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Another terror suspect who holed up inside a jewish market. As the standoff near the printing plant near Charles De Gaulle airport went on hour after hour, it all came to an explosive end. [gunfire] many of those noises believed to be distraction explosions. The explosions and gunshots continued for a long time, minutes on to end, as teams stormed the printing plant where the two terror suspects were holding a hostage. That standoff started this morning near the largest airport in france. A local lawmaker says the suspects told negotiators they wanted to die there as they put it martyrs. Police say the men died during the Police Assault on the building. Heres how it is described to us. The police are set up all around. Sky News Reporters were able to witness but did not report at the time that authorities were putting devices on top of the building so that they could monitor what was happening inside that Printing Press. And as they did so, they were able to watch the movements inside. So as the police detonated stun and concussion grenades around in an effort to disorient those who were inside the two shooters are said to have come out firing. They hit no one. Police shot and killed them. You can return now back to where you were on the prompt, please. So thats how that went. That was at the Printing Press out by Charles De Gaulle. A short time later blasts were heard in the heart of paris, just about 18 minutes later. Explosions as s. W. A. T. Teams stormed a jewish market where a gunman was holding at least nine hostages. Cops say he had warned the police that if they tried to capture the other two suspects he would start educate cuting the hostages executing the hostages there. So the authorities disabled all communications in and around central paris. At the spot where the kosher market was under siege, they shut down the phones, shut down the Satellite Communications shut down everything while out by the airport they were conducting this raid on the spot where the two terrorists were holed up. So that people who were inside the central paris location never saw that happening. So minutes later they stormed the place in central paris and the Police Killed the hostage taker there according to the french newspaper. Police also identified a fourth suspect, a woman, who they say was an accomplice as a suspect in the market standoff. It was not clear whether she was inside the market or whether shes now dead or alive. I want to take you back to this market. As this was going down, think of it, it is the day before the sabbath, the jewish sabbath. It is the height of the shopping time as jews go there to stock up for she bat. And thats when the hostage taker executed this siege at the jewish market. In the early going we didnt know exactly what was happening there, but we do know. According to the reporting of sky news our sister station in the United Kingdom, according to them there was a closed Circuit Television system that was set up inside this market a sort of Security System like youd see most anywhere. Cameras presumably on the registers and on the aisles. Police, we now know, were able to tap into that closed Circuit Television system and were able to monitor what this hostage taker was doing inside that market all along. They were also, according to sky news able to contact one of the hostages on his or her cell phone and make communications during the standoff. This is all brand new information. What we were told initially was that five or six hostages were released and freed, that the hostage taker, the terrorist, was shot and killed by police during this dramatic raid which happened, but what we have just learned in the last few minutes is that prior to that four hostages, according to Police Sources royceers and sky news four hostages were killed. Thats the scene. Two different locations two different takedowns two different sets of terror suspects. Now believed loosely maybe to have been part of one terror cell because they were communicating, one with the other. Think of it, the ones who were out by Charles De Gaulle airport said if you do anything to those people at the market were going to shoot and kill our hostages. So they had to shut off communications. It was an extraordinarily welltimed event, and police were able to save many lives as this hostage standoff that had left paris in the grips of terror has nowenedded. Lets get now ended. Lets get to a reporter for the Associated Press whos near that printing plant where the suspects in this weeks attack died. What can you tell us about the moments when the flash bangs began and the siege started . Reporter hi, shep. I can tell you one resident about 200 meters away from the printing plant told me there was a tremendous buzzing of helicopters followed by the sound of concussive, the concussive sound of explosives being lobbed. Now, she was not able shes a mother of two and she was not able to hear the gunshots over the sound of the helicopters but she said that she and her two children were cowering inside and that they werer the tied. Shepard what do we know about how this takedown went down . We know that in one part of town they had shut down communications while there at the Printing Press out by Charles De Gaulle airport they were able to begin this process. Reporter what we know or rather what weve been told by Police Sources is that the gunmen came out shooting, as you told your viewers earlier. They came out shooting and then they were taken care of by police, and Police Sources told us that the hostage, the man who ran that Printing Company is alive, safe and well. Shepard what were the demands there . Reporter the demands, you know, from my Vantage Point thats not