Transcripts For KCSM Democracy Now 20161109

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ofrica to bind the wounds division. to all republicans and democrats and independents across this usion, i say it is time for to come together as one united people. it is time. amy: from the first african-american president to one supported by the ku klux klan, donald trump has been elected the 45th president of the united states. he has vowed to build a wall with mexico, been muslims, in jail his opponent hillary clinton. the house and senate will remain in republican control. all of that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. donald trump was elected 45th president of the united states defeating hillary rodham clinton , in a stunning upset that reverberated around the world. trump carried at least 279 electoral college votes to clinton's 218, although trump appears to have narrowly lost the popular vote. around 2:50 a.m., trump took the stage at a new york city victory party, saying he had received a phone call by hillary clinton congratulating him on the win. mr. trump: to all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. it is time. [applause] i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans. and this is so important to me. have chosen not to support me in the past -- of which there were a few people. [laughter] i am reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. amy: the contest pitted the two most unpopular candidates in modern presidential history against one another, with a majority of americans viewing both trump and clinton unfavorably. donald trump has never held elective office. he opened his campaign in 2015 with a speech calling mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. trump has proposed banning all muslims from entering the united states. he openly mocked his opponents, reporters, asians, african americans, and the disabled. more than a dozen women have accused trump of sexual assault, and he was heard in a 2005 videotape boasting about sexually assaulting women. throughout the campaign, trump drew the enthusiastic support of white nationalists and hate groups. former ku klux klan grand wizard david duke, who ran unsuccessfully for a u.s. senate seat in louisiana, cheered the outcome of the election. duke tweeted -- "this is one of the most exciting nights of my life. make no mistake about it, our people have played a huge role in electing trump. #makeamericagreatagain." news of trump's victory left supporters of hillary clinton stunned and shaken. a crowd of thousands -- a majority of them women -- gathered under the glass ceiling of the jacob javits convention center in new york, where celebration turned to despair as it appeared clinton was headed to defeat. trump's victory sparked early-morning protests around the country. at the campus of ucla in california, about 1500 people gathered to protest and burn a trump piñata. outside the white house, trump's opponents shouted at supporters, who responded with chants of "build that wall!" meanwhile, republicans captured both the house and senate, positioning their party to control all three branches of government. democrats gained a senate seat, but will fall short of the 51 seats needed to overcome vice president-elect mike pence's tie breaking power. in the house, republicans will hold a comfortable majority, with at least 236 of the chamber's 435 seats. the congressional sweep makes it likely that donald trump will appoint a conservative to the supreme court post left vacant since antonin scalia died in february. republicans have refused to consider obama's pick for the high court, merrick garland, and will likely ignore his nomination until trump names his own nominee during the next congress. markets in the u.s. and around the world plunged overnight as trump's victory became imminent, with the s&p dropping by 5% to its limit down, the maximum drop allowed before trading curbs kick in. many stock indices recovered after trump's victory speech. the mexican peso fell 11% overnight to an all-time low, before recovering some ground. tuesday's election was the first in half a century to take place without the full protection of the voting rights act. the leadership conference for civil rights says voters had 868 fewer polling locations. in key battleground states, many spent hours in line, while others gave up and left the polls. in greenbelt, maryland, voters waited for one ballot scanner for the entire precinct. >> i said, why do you only have one scanner? i have a friend who lives in montgomery county, and they have six or seven. she said, that is all they give them. i ask her, why do you only have one here? three hours is just too long. amy: there were hours-long lines parts of new york city, as well, where donald trump was booed as he entered public school 59 in midtown manhattan to cast his ballot. [boos] amy: turnout was down among african american voters in key battleground states where federal lawsuits have challenged voter id laws that civil rights groups say are targeted against communities of color. in wisconsin, republican paul ryan easily reclaimed his house seat tuesday. ryan says he is confident he'll retain his leadership role as speaker of the house. by someing the polls, accounts, this could be a really good night for america. this could be a good night for us. amy: some republican congress members say they'll seek to replace ryan as house speaker, after ryan repeatedly condemned donald trump's remarks