Thats right, President Trump today met with chinese president xi jinping. Trump asked him how to pronounce the name. And then he said, no, i meant the name of your country. Is it china . [ laughter ] because im getting a lot of mixed signals on that. [ cheers and applause ] during President Trumps meeting today with the president of china, they discussed everything from north korea and south korea to, at trumps behest, east and west korea. They often get overlooked. [ laughter ] according to a new report, new york has a higher tax burden than any other state. But shes still refusing to move. [ laughter ] just tough it out. They got the money, tough it out. [ applause ] today was National Tell a lie day, which is a very cool and fun thing. [ laughter and applause ] today was running out. I had to get one in there. Skin care brand nivea apologized this week for an ad created to promote their invisible for black and white deodorant with the slogan, white is purity. But, i dont think their new slogan is any better. [ laughter ] nivea, please. A new jersey man recently admitted to i should point out this is a very smart joke. This is a joke for intellectuals. So, if you dont get this joke, dont beat yourself up. [ light laughter ] a new jersey man recently no, im just saying it now. I want to prepare you for the fact that it will probably go over your head. Its a joke for intellectuals. A new jersey man recently admitted to stealing 20,000 worth of ginger ale from a grocery store. He said he wasnt planning on stealing so much. He just got schwepped up in it. [ laughter ] [ applause ] youre faking it, you dont get it. [ laughter ] a new study found that plastic surgeons make an average of 354,000 per year. I am shocked, said one womans face but not her mouth. [ laughter ] you paid a lot for Plastic Surgery and then let that haircut go. [ light laughter ] a socalled museum of failure is opening in sweden this june. Though, if you cant wait that long, check out the popup exhibit in washington. [ audience oohs ] [ cheers and applause ] a young girl was recently discovered living with a group of monkeys in a forest in india and reportedly eats and behaves like an animal. When they found her, her first words were, can you believe that Kendall Jenner pepsi commercial . [ laughter ] and finally, it was announced today that Intelligence Committee chairman devin nunes will be recusing himself from leading the investigation into russias interference with last years president ial election. And thats a bummer because to us he already seems like the saddest man in washington. Here to tell us more is Intelligence Committee chairman devin nunes. Seth take a seat, congressman oh, okay. Thank you. Its so, so great to have you here. No ones ever said that to me before. Seth okay, come on. Devin, why dont you tell us what happened today with the trump investigation. All i know is i was doing a super good job and nobody cared. And everybody was mad at me. And now i have to step down. Seth okay, well im sorry youre so upset. I just think people were concerned over your pretty clear bias toward the trump campaign. Oh, my god, youre worse than adam schiff. Yeah, i dont know who he is either. [ laughter ] seth well to be fair, you also showed a pretty clear bias in the investigation into michael flynn. You said he should be thanked for his ties to russia and in the end you actually resigned over them. I know, i messed up. Thats what they call me in washington, devin the messup noons. Seth i think its nunes. It is . [ laughter ] seth, i cant do anything right. Im the biggest jerk in washington and that place is full of jerks. [ laughter ] seth okay, come on. Come on back into a seated position. I dont want to. Seth okay. [ laughter ] it really seems like youre having a rough day, buddy. Its just that everybody says i get my information from washington and i dont. I dont ever talk to the white house, ever [ phone ringing ] its the white house. Seth okay. You can answer it. Hello, mr. President . [ muffled talking ] [ laughter ] i cant talk right now. Im on seth meyers. [ muffled talking ] i know, i dont like him either. [ laughter ] [ muffled talking ] of course i didnt tell him about the pee pee tape. Oh, no sean spicer is going to be so mad at me seth yeah, hes gonna be mad at you. I gotta go. Seth all right, bye, devin nunes. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, devin nunes. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, we have a great show for you tonight. He is the star of a great new movie, gifted, chris evans is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] he plays cia agent Saul Berenson on showtimes homeland and he is the voice of papa smurf in the upcoming smurfs the lost village, Mandy Patinkin joins us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and we will have music from michelle branch. So its a great night. [ cheers and applause ] very sad piece of news in the world of comedy today. Don rickles passed away this afternoon. Who was one of the alltime greats. And i ive told this story before, but it meant so much to me. A few years ago, i was at a party, and don rickles was there. And he was sitting at his table. And he was alone. And i said to myself, i will always regret it if i dont say hello to don rickles. And i went over and i said, mr. Rickles, i just want to say hello. My name is seth meyers. Im on saturday night live. and he just looked at me and said, oh, im so sorry to hear saturday night live was cancelled. And i was like, oh, it wasnt cancelled. And then he just went, oh, a guy can dream. [ laughter ] i remember thinking there is Nothing Better than getting burned by don rickles. So, i was always very thankful for that and i was very thankful that we got to enjoy his comedy for all these many years. Rest in peace, don rickles. [ applause ] moving on, this week has been a very consequential week in the trump presidency. Today he met with the president of china after reshuffling his National Security council and pushing a new infrastructure plan. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans voted today to rewrite the rules to confirm Trumps Supreme Court nominee. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth because trump doesnt have the firmest grasp on policies, its difficult to know at any moment what he actually believes and what he actually wants to do. But on tuesday, he at least made one definitive statement about something he doesnt want to do. Im not and i dont want to be the president of the world. Seth and its weird. [ laughter ] but its a relief just to hear trump say, i dont want to be president of the world. Thats how low our standards are right now. [ applause ] a month ago, a month ago, if he had said that, my response would have been, nobody [ bleep ] asked you to be president of the world. But, now he says that and my reaction is, thats a reasonable thing to say. You are making progress. [ light laughter ] you are growing up in front of our very eyes. [ laughter ] but whether trump likes it or not, his decisions do affect the rest of the world. Especially when it comes to National Security. And yesterday, we got some news about who will and who wont be making National Security decisions in the white house going forward. Steve bannon, President Trumps chief strategist, former breitbart executive, has been removed from the National Security council. Seth thats right, steve bannon has been removed from the National Security council. Im guessing by someone in a hazmat suit. Ooh, where should i put this . Ah. [ light laughter ] so why was bannon demoted . Apparently trump has been bothered by the Public Perception that bannon is actually the one in charge. According to the New York Times, the president had quietly expressed annoyance over the credit bannon had received for setting the agenda. And trump was not pleased by the president bannon puppet master theme promoted by magazines, late night talk shows and twitter. And oh, my god, donald, i am so sorry. [ laughter ] i never, i never would have called steve bannon the president if i knew it hurt your feelings so much. And this is terrible timing, but i guess i shouldnt have commissioned that official president ial portrait of steve bannon. [ laughter ] and i certainly shouldnt have asked for this photo to be mocked up of bannon sitting at the desk in the oval office while you play with blocks and pretend to build your wall. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so sorry. So sorry. Now, apparently bannon has also clashed with the president s soninlaw jared kushner, who has taken on an everexpanding role in the white house, that now includes foreign policy. He served as the point person on trumps meeting with chinese president xi jinping in maralago today. According to the New York Times, chinas courtship of kushner reflects a chinese comfort with dynastic links. Xi is himself a princeling. And kushner is also somebody they see as a princeling. Whereas eric and donald jr. Are seen as duncelings. [ laughter ] i want to meet the chinese president. [ laughter ] but think about how crazy this is. Kushners qualification is he is married to the president s daughter. Can you imagine if a year ago the president of china visited the u. S. And had to have a meeting with malia obamas prom date . [ laughter ] now going into the meeting today, we knew very little about how trump would actually deal with the chinese president. In fact, all we really knew were two things. One, that he thinks china is ripping us off. And two, that during the campaign, he had a very specific plan for how he would welcome his chinese counterpart. Hes coming over. Hes getting a big dinner free at the white house. Addressing the u. N. If you were president , would you throw him a big dinner . I would not be throwing him a dinner. Weve had this conversation. I would get him an mcdonalds hamburger and id say, we gotta get down to work. So, you would be confrontational with the chinese . Youre saying, look, im not giving you a dinner. Hes a big mac . I mean, really, is that what your going to do . I would give him a very yeah. But i would give him a double probably a double size big mac. [ laughter ] seth yeah, and then i would be like, heres your big mac, small fry. [ laughter ] and then hed be all, hey, im not a small fry. and id be all, no, youre an onion ring, because you stink. [ laughter ] so the stakes for trumps meeting with the chinese president could not be higher. With that backdrop, trump of course found time today to talk yet again to his