something i can speak to. Its, i think and i think at this point its fairly speculative. I, the regional lawmaker told a french broadcaster that they wanted to die as martyrs. Insofar as they had demands i think that was it. Shepard thanks so very much. I want to get to our own reporter, greg talcott. As we mentioned thats the scene out by Charles De Gaulle airport. While that was going on theres this kosher market in more central paris where a second standoff was underway. Greg talcott is in that area for us and greg, its my understanding that in the early going they thought maybe they had gotten all the hostages out alive, now we know according to Police Sources four were murdered. Reporter absolutely, shepard. Just in the last ten minutes weve been able to figure out what the confusion was and why police thought they had done the full job there. We did see we ourselves saw and police saw six hostages even more, ten hostages emerge from that supermarket. Well police thought job done. They felt that the hostage taker had five maybe six hostages there. Well, were getting new reports literally in the past two minutes, just as you were introducing me, that there could have been as many as 15 or 20 hostages inside. I dont know how that information got so muddled, but that is why in the process four hostages were killed. And that is, that is now confirmed, and thats the number were talking about. We were trying to figure out what the confusion was shep and the other account that we had which hadnt been totally knocked down is that he came the hostage taker came in firing with his ak47 automatic rifle early in the morning and actually killed at least two people then. Its possible that some of those that were killed happened initially and not at the end of the resolution of the hostage taking. So yes, i think important for the police is that the hostage talker, the man believed to be the hostage taker, the man believed to be responsible for the killing yesterday of a policewoman and the man police are now openly saying was a member of an islamist cell alongside the kouachi brothers, that they were involved in a series of acts met in prison ten years ago were involved in funneling jihadis, trying to spring convicted terrorists, that he is dead tonight. Shep . Shepard want to show our viewers, greg, the video of the takedown there at the jewish market. Now think of this, its hours before this market would close because for shebat you have to be in by the end of the day. Theyre six hours ahead of eastern time, so this market was just a few hours from closing and would have been extremely busy at the time. Gregs reporting is backed up by other witnesses on the scene who say this man came in firing. And the early belief is thats when the four people who were killed lost their lives before this hostage standoff even began four people were killed there and then authorities were able to tap into the closed Circuit Television system within this market to know what was happening at what time. This is the video as they went in, and im going to play it for you. Listen. The flash bang there can we take the nats from this . Its fine, play it. [speaking french] translator and in they go. Very much similar to the scenes that we saw at the city cafe, i would suggest, a couple of weeks ago when we saw those flash bangs first and then the police very quickly moving in after that. Yes and if you notice both in sid and in this incident sydney and in this incident the police appear to be approaching the entrances from two different angles. Shepard again this happened about 18 minutes after the takedown at the Printing Press out by Charles De Gaulle. So where are we now . Authorities are trying to piece together more about this connection, and there is a fourth person greg talcott a fourth person who is missing, and that is a woman who was believed to be involved in the shooting of a policewoman who was an accomplice in all of this and is somehow either missing, unaccounted for, on the run or dead somewhere. Do you know . Reporter yeah, shep. She is believed to be an accomplice in the shooting yesterday of the policewoman. Perhaps she was a getaway driver. We know shes either a girlfriend or wife to the suspect that is now shot. There was some conflicting reports that she might have been involved in this operation today, it doesnt appear to be that case. She, like a lot of other people with questionable records here in paris and france right now, appears to be on the loose. I just want to add one additional point on the timing of this. The timing on the police side was very careful; that is, they moved into the Small Business where the two main suspects in the newspaper shooting were holed up and shortly after that moved into the supermarket as well. As you have been reporting and we have been reporting, there were threats from the supermarket hostage taker that if they move against, in the other scene then the second hostage situation will become bloody. I also have to say though that the hostage taking at the supermarket was also coordinated. So it appears that there was coordination on both sides. When the hostage taking went down there involving the two Newspaper Office shooting suspects, then the suspicion is the analysis of experts here that another diversionary tactic was necessary was needed by this gentleman which could have involved not just what we saw today at the supermarket but the shooting yesterday of the policewoman to sort of get the police a bit off their tail. So were seeing possible coordination between these acts wednesday, thursday and friday. Its something that the police will look at very closely and its a sign of a Broader Network and a fear that further acts might be coming which is why this city