on the campaign trail. despite the criticisms, ryan never dropped his endorsement of trump. also in wisconsin, democrat russ feingold narrowly lost his bid to return to the senate, falling to republican incumbent ron johnson. in florida, republican marco rubio has retained his senate seat after reversing a pledge to retire from politics and despite a failed bid for the republican nomination. during the campaign, trump repeatedly mocked rubio's appearance, calling him, "little marco." at a victory party on tuesday, rubio struck a conciliatory tone. >> i hope we will set the example in this great state that while we can disagree on issues, we cannot share a country where people hate each other because of their political affiliation. we cannot move forward as a nation if we cannot have enlightened debates about tough issues. you can disagree with someone without hating them. amy: in california, state attorney general kamala harris has won the senate seat vacated by democratic senator barbara boxer, who is retiring. harris is a democrat of indian and jamaican ancestry. she becomes only the second black woman ever elected to the u.s. senate. in illinois, democratic -- democrat -- in gubernatorial races, democrats and republicans appear to have evenly split the 12 governor's seats up for election. in north carolina, republican governor pat mccrory is demanding a recount, after an initial tally showed him trailing democratic challenger roy cooper by fewer than 5000 votes. in ballot measures, 69% of voters approved an anti-union measure to make alabama a right-to-work state, while a similar measure was defeated in virginia. voters in colorado, maine, and arizona all voted to increase the minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020. while in washington state, the minimum wage will increase to $13 $.50 an hour. in colorado, voters have rejected a measure to create a single-payer health insurance system. nebraska has voted to restore the death penalty, while in oklahoma, voters have approved a measure that amends the state constitution to guarantee the right to impose death penalty. in california a ballot measure , to overturn capital punishment is trailing, while another measure to speed up the pace of executions is winning by a narrow margin. voters in california, massachusetts and nevada voted , to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, while north dakota, arkansas, and florida approved medical marijuana initiatives. in minnesota, ilhan omar has been elected as the nation's first somali-american legislator, winning a seat in the state house as a member of the democratic-farmer-labor party. in arizona, maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio lost his bid for a seventh term. arpaio faces the possibility of jail time after federal prosecutors announced they are charging him with criminal contempt of court over his refusal to end unconstitutional immigration patrols in arizona. in california, two people were left dead and two others wounded after a man high on cocaine and armed with handguns, a rifle and shotgun opened fire near a polling station in the city of azusa, east of los angeles. police chief steve hunt said the gunman was found dead after a battle with police. >> we believe the suspect was armed with an assault rifle, with a rapidfire capability, whether it is fully automatic or semi automatic, we don't know at this time. amy: the violence halted voting at two polling places and caused a lockdown at a nearby middle school. police say the gunman fired at least 20 rounds at officers. the shooting came mere hours before california voters approved prop which bans 63, possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, and provides a process for felons to have guns confiscated. in orlando, florida, city officials said tuesday they will purchase the pulse nightclub and convert it into a memorial for the 49 people killed there on june 12. it was the deadliest mass shooting in modern u.s. history. shooter omar mateen purchased the guns he used in the killing -- including an ar-15 semiautomatic rifle -- legally. in climate news, the world meteorological organization said tuesday the five years from 2011 to 2015 were the hottest on record with hundreds of thousands of deaths likely due to global warming from human activity. the findings were presented in marrakesh, morocco, where united nations climate talks got underway this week. the report found human-induced climate change was directly linked to extreme events, including an east african drought and famine in 2011 that claimed over 250,000 lives. elena manaenkova of the world meteorological organization says the earth's temperature has already risen by one degree celsius, which is nearing the limit of a 1.5 degree rise set by the paris agreement. >> the conclusions are very clear that this was the warmest five-year period on record. we also confirm that the 2015 was a year when the global surface temperature exceeded one degree, and it links to the debate during this climate conference in the paris agreement target. amy: meanwhile, many delegates to the u.n. talks are expressing panic over the election of donald trump, saying the outcome threatens the future of any international agreement to slow catastrophic climate change. the republican president-elect has said he will -- "cancel the paris climate agreement and stop all payments of u.s. tax dollars to u.n. global warming programs." trump has also promised to promote coal power and fracking