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Migrants hauling rocks that are aborted. This is nancy pelosi doubles down on refusing to give any money for the border wall and President Trump not backing down, saying their shutdown will last as long as it takes. Congressman jim jordan and mark meadows during the interest minutes. Pleasant coming senator mitt romneys first order of business is taking on trump. This coming month, after obstructing the president s endorsement. Also a resident of the Cleveland Clinic fired after social media post focus of her comparing jewish people to dogs. And saying she would give them the wrong medication on purpose. But first, tomorrow marks day 13 of the Government Shutdown. And while President Trump and the republicans are working around the clock to come up with a compromise to get funding for Border Security, democrats are doing their best to delay and score political points as the situation at our southern border grows more dire by the day. Just look at what happened monday night. A violent mob of more than 150 Illegal Immigrants rushed the border. Putting women and children in danger, even reportedly pushing them to the front while clashing with Border Patrol agents. This is the second such incident since the caravan arrived late last year. President trump says its more proof he needs the money to build the wall. We have a very tough border. I think you see that even last night. People charged the border, tried to get through, but they couldnt because we have a wall up. If they knew they had a physical barrier, if they knew they had a wall, if he knew they had something that is going to stop them, they would have never come up in the first place. We are in a shutdown because democrats refused to fund the Border Security. They try and make it like its just about the wall, and it is about the wall. The areas that are built, nobodys getting through. You cant get through unless you are a worldclass pole vault or meal inflicting. Jason weve got a big lineup tonight. Covering all the angles, former acting i. C. E. Director tom homan is here plus congressman mark meadows and jim jordan. We begin with Trace Gallagher in the west coast newsroom with a back story. Jason, Border Patrol says just after midnight on new years, a fired tear gas at a group of migrants because they were throwing rocks and trying to climb the border fence. Saying that migrants were again showing their propensity for violence. Watch. Instead of trying to come north or surrender, they decided to install Border Patrol agents with a hail of rocks. How are ages responded with the least amount of force it possibly could to protect themselves and the border and did actually secure the border in this area. And Associated Press photographer disputes the Border Patrols sequence of events. Seeing the rocks were thrown after the teargas was launched. Though there appears to be no dispute that more than 100 migrants did rush the border and used a variety of tactics to climb over and under the fence. Former i. C. E. Director thomas homan says its no coincidence that tv cameras happened to be rolling. The people that plan and motivated this caravan are taking on the Border Patrol. They want to make it a story about Border Patrol abusing the civil rights of these animals. The Border Patrol is doing their job. No reports of major injury by dozens of migrants were arrested. This marks a second time in two months that caravan members have stormed the border and the second time that Border Agents have pushed them back using tear gas and pepper spray. Meantime, in the wake of two Migrant Children who died in custody of immigration agents, customs and Border Protection says the number of sick kids at the border is exploring, and that they are now referring 50 people a day for Urgent Medical care, including for tuberculosis, flu, and women about to give birth. Both of those who need care our children, in fact, 28 of all cases are those under the age of five. Cpp also says most of those needing medical health were sick before they arrived at the border, and many of the migrants had acknowledged being told that if they brought their Young Children to the border, they would get more lenient treatment by u. S. Authorities. Jason . Jason thanks. Joining me now, tom homan, former acting i. C. E. Director and fox news contributor, and francisco hernandez, an immigration attorney. Gentlemen, thank you both for being here. It is tough to see kids, particularly at the border, but it does appear, francisco, that a lot of these parents have been told that it would be easier to get into the United States if they brought their kids as if they are trying to use these kids in order to make their way into the United States. Absolutely. We are the country where its easier to get forgiveness than permission. I do want to say, i cant understand why special agent holman would not make permanent director of i. C. E. I mean, he does have the support of the troops. He has my respect. He has real solutions. But the problem is here, never blaming the democrats, who just took over the house today . What happened for the last two years . Why couldnt they build a wall, why couldnt they do Immigration Reform the last two years . We are sitting down and nothing is getting done. Jason francisco, its a math problem. That number is 60. They require 60. The house of representatives did pass a 5 billion appropriation for 5 billion to build the wall. But to say that the republicans at the house and senate and the president bible republicans are scared about democrats filibuster . Let them show their true colors and let them filibuster, but