Cannot trust china especially when it comes to the coronavirus. But first, today hulu released what is possibly the least anticipated and most selfindulgent documentary series ever. And guess who it starts . Hillary clinton. No one actually on earth has ever asked for the series to be made, i am going to guess perhaps obviously hillary probably did. It is basically a vanity project, for the clintons who are some of the biggest grifters to ever live in the white house. So of course, hillary had a ball filming it, she even took the time to go after bernie sanders. He was in congress for years, years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician, he did not work until he was like 41 and then got elected to something. It was all just baloney, i feel so bad that people got sucked into it. Tammy rejection going on there, ha . Tim kaine, i know youre thinking tim who . Also makes an appearance, here is his claim. Remember, this is no time to be a purist. You have to keep fascists out of the white house. Tammy the most cringeworthy moment, there are more, came from bill clinton himself. I know youre surprised. Here is what he said about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Do you feel like our staggerg around, you have been in a 15 round prize fight that was extended to 30 rounds. And heres something that will take your mind off of it for a while. Thats what happened. Everybodys life has pressures and disappointments, terrors, fears of whatever, things i did to manage mine, things i did for years. Tammy wow, it just never ends. Joining me now is the woman you know Juanita Broderick one of bill clintons accusers. Thank you for joining me tonight, i appreciate it. In 2004 when he was promoting his biography, he said the reason that he had that affair with Monica Lewinsky and did what he did was because he could. Now i am going to believe that answer, as opposed to this one. Even if we were to believe him that he used a woman like a product in some way to manage his anxieties is in and of itself horrific, but he sounds almost as though he is making an excuse that he thinks people are going to appreciate. I know, when i first heard about that tammy, i tweeted and said what in heavens name is going on . Will the next episode talk about the women that he . The woman that he sexually assaulted . Where can they possibly go from here . I was astounded. Tammy what is interesting too is there is a category of voters, some younger people who might not even really know the details of his history. It is almost presented as though the Monica Lewinsky dynamic, i have seen interviews with her, she is a bright woman, her life of course has been changed forever because of this, but it is almost as though she is trying to find a new woke excuse. If you are a victim in some way, you are going to get a pass on this. Do you think, look, are these things that they really want to remind the American People about . You have been having to deal with this for so long. Do you think this is going to be helpful to them or do you think it will hurt them . No, i think people will be absolutely shocked. I think about all the women that are really right here sitting in this chair with me tonight. I think about Kathy Shelton the young 12yearold, in a coma for almost a month. And hillary provided assistance to the and got him off, i think about kathleen, paula jones, all of us. These were attacks, long before Monica Lewinsky. Tammy i want to hear a little bit more about what bill said about what happened to lewinsky after everything came out. It take a listen to this. I feel terrible about how it affected Monica Lewinskys life. Unfairly, i think. Over the years, i have watched her trying to get her normal life back again. Tammy yeah, you know still no real apology. He feels bad about that, do you think he feels the same about you . He doesnt feel bad about any of this. He just want sympathy. And he didnt right this, let me tell you who wrote this. Hillary wrote this. She doesnt want him to go anywhere near that there might have been feelings for Monica Lewinsky, she was just a toy. Tammy i will tell you wanita, when it comes to the human condition and so many women have had the experience of either Sexual Harassment or sexual violence, the reminder of this and also trying to escape the me too movement. It is a remarkable thing that this is something that both of them would feel comfortable reminding people of en as though they still have a claim to fame or still have no problem in so many ways when it comes to the lives that they have impacted. It seems to be an effort to remake themselves or to at least tell a new generation that they are not to be blamed for anything. Yeah, to me, it was absolutely unreal when i heard about it. That hulu could support this lowlife predator and come out with this nonsense, it was a very disgusting and despicable thing to me. If you want the good news is, we are reminded all the time about what is to come. Thank you for joining me. Now also here to react to what you just heard his attorney and to trump 2020 Advisory Board member, also with me is jehmu greene a Fox News Contributor and advisor to Hillary Clintons 2008 president ial campaign. One