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Aes it will mean to have Climate Change denier in the oval office. July and august were the two hottest months we have ever measured on this plane and the scientist who look at the proxy records from before we had thermometers till is that july and august were probably the two hottest months in history of civilization. Against that backdrop to see a buffet like trump, you know, playing games with Climate Change, is sobering. Amy donald trump has called Climate Change the chinese hoax and has vowed to approve the keystone xl pipeline. All of that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets across the United States wednesday to protest the election of donald trump, who surged to victory over Hillary Clinton in tuesdays president ial election. In california, at least 13 people were arrested as hundreds blocked traffic on both the 101 and the 110 highways. Thousands more gathered at Los Angeles City hall, waving where some bird a giant effigy of donald trump. In nearby santa ana, police fired rubber bullets and pepper spray at hundreds of protesters after the crowds took over major intersections. In oakland, California Police , also deployed tear gas and flash bang grenades against crowds of thousands who blocked traffic with their bodies and by lighting fires and trump pinatas. In seattle, thousands took to the streets for a protest called by the socialist seattle city Councilmember Kshama sawant, while in chicago, thousands rallied outside trump tower where at least five people were arrested. Protests were also held in portland, oregon, miami, florida, new orleans, louisiana, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, austin, texas and outside the , white house in washington d. C. In the north east, at least 4000 people descended on the boston commons, more than rallied 1000 outside philadelphias city hall, and as many as 10,000 people surged through new york citys streets and surrounded the barricadedoff trump tower, where donald trump lives. The crowd shouted not my president , while workers in uniform cheered on the marchers. This is one of the protesters in new york city. I think its fixed to the disenfranchisement of the people that somebody like him could he seen as offering anything to the masses. I think hillary is no savior, either. I think shes a very dangerous candidate, but i think Donald Trumps ability to mobilize perhaps racist is incredibly terrifying. Amy crowds also gathered for antitrump protests in britain and the philippines. Students across the country also staged walk outs wednesday to protest Donald Trumps election. In california, thousands of students poured out of high schools across the bay area. Hundreds of high school and College Students also walked out of classes in seattle, phoenix, new york city, portland, oregon, boulder, colorado pittsburgh, pennsylvania, and on the campuses of the university of connecticut and the university of texas. The protests come as donald trump heads to the white house today to meet with president obama in the oval office. On wednesday morning, democratic president ial candidate Hillary Clinton gave a concession speech at the new yorker hotels grand ballroom in new york city, during which she called her defeat painful, but urged a peaceful transition to power. Mrs. Clinton i know how disappointed you feel because i feel it, too. And so do tens of millions of americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful and it will be for a long time. But i want you to remember this our campaign was never about one person or even about one election. Donald trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power. Amy analyses of exit polls from tuesdays president ial election shows voters nationwide were dramatically split by race. People of color voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, including 88 of all African American voters. 58 of all white voters, in contrast, voted for donald trump. Support for trump was more pronounced among white male voters 63 of whom supported him. But white female voters also supported donald trump over Hillary Clinton by a 10 point margin with 53 supporting trump, and only 43 supporting Hillary Clinton. This is kenyanamerican activist and writer agunda okeyo, speaking during a demonstration wednesday outside the Trump International hotel in new york city. I want to Say Something specific to my white woman allies. 53 of the people who voted for donald trump were white women. How does that happen . How did that happen . We need to come together as a Multiracial Group of people that record nice White Supremacy is the greatest disease in this country. Amy exit polls show voters were also divided by age, with the majority of all voters age 18 to 44 voting for Hillary Clinton, and the majority of voters 45 and older voting for donald trump. As donald trump heads to the white house, trumps aides say hes also beginning to assemble his cabinet. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is the head of trumps Transition Team. The New York Times is reporting that likely cabinet members include former new york mayor rudolph giuliani, alabama senator jeff sessions, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and businessman who formerly worked for goldman sachs. He is alsoht say preparing to nominate a Supreme Court justice. In financial news, Global Markets have rebounded after plummeting upon the news of trumps victory. Stocks of some companies surged, including the largest private prison contractor, Corrections Corporation of america which recently changed its name to corecivic and is up 43 since trumps victory. Geogroup, another private prison contractor, is up 21 . The intercept reports stocks also surged for many military contractors, including raytheon, general dynamic, lockheed martin, and boeing. In more results from tuesdays election, Democrat Maggie hassan has beat out republican kelly ayotte in the New