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A phenomenon. Back in 1968, simpson was the best player in all of college football. Its why he won the trophy and why usc won one as well. Laura Heisman Trophy winning, prohall of fame running back. Anyone with the bills two, with the San Francisco 49ers, just a stunning legacy. He had not been charged in the gruesome double murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and friend ron goldman in what became known as the trial of the century. Now, in october 1995, despite damning d. N. A. Evidence, he was ultimately acquitted. Now, i remember my days sitting back in my law office, thats how long ago it was, and everyone was glued to their tv screen, partners, associates, secretaries. Now, most of us were stunned that he got off, we were shocked. But the press and the socalled Civil Rights Activists had seized on this case to encourage racial division. Now, think about it. O. J. Was one of the most beloved figures in American Sports and, at the time, he was part of Sports Lore History and these people tried to convince Black America that the only reason he was charged was because he was black . Yeah. That happened. No wonder the reaction to the not guilty verdict elicited reactions like these find not guilty. [cheers] he is not guilty. Yes. Yes thats justice. Laura background here for those of you who werent around at the time. This was a few years after the l. A. Riots that followed the acquittal of Police Officers in the beating of rodney king. After rodney king had led police on a highspeed chase. Now, they called rodney king a motorist in a lot of headlines but there was a lot more to it at the time. But, to some, o. J. s not guilty verdict was kind of a moment of racial payback. Now, this was a terrible narrative to feed our young people at the time because rather than focusing on the facts of the crime, the motive, the testimony of those involved, everyone was rivetted to their tv screen, the case became tangled up in a poisonous racial narrative that we have been stuck in ever since, including in the case of dexter reed who was shot and killed in altercation with police march 21st. Roll the windows down. Roll the window down. What are you doing . Roll that one down, too. Dont roll the window up. Dont roll the window up. Okay. Do not roll the window up. Unlock the doors now. Unlock the doors now unlock the doors now. Okay. Open the door now open the door now open the door now [gunfire] let me see your hands. Hands. Laura the medias framing of this was predictable. Here are the headlines. 96 shots in 41 seconds killing black man during traffic stop. Seat belt violation ends with black man dead. Now, if you read these types of headlines, of course it sounds horrific, awful. Many would reasonably conclude that the Police Response must have somehow been racially motivated. In the conch, of course, is intended to keep throwing matches on the flammable liquid, the individual shot is always portrayed as the perfect child. 26 years old. Previously a Basketball Standout at Westinghouse High School leading the team to a regional championship. His mother said he loved to cook and wanted to pursue a career in broadcasting. He had just bought his new car three days before that. He was just riding around in his car. He said, mom and they killed him. They killed him. Laura again, seeing these reports and a grieving mother, you cant blame people for being really upset. We dont need armed Police Officers to tell somebody to put their seat belt on. Dexters vehicle had Tinted Windows so the argument that they were looking for a Seat Belt Issue doesnt make sense. They fire away 96 times in 41 seconds. They fire away 40 times on an unarmed man outside his vehicle. Laura but the truth, well, reports show that reed was not just a motorist dealing with a Seat Belt Issue. After refusing to exit the car or open his door, as police repeatedly instructed him to do, initial reports show that he actually shot at police first and even hitting one of them in the arm. So my question is, you know, we will see a full investigation. What are these Law Enforcement officers supposed to do in this type of situation . Just allow themselves to be gunned down, risk being gunned down just to prove they are not racist to Benjamin Crump or whichever lawyer stands to make millions in cases like this . Lets face it. Since o. J. , the media and Top Democrats have shown us how dedicated they are to keeping america racially divided. Always assume the worst about people, especially their motive. Why else would they admit owe miss key facts in their reporting . There are discussion about these cases or ignore the full context of what happened before police use force against the suspect . Everyone remembers, i think, the Michael Brown case and ferguson in missouri . Remember they lit that city up on fire in riots, but hands up, dont shoot, remember that became the motto of those going after police and their response. It was poor Michael Brown a choir boy gunned down when tryi to surrender hands up, dont shoot. Well, it was all made up. Never happened. The Police Officers life was ruined, even though he was cleared by the doj. Now, the last thing any of these racial arsonists who know better but continue to stoke the flames of racism, the last thing they want is for all the working people from all races and ethnicities to come together in one movement, demand better for cities and communities a crime and the economy. By the way, thats what trump is trying to build right now, that new multi racial and ethnic coalition. It looks like its working. Look at this journal headline today. Wow. Bidens inflation, the high prices, the border, its all so bad for the democrats, Predictable Arab Propaganda Stuff just isnt working anymore. More black men are moving away from biden. Now, instead of changing their horrible policies, democrats choose