tonight and paris behind me remains very much on edge. It is not job done yet, shep. Shepard greg talcott, quarter past six in the evening as night has fallen in paris. Our friends and colleagues at sky news are live in northern france right now and updating. Lets listen. Reporter the explosions here, we find it slightly curious that the siege had been ended in Daylight Hours with the expectation that we were only about threequarters of an hour away from nightfall, and that would have appeared to have been a better time to stage an assault. Usually that does give the advantage to the police, the Police Marksmen and those who are storming the building because they will often have night goggle les which the hostage takers themselves wont have. So the decision appeared to have been made quite deliberately to end this while there was still daylight. We dont know why the timing of that occurred. Perhaps there was just felt to be too much of a threat to the hostages. Now, the good news is that the hostage who was taken here, the person who was working in the print works and who had been held since early this morning u the reports are that he has been freed although tragically the news is less good from paris with reports of at least four dead there. Shepard were getting some new information in in just the last couple of minutes. Weve now learned that four there were a number of hostages no one seems exactly how many. We know that four died in the kosher deli there in central paris. We also know that at least 610 came out walking op their own and were fine, and weve just gotten a report that four others are critically wounded and have been transported to hospitals, a level i Trauma Center there in central paris. So the situation from the kosher market a bit more dire, a bit more dire than we had known. Amy kellogg is our europebased correspondent who is there live for us and amy, it appears all the news in the early going here is not good. Reporter yeah. Shep we saw it, it was a Successful Operation and guess its impossible to judge what kind of operation it was at this point as the events are unfolding and police, obviously did everything they could. I have to say that our hearts kind of sank here as we heard those six explosions which preceded the end of the standoff at the kosher deli because we assumed that all was not ending peacefully, and we did hear at least half a dozen ambulances go screaming by. So when we heard those initial reports that people had just kind of walked out and suddenly there were not five hostages, but ten people, we thought wow thats fantastic. Unfortunately, it appears that four have died, and i dont think that everything is finished yet in terms of the numbers and all of the details. The rabbis here in paris the Jewish Community is really suggesting that people stay in tonight. Theres no except for this accomplice, Hayat Boumeddiene who, apparently, is at large right now, its not believed there is another gunman on the loose, but nerves are frayed and there has been, you know, a serious attack on a jewish neighborhood. So rabbis are saying stay in on the sabbath dont go to synagogue, be safe, be careful. The shops in the jewish district here in paris were ordered shut earlier today, so it is a city on edge, and i think we will be quite anxious for t details forthcoming about exactly what happened in the end. Of course, Amedy Coulibaly the man who took the hostages in the could beer delicatessen had threatened that if the kouachi brothers were attacked by police, then they would kill hostages but what we dont know is whether he killed hostages in the dell ca tetten at that point or whether they were killed in the early part of the siege when coulibaly went in there with his guns blazing shooting people and saying you know who i am, you know who i am. Yesterday its believed he killed a policewoman in a southern suburb of paris, and initially it was thought this was not connected to the Charlie Hebdo massacre on wednesday, but now as we know the pieces are coming together, and he along with the kouachi brothers were part of a notorious cell here in paris over the years that started out as really a bunch of thugs, drug dealers criminality, then turned to radical islam with various tentacles leaning towards iraq. Some members having been to yemen, and the Charlie Hebdo brothers saying that they were alqaeda in yemen according to eyewitnesses. So the pieces of this puzzle will be coming together in the coming days. Police chiefs in Law Enforcement officials from the world convening on paris this weekend to tray to ascertain how best to keep a better eye on these people because there are cells on europe in london across the continent, and theres great concern among peoplethis tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. 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Shepard breaking News Coverage continues on fox news channel. 