Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20140925

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develop through the north bay and spread to the south into thursday morning commutes. i'll have the updated storm timeline and let you know how long all this lasts in about 15 minutes. >> see you soon, jeff, thank you. >> let's go to robert honda live in san jose. moderate rain. we need more but it will help. >> it certainly can't happen fast enough. we also know that no matter what, we won't be getting enough rain to fill up the dry pools and reservoirs but it might help in some expected ways. >> reporter: nicole had to stop and take pictures near morgan hill that once held 8,000 acres of rain. the rain is too little too late which has become the first reservoir to go dry this season because of the drought. >> hopefully something comes. >> ground levels are falling and will continue to fall. >> the latest figure shows the public is volunteerly falling at 11%, far below the 20%. the board put up $3 million into public incentives like rebates per household and hope the rain will lead to a change in attitude. >> don't forget to turn off the sprinklers. >> one thing i'm worried about, when it starts raining, people think the drought is over and the savings we're achieving have been lost. >> nicole suggests people take a long, hard look. >> i think after seeing this, there is a lot more that i can do and we can all do. >> reporter: certainly, everybody is waiting for the rain. coming up at 6:00 the long term projects the board is looking at just in case the rain doesn't come to our rescue and we end up with an extended drought. >> thank you, robert. you can track the storm on our website on the weather tab and maps and radar, you can see the storm moving through the bay area at tough spot for san jose firefighters. downed power lines made it difficult to fight this apartment fire. it started around 2:00 this afternoon on concord avenue near san jose city college. one neighbor shot video before crews arrived. one firefighter was taken by ambulance. his injuries are believed to be minor. >> details on a double homicide in san jose. we learned the victims were a father and son. 61-year-old keith lang and his son were shot at a home on rancho drive. a woman was shot at the home but not been identified. she's suspected to survive. police have not identified any suspect and at this time don't have a motive. 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick is finished, done talking about his fine for using inappropriate language. the nfl fined him during the homeowner. a bears player said kaepernick called him the "n" word during that game. coach harbaugh defended his quarterback. >> i've never heard colin use that word and i've never heard him lie, so. >> so you think those reports are inaccurate? >> i think what i think. i'm very tuned to haeearing tha word. >> kaepernick said he didn't say anything derogatory. tony stewart will not face criminal charges. there is not enough evidence to charge steward of any wrongdoing. he was racing in a sprint car race when his car hit and killed kevin ward junior. ward got out of his car to confront steward when it happened. toxicology reports showed ward was under the influence of marijuana, enough to impair his judgment. to a developing story, a new round of air strikes against isis in syria. the target was the oil facilities and the pentagon revealed the first round of air strikes killed the leader of an al qaeda militant group. at the united nations in new york, president obama warned isis fighters to get off the battle field while they still can. steve is live at the un tonight with more, good evening, steve. >> reporter: janelle, thanks. good evening from new york city where president obama's golfs to try to increase the number of nations in his coalition, all that good news that you enumerat enumerated. the taking out of isis oil facilities and the taking out of isis terrorist group leader and an arab leader standing up here today at the un in public for the first time saying his group helped president obama who is trying to build this coalition. to pull more nations into the fight, president obama personally chaired a un security counsel meeting on keeping isis from growing preventing young muslims to leave their home nations to join the jihad or wanting to. >> we must address our work. the repression, the lack of opportunity, too often the hopelessness that can make some individuals more susceptible. >> outside was an anti isis demonstration. in syria and iraq were more air strikes and precipitation. >> my country is at the forefront of this effort. >> reporter: today, a report that the leader of the violent extremist group said to be planning attacks on the u.s. homeland was killed in the u.s. led air strikes in syria yesterday but in retaliation for france joining in coalition air strikes, an isis affiliate put out a property begg propaganda . the french president is enraged and in his general asellbly speech president obama sounded a war cry. >> the only language understood by killers like this is force. >> reporter: he wants more trust in u.s. leadership to fight the ebola epidemic and russian aggression in ukraine but the urgent obama mission here is fighting isis, meeting for the first time with iraq's new prime minister as he tries to save iraq and destroy isis. the netherlands today said it will be sending war planes and taking part in the u.s.