and says he will allow for oil and gas drilling on federal lands. he has also promised to ask transcanada to renew its permit application for the keystone xl pipeline. india's supreme court has ordered the federal government to come up with a plan to combat toxic air pollution so thick that it is being described as beyond measurable limits. the government has 48 hours to respond. a recent unicef report found 600,000 children under five die of air pollution every year, with about a third of the world's at-risk children living in northern india and surrounding countries. and in north dakota, the company building the dakota access pipeline says it is preparing to drill beneath lake oahe on the missouri river within two weeks, even though the u.s. army corps of engineers has not granted a permit. the announcement shocked and infuriated opponents of the $3.8 billion pipeline, which has faced months of resistance from the standing rock sioux tribe, along with representatives of over 200 other indigenous tribes and non-native allies. opponents, who call themselves water protectors, say they were promised by an army corps of engineer official that the dakota access pipeline would be delayed by at least 30 days, should the obama administration agree to a permit. but pipeline builder energy transfer partners said tuesday the army corps was mistaken when it said the company had agreed to slow construction. the announcement came one week after president obama said the army of corps was looking at a possible reroute of the pipeline. and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. donald trump has been elected the 45th president of the united states, defeating hillary clinton in a stunning upset that reverberated around the world. trump carried at least 279 electoral college votes to clinton's 218, although trump appears to have narrowly lost the popular vote. as recently as yesterday some , pollsters were predicting clinton had a 99% chance of winning the election but that , was before trump pulled off victories in key battleground states of florida, pennsylvania, wisconsin, north carolina and , ohio. donald trump, who has never held elective office, opened his campaign in 2015 with a speech calling mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. he has proposed banning all muslims from entering the united states. he openly mocked his opponents, reporters, asians, african americans and the disabled. , more than a dozen women have accused trump of sexual assault, and he can be heard in a 2005 videotape boasting about sexually assaulting women. throughout the campaign, donald trump drew the enthusiastic support of the ku klux klan and other white nationalist and hate groups. former kkk grand wizard david duke, who ran unsuccessfully for a u.s. senate seat in louisiana, cheered the outcome of the election. duke tweeted -- "this is one of the most exciting nights of my life -- make no mistake about it, our people have played a huge role in electing trump! #makeamericagreatagain." around 2:50 eastern time this morning, donald trump took the stage at a new york city victory party, saying he had received a phone call from hillary clinton congratulating him on the win. mr. trump: i have just received a call from secretary clinton. [cheers] she congratulated us. it is about us. on our victory. and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. i mean, she fought very hard. hillary has worked very long and ofy hard over a long period time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that very sincerely. now it is time for america to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. it is time. pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all of americans, and this is so important to me. for those who have chosen not to support me in the past -- of which there were a few people -- [laughter] i am reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. [cheers] as i have said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. it is a movement comprised of americans from all races, religions, backgrounds, and believes who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will. [applause] together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the american dream. i've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. whatis now what i will -- i want to do for our country. amy: we will have more on donald trump's election as the 45th president of the united states in a minute. ♪ [music break] amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. donald trump has been elected before ticket president of the united states, defeating hillary clinton in a stunning upset that reverberated around the world. trump carried at least electoral 279 college votes to clinton's 218, although trump appears to have narrowly lost the popular vote. to talk more about donald trump's triumph, we're joined now by a number of guest. john nichols is a political writer for the nation. his new article "these election , results will define america." linda sarsour is the director of the first muslim online organizing platform, mpower change, and co-founder of the muslim democratic club of new york. jose antonio vargas is a pulitzer prize-winning journalist and filmmaker. he's the founder and editor of #emergingus and founder of define american. he famously came out of the shadows in 2011 in "new york times" magazine. is with us,h-jones an award-winning reporter. and joining us on the phone, wayne barrett, who is been reporting