23 minutes past 6 p. M. Now in paris where theyre working to get all the details together of what has happened. These are images that have just come in from the hostage situation at the kosher market in central paris. These are hostages who are being freed. Israeli television is reporting that a woman and a smile child were among the hostages, and its our understanding that both of those are okay. Another set of images of hostages being freed, this is after they went into that kosher market or there in central paris and were able to rescue so many. One other thing i wanted to show you before we move along remember outside of paris out by Charles De Gaulle airport at the Printing Press, this is where those two brothers who had been causing so much trouble and the terrorists who struck in the first place, this is where they were holed up and were holding a hostage. And we now have some pictures of how the police went in here. Watch in this area right here as i play the video for a flash bang. Watch. Coming from the roof of that building. All right watch a whole column of ambulances the red cross and Civil Security Civil Protection units as well shepard that was the scene at 5 09 london time so that would have been 6 09 paris time. At any rate, that is the latest we have from there. The dow is off 146, didnt mean to put that up. At any rate, jean macks lives near the Kosher Grocery store, and i guess you were there for it all. What did you see and hear . Yeah. I just live near of the kosher market, and, yeah, im here with my girlfriend, and we are waiting because the situation is very serious, and there are a lot of tension, and people are, everybodys a little bit scared about all this thing. Shepard are authorities allowing Free Movement now, or is the place still locked down, if you will . No, the place is locked. The place is locked, and police the Police Department talked to us to stay in, at home and wait. We have to close the windows, and we are waiting. But i dont know if we can move soon. Shepard our understanding of things is that at the beginning of this siege the gunman walked in firing into this deli. I wonder, did you hear or see anything at the market at the time . Yes yes. I hear, i hear a detonation. I hear the detonation and the fire, and i hear the police and the special forces just shout everybody on the floor, and after that they shot, and theres lot of people shouting and running away. So it was very impressive like a movie scene. I dont believe it. Shepard i wonder about the beginning of this siege. Its our thats how the police executed the takedown but it all began as this hostage taker went into this market firing guns, its our belief at least though we cant yet confirm it that a couple of people were killed as he entered there. I wonder if you and your girlfriend were home at the time and heard or saw any of that. Yeah yeah. I heard previously the detonation, and after that theres the rescue unit come after and take the people in charge and thats all. So i prepared my backpack if the situation gonna be worse shepard you packed a bag and you and your girlfriend were ready to get out of there in the event yeah, of course. Of course, yes. Shepard i wonder what those hours between the beginning and the end of in this were like for you and for her . What were your conversations . What were your thoughts . Oh, since 1 00 in the morning i heard the Police Sirens and i dont understand so i just put on the tv, and i see i see that oh, my god, i dont know what is happening. So i tried to go outside and the police told me to stay at home and dont [inaudible] shepard jean max is with us and live from the neighborhood of that deli. Jean max, all the best to you and your girlfriend and all the people there in central paris. Yeah. Shepard so the fascinating story of what happened there at that market is coming together in bits and pieces for us. Its now our understanding that after the initial take on this market took place police were very soon able to tap into the closed Circuit Television cameras inside that market, and they were able to watch throughout this standoff exactly what was happening there. At the same time, through the reporting of sky news, our Sister Network in the United Kingdom and for europe, they were able to put listening and monitoring devices on top of that Printing Press where the other hostage situation was happening out by Charles De Gaulle airport. So from every bit of information that weve been able to gather here in the early going the authorities were able to know what was happening inside both of those buildings most of the time and made a decision before nightfall we need to do something. Our advantage leaves as the night approaches. So while theyre watching, theyre able to move in on in this Printing Press. And as they move in on the Printing Press by the airport, they cut all communications to the area in central paris. Reporters saying we cant get phone calls out, none of us could get reports. The Television Systems were shut down there, so they were to blif yous inside that market to what was going on inside that Printing Press because those inside the market had warned and promised if something goes down in the other location well take down all of these hostages. They never knew and they were not able to end any more lives. Many many questions left unanswered. For instance, where is the fourth terrorist . Where is she at this hour . Authorities are searching and our coverage continues where at least for now the hostage standoffs have ended. Shepard its 12 30 in new york 9 30 in los angeles 6 30 p. M. In paris where right now authorities are searching feverishly for one terrorist who is on the loose a female, and trying to find out more about the terror cell through which its believed that all three nowdead hostage takers were working. Exactly how they were tied together whether there was any central coordinating of all of this and whether its possible that more attacks could be coming. Catherine herridge has been working her or intelligence sources for us, shes live in washington. Catherine . Reporter shepard, im just going to take a step back to tell viewers what weve confirmed at fox news about the suspects, and most of the information we have now relates to the kouachi brothers. Specifically the older brother, 34yearold said kouachi, we confirmed that he traveled to yemen in 2011 and made direct contact with an alqaeda Training Camp there and that one of his goals was to meet with the alqaeda leadership. While its unknown at this time, we understand he tried to meet with the american cleric