Hampshire senate race one of the tightest , and most closely watched races this year. The race cost 120 million a Staggering Amount for the tiny state of New Hampshire. With hassans victory, democrats now have 48 senators to the republicans 51. Louisianas senate rate has not yet been decided. Meanwhile, in maine, voters approved a ballot measure that will transform the way voting occurs in the state and will open the door for more third party candidates. The measure approves ranked choice voting, which means people can vote for their choice of candidates in order. If their first choice candidate does not win, their vote automatically defaults to their second choice candidate, and so on. Maine becomes the first state in the nation to approve this style of voting, which will be used for both state and federal elections. The syrian observatory for human right is reporting a usled airstrike about 25 miles north of raqqa has killed at least 20 civilians and injured at least 32 more. This comes as u. S. Central command says 119 civilians have been killed since 2014 in u. S. Airstrikes in iraq and syria. In more news from iraq, Amnesty International is calling on the Iraqi Government to investigate the execution and torture of civilians by the u. S. Backed Iraqi Government forces near mosul. This comes after an amnesty investigation found evidence the Iraqi Government forces had killed at least six villagers near mosul execution style. Amnesty has also accused militia members of in gauging and torture tying suspected civilians to cars and driving them through villages, beating peoples faces with cables, and holding them in inside poultry cages in public. In afghanistan, the United Nations has launched an investigation into a series of u. S. Airstrikes that killed more than 30 civilians near the city of kunduz one week ago. The u. N. Assistance mission in afghanistan says the majority of the victims were women and children. And in north dakota, a Pipeline Safety expert hired by the Standing Rock sioux tribe has concluded the u. S. Army corps of engineers Environmental Assessment of the 3. 8 billion Dakota Access pipeline was seriously deficient and had underestimated the possibility of pipeline spill into the missouri river. A specialist concluded the pipeline should be rerouted away from an area that is prone to landslides. President obama has indicated the u. S. Army corps of engineers is considering a plan to reroute the pipeline and the u. S. Army corps continues to withhold a permit necessary for the company to drill underneath the missouri. But Energy Transfer partners, Company Behind the dakota pipeline, says it is currently mobilizing equipment to drill oahe even know they have nothing granted a permit required to do so. And those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Nermeen and im nermeen shaikh. Welcome to all of our listeners and viewers from around the country and around the world. Not my president. That was the chant at protests across the country wednesday as tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest the election of donald trump, who surged to victory over Hillary Clinton. In california, at least 13 people were arrested as hundreds blocked traffic on two major highways. Thousands more gathered at Los Angeles City hall, waiving mexican flags and burning a giant effigy of donald trump. In nearby santa ana, police fired rubber bullets and pepper spray at hundreds of protesters after the crowds took over major intersections. In oakland, police also deployed tear gas and flash bang grenades against crowds of thousands of protesters. Amy in seattle, washington thousands took to the streets , for a protest called by the socialist seattle city councilwoman kshama sawant, while in chicago, thousands rallied outside trump tower where at least five people were arrested. Protests were also held in portland, oregon, miami, florida, new orleans, louisiana, richmond, virginia, in austin, texas, and outside the white house in washington, d. C. In new york, thousands surrounded the barricadedoff trump tower, where donald trump lives. Here some of the voices from the protest in new york. We reject the president elect i think it speaks to the disenfranchisement of the people that he could be seen as offering anything to the masses. Savior. Hillary is no i think she is a very dangerous candidate, but i think Donald Trumps ability to mobilize perhaps racist is incredibly terrifying. You and that we cannot really change anything, we have to accept what happens, we want them to know that we are [blee] this is awful. It feels good to stand together with my brothers and sisters of people that share my believes and let everyone know we are not ok with this. He is the academy of a system that is broken down into Virtual Reality where were going on these false notions of premises that nobody knows what is real or whiny more or a lie anymore. It is the painful underbelly that we need to go away. He is a racist, a sexist. He is a neonazi. She does not deserve to run our country. Amy people protesting outside the residence of donald trump at trump tower in new york on wednesday night. Nermeen today president elect donald trump is heading to the white house today to meet with president obama two days after his shocking victory. On wednesday, obama vowed to work with trump to ensure a smooth handover of power. Pres. Obama the peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. Over the next two months, were going to show that to the world. Amy meanwhile, trumps Transition Team has assembled a short list of who would make up trumps cabinet. Former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani and new Jersey Governor Chris Christie are among those in consideration for attorney general. Christie is also being considered for Homeland Security secretary as is milwaukee , sheriff david clarke. Secretary of the interior might go to former Alaska Governor sarah palin or Oil Executive forrest