jillian booker making campaigns on campaign comments on campaign in new hampshire. Rob senate introducing to mint coins honoring president george h. W. Bush and first lady barbara bush. One of the bill cosponsors republican senator susan collins, would pay tribute to courage, duty, honor. Jillian a mix over on the east coast, janice has been busy. Rob look at the west coast, they are getting smeared on the west coast. Janice here are the temperatures, cold air across much of the country and so when we get the systems from the west, some of that energy moves across the central u. S. , parts of great lakes and northeast. New york mainly rain events, we have another one tuesday and wednesday, lets take a look at that. Our system on the east coast, mostly rain, we could see a mixture of rain, sleet and snow, and then watch this next one tuesday into wednesday, we could see the potential for Severe Weather as well as mixing of ice across the ohio and Tennessee River valley and then again more snow for the midwest, the great lakes, in towards the east, the west is still very active, coastal rain and a lot of big snow especially across the southern and central rockies, we will be dealing with potential for flooding over the southeast and midatlantic coast, you can see several inches and next chance of snow to new england, tuesday and wednesday. Very colorful map, pay close attention to local forecast, i will be here all week. [laughter] janice thats what im here for you. Rob janice, thank you so much. 11 minutes after the hour, new calls nor investigation after Andrew Mccabes bombshell interview on 60 minutes last night, the former u. S. Attorney says one to have big issues will be wearing the wire with Rod Rosenstein was a joke or not, hes going to explain that coming up. Snatching children from their parents, turning back on refugees at our border, the American People understand because it makes us an embarrassment. Jillian joe biden blasting america on international stage, is this the rhetoric we can look forward. Social media sounding off coming up the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . And you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. 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Two people of highest levels of Law Enforcement deciding that the president need today needed to be removed, one he fired james comey which was his constitutional right and had different view on russia investigation and three critical of some part of the fbis investigation, thats no basis to trying to undermine the president of the United States much less set him up with an electronic recording. Jillian lets go ahead and take a listen to part of interview last night and mccabe on Rod Rosenstein wearing a wire into the wire, listen to this. Discussion of the 25th amendment was simply rod raised the issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort. The Deputy Attorneying offered to wear a wire into the white house, he was not joking, he was absolutely serious. Jillian before we get your reaction i want to read the statement by melissa schwartz. Certain statements in interview have been taken out of context and misrepresented and in no time did mr. Somebody cake mr. Mccabe about statements. What do you make of that . I heard the words just as you did and we know what a serious matter it was, indeed, and thats why i think that people need to be under oath talking about something of this Great National importance and all the questions need to be asked, we saw the Deputy Attorney general, he didnt say discussions took place, thats why a full esm exploration is needed. Loosely interpret today undermine election decision of the people of america its deeply and profoundly troubling. Rob you wonder how long rosenstein will last in his job with this now, james baker, former fbi attorney said there were two cabinet officials early on who were ready to support the 25th amendment and get the president out of there. That furthers the narrative that rosenstein, that this was being discussed, that this was real, that this was something that they were trying to do. Jillian wasnt a joke. Rob will be what do you make of that . It clearly wasnt a swroak, that is going to fall apart but i think we should find out who the cabinet members are. The 25th amendment and how its applied and what it means is apparently a big deal and if people thought the basis to remove the president in a situation where the 25th amendment refers to president s that are inmobilized, not controversial, not president s who disagree with senior staff. So as somebody who is thinking that, we really need to find out what their reasoning was and make sure that on an ongoing basis no president republican or democrat can be challenged without real basis under the 25th amendment, we dont want ousters being discussed at levels of Law Enforcement or anywhere else. Rob who you taught who the members might be, tillerson, what do you think . Its hard for know figure it out but im pretty sure that there was specific names in mind and, in fact, mccabe said he couldnt remember who they might be but i think there are