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Suspects inspired by others and copying attacks. On the streets people in london are seeing more patrols. The attack unfolded shortly after 10 00 p. M. Saturday. A van sped across London Bridge running down pedestrians on the sidewalk. The vehicle stopped near bureau market, a neighborhood filled with bars, restaurants, and tourists. A group of men got out and began stabbing people. I just saw some people run away and there were people lying on the ground. There was a taxi driver with the window down shouting at people to run. Reporter Armed Police Officers responded with in minutes and shot and killed all three suspects. A photo shows one lying on the ground with canistered strapped to his belt. The suspects were wearing what looked like explosive vests but these were established to be hoaxes. Reporter police are continuing to comb the area for clues. This was the the Second Attack in less than two weeks. In march, an attack on the Westminster Bridge left five dead. Recent attacks are not connected, but we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face aster errorrism breeds terrorism. In a tweet, President Trump offered u. S. Assistance and expressed condolences. Mr. Trump wrote we need the travel ban as an extra layer of safety. Prime minister may says authorities disrupted five terrorism plots since the march attack. Shes advising people to go about life as usual but says things approximate uk must change when it comes to combating extremism in this country. Mellisa, phil. According to Security Experts the fact that this happened so shortly after manchester is a great concern. They say this appears to be the work of isis and that the uk may be targeted specifically because of the refugee crisis in europe. A former fbi special agent says the terror attacks are evolving in part to get around heightened security after Manchester Attacks. The attacks will continue in this manner because there are vehicles driving down the street every day. You cant stop every vehicle and search every vehicle. As officials investigate this latest terror, San Francisco is joining in a long list of cities offering support. Mayor ed lee tweeted we must stand together against sense less acts of violence. Sf stands with london. San Francisco Police department tweeted hearts and prayers for london. They have not stopped up security locally in reaction to the attacks and there is no credible threat to safety here at this time. Ariana grande says her one love Manchester Concert will go ahead with greater purpose in the wake of last nights london attacks. This latest attack is two weeks after 22 people were killed when bombs went off at grandes concert. The singer recently made a surprise visit to young fans who are now in the hospital. As a parent, you do get goose bumps thinking about it. Grande, justin bieber, cold play, katie perry are all performing at a benefit concert for the victims later today in manchester to his police are made an arrest in the death with an american tourist. The tourist died friday after getting into a fight outside the Da Vinci Hotel on veness. Relief for south San Francisco residents. City Officials Say the tap water is safe to drink again. Some 2000 residents in the citys Sunshine Gardens neighborhood were warned not to use tap water after vandals broke into a large Storage Facility prompting a no drink advisory. Cal water distributed nearly 3000 cases of water to impacted customers. So far, no arrests have been made. Water park in dublin where there was an accident last weekend has reopened. The slide where it happened is still closed. A 10 year old boy flew off the emerald plunge and landed on the concrete next to it. He managed to walk away with scratches. Cal osha is managing the configuration and water levels. The new park called the wave will still stay open every day until mid august. Two firefighters are recovering from minor injuries after a fire in the east bay. It erupted yesterday afternoon at a business on mission boulevard in hey ward. The building is a strip mall where Officials Say transients are known to hang out. A woman who owns a business nearby says she was helping customers when she started to smell smoke. Immediately i opened my front door and i saw that side, big flames with black smoke and immediately i ran outside and called all the customers outside. I said run, fire. Firefighters were able to put out the fire in 20 minutes. There is no word yet on the cause of the fire. The Trump Presidency is again facing criticism from all over the world this weekend. Protesters opposed to the president s policies gathered in more than 100 cities for a march for truth yesterday, demanding a full investigation into what connections the trump team had with russia. Meanwhile, the president has pulled also out of the paris climate agreement. The u. S. Ambassador to United Nations claims that the president does believe in Climate Change. He believes the climate is changing and believes pollutants are part of the equation. Trump pulled out because it was impossible to meet the terms and the administration will do