lucas. Former u. N. Ambassador john bolton and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are in the running for secretary of state. Donald trump is also expected to quickly nominate a conservative Supreme Court justice to fill the seat left vacant by the death of antonin scalia. To talk more about the election of donald trump, we are joined by the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. One of the founding editors of the intercept. Recentecent fees, keys democrats, trump, and the , ongoing, dangerous refusal to learn the lesson of brexit. Why do you start off by sharing your response to what took place this week here in the United States, the election of donald trump and the defeat of Hillary Clinton. A shockingviously outcome, in particular because not just polling data, but all of the self proclaimed experts in data journalism, this new field of journalism that claims to only view politics through an empirical lens rather than through the 30 ideologies or partisan biases that everybody else is burdened with, assured everybody that it was overwhelmingly likely that clinton would win. Every model had her at 85 to 90 , yet she lost and lost pretty resoundingly, at least on the level of the electoral college. She won the popular vote, but that is not what matters. There is a shock about the fact all of our empirical models, the ways in which we try to predict the future, have failed. It then there is an even greater shock over the fact that somebody who stands so far outside of the norms of our political traditions and ideologies is now the president elect of the United States. In in two months, will be sitting behind the large desk in the oval, commanding a massive military in fact, the most powerful and destructive military ever created in human history, as well is a gigantic Nuclear Arsenal that could destroy the world many times over. A massive spying machine that exists both on foreign soil but also domestically. And this huge apparatus of power that has been built up by both parties over the last 15 years is now in the hands of somebody who, by pretty much all metrics, is clearly an authoritarian without much regard to the constraints of constitution or law. I think what were seeing in the aftermath of this is an attempt by democrats who nominated a candidate, Hillary Clinton, despite knowing how weak and how deeply unpopular she was across many sectors in the country, who nonetheless insisted on nominating her in the face of all sorts of empirical evidence that she would not only lose, but could literally lose to anyone those very same people who insisted on marching behind her are now attempting to blame everyone they can find, except of course, themselves, for this debacle. I think if were going to have any kind of constructive discussion in the aftermath of trumps victory, it has two include first and foremost a discussion about why the become sucharty has a small minority party, a minority in the house and the senate, lost control of the white house to someone like donald trump, is obliterated on the state and local levels. What is it about the Democratic Party that has causeds huge portions of the american voting population to turn its back to it and reject it. I think missing democrats thatbling trying to avoid discussion by casting blame on everyone else. I think that will only ensure this kind of event will consider desk to replicate itself in the future. Nermeen Bernie Sanders issued this statement on trumps election. People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to china, and other lowwage countries, billionaire stopping any federal income taxes, and not being able to afford a College Education for their kids. All while the very rich become much richer. Senator Bernie Sanders, who opposed Hillary Clinton in the democratic primary went on to say to the degree mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, i, and other progressives, are prepared to work with him to the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and antivarmint policies, we will vigorously oppose him. That is a statement from Bernie Sanders stop Glenn Greenwald, many have said that if sanders have been the democratic president ial candidate, then perhaps trump would not have won the election. Right. So that is the counter fact that none of us can know for certain. What i do know for certain and what i wrote about in march or february, i believe, was the fact that all empirical evidence were member, has liberal pundits and data journalist tell us is the thing that should guide our thinking all available empirical evidence showed that Bernie Sanders was a much more popular and a much stronger candidate than Hillary Clinton against every single republican opponent, including donald trump. He was running many points ahead of clinton on every poll in terms of who he might run against versus her, in terms of approval rating, in terms of popularity. Democrats insisted we should ignore all of that empirical evidence, that it was unreliable, that once the general Election Campaign started, republicans would depict sanders is a communist, that he would have no chance. Certainnever know for whether those arguments were true or not. What i know for certain are two things. Number one, the empirical evidence, weak or unreliable or incomplete as it might have been, all pointed to the fact that Hillary Clinton was highly likely to lose and Bernie Sanders had a greater chance of winning. In fact, i wrote an article back in the primaries saying with donald trump looming, can we really take the gamble, the huge gamble of nominating a candidate who is as weak can unpopular as Hillary Clinton . Lost that argument, lost that debate. As a result, Hillary Clinton was the nominee and lost to donald trump. The other point i think is worth making, sanders, that statement from senator sanders, is quite remarkable because he isnt coming out and saying everybody who voted for donald trump is a