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Good morning. It is sunday, may 8, 2016. Im Abby Huntsman. A fox news alert. A Security Breach after a mysterious man sneaks past security and vanishes into the nearby east river. Now police are deploying deep water divers to find the man. And donald trump not wasting any time. Hes already going after bill clinton. He lies. You remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman and then a couple of months later, im guilty. And shes taking negative ads on me. The clintons say theyre not either bothering to respond. How long can that last . Well bring you coming up. A tow truck driver under fire for refusing to pick up a stranded drive we are a Bernie Sanders sticker on her car. I think the lord came to me and he said, get in the truck and leave. Its not fair, but its the norm nowadays. Its world in which we live. In it is it what is. He told her to call the government for help. Fox friends begins right now. Well, good morning. Today we remember why we here, because someone bore us. Mom is her name, and we celebrate her today on mothers day. Beautiful looking very clinical introduction to mothers day. And yet true. Good morning, Clayton Morris and Abby Huntsman joining us on the couch. For the first time, going to be nice to me today . Its only four hours youll love it. The question is whether you be nice to us . Good question. I have been thinking so much about my mom this morning. I hope so. I want you to send us some photos this morning. So send us some pictures. Hopefully well see some photos of your mom later. Well share them throughout the day. Rick reichmuth has the weather. Good morning. Tornadoes across parts of colorado yesterday that were spectacular. Take a look at the colorado area. Sometimes you get tornadoes that are incredibly visual. Sometimes you get them when theyre not as visual. Maybe we dont have sorry about that well show you that later in the day. It was a tease, youll love it. Really spectacular. Right here in northeastern colorado, not a lot of population out here which is good news. But there were some homes that were damaged. They did thread that needle and tomorrow well watch some more of the storms. Well watch the rain across the east coast, it is almost done, i promise. If youre tired of the gloom it is almost out of here. We have one little band that will move through new england again. By the afternoon we will see some sunshine for mom. Out across the west, another storm moving on in. One were dealing with. But a lot of rain and snow and today the Severe Threat here across the Central Plains likely today well see some more tornados. Dont miss that video well show you later. Cant wait. A federal Police Officer who allegedly went on a deadly shooting spree now charged with murder. Maryland police say the alleged gunman was likely trying to steal a get away car and the shooter is accused of gunning down his wife who had just filed a protective order against him and botching two carjackings which resulted in five more people being shot. He was on leave for a domestic incident and is expected in court tomorrow. Also developing this morning a search team is trying to find a man who broke into the united nations in new york, scaled a wall and jumped into the new york east river to escape. Dive crews went in to find the man. No luck there. He was last seen going under water, but has not been spotted since. New overnight, check your tickets. The winning Powerball Ticket was sold in new jersey, worth 429 million. Only one ticket matched all six numbers on saturday nights drawing. The powerball numbers were 5, 25, 26, 44, 66 and the powerball number was 9. The exact location of where the Winning Ticket was sold is still unclear as of now, but it will be announced later today by lottery officials. And the horse favored to win the 142nd Kentucky Derby did not disappoint. Theyre coming to the line together. And nyquist is still unbeaten he has won the Kentucky Derby. Unbelievable. Nyquist finished in 2 01. Hes now the favorite to win the preakness in two weeks in the quest for the triple crown. And a political sighting of ted cruz, and he declined interviews. I have never been to the horse race before. To be there in person is an unbelievable experience. These horses theyre massive. Theyre huge. Bigger than you think. Theyre beautiful. Of course they are. We call a political race a horse race. Still a lot of mud but they actually get nervous before the race. Did you know that . Really . Just like humans. Theyre smart. Yeah. Before every show i get the same way. Exactly. You give me a food i get a sugar cube and call down. You might remember this in the middle of the primary season, the various 17 republican candidates were asked to take a pledge a pledge to support the nominee. Heres a flash back. Is there anyone on stage and can i see hands who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican Party . Raise your hand if you wont make that pledge tonight. Mr. Donald trump . No hands were going there up. Irony of ironies though. Right. Its true. Hes the one that raised his hand and now hes firing back on twitter. Remember when Lindsey Graham and jeb bush signed a binding pledge . They broke the deal. They have no honor. Interesting. Interesting. On a couple of levels. First of all, hes right. Theyre not going to pledge the nominee. But on the other hand, what does trump get out of attacking bush and Lindsey Graham . I have been wondering about this all week. He really hurt jeb bushs life, so i think bush can be forgiven for not supporting him, but graham, why is he going after him . He spoke earlier on abc and he said i dont need these guys anyway. Lets listen to that. Does the party have to be together, does it have to be unified . Im very different from everyone else, perhaps thats ever run for office. I dont think so. I think that doesnt have to be unified . No i dont think so. I think it would be better if they were unified, i think theres something good about it. But i dont think but the party how will you win . Because i think im going to go out and im going to get millions of people from the democrats. Im going to get bernie people to vote because they like me on trade. I have to stay true to my principles also. This is called the Republican Party, not the conservative party. Its a good question to why punch down but why point out when people evolve on their positions . I think donald trump is the great evoller have on evolver on positions. I think its okay in politics three weeks ago to say one thing and then its expected. I think he knows the challenge he faces though. Probably right now working behind closed doors to talk to people within the party. At the end of the day he knows in order to win the white house you have to have a party that comes together. Meghan mccain says buy it. Hes not concerned about unity and she doesnt buy it. Those rejecting trump have a role to play in unifying the party, but how many are there . How many republicans out there actually wont vote for trump or will vote for hillary . Some. Is it a significant number we dont know at this point. I do though as a campaign matter ought to be spending his time attacking Hillary Clinton. Well, its the season of commencement addresses. Well, giving a commencement address yesterday, and when you have all the votes, well, heres what he says. Watch. This political thing really complicated. Well, what kind of reforms do we need and how do we need to do that . And you know what . Just vote. Its math. Its if you have more votes than the other guy, you get to do what you want. So dont overcomplicate things in life. When you graduate. If you have more votes and you can do whatever you want. I dont agree with that. Is that true . Not really true. George w. Bush, right . He lost the popular vote. He got to do whatever he wanted. We have separation of powers. The president doesnt get to do what he wants. Its not a dictatorship. He has to deal with the judiciary and the legislative branch. You cant do what you want, unless you issue a lot of executive orders. But we have seen that, george w. Bush, president obama, executive order, huge expansion of government. Heres the part of the speech that got no attention. But i was struck by it. The president was speaking at howard, the countrys most august and storied majority black university. Heres what he said. My generation, like all generations, is too confined by our own experience, too invested in our own biases. Too stuck in our ways. Be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness. See, this this is divisive. If mitt romney had won and in the last year of his presidency went to byu and said, be confident in your whiteness. People would say whoa whoa whoa whoa. Why are you making why are you encouraging people to think in terms of their race . Shouldnt people think in terms of their americanness, what unites us all . Would Martin Luther king have said that, i dont think. You wonder how many other people are in the crowd that are white or of a different background that think about what me . And what does it mean, be specific. Maybe thats one of the the one good thing about obama was he was going to bring the country together, atone for the sins and the opposite has happened. You can weigh in on the facebook or twitter page. Coming up, coal country gives donald trump a big thumbs up. Were so pleased to introduce to you and endorse you today. And wish you the best of luck. Ill put it on. All right. What was it look being on stage with the donald . What kind of impact could coal country have on the race . The miner who gave him the hard hat joins us next. And the feds stop listening to your calls but theyre tracking you. You dont want to miss this. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. But i only had a salad. It was a buffalo chicken salad. Salad. Dad, yoh no, ill take you up to me off rthe front of the school. Thats where your friends are. Seriously, its, its really fine. You dont want to be seen with your dad . No, its. No. This about a boy . Dad stop, please. Oh, theres tracy. What [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad it brakes when you dont. Forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. 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Mr. President , on behalf on behalf of the wbr id wbr9190 best coal miners on behalf of the best coal miners in the world, who mine the cleanest and safest and most environmentally sound coal in the world, were so pleased to introduce to endorse you today and wish you the best of luck. Ill put it on, right. Well, that welcome in stark contrast to the reception that Hillary Clinton received, after she promised to put a lot of b coal companies and miners out of business. What effect could this have on the general election . Lets ask the man who was on stage endorsing trump from the West Virginia coal miners association, chris hamilton. Thank you for being with us. Good morning. So first, get your reaction off trump wearing the hat. I mean, that was a big scene. How did that all happen . Oh, it just came off very naturally, very impromptu. We had an opportunity to meet with donald trump just moments before he was scheduled to speak. And we presented him with the hat. He said, lets do this lets do this in a little bigger fashion. Lets get out there on stage and talk about this a little bit. So it was quite an evening. Quite an experience. I lived in blue field for quite a while and when i lived there, things switched. Used to be democrat country. Then things switched from wbrid wbr10140 2000 on. What has changed in West Virginia . Well, i think, you know, the Democratic Partys energy plants has as much to with that. Dating back to clinton when he had al gore Vice President gores kyoto protocol and that has continued since. Im so struck though so in reality the comments about putting outof business. Every group in the country is protected. You cant criticize anybody as a group, except Blue Collar Workers in appalachia. Can you imagine hillary saying of any other group in america, were going to put them out of business. Why is she targeting you . Its unbelievable, but we have been hearing that now for eight solid years and for several years before that. Again, it dates back to clinton 1 and al gore. Its continued with harry reid and nancy pelosi. Thats the National Democrat energy plan. They have done everything thats humanly possible to restriction or ratchet down coal consumption, coal production, as well as other fossil fuels. So why donald trump . Well, we like his style. We think hes you know, he has a tremendous business savvy. You know, he says all the right things. Hes very successful from the business standpoint and the contrast between donald trump and Hillary Clinton is a very stark, very real and, you know, one wants to put miners back to work. And do Everything Possible to try to create a very Viable Energy industry. And the other wants to continue what president obama has effectively done and thats continue to use all the Resources Available to the president , to ratchet down, restrict or otherwise curtail Energy Production and consumption. As clayton was saying, West Virginia has been a state thats liked the clintons. Bill clinton won the state trice. Hillary clinton i think won the state against barack obama back in 2008. Is there anything she can do to win over support in West Virginia . The primary is coming up in a few days. I dont think so. We have a very astute electorate here and, you know, people are followingthrough social media a know, were in the midst of the electronic age here. Theyre listening closely. Theyre watching and, you know, its as i said, its a very astute electorate here. They know who will do all of the things to help their employment and jobs and, you know, as well as the business theyre in. And theyre able to separate that out themselves. I dont see any opportunity for Hillary Clinton to win West Virginia. Yeah. When you tell an already poor state, were going to make you poorer people dont like it. Not surprising. Chris, good to see you this morning. Absolutely. Thank you. All right, coming up, a dramatic rescue caught on camera. The one item that helped the police find them, straight ahead. Are you in a sorority or fraternity . If you go to harvard you could be punished. Theyre targeting the single gender clubs. Well find out how demented this is. Ooh. Psst. Hey. Where you going . Weve got that thing you know. Diarrhea . Abdominal pain . But we said wed be there. Woap, who makes the decisions around here . Its me. Dont think ill make it. Stomach again. Send if youre living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea or ibsd a condition that can be really frustrating. Talk to your doctor about new viberzi. A different way to treat ibsd. Viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both diarrhea and abdominal pain at the same time. So you stay ahead of your symptoms. Viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. Do not take viberzi if you have or may have had pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, longlasting or severe constipation, or a blockage of your bowel or gallbladder. If you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. The most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Stay ahead of ibsd. With new viberzi. Welcome back to fox friends. 