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Times of war and peace. And the hero and legends of nasa. The Kennedy Space Center Features the newest astronaut, hall of fame. It is all happening now. We begin the second hour with the administration of president elect donald trump and his seat of cabinet and top tier washington advisors and how does he go about such a momentous task. Welcome to happening now, i am jon scott. I am jenna lee. Many in the country are having trouble coming to terms with the election. Protest breaking out late in the night. And mr. Trump blamed the media but love the fact that the small groups of protestors last night have passion for our great country and well all come together and be proud. Well have the latest on the transfer of power. Doug. We are not talking about candidate trump, and talking about president elect trump is security barriers are extended out. It is closed to all traffic on 56th. The traffic disruption is huge. And air space by the trump tower to all flights below throw thousand feet. Protest is raising huge concerns in the trump camp. And hours before tweeting out for the protestors passion fired off this tweet. Professional protestors incited by the media are protesting and very unfair. Trump in a morning tweet. Busy day in new york. Well make important decisions soon on the people who are running our government. Speck oulgz is rampant and rins rins presbyterian was asked if he was offered a chief of state job. Number one that is not my job and number two, i dont have updates. I am sitting here in the rnc and it is a great job and i love it. And a fascinating look at trumps management style. He believes that women work harder and are stronger and called them killers and thats his highest compliment and he didnt have to compete with them because he was a man and we were women. Back to you. So once the president elect gets the time in place they will have a lot on their fate. His supporters sent him to the white house on the back of the promises. Infrastructure repyre, wall with mex doe. Crack down on illegal immigration and renegotiation of trade deal and repealing and replacing obama care. And cancelling the climate and nuclear iran deal. Heres the daily boast. Bestsy it is a list. Eliminating the will immigration programs. Trump and his supporters refer to them as excutive amnesty and programs that president obama implemented to it protect the illegal children and undocumented parents from being deported. He will eliminate the programs by saying he doesnt want to them to exist. And people enrolled in them will face deportation threats. Depending on what trump decides to change the deportation threats, we could see more and folks getting deported and wouldnt be deported under a democratic presidency. Chris, do you agree . Is that is a Key Initiative that donald trump talked about and that is an action he can take himself. Not only in the first 100 days. But trade, for example, the Transpacific Partnership trade deal. People complain about inaction. And he doesnt have to do it anything. And the legislative things will take more time and send things up to congress. We have to watch out for the things that president elect soon to be President Trump will take care of from the oval office. It is a flip, betsy. There were republicans who would not take part of the campaign. He even put the brakes on his Transition Team because he needed their help to win the election which he did. Now he has ten weeks to fill all of these thousands of posts. Who does he turn to and begin . Hes facing a tougher challenge than any other elected politician would. He faced so much criticism in his own party. And now the folks who are helping to run the campaign, are going to help him build his government. Chris christie and Rudy Guiliani and steve bannon and kelli conway who will have influential roles. One thing to keep an eye out is how he staffs up the pentagon and department of homeland security. Many Foreign Policy hands are critical of trump. It will be challenging for him to find those to man the post. Below the secretary level and deputy level on down. You need a lot of people and finding them and agree with trumps agenda and making sure are they have the clearance that is necessary to do the job he needs will take a lot of work and important to see how he rises to the challenge and plays out over the coming weeks. What about the iran deal, deeply unpopular when it was enacted. Can President Trump simply undo it . You have to bring negotiating parties back to the table and germany back to the table. It gets messier. And it is that way with the international things. Going back to it trade. Looking at nafta, trump can say we can renegotiate aspects of that. He cant just go president obama style and do it with the pen and phone type of thing which donald trump was critical of. The iran stuff folds in a broader aspect of the National Security. And we look at the National Security advisor and trio of positions are critical to it fill. Conservatives were hesitant to support trump not only domestic stuff but Foreign Policy. It will be important for him to get someone to step up. It is a flip side when you power and not involving the congress. They can be undone more easily. Christie and betsy, thank