racist. He is not saying that everyone who voted for donald trump is a misogynist who hits women and cast their vote for that reason. He is saying there are huge number of people who voted for donald trump and not for Hillary Clinton who have valid grievances. And those grievances are grounded in a system of policies that both Political Parties have role inn equal creating. Look at what he is describing jobs going overseas, industries being destroyed, wall street being role protected. You can go back to the 1980s in the era of reagan and the destruction of unions defined the genesis of it, then you look into the 1990s with nafta and freetrade mania in the liberation of wall street from all kinds of constraints, and into the 2000s when in the post2008 economic crisis the Obama Administration prosecuted not a single wall street executive responsible for that crisis, while continuing to build the Worlds Largest penal state largely for poor people, people with no power. It is this an equality, this oppression of huge number the people in the name of globalism and freetrade that Bernie Sanders is describing in that statement as why trump won. It is the democrats and republicans who played a huge part in constructing the system and Hillary Clinton, probably about every other politician who could have run, is the symbol of safeguarding that system, of believing in it, of advocating for it. Most of all, a benefiting from it greatly. You sent a democratic nominee into the general election in this climate who could not have been more illsuited to voice the kind of systemic critique that donald trump, being the con artist that he is, was able to voice and that senator sanders has been his entire career trying to advocate for. I think you see the contrast really well in terms of thousand of your sanders what have run against trump in that statement he issued versus how most democrats are reacting to this trump victory. Amy any of the media part of this, where you have the unending trump tv not the new trump tv, but all of the networks trump tv when it came to donald trump they showed more footage of his empty podium waiting for him to speak than they ever played of the words of Bernie Sanders. Endlesshad the in less platform for donald trump, but rarely did you have Bernie Sanders showing in any way the extent of the speeches that he gave you would have whole speeches of donald trump. When it came to Bernie Sanders, march 15, super tuesday 3, every single vector and loser that night from rubio to kasich to clinton to cruz to trump, all of their features were played except for Bernie Sanders, who is speaking to thousands and thousands of people that night in arizona. This is just emblematic of the rest of the coverage. They never played a word that he said that night will sto. I think theres a lot to unpack there in terms of how the media functions in the media role in this election. Lets begin with the fact that Donald Trumps public persona prior to this election was consecrated and constructed by one of the most powerful media organizations in the world, if not the most powerful in the world, which is nbc news. Or nbc, which for many, many years, paraded donald trump on a tv program watched by millions of americans that portrayed him as the embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit. He marched into boardrooms in charge and unflinchingly fired people who were not working up to the standard performance. He built new businesses. He was the embodiment of everything that americans are taught to revere. Decades,he person, for has been a racist, demagogue, con artist. Yet nbc turn him into this swaggering hero a great profit to itself. Already he was a byproduct of media worship. Once the campaign began, the media, as you said, nonstop said set on donald trump to the exclusion, certainly first and foremost of Bernie Sanders, but even the other candidates who got far less tv time than trump did because he was a ratings gold mine. They would literally lay down the tarmac and excitingly and recklessly built of this image that donald trump was this allconsuming towering new presence on the american political landscape. The American Media did a critical job in building him up during the primary and entrenching the minds of americans that he was not this out of the norm radical extremist, dangerous authoritarian that he was, but instead was this new and powerful figure who was going to come in, revolutionize american politics has so many citizens of the United States have come to despise. I think that what you just contrasted in terms of how crop was treated and how sanders was treated shows a really important truth about how media operates, which is if you talk to most journalists to work at major newspapers are media outlets, as you know, and you say, you have all kinds of ways that you censor certain opinions, that you have excluding certain viewpoints, they will insist that is not true, that they never are told what to show or not to show, never told what to say or not to say. Of course, that is true. Yet embedded with all of their editorial judgments about who is worth hearing from and who isnt, are all kinds of ideological and partisan biases. So the idea that donald trump the billionaire, celebrity tv star, should constantly be heard from whereas Bernie Sanders, the old jewish socialist from vermont who nobody took seriously, does not need to be heard from with all of his boring speeches about college debt and health care and the like in that choice is a very strong and pedantic ideological choice that the American Media embraced and played a huge role in enabling trump to march the primary. The only point i want to add to the immediate issue, i do think media behavior changed fundamentally with regard to donald trump. Once he became the nominee. So you have the primary period when they treated him like a normal candidate. They revered him, gave him endless free tv time. Once he became a nominee and they