anwar alawlaki. Alawlaki at that time was in charge of the external operations, in other words the external plots launched by that group. In addition, his brother cherif kouachi, there is a report in the british media today we have not independently confirmed it but he, too had contact with abu hamza the leader of a mosque in london who is being sentenced today in new york city on terrorism charges, and he was, if you will the recruiter for sa care yous moussawi, what many people could the 20th hijacker to 9 11 and richard reid, this was the shoe bomber who tried to to brown that transatlantic flight from the u. S. To paris. So the bottom line, shepard is that these individuals have deepen ties to what deep ties to what i would describe as alqaeda proper, alqaeda in yemen, hamza who was the point person for alqaeda in britain if that report is correct but we know independently that same brother had ties to alqaeda in iraq. Not isis, but alqaeda in iraq under abu knew samal zarqawi. Shepard this appeared to be a wellplanned and coordinated attack, and today when this began two hours before the market would have closed for observance of a jewish holiday the timing is impeccable and somewhat frightening. Reporter the massacre itself at the magazine spoke to preparation, advance reconnaissance and familiarity with the weapons. Thats sort of been well discussed in the last 48 hours. But what weve seen now unfold in paris since then is that it was not just a small cell the two individuals, the brothers but there were also others. Remember, we have had nearly a dozen arrests in paris and we havent had a public readout from the french authorities as to what their connections may be to the group. But i would emphasize that almost everything connected to this massacre has had almost a sense of orchestration. We reported here at fox news first yesterday that there were a series of tweets after the attack that came from a twitter handle thats associated with alqaeda of yemen and it came so quickly after the attack it seemed to have some sort of foreign knowledge, almost like it had been packaged and put on the shelf waiting for the attack to unfold, shepard. Shepard i wonder what sort of warnings youre getting on the record and on the side from authorities about other events or precautions being taken. Reporter i think the most stark public warning that has been made came yesterday from the head of mi5, this is the head of the British Intelligence service, directorgeneral parker. Hes really the equivalent of the most Senior Intelligence official here in this country the director of national intelligence. And he said publicly that alqaeda in syria this is not isis, this is different, alqaeda this syria is planning mass casualty attacks on the west, and he said in his case specifically the british Transit System as well as iconic targets. This is a highly unusual statement for the head of mi5 to make and this is considered a very serious is not really the right word, but rare and effectively a dire, a dire warning. Shepard and with a degree of specificity that is rare if not reporter correct. Uhhuh. You just never hear from these people in a very public way and certainly not discussing what they consider credible, imminent threat information. He did not tie that threat in was unfolding in paris, but he did speak specifically about alqaeda in syria. And for the viewers, its hard or to keep track of these groups now, but in effect, you have alqaeda in syria, this is a group that some in the government have called the core zahn. Its really just operates from pakistan and yemen who have relocated to syria and effectively repackaged and rebranded themselves. We have these specific connections to the brother with alqaeda in yemen alqaeda in yemen is considered the most active lethal and capable of the alqaeda affiliates hitting the west. And then you have what i would call sort of old school alqaeda proper with zawahiri. But the viewers can be in no doubt that these two brothers had direct ties to known alqaeda affiliates in yemen and then also in iraq. The question is whether this was directed by those organizations. And there is a very important gap to watch Going Forward with the brother said kouachi. He was in yemen in 2011, and then when he returned to france, he kind of went off the radar. There are huge gaps in what the Intelligence Community knows about said and his brother at that time. This may have been an operational decision by the brothers to kind of go dark, if you will. Thats pretty standard once theyve been tasked with a mission. The other possibility is that they then traveled to syria and worked with alqaeda in that country. Shepard Catherine Herridge with a wealth of information, disturbing as it is, live from washington. Catherine, when you get something new, well come to you. Reporter of course. Thank you, shepard. Shepard lets bring in from paris Fabrice Monet youve heard the reporting of Catherine Herridge, we listened with interest yesterday as senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina put in sort of blunt terms there are all of these different terror organizations that operate separately and work to recruit the same group of people. There is a, there is a war going on between them to have the biggest and the worst attack of them all, and the one that attacks in the west, as senator graham put it wins the golden trophy. It sounds as if to hear it from British Security forces and those in paris and beyond that this fight iss escalating. Is that is escalating. Is that a Fair Assessment . Yeah. Its a Fair Assessment. We have very Strong Networks spreading out in europe with [inaudible] and once what we have seen in the last 48 hours is a demonstration they are effective