of the few things in common with you is i worked on the 1992 clinton campaign, so our generation has a long experience with the clintons. I will get to you in a moment, with this documentary coming out and you heard her response, what is your take on everything that happened . What can i say, the narrative today that Elizabeth Warren could not get the nomination for the democrats because they are sexists is this very history. Their prior nominee was a woman, a woman who was an apologist for a harasser for decades. I dont think that is the problem, i think the democrats need to focus on their double standard on this issue and need to be looking towards women and men who respect all people and dont pander and engage in this type of exportation of any person. Tammy i mentioned to her that this in fact is not really going to be helpful for the clintons to remind people about what the problem was and why people are now kind of in a certain kind of way. Would you agree or do you see a benefit to this documentary and the rehashing of those accusations . I certainly dont think that democrats are intimidated by Hillary Clinton at this point. It is perfectly okay for everyone to tell their own personal truth, i think it is important for president clinton to go through a healing process to admit to things and share things that we have never heard before. But lets move away from the clinton bashing, which i know is something that is hard for President Trump to do. I know it is very hard for republicans to do. Tammy is it really bashin bashing . They participated in this documentary, it is in the public realm, it is meant to be discussed. He is discussing a woman where her life was changed dramatically where the has an nt been an apology, one link between bill clinton and Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein and Hillary Clinton, are we not supposed to ask questions or wonder about what the answers are . I know it fits the republican narrative to continue to make Hillary Clinton the woman. When it relates to democrats and how we are looking at candidates like Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris or amy klobuchar, certainly there is a Large Community of women out there who are upset that there are no longer any women for them to choose from. We went lets focus on whos fault is that, that is the Democratic Party who did that. Tulsi gabbard is still in the race. Certainly there is a culture of sexism that has contributed to the fact that we have not had a democratic woman. As republicans, why dont yall get to the business of nominating a woman for president as democrats did in 2016 before you start critiquing where we are. Tammy we definitely have issues with sexism. Ladies, ladies. Here is the issue when it comes to people who are running for the presidency, if you cant win your own primary system you would not be able to win the presidency. And if you are going to blame sexism when it comes down to the issue being the issue and policies, if you are still goiny politics after youve engaged in identity politics, when it is about leadership, those kinds of individuals are never going to win the presidency. And when the republicans do nominate someone, that woman will probably be dealing with the issues and policies. It wont be a woman who would lie about her race, it wont be a woman who was cringeworthy pandering every day, and it wont be a woman who betrayed her base to turn the way that Elizabeth Warren did. Ladies, ladies. Lets listen to this, we have some media personalities here still blaming warren failed campaign on sexism. Listen to this. When women get good and ready to have a woman president , they will insist on it. They wont care if she is imperfect. Internalized sexism is a thing, girls and boys grow up in a sexist culture. It feels a little bit like a death knell in terms of the prospect of having a woman president in our lifetime. Tammy until we take responsibility for our own failures because of our own choices as opposed to whining and blaming a dynamic about, oh, they dont like us because we are women, we are never going to make the headway we need to be able to confront the political system and to get the votes that we need. Would you agree . Exactly right tammy, this whining come at this excuse making does not advance women. It sets us back this idea that women will only vote for women and that if men dont vote for women, they are sexist. In 2020 we dont need help. We dont need help, we are on our own basis. Whiners. Some women are hectoring and whining. Heres the thing, tammy ladies, we are going to move on. Thank you. Thank you very much. This is a dynamic where talking about leadership is about policies, leadership, looking forward, it is not complaining that someone didnt like you because you are a woman or because some other sliver of your identity. Until we can face that, we are not going to make any headway. And i think this is one of the biggest lessons we can take from what has been happening, especially from the Democratic Base. Unless the democrats are completing that the Democratic Base are all misogynist and dont understand, they have a problem. New york city used to be the safest big city in the