on donald trump for decades. his 1991 biography of donald trump was just republished as an -- in paper book with the title of "trump: the greatest show on earth: the deals, the downfall, the reinvention." john nichols, let's begin with you. >> let me offer a minor corrective to one of the things you said. you said hillary clinton is narrowly ahead in the popular vote. america has a lousy, messed up election system and we count votes really slow. what will turn out to be the reality, because at least one third of the california vote is still uncounted -- it looks to be -- is that hillary clinton will actually beat donald trump by perhaps the largest margin that any loser beat a winner by in the popular vote. it will grow quite a bit. i followed this in 2012. barack obama's win from 225,000 to 5 million. what we have in our country is a reality that we have a new president who in most countries in the world would not be president because in most countries in the world, the person who wins the popular vote becomes president. we should begin with that, not to comfort ourselves overly much, but to recognize that we have had a result that is a product of an election system that is a mass and was designed a long time ago to reduce results that did not necessarily reflect the popular will. for those who are unsettled by donald trump election, that is an important beginning point. one other elements, i have covered the new republican party -- this is the republican party that came into existence after barack obama's election. this republican party understands that when it gets power, it uses it quickly. this is an important thing. donald trump will assume the presidency with a republican house and senate. if we look at the pattern from states from 2011, they will move very rapidly on elements of their agenda. i would counsel that donald trump was elected on the most right-wing platform in the history of the republican party. a platform that is filled with economic and social proposals that are more strongly backed by his congressional congresses -- caucuses than by him. i would simply suggest we are at a radical pivot point in this country. and on the eve of the election, newt gingrich said he anticipated it donald trump was elected, there would be mass protests and a great division in this country. veryld suggest that is likely to be the case. frankly, very necessary because we cannot say to a man who lost the popular vote that we accept your radical agenda. , we areole hannah-jones going from the first african-american president in the united states to a president supported by the ku klux klan. your thoughts? >> well, i think it oncerising . i have been tweeting about this all morning. look at what happened after the civil war after lincoln's assassination. you get grant and then you get hayes. hayes basically returns the white south to power and ins reconstruction. you look at johnson who passes and helped pass the most expensive civil rights legislation since reconstruction will step we replace them in this country with richard nixon, who runs on the southern strategy that plays on the racial fears of white southerners and white in the north, and they quickly rollback and decided they're not going to civil rights legislation. we have the first black president, replaced with someone who has been endorsed by white supremacists and the kkk. i think while a lot of people are reeling, this is probably a very unsurprising outcome when you look at history. whenever there are great strides ordered racial progress, there is a white backlash. i think the media coverage that is trying to call this an issue of working class without saying white working class, and we know that black, latino, brown working class did not vote for donald trump, is dishonest. we know from preliminary results trump won across the board with white voters, educated white americans, middle-class white americans. it was not just white folks who did not know any better. i think there's a lot of soul-searching the needs to be done. i also think this election is very american. amy: what you mean, american? >> if you look at history, this is not surprising. this is a country that has never been comfortable with racial progress and still is not so. amy: yet, there is a bright sweep in europe as well. you look at the philippines. you look at the president who is known as the philippine trump. which brings me to jose antonio vargas. .ou were a reporter for years you were at "the washington post." you came out in a piece in "new york times" magazine saying you were an undocumented immigrant, something your employers did not know for many years. and now you have set up an organization to help people. donald trump started off by calling mexicans rapists and criminals. and has promised to this day to build a wall with mexico. your thoughts today? >> that organization is called the fight you will find we actually house the largest collection of undocumented immigrants online. i have to say this morning, i was looking at it and dust because i'm getting all of these textss and facebook messages from people were worried that bya from executive action the president, will get taken away by january. about 750,000 young people who have temporary status right now, donald, in school, and trump has said he will take that away. i want to add to what you said. i think this is important. in this country in the next 50 years, 88 percent of the total population growth are going to come from most latinos