but something on the table jason i agree with you. No doubt. They are scared of the democrats filibuster. Jason i want to bring in tom homan. So that but i agree with you. I think the senate should have voted, and the 115th congress, on the bill that was passed up by the house. Tom, i want to get to the situation of the border. You have Border Patrol agents, not very well compensated, they put all the weight on their shoulders. But the Border Patrol agents, they do want a wall, dont they . And how are they dealing how do you instruct and teach people and tell people to deal with people who supposedly are coming to claim asylum but they are throwing rocks at you and trying to sneak in the border over a wall . Look, these Border Patrol agents, they are welltrained. First first of all, you said they are not be compensated very much, they are not being completed at all right now. These men and women are not getting paid and they are putting their lives on the line for this country and i saw it happen on the border. Look up with are you doing the best job they can. Jason amen. Figure to protect his border, and using tear gas was the minimum user necessary to protect themselves. They cant be had with rocks. Jason they do what they got to do. We are to salute them. But i said it in an early show, this is not all by accident. These demonstrations, theres a lot of pushing going on at the southern border. These caravans are trying to get in, they want to put the Border Patrol and bad land, they want to be in the front page of every newspaper of the world. You cant convince me that 7,000 people decided lets go to the United States. This has been a managed planned by certain groups jason and funded. You are correct. Ill sign up with a special agent homan. Hes absolutely right. Jason but francisco, why are these people not going to the port of entry . That is where the resources are because they cant get in the port of entry this is an entire orchestrated we dont know if it was from the right or the left, but there is no way 7,000 people thousand people all of a sudden get up and come over here in unison and none of them look like this is politics. It is a political ghost, we are afraid of it, we cant touch it. But we are all afraid of it. Lets just get down to Immigration Reform. If democrats are going to block it, let them filibuster let them show their true colors jason no argument here. And it should be voting, no doubt about it. I want to ask mr. Homan, though, for a second, there is a report out today that with the congressional leaders went over to me to the white house, secretary nelson was going to give a briefing, and they were interrupted by either ms. Pelosi or mr. Schumer, and they really didnt want to did want to get the briefing when they went to the white house. What runs through your mind when you hear stories like that . It is unconscionable that our democratic leadership did not let the senate to confirm Homeland Security secretary, give them a security briefing on the border. I mean, she was going to share with them, how many criminals were arrested coming across the border, how many terrorists were arrested coming across the border, how many criminals have been arrested by i. C. E. That were here illegally that obviously came into the United States illegally. She was going to give them a reallife situation in the border, how many children are sick, how many people need medical care, how many people come with disease, and they refused to give them a briefing by the number one response in this country by congressional representatives, get a securely funded border. It did not want to hear it because it does not fall in line with her talking points of, there is no problem the border. There is no crime, there is no disease jason fair enough. I got to get your reaction, ive only got a minute left. Why do we let the democrats the tail wag the dog . Democrats have been the minority for two years why are we letting them discuss jason hold on. Jason, let me tell you what is happen. Since they shut down the secretary today, with the president of the dennis gates is watching, i am for you, to have a president ial address in the entire nation in prime time, share this data with the American People. They voted for you to secure this border, they need to hear this data on the criminals and the gangs and drugs coming across as border. Go around nancy and mr. Schumer, talk to the American People. You will win their support. Signed me up. That is the man speaking the truth right there. Absolutely. I will fold, i am with him. Absolutely. Jason well, good. Gentlemen, thank you very much for what you are doing. Think of returning this discussion. I got to move on to another topic, the same topics, President Trump is asked congressional leaders to return to the house on friday to try to hammer out a deal on national security. But neither side appears willing to compromise on what that actually means. How long do you think the government will stay partially shut down . Could be a long time, or could be quite quick. Could be a long time. It is too important a subject to walk away from. We are in the shut down because of the fact that the democrats are looking to 2020. I actually think its bad politics. But im not thinking about the politics. Im thinking about whats right and whats wrong. And we need a physical barrier. Everything else is bells and whistles. The bottom line is very simple. In our last meeting, the president said, im going to shut the government down. They are now feeling the heat. He says he wont sign it and use the government as hostage, we should just given, the American People dont want