it under its own terms. Several governors say they will continue to abide by terms of the climate deal despite the decision. One of them is of course california governor jerry brown. He is in beijing at a Clean Energy Summit where he plans to ask china to become part of californias Carbon Trading market. When mr. Trump does something so outrageous to the science and to the reality of Climate Change, we cant stand by. This is serious stuff. Several other states in the u. S. As well as the canadian province of quebec are already taking part in a climate alliance. As the Climate Change debate rises, so does profile of the california governor who is turning out to be one of the president s biggest critics. Mellisa and i asked mayor brown if donald trump and jerry brown are a match made in political heaven. Quite, quite great casting. If you were trying to put together a Reality Tv Show involving politicians they would be the two characters you would cast except its real life for the two of them. Believe me, they are perfect. Just perfect. Its hard to imagine jerry brown sort of taking such a big role against a mitt romney or john kasich. Or if it was president hillary clinton, he would be the elder states man out in california. I am glad you didnt use the same term you used earlier. Old uncle . Yes, old uncle. Out there in the sticks of california. He is front and center with a worthy foe and he is milking it for everything he can. You cannot imagine at any point jerry brown going off to china. But suddenly he is off to china without preannouncement, no prearrangement, no front person all because every News Organization in the world will follow him on this issue. He is on politico. He was called the president of the environment for example, a real figure that even other states are looking tor safeguard concerns while President Trump is in the white house. Since obviously trump looks around to cast people in the role of doing the apprentice, just maybe jerry might become the next prentis head. He said he wont run for president for an additional time, but the people are making loud calls. You have to speak also to the other leaders of the Democratic Party when he is the one everyone is paying attention to, or is it the fact that he knows how to grab a headline and run with it, doing a quick deal with the governor of washington and new york and then off to china. A great eye. Keep in mind he is the democrat that has best credibility. In the 70s when he first ran for governor in the first series of the governor ship, he was called governor moon beam and it was because he was talking about things that affect Climate Control. It wasnt called Climate Control at that time. We were doing things like, you know, with cars, etc. Jerry brown was at the helm of that. He knows all the terminology. Moon beam verses trump. Who wins . At the moment, trump is president but let me assure you, those 100 some odd nations looking for somebody to talk to, jerry is going to be premiere. We taped that so early in the morning. I thought again about your question who weapons between Governor Brown and President Trump and i have to say us probably. The media. Media and audience. And people at home. You get villains, heroes. Active discussion about a big issue. Up next, state senator jerry hill will join us and talk about a setback in california. We are going to talk about what the state is doing and not doing about trumps decision. Good morning. All sorts of changes ahead. A little bit cooler and then a little bit warmer. Then maybe a little bit on the wet side by the latter half of the week. Well have the details in a few minutes. ,,,,,,, bay area residents are protesting the president s decision to pull out of the paris climate pact. People held up signs and chanted slogans outside a Federal Building in San Francisco friday. They said the president is ignoring the impact of Climate Change including increases in drought and famine. Joining us to talk about what this means for california is state senator jerry hill. It was an active week in sacramento. It was. First, the state Senate Passed the goal to have us using 100 Renewable Energy by 2045, is that right . It is. Thats a realistic number because sempra executive said we could probably do it today if we tried hard enough. We have solar more than we need right now during the day. Its a problem at night time because obviously there is no lunar energy that will give us energy that we need. But it will come at a cost. It will. Part of that was being handled by state assembly which is extending cap and trade agreement which basically puts restrictions on companies and emissions and even pumping gas saying if you create pollution, you should pay more for it. Its not a tax on carbon but it is a higher cost. The state Assembly Said no. So we pass these goals but the mechanism to try to get us there by creating incentives or disincentives is being said no by another branch. Why . Assembly bill was different than extending cap and trade. It actually added a number of other things which is to avoid and kind of prevent and incentivize pollution reduction in the valley. Possibly it would have cost say for refineries or smokestacks that we are seeing, they would have to pony up money if they went over certain limits, right . Yes. But the Assembly Effort didnt do that. The senate effort would. A lot of it came down to cost and the idea that people will be paying more at the pump. People will be paying more. It could be . 