to seize on cases like the reed shooting. See if they could get some juice on that. And come election time, they will promise things like Racial Justice or announce an equity action plan reassure black voters they are on their side. But none of this, no Racial Equity conferences or anything of the like help families afford their price of home bring down price of gas or make Public Schools better not for africanamerican or not for anyone in this country. It does nothing except Poison The Well of conversation and community. The o. J. Simpsons legacy is tragic. But we now have a chance to build a better country if we stop letting powerful people divide us by race, are or ethnicity or any other category because that only leaves all of us weaker, poorer and angrier. The time has come for a multi racial 50state Populist Movement to Stand Up For America and for all the working people who deserve a hell of a lot better. And thats the angle. Joining us now bruce lovell a Senior Adviser for the Trump Campaign and la xavier derosa, former blm activist as well. Bruce, the left is saying that these polls are wrong and come election time black voters will come home to the democrat party. Do you buy that . Oh, no. Thanks for having me, laura. Come home, come home, e. T. I mean really, i dont think so. Listen, all they have to do in Black America, im here in atlanta. I actually had a conversation before i came on your show as i made a few calls just to get some skinny. Look, they are looking at checkbooks. Looking at during the successful Trump Administration that we had lower taxes, you know, the trump tax cuts. You know, the hvc funding that he implemented. There are so many accomplishments in Black Culture that President Trump accomplished in his tenure, you know, Black Culture, we remember that, you know, those were Game Winnings and really that infamous statement that he says what the heck do you have to lose . Look at your roads. Look at your communities, look at where youre at. Why do you keep voting the same way, 30, 40, 50, 60 years. Give us a chance you are seeing high uptick on Black Americans, black men thats true are leaning towards President Trump because they like that winning mantra. Laura xavier, you see this in the conch of these cases, they are always tragic. There is always a mom or dad or brother or sister greig on the other side. So your heart breaks for all of those lives are put in danger in these situations. But, its like clockwork, before people know all the facts, they say got to be racism, got to be police use of force, got to be because the young man is africanamerican. Gotta, gotta, got a be. They know most of the time narrative much more complicated. In this case of dexter reid is a classic example. 100 percent. You know, people are going to pick and choose the details that they Pay Attention to based on what is going to further their narrative. You know, it wouldnt be an Election Year without the left exploiting the death of a black person in order to further their political gain. This is one that they should be especially ashamed of. Because, how can you claim to have journalistic integrity and speak on the story of dexter reid without mentioning he shot at Police Officers 11 times before they shot back. We should be calling for the justice of anybody, we should be calling for the justice of the Police Officer who was shot in the arm while trying to serve his city we did see it. I know you remember, bruce, xavier is too young. During the o. J. Case. Race became an an mating factor in that and it was the beginning of kind of the Celebrity Trial Conch in the United States. So there was a lot going on. But that became part of that narrative. And there was a big divide in the reaction to the jury verdict in that case that has continued to build and each and every one of these Police Involved shootings, not saying all police are great, of course, thats not the case. But, in most of these cases, if the individual just didnt refused police instruction, they would have survived. But that doesnt that gets lost in the narrative. Yeah. You know, i served on the police board here in atlanta for a few years. And, you know, i have a lot of cops in my family. You are absolutely right, you know. My father taught me like, hey, you get pulled over, put your hands on the steering wheel, yes, sir, no, sir, be cool, calm, let him argue down at the Police Station not me on the side of the road. Yes, i do remember that very well. Because, remember, laura, here in atlanta, you know, during the rodney king it started across the country. In atlanta we almost had a situation because of that and they tried to instigate a lot of cities because of that i will say this. I think we have come a long way. And remember now, most of these urban cities are large cities are black police chiefs, fire chiefs, captains, majors, all across most of the major cities across the country. So, you know, and thats pretty much who is in charge a lot of these particular cities and municipalities. Laura are they racist, too . Are they racist as well . I dont know the makeup of the Police Involved in this particular incident with reid, but i think it was a pretty Diverse Group and, again, i think the facts just break down xavier, finally with you. Are young people quick to scroll on social media and say i got to vote for biden because of this. For a while that has been that way. It is starting to change. We are realizing that voting for joe biden is like voting for abusive relationship. He tells us all the things he wants to hear. As soon as he gets our votes he abandons us or abuses us along the way with the terrible economy. We are all waking up. Laura at least you will have equity action plan across the federal departments, thats what they announce. Bruce and xavier, good to see both. Now while Everyday Americans are suffering, biden wines and dines the elites. J. D. Vancece and Vivek Ramaswami are herec next but instead remade over and over. Into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. 