favorite tv show, fox and friends. And he didnt really inspire much confidence. You mentioned the chinese president. What should we anticipate today with that, sir . Well, its going to be very interesting. Nobody really knows. Seth thats right. Nobody really knows. [ laughter ] in fact, i cant wait to hear how the meeting went when the president gets back. [ laughter and applause ] last one. It was my last one, sir. But while trump deals with foreign leaders, hes also trying to move on to the next item on his domestic agenda, infrastructure. At a meeting with ceos on tuesday, he criticized the regulatory process required for building things using new york as an example. But then quickly transitioned to complaining that nobody talks about dams. Getting a building approved in new york is a horrible, horrible thing. And thats nothing compared to when you get into the highways and the dams. They dont even talk about dams anymore. Seth they dont talk about dams anymore. Which is a shame because im pretty sure that thing on your head could build one. [ laughter ] also, when was everyone talking about dams . When i met your grandfather, all anyone was doing was talking about dams. The hot dance at the time was the huma shuffle. And for my sweet 16, we had a pinata shaped like the grand coulee filled with sweets. [ laughter ] we were dam crazy. Now because infrastructure is supposed to be trumps next big push, his team set up an interview with the New York Times that was published last night that was supposed to focus specifically on infrastructure. And you can tell the white house was serious about trying to stay on topic because according to the times, at least six white house aides were sitting in. Six. This president rolls deep. I believe you know my posse. This is little whitey. And so is this guy. They all answer to little whitey. [ laughter ] and you can see where trump needed babysitters in this interview because he very frequently went off the rails. Like when trump was asked what he would like to spend the infrastructure money on. And trump said, on roads, on bridges, on many Different Things and its also going to be we have to refurbish to a large extent. You know, we can build new highways which are much more expensive, and sometimes theyre the highways to hell. And were going to fix them very quickly. In fact there will be no stop signs, speed limit. No ones going to slow me down. Like a wheel, gonna spin it. Nobodys gonna mess me around. Hey, satan, paid my dues playing in a rock band. Hey momma, look at me. Im on my way to the promise land. Im on the highway to hell. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i now must say, i can do it because ive got the biggest balls of them all. [ laughter ] so trump is trying to make a big infrastructure push. But overshadowing that today was the historic showdown in the senate over Trumps Supreme Court nominee neil gorsuch. Basically republicans rewrote the rules of the senate. Rules they say they liked. To fill a stolen Supreme Court seat, you might remember the republicans stole that seat from president obama who nominated Merrick Garland. In fact, Senate Majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell was asked about republicans treatment of garland. And chuckled his way through the entire interview. Why not put him up for a vote . Really . Really . Why i mean why i mean im just asking. Look, any senator can have a rationale, were about to go on a situation where theres going to be this extra level of filibuster. Let me ask you, what was wrong with allowing Merrick Garland to have an up or down vote . Are you prepared to pass a resolution that says, in election years, any Supreme Court vacancy inhabit to be the sense of a Senate Resolution that say, why not put Merrick Garland on the floor . And if the rationale is you know its too close to an election, then vote no . [ laughter ] seth how stoned is Mitch Mcconnell . Merrick garland, thats a funny name. So trumps in over his head with the chinese president. His infrastructure plan is incoherent. And his party had to destroy the rules of the senate just to get his Supreme Court nominee through. It might be better for everyone if he just went back to playing with his blocks. This has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with more late night everybody. [ cheers and applause ] im going to take they sky jet. Do you remember when i took your [photo this morning . , [boy] yea [intern] im afraid i have some terrible news. You have. Bug eyes here come the bugs ahh bugs everywhere uh oh, this little buggy got a lasagna. This is how many people were born here. This many are fifth generation. This is how many are named hiawatha kitty mcgee. He keeps the town dry. Theyd prefer it a little wet. This many are proud of what we make here. This is how many will go around bragging about it. This is our town. If you cant get here, just look for one of our postcards. We send them all over. They look like this. We send them all over. With motionsense technology. Degree has redefined deodorant so that i can redefine. Power. Footwork. Range. The more i move, the more it works. Degree. It wont let you down. We, the people, are tired of being surprised with extra monthly fees. We want hd. And every box and dvr. All included. Because we dont like surprises. Yeah. Like changing up the celebrity at the end to someone more handsome. And talented. Really. And british. Switch from cable to directv. Get 4 rooms with hd, dvr, and every box included for 25 a month. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. It was recently reported that fox news paid out 13 million to settle multiple Sexual Harassment charges against bill oreilly. Not long after, fox news ceo roger ailes had to step down due to similar accusations. Here to comment are three of our writers, amber, ally and jenny. [ cheers and applause ] seth hey, guys. So guys, what do you think of all this . Seth, people are acting like this scandal is shocking. But if youre shocked by it, where have you been . Sexual harassment is everywhere. Raise your hand if someones stared at your boobs on the way to work today. [ light laughter ] raise your hand if youve ever had a coworker touch you inappropriately. Ambers hand is on my ass right now. [ light laughter ] i was just trying to find it. [ light laughter ] so go ahead. Get mad about bill oreilly. But then stay mad. Because Sexual Harassment is everywhere. Not just at places like fox news. Seth do you think its a problem here . Oh, no way. We feel really lucky to be working for such a feminist boss. Seth oh, thank you. [ light laughter ] seth gives us a platform to come out here and speak our minds. When my son is sick, seth lets me work from home. And seth is so upset about the gender pay gap, he said hes going to start paying us 33 cents extra for every dollar the male writers make. Seth wait, what . [ light laughter ] out of his own pocket. He wanted to pay us more. And we said yes. [ light laughter ] seth but i didnt say that. Seth knows that men often take credit for the work women do. So to make up for that, he made up this new opening for the show. [ laughter ] seth i did not make that. Seth is so understanding of womens issues that he insisted that our Office Provide a room for us to breast feed. Seth but none of you have babies. Sometimes i need to take my titties out. [ laughter ] seth amber [ cheers and applause ] look, jokes aside, for all of history, men have used their power to take advantage of women. And theres no one thing women can do to fix it. Thats right, its not like we can make it better by cat calling men. Wait, i want to try something here. Hey, seth . Seth yeah. I want to take a closer look at that tiny ass [ cheers ] seth inappropriate, amber. All right. Give it up for amber, ally and jenny, everybody. Well be right back with chris evans. [ cheers and applause ] im leaving you, wesley. But why . You havent noticed me in two years. I was in a coma. Well, i still deserve appreciation. Who was there for you when you had amnesia . You know i cant remember that. Stop this madness. If its appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. It rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. I have also awoken from my coma. Its called a nap, susan lucci. New, peach, from limearita. Make it a margarita moment. Bill assumed his mayo was the best choice. Assume nothing. Just like the leading brand, kraft real mayo is made with high Quality Ingredients at a price you can feel good about no wonder kraft is so good. For some, its going the distance. And for some, its going for 8 and a half hours of highperformance sleep. With beautyrests innovations and technology, sleep performance is the new performance. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band. [ cheers and applause ] also, all week weve had a drumming great who has played with such incredible artists as aretha franklin, alice cooper, joe satriani, and shakira to name just a few. And hes also the publisher of drumhead magazine. Jonathan mover, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth thank you so much for a great week, jonathan, really appreciate it. You know our first guest tonight from his portrayal of captain america in the marvel cinematic universe. He stars in gifted, which is in select theaters this friday and every april 12th. Lets take a look. I didnt want to go to the Stupid School in the first place. And the boy in the next row acts inappropriately for someone who is a child. Im sorry, im still passively aggressively ignoring you. A lot of kids answer questions. They dont get into trouble. You didnt get in trouble for answering questions. You yelled at the principal. You know what . Youre gonna find this interesting. So i google first graders who yell at the principal . And statistically, youre never gonna believe how many kids do it. How many . None. [ light laughter ] seth please welcome to the show chris evans, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth a pleasure to see you. Likewise, likewise. Seth congratulations on this film. Thank you. Seth you were great. Your costar, though. Thats all i care about. Seth your costar steals it. All right, fine, fine. Seth your 10yearold. I got to go. Thank you. [ laughter ] seth can you get her on the show . Shes so good. Seth whats the actresss name . Mckenna grace. Seth okay, and shes 10 years old . Yeah, going on 40. Seth yeah. Were you are you kind of blown away by her confidence and skills . Without question. I certainly was not that way when i was its tough