now. Shepard is it your sense that to the degree there was communication between these terrorists in these two locations with some central command, some other authority or some other terror cell in some oh place, to the degree there might have been communication that the authorities would by now know that and within due time we would come to understand whether are this was a centrallycoordinated thing or this group that had ties was doing it on their own . Because it matters. Difficult to appreciate this right now. I think well have the answer to your question in the coming weeks because we will analyze all the communication and we dont know yet is reasonable information about that. My feeling is that those guys were like isolated and they did this on their own. As we can see the first group the two terrorists, the brothers, of course massacre in [inaudible] but to escape the way they can they were surrounded by the police, and they tried to extract them from that net. You know . Then finally finish in printing works building, you know . At the same time the other guy maybe he wanted to help them so he took some hostages in a grocery market and asked Police Authorities to release his two friends. You know what i mean . Shepard yeah i do. Fabrice, i have to cut away because were getting new information from sky news. Lets listen. Reporter it may well indicate that there will be another manhunt and these incidents are by no means at an end. So in the drama of the hostage rescue situation such as this when you have a number of casualties, difficult to identify them youve got both dead and injured hostages and, indeed hostage takers, its very difficult to immediately come out for the police and investigators with a clear picture. But it does seem very much theres a confluence of intelligence that indicates that hi idea boumediene Hayat Boumeddiene, the girlfriend of one of the gunman was not in this location and therefore is still at large. And there was a second person there with a weapon. Now, the identity of the second individual is, according to investigators close to this story, unknown at the moment. That is a major cause for concern for paris. Yeah. Just want to update our viewers on the news from david cameron. He has tweeted within the last few moments ive accepted president hollandes invitation to join the unity rally in paris this sunday celebrating the values behind charlie help doe. Thats from our Prime Minister. He is going to be speaking to the nation at 8 00 paris time, president hollande, 7 00 london time. But as far as that rally is concerned, the leader of the far right organization here in france, she also wanted to attend but up until now weve been told that an invitation has not been extended to her. So politics at play there, it would seem. Meantime, sam, with whats happening here we believe although again lots of rumors not yet clarified, but we belief that some parts of this deli could well have been pugh booby trapped. Certainly, the police had managed to hack into the tv, and as a result, were very aware of what was happening inside. Presumably thats where they might have got some of their intel from. Reporter yes. I think this is going to be a major concern. Of course, these are, we know, seasoned jihadists. At least one of them was able to travel to yemen and get training for several months. Weve seen during the murders in paris the day before yesterday the very coldblooded calculating and some pretty standard infantry drills would indicate theyre combat veterans. So the assumption has to be theyre also capable of setting explorative devices explosive devices not only to protect themselves, but also to try to set traps for anybody trying to get to them. Now, were also getting information that the hostage in the Printing Press was hiding either in a box in a corner of building and may indeed have actually been informing police as to the shepard in fact thats what we at fox news have been reporting throughout the hour, and that is as he describes it the Printing Press out by Charles De Gaulle airport, there was one hostage in there. Its our understanding that authorities were somehow able to make contact with that hostage and do so on the telephone. The new information comes from this market in central paris and if we could, lets come back to that. The market in central paris wrong pictures. The market in central paris, we have new information please, and heres the new information. Inside the market in central paris was one gunman with a weapon who has now been shot and killed. The new information is that authorities believe there was a second male gunman who has believed to escaped that assault. And now there is a manhunt underway. You heard charles you heard Gordon Ramsay describing there exactly how there was chaos in the aftermath. Well, now there is a belief according to authorities, that there was a second gunman inside the market that that gunman escaped as the hostages were leaving, and there is a new manhunt underway. On top of that the woman who was believed to be an accomplice in the previous incident is also missing. So there are manhunts now, and our coverage continues after this. A woman is suing disney claiming the blockbuster movie frozen was stolen from the her life story. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com no more calling around. No more hassles. Start shopping from a list of toprated providers today. 