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What was trump up to yesterday. Some chicken. We are going to take care of the customers. Good . Making a lot of money . Hello, everybody. Get ready for a milkshake. We got plenty of them. I dont care what the media tells you, mr. Trump, we support you. We love you. 4 00 p. M. Let me give you a hug. Please do. [cheers] laura trump with the working people, Biden Hobnobbing with the elites. Joining me now ohio senator j. D. Vance. Senator, i love those split screens. It really does tell the tale, why are so many of the big named billionaires working so hard to support biden . Well, for the simple reason that their policies have benefited the Biden Administration policies have benefited billionaires whereas trumps policies benefited working people. The contrast is really striking. If you think what the elites in this country are asking for. They are asking for more cheap labor through unlimited immigration. They are asking for the end to any kind of tariff that would protect working class jobs in manufacturing. And, of course, the Biden Administration has been giving them that and the Democratic Party has been giving them that for 30 years. Contrast that to donald trump at chickfila yesterday. Obviously in that store, disproportionately black workforce. And if you look at the data on illegal immigration, laura, it consistently shows that Black Americans are the ones who suffer the most from unchecked migration because they are the ones who face the most wage from illegal immigration. The peoples president tries to raise your wages and deliver prosperity and joe Biden Hobnobbing with the billionaires because those are the people who benefit from his policies. Laura now, theres a lot of talk about you, senator, in the Vice President ial speculation for trump. I know he had you on his list. If theres a list. He said there was kind of a list and you are on it. I know you are going to be very diplomatic, but, it says that youre, you know, you you are right up there, reaction tonight to this new report . Well, laura, i have actually never spoken to the president about v. P. Speculation. My simple answer is, i want to help him however i can. If he asks me, of course i would think seriously about it. It would be a great honor. I also am happy to support the agenda in the United States senate and regardless, laura, you have to remember my job is to serve the people of ohio, whether its supporting trumps agenda in the senate or serving in some other role, we have got to bring good manufacturing jobs, good prosperity to the people of ohio and American Heartland 40 years bipartisan consensus to ship jobs overseas to bring unchecked migration. Trump stopped that. And the real question for the Republican Party is whether we follow that lead and double down on that winning agenda or do we try to go backed to the old ways and, unfortunately, laura, as you know as well as i do, there is a critical component of the old guard of the Republican Party that wants to go back to the old ways, more immigration, more war, less good wages for american workers. Thank god trump is there to push back against it. Laura well, the ukraine funding. And there is news tonight that we have more trouble on the border, senator. Nbc news reporting that an illegal immigrant on the Terror Watch List spent nearly a year inside the United States after being apprehended and released by Border Patrol agents last year. Was arrested last month and released again by an Immigration Judge who was not told he was a National Security threat. Very quickly, senator, this could end tragically for the United States. Oh i think it will end tragically. I hate to say it, laura, there is going to be a major Terrorist Attack because of joe bidens open border. I hope to god we are able to prevent it. We are in a very vulnerable position because of this border. 15 miles where i grew up in Southern Ohio there was illegal immigrant arrested for murder who had been deported seven times. You cant make this stuff up. We have got to close down the border. Laura all right, senator. Thank you. Great to see tonight. A lot of you wondering how democrats keep winning when their policies are just awful. And part of it is because they have a better ground game. A new piece by real clear investigations dug into progressive get out the vote nonprofit groups that bill themselves, of course, as nonpartisan. They call it election nearing super weapon. Well, its as simple as this the irs allows tax element exempt groups Voter Registration and get out the vote drives as long as they dont refer to a specific candidate. As real clear explains many groups are democracy focused entities with ties to the Democratic Party. The entities magnets funds not only from wealthy donors who can contribute without dr. Additional Campaign Limi and tax prohibited from engaging in partisan activity. Restoration of america, which real clear describes as an Election Integrity focus Advocacy Group says these groups pull in 500 million annually. Joining me now vivek ramaswamy. Vivek, The Big Question here is why arent there more counterparts to these organizations to get the vote out exranning about the other sides tactics when we should be competing to win instead. The left mastered this. Super pacs because republicans were outraising the left using super pacs. The left learned their game. If the Supreme Court says those stand now the left beats us on that game as well. At some point we have to show up, compete and play to win. If you dont like the rules. Change the rules after we get in there thats what i want to see. Laura there was a post on x that you put out. I think it was today about what needs to be done, simple Election Integrity, true integrity, moves that need