that. That is bad for our country, and thats not the way to govern. We are asking the president to open up the government. We are giving him a republican path to do that. Why would he not do it . Jason joining me now for an the ingraham angle exclusive, housley and members jim jordan and mark meadows. I had the honor and privilege to serve with you. Always great to see you. I want to start with mark meadows here, congressman, got to tell you, there has been tweeting out there, some reports that youve been working pretty closely with lindsey graham, trying to figure out how to figure out that compromise. Where we had tonight . I can tell you, you said it earlier. The president has been working around the clock. He and his team, i was on the phone with him twice yesterday, on the phone with him on christmas eve. Senator graham has done the same, doing great work. Really offering a number of options. Its interesting, the whole narrative is that the republicans won compromise and the democrats wont compromise. But i can tell you, there has been at least three substantial offers, both directly and indirectly, that have been made on behalf of the republicans, that really come up against a wall. It is a wall of really undeniable resolve it where they are saying zero money for Border Security, lets have open borders, and the American People want to support that. Jason i want to play this clip and i will let jim jordan react to it. This is nancy pelosi and another network. Are you willing to come up and give him enormous money for the wall . Because apparently thats the sticking point. Drawl. We are talking about Border Security. Nothing for the wall, that means is back and forth. How many more times can we say no . Nothing for the wall. Jason what is your reaction . This is nancy pelosi, this is the same lady who said, you got to read the bill before you know whats in it. Excuse me, passed a bill before you know whats in it, who three weeks ago in the Oval Office Said there are three boats in the house to pass a Border Security, border wall funding in it, and 200 days when she says shes not going to do it, i say, lets tae the case to the American People, just like the president is doing. Ask some family who have seen terrible things, asked Molly Tibbetts family. As as a lawenforcement officer that just a few weeks back, so this is important, we need the Border Security while, the president has been clear on that, as marcus indicated, he is willing to compromise. The democrats have said nothing. Nothing for the wall. If you want to deal with the drug problem, the gang problem, Human Trafficking problem, you need a Border Security wall. That is all we are saying. We are only asking for 5 billion. We were really to come down on that. Lets get off the position, speaker to become a pelosi jason i dont know how the democrats can be successful. You try to do with a Border Patrol wants, the Border Patrol wants these people coming north, they are the ones that have to deal with it. Jerry nadler, the congressman from new york, the incoming chairman of the house judiciary committee, which does have jurisdiction here. Listen to the comments he made. This shutdown that President Trump has initiated come apparently claimed, is really black male of the American People. He is feeling abandoned. Once this shutdown really is as an extremist policy designed to hold the whole country hostage. Jason its really interesting. Most people back home most of your viewers tonight, they believe that they need to have a saver community, and a secure border. We are a nation of laws, lets uphold the laws. Yet here we are, Border Patrol agents, you just heard at there, Border Patrol agents say they need to barrier, they needed tools to do that. We need to do that. The president has waited two years. He campaigned on this. You know that, Jason Paredes waited two years. He said, enough is enough. Now is a time to do it. Lets make sure that we get a border wall. Jason heres a fundamental problem. The democrats are much more focused on stopping the president then they are on doing what is best for the country. The agents want the wall. The American People want the wall, people whose families who had loved ones harmed by people here illegally want the wall. Mr. Jerry nadler, hes much more focused on impeachment proceedings, much more focused on the emoluments clause, trump tax returns, all those things. Thats he with bets for the country here. Jason i dont know how the Democratic Party succeeds when they want to abolish i. C. E. They say the wall is immoral, they are in favor of sanctuary cities, and then when you try to fund the things they voted in favor of previously, they are not willing to do the appropriations. Many of these same democrats, use our nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, many of them havd for Border Security and walls previously. The only difference now is President Trump is in the white house and they can stand to give him anything. Jason how to get over that hurdle . I think one, you have to continue to give options, which the president is doing. You have to make the case to the American People, we are trying to get a petition going. We have opened up borderwallnow. Com, where we are encouraging brass routes across the country, to start the day, they sign a petition and say we are standing with the president , we want Border Security. It will be your viewers and people like that im country that have to step up. The Gofundme Pages 90 million already. One of our colleagues has a bill which would enable that money to go to the treasury and help build the wall. His bill is called buy a brick build a wall. Those of the kinds of things that is common sense. Lets get this done for the American People. Jason its almost 19 million, unbelievable. I got a transition to oversight, something the three of us sat on it, and i was the former chairman of brady will be the new Ranking Member working alongside elijah cummings, who will be the new chairman. I think the democrats have laid out some 80 plus investigations that are you going to deal with that . 