country, but now they are saying an alarming spike in most categories of violent crime. Today the nypd released the shocking footage of a robbery in brooklyn. A group of vicious teenage thugs, take a look at that. Beating up a 15yearold girl in the middle of day, on a Street Corner stomping on her over and over again. One of the attackers and steals the air jordan sneakers right off of her feet, they leave her lying there limp on the ground. Joining me now, new York State Assembly member thank you so much for joining us. Bill de blasio mayor of new york, you are in albany, a state assembly member. America sees this unfolding, we know this is about policy, right . Not just city policy but state policy, its new york. The rest of the country should be concerned about this. What is your take on this . Absolutely, there has been a lawlessness here in new york that we are seeing just growing and growing because bad policies are coming forward by our mayor, by our governor, this new bail law that just basically allows 90 of the arrested population to go back onto the streets including for serious crimes of assault, aggravated assault, of a child, these are serious issues that our governor and mayor allowing to happen. We are seeing people released, arrested, released again, it is really unconscionable. In this situation we should also point out that in our schools, new york city schools, the mayor has completely eliminated school discipline. These kids go to school, they disrespect teachers. They are learning in the classroom but they can disrespect the teacher, their classmates, they can bring drugs to school, and nothing is goingo happen under this administration. Tammy it is the same for anyone committing crimes in the city or state, then there is no bail and you are released. The message is no repercussions. 20 jump in new york city serious crime in 2020 compared to 2019 according to the nypd. 35 jump in robberies is citywide. Shootings were at least one person was injured were up 19 burglaries up more than 21 court, grand larceny. I was in the subway last night and a man waited for the train to approach, through eight shopping cart on the track, the train hits it, sounds like a bomb, and he runs up the steps and the train is stopped, people are shocked, the conductor was worried he had a person, that person inevitably maybe he already has been arrested and released. It turns into chaos. It turns into chaos like people or alexandria or delete back or because the el cortez. All those crimes that you get released now without bail, if you look at that list you will see some serious violent crimes. Every type of drug deal, all released including those who were in this country illegally instead of being turned over to ice. Tammy you are and is ugly woman, is this the left are not reversing it at all, are they . We are pushing back to get this law fixed. Every Law Enforcement union is against it, d. A. Association is against that, de blasio lets listen to him as he is supposedly stepping up to fight this. The approach will remain consistent, we expect it to work because it always has worked. We definitely have some work to do. If you want more of the same, more work to do. Consistent. The mayor is full of it, he will twist and turn the statistics of what we know crime has gone up significantly as you mention. Peer to car thefts up 65 in the city of new york. Qualityoflife issues, graffiti on subway cars, there is the sense that as a society we take a message about what is appropriate based on our laws, and when the message is we dont care what you do, we are going to let you out, it becomes a freeforall. I am fighting to restore law and order in the city, we have to get rid of the things worry city policies, we need to fix this bill law which i do believe in the next few weeks we will finally be successful at pushing the governor to agree to restore judicial discretion at least. Tammy when do you think that will happen . I believe in this budget, april 1st hopefully we will see some changes. It should have been done in january. Tammy judges have absolutely no discretion. Other cities that have this kind of dynamic give judges to scratch and, thank you for joining us, i appreciate it. Coming up, we expose the worst media offenders of the week. The ingraham angle has got its eyes on you, you dont want to miss coming up next. Tammy it is easy to become numb as the media bias these days, the ingraham angle is keeping track of the worst offenders of the week. That is a big job. Joining me now is Ari Fleischer former White House Press secretary, and Fox News Contributor he doesnt know what is going to hit him. Chadwick moore, columnist and editor at the spectator. Gentlemen, lets get right into it. First up, the embarrassing fail by an msnbc host brian williams. And a New York Times Editorial Board member, listen to this. Somebody tweeted recently actually with the money he spent he could have given every american 1 million. Lets put it up on the screen. If bloomberg spent 500 million on ads, u. S. Population brandon 27 million. He could have given each american 1 million and have had lunch money left over, that is an incredible way of putting it. Tammy it sure is, it is also not true. They seem so proud of themselves, is it really an incredible way of putting it especially when the real number because we all have cultivators on our phones is 1. 