80 more over a period of time. There is a lot of resis tons to that especially after the increase for the transportation measure that added about . 12 per gallon to the gas. There is resistance because we have seen resistance from our constituents. One senator is facing a recall. Absolutely. Thats over just the money for pot holes. Money for pollution, people are getting cold feet. I think thats the case. That will cause changes to the proposal that the senate has today because many legislators and senators said theyre not going to vote for it. So we set the goals, but the means to get there where the rubber is meeting the road thats the obm. What does that say for our state will . It says we have a political problem and a crisis that we are dealing with to get to that point. What happened in washington with trump pulling out of paris accord, that gives us incentive. We can work words that. 22 states with 55 of the nations Gross Domestic Product and 40 of the Carbon Emissions have already agreed and can meet that paris accord. We are moving forward doing this. We just have to figure out how to get there. Thats the challenge we are faced with. This may not be the tool that we are talking about. Isnt it a bit ironic that we are slamming the president ive got people slamming the president for not going with the accords. He says it would hurt business. Then California State Legislature is saying were not going with ours because it will cost as well. Same thing. Thats true but the difference is we are committed to the goals. We just are fine tuning how we get to the goals, how we get to the end of the line. Thats the challenge and the legislative process. Its one thing to set goals. Its another thing if you have to come up with the money and charge people for it. It goes from political to personal. It absolutely does. Thats the challenge. Do you think this will come back . Absolutely. We have a couple months to bring that back. The governor needs 2 3 vote to make it chap. Thats a tough challenge as well. Challenges abound. Thank you for joining us state senator jerry hill. Lets look at our climate outside and tell us what we can expect today. Good morning. We are forecast to start with low clouds along the shoreline, maybe a little bit of drizzle. It will be sunny later but not as warm as it was yesterday with temperatures early in the low 50s. This afternoon we will be near 80 inland with upper 60s along the shoreline. We have more low clouds forecast along the shore to keep us cool and warm but not hot inland. Cool coast, warm inland. Thats summer time for you. It will cool today and warm up tomorrow. High pressure eases a little bit and futurecast shows cooler air on the way. Tomorrow the temperatures will bump up again. Thats what i mean by being up and down. There may be a sprinkle or two thursday. Its possible, not probable. Nevertheless, heads up for thursday. As taking on nationals. It will be mostly clear with a daytime temp of 67. A lot of is happening this weekend. There is the union street music festival. It will be nice in San Francisco. Good guys car show in pleasanton with sunshine. Hook and ladder run, should be clear in the low 60s. High temperatures today, mid to upper 70s inland with San Francisco at 65. Today in san jose, 76. It will be warm tomorrow and warm us. Thursday a rain cooled atmosphere. In the moon time, have a meantime, have a great sunday. Still considered a long shot but a plan to bring single healthcare to california is moving forward. We have details ahead. ,,,,,,,,, backers of a plan for universal healthcare in california say it could save the state billions. Supporters of single pair healthcare commissioned an estimate from economies. They found a single payer plan would cost california 331 billion a year, 37 billion less than the Current System that leaves millions uninsured. To pay for it, state needs to find 106 billion in tax revenue. The savings would come from eliminating Insurance Company overhead and controlling Prescription Drug costs. The study has been criticized for assuming federal decisions and funding that are uncertain. Its questions like that that have legislature going back and fort on this. Mellisa and i asked willie brown, the berniecrats are behind this. They almost took over the Democratic Party. This week you almost saw them take over California State Senate bypassing single payer. Nobody thinks it will see the light of day because of the cost. Whats going on . Thats what the base of the Democratic Party is about and has always been about. We have been doing single pay since the the 80s. I am not sure we even understood it. I was once the the author and i certainly didnt fully understand it now at the numbers it now has. It is not unusual, phil. There is nothing new about the concept. What