took seriously the prospect that he might be president and they started to realize and internalize the responsibility they bore for enabling him to get that far, i think that when all the way to the other extreme where they completely united in ofs kind of mission destroying donald trump, of preventing his victory, and ensuring that Hillary Clinton was elected. In a big way, that also played a role, unwittingly, i think, in helping trump because of all of the institutions in the United States, the institutions of authorities that are hated, the American Media leads the way. When people saw the media basically trying to coerce them or dictate to them that they should turn their backs on donald trump, that they should vote for Hillary Clinton, i think a backlash ensued where people believed the media was being unfair and were not when you take marching orders from these media institutions that they have also come to regard as fundamentally corrupt and unwittingly i think that played an Important Role as well in ensuring he could win. There is a leaked Clinton Campaign memo to the Democratic National committee from last year regarding donald trump and ted cruz and ben carson. The memo said we need to be elevating the pied piper pan candidates are they are the leaders of the pack and tell the press to take them seriously. Your response to that. There are a lot of fascinating insights in those clinton emails. I know democratic partisans are furious their personal the light of day in their furious precisely because they contain a lot of really important and interesting insights about how political operatives manipulate the media about how the media ate certain factions and tries to work against others, about withinpaign operatives the Democratic Party manipulate Public Opinion and one of the more interesting aspects is exactly that, the fact that the Clinton Campaign did view certain republican candidates like marco rubio and jeb bush as being serious threats to them and to Hillary Clintons election, in what they thought was a very clever maneuver, wanted to elevate the candidate that they thought were less threatening such as donald trump to the top of the pack. And in a lot of ways, they have reaped what they have sown because donald trump did end up essentially becoming the nominee because of the medias treatment of him and in retrospect, he probably was one of the more threatening candidates because the clintons know how to defeat conventional orthodox republican candidates like jeb bush or marco rubio. They can do that in their sleep. Donald trump was a very unconventional candidate. I think he animated parts of the voting population who either have not voted in the past or have not voted republican to vote for him. The strategies the clintons anticipated they would use because they have always worked in the past simply did not work this time. You could conclude in some ways, they sort of outsmarted themselves. Amy were going to take a break and come back to this russian. Then well will be joined by 350. Org cofounder Bill Mckibben,. Nworthy of he Glenn Greenwald is Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, one of the founding editors of the intercept. This is democracy now back with glenn in a minute. [music break] amy burning in birmingham sung by amy leon at last nights we stand together rally in new york city to reject misogyny and racism, and embrace each other. That was the name of the rally. Special thanks to democracy now s in a feltz. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with nermeen shaikh. Our guest is Glenn Greenwald, who wrote the piece democrats, trump, and the ongoing, dangerous refusal to learn the lesson of brexit. Nermeen Glenn Greenwald, in hes, you write the prevailing institutions of authority in the west for decades have relentlessly and with complete indifference stopped on the economic welfare and Social Security of hundreds of millions of people. You also point to the many analogies between brexit, the decision by the British Public to exit the european union, so could you say a little about those analogies and how trump fits into wider public sentiments, not just in the u. S. , but also in europe . It is incredibly striking, but also very alarming how similar the path of brexit was to the election of trump because just like with the u. S. Election , in the u. K. During the Brexit Debate referendum, british he leads outside of this kind of circle of populist rightwing murdoch types pretty much were unified across ideological and party lines. You had the liberals and the labors interests and the sort of more establishment conservatives united in opposition to brexit. They essentially stayed online all day on twitter telling each other how smart they were and praising each others columns saying that brexit was this grave threat in this unique you will and the opinion class that is considered respectable, many not the right ring tabloids, rightwing tabloids, essentially unified. Just like the opinion making elites outside of fox news and ann coulter, that wing of fox news and that rightwing circle were unified as well. You had intellectuals and Establishment Republicans and the establishment liberal pundit all in agreement that trump was this grave evil, constantly praising each other and citing each other in this endless feedback chamber. The people supporting brexit and those supporting trump were not really ever heard from. They were just talked about in very contemptuous tones. These were the uneducated idiots, the people motivated by malice and racism and xenophobia , so they were sort of looked at like a zoo animals, like things you dissect and condemn. Because this opinion making elite was so unified, it led so many people in both cases to believe that their victory was certain. Nobody thought in the classes brexit,y would win in and the same is true with trump. What you saw is not any notion of account ability why are there so many people wanting to