80 different investigations they want to do. They had 54 different subpoenas that they issued, that they wanted to issue this time, this past time. And just over two weeks ago, mr. Cummings announced 51 letters and all kinds of things he wants to investigate. Well see. Do they within the president said this best, do they want to legislate or do they want to investigate . It sure seems like they want to investigate. It sure seems like they are more focused on stopping President Trump they arent helping the country. Well see what chairman cummings and the other chairman what i thought was interesting, i was very proud of the fact that we had evidence of something that was wrong and then we pursued it. As opposed to presupposing the end result and then trying to go back and fell in the fact later. I will still call you mr. Chairman, you are exactly right. What happened there, jason, we have an oversight responsibility, not an investigative responsibility. Its very different. When wrongdoing or the suspicion of wrongdoing is brought to us, then indeed we can properly investigate, conduct oversight, and do the like. But yet, here we have a fishing expedition where we will say everything that you could have possibly done wrong, we will investigate, even if it was prior to you becoming the president of the United States. Its just wrong. Jason we just got to focus on the truth. Focus on getting to the truth, doing our proper oversight, holding the executive branch accountable. Focus on the truth. If we do that, we will be fine and serve the taxpayers. Jason gentlemen, we appreciate what you do. We appreciate your service. I know personally how much time you sacrifice away from your beautiful families that you have. I thank you for joining us. Theres a lot on the line. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow and the election of the new speaker. Coming up next, mitt romney comes pouring into congress with a renewed attack on the president. Here are my take on the new war of words. Plus, the newly elected senator from indiana, mike brown, on the eve of being sworn into the 10,116th congress. He hasnt even got into office and he was very happy when i endorsed him. I think mitt romney hopefully will be a team player. If hes not, thats okay. And that works fast,ne the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the 1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. Coricidin hbp. Chicken thats right, chicken . candace new chicken creations from starkist. Buffalo Style Chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie just tear, eat. Mmmmm. And go try all of my chicken creations chicken i think its very important for a president to demonstrate the qualities of integrity and honesty, forthrightness, empathy, and respect for the institutions of our democratic republic. I think those are all parts of the job, and while i agree with him on many policy fronts and salute the work that has been done by the Republican Leadership in washington, the places that relate to, if you welcome the forming of National Character that i think we could do better job. Jason that was in coming utah senator and failed to g. O. P. President ial nominee mitt romney after his blistering oped against President Trump. , the leader of mitt romneys own party. Trump hating back today. Jason i wish he could be more of a team player, surprised he did this quickly. Im surprised he did this quickly. , i endorsed him, i think and vary profusely i read his oped. Jason Leland Vittert joins us live now with more on the war of words. Good evening, jason. Mitt romney seems to have been able to unify the Republican Party to a way that has been elusive for just about anybody else. So far, the only significant republican coming to romneys defense is outgoing senator jeff flake. Other than that, hes alone after and oped named he outlined a number of complaints of the president and said on balance, the president has not ribs wears into the mantle of the office. The president s response seems restraint. I just hope he is going to be a team player. If he is a team player, that will be great. I will say this, if he fought really hard against president obama, like he does against me, he would have one like the election. Romneys needs and g. O. P. Chairwoman wrote, for incoming republican senator to attack President Trump as their first act feed into what the media wants and is disappointing and unproductive. Why is he calling the president is honest . When you attack someones character like that, i think that is such a low blow and so personally directed and so malevolent that its not Something Like, oh, we someone will change their character. He is now called his character dishonest. I think that is a bad way for him to start and is in it because i think it will spoil relations between his or her presentation of utah on the president. Jason it is fair to say that the president and romney have had an onagain, offagain relationship with mr. Trump endorsing romney in 2012 and trading jabs with uncandidate trump, calling romney a choker in 2016 to then considering him for secretary of state before endorsing romney for senate, a fever romney refused y to return. I said, i will wait and