53 per person . This was an olympian sized math error, it is not the math error that matters. It is the mindset, the mindset that accepts myths about billionaires and billionaires in this country that echoes what the democrats say. The problem is the democrats and way too many people in the media think if you tax millionaires and billionaires you can solve all our nations problems and fund all of her nations problems, that is the myth they subscribe to and where the bias comes in. This is way worse than the math error. Millionaires and billionaires could pay it all. Tammy explained the math error. It explains the math error that they expect everyone to get 1 billion, is it really something that matters or should we be concerned that this is the New York Times Editorial Board member who seemed very chuffed up that she figured this out on her own. She figured it out, the actual number is 331 trillion. The gdp of the United States is 19 trillion, there are only about 5 trillion errors in the entire world. This is a big network with lots of producers, how many producers looked at that segment . They had the graphic up, they didnt think, nobody did any math . What is the definition of these are people who pretend to be our moral superiors and our intellectual superiors, and look at that. Tammy and want to control all of her money. Lets move on to the next, here is how Michael Moore reacted to joe bidens big win in South Carolina. South carolina is not representative of the United States. That is just a fact. South carolina will have absolutely no impact on the november 30 election. It is hard for anybody to be thinking about voting for biden because they are afraid, voting out of fear tammy are they voting out if your . This is the most incredible thing, South Carolina was the first test of a black democrat voters. Iowa is 2 black, New Hampshire not for Michael Moore to say this, the workingmans hero, that was the test of black voters. Look at that, that is the most racist thing i have heard him say. Remarkable things to say about South Carolina, that it really doesnt afflict america and it doesnt matter. It is also incredibly foolish politically to think that because you can win a primary it has no bearing on the general. That doesnt matter, its not the comparison in the general. The primaries matter, as joe biden just proved. Michael moores political argument is way off on this one too. Tammy it seems panic into them, a bit triggered. Next up, here is who w will be e goldberg could be the top surgeon general. Joe bidens wife, she is a of a doctor. She is an amazing doctor. She apparently does not realize that joe biden is actually not a medical doctor, she has a phd in educational leadership. Unless she is going to be, may be a brain surgeon i am not sure. What do you think . This is the same with dr. Christine blasey ford, i broke the story she is not a licensed psychologist and never was, she was just an academic. The media ran with it because they failed to give her more help or wait, i do think that Whoopi Goldberg thought she was a medical doctor. Theres tammy what do you t . I hope will be is a patient, the real problem here is if your last name ends with open parentheses dr. Close per the people think you can do it all, you should be the surgeon general, it is only because of the party you belong to regardless of the facts, that is where the bias comes in. She is biased, she doesnt pretend not to be but you should at least be informed. Tammy indeed, that was the same group of course that sought michael evan out he was going to be the next president of the United States. Gentlemen, thank you very much. Have a great weekend. Up next, hollywood celebrities are losing their mind, i guess they have been, over Elizabeth Warrens failed president ial bid afte. Robert albi will be with us when we return. Stay with us. Will be is a patient, the real problem here is if your last name ends with open parentheses d. Close parentheses the people think you can do it all, you should be the surgeon general, it is only because of the party you belong to regardless of the facts, that is where the bias tammy yet another candidats dropped out of the democratic race, we are getting a clearer picture of americas future. A warrant is gone now, thats it. Further proof that america cannot have nice things. Tammy hollywood liberals are in mourning over Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the 2020 race, and what you just saw was only the little tip of the history iceberg. Look at what actress ashley doug tweeted, she never disappoints. I am grieving. Then actress amber camp, she wants a safe space for all, tweeting to the people who fought for Elizabeth Warren, you owe no one anything right now. Allow yourself the space to grieve and be angry and be numb and take all of it that you need. Maybe they should be numb through november and we would be in better shape there. Giving us hope and some perspective, Robert Dobbie actor and singer. Nice to see you. Are they actually serious after all