to be made and they are very, in my view very uncontroversial. We will put it up on the screen. One of them, of course, is in person voting. Yep. Laura make election day a national holiday. Single day. Laura single day voting. Paper ballots. Voter i. D. They are simple ideas and you listed them one by one. Why is this is a controversy . Some other countries already do. This not even other countries that do this. I traveled to puerto rico, for example, laura. Puerto rico does exactly what i hahaposed here. Single day voting on election day. Make it a holiday with Paper Ballots and government issued i. D. To match the voter file. And i would go one step further to make english the sole language that appears on a ballot. That will secure results in our elections. And speaking as a conservative, we will do our part. If we get to that point in our country, we are done complaining about stolen elections, we are done complaining about Election Integrity. Thats how we unite this country i take one day a year whether you are black or white or democrat or republican, we think about what it means to be a citizen of this country. Theres one language that appears on that ballot. Laura you bet. A nation of ideals. We ought to be able to communicate those ideals. Can unite the country, common sense. Anybody else who is against it reveals the agenda that they have in mind which i think is to take the rug out from under. Paper ballot person vivek, i love the list today, thanks so much. We did digging on bidens new State Department, diversity hire. This is good tape. You dont want to miss it, next. Israel is under attack. The war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. In this orphanage bomb shelter, were praying for gods help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. 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Let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but were also praying and acting in their interest because we believe its what god would have us do. I simply cant stress enough the urgency of this situation. Its more dire than ever before. This is your moment. This is your opportunity to make a lifesaving difference. Its your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. Call, scan, or visit our website now to make your lifesaving donation. When barbara switched to turbotax. I broke four generations of family tradition. Ma, i want to make perfume so i made barbaras new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. Intuit turbotax. Laura all right. We have major Foreign Policy crises in the middle east, ukraine, taiwan is really on edge over china, and reports that Terror Organizations may be sneaking agents across our open border. And whats the State Department up to . Hiring its new chief Diversity Inclusion officer. Thats what. And she is named i z zsa zsa kia carr johnson. I learned to discover my own voice and demand intersex naghts in action in all spaces. I have learned about politics and policy but i also learned to preach the sisterhood and solidarity. Laura in a now deleted article ms. Carr johnson warned that the rules created in our organizations and baked into their very foundation refused to reconcile with a colonizing past. Participating in a feminist webinar dont you hate those back in 2020. She focused on what she claims rank unfairness of americas systems. Of course that means anything that requires objective merit. Note how she throws around the isms as she trashes men. Because we live and work within systems and those systems, as i mentioned before, are so deeply rooted in patriarchy, in colonialism and racism and other ism the culture of misogyny have allowed men to act without consequence and it becomes part of what we believe is normal. In order to make any change, we have literally got to be about the work of dismantling that traditional structure at every juncture. Laura we literally have to be dismantling that. And, yes, your tax dollars are paying her salary. Joining me now is ned ryun, founder and ceo of American Majority and william b. Allen Professor Emeritus at michigan state. Ned, lets start with you. This is just typical, is it not, of these types of Diversity Officers who are paid hefty sums to spout the same old same old. By the way, i always thought you were guilty, ned of other ism, always. I guess guilty as charged, laura. You know, ms. Johnson said we cannot achieve equity until we actually do away with systemic racism, patriarchy and hetero sexism. Its easy to dismiss that as you are being lectured by a low iq person but, in reality what you are being electric turfed by a woman using neyo Marxist Theory to advocate for a socialist redistribution system. Its a continuing pattern for the Biden Administration. Who, frorom day one, has been intent to systematically dismantle this country and this government as we know it. And when they are intentionally placing dei adherence and relatively high places like the State Department, across our government, it is kind of shocking to me, laura in some ways why did we even fight the cold war when our president is intentionally placing neyo marxists into our government and then even more so, laura officers are demanding loyalty to this ideology you and i, ages ago were talking about these issues and it was usually what is america, often awful racist, misogynist, colonialist and sorry other ists, take it away. You tagged it, laura, thats true. We probably havent spoken since my days on the civil rights commission. Ironically enough though, that intersects to speak of intersectionality with the present discussion what we see here is carrying to the most extreme of some of the worst rhetoric that was centered on the whole Affirmative Action regime four, five, six decades ago. How it has transformed itself. And i would like to emphasize its not so of the question of Zoo Kira Johnson qualified. Well trained experienced to do