see with the alternatives are. One alternative could be jeff flake, who as we noted earlier, jason, defended romney today and also noted, i do hope that somebody runs or challenge the president , that being senator flakes words. Jason thanks, leland. I represented the people of the great state of utah. I both want romney and trump to success. Romney readily accepted trumps endorsement when he was running for the senate, even after calling trump a phony and a fraud back in 2016. Nothing changed way trump is still the same person he was back in 2016. Part of what i actually like about President Trump. Romney wrote that trump train all the way to washington. In an october debate when he was asked about his past trump attacks, romney said this. Im not going to characterize specifically my comment in the regard of the past. Im going to talk about the future, where we are going, what he has done positively in my view. He is doing a number of things that i agree with and frankly, not a lot that i disagree with. Jason well, i guess that wasnt true. Its perfectly clear that romney doesnt take issue with trump on policy. No, his focus is on trump personality and approach. To the good people of utah, some of who will cheer these romney comments, his job is to represent the state of utah, not himself. This is not a good look for an incoming senator. In fact, this is selfish. It does not help the state of utah or solve a problem. It only creates one. But now we have a different, newly minted senator joining us. The one from indiana, mr. Mike brown is here. Congratulations, sir, and becoming the next senator from indiana. A big move. You are coming into washington, d. C. , you see what is going on with mitt romney. In the midst of a Government Shutdown. As is the picture you thought it would be when you were coming and got elected . When you stick your neck out to do Something Like this you never know what is going to eventuate. I did it back in 2017 and i started kicking the tires to i was inspired by what i saw with President Trump. I think when you talk about character and other things, it is important. I dont dismiss that. I think what mitt romney did, had a political calculation to it that remains to be seen. I am just anxious and would not have run unless i was inspired by the fact that it wasnt going to be business as usual. To me, for a main street entrepreneur like myself, from a functional state like indiana, we were looking for something refreshing that was different from the past two or three decades, which mitt romney and others have been a part of. I will respect everybody that is here. I just thought it was peculiar timing for a freshman senator to make that kind of statement. Jason you are coming in, in the midst of a Government Shutdown, what is the first order of business . To make a move got to get back to where we pass a project under regular order, two things that i think most hoosiers and americans would expect. I think that is not to have what is it, a 4 trillion budget that we cannot seem to get balanced year after year. Where i come from, when i was on the school board, was i was in a functional state government, when he ran a business for 37 years, you have been laughed out of any one of those institutions if you were operating like the federal government does. Im not going to cast any aspersions or astounded anyone. But im going to start seeing things work and i its going to take more people from the mainstream, the main street of america if we are going to see something happen different in the dynamic of d. C. Jason where are you out of the wall . Indiana, a little far from the southern border. What is your take on the president and with the president advocating . All throughout the campaign, primary, and general, Border Security, including building the wall, where you need to especially, worries about Social Security and medicare going to be around. That actually ranked up with the economy, and that is because the economy is doing so well. Jason are you willing to keep the Government Shutdown until the president gets his wall . Look at how long we have gone and Border Security has not been addressed by republicans and democrats. I think when would be a better time than now . Most of the government is funded. That is a misstatement that the government will fall apart. We have to get used to having Less Government in the long run anyway if we are ever going to balance a budget. And i think its time to stake out the tariff on, lets see where the democrats are. We know they are against a wall. I would love to see what they would be willing to spend any money on, and all i hear is that they would be for Border Security with no specifics. Jason thats the problem. They dont have any specifics. How much money are you willing to spend . Stay when i got over a minute but i got to grow questions i got to ask you. What do you believe is the biggest threat to the country that Congress Needs to aggress . I believe, and we hear it all the time, if we keep laughing off trillion dollar deficits and most people dont realize Interest Rates have gone up 2, and 20 trillion, that is 400 billion. We cannot run a government with that kind of dynamics. We dont do it anywhere else. Jason we are spending more than 600 million a day just in interest on that debt. You have a great business background, you beat two of my colleagues from the house. Two good people, but you shot through the middle and came to victory. Last question i want to ask you because i know you got a passion for this. Where do you want to focus your time . There are so many issues but where do you want to focus . What do you want to