-lead air strike mission. here in new york tomorrow, president obama will try to get more nations to sign up. live at the united nations, nbc bay area news. >> our coverage continues at 5:30 on nightly news. a new at 5:00 a political uproar in the biggest city and tonight a top aid is stepping down. he's the campaign manager for a candidate in san jose's city counsel. michelle roberts joins us from city hall and this streams from a controversial e-mail, correct? >> yeah, that's right. this election is a little more than a month away, so it's crunch time for candidates trying to get their names out and raise money leading up to this election. the e-mail sent by the campaign is really what is stirring debate. it was written by fong's campaign manager. he wrote this about fong's opponent. it says quote, a top republican consultant and palestinian activists who served as a high-ranking member of the liberation organization. he says that is just not true and he says jones says this comment is offensive and down right racist. >> they are racist. they are inappropriate, and to be honest with you, they are bizarre. i don't understand what they were trying to accomplish. >> to motivate anti arab contributors, people who don't like arabs to give money to fong. >> reporter: just a couple hours a ago, fong acre cemented the r t resignation of chew. he says i do not believe dennis intentionally attempted to insert race into this campaign. he apologizes anyone he may have offended and asking fong to give back any money raised on behalf of this e-mail blast. michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. how this could help police solve a violent crime near a bart station. we have been waiting for months for the decision and here it is. a superior court judge telling silicon valley billionaire he has to open up public access to martin's beach. the story coming up on nbc bay area news. and i'm scott budman, a rough day for apple. big sales but does its latest iphone bend? we'll put it to the test coming up. then at 6:00 a food renaissance in the south bay. >> what some businesses are doing to help people do the right thing. that's new at 6:00. 40 miles per hour wind gust, that's the problem in sacramento. the fire is about 40% contained. it's burned many acres and destroyed 12 homes thus far. these winds could last through tomorrow but there is hope because rain is in the forecast. the long awaited decision is in, a san mateo county judge rules against vinod khosla. he was trying to block access to a beach. he doesn't own the beach but the private road to get there. the beach is near half moon bay and the decision came down just in the past 90 minutes. mark mathews joins us from the law offices of the plaintiffs who won this case. >> they are happy about it. this is the decision hot off the press. in a private property rights case where the issue is can a property owner be forced to provide public access to a beach simply because the previous property owners allowed it? vinod khosla believe his private property rights trump the public's right to a beach. he paid $37.5 million for the land between the beach. two weeks later, he closed off public access that existed for decades. when the county told him he needed a coastal permit. he never applied for one and his attorneys argued no permit is necessary to close a gate. they sued khosla saying he ignored the coast l commission and law and contended the billionaire should be required to pay the maximum fine of $15,000 a day, which would amount to something in the range of $20 million. khosla's attorney argued in court the coastal commission was a run away regulatory body that was violating khosla's fifth amendment property rights. the judge listened to six days of testimony and visited martin's beach and ruled khosla needed a permit to close the gate and ordered him to stop preventing public access. >> i think is this is a great victory for the people of california today because it protects their coast. for the first time in many years, what happened is a court has said mr. khosla, tear down that fence. >> reporter: just moments ago, khosla's attorneys said they are disappointed in the court's ruling and will consider options for appeal. it's widely believed vino vinod khosla will appeal to to the supreme court if necessary. the judge said he won't have to pay any more fines. reporting from the plaintiff's offices here, mark mathews, nbc bay area news. story not over yet. thanks, mark. another bruising day for apple, the iphones apparently bend in people's pockets. >> suddenly some out luster lost from last week's exciting rollout. the business and tech reporter scott budman joins us at the apple store and scott, the sales are still sky high. >> reporter: they are still lining up outside the store to buy phones, raj, but apple says 10 million of the iphone 6s and 6 pluses were sold in three days and if they were popping champagne that makes sense but today was a sobering day. some people say when they put them in their back pocket, they bend. it's a hot product that has a case of the bends, even with people still lining up to buy apple's new iphone 6. >> i want the 6 plus. >> reporter: the saying it bends launched streams and tests including this one from square space. >> bottom line it's aluminum. it's going to bend if you apply enough pressure like i just did. >> reporter: on an especially rough day for apple, the company admitted it pulled a software update because of bugs, not that shoppers seem to mind. >> not at all. no, i'm not concerned with that. i'm looking forward to having the new iphone 6 plus. >> reporter: even if it is more flexible than originally planned. apple released a statement this afternoon saying it is looking into the problems with that latest operating system software release and says it will fix those problems. meanwhile, apple shares fell about 83 cents today on an otherwise strong day for the stock market and as i mentioned, didn't seem to dim the appetite for people. they stood in line here for the new iphones until they were told the store actually ran out. back to you guys. >> thank you, scott. the take away is don't sit on your new iphone. >> that's very good advice. don't sit on it anyway, you don't want to crack the screen, right? let's bring in jeff ranieri. we see green behind you, jeff. >> the doppler radar getting fired upright now. the storm system offshore. the core of the strongest portion of the storm system remains well off to the north and out here in pacific. we won't be impacted but the bottom edge is continuing to edge closer and this is where we'll get the chance of rainfall from over