and asians. a country that has barely debt with the black and white issue is now getting more complicated with latinos and asians, muslims, and all of these "others." i have been traveling for the past five years doing this work. i have done probably more than 800 events and more than 300 schools. i made a document before mtv that aired a month after donald trump announced his presidency. this is not surprising to me. but i have to say, it has been infuriating watching all of these "experts" and pundits who i think, by the way, should all lose their jobs given the fact they don't know anything when it comes to this. we need real reporters to do the real work in trying to figure out how we got to where we got. that is the first point. the second point is this. courage. i think it is going to take a tremendous amount of courage for people of color, for muslims, for immigrants to get up this morning to go to work, to look at their children and relatives in the eye and tell them it is going to be ok. the first person i called last night when this happened was my grandmother, who is 79, a u.s. citizen, has been here since 1984, who is crying on the phone thinking i'm going to get deported to the philippines. those are the conversations that are happening. i would also have to say that given all of the travels and conversations i have been doing, i think we are and have been since the election of barack obama come in the middle of the civil war. it is an internal civil war that is part civil war, part reconstruction. demographically, this country is no longer going to be white. the state of california alone, 25 of all californians aged and under is latino. this country is only going to get gayer, blacker, brown or, more asian, women will break all barriers there ito break. what is left is es ow ch chae n, handle?en and white peo i think last night we saw that it is not a lot. amy: i am reading from the august asian journal that says filipinos everywhere are reacting to donald trump's comments that suggested a ban on immigration from areas with high rate of terrorism, including the philippines. i want to go to linda sarsour, mpower ad well-known muslim leader in new york and around the country. yes, donald trump, to the end of his campaign, talked about banning muslims. your thoughts today? >> i will be honest with you, i am were a fight. i am beyond myself. i have a 12-year-old daughter sobbing at home. this is who we are and who we have been. anyone who is denied is that truth is why we are in the place we are in right now. never a president right now who has access to executive orders, access to nuclear codes. he is going to appoint the next supreme court justice which will live generations after his presidency. i am appalled i'm sitting right to having to figure out how explain to young people across the country, including my own children, what we have a sexist, racist, islamaphobic in the white house. i have not slept all night. i am speechless. amy: i want to turn to the events leading up to the election, to november 8. last night we had an extended six hour discussion covering all of the various developments around the country, the races from the presidency to the senate to the house the governors races covering ballot initiatives. i want to turn to one of our guests who was speaking last night from investigative journalist allan nairn. i asked him about fbi director james comey, who jolted the president race a week and half ago him a when he notified congressional leaders that the fbi was investigating more e-mails as part of its probe into hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail system. i asked him about the role of the fbi in this election. >> if it turns out that trump wins narrowly in the electoral college, it would be entirely fair to say the fbi swung the election to trump. i don't think anyone has ever claimed that j edgar hoover swung the presidential election. hoover had people assassinated. he tried to drive more of the working to suicide. he blackmailed presidents, but i don't think he ever swung presidential election. in the case of comey specifically, it looks to me like he probably had his hand forced by his people because the fbi, as an institution, is just as it was in hoover days. i guess somewhat reformed since then, but still a deeply right-wing institution. he saw his people were going to leak the information about weiner's laptop anyway, so he had to come out and they it. it is not so much that comey trying to hand the election to trump i think as the fbi trying to hand the election to trump. it is really important to note that since the 1990's, up until there was aperiod from the 1960's through the 1990's when all sorts of people, the press, left liberals, were basically attacking institutions like the fbi, like the cia, like the u.s. military. as his the 1990's, a lot of liberals, at least, had basically dropped that attack and have started to make these institutions somewhat sacred and not questioning them. and now, you know, it is coming back to bite in a way. if what you mentioned before, that one projection that says trump wins the electoral college but clinton wins the popular, if that happens, it will be bitterly ironic because one of the things that happened in this election was you had trump, the true revolutionary, the rightist revolutionary, running against clinton, the candidate of the status quo. yet trump saying the system is rigged, the system is rigged. then in response to that, the