you. President obama marking what will be his final veterans day as commander in chief. He laid a wreath in the tomb of the unknown and reminding americans of what they fought for. Veterans day follows a hard fought political campaign. And it lays bare disagreements across our nation. But the american instinct is not to find isolation in opposite corners. It is to find strength in our common creed and forge unity. And sustain that strength and unity even when it is hard. Kevin . Reporter jenna, good day to you. The president talked about forging unity and called the u. S. Military a model of unity. In his comments, he said they are forged in Common Service. A reflection of his beliefs that the u. S. Will come together in Common Service of the republic. The president laying the wreath that is customary. And he said we are taking better care of our veterans, a lot more needs to be done. We have to get them the help they need. We have to solve problems like the long wait times in the va. And cut the disability claims back logand resist outsource and privatize the American Health care we owe to american veterans. Reporter the president held a breakfast at the white house for the veterans. On the final day as commander in chief on veterans day. Kevin, thank you. The u. N. Is raising a red flag in the new escalation in the battle to drive isis out of mosul. Well tell you about that. Plus, how does the transfer of pour in the white house actually work . Well talk to two people. And well commemorate veterans day and what do you expect from donald trump as the next commander in chief. Go to fox news. Com happening now to join the conversation. Kelloggs frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. Theyre grrreat im terhe is. At golf. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. New patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. New ensure enlive. Always be you. One nation in all of Human History was built on that bedrock, ours. Freedom has made america exceptional, but it can only last if you and i choose to act as people of character. Forging character has been the pursuit of Hillsdale College since 1844. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. 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Im confident thats what we are are going to do, larry . What was your first priorities going to be after he is sworn in, in january . I will start with this year. We have three more weeks to finish up this years work and if i may start with that, obviously we have to decide how we are going to fund the government because the democratic minority in the senate made it impossible to pass the appropriation bills in the government and another piece of legislation that is extremely important. 21st century cures bill. It is a bipartisan bill. And jumpstart medical research with a significant increase in followupping in nih. The president is interested in Precision Medicine and the vicepresident as a result of the loss of his son, is interested in the cancer moon shock. And i am interested in regenrative medicine, for example, in this country unless you get in a Clinical Trial you cant take stem cells out of your body to treat another part of your body. I was subpoena in that because a man from tennessee who was legally blind is now emailing and driving because he was able to get in a Clinical Trial. To sum it up, we need to jumpstart the medical field. Mitch mcconnell, majority leader of the u. S. Senate. He started his remarks by saying the protestors out there railing about the election of donald trump, he said that is american as apple pie. And if he makes news, well bring it to you on happening now. And finally friday sounds good. Well talk more about the transition with president elect donald trump. Helping with the government transition. And nina mcbride former chief of staff for laura bush. What a unique time to work as part of a white house. And we look forward to your insight on it all. Max, what is the key to success . The key to success is sprint a marathon. It is an extraordinarily large task that the next president elect faces. 400 political appointey and 1100 of them have to go through confirmation. There is a senate and budget proused a month after the inauguration. And on going issues whether it is the debt ceiling and things you cant expect. It is a full plate. You need your team in place real face or you will not be able to handle things. The image of the asteroid really hits home. What is on the top of the list as max lays out on the strategy. Who and what is on the top of the list . Listening to max, of course, on what he described and all of the things that have to be done, staffing a white house and staffing the government. I think of all of the transitions that i worked in particularly the one in 2000 where we lost five weeks in the planning of the transition because we didnt know who the president will be. You can imagine the chaos to ramp up so quickly. The focus on the white house staff is important on those appointmentes and vetting all of the other positions that you fill. And running the government that you are elected to govern. Three transitions that you have been through, a nitta, what is it like . I understand the emotions that everyone is feeling in the white house