this time, after everything they have seen and done, they are acting as though there was a death in the family or something horrible actually happened to the country. Wait until donald trump wins reelection. That is going to be the mont heard around the world. Its interesting tammy, the lack of real political understanding. I can understand getting behind your candidate and losing and putting your heart and soul into their candidacy, but god bless Elizabeth Warren, i dont know the woman but she was the most grading candidate i have ever listened to. There was something about her that i felt she was unhinged, she was hysterical, to get behind her her policies, whatever it might be, it warrants that kind of frustration. Tammy it let me just tell you, Elizabeth Warren is going to seem like Mother Teresa here compared to busy phillips. Busy is an actress, i believe she is i guess shes an actress. Listen to what this young woman had to say, shes just bent out of shape over the Elizabeth Warren in particular. Lecturing americans about abortion, listen to this. There i was sitting in los angeles in my beautiful office, of my own late night talk show. Soon i would be driving my hybrid car to my beautiful home. I have all of this. All of it. Because i was allowed bodily autonomy at 15. Tammy she was talking about effectively being able to have an abortion and that allowed her to have her hybrid car and a late night talk show. This is what really makes america cringe and is generally repulsive, even if you are prochoice. Even if you are a democrat, what is it that is driving someone like this . Well, you know there is a feeding frenzy in terms of hysteria feeding frenzy. We heard it with Chuck Schumer the other day, warranting this kind of behavior and outrage. I dont understand why isnt there the outrage for these unborns . They are condoning abortion as birth control, as opposed to for special, 50 million children being aborted when we have the science today . I am all for a womans right to choose, i am luckily not a female, i would hate to be in the position. But we should be screaming about birth control, other methods of women taking care of their bodies, and understanding the reproduction and protecting that. Tammy the heart and soul is really selfishness, the detachment from what really matters in life. And lastly, we have andrew yang people seem to like. He dropped out of the democratic president ial race having to explain the constitution to joy behar. Lets listen in. It would be a good choice, except that she is a brainy person. She is also not old enough. The constitution for the minimum age for president against conceivable that the pipes president is going to be president. I will tell you, this is kind of embarrassing when she doesnt have any idea if you are old enough to become the Vice President or to run for that office. Wright, you know when you hae a Major News Network saying that 500 million could get distributed to 357 million, each person 1 million, none of this month that surprises me. Tammy its a shame, not everyone in hollywood is like this. There are a lot of great actors, you are one of them obviously. Thank you for joining us tonight sir. Its an industry we all love, its a shame that this is going on i will tell you that much. Coming up, the latest on the coronavirus and two doctors are here to explain why we should be suspicious of information coming out of china. Congressman ken buck explains why he voted against the emergency virus response bill. You do not want to miss this. We will be right back. Ve these s young woman whispering hey, did you bring the. The condoms . Young man whispering whats up . Young woman whispering condoms young man whispering what . Young woman whispering condom father condoms charlie. She wants to know if you brought any condoms. Young man yeah i brought some. Announcer eargo, a virtually invisible hearing loss solution with high quality sound and lifetime support. Billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. Which of your devices are protected by daily security updates . Daily security updates. Daily . I dont know. The only thing. Im struggling with this. 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Tammy the number of confirmed coronavirus cases is growing, nearly 300 americans tested positive for it and at least 14 have died at this point. For more details, lets go to fox news chief breaking news correspondence Trace Gallagher in our west coast newsroom here to trace. Good evening, breaking tonight the grand princess cruise ship anchored off San Francisco is carrying the coronavirus. Of the 3500 passengers and crew, 46 were selected for testing and now we know that 19 crew members and two tested positive. 