differently individuals who had made some discussions and we should find out what the reasoning was and make sure that even if nobody is left to get fired at this point, all this out in the air is important form of accountability and there needs to be accountability. All right, continue to file with this and see how it plays, thank you for your time. Rob thank you, sir. Jillian 20 minutes after the hour, first antisemitic remarks, now democratic omar is fundraising for islamic group, you wont believe this one. When was the constitution signed, maam . I dont know what year. 1767. Rob what do you know about American History and new survey says a lot of us dont know much, our own pete hegseth to test people on president s day coming up how much horse power does this thing got . Doing great dad looking good babe are you filming . At booking. Com, we cant guarantee youll be any good at that water jet thingy. But we can guarantee the best price on a hotel, like this one. Or any home, boat, treehouse, yurt, whatever. Get the best price on homes, hotels and so much more. Booking. Com, booking. Yeah this simple banana peel represents a bold idea a way to create energy from household trash. It not only saves about 80 in carbon emissions. It helps reduce landfill waste. Thats why bp is partnering with a California Company fulcrum bioenergy. To turn garbage into jet fuel. Because we cant let any good ideas go to waste. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. For each Family Member . So with Xfinity Mobile i can customize each line yup. And since it comes with your internet, you can switch wireless carriers and save hundreds of dollars a year. Are you pullin my leg . Nope. You sure youre not pullin my leg . I think its your dog. Oh its him. Good call. Get the data options you need and still save hundreds of dollars. Do you guys sell other dogs . Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Customize each line by paying for data by the gig or get unlimited. And now get 200 back when you buy and eligible smartphone. Click, call, or visit a store today. Rob california taking steps toward becoming a welfare state or at least hole in the water, officially rolling out a plan to give free money, sounds good, this is an effort to actually combat poverty. Program is funded by private donors and will last till next summer, could be expanded to public funds if they deem the experiment is successful. We will see how they figure that out. Jillian a transgender bathroom ban could come to an end in virginia, the School Board Holding public hearing tomorrow to debate whether transgender students can use restrooms responding to gender identity rather than gender at birth. Gavin graham bees been fighting the district for nearly 4 years after he says he was denied access to high school mens room. Lets see what happens there. Rob new study finds that most americans couldnt pass a basic citizenship test. Only 4 out of 10 americans would actually pass. Jillian our own pete hegseth put the crowd on fox square to the test, look at this. You know when the revolution was 1776, when was the constitution signed, maam . I dont know what year. 1767. The constitution was not written before the revolution. [laughter] president in world war i . I know it was before harry truman. How many justices on the Supreme Court . 9. How many justices has President Trump has he nominated . Two. What are their names . Kavanaugh and Everybody Knows kavanaugh. Neil gorsuch. Who wrote the declaration of independence . Thomas jefferson. Thomas jefferson is correct. Jillian vermont was the only state that got over all passing grade on the multiple choice test. Rob the problem is you learn all of this stuff when youre 10, 12 years old and then you get old and you forget it all. Jillian you want to go back to school as an adult. Rob yeah, we need refresher. [laughter] 25 minutes after the hour, Border Security versus Climate Change, wants to declare own National Emergency, the left is out of touch when it comes to national security, that debate is coming up next. That 3 billion will go back to tax incentives only after we were getting the jobs, theres not 3 billion in funding money. Exactly. Rob the left versus the left, fallout of amazons abrupt exit growth and how de blasio and alexandria ocasiocortezs reasons for opposing. Great news, Liberty Mutual customizes uh uh i deliver the news around here. Sources say Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Over to you, logo. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Rob all right, welcome back, a look at top headlines this morning, first wave of protests against the president s National Emergency declaration happening across the country today. President trumps trump declaration prompting demonstrations, 10,000 people expect today march, organizers urging congress to terminate that declaration. Next the president heading to miami today to give speech on the crisis on venezuela and the dangers of socialism during trip to neighboring colombia, florida senator marco rubio pressured the venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro to stop blocking borders and to let u. S. Aid into his country. Finally, isis holding more than a thousand innocent civilian in syria, islamic terrorists are refuse to go allow to leave small area in eastern part of the wartorn nation, this happening as u. S. Backed forces prepare to declare victory over extremist group, isis is holding onto area that covers less than 1 square mile, most of the taliban has been taken back, jillian. Jillian congressman adam schiff will refuse to stand down if special Counsel Robert Mueller doesnt find collusion in russia probe. Well, we will have to do our own investigation and we are, we will certainly be interested to learn what bob mueller finds, we may have to fight to get that information, we are going to need to see it. Jillian democrats on the House Intelligence Committee are continuing their investigation despite gop members find nothing evidence of collusion between Trump Campaign and russia. It comes as former acting director andy mccabe revealed details about inside job to attempt to remove President Trump from office using the 25th amendment. El chapos lawyer is smacking down senator ted cruz plan to pay for wall, the texas republican proposed a legislation to use assets confiscated from the mexican drug lord to finance Border Security. El chapos attorney calls the proposal ludicrous saying the u. S. Government has not seized a single penny. Theres a better chance of mr. Cruz paying for wall, el chapo will be sentenced to life without parole before summer. They are running out of money, steve joined us in the last hour to explain what that means. Congressmen and, you know, congresswoman down have to step up to the plate and take care of those who are suffering, people are dying, we have to take care of families. There has been a 235 increase in claims of 9 11 related illnesses since 2015 as victims are getting smaller payouts, new york city mayor de blasio setting record straight for now canceled plans for amazon headquarters, elaborating on 3 billion offered in tax break saying amazon would have seen tax incentives only after the city saw jobs and revenue. He was in part replying to alexandria ocasiocortez, a strong opponent of the plan. Mayor places the blame on amazon. The bottom line is, this is an example of an abuse of corporate power, they had an agreement with the people of new york but amazon just took their ball and went home. Jillian amazon says it will not replace new york with another city and will move ahead with new headquarters in the dc area, rob. Rob democratic congressman hitting back, congress should call a National Emergency for the very real crisis that is Climate Change. So do either of the claims meet the threshold of actual National Emergency, here to debate Political Science professor dr. Zano and gop strategists ford oconnell, guys, thanks for getting up early today. Ford, i want to start with you, democrats say southern border is not a National Emergency, Climate Change is, what do you say . Well, that it is nothing more than cheap political stunt by farleft congressman who is more interested at taking swipe at President Trump than protecting the safety and security of the United States. Basically what this is a friendly reminder is democrats have zero interest in getting illegal emigration under control, they want to import set of voters and dont seem to understand that illegal immigration crushes the working class of the country. We should look at, look at marco rubio that said on january 9th, if the president declares as National Emergency it wont be long when theres a democratic president that does the same thing in Climate Change. A month later calling for it, we dont have a democratic president but if and when we do see it, president warren or somebody else its going to be gun control, its going to be Climate Change. This is the slippery slope that the president has introduced, opened up and certainly this is one of the fears that conservatives have had and marco rubio predicted this. Here rob there are a lot of republicans that they do not like this. Yeah, here is what im going to say. National emergency is power that Congress Gave to the president of the United States via legislation, if Congress Wants to change the power, then they should do it, okay, they should veto the National Emergency, but the bottom line they are not going to do that because they dont want to look weak on Border Security. The idea that slippery slope somewhat trump opened the door is fallacy. Trust me when democrats get into power, they will do this because they like doing executive actions and loved it on under barack obama. Rob to say its not a National Emergency may be one thing but ignore this for so long as a country, both parties, a huge problem at our southern border, nobody can deny that, how did we get so comfortable ignoring this to a point where its marginalized now really only by the left . Yeah, its a great question, immigration has been an issue for a long time, it has not been addressed. It was not addressed in the 2 years that the republicans owned washington, d. C. Both the house and the senate and ford is right, congress