after a Bruising Campaign and having to reach out to your counterpart and work with them and prepare them for coming in to work at the white house and work at the agencies. And one of the most important things that i remember from the 2008 transition that set the Gold Standard for all future transitions that the tone is set by the president. Which is set well by president obama and definitely by george bush. After the Campaign Running the government and taking care of the american people. Is there ever where people, that we are also human and sometimes in the work place there can be animositty. What about that part of it . They are professionals. They are human. But there is a strong recognition especially after 9 11 this is not the time to do anything but Everything Possible to it make your success issor succeed and a nitta identified, president bush set the Gold Standard on out going president s in 2008 and president obama started off on the right way and beating that standard. You will see extraordinary cooperation and it will be required and we have a lot of challenges for the nation. It is essential that the president elect understands it is a big task and he will have to build a quality team fast. You start with the white house, and the same time you are staffing the critical positions especially the National Security positions in the agency and build a relationship with a senate that will allow it to happen much faster than it has been done before. It should be top 100. And 400 is the Critical Team by the august recess. That is a lot. Just a quick final thought. What have you learned from your experience that you apply to your personal life as far as organization and getting something in place and execution. Absolutely. And being prepared. One of the things i remember. Sitting down and having to codify and document everything in our office and transfer that over to it the incoming Obama Administration and how i still hear from my successors saying they still look at that as information that helped them in the entire eight years. And the fact that you prepare and leave things pehind and recognize, we are mere custed onnian and these jobs are a privilege to have and it is incumbent on us to leave that. Max, a nitta thank you for your insight. More happening now in a moment. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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It was a failure of historic porportions. Howard joining me now. Why does that happen. In past conversations i warned that the press was tilted against donald trump and so misjudged donald trump, they didnt see the phenom nan that is unfolding. I am still seeing varying degrees of hostility. Liberal comment attor and saying trump is a racest or sexist or attacking the voters and beating up on the press to not upon stop donald trump. As if that was our job. What changes that . I suppose journalist will gettoused to the idea that the guy will live in the white house for four years and well give you a couple of of examples. Banner headline in the New York Times. Democrat and student and foreign allies face a reality of a trump president see. After he won the stunning upset victory. You would not see that head line with a democratic that comes out of obscurity. And short hand is like people in the New York Times are shocked and appalled by what happened. That meeting with sident obama president elect trump. Mr. Trump, Whose Campaign drew support from white supremist sat in front of a bust of dr. Martin luther king. When you read it outlet in solittary sentences it is clear. And how did journalist appropriately handle the past and the controversial comments that mr. Trump said on the campaign and report neutrally about president elect trump and the president he will become . Clearly trump ran a controversial and many would say divisive campaign. We should see. Is President Trump as he said at 3 00. I watched it in fox news new york. His victory speech he would reach out to people who didnt support him. Will minor i and women and hispanics feel differently. We report aggressivey on that. He will punch back against the press as he did in the campaign. Will he allow journalist access . Part of it is on what the incoming president does. The journalistic establishment was unfair and opposed to trump did not understand the angle among the voters that put him in office. They have to double down on not only will laegacy but being fair to the guy. The feathers are ruffled and we saw the associated press. The press not having access to the trump plane when it flew down to washington d. C. And the media saying we are not getting the same access as we had in the past. It may be that the Transition Team for mr. Trump who never held public office. What advice will you give mr. Trump and what is going on there . I think as he reaches out to groups who didnt support him. May be think of a reset. He banned several News Agencies from the rallies and didnt give them credentials. It is always an adversari relationship. Buts Good Relationship with the press. The secretary said there are but bumps in the road because they are new at this. And he called the press corrupt and dishonest but because we are the vehicle through which the president communicates to the american