24 tested negative, one test inconclusive. During the white house news conference, Vice President mike pence said that this weekend the grand princess will be brought into dock at a noncommercial port. Watch. All passengers and crew will be tested for the coronavirus, those that need to be quarantined will be quarantined here to those that require additional medical attention will receive it. It receives unclear where those will be quarantined, though military bases are possible sites. The grand princess is under scrutiny because seven passengers of the ships previous cruise to mexico tested positive for coronavirus. One of them an elderly man died, and several dozen passengers along with crewmembers who went on the mexico cruise remained on the ship for this cruise. And we just learned another passenger on the grand princess cruise to mexico is now confirmed to be hawaiian first case of coronavirus. Both new york and california have seen an increase in the number of cases, both states have complained about a lack of caskets. A million kids have been contributed, and 1 million more are on their way to any state that needs them. There are currently 290 cases of coronavirus in the u. S. , 14 people have died. Tammy. Tammy trace, thank you very much for that. Dont trust china when it comes to the coronavirus. Secretary of state mike pompeo laid out just how hard it has been getting any answers out of the chinese. This is the wuhan coronavir coronavirus. The information we got at the front end of this thing wasnt perfect, and has led us now to a place where much of the challenge we face today has put us behind the curve. It has proven incredibly frustrating to work with the Chinese Communist party to get our hands around the data which would ultimately be the solution to getting the vaccine and attacking this risk. Tammy joining me now is dr. Dalia wax, most of the doctored dalia show. Dr. Wax, lets start with you. Thank you both for joining me tonight, i appreciate it. Given what secretary pompeo has just said, and us knowing as americans and as regular people, can we believe anything that has been coming out of china on the virus . Know we cant, it has been very frustrating because even with the pattern of the number of cases that seem to go from 0 to tens of thousands, many of us in the medical field are scratching our heads. Are we getting the full story . In terms of the source, whether it was from a bat or a snake or from a nearby lab, you would think china would want to work with us and give us the information so we could help with the vaccine. At the fact they have and it shows they are holding back. Tammy the nature of this totalitarian communist regime is to be secretive, to not be involved in the truth and honesty and information. For you, especially also as a audiologist looking at respiratory issues et cetera. The value of knowing how many people are affected by something. For the medical community how important is that when we talk about the spread . It is immense, will be also need to know is actual demographic data. What is the is no ethnicity, sas almost exclusively affected those of north east asian dissent. We need to know the age of these people, we need to know do they have diabetes, emphysema, are they otherwise immunosuppressed, taiwan has done an excellent job in terms of messaging. The Health Minister is on tv everything will day, they have a website where people can see where these individuals are. It is actually served to calm fears, and help people. I think information is power, we have seen hoarding, we have seen bad behavior by u. S. Citizens, but its understandable. Tammy the president s reaction while it was ridiculed, really has given us a window with which to breathe in a way. It has kept it from becoming a dynamic emergency within the chaotic framework, and gave us some chance to be able to look at what was happening. Listen to an hhs secretary who gave us this idea about what the numbers might be when it comes to the mortality rate. The best estimate now of the overall mortality rate for covid19 is somewhere between. 1 and 1 , that is lower than you heard probably in many reports. Tammy obviously that is based in this presumption, the chinese are not being honest about how widespread it is. It may in fact have been in america and around the world longer than we thought, more people are affected who are symptom list or have already recovered. As a result the mortality rate itself goes down, isnt that right . Yes, we havent been able to test. It took a while to get the test kits these are nhs kits that take a lot more than just a few weeks to make. We believe it was probably here and we couldnt test it so we didnt have numbers. If you the other thing, about china. The notion of the demographics, even if we didnt have numbers for europe or numbers for the United States, they had numbers. They would have an idea of the spread of it, and the kinds of people affected, the issue of pollution in china, certainly pollution in iran, the rate of smoking, individuals who still spoke, the resp. We can probably estimate that they started in china probably in late october, given its peak we will probably see it peak in the United States in late april, early may. Unfortunately, we dont have that data. Data that they clearly have, this is the most restricted surveillance state in the history of the world. We need that data, the world means that data. Right now, some of the best data we have isnt from the United States, it is from Imperial College london. Neil ferguson has done some excellent work. Tammy both of you, thank you very much. We know that the israelis are working on the vaccine, the data we need when it comes to