tackle and achieve as the new senator . Ive got a lot of things im interested in. Number one, weve covered it. If we dont get more people like me from there we are world, balanced budgets, payrolls, done things with balanced budgets and cash reserves, we are not going to do much as a federal government. Specifically, health care. The democrats basically got that issue right in the sense that you should never go broke because you have a bad accident or you get sick. But they teamed up with Big Health Care and we got obamacare. We got to have Something Better there. I want to focus on infrastructure, which hopefully, all of us believe that roads and bridges out to be found in this country and find a way to pay for them. Jason we wish you the best of luck on both sides of the aisle. Whats good for our country so that we should be prioritizing. Congratulations to you and your family. Tomorrow will be a big day, swearing in the neck senator for indiana. Thank you. Up next to my doctor, one of the doctors most procedures hospitals is fired after some very disturbing antisemitic comments serviced. Plus a former New York Times executive editor admits what we have long suspected. The paper has become unmistakably antitrump. Howard kurtz is here to expose the bias up next. Speak of the New York Times, you remember, its very famous. Nobodys never seen it before. Maybe never done before. He apologized to their subscribers because after a win, everyone said, what the hell happened . The hard work you put into lowering your very high triglycerides with diet and exercise deserves the hard work that went into the Science Behind vascepa. Prescription vascepa. Vascepa, along with diet and exercise, has Proven Results in multiple clinical trials. Vascepa looks different because it is different. Over a decade of Extensive Research and development achieved Proven Results. Thats the prescription power of vascepa. Vascepa is not right for everyone. Do not take vascepa if you are allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to fish, have liver problems or other medical conditions and about any medications you take, especially those that may affect blood clotting. 2. 3 of patients reported joint pain. Ask your doctor about what the Science Behind prescription vascepa can mean to you. Amarin thanks the clinicians and patients who participated in the vascepa clinical trials. Jason you really have to hear the story to believe it. A resident at Cleveland Clinic was fired after vicious antisemitic comments surfaced on social media, including a threat to give jewish people the wrong medicine. Trace gallagher is back with all the details. Trace . Jason, 27yearold was a firstyear resident at the prominent Cleveland Clinic when she was accused of making a lengthy list of antisemitic remarks on social media for several years. She, who worked in the hospitals internal medical program, deleted all of her social media profiles but screenshots of her remarks dating back to 2011 were documented by Canary Mission, a site dedicated to exposing antisemitism. Canary measured notes that ecolab supported terrorists, called for violence against jews, trivialize the holocaust, and a 2013, compared nazi germany to israel. Tell me what makes israels we must remain a jewish state of such in any less than hitlers obsession with a pure white nation. She, who also tutored and mentored high school and college students, and was involved in the big brothers, big sisters of america, also wrote in 2013, annoying to go to school in a city full of jews because everywhere i go, i hear about the wonderful israel. About to tell this guy to shut the blank up. And in 2012, she posted this. Ha ha, ew. I will personally give them all the wrong meds. The Cleveland Clinic says, there have been no reports of any patient harm related to her work during the time she was here. In no way, do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion, and a culture of safety and respect across the entire health system. The hospital also confirms that she was fired after an internal investigation and Canary Mission says that she is connected to other social media users whose feeds are replete with antijewish posts. Jason . If you are reading a story about somebody, its like the feeling New York Times, which is so bad. Its so bad. Jason President Trump has been railing against the New York Times since the 2016 campaign, claiming they were dishonest and biased against him. It turns out he was right. According to his former executive editor, Jill Abramson. She says the papers news pages, the home of its streets news coverage, have become unmistakably antitrim. Here now is howard kurtz, fox news me analyst and host of media buzz on the fox news channel. You were the one that broke the story and found what she had been saying. This is weve heard this before. We have not really seen it to this degree. We havent heard from the former editor of the New York Times. The story has gone absolutely viral. Shes written a forthcoming book and she says, the news pages, not the oped plan, these pages, raw opinion, headlines, this brings the cash registers. Given its mostly liberal audience, there was an implicit financial reward for the times running a bunch of antitrump stories, they drove by traffic numbers. More than a half million digital subscriptions, just the first few months of trump in the white house. Jason they were rewarded with circulation. At what point do they get off the rails underside that, hey, we got to go out and make sure that we give our audience what they want rather than playing it straight and deliver the news . Why isnt that their mantra . That should