people. I think the press needs to give the guy who takes the oath of office a fair shot of selling his program and report aggressively as we always do of who ever is in the white house. You are likeable enough. Likeable enough. Likeable enough. See is you on media buzz. Thank you. As the media comes to grips with president elect trump. Historians point out he is not the first outsider to shakeup the white house. Andrew jackson was a outsider. And he used Profane Language and has a temper. Historic similarities between Andrew Jackson and donald trump. Living legends as the Kennedy Space center pays tribute to the nasa trailblazers. As that ceremony is celebrating americas heroes in space. And we are watching it take off from the Kennedy Space center. Well tell you what that is about when we come back. And put you in the program. 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And we do it at no cost. Make sure you have what you need to get the care thats right for you. If you miss the deadline, you may have to wait another year before enrolling. Call this number now a fox news alert and back to california. I misspoke earlier. It was launched on Vanderburg Air Force base in california. Launching a digital globe satellite and take High Resolution of the earths surface. If you are in florida, it is because i had the wrong coast. And that is appearing to go swimmingly. And from the actual vehicle and pushes away from the survey. And there are just thoughts that it will include a Trump Presidency with major changes to the program. And i know you hear me talking about it later. And that is a big picture of all of this. Well hear what the new president says. On this day they are coming together to honor the pioneers of the Space Program. NKennedy Space center launching heroes and legends. Phil . John, a double celebration for the hall of fame astronauts on hand. Most of them are military veterans as well. And on this veterans day, they made it in the hall of fame and dedicated to them and includes the artifact and the original mission control. This is from the mercurry program. And back then that was hightech as it got. And they were all test pilots from the military and then experimental astronauts. And the whos who of space legends on hand today. And dedication of the museum. And jim lovele here. And starting with the wall of fame and hero and legends which apollo al warden brushes off. I am a concerned that it would be a motivation tool for young people. The museum looks at the early years and do it from scratch program that it was. And the apollo program. And each Building Blocks understanding space and science getting off of the ground and getting us to the moon. Nasa legend charlie duke rode around the moon rover and the coolest drive in history. It was bouncy and the suspension on the rover on the rough Lunar Service gave you a bouncing ride. But the view . It was incredible. We are in one of the alcoves here. And all of the original a lot different than what they were looking like today. They are all heroes. It is unbelievable to look back. Thank you. And fox news alert and the update on the hazardous leak on the San Francisco pier. Two of them in the hospital. There is a explosion and trash is separated. The crew said everyone is okay. And no danger to the public. Get better quickly. And the commander in chief from a horseandbuggy era. But held the same views. It is against the National Bank and he said it is all rigged. He became the 7th president of the United States. And he took the Business Plan to most of the positions that go to politicians. Doug lee talking about Andrew Jackson and some of Trump Supporters highlighting similarities between the 19th century leader and president elect donald trump. And chris, i know youre a historian. And this is like Andrew Jacksons victory. This is the people beating the establishment and thats how he paused it in the beginning. The people rising up against a government they find dysfunctional. And doug lee joins us again. We spoke several weeks ago. And people say theres no one like donald trump and never has been. You said wait a minute. There is somebody similar to donald trump and also had great hair and that was Andrew Jackson. Why did that come upon to your mind when asked that question . The first six president s of the United States were big shot and they knew everything and they all six came from eastern states, massachusetts and virginia and four of them were secretary of state. And two of them came from the same family. John adams, John Quincy Adam and all six were epicopallions and here come Andrew Jackson who was presbyterian and they said no, this guy will destroy the presidency. Dont let an unkouth westerner, thats what tennessee was back then. Dont let him in the white house, he will destroy it all. Interesting, we were here before. Not only in the character of the president s, but the reaction to him, that he was going to destroy the fabric of the nation . Yeah, there was real concern. And he came back to washington and was a rock star and first celebrity even including George Washington in american history. Huge crowds showed up when he and his horse came through. As an inaugural party. They got drunk a allowed to come in. And he finally had had to leave the white