leave the eu . Why others are many people supporting this person so far outside the norm . No, billy, no self critique, only a way to distract attention from their own responsibility by just spouting hatred and disgust with the people who are being insubordinate. What you have as a result are these decades of trends that we begin by talking about that senator sanders described in which tens of millions of people have been trampled on by these policies of western institutions of authority who are essentially invisible and ignored. The more you ignore them and the more you scorn them and the more you tell them that their grievances are invalid, the more theyre going to be susceptible to scapegoating, the more their bigotry will be in flames, and the more they will want to destroy the systems and the institutions that they believe are responsible for their suffering. And so a lot of people who voted for brexit and voted for trump understand exactly all of the arguments that were made about why each of them is potentially destructive and so dangerous, and they did it not despite that, but because of that. Because they want to punish and ultimately destroy the institutions who no longer have any credibility with them and who they believe are responsible for the suffering and lack of security that they experience in their lives without anyone really caring about it at all. Until we start to address that and until institutions take responsibility for it, those things are going to continue to fester and grow, and it very well may be the case that trump and brexit are just the beginning of this very alarming cycle, rather than the peak of it. Amy can you talk about the names that are being now talked about as possible trump cabinet, like former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani may be as attorney general or governor chris christie, whose two top aides were just found guilty on all criminal counts on a bridge gate scandal . Chris christie also possibly being considered for Homeland Security secretary. As well as sarah palin Oil Executive force lucas. Newt gingrich in the running for secretary of state. When ambassador bolton was the ambassador to the United Nations, he famously talked about lopping off the top 10 stories of the United Nations. Glenn greenwald, your thoughts . That question was some kind of form of torture that ought to be outlawed. I could barely withstand listening to that. Honestly, my brain has not yet processed all of that. I think most peoples brains have not. Was onber last night i twitter and someone linked to a tweet from donald, which i clicked on. In his biography, and now says simply, president elect of the United States with his huge picture and then donald j. Trump underneath. It was startling. It is still very difficult to believe. Very difficult to believe that donald trump is the president elect of the United States and will actually be president of the United States in two months. I do not think we have even begun to process or analyze the actual repercussions of that. When you go to the sort of or,ond order of four horr it is almost like sarah palin as the secretary interior over the were Rudy Giuliani, to be the attorney general in charge of the prosecutorial power and the fbi, or chris christie, a charge ofrosecutor in the mechanisms of Homeland Security, or john bolton, one of the most sociopathic warmongers on the planet in charge of anything these are genuinely terrifying prospects. No, i dont have much intelligence to say about that because ive not started to accept it yet. I guess the one thing i would a is that to the extent one can find any kind of Silver Lining in the election some of the as for finance donald trump, it is that he this sort of extremism can galvanize a unified opposition that cuts across what had been impenetrable, ideological partisan lines to create a more potent opposition than has existed for a long time in this country. And that there will be a kind of terrifying moment about core political values that we have allowed to be assaulted by the establishment wings of both parties about the necessity of protecting those. I am at least hopeful that there will be a kind of backlash that will be positive to the horrors that we are about to endure, many of which are unimaginable. Amy on Foreign Policy with admiration of vladimir putin, putin one of the first can also benjamin netanyahu, to congratulate donald trump on his victory . I think Foreign Policy is the area where theres the biggest question mark. Thatact of the matter is the primary critique of donald trump throughout the course of the campaign against the Foreign Policy of Hillary Clinton and barack obama was that they have used the military too much to engage in wars that were unnecessary, costing far too much money and sacrificing far too many lives not on occasion, he pointed out, just to citizens, but also the lives of innocent nonamericans. At the same time, he has is advocating this explicit form of war criminality where he wants to reintroduce torture and carpet bombing and those sorts of things most of amy expand guantanamo. A huge question mark to expand whats on an essentially embrace all of the components on the war on terror. I think it really remains to be seen i think it probably will be the case that there will be moments when the dce lead will be demanding we intervene militarily, where Hillary Hunton will be tempted to do so and donald trump want and maybe that an isolatede and way, something positive, but the put of putting someone into someones hands like this, the military and all of its might in the spying apparatuses, i think is extremely alarming and i guess we will have to see how that manifests. Amy Glenn Greenwald, thank you for being with us, Pulitzer Prizewinning journalist and one of the founding editors of the intercept. We will link to your piece democrats, trump, and the , ongoing, dangerous refusal to learn the lesson of brexit. Thank you so much for joining us from Rio De Janeiro in brazil. When we come back, we will talk about the president elect, his positions on the environment, who he could choose in positions on,ower, and his own views for example, Climate Change, as he talks about it as a chinese hoax. Stay with us. [music break] amy a new song by neil young. You can go to democracynow. Org to watch and hear the whole song. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with nermeen shaikh. Nermeen delegates at the United Nations Climate Summit in marrakesh, morocco expressed panic over tuesdays results, singh president elect donald trump may future threaten the future of any International Agreement to slow catastrophic Climate Change. Trump has said he will cancel the paris climate agreement and stop all payments of u. S. Tax dollars to u. N. Global warming programs. Trump has also promised to promote coal power and fracking, and says he will allow for oil and gas drilling on federal lands. He has also promised to ask transcanada to renew its permit application for the keystone xl pipeline. On the same day trump was elected, the World Meteorological organization reported the five years from 2011 to 2015 were the hottest on record, with hundreds of thousands of deaths likely due to Global Warming from human activity. The report found humaninduced Climate Change was directly linked to extreme events, including an east african drought and famine in 2011 that claimed over 250,000 lives and , Superstorm Sandy in the u. S. That caused 67 billion of damage in 2012. Amy joining us now, Bill Mckibben cofounder of 350. Org. ,the author of a number of books, including eaarth making a life on a tough new planet. His recent article why dakota is the new keystone. Tonight he will deliver the inaugural speech of the Jonathan Schell memorial lecture series on the fate of the earth put on by the nation institute. Your response to the election of donald trump . It is been a very strange Political Year for me. I dont generally engage that much in electoral politics, but you know bernie asked me to introduce him the day her he announced for office. I got to spend a lot of time with him out on the campaign trail. It was remarkable because we were reminded of what an actual political crusader looks like, and we saw the enthusiasm with which he was met. And the he lost Democratic Party elites that gle nn was describing took over, and they managed to lose to the person who never possible way is the opposite of bernie. Is a difficult moment for everybody. Everybody is obviously still in a somewhat state of shock, but there are real lessons to be taken from it. One of them is that people who engage with the public, people who tell stories, who understand the world in real terms, those are the people who are going to be successful whether they are good or bad. Nermeen you have also said the damage from this election will be measure in geologic time. Thats right. The Trump Presidency comes at a moment when we could least afford it. It is not like we were winning the climate battle before. We were beginning to make at least a little progress. There was beginning to be the kind of ramp up of renewable and clean energy in this country and around the world. The world managed year ago in paris to do something, anyway, for the first time about Climate Change. Hit not agoing to pothole, but a ditch. It is not as of the thing to remember about Climate Change, it is not as if we can just take up four years from now where we left off. Physics is our enemy and it imposes a difficult time limit here. We dont have anymore president ial terms to waste. Were going to have to figure out as a nation, maybe more importantly, as a planet, how to work around trump to one degree or another. Amy lets go to donald trump who appeared on the hugh hewitt show and was asked about Global Warming. Do you believe that the temperature of the earth is increasing and what would you do if you do believe that visavis global Climate Change . Mr. Trump im not a believer in Global Warming or believer in manmade Global Warming. It could be warming and start to cool at some point. You know, in the 1920s, people talked about global cooling. They thought the earth was cooling. Now it is Global Warming. Actually, we have had times where the weather was not working out, so they changed it to extreme weather and they have all different names. So that it fits the bill. Amy in december, donald trump was asked a similar question by bill oreilly. Do you believe in Global Warming, Climate Change . Do you think the world is going to change for the worst because it is getting warmer . Mr. Trump i think that there will be little change here. It will go up, given local or, good little warmer like it always has for millions of years. It will get cooler, warmer. It is called the weather. I do believe a lot of people dont know this, ive received many environmental awards. Awardsany environmental for the work i do. I believe strongly in clean water and clean air, but i dont believe what they say i think it is a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. Any code that is donald trump saying the whole issue of Climate Change is a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. He tweeted the concept of Global Warming was created by and for the chinese in order to make u. S. Manufacturing noncompetitive. Bill mckibben . Well, what is there to say . Amy well, there has to be a lot to say in the next four years. He is as wrong on this as he is on so many other things. In this case, unlike some of the things which he is wrong which are a matter of opinion that one can whether immigrants are good for an economy this one is a matter of just playing, hard as a goal fact. It is going to find him out. Were going to continue to see the increase in disasters that we have been dealing with already during his four years and it is going to be in comment upon the rest of us to make sure that those stories