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We now know that two Police Officers were injured in that takedown. Those Police Officers have been taken to local hospitals. We know that four of the hostages who were inside that market have now been taken to hospitals and are listed in critical condition. We know that four other hostages were shot and killed. We believe to be at the beginning of the siege. We know that one gunman from that siege has also been shot and killed. We now know that authorities are looking for a female accomplice who had been involved with the shooting of a Woman Police Officer yesterday and now there are questions according to the reporting of sky news about whether a second gunman inside the jewish market, the kosher market there in central paris may have escaped the scene. It is unclear to us how this might have happened. There were a number of containment rings around this area. No one was allowed to come and go. As hostages were taken out and brought to safety, they were questioned and held obviously, but now there is this report and sky news is reporting in the United Kingdom and across europe that there is a search for another suspected gunman from inside that market. Now, we know that they had tapped authorities had tapped into the closed Circuit Television security cameras within this market. We know they were able to watch for a period of hours its our understanding, what was gown on inside that market. Going on inside that market. We know they had believed all along there was this one gunman inside the market. Now theres this report that a second gunman may be on the loose. And in addition i want to take you over here and show you a tweet that authorities have just sent out. French police are attempting to locate this bomb woman. She was believed to be the getaway car driver, its our understanding, in the murder of a policewoman the day before. This is another who is believed to be a gunman in todays situation who is said to be dead. Who is this other perp who sky news is now reporting may have been an accomplice, a second gunman inside the kosher deli or kosher market, i should say, in central paris . On that matter we are not clear. Lets listen in to sky news for just a moment. Reporter inside that building. Only one gunman has been killed according to reports. This is not from the police, but this is from sources that have been speaking to the police and speaking to french media. One gunman has been killed. Wheres the other one . Is he on the run . Has he managed to escape . Is he shot dead and still within that building . Has his body been booby trapped . We dont know. We dont know what has happened to him. Some suggestions that he had escaped. If that was the case, then there would be another gunman on the loose. Were not saying thats happened, what were doing is telling you the latest situation as we have it. Certainly, there have been an awful lot of Police Activity here today and, indeed, to the north of paris as well. Police shepard okay. The reporting of sky news is becoming clearer to me now. Sky news is reporting there was a second gunman that they saw a second gunman on the closed circuit its, but now no one seems to know where that gunman is. We do know four people plus the shooter there are dead, and its possible that second gunman is among those who lost his life there. We do know that the authorities have not put out a be on the look out or a search now for a second gunman, so we can assume authorities have that well under control. Joining us now is the London Bureau chief for the New York Times. Steve, what can you tell us about this warning from the authorities there of a possible second western attack to come . Reporter well, we need to be careful in the moments after shepard you dont have to tell me that. Reporter well thats i hope true. And there are warnings, even mi mi5, the head of mi5 which is like the british fbi gave a speech yesterday in which he warned that alqaeda in the middle east was planning a larger attack including against london. Its very hard, its easy to draw lines through all these things and make them one but theres no question that this attack and this sense of a cell in france, that it wasnt just two brothers that they had friends and accomplices, and its shaken people very very badly. And therell be lots of questions about why intel didnt know what was going on, did they take these brothers seriously enough could this have been prevented . The magazine Charlie Hebdo, had been a major shepard please leave them on sorry . Shepard im sorry, i didnt need the mic was up. To go back to this guest not to that. On what matter did you think we were not careful based on what you just said and we just reported mr. Erlanger . Reporter frankly, i have not been shepard so you just said that because why . Reporter no, no, im not getting in a fight with you. Shepard thats good. Reporter look, you asked me to come and talk to you im telling you what i think i shepard you told meow thought we needed to be careful reporter im sorry sir, either youre going to let me talk or youre not. Steve erlanger from the New York Times, thanks very much. Ed henry on the white house this matter of reporting out of london is one of concern, it came very soberly from our own correspondent, Catherine Herridge, whos been working her sources there, and it was a message of such specificity that it did raise eyebrows across our newsroom and, im confident the New York Times and others around the world. Reporter sure. And its raised concerns here at the white house and across the countriful youre right because when a key ally like the u. K. Goes on the record, as you noted, and thats what catherines been underlining, this is not some anonymous official somewhere saying well, we think theres intelligence or theres something no. Theyre suggesting that paris could be a trial run for more attacks throughout western europe and here in the u. S. And thats obviously, the big concern here. A little new piece of information weve just gotten in the last few moments from white house officials is that