democrats a sickly saying, no, the system is not rigged. in fact, the system is rigged, but just rigged in the opposite direction than what trump claims. if you get that particular outcome, trump wins electoral college, clinton was the popular, that was rigged in the constitution. rather than having presidential election by popular vote, which is the logical thing for democracy -- >> and every other country. >> just about. you have the system which was supposed to be a check. the constitution is full of various checks on what they --ught of as the mob then yeah, so you had is incredible situation where the rightest was the candidate of revolution and the democrats were basically saying, oh, no, no, the system is essentially ok. amy: that is investigative journalist allan nairn talking about the fbi's role in this election. we're going to turn out to wayne barrett, who writes for the new york daily news and the bait -- daily beast. his 1991 biography of donald trump was just republished as an -- called "trump: the greatest show on earth: the deals, the downfall, the reinvention." he just wrote a piece for the daily beast headlined "meet donald trump's top fbi fan boy." can you explain? certainly agree just sit of what allan and disagree with other parts of it. thatiece lays out the case there is a fifth column in the fbi. i don't know if you want to sweeping the condemn the fbi as an institution. i actually may be one of the liberals he described because i was invited to quantico, spent two days there speaking to every agent in the united states. i was not on a panel, it was just me. i have known many, many fbi agents, particularly on mob and public corruption cases, that i consider some of the most honest people i have ever been. a political people who will go after democrats and republicans. but what we really have in this election, as i wrote, is it is remarkable that we have never had a democrat, which i discovered as i went through each name in writing this piece, there's never been a democrat who is been an appointed head of the fbi in the history of the fbi. four democratic presidents have appointed republicans. it is republican institution in many ways, but it is this --comey, i think i agree totally with the notion he was forced into this doesn't excuse me -- into this letter by this cell or fifth column out of the new york office that was in direct connection not with -- direct connection not just with rudy giuliani, who i wrote about, but also james couch him, who was a big trump supporter whose foundation has received $1.3 million from donald trump and who was regularly on fox advertising he was talking to agents involved in this investigation. cellnk this cell was a that threatened james comey -- who, by the way, testified back in july that he had changed his registration. he did not say what he changed it to, but he said, i'm a lifelong republican but i just registration. he did not explain why, but he changed it sometime this year. so i think he was really pushed by this cell. it is completely correct, it would have leaked and leaked in the most damaging way to both the institution and to comey personally, which is that he was refusing to make public that the investigation had been reopened in this fashion. and i think he was forced into this -- i want to say one thing else, though. it was the coverage, the unbelievable coverage that the broadcast media, in particular, gave to the comey letter that is much more responsible for the political impact than the letter itself. donald trump has said, i think, the most remarkable statement i have ever heard from a political candidate of any -- for any office, which is that, i could choose some of the on fifth avenue and i would not lose a vote. well, who is responsible for that? the media is. i think this is the collapse of the american broadcast media, in particular, that that is what we saw. they just would not -- i mean, the whole notion, which you mentioned, amy, at the start, 12 women were sexually assaulted by this man -- or at least said they were. did they all just happen? i think an awful lot of the people who voted for donald trump believe that that happened, but we never even heard about it for the last two weeks of the campaign. it literally disappeared from broadcast media because they allow the comey letter to displace every other important matter that should have been before the american people. letter --y used this and it was the media coverage of the letter much more than the letter itself -- but they literally used this letter to push the american people towards this final judgment. amy: those women must be rather afraid right now because donald trump promised he would sue them after the election. now it is after the election, and he is also become or will become the most powerful person on earth as president of the united states. but i wanted you to give us a little background, wayne. you perhaps are among the very few journalists who have covered donald trump for decades, wrote a biography of him, not now just in time for the election, but back in 1991. you have met with him. you have talked with him. talk about the man who was just elected the 45th president of the united states. the actually met him in 1970's, started writing stories about him in the 1970's. i do feel like i have some grasp on the guy. that is why it is almost mysterious for me to say that i have no idea what portion of this agenda he is going to implement at the start of his presidency. i