25 after the hour. A fox news alert. Firefighters in alberta, canada, now predicting this massive wild fire could continue burning for months. The images are incredible. Look at this. Only shells of cars and homes remain. Another fox news alert, el chapo is being moved to prison near the mexican border. He will be kept in juarez, near el paso, texas. He is fighting extradition into the United States. Well, Harvard University where all three of us went now forcing inclusion it says by blocking students from being sports Team Captains if theyre in a single sex fraternity or Sorority Funds and would be banned from scholarships like the rhodes scholarships. Does this make any sense . We used to hang out in the student union. Katherine tim is joining us now. The Sexual Assault provision, it says the clubs are deeply misogynistic and they have a strong sense of entitlement. All female ones are misogynistic . This doesnt make any sense. Where do you draw the line with this . If you want to hang out with a bunch or guys or girls, you cant get a scholarship . How is taking away scholarships from a school that cost more than 63,000 a year making it more inclusive . Right. A great point. These are unofficial these are not sangtion sanctioned by the school. Maybe you have an archery club whos all men, is this part of this . Here is what harvard saying, the clubs enact forms of inclusion at odds with our deepest values. Obviously theyre continuing to want to push the envelope there. Harvard is not a community college. I think thats a good question of where do you draw the line . At what point are we going to say we dont need male and female sports teamness questis . S im sure its going to happen very soon. Its like the schools are in a pcoff. They say, look at us, look at how inclusive we are. Look at how culturally sensitive we are. Thats really behind all of the on the one hand, its harvard, who cares, because you go to harvard, all is lost anyway well, inclusion. So since were enforcing this principle that no one should preclude anyone on the basis of anyone, they should apply to the other ones on the campus . Its not about logic, but about a pc off. Look at us, gender discrimination. We wont allow this to happen. What theyre doing is taking away opportunities that students could have based only if they want to hang out with all women or men sometimes. I think very normal. Whats driving this . Was there a group of women that really wanted to be a part of a fraternity and they were shut down . A lot of Sexual Assaults coming out of the club . This is what people talk about now. Lets look around for a problem or that can be skewed as discrimination. Thats what happens, lodgic logic goes out the window. You have to think too hard about what could be an aggression. Microaggressions. I think of my friends sitting around talking about how hot ryan gosling is, eating cookie dough and you cant run for office. No cookie dough for you. A lot of it. A little pizza party. Well, a tow truck driver coming under fire for refusing to pick up a stranded drive we are a Bernie Sanders sticker on her car. Youll hear directly from him just ahead. Plus, Wounded Warriors will compete in a very special tournament. It kicks off today. We are live at the Invictus Games in florida. You dont want to miss this. Hi, i want to give a quickout shout to my quick shoutout to my mother. And this is a quick shoutout from your favorite child. I love you and look forward to seeing you in a couple of months. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . But its actually a triumph of predictive analytics. Because of optum. Through Population Health data, they provide insights so doctors and hospitals can identify highrisk patients. Like me. Asthma. Potential hospital visit. So now thanks to optum, this asthma things under control. Gravity not so much. This is healthier, powered by optum. From health plans to providers to employers. We connect all parts of health care. Healthier is here. Happy mothers day, everyone. Theres the director Scotty Anderson with his mom val and sister shelly. Happy mothers day. Theres Operator Chris with her two daughters. What a cool picture. Love that. All right. Heres a segment producer, jason stein, with his beautiful mom. Happy mothers day to them. Social media producer, julie osmansky. Shes to blame about the fights you get into about the polls. Here we have director shawn mcginnis wife with three kids. Looks like a fun vacation. Pretty water right there. Welcome back. So continue to send in your photos this morning. Well share them probably the least controversial holiday of them all. Whos against mothers day . Nobody. If youre against mothers day, email me. Id like to know. Beautiful flowers. You can feel the mothers day spirit. Smells fantastic. All right. On that note, lets get to some headlines this morning. Two boaters on a fishing trip are rescued after their vessel capsizes off the water. They clung to the vessel for half an hour before Emergency Responders pulled them from the rough waters. Only one had to be taken to the hospital. Well, an American Airlines flight delayed over math. A woman mistaking this man for a terrorist. You heard that right. She alerted the Flight Attendant in a note after she saw him writing down equations. Leading officials to pull the Ivy League Professor off the plane for questioning. He said he was working on a math problem for a speech. Well, they returned headed from philadelphia to syracuse to a later trip. Although the bulk of television phones shows the government is going through calls and email, well, congress is making another push to find out whats going on. They asked the top intelligence official for the number of americans emails and calls collected. Thats because the foreigners are the targets, americans are sucked in as well. Outrage from a stranded Bernie Sanders supporter. After a truck driver refuses to pick her up for political reasons. He said i cant tell you, he said, youre a bernie supporter. The side of my truck says schupe, it doesnt say freebie, you know . Every time i have dealt with these people in recent history i get burned. The driver noticed the Bernie Sanders Bumper Sticker. No laws were broken and she recommended that she call the government for a tow truck. What would you do if you saw someone else if you help a you help a woman, always. Always. Because you diminish yourself when you do that. By the way, if you think your ideas are right, what better way to demonstrate the rightness than by mag magnanimous and decent to other people. You would give them a lecture. No, i wouldnt. I prefer bernie to hillary, at least themes the truth about the obama economy. She is not. And just helping a woman at the end of the day. Give her a ride. All right. Rick ri Rick Reichmuth is talking about destruction in colorado. At least five people were injured. Watch this. Not going anywhere. Well, that looks like a Science Fiction movie. The twisters knocked down power lines and the most significant twister was half a mile wide and travelled about six wides. In total 12 tornadoes. Rick, unbelievable. Rick is in the cellar right now. Thats right. Spent a lot of my childhood there when i was in nebraska. Sometimes, you have tornados that arent that easy to see. Not a lot of stuff to obstruct your view. Really spectacular day, there was some damage from it. You dont like to see that. But obviously, not a really populated area and thats the benefit of these. That you can get the shots out here. Not a lot of people, so you dont have that risk of potentially a lot of fatalities. Look at the maps. Show you whats going on today. We have threat for some Severe Weather. Parts of kansas and oklahoma, thats the bullseye i think for tornadoes and very large hail. But anywhere you see that yellow may be a tornado. Certainly strong winds. Tomorrow, just a little bit off to the southeast. So expect to see this in towards the john lip area. All the way down to tyler, texas. That does alleviateittle bit by tuesday. But we do have a couple of days of Severe Weather. Guys . Unbelievable. All right. Thanks, rick. Well, today is the start of the second Invictus Games started by the u. K. s prince harry for sick and Wounded Service members coming together from all over the world to compete. Its happening in orlando, florida. And Lea Gabrielle is live in orlando. What an incredible event this. Reporter hey, tucker, abby and clayton, it is an incredible event. 14 Different Countries are coming together to serve in a whole new way. It was truly an honor for me to be back with my brothers in the military to see what it took to get here and why its so special for them. The u. S. Wheelchair basketball is getting ready for the competition. So lets take a look at what its like to be part of the team. For the first time we came together. Right here, this game . Yes. One, two, three the Invictus Games are special. Because they bring everybody to compete. Youre army, im navy, so well clash. But now, you all come together. Right. Very unique for us because we get to represent our country today. Before it was in battle. Now on the courts. What does invictus mean to you . It means team work. And a brotherhood. Very similar stories of victory over tragedy. For many, the tragedies that they faced may have seemed insurmountable. But not for them. If you could turn back the clock to change it, i dont think i would. I would let it happen all over again. Because its let me know something about myself. Three months after i got injured i started to walk again. You know . Four months after that i started to play basketball. You lose a limb, you dont lose a life. You know, as long as you have a strong will and willpower to get up and do things you can accomplish it. Its not that the game is over. The game is not over until its over. Did you feel like you wouldnt play again . Believe it or not, when i was laying with the paramedics i said, will i be able to play basketball and she said yes. I never thought it would be the way i play now. The players level is awesome. It makes it a lot better because that way its all about using your brain instead of your body. You guys are playing bumper cars for a second. Well, that was a little illegal, some of the hits. Technically, theres no contact . No contact. In this sport, are you kidding me . These guys, marines, no contact . You know, there is its fun though. Watching these guys play is inspiring. And when they finished their scrimmage they challenged me to give it a shot. A special camaraderie among those who served. Theyre going to teach me how to play their game. We do a lot of hits. How do you dribble . Put it on your lap and push. And then grab it. Dunk it once. Dribble once, left. There you go. Youre a natural. Im going the wrong way. Like regular basketball. Over your head, nice and high. Shoot. Harder than you think. Perfect yeah oh. It makes major coordination. So you want to try a little too . Lets do it. Yeah. One, two, three, usa well, being back with those guys is like being home. Now the fight is on. Team u. S. Wheelchair basketball has won their preliminary game and theyll be in the semifinals later this week. Theyre kicking off with track and field later this morning and then the opening ceremonies are tonight. An exciting time. Back to you in the studio. Outstanding. Nice job. I think america is going to win this thing. I hope so. Coming up on the show, donald trump not wasting any im in, already going after bill clinton. He lies. You remember the famous, i did not have sex with that woman and then a couple of months later, im guilty. And shes taking negative ads on me. Hes attacking bill and is that the key to taking down hillary . The representatives from both campaigns are here to debate that next. If you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. Our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Why do people count on Sunsweet Amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside . Its made only from prunes, nothing else. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Amazin prune juice and amazin prune light. From sunsweet, the feel good fruit. When my doctor prescribedbad, medicationan opioid. 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Burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. Ask your doctor about lyrica. We were in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. So i just started poking around on ancestry. Then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. It turns out im scottish. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Well, looks like donald trump is focusing his attention to Hillary Clinton whom hes running against in the fall. Heres his opening salvo. In the history of politics, Hillary Clintons husband abused women more than any man that we know of. In the history of politics. Theyre going to spend 90 million on bad ads about me having to do with women. There is nobody that respects women more than i do. He lies, you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman and then a couple of months later, im guilty. And shes taking negative ads on me. Well, clinton advisers suggesting to democratic the democratic nominee presumed not punch back, risking she meet the same fate as trumps republican oppone opponents. We have the former aide to Hillary Clinton and scott brown is a fox news contributor. Basel, id rather not talk about Hillary Clintons marriage. But on the other hand, she kind of forfeits the right to lecture me about feminism and girl power when shes married to bill clinton. Does she not . No, i dont think she forfeits that right at all. She the as a candidate and certainly as a former senator and secretary of state, a long history of Public Service talk about the impacts on women. She answer a authority on that. How many months do we have of that left . I dont want to talk about a president and what happened in their personal life. But i do think that some of the suggestions that hillary not punch back in kind are correct. Because you dont want you know, its not her style. Its his style. You dont want him bringing her into his arena. Senator brown, basel makes a great point. Do people want to hear about this for the next few months . Well, she may be the president focused on the womens vote in particular. Criticizing donald trump in h his and his alleged poor treatment of women when he has some of the most powerful women not only working for him, but as a daughter and wife. Shes brought that in. And obviously if theyre going to spend millions of dollars talking about his treatment supposedly of women, of course hes going to fight back. And who better to talk about it than donald trump. But bill clinton and the fact that the clintons demonized these victims of bill over the years its hypocritical. Yeah. Well, that is true. I mean, it is true that donald trump listens to a woman his daughter, that no one points out. I wonder if Hillary Clinton couldnt avoid this in first place if she runs on Something Else other than gender. Shes running on income inequali inequality. She is running on a lot of things besides these quote unquote womens issues, but it is true that almost every issue that she can talk about does intersect women and race and class in multiple ways. I think shes uniquely qualified in this race to talk about it. And whether or not, you know listen, if donald trump wants to talk about his relationship to with women, versus her or hillary or her husbands, i think thats a fight that shes willing to engage. The question is how far does this go because it detracts from i think the conversation that American Voters really want them to have which is on economic issues. I havent seen that, senator brown. I havent seen a conversation about the root causes of the decline of the middle class, for example. Its all youre a sexist, youre racist, its the same boring identity politics in fact. No surprising theyre using the democratic playbook 101 they used against me and every person whos running against a democrat, especially a woman democrat. Theyre talking about certainly i know in the republican primary, they talked about economic issues. They talked about terrorism. When Hillary Clinton listed the top ten things affecting our world and our country a whole d going out there and hillary has gone so far to the left and what do people talk about . They dont like her. They dont trust her. Shes out of touch with reality. She hasnt driven in 20 years. There is a whole host of things going on with her and bernie taking the Democratic Party so far to the left. Weve got one second. Sum it up for us. With all due respect, policy is not what i heard during the republican debates. What i heard was insult after insult by everybody on stage by donald trump, and i think you can expect that kind of tone and tenor going into this general election. That was definitely not going about policy on the democratic side. That was all policy, all focused on how to move the country for. Its going to be intense. Thank you for coming on. Thank you, tucker, happy mothers day. Looking for a deal on perfume and jewelry. Weve got them for you. Coming up. Mary buys a little lamb. One of millions of orders on this companys servers. Accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. But with Cyber Threats on the rise, marys data could be under attack. With the help of the at t network, a network that senses and mitigates Cyber Threats, their Critical Data is safer than ever. Giving them the agility to be open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Thank you thank you what a week we sat down, we kicked back, and we watched tv [ cheering ] this win is just the beginning it doesnt end here. Because your laundry can wait keep those sweatpants on order another pizza and watch on [ cheering ] dont wait a whole year for Xfinity Watchathon week to return. Upgrade now to add the premium channel of your choice so you can keep watching. Call or go online today. Welcome back. Today is mothers day but may is also a month for weddings, vacations, graduation parties and as you also know, may is a great time to go shopping. Is it . You know it is. Here with the best bargains, andrea worth. Thank you for having me. Lets dive into the things you have here. Sephora. Beauty products are on sale in may because of mothers day so they make a lot of value gift sets. They make perfect presents. For yourself, its a good item to purchase. For example, you can get this perfume sampler set its valued at 114 and its on sale for 55. It comes with a certificate, once you decide which fragrance you like, you can redeem it for a fullsize bottle. O henrickson. These value gift sets are perfect for yourself to buy and they will goe even later in may. Some of the earrings here, i know abby was eyeing these. Jewelry, another item we see on sale for mothers day. Stores like kmart have a lot of great deals. S they have these opal earrings on sale for 10 off and a lot of different beautiful jewelry. Ive got to get one of these ovens. It has changed my life. Its the perfect item. Kitchen goods because were getting into the popular wedding season, a lot of people are obviously shopping for kitchen goods. Kenmore from sears, this sixslice convection oven is on sale right now. Garden supplies. Were seeing lots of sales, stores like home depot and lowes. Ten seconds left. J. C. Penney. 