have acted on this and hes absolutely right, we had Emergency Declaration power given by Congress Since 76, but you know what, we had republican and democratic president s since, not one has declared emergency on something that congress has said it will not authorize and thats the difference here. Rob ford, lets talk about Climate Change here for a second, if they try to push, this big thing they are going for at this point. How do you okay, lets say america stops putting emissions at all, you still have a terrible problem with this all over the world, china pollutes twice as much as we do. How do you call a National Emergency in this country . Well, they dont have any reason to do it, lets be honest, sort of resolution is really redundant given that the democrats put out the Green New Deal and we know that the Green New Deal is outrageously expensive and next to impossible to implement. The only way that we will get pollution around the world under control is for every country, major polluters, china, russia, the United States all play by the same rules, here lie it is problem, only democrats rob the paris accord was ignoring china thats exactly right, unless everyone on the planet is playing under the sames rules we will never get it under control. Rob 38 minutes after the hour, a pause in political journalism instead of pressing Kamala Harris on policy, having a great time helping the 2020 president ial conned tender shop for clothes. Seemed like girlfriend. Reaction from the campaign trail. Jillian good morning and welcome back, former Vice President joe biden is slamming the country he once help police. Turning our back on refugees at our border. The American People understand because it makes us an embarrassment. Rob Carley Shimkus with fox news 24 7, siriusxm 115 reaction online, primary season, this is going to happen a lot. Carley this is interesting because president obama was accused of going on the apology tour when he was in office and people refinding him in time in office and people are fired up about it, yes, sir, it is embarrassing to watch a career politician bash our country overseas. Not a winning slogan for 2020 and another twitter user says america is not embarrassing, cant say the same for him. Biden was speaking to an audience of european leaders in munich he didnt mention the president by name but made it very clear that he would govern very differently if he were in office. Jillian interesting. Kamala harris with sparkly sequence jacket. Documented shopping trip with her, cnn National Political reporter tweeted, we kind of forced Kamala Harris to try awesome, rainbow jacket. Perfectly named it as mardi gras jacket, 2020, hash cag north carolina, this sort of cross it is line in term of behavior that a reporter would conduct on campaign trail, emily says, oh, my god, its so fun to be shopping with the person we are reporting on. It is common for reporters to interact with politicians on the campaign trail but in terms as objective reporting its not the greatest look to be giggling and joking and shopping. Rob yeah, kind of bizarre. Thank you so much. 44 minutes after the hour, actor Jussie Smollett first claimed that he was attacked obviously in chicago, thats the big story here, says he was a victim, former liberal democrat brandon says trump derangement syndrome has a new poster boy after this story that appear to fall apart in a lot of ways. Coming up. You. All of you. How you live, what you love. Thats what inspired us to create americas most advanced internet. Internet that puts you in charge. That protects whats important. It handles everything, and reaches everywhere. This is beyond wifi, this is xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity, the future of awesome. Jillian welcome back, congressman omar will speak at fundraiser for a Palestinian Organization with ties to islamic terror group, the democrat expected to discuss justice next month, doj lists the Organization Behind hasmas. Rob error in bun bill would ban guns that are supposed to be kept in this bill. Whats called honest mistake ohio lawmaker and provision that could outlaw shotguns for supporting and legal guns. Might not be fixed until the summer. We will keep you posted. Bombshell confession now joining the investigation in an alleged attack on empire actor Jussie Smollett upside down. Jillian Chicago Police are no longer considering victim, they want to question him again but before the latest developments his initial story got more than 100 minutes of network news coverage. How did the media get this so wrong . We dont have the final outcome. Rob we see the way its starting to move now. Former democrat and founder of Walk Away Campaign brandon, thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me. Rob media and the more parts of the liberal media love story, the boys being terrible to American Indian guy. They dont love it now. Rob the narrative. Sure, they we wanted to believe it. They want to believe stories like this. Anything that comes out to malign anything towards the president , the president himself is gold to them, they didnt ask any questions, the