about the concept of the power play . Exactly. What we are talking about is a group of bernie crats who are exerting power, getting organized, getting themselves elected, getting themselves enmeshed with democratic structure. They were pretty open about it. I have talked to lawmakers in sacramento. They were saying they were getting threats. If you dont vote for single payer, California Nurses Association which is behind it and other groups will run somebody against you in the primary. They were already saying some who didnt vote for single payer were corporate democrats. At the recent democratic convention, the the head of California Nurses Association came out and said democrats who do not vote for single payer the blood of people injured and dying in hospitals is on your hands. Thats how seriously they view this. Ultimately it will not translate into increased power among democrats. We are already 2 3 of both houses. We already have every statewide office. We have done that. Every individual democrat up there wants to stay there. They dont want another democrat coming from the left side. But the problem is a very simple one. You no longer can worry only about somebody coming from the left. You have to worry about somebody coming from the right since there is top two rather than party choices. When it was party choices, the leverage was there for organizations that advocated single issues. Now politicians have to be concerned because believe me some politicians like steve glazer ends up winning going against that trend. Steve glazer actually did vote against this. He was the only democrat i believe that voted against it. Many abstained. There was a handful that abstained. There was lengthy debate on the floor over this. You have never seen so many people hold their nose and vote for it. Nearly every democrat said this is half baked, isnt ready, we should not be moving forward. But the president will do something horrible that will impact us so we have to do something. Also we have the wing of the Democratic Party thats pushing for something strongly and were very active as they were holding town halls, rallying, even walking districts like steve glazer saying if you dont pass this, we will run somebody against you. That was a tough time. What they have done is what all good politicians do, passed it to somebody else. The state assembly. Theyre not too happy about receiving it. Coming up, the president s soninlaw under fire after secret meetings with a russian banker. What we are learning about the russian investigation. The latest on the london terror attacks. What police know about the suspects they arrested. Stay tuned for a live report. , on september 9, 2010. Pg e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. This gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. The explosion and fire killed eight people. Pg e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u. S. Pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. Pg e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. We are deeply sorry. We failed our customers in san bruno. While an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg e safer. And thats why weve replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new Leak Detection technology that is onethousand times more sensitive, and built a stateoftheart gas operations center. We can never forget what happened in san bruno, thats why were working every day to make pg e the safest Energy Company in the nation. Welcome back to kpix5. 7 59. Good morning. I am phil matier. Another night of terror left at least seven dead and 48 others wounded. British police have arrested 12 people in connection with the deadly attack in the heart of london. Joining us live from london is cbs news correspondent teri okita. Thank you for joining us this morning. What is the latest into the investigation into the attack . Reporter good morning phil and mellisa. Police say this is a fast moving investigation. They have spanned to other parts of london and say they have as you mentioned arrested a dozen people in east london in connection with the attack. Forensics experts were searching London Bridge earlier today. Prime minister theresa may with other government leaders held an emergency meeting and afterwards the Prime Minister eluded to islamic extremists being behind the attack. She came out with tough talk saying enough is enough and things need to change when it comes to combating extremism. What the changes will be are to be determined. The government also did not raise Security Threat level. It remains at severe, the second highest level. That still means another attack is highly likely. Police say they responded within eight minutes last night. Three suspects were shot dead within minutes. Authorities have been investigating if there are other involved. On the streets of london, we are seeing stepped up patrols, heavily armed patrols at times. Authorities are working with International Counter terrorism partner agencies. The Prime Minister says these are islamic extremists. What else do we know about these attackers . The investigation is pretty fresh so