house and check in a hotel in order to get to sleep. So a lot of people oh, this is going to turn out badly. But he was a great president and his statute is there in lay fayet park. You can see the pigeons land on his hat. And trust, president elect trump has a hotel and it is easy for him to escape for a good nights rest. Why was president jackson a good president . What made him great . He cared about people. And he was resisting the establishment. The establishment went too far creating the first National Bank and he opposed the second bank. He said the rich will get richer and the the poor will get poorer. This is a way for a few elite people to drain the economy and have the money go their way. A lot of people feel that way on the left and right. Bernie sanders people upset with what they call the one percent. And people on the right, the ron paul, feeling that the one percent and too it much. And the poor are getting poorer and rich are getting richer even under barak obama who didnt want that. And there needs to be a check to the corruption and chance to restore free market and Free Enterprise again and donald trump kept saying it should go to the best bid. Not to the insider. And a lot of people panicked about that. And they liked to get the bid. They dont want it to be open. Just hearing you talk about history makes you more interested in it. And you wrote a book called all of the president s children. And you are going to it need a new chapter, doug. I only have is a short time here. Tell us what you are watching for . President elect trumps children played a crucial role in his campaign. I am watching for ivanka trump and fdr brought in anna and she ran the white house. Elel annor goes to anna and begged to be on the manifest to malta. And she said no. I am looking for ivanka to emerge as her dead needs to lean on in the white house. She leaned on her in the campaign. Something to watch out for. Great to hear the stories, glad to have you back. So many questions of the future and what does the Trump Presidency mean for space exploration. Big changes could come for the rocket launches. Well have that straight ahead. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Hi, everyone after constantly campaigning to repeal and replace u obama care, how does donald trump plan to do that . And democrats doing soul searching after a stunning loss. Do they dig in and fight or look for Common Ground with republicans. And reckoning on capitol hill. An early congressman who jumped on the trump train explains. Well see you at the top of the hour. We are momentarily showed you live a rocket taking off in california. That spacecraft is hurtling into orbit where it is dropping off a commercial imaging satellite. Capturing more than 250,000 scare miles a day. So where goes the u. S. Space program now . Lets bring in mike wall, a Senior Writer for space koikt. Thank you for writing us. We canceled the Shuttle Program a long time ago, and a lot of americans are wondering where is the u. S. Space program these days . Were doing a lot of planetary exploration, and right now nasa is working to get nasa want to get to mars by the mid 2030s, thats the official plan right now and thats what theyre working for in the human space flight realm. There is a lot going on. Many people think it was all about the space Shuttle Program, and thats what nasa was to many people. So the low earth orbit Space Missions have been sort of farmed out to private companies. Yes, nasa is depending now on private companies, and the plan is to hand off astronaut services in the next year or two. Space x and boeing have contracts to start doing that in the next year or two. What are the indications of the Incoming Trump administration feeling about space flight. I mean he said he will be a budget hawk. A lot of people look at what nasa does and they say spending billions of dollars to try to go to mars or some place like that is not worth it. What do you think . Well, i would say nasas budget is only about. 5 of the total budget, so its not a place to start trimming fat, but i think President Trump will probably keep up the publicprivate partnerships were seeing now. I dont think people know exactly what will happen. President elect trumps advisories say they will prioritize human space flight and make big, bold moves that might mean getting humans back to the moon and doing more exploration. The special spinoffs have been tremendous. Everything is all electronic to corning ware, right . Yes, that is actually there is a long, long legacy of what was Space Program has done here on earth. People cant predict what the advances will be from the technology you develop to get to space. But it is safe to say there will be lots more to come in the future. Exciting times. Mike wall, space. Com. Thank you. Sure thing. Fox news alert. Actor robert vonn has died. His manager tells foxx he was surrounded by loved ones when he passed. 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The daily intelligence briefing is now available to president elect trump. Our chief intelligence correspondent heather is with us now. The president s Daily Briefing is now available to president elect trump but there is no expectation at

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