be the mantra of every news organization. I think a lot of organizations like the times are finding that there is a financial award, almost a Business Model and playing to an antitrump audience. In this case, yes, Jill Abramson was fired four years ago. She writes about this in the book, i write about it in the column. She admits she had flaws, she could be selfrighteous, and shes criticizing her successor, the current executive editor who was her number two, played a role in the firing, does not read to me like sour grapes. It reads to me like somebody who loves the New York Times who, by the way, is not a fan of President Trump. Shes criticized him in her own columns but she believes the paper that she loves has gone off the rails when it comes to this president. Jason is there a term is there a change in the journalistic standards for the young people . I want to put up this quote that she says. The more woke staff thought that urgent times called for urgent measures. The dangers of trumps presidency obviated the old standards. They think they are selfrighteous and justified in doing this because there is the greater good. Ive heard so many journalists say this, publicly or privately, Donald Trumps presidency is so out of control, hes not fit for the job, he justifies what were doing. And if i, we have become the opposition party, we have to crusade against him. Abramson is telling about the the times, she said as the younger staff, the more woke staff. The standards of use for every other president , throw them out the window because as donald trump by the more antitrump the the times is perceived to become of the more it mistrusted for being biased. That is the cost. You make lots of money in the short term but if you lose that credibility that you are just applying a whole different set of standards for a president you dont like personally, viscerally, ideologically, i i think your credibility erodes with a larger audience. Jason the relationship she had with Hillary Clinton, because it wasnt all pro Hillary Clinton, the New York Times did break the story about the private email server. Jason that caused some distressed. She seemed, at least from what i read your article, to say that was a problem for her. She says that shes never gotten along with hillary. She says hillary could be paranoid. She also thinks the times overplayed the hillary story. Thats been the subject of a lot of debate. The point is, that is not me or you are President Trump saying it, this is the former editor of the paper, former wall street journal reporter, putting her thoughts of this book, and essentially saying that the critics are the worst critics of the the times are true when it comes to the trump coverage. I think journalists of all organizations have to worry at this point not that there shouldnt be aggressive reporting, not that there arent good reporters at the times, not that some of the investigations missed the mark but the cumulative tone and volume and relentless nature of the antitrump fuselage i think is hurting credibility, and now we have Jill Abramson jason go to foxnews. Com, find this article. Its a fascinating read. I think it is more problematic than just the New York Times. I wonder where these schools of journalism are and what they are teaching these kids because i dont get the sense of, we will report the news, not try to create the news to push our own political narrative. Thank you. Sometimes that is seen as oldfashioned. Jason i appreciate it. A new year and a new round of attacks and our president by the new york governor, andrew cuomo. The democrat did the democrat crossed the line . My panel answers that after the break. Let new york say that the federal government may shut itself down but it will never extinguish the statue of libertys torch jason new York Governor Andrew Cuomo is starting out his third term in office with the same old scare tactics. The Democrat Using his 20 minute inauguration speech to attack President Trump, not by name, of course. Have have a watch. As our nation once confronted a great economic depression, we now confront a great social depression. Peoples frustration is turning to fear and the fear is turning to anger and the anger is turning to division. It is impossible to overstate how dangerous, how malignant this condition is. It is like a cancer that is spreading throughout our societ society. Jason joining me now, byron york, Washington Examiner geopolitical correspondent than a fox news contributor. And richard good scenes, former aide to Hillary Clinton and a democratic strategist, who joined us on the show many times. Thank you, gentlemen, for coming in. A bit melodramatic as i read what andrew cuomo did. I recognize hes being sworn in for the third time but was it overthetop for you, richard . Becomes quite honestly, given who is dad his dad was. I actually dont foreclose the notion that he will want for president though he insists hes not. I think he has been kind of angling for it for some time. He couldnt resist. He didnt call out trump by name, as you mentioned. Yet i actually think the things he calls for when he talks about a new era for justice in terms of Voter Registration and taking no corporate money into state campaigns, we have other federally, as you know. I dont think what his agenda is as all that radical, but he has to but that little twist on rhetorically, and again, i think it is in his gene pool. Jason governor of a big state, byron. Important state. What was your take on it . It was a little more overthetop than the romney oped. Kind of some of the same themes. This is a trend i think we are seeing and simply states, where