finding a young actress who can kind of master both professionalism but still be wild and free. I was far from it. Seth what were you at 10 . Crying, probably. Seth yeah . [ light laughter ] i cried a lot. I really did. Seth only out of sadness . Or are you a joy crier . I wish. [ light laughter ] no, it was out of true, true panic. I cried first day of school, i cried first day at camp. Truly up until, honestly, if im being honest, maybe like fourth grade was the first year i remember seth going to school and not losing it . Just being like, i got it. I got it [ laughter ] nobody talk to me i got it. Im not joking. I remember being proud of myself, getting on the bus, being like, i made it. [ laughter ] seth you were like, i would like to make an announcement to the entire bus. [ imitates crying ] summer camp, that sleepaway camp . Summer camp was a nightmare. No, it was day camp. [ laughter ] this was but you know what . How old is it, when are kids supposed to go to camp . Seth i dont know. I will say, i was a real home body too, i did not like going away from my parents. Yeah, especially young. I feel like i was eight or nine and even going to day camp, like you know, we had a sliding door van. I felt like a cat getting into a bathtub. [ light laughter ] and my mother, at least two years in a row, we wasted money on camp. My mom would just be like, fine, i guess were going home. And then by my third year they even set up a daily schedule so that my sister and one of my cousins who were both at the camp were, you know, with me every second of the day. [ light laughter ] and i still just didnt want to go. Seth well, there you go. And you were very close, were very similar this way, youre very close with your mother. Yeah. Seth im very close with mine. I will say, we diverge slightly because i heard this story, is this true, that you told your mom when you lost your virginity . Yes. Seth okay. I did. [ light laughter ] i did. You know, my whole family is just were very open with a lot of things. If i had, you know, parties in high school, half the party is upstairs talking to her about inappropriate things. [ light laughter ] shes a really, really, really cool woman. And yeah, i did. I raced home and said, i did it [ laughter ] i dont know what i was doing, but i think i did it. Seth and i didnt cry. Oh, no, i cried. [ laughter and applause ] i didnt say that. She may have as well. Seth was she i cried too. I was like, i cant believe how often i do this. [ light laughter ] this was definitely not my first time. Did you was she happy to hear it . I think so. I dont know. I think she was happy that i was willing to share it with her. Seth yeah. I think thats what parents want. I think as a parent you just want to have honesty, you know what i mean . Thats one of the best things my parents both achieved, somehow they felt like my friends. You dont want to be so cool that your parents that you do anything, but when big things happen, you wanted to share it with them. Seth thats cool. Yeah, its nice. Seth are they happy i mean, im assuming theyre fans of your captain america work, but this a this film is a lot more about family. Are they happy when you do something thats a little more grounded . Yeah, yeah. I mean, i think look, the captain america stuff is phenomenal, but there are certainly are people in my life that prefer, you know, different fare. And i think theyre all happy when i do something a little bit more relatable and im not punching out aliens. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] theyre both great. Look, aliens have to get punched sometimes. Just saying. Seth you were also are you a skilled what is your skill level as far as tap dance goes . This is really like taking on a life of its own. [ laughter ] seth yeah, were going. [ light laughter ] im okay. Im not going to sit here and say im like gene kelly. But im okay. Im okay. Seth yeah. Look, dont run from it. Im okay. My mom gave us lessons when we were all kids. So im all right. Seth all right, thats good. I want to ask about this. Youre on twitter, youre active. And youre sort of you voice your political opinions in a way, which is nice in this day and age. I feel like people have the freedom to do that. But you probably have some fans who would rather you didnt. You got in a twitter battle with david duke. Yeah. Seth and i thought you both made great points. No. [ laughter ] i mean, look, his hearts in the right place. [ light laughter ] seth have you gotten feedback from people . And whats your response to it . Yeah, you know, sometimes you do. Its tricky sometimes. Actors in general i think have a its tricky because no one wants to hear from you because its easy to think youre out of touch and elite, which is, you know, potentially true. But look, i was a human being for a lot longer. You know, i was a citizen before i was an actor. Seth yeah. I spent a lot of time being not famous. I dont know, i still feel i have a right to express my opinions. You just got to take into consideration how people are going to receive it. If youre not aware of that, you may not land it. Seth yeah, it may catch you off guard. You just may not get your opinion across. You have to acknowledge the fact that to some degree, theyre not wrong. You know, i dont