guy said, look, i was attacked because im a gay black man by trump supporters, everything they had hoped that they could run with, continue the narrative of what a trump supporter is. Jillian definitely curious as how this ends up playing out and what the final outcome is. In the meantime it goes back to journalism, goes back to where are we going wrong with this . Thats absolutely true, but you also have to look at the complete arrogance of people on the left that believe they can get away with things like that because the media does support them, look what did happen to those kids, they were presumed guilty before there was shred of office, this guy knew that he could get away with it. Jillian too much opinion where journalists are reporting facts. Journalist should just be reporting facts absolutely and asking more questions. I mean, there were so many holes in the story right from the beginning, why is it that those on the right knew something was wrong from the beginning and those on the left didnt, something was very, very wrong. Rob such a bold attack outside of hotel in chicago which if you have been this is a fantastic area, right by nbc tower, great restaurants, wow, my first instinct was wow, this happened there n this neighborhood, theres cameras everywhere, thats a very good area of the city. It is, i feel what this is highlighting is levels of trump derangement, he only called him 45, he had a hatred of the president. Rob yeah. Jillian lets take a look at some of the democrats on the attack claims, january 29th and 30th, twoday span, we will start with Kamala Harris, attempted modernday lynching, we also heard something of that sort from cory booker and speaker nancy pelosi, dangerous lies from the right wing, your response from all of those. Again, they wanted to believe it. Lets look at Kamala Harris, she pushed the antilynching bill, the last lynching was in 1981 but this was oppressing measure that needs to happen right away. This is what a Kamala Harris is going to look like. Rob i was thinking the other day if a Country Music star and trump supporter claimed he was attacked by two antifa member and the story this bold, do you think the media would have had tougher questions . I dont think they would happen but probably untrue. Rob we dont know, it would have gotten more scrutiny. I think it would have gotten a ton of scrutiny, absolute my. Rob brandon, thank you so much. Comments on how the Mainstream Media covered this from the beginning. The med stream and hollywood got it wrong because they are eager to bash trump and supporters. Jillian correct me if im wrong, but the liberal media has been getting just about everything wrong nowadays, brandon is shaking his head. [laughter] rob because they so much want this to be a fact to bring down the president because nothing else has worked. So a lot of opinion obviously. Yeah, boy, how quickly the story turned. Imagine this, young kids called shoot the president , we are not kidding, the venue sparking outrage for thinking this was a good idea. Rob and raise the glass, winos have one more reason [laughter] jillian yay looking good at booking. Com, we cant guarantee youll good at that water jet thingy. But we can guarantee the best price on this hotel. Or any accommodation, from homes to yurts. Booking. Com booking. Yeah [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun . Not this. Oh, what am i into . Mostly progressives name your price tool. Helps people find Coverage Options based on their budget. Flo has it, i want it, its a whole thing, and shes right there. Yeah, shes my ride. This dates lame. He has pics of you on his phone. Theyre very tasteful. Wed love some help with laundry. 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A local arts school acquired arts center a spokesperson says this does not bring values that the website will be fixed. Finally the ugly and a hot cheetos mage too hot for your child to handle this spicy snack could do serious harm to your kids digestive system and internal bleeding. Wow. Manufacture fritolays says it meets all safety regulations. Regardless if it doesnt cause internal bleeding dont feed your kids this crap. Theyre good. Good snacks. Give them some grapes. Just my opinion. Okay thank you so much. Thank you for watching on this monday well be back here tomorrow morning at 5 a. M. Starting with heather and for now fox and friends starts. Have a good day. The Deputy Attorney general offered to wear a wire into the white house. He was not joking and, in fact, he brought it up in the the next meeting we had. This is a these guys you ask me ought to be the ones in jail. They ought to be ones under investigators. Theyre callingth president s day protest more than 240 accidents across the nation. Can you say definitely california will be filing a lawsuit . Definitely, and eminently. Clearly an emergency clear that in the mind of donald trump, he needs to do something to try to fulfill a gap he promised. Trying to protect the declaration we need this is a threat in our country. Daytona 500 win it is for

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