exactly what she was hired to do only real question from my perspective is why has the State Department doing this . She is doing what the State Department wishes to have done. Our concern of americans ought to be why is our State Department undertaking to sow seeds of division at home and disrespect abroad for the United States . Are they playing into the hands of a divided conquer policy abroad. Are they so far gone that they are willing to plant foreign flags in the heart of the United States government. That to me is the real question. Not the dei question. But the purposes mission of the government of the United States today. Laura yeah. I mean, this is why we need bill on. I mean, wisdom and brilliance. All right, the spokesman for the State Department, ned, not that you are not both, says that this is going to help us Counter Argument to what bill just said, watch. We believe that when our workforce looks like america and reflects the full diversity of america, our workforce is stronger and our ability to protect americas National Security is improved and enhanced. Laura ned, why do you want to protect is he talking about blinken there why do you want to protect an awful rotten racist misogynist country why do you want to protect our values abroad if this is what you think about it . This is themazing part. Used to be if you a position at the State Department you were out there to actually advocate what america stood for. How can you have people who hate this country actually at the State Department, is that what you are actually broadcasting to the world . But the other thing that strikes me, laura, by them doing this in a very systematic and intentional way, it really does strike me that they dont view the enemy as necessarily abroad anymore. That. Laura youre the enemy. Were the enemy now. Professor, really quickly, do you agree with that that the real threat to america. Absolutely. Laura real threat to america are the Maga Folk And Working Classic of this nonsense and want real change are they the enemy. I agree and beyond because i want to remind you of something really important. That the State Department represents the United States abroad they cant do so without it being heard at home. So they are representing it at home and that is what they are saying to all americans, not just maga americans. They are depreciating the significance of ordinary americans. They are corroding the bonds of citizenship. They are destroying American National character. And you have to ask, is this a mission that they have willingly embraced as it appears to be . Laura ned and professor allen, thank you both. All right, your daughters First College roommate may be a biological male . Yeah. Next. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. I got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Im under 7. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. I lost some weight. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. Dont take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. 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Laura now, picture this, your 18yearold daughter gets into her dream school. Shes going to live on campus and get the full College Experience im dealing with that now. And you hope s she finds the bet friends in her roommate. Someone who could be like a sister, lifelong friend. Except when you finally get your Dorm Assignments you find out that roommate, mary went by billy just a year ago. Yeah. Disturbing but it could be coming reality very soon. According to the schools newspaper lsu Student Government is now urging the college to let transgender students room with their identified gender. The resolution passed unanimously. Joining me now is mason bass, lsu student and campus reform correspondent. Nathan it, wasnt unanimous, i understand, but you say that this could be dangerous for freshmen. Why . Yes, laura, particularly at lsu required to live on campus. And these students could be unknowingly paired with a biological male if they are a female and have to shower next to them, sleep next to them, eat next to them and change clothes next to them and i just dont think thats right. Laura how did this begin . Why did this become a thing that the Student Government was pushing for . What have you at lsu is you have a very conservative student body; however, you have a very liberal faculty and a very liberal Board Of Directors who pushed call themselves Student Government and they keep conservatives out of kicking them out of other tactics. Laura run for Student Government . You do get to run for Student Government, laura. However, if the lsu if lsu administration chooses to put penalties on you for taking your acting on your own free speech or protesting against something the university doesnt like, can you no longer run for Student Government. Thats what they are doing. Laura now, so you are saying not to get into the weeds here, you are saying that outside forces influenced the Student Government and the Student Government adopted this pushed this proposal. It wasnt this wasnt organically an idea within the Student Government, which is comprised of students, obviously. So, thats what youre saying . Absolutely, laura. You have students who have been indoctrinated by certain faculty at lsu. And they now believe that it is the right thing to do to sit a 17yearold girl into a room that could possibly have a 63, 250pound full grown man in it and they are forced to live with them. No, laura, i just dont think thats right. And i dont think a normal person would come to believe that on their own. Laura would you think that this is going to actually succeed as an initiative at lsu . Thank goodness, no, i dont think it will, laura. I think we do have some faculty that will say this is a bad idea. And we have a governor, jeff landry, is he a fighter and he would fight this all the way. He would never let this