live the same life certain people do, you got to acknowledge that. But that doesnt mean i dont get a chance to express what i think too. Seth well, im really glad you do. Likewise, man, honestly. Seth oh, i appreciate it. You do a lot of really funny stuff. Funny stuff with this little you got going on here. You keep it up. [ cheers and applause ] seth it just seems like, i dont know, if you are also allowed to express your political views, i should be allowed to play captain america. [ laughter ] not like all the time. And if not, we can at least cry to our moms. [ light laughter ] seth speaking of family, we both have were both intensely close with our brothers. Yes. Seth both of our brothers were going to come tonight but then your brother actually had work conflicts. Thats right. Seth we were going to play a game against each other. We had a whole thing planned. I really wanted him here. But he did. He got a job. He got a little acting gig. Seth so thats great. Im sorry we cant do it tonight. Its a shame. Seth wait, wait. What . Seth hey, everybody, my brother josh. [ cheers and applause ] were doing this . Seth no. No. Chriss brother couldnt make it. So we win then, right . [ laughter ] oh, man. Yeah, because if hes not here, then you forfeit. I guess we forfeit for now. Yeah better luck next time, cry baby evans. [ laughter and applause ] undefeated undefeated seth well bring him back. Well bring him back next time. Chris evans, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] gifted is in select theaters this friday and every where april 12th well be right back with Mandy Patinkin, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [crunch] yeah [crunch] hahahaha honoo, honoo, honoo flame, flame, flame [crunch] [growl] [slap] [slap] [punch] [crunch] percent of recurrent could be prevented with the right steps. And take it from me, every step counts. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Except for every ladies night. Vegetarian. Only glad has forceflex to prevent rips, leaks, and punctures. So whatever you throw in the bag. Stays in the bag. Be happy, its glad. So, if anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now. coughs so sorry. Oh no. Its just that your friend daryl here is supposed to be Live Streaming the wedding and hes not getting any service. I missed, like, the whole thing. What . And i just got an unlimited plan. Its the right plan, wrong network. You see, verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. Its built to work better in cities. Tell you what, just use mine. Thanks. No problem. All right, lets go live. Say hi to everybody who wasnt invited vo when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Just 45 per line for four lines. Lilly. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is an emmy and Tony Awardwinning actor. You know him from his portrayal of saul in homeland. He voices papa smurf in smurfs the lost village, which is in theaters friday. Lets take a look. Are you there . Smurfette . Hefty . Brainy . Clumsy . Oh, thats not even convincing. [ laughter ] seth please welcome to the show Mandy Patinkin, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome to the show. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, so good to be here. Seth im very, very happy to have you. Now obviously go ahead. I just want to tell you before we get into anything else that i dont know if you remember, we were at the emmy awards, we were coming around right before we went in. Seth yeah. And i was with the dearest person in my life to me, my cousin marvin. Seth oh, yeah we said hello and then we walked away, and you were wonderful. And marvin turned to me and he said, my god, thats a nice man. Seth oh, thats fantastic. Referring to you, and marvin is now in heaven watching over us all. So i just wanted to bring him with us. Seth im so happy that i got a chance to meet him. Thank you for reminding me of that. He was very fond of you, just from that moment. He thought you were a beautiful person. Seth well, thats great. I assure you later at the night at those emmys, if hed run into me, it would have been a lot worse. I understand. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] you want to catch me at the beginning of the night. Ive been there myself, i know what you mean. [ light laughter ] seth he caught me when i was hopeful. [ light laughter ] after that beautiful hot red carpet. Seth exactly. I know. Seth now, of course anyone can you dont have to look like an animated character, cause youre just the voice, but do you think the beard helped you land papa smurf . [ laughter ] yeah, i actually do. Because kelly asbury called me up, he said the voice. But i have the beard and everything, and i actually am blue from this button down. [ laughter ] seth oh, right. Yeah. Seth so they had to do very little work. This was all this part is all makeup, just flesh tones. Seth thank you for doing that for our show. Sure, sure. Seth next time come out blue, we dont care. Well, its part of the contract. I have to appear as someone different. [ light laughter ] seth well, theres also i will say, theyre very different shows, homeland and the smurfs film [ laughter ] oh. Seth but theres a similarity. Wouldnt you say theres a similarity between saul and papa