the next 18 hours. you can see areas of rainfall near the california, also the oregon boarder and gradually again we'll see this step down here throughout the bay area. we'll take you outside of the sky camera network and no rainfall just yet, you can see in the north bay from the weather under ground sky, camera network, we have thick clouds here in tiburon. there is enough moisture in the atmosphere ahead of the storm system, i do think in places like tiburon to san francisco we'll get in on drizzle and down here across the south bay, nothing but blue sky and 7 6. don't worry san jose, we still have rainfall for you, as well. let's take you to the rain timeline. it has updated quite a bit from this time yesterday. the key thing is the fact that a lot of the forecast models are holding this together a little better than it was 24 hours ago. so the hopes here of getting some rainfall down to san jose looks excellent. at 8:00 p.m. tonight, most of the rainfall stays to the north. you're clear for any late evening commuting but by 11:00, showers develop here across san francisco, possibly the peninsula and we'll hold off again for some of the heaviest rainfall until about 7:00, 8:00 in the morning and again, this is where we're talking about the storm system holding up better. pockets of green possible by 7:00 in the morning. as we advance this throughout the late morning hours at 11:00 in the morning, things will gradually filter out with areas of spotty showers remaining in the forecast thursday afternoon and also for friday, as well. so here is the deal on the rainfall totals. again, not a major storm. anywhere in the north bay we're looking about a tenth to 2/10ths of an inch of rainfall. san francisco to the south, about 1/10th of an inch at this point. .600 -- .06 in san jose. we could pick up a quarter to a half inch at this point. to the micro climate forecast for thursday, a colder day. everyone going to be impacted by these cooler temperatures. certainly might need a light jacket here in the morning hours with light rain showers. 78 in san jose and san francisco temperatures staying in the 60s. i do think by the afternoon hours we'll get some sun breaks in here, as well. for the north bay, east bay and tri-valley, napa expecting 78 and for the tri-valley and 79 pleasanton and 78 in livermore. so showers in the forecast again for tomorrow morning. lingering showers for friday and by this weekend, we'll clear out. i'm posting updates. all you weather lovers head there and get the latest any time you want. >> that's a nice sight. that thanks, jeff. it looked like an emergency but wasn't. the response to the crash. keeping an eye on the bears, the new tool that lets yosemite park rangers monitor their movements. bart police need your help identifying the four men in this video walking toward the camera. you can see the first two men approach as the other pair walks down the stairs behind them. bart police call them persons of interest in a shooting back on june 17th. no one was hurt. police say this video was taken about 15 minutes before the gunfire. if you know who they are, contact bart police. >> a hectic scene today but all a drill. a fake airplane crash. >> this is a drill. >> more than 250 volunteers helping emergency responders in a plane crash drill. teams from 20 local agencies took part. the drill simulated a boeing 767 crash. it included triage, transporting victims, and even passenger reunions. this is the first drill at sfo since last year's asiana airlines crash. >> as i mentioned, one thing that went well for us last year is seamless integration that comes through constant and rigorous practice and that's really what today is about. >> today's drill included the testing of a new emergency alert frequency not in the place last year. it started out as a routine traffic stop and ended with the arrest of two suspected mail thieves. police officers pulled them over on sunday and discovered the man and woman were on probation for burglary and identity theft. the officers searched the car and found two bags filled with letters and packages of mail addressed to various homes in redwood city, wood side and for. julie scott and sean mccourt were arrested. they want to know where the bears are at all times. park rangers are using a new tool. it's a real-time bear tracking system. wildlife managers will use modernized gps collars to monitor black bears anywhere they go. $70,000 was donated to purchase these collars. they can better track how they use the entire has beere habita she didn't jump on her tour bus, how katy perry got to her concert. we'll be back with you in about a half an hour. alcatraz turning into an art exhibit. it's been an art muni sseum. we'll look inside the exhibit at 6:00. katy perry's world tour included an extensive tour from the bay area. she tweeted road my bike 22 miles just in case you're wondering why i'm limping on stage later. she tweeted that out before the second of her two concerts and as far as we've heard, perry was not limping on stage last night. she was dancing up a storm just like our jessica agary. that's why she was not here last night. >> did she ride her bike to the concert? >> i don't think so. >> did she do it on purpose? >> i don't think so. >> she's in shape. >> brian williams is next. thanks for joining us. >> we'll see you at 6:00. good night. on our broadcast tonight, the enemy. what the feds are telling us about the real threat of terrorism in this country as the u.s. unleashes another ferocious air attack overseas. is he to blame for the crash that killed a fellow driver on the track? the grand jury has made its decision in the case of tony stewart. joan lunden, the picture that got everyone's attention today. and what she tells us about her decision to share it. and royal treatment, a homecoming queen and her extraordinary gesture toward the victim of a prank that touched so many people. tonight, what has happened since. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian

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