authorities havent released specific information about the suspects yet. But theresa may said the new trend is terrorism breeds terrorism and suspects are being inspired by attacks and copying attacks. We continue to see soft targets of civilians in crowded areas. Low level means to execute using cars, trucks, knives creating the most amount of injury with least amount of effort. In regards to the attack itself, what can you tell us about the area and the victims where it was. Was there a reason people were there . Were there any events that may have acted like a magnet . Reporter i will set the scene for you. It was a beautiful night last night with lots of people out in a busy area popular with residents and tourists alike. We are hearing about victims from all over. Britain, australia, new zealand. Many have life threatening injuries. 21 are in critical condition. 48 were hospitalized including a British Transport Police officer who according to officials is seriously unwell but stable. We are told he has been on the force for two years and was armed with only a baton when he rushed to help out. We have a second frightening attack in england. What is the mood on the streets and among the people you have been talking to . Reporter this is the third terror attack in three months, second in less than two weeks. 22 died in the Manchester Attack on may 22. March 22, five people were killed in that attack at Westminster Bridge. People are angry. Theresa may isnt the only one saying enough is enough. But as we often see in the aftermath, we see people coming together. We saw hotels and businesses and just regular people who were offering shelter and rooms and beds to people caught up in all the chaos last night. Thank you so much, teri. We really appreciate your insight. Investigation into possible ties between the president s campaign and the russian government is expanding. Vladimir putin is also weighing in. Here is the latest. Vladimir putin mocked u. S. Investigators questioning whatever proof exists that his government was behind u. S. Election hacks. Which fingerprints he asked. Ip addresses can be made up and sent from your home address by your children. Putin has been talking and a russian banker has not. He heads Russian Investment Bank veb and had a secret meeting with Jared Kushner in december in new york. The white house says mr. Kushner was acting as a transition official and sources say the two discussed setting up a secret back channel between the trump team and the russian government. Veb told New York Times mr. Gorkov met in his capacity as a real estate executive. It is said Vladimir Putin likely knew about the meeting. I think it would take extraordinary gum shun for the head of the state owned bank in russia to engage in diplomacy of this level without some support from the kremlin. Reporter mueller was selected to lead the probe after it was revealed that james comey had written memos about meetings with President Trump. Sources say one wrote that President Trump asked comey to drop his investigation into fired National Security adviser michael flynn. Comey is set to testify before congress before the memo next thursday. About the memo next thursday. According to an associate, comey wants to testify. Sean spicer says he did not know whether the president would invoke executive to prevent comey from speaking. The committee had subpoenaed flynn to testify but now a source close to him says flynn will turn over documents related to two businesses as well as some personal documents. Last week flynn said he would invoke 5th amendment right against self incrimination rather than comply with a subpoena to testify. Democratic leaders are dubbing a new initiative resistance summer. Events were held nationwide including one in the bay area led by Oakland Congress woman barbara lee yesterday. Is indivisible the same thing as the Democratic Party . No. The founders of the movement have made it quite clear that we are a separate group. We dont take donations from Democratic Party. We dont take funding from them. And our policies are similar but not connected. Sam cone is on the Steering Committee of indivisible berkeley. Several people at the event are with one of indivisibles groups. There are nearly 6000 nationwide. I asked if the goals are similar to the democrats, why not just link up to the party. We want it to be clear that we are holding all members of Congress Accountable for what they do, whatever party they belong to. Congress woman lee did not seem to mind that the Democratic Party is not in the spotlight. She says she welcomes other groups with a larger goal. We want everybody to work with us to make sure that we elect democrats to congress. Reporter it appears that the new Democratic Party leadership wants that antitrump energy no matter what it is called. For months some Bernie Sanders supporters have been lobbying for barbara lee to run for senator diane fine steins seat. So i asked the congress woman. A number of Bernie Sanders supporters say they would love to see you run for diane finesteins seat. If she does or doesnt run, do you have any designs on that . I am really