smurf . Sort of father figures . Absolutely identical to me, yeah. [ light laughter ] i dont see what difference youre talking about. [ laughter ] theyre both fathers, they both take care of bipolar children. Its [ laughter ] seth yeah. Its simple. Seth and abu nasir is the bad guy in this smurfs movie, right . Abu nasir is the bad guy in this movie, yeah. You heard that. [ laughter ] seth i wanted to ask about this. This is a photo because this is obviously a movie for children, and they sent you is this correct . That the smurfs, i guess as a thank you for your work, sent you a bunch of swag. Yeah. Seth and so that what are you doing with all your smurf stuff . Well, i dont know yet. If you would like to have some, just please call me up. [ laughter ] i need to figure out what to do with it. My favorite one was the tiffany box which is right in the middle. And that was a tiny little bug, you know, the smurf bug. Who i guess is a very famous character. So its a little bug in a tiffany box. So they clearly spent the money on the bug and not on the [ laughter ] seth i cant imagine many women in america who would be happy when they saw a tiffany box to open it up and see it was a smurf bug. Yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] seth honey, i know youve been waiting for five years and youve been waiting for something. Yeah, i know. Seth id like to get down on a knee and give you this smurf bug. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth you there is a mushroom house there that you can play with as well. Seth oh, really . Thats nice. Yeah. Seth well, you have kids. Why dont you give it to your kids . Yeah, theyre only yeah, theyd appreciate it. Theyre 30 and 35. [ laughter ] im sure theyll fight over the tshirt. I want the original i want the original one [ light laughter ] seth so homeland, obviously you know, this is a very intense show, its very stressful to watch. I assume getting into character can be stressful at times. But you is it true that you relieve the tension every now and then singing on set . I dont think so. Seth okay. But i probably you know, i did with damien. Damien likes sondheim, so when damien was in the show we would sing sondheim songs together. And i you know, thats not true. I usually do hum to myself, i sing tunes that i pick tunes that are sort of appropriate to the scene and they just sort of calm my head and it just kind of quiets me down. Seth gotcha. Thats nice. Do you think it calms other people down . No, i think it annoys everyone else. [ laughter ] seth well, you have to make choices as an actor. Profoundly, yeah. Seth speaking of sondheim, Jake Gyllenhaal was here. He said you came and saw sunday in the park with george. Oh, my god. I did. And i was so worried, cause the moment the play started, and the first song started, i just started weeping in my chair. And i seth well, this is a part for those who dont know, you originated this part on broadway. Yes, i did. Many years ago, when i was 31 years old. Im 64, do the math. [ light laughter ] but i was so emotional. It was a piece that so spoke to me and formed my life. And i was very selfconscious that i was going to sob openly in the play, and i made it through the whole thing virtually cried through the whole thing. And then i walked backstage to say hi, and jake had to run to promote a movie and get on a plane. But i just they were right there, jake and annaleigh, and we just fell in each others arms and wept for quite some time. And then i thanked him for giving life to something that gave me life. And for nurturing it so beautifully and bringing his incredible gifts to it. I i dont know what more you can ask from a human being. Seth well, he was here, and he was saying he was so thankful that he didnt know you were there that night. Yeah, yeah. Seth until afterwards. And what a great relief it was that you came backstage and hugged him and started to cry. Although that could have break either way as far as whether or not you liked it. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah. Exactly. Yeah, i could have hated it and just been crying to get the hell out of there. [ laughter ] no, but he knocked it out of the ballpark, and so did annaleigh. And the whole company. Seth it was a fantastic show. I hope they find a way to do it for a longer run somewhere, or make a film of it. Because seth it was truly beautiful. Yeah. Seth i want to ask about this. So every year when homeland wraps, you actually i guess youve been doing this for a few years now. You are going and doing work with refugees. Yeah, its the second year i did it. The minute homeland wraps, and literally the next day im on a plane to the refugee crisis. I go to lesbos, greece, and this time i took my wife, and then after that we went to serbia in the balkans, and the croatian border in germany. And i visit these beautiful families, these children that are so extraordinary. Seth you have some beautiful pictures. And i think its really just nice to see that these are just families. Theres no real other way. This is khoder al assy, and they relocated to germany. I was able to help them get out of karatepe, and they have two beautiful boys here, and im showing them my sons on my phone. This is abed who said to me in belgrade in the resettlement