some blue state officials seem more interested in donald trump then they are and what is going on in their own states. Cuomo spent a lot of his Reelection Campaign talking about the Trump Administration and the president. Letitia james, the new new York State Attorney general basically won a race that was kind of a gate trump contest, where all of the candidates talked about how much they will go after donald trump if they became the attorney general. So in these blue states, where you do have huge, huge antitrump majorities among the voters, there seems to be more interest in National Politics at the moment that what is going on in their own states. Jason they run the risk, democrats, of being all trump all the time and not talking about they get in the brain. Donald trump gets in your brain and they are not talking about the issues that supposedly differentiate democrats from republicans. My answer to that, they won 40 somehow seats, and 24 to 11 and the senate. Lets not think they had a bad year in the senate. They won 24 of 35 jason i hope republicans keep having bad years like that. My point is, they won the scene dont make seats seats they did by talking about health care and job creation and so forth that we are very much geared toward their constituents. They cant talk about resisted in california and new york and so on and it works for them but it needs her coat all marked competitive races, they were talking about things that r constituents, like health care. Jason byron, they were also other talking about cuomo pardoned 20 plus people so that they could get out of having to be deported. Is that a winning message outside of maybe the liberal new york or california . This speech was delivered at ellis island to send an immigration message. Here again, its all about trum trump. Put aside the question of whether all of these pardons or commutations were justified. Some of them involve people who were convicted of murder. Put aside that question, here again, you have states of trying to make their own immigration laws. We saw this again before donald trump appeared, the whole sanctuary say the thing dead. They are trying to make the own immigration laws, in particular because they dislike this president. Jason do you think that will hurt the governor if you decide to do anything else out there, pardoning these people . Do i think that pardoning to a for contempt of court, pardoning people who basically missed used lied to the cia, what donald trump is done, do i think that will hurt him . No. The rank order, all the things he is done, or that andrew cuomo has done for mothers is a kind of small potatoes. Jason i want to get your quick thoughts on something very serious. This is a very authentic, just a true moment where you just catch the senator, senator warren, on instagram, and just a raw this is who she is. Watch this. Im going for everyone who is joining this video. Its great to hear for you. Hold on a sec, im going to get me a beer. Hey my husband, bruce, is now in here. You want a beer . No, ill pass on a beer. You share . So this is my sweetie. Hello. Hes the best. Jason yep, its 2020 politics at its best, byron. Some candidates, alexandria ocasiocortez, made huge, cute use of instagram, very, very Successful Use of instagram. This is kind of the kids of today feel, 69 euros and entered trying to adopt this. You will see this on campaign in part because it is campaign. We talked about it, it gets spread around, you dont have to pay anything to spread it. In the last 48 hours, weve had Elizabeth Warren writing and for which we are cheap it, how she went to get it, how she drink it, and people saying that they wont work for donald trump. We had that same sentiment from people in the cabinet, honestly, i dont know that Elizabeth Warren will be the nominee. I tend to think not. That is a fight that democrats jason i think, like Hillary Clinton, and to a degree mitt romney, the authenticity question will be her biggest problem. It may well be. Jason thank you for joining us. Well be right back with the last bite. Chicken . chicken. Chicken thats right, candace new chicken creations from starkist. Buffalo Style Chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie just tear, eat. Mmmmm. And go try all of my chicken creations chicken its time for the last bite. Tomorrow is a big day here in washington, d. C. , and its the start of a brandnew congress. The 116th. And a brandnew speaker. Nancy pelosi is confident she has the votes to take back the gavel. That still remains to be seen. So what do her kids think about it . What are your feelings about this person you know quite well becoming speaker of the house for a second time . She will cut your head off and you wont know you are bleeding. Thats all you need to know. No one ever won betting against nancy pelosi. She has persevered. Youve got to give her credit. Jason wow. I guess its a compliment in that family. Thats all the time we have tonight. I am Jason Chaffetz in for laura ingraham. I flew back tomorrow night. Stay tuned because ed henry and the Fox News Night Team take it from here. We begin with a fox news alert. Breaking tonight, we are hours away from democrats officially taking over the house on what will be day 13 of the Government Shutdown. Before nancy pelosi is even sworn in as the likely speaker, tonight shes already declaring her bill offering to reopen the government will include nothing for the wall. Meaning that after two years of the minority sang resist, pelosi is heading into the majority with a new word no. She used that word five times in a few short

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