happy being the representative of the 13th congressional district. I have wonderful constituents and as long as they want to continue to vote for me, i intend to run for the 13th cd. You broke a lot of hearts just now with that. Reporter of course the deadline to file to run for u. S. Senate is march of next year. A lot can happen. Stay tuned. Reporter senate and assembly voted on hundreds of bills. Here are some that passed. Sb30, no border wall. It says any company that helps build a wall on Mexican Border would not longer be able to contract with california. Ab1099, uber tipping bill. This law says any company that requires people to pay with a credit card must also allow customers to be able to tip by the credit card. Sb149, trump tax return bill. It says no candidate for president can be on californias ballot unless the candidate has disclosed five years of tax returns. If passed, it would be in place in time for the 2020 president ial election. There was a long back and forth on this one. I get that some people hate trump and i get that we will use every method possible. What the theyre proposing today makes good sense if only it applied to all state elected officials. I remember back when a fellow named jimmy carter was running for president. He was forced to dismays himself of his peanut farm. He had a peanut farm. He divested himself of that so there would be no question about his integrity. That president ial tax return bill passed with a vote of 27 13. All these bills need to pass in the other house. Theyre 50 of the way to the governors desk. Still to come, how will Climate Change impact the world . Phil asks a member of National Resources Defense Council what we are learning today. Good morning. We have all sorts of changes ahead. A little bit cooler, a little bit warmer, then maybe a little bit on the wet side by the latter half of the week. Well have all the details when we cover the weather in just a few minutes. Officials in Trump Administration are defending the president s decision to pull out of the paris climate agreement. Epa administrator says trump made the right call with the priority of protecting american jobs. The president made a very colonel yu song decision yesterday on behalf of america. He put america first. Some elected officials in u. S. And a number of World Leaders are expressing frustration with the president s move. The House Minority leader nancy pelosi says trump will live to regret it. How is he ever going to explain to his grandchildren who he did to the air they breathe . I spoke to President Trump last night and made it clear that the uk would have wanted United States to stay within the paris agreement. The process of withdrawal takes four years. Some democratic governors and mayors say they will continue to abide by the terms despite the president s decision. Joining us to talk about what this means for the world and what the accords themselves are about is adrian with the natural Defense Council. Lets talk about this. I cant tell you how many things i have heard. Its a good move. Its a bad move. What are these accords . Its not straightforward. Essentially what the accords of years of negotiations of a to nuthater the world agrees to keep a cap on greenhouse gases, on the gases causing Climate Change and to limit increase in temperatures by two degree or less. On that front, the limits that the countries were going to put on themselves or goals they were going to reach, were they mandated or voluntary . Voluntary. In the case of the u. S. , there was an issue because congress had not ratified them. However, 197 countries agreed to this. So there were very distinct limits and measures we had to meet. Each country, did they get to set their own limits or was this something that was going to be imposed on . Was everybody going to be traveling same speed limiter did some say i need to do it slower. I will do less or more . The way countries were supposed to get to the goal was not explicitly mandated. There was the recognition that every country had a different capacity, had a different environment, had different abilities to reach goals in different ways. It was really designed to create a framework within which countries could work. But it was really a landmark agreement because even smaller countries had to layout their plans, no matter the size. Was there an enforcement mechanism . Thats where you get to the voluntary issue. There is no global court of enforcement on the issue. There wasnt Something Like that. Lets get down to it. How much is substantive and how much is symbolic on both sides . Its both because realistically what we were talking about in paris it was nothing to do with paris. It was agreed to in paris. That was just another misconception. We as a planet, as global nations believe Climate Change is a crisis and we need to address it. We are therefore all committing to reach goals by a certain amount and to invest also in helping other countries do the same. Where does this leave states like california or provinces like quebec who want to pursue their own . Is there anything in the president s move that changes that . No. Actually