50 , get a coupe pan at couponsherpa. Com. We have mothers day. Congratulations to you, by the way. Happy mothers day to you, andrea. Well be right back. Vo across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. Vo victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza® is not insulin. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis . Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. Good morning. It is sunday, may 8th, 2016. Im Abby Huntsman. This is a fox news alert. A mystery security lapse at United Nations. Police are trying to help find the man. The Republican Party, who needs it . Does the party have to be together . Does it have to be unified . Im very different from anybody else who has perhaps run for office. I actually dont think so. Is he right . Former president ial candidate Mike Huckabee is with us. Heres president obamas comments to is class of 2016. Be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness. What does that mean, exactly . Well tell you coming up. Weve got three more hours of fox friends. Happy mothers day. Good morning. Happy mothers day, everyone. Its great to have you with us. Abby huntsman you were down at the Kentucky Derby yesterday. I flew back to be with you too. I got home in time to watch the race. It was incredible it was so fun to see on tv after having been there. Its a spectacle. Were thrill to have you here this morning. We want you to send us your mothers day photos. A federal Police Officer who allegedly went on a deadly shooting spree now charged with murder. The alleged gunman was likely trying to steal a get away car when two of the murders happened. He was accused of gunning down his wife who just filed a protective order against him. And he was already on leave for a domestic incident and expected in court tomorrow. And a developing story, authorities are trying to find a man who broke into the United Nations in new york, he scaled a wall and jumped into a river. And alberta, officials are expecteding the blaze to cross into a nearby province. It could double in size and continue to burning months. The worlds greatest swimmeswimmer is now a son. The baby, boomer, was welcomed by Michael Phelps and his girlfriend. Happy mothers day to Michael Phelps wife. That is exciting news. Were standing by with a mothers day forecast. This rain weve been seeing for four straight months now on the east coast. Will that go away now . Do you like it . D. C. Had 12 days in a row with measurable rain. A lot of people complaining about it. Take a look at the maps to show you what im talking about. This is yesterday. We had incredible storms move across parts of colorado and take a look at some of the tornadoes. One home was destroyed. Overall, you get in a place like that and its not that bad. That was yesterday. Now this storm pulls off toward the east and were going to watch the Severe Weather threat move across areas of kansas and oklahoma stretching all the way up through nebraska and down through texas. Tomorrow moves again a little farther up toward the east, down toward the red river valley and that gloom that clayton was mentioning, we have one last line of storms about to come across the new york city area and across new england. Behind that, well see sunshine for the afternoon so moms can come out and enjoy it. The southeast, looking great again. Improving a little bit over the last couple of days. Back to you inside. Finally. We want to bring in governor Mike Huckabee, our old friend this morning to bat around some of the news data. You are from ar kansas arkansas youve been watching the clinton saga for three years. Heres part of what donald trump had to say. Does the party have to be together . Does it have to be unified. Im different than everybody else who has run for office. I actually dont think so. Im going to get millions of people from the democrats, im going to get bernie people to vote because they like me on trade. The sound bite didnt match the question, you can roll with it. Is donald trump right is that he doesnt need to unite the party in order to win . I think in away he may be right. He doesnt have to bring everybody together. Youve heard this from mitt romney, paul ryan. When he says i dont have to unite the party, he has to unite the voters and sometimes the voters go a different direction than the elites and thats what happened in this election cycle, so what were going to see is a very different kind of voting mix. Youve seen it on the democrat side. Thats why bernie has done so well. Hes shocked the democrat at least and bottom line the people in washington still to the extent get it. People are mad at them. Its about them and its not good. They stick their nose higher in the air and act like that those poor, dumb idiots out there in america have no reason to be upset. They do have a reason to be upset. Forgive me if youve heard this question before, you know the clintons well. Donald trumps line of attack going saying look you are going to lecture me about relationships and women . Heres what he said yesterday. Shes married to a man who was the worst abuser of women in the history of politics. Shes married to a man who hurt many women and hillary, if you look, hillary hurt many women, the women that he abused. Shes married to a man who got impeached for lying. Nobody, nobody, perhaps in the history of politics was worse to women or abused women more than bill clinton. And shes taking negative ads on me. Do you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman and a couple of months later, im guilty. And shes taking negative ads on me. Look, look, folks, this politics is a dirty business. Two questions there. Will that work . Will that line of attack from donald trump work and you know the clintons well. How will they respond . First of all, lets talk about how donald trump is responding. Its going to be incendiary, anybody who thinks this is a movie entitled love story has got it wrong. If this is a movie, its going to be call there will be blood. Its going to be a rough and tumble election. We can expect this will be worse than normal because the clintons have a long, long history of scorched earth when its necessary. Now, they will do less than that, but in this case, its going to require an extraordinary level of just, you know, going after and essentially creating the equivalent of political naypalm. If anybody doesnt expect donald trump to give back more, if anybody doesnt expect it, they havent been watching. Chelsea clinton has an idea who says you can give to her mother, Hillary Clinton, for mothers day. I was wondering if you were going to give that to your wife for mothers day. You know, its the hardest thing in the world. If i tell you, ill be telling her and she will be watching. Why dont we let it be our little secret and tell you off camera. Chelsea clinton is asking for americans. Forgive me, im not going to send Hillary Clinton a contribution for mothers day. I think i would rather probably be dipped in boiling oil before i would encourage her president ial campaign at this point. Its like that seinfeld episode, where george cost stanza made up a charity fund, called the human fund. Governor, its great to see you. Thanks for coming up. President obama had this message for the class of 2016. Be confident in your blackness. Theres no one way to be black. Condoleezza rice encourages students she spoke to to be proud of their individuality. What do moms want most on mothers day . The answer just ahead. If youre running a business, legalzoom has your back. Over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing be confident in your blackness. Theres no one way to be black. Theres no straitjacket, theres no constraint. Theres no litmus test for authenticity. President obama delivering a pointed talk among other things race at one of the nations leading historically black college, howard in washington. Couldnt doll leeza rice had a different message, she said more people today enjoy lives of opportunities than in all of human history. This progress has been the concerted effort not of cynics and of visionaries and open mifts and idealists who deal with the world as it is. We were discussing earlier in the show this idea of blackness and the president says that as if we all should know what that means. What does that mean . It is actually incredibly difficult to define and one of the reasons why i think the president said there are about as many ways to be black as there are black people which actually leaves you with something that seems pretty meaningless and empty quite frankly what i think when i think about race. When the president says to a classroom or a roomful of graduating students you should take pride in your blackness, take pride in this ephemeral thing you happen to be rather than the thing you are able to actually accomplish, that strikes me as something very hollow and vapid something we should shy away. I understand our country had a history of discrimination, but the appropriate response isnt for us to root our pride in our blackness, its to regard race for what it is, this intangible thing that isnt of particular consequence. God bless. I got that from zoren hillhearseton. That people who happen to look like you can do things that can be virtuous or not. Couldnt doll leeza spoke to those same themes. He also said the students were inheriting a world that was better than the world he grew up in. Weve overcome the great challenges of this country, the trouble with it is he pairs it too much of of the past and emphasis on theres still racial descrimgses and disparities. The disparities in the criminal justice system, im less concern that were locking up less black people as a percentage of the population and were locking up less people overall. If you adjust those disparities so were locking up more white people, thats a problem, thats not a solution. I think he talks about these issues in the wrong way and oftentimes arrives at the wrong solution. It seems like this country is more divided than its ever been especially when it comes to blacks and whites. How do we move forward, and come together . I dont think were more divided than weve ever been. I think we have a very poisonous and backward conversation when it comes to race in this country. Were overly sensitive about things. There was a moment in this speech that the president talked about black people, the bond between them, they have a unique understanding of justice. If anything, that calibration that make them to understand justice is a little out of whack because the black lives matter movement has embraced any number of saints who mike brown, by all accounts, if we actually look at what happened here, by all accounts he committed strong arm robbery, potentially assaulted a Police Officer in the street and there are still people who walk around as if he had his hands up, when there have been two independent investigations that have suggested that wasnt the case. Granted, there are problems with the criminal justice system. There are things that need to be reformed and accomplished in this country. Were not talking about those things if were distracted by the fact that blacks happen to be overrepresented in the certain criminal justice population. Im agreeing with you vehemently. Wouldnt be it nice to have any president , democrat or republican, articulate the things that we have in common . The beliefs we hold, regardless of what we look like. What does it mean to be an american . I would like to hear that. What does it mean to be a good and virtuous human being . If i had children, thats what i would encourage them. My height, i didnt do anything to get those. I can listen to you all morning long. Impressive. Our jaws drop just listening to you. Good to see you. Coming up here on the show, it turns out drones crashing into airplanes not that big of a deal, the frightening message from the former member of the ntsb. You want to deliver breakfast to your mom this mothers day . Theres an app for that. And his mom, he brought his mom. Oh. What super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is part of my life now. But ive managed. E Crohns Disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Shoshow me more like this. E. Show me previously watched. Whats recommended for me. X1 makes it easy to find what you love. Call or go online and switch to x1. Only with xfinity. Welcome back. Its time now for your news by the numbers. Get out your abacus. 102 years is how long mothers day has been celebrated in the United States. Next up, 21. 4 billion. Thats how much americans are expected to spend this year. And 47 , thats the number of mothers to say that their number one wish for this special day is to spend time with their family. Only 4 said it was getting gifts and treats. Thats what they looked forward to the most. The other percentage want the time off. Today, facebook is getting in mothers day spirit and debuting its new flower icon but can an icon replace the emotion your mom gets from the real deal. Our cyber guy says there might be better gadgets to send your mom on mothers day. Kurt joins us with his mom. Lets see what your mom thinks of this technology. She is the better version without any question of anyone in our family. I have to say this, this is going on on line and people are up in arms about this because facebook i think had really good intentions with this, but it depends where you are regionally. You know how you can like a post of your friends or family on facebook. Now you can add a flower . That all happened today in certain areas. We dont know where on facebook, they did say in a staple they intend to allow people to give some love to mir mother today by giving them these fake flowers on facebook. Would you be okay from getting fake flowers from a facebook icon or would you rather have real . I would have really loved real. Take a look at this cool idea. Youve seen snapchat allows you to jump on and face swap. All of us jumped into it. My mother had a little wine last night and i was able to sneak these images out. These are fun. You can actually save you can take images is that you . Is that you, maggie . Yes. We went out to dinner. I was like have another glass of wine. We have work to do later. She played along. You can take pictures you already have your mom, this morning, you can do these, and then just send them to her if you are not in the same city. Shes going to regret all of this because she doesnt even know it was shot there. In person, you can face swap. Now were talking. You face swapped with your mom. These all look so creepy. Thank you. A face swap that looks good. Your hair with your moms face on it. Early this morning, thats me and i took tuckers face. Thats a lovely gift for your mom. I put tuckers face on my hair. Combine, we look like eric bolling. You do. Take a look at what i sent my mom this morning. You got this. What did you think of this mothers day card that came electronically . That, i love. I loved it. I took a picture. It allows you to custom it. You can put your own photos in there. You can design away and its free to send them. They are trying to get you to pay to have a real one printed out. You dont have to. Its free. Its fun. Thats better than fake flowers. Totally better. Jump to this one, it depends on where you live in the country, most major cities allow you to send mom breakfast in bed and there are several apps that allow to do that. If you are in charlotte or atlanta or a number of major u. S. Cities, you can do that. In thousands of u. S. Cities there are other ondemand Food Services such as seamless or grub hub. Those allow you to do that. No excuse. They will come into your house. They ring the doorbell. Mom, i wanted to jump and grab this. The facebook flowers or this . Ah. That is so sweep. Happy mothers day. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. I sent both my mother and motherinlaw flowers. You got to do it. I love these. I did not use an app. I love them. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. It is, of course, a very special mothers day for one firefighters family. He just delivered his own baby. And those details just ahead. Then what says i love you mom more than homemade breakfast. Were going to help you make the perfect mothers day meal. Powdered sugar falling from the skies. I know where im going. Well be right back with that. I would like to say happy mothers day to my wife jeanine and my daughter courtney both from cuyahoga falls, ohio. Happy mothers day. I love you both. Ah, my poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Enough. Take that. A breathe right nasal strip of course. Imagine just put one on and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. So you can breathe, and sleep. Better than a catnap. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. Which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. Welcome back. Were sharing your mothers day photos this morning from our staff. Heres pruk assistant marissa with her mom. Writer Shannon Carney with her mom and overnight news anchor Jackie Ibanez taking a selfie with her mom. Love that. Nicole pepperman with her mom, shes one of our booking producers here. Happy mothers day. Production assistant kelly may with her mother sandy. And producer Megan Mcdonald with her mom and two sisters and sons. One of our writers. And director lisa moeberly is directing us now by the way with her lovely mom. That was beautiful where ever she is. Were going to share your mothers day photos. Not just our staff. We have great people who put in tireless efforts overnight. And many thanks to their moms for raising them. Headlines developing right now. Prayers this morning, a College Football running back who is fighting for his life. Greg bryant was caught shot in a car along with another passenger. Hes in critical condition. Investigators are looking for witnesses s he transferred to the university of alabama in birmingham last year. And new Surveillance Video just coming in this morning of a missing nineyearold girl. This footage shows carlie trent and her uncle. Her uncle by marriage took out of school by wednesday. Theres a 10,000 reward for carlies safe return. The fear of drones bringing down an Airline Giant jet is apparently baloney. He says they need to cool their jets. He said drones are like birds, just one wont bring down a plane. Firefighter goes beyond the call of duty while driving to the hospital to deliver their couples first daughter. Jeremy roberts found himself in a unique situation releasing the baby would not wait. He had to deliver the baby girl in the front seat of his own truck. The family is happy and healthy following the rushed delivery. Could you image that . No. Its pretty cool, though. You could tell the story, though. Are you sure you can handle it . Ive seen it four times. I know i couldnt handle it. Give me some towels and hot water. Lets stop this conversation right now. To the weather right now. Significant damage in several areas of colorado after a series of remarkably big tornadoes hit the eastern part of that state. At least five people were injured. Twisters causing damage to buildings, knocking down power lines. The most significant twister was a half mile wide and traveled six miles. There were several tornadoes. May is the peak of tornado season. Take a look at the maps. Well show you whats going on across the northeast. Get ready for sunshine. Not starting out sunny but we will see sun by end of the day. Its going to be really welcome. Its going to be a nice start for this coming week. People across the east are going to be ready for that. Southeast you are looking great. Texas, you are going to see some storms, mostly strong winds. I think the worst of the tornadoes potentially across oklahoma and kansas, we can be watching for pretty large tornadoes. Very nice farther to the north. A little too warp. The fires are still going across areas of northern minnesota and we have a lot of smoke in the area especially around the minneapolis area. West, a little more remaining snow but overall things not looking bad for mom. Good news for mothers day. They say food is love. Thats exactly my mom. What says more i love you more than homemade breakfast. Here to help you make the perfect mothers day meal, robert scott, a top chef. It smells so good. I wish we had smellowe vision to people could know what we experience. If you want to make friends in the studio, fry eggs in the hallway next to the coffee station. What were going to do is my version of fried egg sandwiches for mom. Im going to show you how many different ways you can do bread the right way. This is the toaster. 100 whole grain, whole wheel wheat. 23 grams of whole grain per serving. The cool thing is, rick, can you flip an egg . Like this. Like the real deal. What you want to do is i used a little bit of whole butter heres my trip trick. Crack the eggs inside the bowl, that way you are not trying to play finding the shell. This is your one chance. The egg is a little lucy goosy. Pull forward, flip back. Dont use your pinkies. Im frightened right now. Oh, my goodness. Did you really just do that . This isnt my first rodeo ride. What do we do . Cheese, avocado. The hardest part is flipping that egg. Mayo on both sides. Tomato, jack cheese, i have bacon already done. You can build the whole meal. If you want to do something different, i have three or four different variations, guys, i want to show you what i did with my friends at arnold. I couldnt even do this. Were putting ricks eggs on top. I have another egg right here. It looks great. Once you build it, now you put your bread on top. Thats a beautiful sandwich. Check this out. I dont have kids but i was trying to think whats the perfect way to have the kids incorporate inside for mothers day. Have them write a card for mom and use it as the trivet or the plate underneath the plate when you bring the tray to mom. What you are going to do is tease it on top. This is my greek yogurt parfait. Stay away from my hair. This is greek yogurt with turbi turbineadao sugar on top. Watch out for hair. I took the same bread. I made the peach jam. I love this. I want to see you try to eat that sandwich. You have to have a little mimosa. We love cheers. You have a cookbook coming out. I do. Its called 1 00 to 5 00. Were excited about the book. Check it out. Its on amazon now for presale. Thanks for being with us this morning. Oh, my god. Get rick ready. I know you guys are jealous. Ill be over there. Coming up here on the show, president obama just commuted the sentences of 58 federal prisoners serving time on drug charges. Is this criminal Justice Reform working or is it adding more danger to our society. Well have a fair and balanced debate on that next. What happens when you fall asleep behind the wheel . Well tell you when we come back. Mary buys a little lamb. One of millions of orders on this companys servers. Accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. But with Cyber Threats on the rise, marys data could be under attack. With the help of the at t network, a network that senses and mitigates Cyber Threats, their Critical Data is safer than ever. Giving them the agility to be open secure. Because no one knows like at t. But not just walk. Alk. Speed walk. Or you like to bike. In place. Next to these strangers. Or you want to know your heart rate. When youre doing this steady. This. And a little bit of this. Which means you should probably wear this. Beat yesterday with vivosmart hr from garmin. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Good morning. Welcome back to fox friends. 50 minutes before the top of hour. Incredible dashcam video captures the moment a driver falls asleep at the wheel. The driver was not badly injured in that crash. The worlds tallest, fastest dive coaster made its debut. It sounds like valvaravn gives riders a great view of lake erie at cedarpoint. I hate rks. So freaky. Commuted 268 offenses which is more than the previous six president s combined, but were not done and were going to keep on working on this until i leave. Well, president obamas push for what he describes as criminal Justice Reform continue this week as he commuted the sentences of 58 federal inmates serving time for drug charges, bringing the total to 308, granting clemency for his presidency. More reforms coming up. Are they a good idea . Its great to see you both. There is a kind of broad bipartisan consensus that there are people in jail who shouldnt be in there. Sentenced for nonviolent crimes. Is what the president doing a bad thing . Of course, its a bad thing. He cant boast hes done more than all six president s previously combined. The reasons that other president s didnt commute these large numbers of criminals is they took their powers seriously and looked at each case individually. Hes commuting allowing out on the street Major League Drug dealers from federal institutions, one of the individuals he released the other day or will release early was caught with over a ton of cocaine. I dont think that was for his personal use. All of these folks were in jail for distribution, for drug dealing. These are drug lords in federal prison that theresident is trying to release, pretending that its criminal Justice Reform. We have rising crime. The Justice Reform ought to be to address rising crime. Thats not true. I will give the president credit unlike bill clinton, hes not taking bribes in order to commute these sentences or pardon anybody. Well, we dont know. We dont know but well give him the benefit of the doubt. The people are moving next door to president obama . They are not moving anywhere to be honest. What do you mean . The reason why is because we didnt have a prison epidemic. We lock up more prisoners in our country than any other country in the world, yet we have less crime than most of them. Let me stop you right there. Do you acknowledge there might be a connection between locking up bad people and having less crime . Do you see that . Not when no. Because when one in three people go to jail in many communities thats not necessarily the case, but we spent 77 per person. The average american spends 77 per person 1980 on the prison system. Now its 260 per person. This is out of control. This all started with mandatory minimums. When somebody would get caught with a little bit of weed on the streets and go to jail for 20, 30 years, not be at home with their children, rip apart communities. They are examining the situation deeply. They know the people they are releasing, this is what the president said, they are examining who they are releasing and seeing if they were given way too much compared to what they would get today for a similar this is a lot of a reaction against bill clintons crime policies during the 1990s. Do you think that these commutations and criminal justice generally is partially responsible for the rising crime that were seeing . The recidivism rate of federal offenders is over is about 50 . The state level is in the 70s. We know about half of the people who are released early by this administration will go on to commit crimes. Again, there was an instance of someone released under prior sentencing reform in ohio. He went on a murder a woman and her two children. That murder wouldnt have occurred, and that cost is never accounted for in the cost of prison. The cost of crime is unimaginable to the victims and the potential victims and i want to protect the Public Safety and the idea even talking about reducing sentences, i think, is causing the increase in time too. Folks think there might not be a penalty. Since you support this, will you commute to tracking what happens to these people . Absolutely. I think thats part of prison reform. You can take examples of any system and thats not indicative whats happening in the system. The reality is we dont set up a situation where prisoners can get jobs and housing. Thats a federal thats a standard from the federal government. Were out of time with that. Thank you both. Spirited defense of your positions. President obama says the math is simple when it comes to this election. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. Come on in. And only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. Welcome back. This is such a great story. One man turning his own struggles with school into a semiautomatico biographical graphic novel to help others. Its called nelson beats the odds, about a young boy grewing up with learning disabilities. How did the author turn his own battles into inspiration for Young Children . Lets ask him. Here is the author of nelson beats the odds, therapist and founder of creative medicine, rodney sidney. He is here to tell his story. Nice to meet you. What was it like growing up with what at the time, i guess teachers had described as what, adhd . Yes. What was it like growing up among your peers . Well, for me it was difficult because i had to hide the fact that i had a learning disability, so i kept it a secret from my best friends. The only people that knew were my teachers and my parents. So, for me it was all about keeping a huge secret out of fear of being teased by my friends and other people at the school. How difficult was it . I have to imagine when someone then puts this label on you, you now have adhd. Yes. Did you feel like something was wrong with you . Definitely, i did. I really i felt like because i struggled. My handwriting was really bad, so i had a specific learning disability, too. And with the adhd being more of a behavioral diagnosis, i felt like that caused me to get into a lot of trouble. For instance, being sent out of the classroom, going to the office, unable to sit still. So you know, i did really feel like it did impact my life. So, the book nelson beats the odds, tell us about this. Why were you inspired to write this book . I was actually inspired by my special education teacher, ruth tobey. And she actually told me to tell my story. And i was like, how could i tell my story . I had never written a book before. I didnt know how to write a book. But i went online and googled and searched youtube about selfpublishing and was able to find out who to contact to get it done. Thats amazing. Whats been the response from other kids who maybe are growing up with learning disabilities . The response has been really huge, particularly from parents that work with the kids, because a lot of parents sort of feel like the learning disabilitys their fault, and they sort of take on a lot of that. So when they read the book, they feel more comfortable taking their kid to get diagnosed or to, you know, take them to see if theyre eligible for any services or special education. What message do you have for kids who are watching this morning and are learning with disabilities . Youre a therapist. Yes. Youve beaten the odds. Yes. I would say definitely be encouraged, be strong, be bold, dont give up, because theres times when i felt like giving up and i didnt. And also, think about the future. For me, i graduated high school with a 1. 8 gpa. Wow. And i didnt how old are you now . Exactly, so on fox friends, everyone. The book is called nelson beats the odds. Go buy it and give it to somebody you love whog dealing with this same thing. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. Thank you. We have Chris Wallace coming up to analyze the days politics news. Can donald trump win . E this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. 