the president , were now told is expected to speak at least briefly about 1 20 p. M. Eastern time about this unfolding situation. Well see if he goes further than whats happening in paris. We dont know that he will i but well see whether or not he also talks about the broader Terror Threat to the u. S. Homeland that youre mentioning excuse the noise here as some vehicles are here at the white house but well see how far the president goes beyond whats happening in paris and connects it back here to the united states. What is also very interesting as all this plays out, the breaking news, is that the president has been trying at least to go ahead despite this Terror Threat with his normal schedule and speak about domestic issues. Yesterday he was in phoenix as he gets ready for his state of the Union Address talking about the housing crisis and now the recovery. Today hell be making these remarks about terror not here at the white house, but in knoxville, tennessee, where hes going to be talking about expanding access to community colleges. So look, youve heard republicans like the new Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell in the last couple of days raise sharp questions about what the president s plan moving forward to deal with this Terror Threat is in part because the president , of course, has been on the record for a long time saying alqaedas been on the run and decimated. And now we see these terrorists involved here in paris that led all of this these brutal murders were trained, apparently, by alqaeda in yemen, alqaeda in the arabian peninsula. And that is a real problem because the administration has previously cited yemen as, basically, an example of success for the president s counterterror policies. Theyve said that in recent months, shep. And so now to see all this play out which is happening in paris but could happen here as well is, obviously, a big challenge for this administration. Shepard i wonder to what are they meeting across town there, across the river at the pentagon and working to issue new directives here at home or is that too much . Reporter theyve been careful about not overstating directives, not panicking the public, obviously, but i should im glad you asked that because i should add while the president has been saying very little in public, that is not to suggest that he hasnt done anything in private. Theres been a flurry of activity behind the scenes as National Security officials here tell me theyve been meeting, theyve been having Conference Calls whether its with pentagon, intelligence agencies and, in fact, yesterday that event where the president was in phoenix, aboard air force one on the way back to washington last night, he had a secure Conference Call with top National Security officials here back in washington and around the country to get a handle on this situation. So that mi5 report that you mentioned is of great concern here at the white house and youre right to bring it up. Shepard im, i am also curious about whats happened in london, and well get to Catherine Herridge on that matter in just a moment. Ed to hear with such specifies the city about the london Transit System at that level that sort of a report from that level of an official, unprecedented in my memory. Reporter certainly hadnt heard anything like that recently and usually this is they try to defuse these situations more quietly behind the scenes. I do remember several years ago i remember there was back at the end of the Bush Administration or near the end of it that you had both president bush and Prime Minister tony blair come out and say, look we think weve foiled this attempt to hijack airliners in the u. K. And bring them across the atlantic to the u. S. So at various stages they may come forward. But youre right to come out perhaps before theyve snuffed it out but to say theres this concern with specific targets as you said, it certainly is alarming and is something that is going to be paid attention here at the white house and across the atlantic as you say. Again, the president has been under intense pressure from republicans saying theyre concerned the homeland is not prepared for this here in america. That is something that the president may have to address in a few moment when we expect to hear from him in knoxville tennessee. Shepard ed henry at the white house, well look forward to hearing from the president as well as Francois Hollande who is expected to speak within the next hour. Were fast approaching 7 00 in paris, so where are we . Heres where we are. Both hostage standoffs are over. The hostage takers in both situations are dead. The woman you see on your screen now is missing, and hunt is on for her. At least four hostages were killed in central london, at least nine hostages were released and are safe. At least four hostages are in hospitals in critical, and now to determine whether there was Central Control over these operations. Were these alqaedatied people . Operations. There is no question according to the reporting of our Catherine Herridge. But were they under the direction of a Central Communications unit of alqaeda . That remains to be seen. Im Shepard Smith in new york, our coverage continues from here and around the world, jon scott and jenna lee, happening now jon scott and jenna lee on happening now. We begin with a fox news alert. Three terrorist are killed and four hostages in a paris market are dead. Just over an hour ago to two separate hostage sieges in and around paris. This is happening now. I am jon scott. I am jenna lee. Those hostage takers killed by the Security Forces in a three day ordeal. It started wednesday with a rampage in the paris nourp where terrorist killed ten

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