said last night when i was on your show, and this was before his speech -- where i think his speech indicated prosecuting hillary clinton is not going to be at the top of his agenda. although, if you mix rudy giuliani the attorney general of the united states, rudy giuliani is already said, i could make this case in two months. i could do this case in a week. it is going to be very hard for rudy giuliani, if he is the attorney general of the united states, not to pursue a case in some respects, but i don't think that is the direction donald wants to go in. , a terrible thing that some of your guests have suggested, that he is going to start with immigration. the first people who have to be defended in this country now, by all of us who care, or immigrants. and i think that is that such a cornerstone. that is another example of the complete and utter failure of american broadcast journalism. a totally legitimate story published by the associated press indicates that the wife of the presidential candidate who based his entire campaign around immigration is herself an illegal immigrant. i will bet you that it got two minutes of airtime in the last days of this campaign. if that is not a legitimate news story, i know nothing about news. amy: let's explain what that is. it was the ap report that appeared in "the new york times" is a melania trump before she was legal to work in this done a series of modeling jobs and had been paid something like $20,000. >> yes. you know, the one thing that i think he has a commitment to, if you look at his public appearances over many, many years prior to this presidential campaign, he has been talking about immigrants, never really focused on mexicans before, but has been talking about illegal immigration for a large part of his semi public life. so i think this is a real agenda to him. it is a real agenda to his base. this is the most fearsome thing that i see right around the country that is going to come very early in his presidency. we have to defend those homes. we have to do is -- we have to defend the people in those homes. amy: before we go to break and go to phoenix, arizona, to talk with immigrants rights activist, also that sheriff arpaio, who lost his race and is under criminal investigation, the who knows in the various kernel investigations whether they would be dropped because he was a major trump supporter, how he got his start, donald trump, and this brings into call -- this brings in nikole hannah-jones, too. thedonald trump, back in 1970's, wayne barrett, being sued by the federal government trying to keep out african-americans from his family's housing projects. >> well, we know it is a long history. i don't know how barack obama can sit down in the what house on thursday. with a man who says he is not even a citizen. it is just going to be so difficult for the president to go through this exercise. i have such respect for him. it is just incredible. of, the man has a history racist actions that go all the way back to 1973. i wrote about this way back in the 1970's. you know, i wrote about it in the context of the fact that he was getting all of these -- seeking and then getting these breakthrough tax abatement and supports for his projects from the city of new york in the state of new york at the same time he was under a consent decree that he signed with the nixon justice department for racially discriminating against blacks. normally it was a not -- it was an anomaly than. it is certain part of his history. he is the most remarkable -- the most remarkable thing, he is a leading birther in the united states, succeeding this president. mean, i can'ti imagine it. when i went to columbia 1967, and fred friendly, the producer of the edward armor of shows was just starting the broadcast lab. it was the first year the broadcast lab at the club you journalism school. washat time, the concept the broadcast news was the payback, the obligation that the networks had because they were given the airwaves for nothing. this is what they owed us. they owed us in exchange for what is certainly $1 trillion decentthey owed broadcast news. it was not supposed to be a profit center. now it is just -- it has to be a profit center and instead of journalists making decisions, we nvez andker and moo these people. it is a commercial enterprise. all he cares about is ratings to generate advertising, and it has plunged american democracy into this abyss. amy: i want to thank you for being with us, wayne barrett, the about prefer of donald trump. certainly not be authorized one. he wrote the biography of donald 1991 trump that has just been republished called "trump: the greatest show on earth: the deals, the downfall, the reinvention." we will link to your piece in the daily beast "meet donald trump's top fbi fan boy." when we come back, we will go to gasnix and discuss with our on this roundtable, the day after the 2016 presidential election that has not only shocked the country, but the world. donald trump has been elected the 45th president of the united states. stay with us. ♪ [music break] amy: "do you know where you're going to?" by diana ross. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. in other campaign news from arizona, maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio lost his bid for a seventh term. he faces the possibility of jail time himself after federal prosecutors announced they're charging him with criminal contempt of court over his refusal to end unconstitutional immigration patrols in arizona. he was a major supporter of donald trump will stop his policies have included racial profiling, detaining immigrants in a tent city jail which he wants referred to as his own concentration camp. we go to phoenix where we are .oined by marisa franco welcome to democracy now! can you talk about your overall response to the reaction? i mean, donald trump, you know, came into the consciousness of this whole country when he went down that escalator and made the announcement he was running for president and talked about mexicans as rapists and criminals and has made his mark by saying he will build a wall on the mexican-u.s. border and make mexico pay for it. >> like some and across the country, amy, we are shocked. we are utterly shocked at the result of this election. in waking up this morning, i cannot help but feeling like we woke up to a big, big red state in this country. and i think it leaves us with a lot to evaluate, many lessons to learn. i think this is obviously a very different political moment. and what it requires from us is to be different political actors. with that said, calling in and being based in arizona and being from arizona, some of us have already been living in red states. some of us have already been living in trump's america. i think there are a lot of things that people who have been living these experiences in in these places can share and teach in this moment. i do think there is a way forward. as depressing and shocked as we are, there are some of us who have been struggling in this reality, and this is now the reality of the country. amy: can you talk about the defeat of sheriff arpaio? how long has he been in office? >> he has been in office for 23 years. i am happy to report it was the very people that the sheriff denigrated and abused that led the effort to kick him out of office after 23 years. on yearsn effort built of community organizing and direct action that led to the sheriff's legal problems. it was powered by a generation of organizers politicized after sb1070. we were honestly very excited to defeat.sheriff's we're really holding the moment last night of feeling like this nightmare is over, but witnessing what was happening around the rest of the country and equally shocked and horrified. amy: let me ask, as we wrap up -- we're doing a two-hour special and people can see the other hour at if your station is not running it directly right now -- but the role of movements, not something that the media is very good at covering. grassroots movements. because there is a force more powerful than even the most powerful person in the united states, perhaps even the world, and that is something that all of you have been involved with one way or the other. let me start with linda. >> one of the things that makes new horrified about a trump administration is the continued order."ords like "line that means cracking down. the fact that we have rudy giuliani at the helm of being the next attorney general. gretelives matter coimbra rights activists -- immigrant rights activists. amy: didn't donald trump say, didn't his forces say that rudy giuliani say, that they would be as first group investigated terrorists in a trump administration? the significance of this, nikole hannah-jones? >> i think we have very signing times ahead of us. we know the role of the federal government has played in breaking up organizations that up and fighting for civil rights. we have a long, toward history of that. typically, it is not so bluntly stated. i think we should believe what donald trump has said and i think we are you know the government has been silent on these organizations -- amy: under president obama. >> absolutely. that should tell us something. organization -- >> the ap reports in 2011. unwarranted surveillance -- amy: under president obama. jose antonio vargas? state of and document it immigrants in this country, one of dust the mental trauma that is happening right minutesentioned a few ago, 700 50,000 people is a lot of people. and now the government has their names, addresses -- these are the young people who were brought here as children, who are now working and parts of her own communities. and the government has all of their information. so what happens when donald trump's president on day one? amy: because it came out through a kind of executive order, executive action. last words, john nichols? >> we're talking about people who have been targeted. let us be very, very clear. this a administration will attack the trade union movement in this country. this administration will attack organizations with substantial numbers of white men in it. and the fact of the matter is, our response to this ought to be massive. it ought to be in the streets. but it also ought to hold the democratic party to account. they have a filibuster power in the senate. we have two senate seats still unsettled. the simple reality is, that no must resonate in the streets in washington. amy: we just got a twitter question, how can we restore the voting rights act? we will leave it there. thank you for joining us. atck out our second hour rld turn out the tastiest meals. i'll show you how with some great space saving tricks and one pan meals. beef and many vegetable stew. lemon garlic chicken breast with roasted rosemary potatoes and 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(lively guitar music) - [voiceover] funding for this series has been provided by.

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