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Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card. Good morning. Happy mothers day this sunday, may 8th, 2016. Im Abby Huntsman and this is a fox news alert. A Security Breach at the United Nations after a mysterious man sneaks past security and vanishing into nearby the east river. Now police deploying deepwater divers to find that man. Unity . Who needs it . Does the party have to be together . Does it have to be unified . Im different than anybody else perhaps whos ever run for office. I actually dont think so. It doesnt have to be . No. But can he win without the gop establishment . Well tell you, coming up. And its our First Sighting of senator ted cruz since he dropped out of the race a week ago, but its not what hes saying that has everyone talking this morning. Its what hes wearing. Hmm. Maybe our own Abby Huntsman will have a look at that down at the derby. Fox friends hour three starts right now. I wanna see you be brave say what you wanna say, let the words fall out great. I was just saying, thank goodness theres not going to be any rain for mothers day. Right. You jinxed it. Rick looked at me. Rick said, no, no, it will clear up by this afternoon. Happy mothers day, everyone. Happy mothers day. The holiday we can all celebrate. Were all implicated in mothers day. Thats right. Theres no avoiding it. You keep saying that. Its true. Abby huntsman on the couch for the first time, hopefully not the last time. Its been great. Great to see you youve been great. Great to be here. We have been wonderful. You are wonderful. Man, were wonderful. Send us your mothers day photos, friends foxnews. Com, ffweekend on facebook. You can also post them there. Nancy wrote us. She says its mothers day and her son jacks 25th birthday. Happy birthday. And cindy leakes from maryland sent this picture and said her moms her best friend. Love that. My moms my best friend, too. So nice. We start with extreme weather this morning, destruction in areas in colorado after a series of tornadoes hit the eastern part of that state. At least five people were injured. Not going anywhere. [ sirens ] i think were okay. Its still moving to the right. Wow. Looks like the movie Independence Day or something. Unbelievable. Twisters causing damage to buildings, knocked out power lines. Several reports say the most significant twister was a half mile wide, traveled about six miles. In total, there were 12 reports of tornadoes. Theres a lot going on and rick is following all of this. Really intense. Yeah, very intense. Fortunately, not a very populated area, the northeastern corner of colorado, a lot of farm country, not a lot of people, so you dont have potentially the damage you could have had. Today i think were going into a more populated area with it. This is where tornadoes generally happen in may, tornado alley. May is the most active tornado month that we have, and so, were getting in on this. Dropping these tornadoes in northeastern colorado. Now the storm pulls farther off towards the east, and as it does, the Severe Weather threat cuts across oklahoma. This is the potential of large tornadoes. Anywhere you see the yellow, i think well be talking about strong winds and certainly large hail along with this as well. Tomorrow we also have this heading out across arkansas, into missouri and the eastern side of kansas and in towards oklahoma and down across parts of texas as well. So, i think were going to see about two days of tornadoes. It clears up a little bit for tuesday. Temperaturewise, take a look at this, not that bad of a mothers day temperaturewise. Watch what happens this week. Tuesday, a big warmup here across areas of texas getting into the 90s and then look at that thursday in phoenix. Clayton, we always like to say this, there we go. 103 in phoenix. Beautiful. 103. Thanks, rick. Thats hot. Now to morning headlines. A federal Police Officer who allegedly went on a deadly shooting spree is charged with murder. Maryland police say the alleged gunman was likely trying to steal a getaway car when two of the murders happened. The shooter is accused of gunning down his wife, who had just filed a protective order against him. The carjackings resulted in two more people being shot. He is already on leave for a domestic incident and is due in kourth tomorrow. Police are looking for a man who scaled a wall and jumped into the east river to escape. Dive crews went into the river to find the man with no such luck. Police say he was last seen going under water but has not been spotted since. And new overnight, check your ticket. The winning Powerball Ticket was sold in new jersey and is worth 429 million. Only one ticket matched all six numbers in saturday nights drawing. The winning powerball numbers were 5, 25, 26, 44 and 66. And the powerball number was 9. It is unclear, though, where the Winning Ticket was sold. It will likely be announced later today by lottery officials. Hmm, good luck to them. Well, the horse favored to win the 142nd Kentucky Derby did not disappoint. Nyquist and exaggerator are coming to the line together and nyquist is still unbeaten he has won the Kentucky Derby what a race. Nyquist finishing the race in 2 minutes and 1 second. He is now the favorite to win the preakness in two weeks and the quest for the triple crown. Political sighting there, ted cruz was at the derby. He declined an interview saying he was just there to have a good time. People were talking online. I couldnt tell, was that a seersucker . Did he have pants on, too . I hope he had pants on. What kind of suit is that . I cant see i think it was maybe his shoes people were talking about. He looks very conventional to me. He fits right in, because i was there the last two days and everyones wearing seersucker, interesting colors, funny ties, bow ties. I actually think he fits in. Good for him. He has a life. This guys been on the road for a year, running flat out, sleeping two hours a night. Hope he had a mint julep. And you think he could have blended in. 140,000 people there . Didnt happen. Well, you remember that much earlier in this campaign back in august, the candidates were asked, will you support the eventual nominee on the republican side, no matter who it is . Heres the moment from one of the gop debates in cleveland. Watch. Is there anyone on stage and can i see hands who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican Party . Raise your hand now if you wont make that pledge tonight. Mr. Trump. In the end, trump did actually make that pledge. He said i will support the eventual nominee. Right, but he was vilified for that moment, raising his hand. Booed. He was the one guy, i dont know, if the partys not nice to me, maybe ill go somewhere else. And he spoke to abcs this week, which will play later today, but saying i dont need these guys anyway. Lets listen to that. Does the party have to be together . Does it have to be unified . Im very different than anybody else perhaps whos ever run for office. I actually dont think so. I think that it doesnt have to be unified . No, i dont think so. I think it would be better if it were unified. I think there would be something good about it, but i dont think it has to be unified in the traditional sense. How do you think youre going to win . Because i think im going to get millions of people from the democrats, im going to get people to vote because they like me on trade. I have to stay true to my principles, also. Dont forget, this is the Republican Party, not the conservative party. He took to twitter to slam jeb bush and Lindsey Graham for basically saying theyre violating the pledge that they made that night on that stage. The truth is, hes not in control of this. The partys not unified, no matter what he does. And im not saying hes making a huge attempt to unify it, but even if he did, there are people who wont vote for him who are looking for a thirdparty candidate and will vote for hillary because they agree with her more. Shes less of a threat to their arrangements or whatever. So, in the end, the only way he wins is by Winning People who wouldnt vote republican otherwise. I think thats just true. Well, yeah. And he said thats what hell be good at, bringing people together, crossing the aisle. He has a meeting this week with paul ryan and members of the house. Hes got to prove he can actually do that. But does it matter that he unify this emorms Republican Party with all of the octopus arms . In the end, the people care what hes going to do for them. Hes blown up the Republican Party. Hes challenged what they believe. He is remaking it. Whether youre for or against it, its true. Its a Different Party with donald trump in charge than with george w. Bush or mitt romney in charge. And i think you have the elites saying were losing control of this thing. They definitely have lost control. Governor huckabee on the show this morning said it doesnt really matter. Watch. He doesnt have to bring everybody together. Some people have already said theyre not with him. Youve heard this from mitt romney, paul ryan. People have said ill never vote for trump. Okay, fine, but a lot of people are. And i think when he says he doesnt have to unite the party, he has to unite the voters. And sometimes the voters go a different direction than do the elites, and thats whats happened in this election cycle. And so, what were going to see is a very different kind of voting mix. Youve seen it on the democrat side. Thats why bernie has done so well. Hes shocked the democrat elites. And donald trump has shocked the republican elites. Yeah, i think hes right about that one. Very true. Well, president obama gave the commencement address at howard university, historically black college the premier historically black college in america. Its in washington. He did that yesterday. And among the many things he said, he addressed the question of blackness and encouraged the graduates of howard to take confidence from their race. Listen. My generation, like all generations, is too confined by our experience, too invested in our own biases, too stuck in our ways. Be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness. So, what does that mean . Thats the question weve been discussing this morning. Good question. What does it mean to embrace your blackness . We had Camille Foster on earlier in the show from freethinkmedia. Com, and a really articulate summation of why he thinks the president is wrong on this issue. Listen. When the president says to a classroom or a room full of graduating students you should take pride in your blackness, take pride in this ephemeral thing you happen to be, rather than the things that you are actually able to accomplish, that strikes me as something that is very hollow and vapd and probably something we should shy away from. I understand the instinct, that in this country there has been sort of a history of discrimination and that for some reason people may have felt shame associated with being black, but the appropriate response isnt for us to root our pride and our blackness. Its to regard race for what it is, this intangible thing that isnt of particular consequence that we ought to be always trying to move beyond, not embrace and hold close to us. You know, he such a deep point. He should travel the country and share this message, because it was all about individuality. Right. And thats what we should be focused on. We were sitting on the couch listening to him with our jaws dropped. Its a flashback to my childhood, where these were conventional views when people were raised and told to take pride in the things you do. Things you werent responsible for, your eye color, your race, how tall you are, you didnt do that. So, why be proud of something you didnt do . This is an attempt to achieve colorblindness. Nobody actually achieved it, but trying. That was normal then. Its not normal now. And his point, too, on the other side, not to walk around with guilt or shame about your race. Right. Not to have to embrace those sides of it as well. Because you are not responsible for what people would look like you do. Thats what he said. When Jeffrey Dahmer went and ate a bunch of people, i didnt feel like, oh, gosh, theres a white guy, im responsible for that. Right. And nobody should be responsible for people for whom theyre not responsible for. Just because you look like someone, doesnt mean youre responsible for what he does, good or bad. It was well said. Let us know your thoughts. Weve had great comments about it this morning. You can weigh in. Meanwhile, donald trump is not wasting any time, already going after bill clinton. He lied do you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman. And then a couple of months later, im guilty. And shes taken negative ads on me is that going to work . Is that the key to beating hillary . Chris wallace is here to react to this new attack line. Cant wait for that one. And then listen to this, one tow truck driver under fire for refusing to pick up a stranded driver with a Bernie Sanders sticker on the car. The side of my truck doesnt say freebee, you know . And every time ive dealt with these people in recent history i get burned. Did he go too far . We report. You decide. In the history of politics, Hillary Clintons husband abused women more than any man that we know of in the history of politics. Theyre going to spend 90 million on bad ads about me having to do with women. There is nobody that respects women more than i do. He lied you remember the fabulous, i did not have sex with that woman . And then a couple of months later, im guilty. And shes taken negative ads on me donald trump not wasting any time going after bill clinton, but is this the key to defeating hillary in the fall . Here to react, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. Chris, great to see you this morning. Obviously, Donald Trumps been hurting among the women vote, of course. Disapproval very, very high. Is this line of attack going to move the needle . Well, first of all, i mean, its may. You kind of expect that maybe well get into some of this in october. The idea that months before the convention wed be here. And the other thing is there was an outburst of this at one point when Hillary Clinton several months ago went after trump and women, and he said im counterpunching. But he said, look, if she stays above that kind of stuff, ill stay above it as well. And now here he is in it again on just the possibility that a super pac may attack him on women. So i dont know. I cant imagine, one, that its going to be a great way for us to spend the campaign, and two, you know, it blunts her attacks on women to some degree, but im not sure it changes it a great deal, i think to the degree that people are upset about bill clinton and Hillary Clinton and the affairs thats kind of baked into the cake. But does it make it harder . I think his bet is it makes it harder for her to posit herself as a champion of women when she attacks women whom her husband has had relations. Does that work . I dont think it will change a lot of minds. If youre a suburban republican woman whos distressed by some of the things trump has said. As i say, you know about bill clinton and you know about Hillary Clinton. Im not sure its going to change your mind. Chris, you know Donald Trumps been saying he actually does not need to unite party in order to take on the white house. You have manafort on the show today. Im sure youll ask him about that. What do you expect . I dont know. Id be interested to hear what he says. Seems to me its a big issue. Lets not talk about paul ryan and whether he has to get along with paul ryan, but any candidate for president has got to have almost universal support inside their party, usually, you know, 80 , 90 . And you know Hillary Clintons going to have that on the democratic side. If theres a real split and 20 to 30 of republicans either arent going to vote or are going to vote for clinton or just going to sit it out, i think its awfully hard for donald trump. Hes got to come to terms to some degree with, if not, as i say, paul ryan, with the Republican Base or republican voters, or i dont see how he wins the election. It will be interesting to see what he has to say to that. Well be watching that in just a couple hours. Chris wallace, thanks for being with us this morning. We appreciate it. You bet. Thanks, chris. Coming up here on the show, a professor was just doing some math on a plane, some math equations, but that didnt stop one passenger from reporting him to the stewardesses and saying, weve got a problem. He might be a terrorist. It is terrifying, but Wounded Warriors around the world will compete at a special event called the evictus games. They are about to get under way in the state of florida. Well take you there in just a minute. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like vacations equal getting carried away. More proactive selling. What do you think michal . I agree. Lets get out there. Lets meet these people. Twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Harness the hardworking power of the peanut. Incredible blnow comes with protection an incredible double your money back guarantee. Always discreet is for bladder leaks and its drier than poise. Try it, love it or get double your money back. Always discreet. Poallergies . Reather. Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. We need to be ready for my names Scott Strenfel and r im a meteorologist at pg e. We make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. So every single day were monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. During storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. Learn how you can be prepared at pge. Com beprepared. Together, were building a better california. Good morning. Now to a fox news alert. Firefighters in alberta, canada, are now predicting this Massive Wildfire will cross into the bordering province and could burn for months. Images are incredible. Look at this. Only shells of cars and homes remain. Another fox news alert this morning, drug lord el chapo being moved to a prison near the u. S. mexico border. He will be in a facility near el paso, texas. The kingpin who escaped twice from mexican prisons is fighting extradition to the United States. Hmm. Well, this week, nearly 500 wounded military veterans and activeduty military from 14 countries will come together to compete in a very special tournament. Its the second Invictus Games. It kicks off today in orlando. Were joined live from the games by Lea Gabrielle with a special guest. Good morning, lea. Reporter good morning, guys. The men and women who are here have served their countries and have made extreme sacrifices. In fact, thats why theyre here. Im standing here with one of them, navy veteran mike raggio. Nice to have you with us. Thank you for having me. Tell us about your service. You told me you joined the navy to right some wrongs. My father was a drug smuggler, so i joined the navy to pretty much do the opposite of what he did. And thats exactly what i did. I did counter drug, Counter Human Trafficking and some rescues. Reporter and as a searchandrescue swimmer, you saved lives. Yes, 57. Reporter then you found yourself injured. Tell us about your injury and how swimmings been part of your rehabilitation. Swimming was fundamental with my recovery. I was able to get back in the pool again once i started being able to take steps. Originally i wasnt walking. I was in diapers. And i took the pool to the next level. I got to the point where i could start pushing off the wall, start doing laps. And eventually, i created a hierarchy at the pool where we would race until i was approached by a woman one day who brought me into the world of adaptive sports. Reporter what was it like using sports not just to rehabilitate yourself but also to really be a role model for others . Its incredible. I havent even thought about that until now. I think that all of the athletes here at invictus fit that role. We are all coming together. Were all coming from similar backgrounds, and weve all accomplished some kind of major adversity and struggle in our lives. Reporter right. So, you and i, were both in the navy. And normally, wed be going, beat army. But this is a competition where everyones coming together as a team to compete as the u. S. Team, right . Exactly. And really, the comradery here is outstanding. I was out at the pool yesterday competing and watching some of these guys compete who were missing limbs or had other types of ailments. It was hard not get emotional to see how these guys were overcoming these huge obstacles, and they were out there competing, pulling times that an ablebodied person would be happy with. Reporter now, im hearing that youve already been competing and that you actually were really pulling it out yesterday. Can you tell us about what happened . I was actually bumped up a category. Im competing against the open category. Im no longer competing with the spinal cord injuries, and i competed with 24 of the toughest athletes around the world in the preliminary rounds where it was broken down to eight athletes, and i made it into the finals. I couldnt be more proud. I am so happy i was able to pull that one off for the United States and really get the opportunity to serve again. Im an asset. Reporter it sounds like what invictus means to you is really coming out here. It does. The poem of invictus resonates with me i am the master of fate, i am the captain of my soul, and i really feel that here. Reporter yeah. Well, we are so proud of you and it is wonderful to be here at the Invictus Games. The games will be kicking off this morning with track and field and the opening ceremonies are tonight. Back to you guys. Leigh gabriel at the invictus games. What an incredible man. Thanks, lea. Well the fed says theyve stopped listening to your calls, but your emails are a different game. Plus what happens when a trump supporter is called to tow a car with a Bernie Sanders sticker on it . Came over, i think the lord came to me and just said get in the truck and leave. Its not fair, but its the norm nowadays. Its the world in which we live in. At the end of the day, it is what it is and its all good. You can go your own way but is it all good . Well report and you can decide. Go your own way hi, im jason. Im currently stationed in kosovo. I want to wish my mother a happy mothers day. Thank you for being so patient with me growing up. I also want to wish my wife, lisa, happy mothers day as well. I only have to look at my two young boys to know how good you are. I love you, lisa. charge music you wouldnt hire an organist without hearing them first. Charge so why would you invest without checking brokercheck . Check your broker with brokercheck. Unless you have allergies. Flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. Flonase changes everything. Welcome back. Happy mothers day. Want to show you some photos of our staff this morning. Associate producer sarah sonic and her mom, pat. Have you ever been to sonics, by the way . They make delicious milkshakes. Oh, its our production assistant Lauren Woodhall with mother barbara, sisters britney and lindsey. And writer katie did i francisco with her mother, peg. And live producer Laura Peacock with her mom, suzanne and sister natalie. Happy mothers day. Line producer kelly nish is actually producing right now with her mom, christine. Then we have booker kelly mcnally, her mom nancy and her sister, jen. We have writer kyle with his mom annie. Happy mothers day, annie. And send your photos in at home this morning if youre watching on this mothers day. They all look like theyre on some beautiful vacation somewhere. It is really nice. One thing ive learned in the 25 years ive been married is almost no man gets married thinking about will this girl be a good mother. Right. Its more along the lines of is she cute . Really, they dont . Men are pretty shallow, turns out. Are you the same way . Yeah. This happened to me, but i actually found out that my wifes the best mother ever. And i think shes on the phone its true, four children later from the dog park. Susie, are you there . Im here. Good morning good morning. Good morning. Good morning, susie. Were you able to hear that lovely compliment . I did. I did. Thank you, sweetie. It is true. You dont think about that. I mean, im a uniquely shallow person, as you know better than anybody, but that never occurred to me. Youve got to find and its a good thing. Thank you. What has been the key to being such a great mom in the Carlson Family . You know, i honestly think feeling so grateful every day for my husband and for my children and feeling blessed. Were all so blessed, and im so grateful for them. Thank you. Well, you have such a beautiful family. I want to know, what has tucker done for you this morning . Did he leave you a special tweet in bed this morning, flowers, french toast . No, but watching you all on tv always makes my weekend in the morning. Actually, for mothers day, i left the city entirely and came to new york. Yeah. So, you left the queen bed wide open. Just a picture of the dog. I should say, not only is she truly an amazing mother to four children on the screen now, but shes also an as good mother to meg and dave, our two spaniels. Theres meg. Are you with the dog right now . I am. Im at the dog park. I hope they appreciate you. My happy place. Yeah, they do. Not you, but the dogs. I love that were on the show and tuckers saying constantly that susies text pictures of the dogs to tucker every morning. Weve already seen them this morning. Yeah, but clayton, i always say, do not show the pictures of the dogs to everybody in the studio because theyre bored by them. Oh, weve seen them. No, but i know youre wrong. People do want to see pictures of my dogs. Im convinced of that. Susie, i will see you tonight for dinner. All right. Happy mothers day. Thank you all. Have a great day byebye. What are you cooking for her tonight . Yeah, thats so nice of you. Were going to the georgetown club, so. Were not big on cooking. But we are big on eating together. Thats great. How cute. Well, happy mothers day. Send your photos of your family this morning and well send them throughout the broadcast. Yeah, we want to hear from you. Two boaters on a fishing trip are rescued after their vessel capsized off Jupiter Inlet in florida. A large wave knocked the two men off the 16foot boat, sending them into the water. Their saving grace, a waterproof cell phone that they used to alert the coast guard. The pair clung to the boat for about a half hour before Emergency Responders pulled them from the rough waters. Only one of them, luckily, had to be taken to the hospital. Well, an American Airlines flight delay over math. Listen to this. A woman mistaking this italian man for a terrorist. She alerted a Flight Attendant in a note after she saw him writing down equations, leading officials to pull the Ivy League Professor off the plane for questioning. He later said he was working on a math problem for a speech he was writing. He returned to the flight headed from philly to syracuse while his accuser opted for a later trip. Well, even though the bulk collection of telephone records has ended, the government is still going through calls and emails. Well, now congress is making another push to find out what is going on. They have asked the nations top Intelligence Officer for the number of americans emails and calls that were collected. Thats because even though foreigners are the target, americans are sucked in as well. And outrage from a stranded Bernie Sanders supporter. Tucker loves this story. After a tow truck driver refuses to pick her up for political reasons. Look at this. Says i cant tell you. I said, why . Whats wrong with the car . He said, no, youre a bernie supporter. I was like, no, wait, really . The side of my truck says shupie. It doesnt say freebee, you know . And every time ive dealt with these people in recent history i get burned. So, the driver noticed the Bernie Sanders Bumper Sticker and sign on the front windshield. North carolina legal experts say that no laws were broken. Come on. The truck driver, though, recommended that she call the government for a tow truck. Dmn, just give the woman a ride. I have a feeling i agree. If donald trump saw a brokendown bernie supporter on the side of the road what would he do . He would have that person towed and help that person. Am i right . I dont know. Itd be interesting. Probably. Ill bet he would. Probably. Hes trying to make America Great again. You give people rides. Right. Thats what were about. On your plane. Thats what id do. Umbrellas. These guys offered to share their umbrella. Youre very smart. You came to new york for four days and its rained almost the entire time. It has. Yesterday was pretty good, though. Reporter and youre leaving today . Yes. Reporter suns going to come out this afternoon, just so you know. Youre heading back to atlanta. Take a look at the maps, tell you whats going on. Temperaturewise, heres what it looks like. If youre taking mom out for maybe a brunch. Hopefully, moms in bed and youre making her brunch. But heres what the northeast looks like. We are at the last end of the rain towards the midatlantic and the northeast. There will be a little bit of leftover showers across the interior section, but a much better day today and spectacular tomorrow. Havent said that in a long time. Down to the east and southern plains, storms firing across texas and oklahoma, maybe a few tornadoes in that, certainly strong, gusty and large hail, especially across parts of oklahoma. Then the same goes on across areas of kansas and missouri. As the day heats up in the afternoon, well see things get a lot more unstable and the storms will fire around the great lakes. Youre looking much nicer. And finally, across areas of the west, where it has been very unsettled, still one more day of unsettled weather here. You start to warm up this week, but one more day of scattered showers, some clouds and breezy conditions. All right, guys, back to you inside. Thank you, rick. Youre the best, rick. Thank you. Thanks, rick. Coming up on the show, a new bombshell surrounding the Iran Nuclear Deal. A top obama aide says the administration used handpicked experts to sell it. The former director of the cia is here next to react to that. Then, still looking for the perfect mothers day gift . Well, Chelsea Clinton has an idea what you can give her mother. Thats right. She wants you to give her some money. Mama said, mama said, mama said there will be days like this at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like social media equals antisocial. Hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. Hey. Good to meet you dennis. The sunll come out for people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever. Entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow. Ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away its everything youve always wanted. 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A minnesota physician had been working with the mega star before he overdosed during a flight from atlanta last month. The physician has yet to be identified. And a beer battle is a brewing. Labatts beer filing a lawsuit against miller coors, claiming they breached an agreement. They are finalizing plans to open a brewery in milwaukee, threatening the brewers home turf. Back to you. Thanks a lot, abby. A top aide to president obama now admitting to cherry picking experts in order to sell the Iran Nuclear Deal to the public. In a bombshell the New York Times interview, former policy adviser ben rhodes says he created echo chambers of experts to push the controversial nuclear deal to capitol hill and to reporters. Hes quoted saying they were saying things and validated what we had given them to say. The white house responded by simply saying theyre proud of the strong and principled case they made for the deal with iran. Here with reaction, former director of the cia, james woolsey. Great to see you. What do you make of the white house pulling back the curtain for how they sold this deal dishonestly to the public and to congress . Yeah, and its not even really a deal. Deal suggests trading back and forth ill do this for you if youll do this for me. Right. Thats not what it was. It was about dominance from the iranians point of view. Indeed, pretty much all negotiations for them are about that. They have a word, tahia, which basically means lying to infidels. And from the iranis and other points of view, thats not just a possibility, its recommended. The president said one of the hallmarks of his administration is constraining nuclear proliferation. Right. He wants fewer countries to have a bomb. And yet, if you allow the shiites, iran to get Nuclear Weapons, doesnt that provide a massive incentive to the massive sunni world, the gulf, egypt, turkey to get Nuclear Weapons . Sure. Theres no reason for them to hold back. Their historic and 13centurylong enemy, essentially, the shiites, and particularly an ambitious and imperialistic iran are there with a Nuclear Weapon or nearly have a Nuclear Weapon nearly in their hands. Why would saudi arabia and jordan and egypt, turkey forego a nuke . I dont know. I dont know what you say to persuade them. And so, the world becomes much more dangerous if all these new actors have Nuclear Weapons. Why is that not crazy . Exactly. Its not crazy, its a terrible development, but the administration apparently doesnt care. What they want is a leftover impression after the Obama Administrations over, i guess, that they did something big, sort of like kissinger going to china. They switched sides. And now it was a Major Development and they should get credit for it, for some reason, even though it makes the world i think a much more dangerous place. So that is the motivation, the president s legacy, for switching from traditional support of the sub iesunni worl the shiite world . I cant think of any other. Theres no basis for suggesting that the worlds going to be a more Peaceful Place by giving in to the iranian empire, essentially. What do you quickly make of the email scandal thats threatening to ensnare Hillary Clinton . Do you think the fbi and Justice Department can be broadly relied upon to be evenhanded and fair in the way they go after it . The fbi director i dont know the people in justice at all the fbi director has a very good reputation for calling it straight. Yes. But on the other hand, hes not the deciding authority. And even grand juries can go off on their own. It happens from time to time, the socalled runaway grand jury. So, its a little hard to tell exactly who the decisionmaker is going to be. Its basically justice, i would imagine. And u. S. Attorney dealing with various counsel involved. Im surprised that that much material got out. Yes. Its not one or two words the way it has been with other people who have had security violations and gotten prosecuted for them or one side of a piece of paper at a different clearance level than the person was supposed to have. Its not Something Like that. Its a huge volume of material. And finally, do you think if the fbi were to recommend indictment of secretary clinton, that would be a decision president obama would have to sign off on . I dont know how their politics with one another works out, but these are careerending or careerchanging decisions. Yes. Theyre not small decisions. Theyre the biggest decision these people have had to make in their lives. Yeah. That suggests maybe hed be involved. Mr. Woolsey, thanks a lot for joining us. Good to be with you. Great to see you this morning. Thank you. Hillary clinton hits hard West Virginia coal country. I just want to know how you can say youre going to put a lot of coal miners out of jobs and then come in here and tell us how youre going to be our friend, because those people out there dont see you as a friend. So, how shes going to do in the primary in the Mountain State on tuesday. Well give you a preview. And then, a legal battle between a group of nuns and katy perry. And youre gonna hear me roar its all over this convent. They dont want to sell it to katy perry. Thats weird. Two of the nuns join us next. Stay tuned. What if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes . What if one situp could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . But there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. Pneumococcal pneumonia. If you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. Prevnar 13® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. Common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. Get this one done. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13® today. An unlikely legal battle between a pair of nuns and katy perry. At the center of this is a valuable piece of real estate. A nuns former convent. Katy perry worked with the archdiocese of los angeles to buy this vacant property for nearly 15 million, but the nuns say they have their own buyer. They dont need her. Now the vatican is weighing in. We have two nuns from the immaculate heart of mary with us. Sisters, great to have you on the show this morning. Sister rita, why are you not planning to sell it to katy perry. We feel we should have the right to sell it so we can cont where the money goes if it goes to katy perry, the arch gets the money, they keep it and yes, they say theyll take care of us. We dont want that. Sister catherine rose, now the vatican is getting involved with this, seems like it is complicating matters, is it going to make it difficult . We answer directly to the pope, not to the arch bishop. We never asked the arch bishop for any help. We have been able to maintain it on our own with our income, our work, our service to the people and all of that is taken from us. Maybe i should add that we are the ones that initiated the contact with rome. Back injun we sent what we called a libelish, we have an attorney in rome who have our cause. For us, we are happy that the vatican is involved. Hopefully, this will stop this arch from taking our property. Do you have a problem with katy perry herself buying the property . You know, truthfully, the issue of katy perry, it is not katy perry or dainy hollister. We owned it and it is now taken away. Thats the issue. Sisters, it is great to see you this morning. Please update us on your fight. We reached out to katy perry but we have yet to hear back. Thank you. House Speaker Paul Ryan says hes not ready to hop on the trump train. I am not ready to do that at this point, i am not there right now. We talked to one of the speakers closest allies of what he had to say this week. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing. Of fixodent plus adhesives. They help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. And you can eat even tough food. Fixodent. Strong more like natural teeth. Fixodent and forget it. Poallergies . Reather. Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. A serious man sneaked into security and vanishes before getting caught. Police are finding that man. House Speaker Paul Ryan says hes not ready to support the republican nominee, donald trump. I am not there right now. Well talk to the speakers closest allies about what trump had to say this week when he meets with ryan. Are you ready for mothers day . Want to take out your wallet and donate your money to your mom. Fox and friends starts right now. Rainy and cold midtown manhattan for mothers day. Is that beautiful . Do you know what mothers day mean . Children make women moms. I think we have a picture. Some of us not a picture, a video. Oh, claytons adorable kids. My family shows up in the green room and there is the horse from yesterday. Daddy is so cool. They dont want to care about coming in the studio. There is the horse. I think thats what you do for a living. Thats what i do for a living. So good. I hop around on inflatable horses. Low on dignity and high on entertainment. Theyre so cute i have no shame. We are going to bring them in here in a minute. Happy mothers day. Search teams are trying to find a man who broke in the United Nation in new york and jumped into the east river. Crews went into the river to find the man without luck. He was last seen going under water. Federal Police Officers went on a deadly shooting spree is now charged with murder. The shooter is now being accused of gunning down his wife who filed a protected order against him. Five people are shot. Hes expected to be in court tomorrow. The wild fire continues to tear through alberta, canada. The blaze is expected to cross into a near by province. It could double in size and could continue for burning for months. The pluto plot, it turns out it is a planet. It is sort of like a hybrid. The debate has been going on since 2006 since it was downgraded from a planet into a dwarf planet. Look, ifhe event says pluto is now a planet than there are other things thats bigger. I am waiting for pluto. I like its ears. All right, donald trump is out on the campaign trail. Hes talking about bill clinton. Watch this. Shes married to a man whos the worst abuser of women. Shes married to a man who hurt many women. Hillary, if you look and study her, she hurts many women of the women he abused. Shes married to a man who got impeached for lying. Nobody perhaps in the history of politics was worst to women or abuse women more than bill clinton. Shes taking negative ads on this. Did you remember, the famous i did not have sex with that woman and a couple of months later, i am guilty and shes taking negative edge on me. Look, folks, this politics is dirty business. Will this hurt Hillary Clinton on the general election. We have Mike Huckabee talking about that. Look, this is not going to be about nice election, this is already getting vicious. This will be worst than normal. The clintons have a long history. Theyll do less than that but in this case, it is going to require an extraordinary level of going after and creating political may pal. Donald trump ises the one guy who does not mind not just as good as it is given but giving back more. I am enjoying this. This is offending everyone in the media. Dont judge peoples marriage. You can talk about whatever you want but you cannot lecture me about being mean to women if you are married to clinton. What do you think . I was trying to visualize myself. It did not come out well. Economic is the heart of this election for a short time we saw Foreign Policy of what occurs in paris. Economic went back to the top of the chart. Their lives. Of course, we are ahead of the West Virginia primary and in the southern part of that state, some of the poorest counties in the United States, obviously, coal mining is an important part of that. Hillary clinton as you recall a couple months ago, if clinton is the president , she will shut down coal mine industry. We asked him about the differences between the two. Here is what he had to say. The contrast between donald trump and Hillary Clinton is very real and you know one wants to put miners back to work and do Everything Possible and try to create a viable industry and the other wants to continue what president obama has effectively done and that is using Resources Available and get it down or energy consumption. Here is the insight of politics, if you tell people you hate them, they dont like it. Democrats have said, were taking your jobs away. Why do people like it . Why are you telling them you are going to put them out of work . Also, in West Virginia, it is a barometer of the mood of the country and how americans are feeling. You were mentioning this in that interview that West Virginia has long been clintons country. They voted for clinton twice. We have seen that switch. We have seen a swift from 2000s and on and it is a remarkable change in that state. Remember joe mansion trying to distance himself from the record, famous shooting the obamacare bill with a gun to separate himself from that. It is quite a shift. This is like one of the rich people issues, Climate Change and making people feel virtous. The average person does not care because it does not affect them. It is a much lesser rich country than we think it is. This is the people looking at kerry and obama and hillary. What are you talking about . I am out of work. Coal miners, it was so emotional to watch. This is my real life and family. This is what matters to me. How come bill clinton never talked this way in 92 . He pretended he care or maybe he did care. When you openly you dont care about peoples jobs, you are not going to get elected. Here is something we all care about. It is mothers day. If you have not gotten that gift for your mom yet, we have an idea for you. Chelsea clinton saved me on mothers day. Here is a Campaign Email she released saying this quote. I am putting together a mothers day card for the whole society. I know how much he would appreciate you hearing from you and she asked to donate money. Mothers day and giving more money . We are going to ask her later. I think well call her later. Rick has done this. Oh, okay. Thats my Hillary Clintons day. Hey, whats going on . You predicted it and i hope that we would not see rain on mothers day here. I said you would see it early on and it would be late. Yesterday, we had big storms in colorado and incredible tornados and visually you see them causing damage. Today, well see it towards the east. We are clearing out in mid atlantic and northeast. 12 days in a row for precipitation in dc. This little storm here, thats moving out behind it and well see the sun breakthrough and sunshine for mothers day. South eastern is looking great. Causing a lot of problems here. It is now going to move in here and bringing more Severe Weather and extends now just around the city area, well likely see tornados. Tomorrow, a little towards the southeast, Severe Weather well see tornados headed into populated areas, potentially some damage, watch out. You said earlier, 109 degrees in arizona. 103. Thats unbelievable. Now everyone to move there . Why move . Sounds great. 103 degrees in the shades. Coming up, House Speaker ryan says hes not ready to support donald trump. I am not ready to do that at this point, one o f the speakers closest allies saying ryan is doing a disservice to the party. A dramatic rescue caught on camera of two men stranded in the ocean after their ship sink. The pilot saved one of those men. Gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fastacting, longlasting relief. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. What would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. Truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is truecar. Music continues [daughter] papa [father] i missed you [daughter]did you bring new ones . [announcer]you work hard for more than just you. [daughter]you went to montana . [father] i did. [announcer] working together,well help you save for her future geology degree. 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What is required is we unify the party. Donald trump in effect of the republican nominee. What happens if the Republican Party cannot unify behind him in time for the fall election. Joining us now, congressman, it is dpragreat to see you this morning, thanks for coming on. I understand people have problems with trump and i understand why. I am not judging at all. I am wondering the speakers approach on this though. Why not call him on the phone and why book an interview on cnn to complain about him without calling him first . Well, you know, speaker ryan is doing a great job and i dont know that it brought about a disservice but it did bring about some confusions. I did talk to a lot of people in my district of the no trump people. Yes. It is confusing in that way, at the same time, you got mr. Trump yesterday talking about lyndsey gray and jeb bush. You know, thats not necessary. This is not a high school election. This is for the presidency of the United States. We just come under out of seven and a half years or going to come out of eight years with this president to me thats done everything he could to change the country and thats what he said in 2008 that hes going to fundamentally change the United States. Hes done his best to do it. Right. Now, we have at least a guy saying he wants to make America Great whether he can or not, i dont know. Everything you said makes absolutely sense. I agree with you absolutely that trump will not get anything attacking graham. Why not call him on the phone and why not try to influence him privately and effectively and make him better, a better republican nominee . Well, you know, my mom always should say you get more flies with sugar than you do than vinegar. Mr. Thurump is a great negotiat and he built great company. You would think that you would want a friendly environment. I think the same thing from the speaker that you want to go into this meeting thursday. I pray that this meeting turn out good. You would want to go in that without any animosity and a spirit trying to Work Together and unify the problem, i mean the party that seems wise to me. What to you make of the conservatives in washington who are searching for a Third Party Candidate to run against trump. A, obviously, would that be electing Hillary Clinton. I have no idea. We are not going to know why donald trump really believes until he gets in office. It is easy for people to say things to get favors with politicians and voters. Until a real issue come up, you dont know, you know, sincerely in your heart how you feel about it nor does anybody else. If mr. Trump does get elected president , if he does not perform in some of the things hes saying. These people that are so much for him will be the first one to bring him up for impeachment. On the conservative issue, you know, well have to wait and see. To me, this is more about the Supreme Court. You know we had this president for eight years. I rather have somebody for four years rather than have a Supreme Court made up for people that could last for decades. I am worried about my children and my grandchildren. We all are. Congressman, thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you, thank you, tucker. A cop shot in the line of duty and now a manhunt is on the way. Details are just ahead. Looking to make mothers day picture perfect . Clayton got that just ahead with the picture perfect. Honey, did you call the Insurance Company . Not yet, im. Folding the laundry can you . No. Cleaning the windows the living rooms a disaster vo most Insurance Companies give you every reason to avoid them. Plants need planting well the leaves arent going to rake themselves vo nationwide is different. Hon, did you call nationwide to check on our claim . vo we put members first. Actually, they called me. Nationwide is on your side nationwide is the exclusive Insurance Partner of plenti. The call just came in. Shes about to arrive. And with her, a flood of potential patients. A deluge of digital records. Xrays, mris. All on account. Of penelope. But with the help of at t, and a network that scales up and down ondemand, this hospital can be ready. Giving them the agility to be flexible reliable. Because no one knows like at t. Well this a predicament. Homestyle sounds good. But country style, not without its charms. Brown sugar hickory. Who says no to hickory . Singleserve vegetarian . Sure there are no rules here. No rules on aisle four with 17 delicious flavors cooked according to our secret family recipe, bushs has the variety you cant resist. Did you get a can of bushs beans . Yes, yes i did. Bushs beans. Whats your favorite flavor . Tips is the mark sorono. Welcome. Nice to see you on the show. A lot of people forget to think ability. Th. I think lighting is important because it removes shadows and things that kind of make people look less natural. Window light and Natural Light is the best way to go. Lets take some photos, family here. Sounds good. Just with an iphone. You can see the grid line. In the settings menu on your iphone, you can flip on the grid. Correct. You can see the grid line here gives you a look at the horizon, too. You see in the background you dont want the lines to not be parallel and so when you are coming into a horizontal look, for example, like this. Here is a better example of rule of third and theyre on the left side of the the frame rather than bulls eye. You want it to be on the converging line on the right or left of the line. So you have a moment where you have everybody smiling and posing. There you go. And then you are going to stop and say kate, look at mommy and give her a kiss on the cheek. A little bit more candid and after wordwards there you go. You may have a better moment there with her candid. Oh yeah. So thats much better in her face than here where shes posed and set up and looking stiffer. Interesting. What about some of the access y accessori accessories . I will show you the lenses first. These are made by a Company Called moment. It comes on a case, the case is blue tooth to the lens and here is the trigger for the shutter and once you turn the lens and snap it on as easy as that, you have a camera in your hands that give you a wide angle look. Here is after you put the lens on. See it is tighter here and then once you put the lens back on, you have a wide angle look. You have a more photo lens for tighter portraits. Here you might just come in and do a shot of mommy and daughter. You have the shallow depth of field and you can also plug in ear buds which we dont have time to show. With the click of the have yum button, you can use it as a shutter. Exactly. You dont need a special case on that. You are making hands free self selfie. You can lay the camera down up against the wall and you pull the ear buds out and take a picture that way and your hands are in the shot instead of out. Where should they go . Go to polaroid . University . Yes, it is really good for moms and we have subjects like weddings and family and food and portraits. It can teach you taking pictures like a pro. Thank you so much. Happy mothers day. Two men stranded at sea after their boat capsizes, the items that save their lives. And a heartwarming surprise, a story thatll bring tears of joy to your eye. Were out of ink. Not ink. Getting ink doesnt have to be painful. Staples just cut ink and toner prices. Add in our 110 price match guarantee and our prices are unbeatable. Staples. Make more happen. Legalzoom has your back. For your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. 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Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Wonderful, happy mothers day for everyone watching. Want to give a little shout out for our staff, his beautiful wife. Here is naoim and her new baby. Here is our writer, alex butl butler, with his mom sharrie. Their aunt nora who just turned 100 years old. I was with sam at the Kentucky Derby, shes an incredible producer. Shes celebrating mothers day and her nieces harry potter theme birthday. You got to go to hong kong for that. Celebrating her first mothers day with her daughter, big love to kelly and pat. Happy mothers day. Executive producer, general roget with her whole family there. I wonder where they are there. Our boss, the Vice President here at fox with her husband jered and her son and mom. Happy mothers day. So great. I love this day. It keeps us all in line. Thank goodness. Pretty soon, well meet the two cutest children we have ever met. Believe it or not, look at me. No way this guy is producing. Every time i see them, who kids are those. They stole the kentucky inflatable horses in the green room. Daddy as the best office ever. They love coming here, you have so many toys. Rick is from phoenix, arizona, the arizona area. Looks like 103 degrees there . Phoenix is going to get hot finally. You start to get those triple digits in may. I know it is early. Have you call your mom yet . I decided i dot her phone number this morning and i called barbara, ricks mom, i think we have her on the line. Happy mothers day barbara. Happy mothers day and everybody there. How are you doing . I didnt know you are doing that. The most mothers day you can give is not have me wake up at 4 00 in the morning and have me talk to you on the phone. Sorry, mom. Thats all right, when the phone rings, my mind starts going into oh, something happens to somebody. Of course. But, i am so happy to hear from you and to see you on your stream. We have pictures of you as well. What are you doing this mothers day . Our daughters are not available, i had two nice mothers days father and saturday. I have mothers day. Celebrating early. You celebrate it different times. It is wonderful. Is dad taking you some where today then . Well probably do something today. Yes. Well probably go out eat along the way or after church, we have been thinking that we would eat out. We thank the weather man for the rain, we had rain last night, a beautiful day. Barbara, you raised an incredible son and thank you for sharing him with us. I can see how he got his business as he did. You know what he did, he kind of raised himself. He was easy. Thats what she thought. Hes easy to love. Happy mothers day, i will call you later on. Sorry for waking you up. Byebye. We cannot do weather now, i just had to call your mom. That was worth it. Thats adorable. Some headlines. A busy 9 years old girl showing her in a Grocery Store there. It captured right after the girl went missing. Her uncle took her out of School Without permission. There is a 10,000 reward on carlys safe return. Two boaters tavarrescued. A large wave knocked the two men off. The coast guards, the pair clung the boat for about half an hour before Emergency Responders pulled them to rough water. Only one of them had to be taken to the hometown. A grieving text teacher with this adorable kitten. Well, her be loved cat died and her tears of sadness turns to those of joy. The school surprised her with an extraordinary thoughtful gift, two kittens. Thats not all. The student gave their teacher cup cakes, balloons and flowers. Great day. We got special guests on the couch that just stepped on. You guys had fun on the inflatable horses. Does dad have the best office ever . Happy mothers day, natalie. You are the cutest children, how did that happen . We got two vodka dressing up in a color shirt for the occasion. What happened to what now . Oh, it is in here. He just dressed formally for mothers day. Now we would not think we have a third so now we have a third on the way. Are you going to have a little sibling. Do you have a brother or sister . I dont know. What about you . A brother. It is your birthday today. How old are isnt it true. Are you . Just four. You held out the whole time. What do you want for your birthday today other than playing with horses . A horsey. Not going to happen good for you. Your dad told me he may give you a horse. A real pony. A live pony. Oh great. Not necessarily this year. What i want is a nice, bloody mary. I will do it. What would you like . You are watching tv over there. Thats new york city outside. What would you like for mothers day . Bloody mary. You are an honest person, natalie. You are the most wonderful mom in the world and the little attention and details of our kids and things they never imagine or taking care of, chap stick and candy ready to go. You make a difference. Thats good advice. I do, too. I know what that is about. Happy mothers day. Yall should come often. We need new writers on the show. Happy birthday to s guys for. Well, Hillary Clinton is feeling the heat for West Virginia. What impact will coal country have on the election. Well break it down. Wounded warriors will compete in a special event today it is called the Invictus Games, we are live straight ahead. Try the superior hold. Of fixodent plus adhesives. They help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. And you can eat even tough food. Fixodent. Strong more like natural teeth. Fixodent and forget it. I think we shouldve taken a tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Oh ohhhhh its what you do. Ohhhhhh do you have to do that right in my ear . Relieve my pain relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. Top gun graduate, aide to two u. S. President s, Commanding Officer and Harvard National security fellow. Id say buying a car, uh, can make you as nervous as landing on an aircraft carrier. But usaa Car Buying Service mitigates those fears. Uh, they make it a very easy experience for you. Find the right car, save money. Its that easy. Usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. Exclusively for usaa members. Welcome back, we got a fox news alert for you. A massive manhunt for you this morning. Al dangerous man shot a cop with an ak 47. He exchanged fire late last night. Hes wounded and armed with that ak 47 possibly hiding in a Forest Reserve in illinois. Another fox news alert now, breaking this morning, drug lord el chapo being moved to prisons near the u. S. Border. He will be near el paso. Escaped twice from prison. Hes fighting extradition to the United States. Tucker . Hillary clinton is under fire from coal miners for what she said about getting rid of their jobs. Here is part of it. I am the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring Economic Opportunity using Clean Renewable Energy as a key into coal country because we are going to put a lot of coal miners and companies out of business. What kind of effect for coal country have. Here is our fox business network, marie, it is good to see you. Good to see you, thank you very much. As abby pointed out this morning, i forgotten she won in the states primary. She does not have a chance, does she . Going into West Virginia, you heard that sound bite yte of he talking about this. You remember one of those coal miners took an attack on that. She says i was taken out of context. The coal industry have lost 5,000 jobs in the last five years. In the last year, it is been harder for states like West Virginia and about 15,000 jobs have been cut in West Virginia because of coal just in the last year. This has to do with regulations, obviously, the Obama Administration making the case that the coal industry has huge contribution to greenhouse gases. This is just bankrupt in so many company. She says what she said about coal miners and thats going to be a tough one to come. She did win at one point but it is a changed landscape given of what we have seen on jobs cut. We have breaking news. We want to get your take on the meet ofg pa meeting of paul ryan and palin. She says this is what she thinks is going to happen to paul ryan. I think paul ryan is soon to be cantored. His political career is over. I think why paul ryan is doing this, it screws his chances for the 2020 president ial bid. So hes going to be eric cantored. You know i have been having such a hard time with this since paul ryan made those comments on cnn. I tweeted about this and getting conversations into our viewers. Do you think all the democrats like each other . All best friends . Of course, not. The clintons cannot stand the obamas and the obamas cannot stand for the clintons. Do you know how many people are doing it and holding their nose. When they inside to get in line, they get in line and they just go and a unified force. The republicans just played it out on cnn. You are right. I thought paul ryan is terrific. He should have picked up the phone and call donald trump, hey, i am not there yet. Your show starts in 12 minutes, do not change your channel from fox and friends we got the invictus game comicom coms coming up next. Strip in stantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Ten minutes to the top of the hour. A happy mothers day to all of you. Today is the day of the second Invictus Games for injured Service Members coming together from all over the world. Its happening in orlando, florida. Our correspondent is right there at the scene. Good morning. Good morning, guys. Ive had the opportunity to spend some time with some of these elite athletes this morning. Track and field events are going on right now. This is 500 military athletes from 14 Different Countries coming together representing their country on a different kind of battlefield. I had the opportunity to spend time with some of our athletes, some of my former brothers and sisters in arms to learn about what it took to get here and what it all means to them. Take a listen. Team wheelchair is getting ready for basketball. Lets see what it takes to get them together. This is part of the u. S. Team. The Invictus Games are special because it takes every branch of the military to come together. Were army, were navy. So the war games, we clash. But in this, you all come together. Right. We do. Its very unique to us because we get the opportunity to represent our country again. It was in battle and now on the court. What does it mean to you . It means teamwork and a brotherhood. Very similar stories of victory over tragedies. For many, the tragedies they faced might have seemed insurmountable, but not for them. People ask me, if you could turn back the clock to change, it dont think i would. I would let it happen all over again because its brought me to a place that let me know something about myself. Three months after i got injured i started walking again. Four months after that i started playing basketball. You lose a limb. You dont lose a life. As long as you have strong will and will power to get up and do things, can you accomplish it. Its not the game is over. The game isnt over until its over. Did you feel you werent going to play again when this happened . I believed that when i was laying there with the paramedics, the first thing i asked, would i be able to play basketball. She said, yes, just i never thought it would be the way that i play now. The Playing Field is leveled also. It makes it a lot better because that way its all about using your brain instead of your body. You guys were playing bumper cars for a second. Its like slamming. Some of its a little illegal, some of the hits. Technically were not supposed to have no contact. No contact . No contact. In this sport, are you kidding me . With you guys, marines, no contact. But, you know, there is. But its fun, though. Watching these guys play is inspiring. When they finish their scrimmage, they challenged me to give it a shot. Theres a special camaraderie among those who served and today these guys are going to show me how to play their game. This is how you go around. You do a lot of hips. How do you dribble . Put it on your lap and throw it once, there you go. Youre a natural. I just turned the wrong way. Like a regular basketball. Put it over your head, nice and high, shoot. Harder than you think. Perfect ya right here. This takes major coordination. So, you want to try a little two v. Two . Marine corps team right here. Lets do it. Nice one, two, three, usa well, being with them was like being home. These are men and women who have made huge sacrifices for our Global Security and now theyve ricin to be the elite athletes. Opening ceremony tonight. Back to you in the studio. Wonderful job. Thanks, lea. Coming up next here on the show, we have one more mothers day surprise for you. Happy mothers day, everyone. Were thanking the special women in our lives. Abbys parents, mary kay and john, join us live. What a treat. Hi. Mom, happy mothers day. What a surprise. Youre very sneaky. You did a wonderful job. Weve been enjoying abby for the First Time Ever on this couch this morning. Its been amazing. It is a tribute to you. I dont know what you did, but it worked. Oh, listen, shes a joy. I tell you, to wake up to that this morning was greatest gift for mothers day. Beautiful, shiny yellow and her beautiful smile and sitting between the two of you when people call people beautiful inside and out, this is my mom. She makes every person around her feel comfortable. This is a photo were going to show of her mom, dont know if they already showed that, mary ann cooper, if we can pull that up, shes such a beautiful woman

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