tell, that people understand what is going on and they understand the reckless disregard of our administration. Amy what does it matter if you ever climate denier in the white house . How do you deal with that . It matters because everything will decision that is going to be made around energy and climate should be made at this onnt with a very firm eye Global Warming, and none of them will be. Were going to be in an era of understrength license for the fossil fuel industry, an industry a week ago was back on it feels, now back in the saddle. It is going to take an immense amount of Movement Building and organizing to slow them down. Nermeen could you talk a little bit about the people who are advising trump on climate related issues, on the environment . On trumpsron ebell Transition Team and he is also the climate skeptic. Competitivefrom the Price Institute and he has made a career out of climate denial, and i imagine a successful career. I imagine it will get only more successful. What we know from investigator reporting in the last year is there is nothing new about this. Exxon knew everything was to nor about Climate Change 35 years ago and helped build this web of climate denial. Dust almost begun to but bust through it in the last years and even able to get president obama, who in his first term did virtually nothing about this, to finally begin to take some steps. Zeroe are back to ground in this battle. The only thing that is still moving fast is the rate of carbon increase in the atmosphere and the temperature is driving. We are going to have to take those stories and turn them into powerful organizing opportunities. And we cant. The most remarkable story going on any place in america right now is the one that you have been documenting from Standing Rock and the dakotas. It is the absolute all time story of small versus big, of ancient depression and modern possibility of the people who have been most oppressed on this continent. But it is a story we could not get Hillary Clinton to tell the campaign. We could not get her to say anything about what was going on in the dakotas. Was sick earlier, that is part and parcel of the reason that she lost. Of, i dontw kind know if it is a Democratic Party were a new kind of opposition, that is able to take those stories, those moments and help people understand the actual contours of the world, not the fake contours that donald trump describes, to some effect. Amy you just came back from Standing Rock. Were talking about the 3. 8 billion Dakota Access pipeline that would take cracked oil from the bok and oil fields to the north and south dakota, go. Hrough iowa, then to illinois just recently, president obama said the u. S. Army corps of engineers is considering rerouting the pipeline of midst the months of resistance from the Standing Rock sioux tribe and members of more than 200 indigenous nations across the americas as well as nonnative allies. This is what he said. Pres. Obama my view is there is a way for us to accommodate sacred lands of native americans and i think right now the army corps is examining whether there are ways to reroute this pipeline in a way. So we are going to let it play out for several more weeks, and determine whether or not this can be resolved in a way that i tonk is properly attentive the traditions of the first americans. Amy that was president obama. He said were going to let this play out for a few weeks. That was a few weeks ago. Tuesday, november 15, there will be demonstrations of more than 100 American Cities that army of engineers offices demanding the president on his way out do the right thing here. Who knows whether the corps denying permit will stick in the new administration. We dont know. All we can control at the moment is what happens in the next little while and it is time for president obama to do more than sight we will let this play out. It is time while he still has power, to exercise that power. If people go to nodaplday ofaction. Org, they can find out where those protest are taking place. The Energy Transfer partners, the company that owns the Dakota Access pipeline, says they are poised to bore under the missouri river. It is very unclear what this means, considering they dont yet have a permit for it. You talk about it in the piece you just wrote. President obama has not stopped this yet and seems to have the power to. He could, at least for 70 days, keep them from drilling under the missouri river. At the very least, that would be a powerful symbolic statement and one that people will rally around. There are not very many americans, even ins america, who do not understand the shameful this of how we of to the original inhabitants of this continent. This is the kind of issue that people have to get behind. There are moral issues that define who we are. Amy Bill Mckibben, were going to do part two of our conversation after the show and post it online at democracynow. Org. Congratulations on your address tonight at the new school. It will be good to be thinking of Jonathan Schelle, one of americas greatest writers and a person whose counsel would have been useful in the trump era. Amy Bill Mckibben will be speaking tonight giving the Jonathan Schell memorial lecture. Among his books eaarth making , a life on a tough new planet. We willing to his article for the New York Times, called why dakota is the new keystone. In 2014, mckibben was awarded the right livelihood prize, sometimes called the alternative nobel, for his work in environmental activism. That does it for our broadcast. Democracy now is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. Email your comments to outreach democracynow. Org or mail them to democracy now p. O. Box 693 new york, new york 10013. [captioning made possible by democracy now ] on this episode of eat drink italy were off to northern italy to learn about franciacorta, one of italys unknown but spectacular wines. 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