happ. Thank god we actually have real fighters. Laura thank you for the update on that. Trump wants a president ial debate for this reason and raise rules for air travel are a necessity. A special thursday follies with raymond next. Thats me imagine checking your own heart with medical precision from anywhere. Introducing kardiamobile 6l, the fdacleared ekg that provides sixtimes more heart data than any smartwatch. And it detects three of the most common arrhythmias in just 30 seconds, including atrial fibrillation, bradycardia and tachycardia. Check your heart with the most advanced personal ekg outside the hospital. Get yours at kardia. Com or amazon. Jesse its thursday and that means it is time for a special thursday volley are a fox news contributor, raymond, all right, Donald Trumps demanding president ial debates that biden is not so sure. Mr. Trump is a cook at joe biden, the worst president in the history of the United States and i could debate, we await to all americans, any time, anywhere, anyplace. He said that he could debate you right now . What do you think . President biden [ laughter ] sure biden cant put a sentence together, but why would he say that out loud . It is so silly for him to say, i would want to debate me as well. So for the president ial Debate Commission is only scheduled three debates, Donald Trumps team is asking for earlier debates because of the early voting. There is debate is only scheduled in september they say wait a minute, by that point everybody already voted. We have to get these debates earlier and more of them. Martha first of all, i dont see biden ever getting on stage with don trump, do you . No. Martha it is can have a guest sprained ankle or something, something would happen. Who knows. But we really do need to see all of these candidates and given their ages, the front runners as well as the vp debates come very important. By the way this is commonly harris channeling her inner biden, he recently claimed to be raised by the greek community, now here is the strength to japanese for the japanese pm. Proud daughter of california, i grew up surrounded by japanese american culture, and history, and over the years celebrity that history be it in San Franciscos japan town, in the peace plaza, Ministry Made reference in their representation in the joint session of the flagstones. Many vessel remember flintstones hes not quite sure how to translate yabadabadoo. Martha thats embarrassing. We have to double up the yabadabadoo defense budget. This is a disaster. Martha i thought she was going to about eating sushi. [ laughter ] dont encourage her on the podcast earlier this week, Kamala Harris was totally indecipherable, we need to hear debate to see which is action capable of, her words over the danger in those podcasts were apparently right and strength . Its important to see, the nature of democracy as a duality. On the one hand there is excitable incredible strength. When democracy is intact, what it is for its people, the strength to give us his people, protect its individual freedoms and rights and liberties. Is an agreeable strength and that. Strength, right . Right . Once she has those words, once she has a word, its like a musical be. It has to keep coming back and back and back. She loves It Space Travel as well. She loves [ laughter ] she likes evs as well. You know, evs they get good gas mileage dont they . The a really good on gas. You plug them in because they are evs. You know what this reminds me of, we were kids and had to write essays, made to write essays about a certain length, is it was 20 pages, right to watch what paragraphs and then its like, what is like to rewrite of the first two. Get the word count at all costs, that is Kamala Harris at all costs. Laura and i have been traveling a lot lately, i guess it is time for the raise rules for travel. You know, rule number 1, air travel is not your opportunity to get intimate. Economy plus does not mean economy plus one. We had these photos snap recently of a shoeless couple, lean into your tv and look at this, they were having what i could only describe as a layover in the aisle ten. Is indignant call is getting down to business class, thats what this is. Laura able spoon they are are literally wrapped around each other. First of all, where is the Flight Attendant to break this up . Secondly, we did not pay to watch you dry hump your seatmate in the aisle. Laura ew first of all, never take your shoes off on a plane. And knew you were gonna say that laura so gross, dont touch the armrests this is why i wipe down everything ten times. You gave away my second rule for travel which is please leave your shoes on and the plane in. Your stuffed comfort animal in front of you does not in any way relieve you of observing that rule, as at this picture and thought, this woman got her feet up. The blurred out her face but her foot is literally crossed over her leg and her foot is out shoes on or leave your slippers on if the case may be now in air travel before you took that picture i know you did. The worst is when youre sitting back, you put your arm on the armrest and do you know when the plane starts to home and you get a little tired, a little sleepy, all of a sudden you feel toes on your elbow because somebodys foot [ laughter ] puts their feet up if its a little baby thats fine, or little cade. Exactly. Laura i dont want to see a hairy mans toes in my armrest. Of this is a psych ward with wings, is a disaster, air travel these days. Happy flying laura were leaving people with that image of harry toes coming out on your armrest while you try to get a little nap on the plane. Rate, Jesse Watters is next, see around. [ ] jesse welcome to Jesse Watters primetime, tonight. We the jury found the defendant o. J. Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. Jesse o. J. Simpson dead at 76

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