camp there. He was holding me on the street, and he said, you are grandpa, you are like grandpa. [ laughter ] and i turned to my wife when before we were leaving, and would tell, you know, all this emotional, overwhelming stuff of these people trying to get to sanctuary and a new place after such a wartorn environment. And i said, you know, but in the middle of all this horror we had to come to serbia, to a resettlement camp, a Refugee Resettlement camp, to become a grandfather. So, you know, life is full of strange surprises. Seth its wonderful. [ light laughter ] what is having spent time there, i feel like youre in the unique position to speak to what the biggest misconceptions are of the refugee crisis and who these refugees are. These refugees are us. They are every single one of us. They are families like our ancestors. Every one of us in this country probably are refugees in one form or another, or ancestors are. Were first or secondborn americans, in some cases third. And theyre the most Vulnerable People in the world right now. And the misconception that is so profound is people that are politicians and want to get elected, its the oldest game in the book, is you have to vilify someone. So in this case its the muslim population, a population thats given such gifts to our world beyond expression, so many gifts. And so yet theyre vilified. And they you that you need to be afraid of them, because if you vote for me, and you elect me to be president or congressman or senator, ill keep you safe. When the facts of the matter are very important. And this is where the homeland world because the most famous characters in homeland season six are fake news and truth. Thats what homeland season six is about. And the truth for these people that are not tv shows or games, is that the vetting process in the United States of america is the Gold Standard of vetting around the would. Its an 18month to twoyear process. You dont even get in the door as an individual or a Family Member unless the u. N. Hcr, the United Nations High Commission of refugees, feel you can make it through that long process. Once you do, youre vetted for the rest of your life. These are the safest citizens we have. And the facts of the matter, if i can give this quickly, since 1975, 3 million refugees have come to the United States. Since 9 11, 900,000. Not a single terrorist incident in the United States of america has occurred by a refugee. They are our safest citizens. And if you want to realize what makes america great, they are the refugees that make up our nation. [ cheers and applause ] seth thank you so much thank you. Seth for doing that with them, and for telling that story. Thank you. Seth really appreciate it. Mandy patinkin, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] smurfs the lost village is in theaters friday. Well be right back with music from michelle branch. [ cheers and applause ] what makes a lipton meal . First you start with this. These guys. A place like shhh no. 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Singing her song, best you ever, please welcome michelle branch, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] dearest lover read this letter i cant pretend im still in love if my lips could say it better id still be there when you wake up we used to be for real but now you make me feel like ill never be enough you turned me on then turned me off oh i want you to remember me every time you scream as the best you ever i want you to remember me in a lucid dream as the best you ever oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i hope you can find someone who will satisfy you like i did do all the stupid Little Things that never are as obvious and all the things you miss i seal em with a kiss but i cant sign sincerely yours i never was ive never been i want you to remember me every time you scream as the best you ever i want you to remember me in a lucid dream as the best you ever oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ive been wondering why i tried so hard to win your love im giving up i dont wanna waste any more time so goodbye i want you to remember me every time you scream as the best you ever i want you to remember me in a lucid dream as the best you ever oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i want you to remember me i want you to remember me best you ever [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth michelle branch, folks. The album hopeless romantic is out now. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] what if there was a paint. That had the power to awaken something old. Or painfully dated. Or something you simply thought was lost forever. Because it could form a strong bond, regardless of age. If a paint could give any timeworn surface stunning new life. You have to wonder. Is it still paint . Regal select exterior from benjamin moore®. Only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. 60 of women are wearing the w. Experience leaks. Introducing always my fit. Find the number thats right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. The better the fit, the better it protects. Always. [ intense music playing ] ] its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. 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