the coronavirus, this in particular certainly and we know that the American Medical System is the best in the world, and we are going to get this. Thank you for joining me, i appreciate it. Rick santelli, you know him. He found himself in a heap of trouble yesterday after he said this. I am not saying this is the generic type flu, but maybe we would be better off if we gave it to everybody and then in a month it would be over because the mortality rate of this probably isnt going to be any different if we did at that weight than the longterm picture. But the difference is, waking havoc on global and domestic economies. Tammy he did apologize, obviously speaking off the cuff there. Really responding to this idea that this is perhaps like the flu but as we have seen, it has manifested as pneumonia and having really wreaking havoc on the elderly and people with preexisting respiratory infections, those are the people i think it is becoming apparent are in particular trouble. It joining me now is congressman ken buck. Those kinds of comments, i suppose could spread some panic. We know that the media gives us these headlines about the spread without perspective. Congressman, do you think that is important when it comes to isnt just about about the fact in the moment or is there more important element to be discussed including the broader perspective of what is really happening . I think the broadest perspective is very important, i am very happy that Vice President pence is addressing america as often as he is and reassuring america about the spread of this disease. And what is being done to make sure that we are combating this disease. It is a serious issue, and an issue that i think the administration and i really see a lot of the states coming together and moving beyond politics. I think the American People are somewhat reassured, there is still a sense of panic but it certainly doesnt help when someone at msnbc makes a Statement Like that. Tammy especially when we have the flu which is very widespread, we are in the middle of flu season. We have had this year at this. 18000 people have died, a coupe weeks ago at the height of coronavirus panic over 100 children died from the flu here in the u. S. At 283,000 americans have been hospitalized since the beginning of the 201920 flu season. At least 29 Million People had the flu, so when we think about this congressman, these remarkable numbers and americans go about their lives because we know and we wash our hands and the information for coronavirus is the Silver Lining is able to help us get rid of the flu as well. It does show that a lot of this may be political when it comes to the president , he was ridiculed for the work he did in the beginning which i think kept this from becoming an immediate emergency in this country, do you think politics has infused some of this conversation was to mark i work on capitol hill, i see politics every day. Unfortunately i see people that try to make political gain out of this, starts in china and comes to the United States and is being handled as well as we could possibly help. To try to lay this at the president is unfair, i think most people have seen three years of unfair treatment by the democrats of this president. I think they are immune to the kind of attacks that the democrats are making. Tammy we need to come together on this, you did vote against the funding bill the 8. 3 billion funding bill very quickly can you explain why you did that customer x because the president asked for 2. 5 billion, i would have supported that. The speaker decided to add all sorts of Christmas Tree ornaments to this bill. It was unnecessary, too much money. They never had a hearing to discuss it. Tammy you come under attack for a video you did regarding the second amendment, i do you to briefly remark on that what that kerfuffle was all about . I was upset when beto orourke during the president ial Campaign Talk about the fact that he would take everyones ar15. I have an ar15 in my office, and joe biden announced on monday that he beto orourke would be his gun died. Tammy it was just an ad that you are defending second amendment. We appreciate that sir. Thank you very much for joining us, we will be right back. Rust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. These are avas shoulders. They square off, hold firm, bear it all. This is her physical therapist, covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield. These are avas shoulders. Now stronger than ever. This is what medicare from Blue Cross Blue Shield does for ava. And with plans that fit every budget, imagine what we can do for you. This is the benefit of blue. Test thats all the time we have time. Thank you for watching ingraham angle. My thanks to her for this chance and her team, samantha, jessica, tony, david, allen, and michael. Make sure you check out my show. Thank you all, everyone. Have a great night. See you next time. fox news alert. The chief of staff becomes a reality. Whats behind the move. The fourth chief of staff. New covid19 cases popping up tonight as the president speaks to reassure the public, the team of experts is equipped to handle

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