i think this is a great opportunity for places like california, for china, for europe, for countries that have said they want to lead. They see this as a crisis. For us its a great opportunity to lead, great opportunity for clean energy. The down side is the u. S. No matter what is a global super power. We had the opportunity as a country to really lead in the space and we are seeding that to the rest of the world. Its a lost opportunity. But the rest of the world is going to go ahead. Yes. Its not like the rest of the world will stop because United States is leaving. Thats why theyre going to lead. In california this past week, as we had state senator jerry hill here, you were talking about the goals for 2040 but cap and trade component that costs money is put on hold by the assembly. The president says he does not want to do this because of jobs. How much economics is involved . How much is the cost . There are costs on both sides. However, if you really look at the cost, the cost of not doing something about Climate Change are significantly higher and for a much longer period of time because we are going to have to adapt. We are going to miss out on clean energy space. What we need to do in california is keep moving forward and address this. Its the short term cost. The generation ahead might be happy but if you are facing rising costs now, thats tough for politicians or even president s to go for. It is. But we see there are immediate returns. We have created over a half Million Clean Energy Jobs just in california alone. Do you expect that without the United States for the paris agreements to go forward . I do. I think we have had an incredible outpouring of support and i am verien heartened by that. We just hope that what we have seen is this is another step in taking away protections against pollution for the United States. Lucky for us in california, we are going to continue to lead, thrive, and continue to keep a clean environment. Continue to debate it. Its one thing to set goals and have aspirations but it is another thing as to what it means as we have seen in sacramento. This is going to be a talker and everyone seems to be very emotional about it. Thank you for joining us. Well go for a closer look to home at the climate. Good morning. We are forecast to start with clouds along the shoreline with maybe a little drizzle. It will not be as warm today as it was yesterday. Temperatures are in the low 50s. By this afternoon we will be near 80 inland, upper 60s along the shoreline. More low clouds will keep us cool and warm but not hot inland. Cool coast, warm inland. It will cool today and warm up tomorrow. High pressure eases up and futurecast shows that cooler air is on the way. Thats just for today. Tomorrow the temperatures will bump up again. That is what i mean by being up and down. More cloud and cooler tonight and maybe a sprinkle or two thursday. Its possible, not probable. Heads up for thursday. Well see. As are taking on the nationals. It will be mostly clear with a daytime temp of 67. A lot of things are happening. There is union street music festival, sunny vale art and wine festival, good guys car show in pleasanton with sunshine. That hook and ladder run should be clear and in the low 60s. In liver more high temperatures today will be in the mid to upper 70s inland with San Francisco at 65 and in san jose, 76. The extended forecast will be looking for things cool today, warmer tomorrow, warm tuesday. A rain cooled atmosphere comes in with maybe a drop or two but probably not. In the meantime, have a great sunday. For the past 17 years, a bay area nonprofit has been working around the world to save endangered animals. We are introduced to the cofounder who is this weeks jefferson award winner. For wild aid its about the slogan combined with celebrity. They should say when the buying stops, the killing can too. Reporter the cofounder of wild aid in 2000 with the goal of saving endangered animals starting with shark fin, rhino horn, ivory. There is a disconnect between the people buying and where the products were coming from. That was our charge. How do we connect people . When people in asia knew what was going on, they were just as appalled as we would be. Peter started where the economy meant people could afford. If you are paying for this, you are paying for guns, bullets. Reporter he realized, who better to deliver his message than celebrities. Say jackie khan doesnt want to do this. Why would you want to . Reporter in the last three years imports of shark fin to china have dropped and Chinese Government has banned shark fin from government functions. He says price of ivory is down 60 . In taiwan consumption of rhino horn is inconceivable. Julie packard is one of his biggest supporters. He zeroed in on its people that we need to target and people causing the problem. How are we going to get them to change . Reporter peter realizes changing people can bring them together. Everybody i have met cares if there are tigers left. We are only going to sell it by working together. From the plains of africa reporter working to save endangered animals from extinction, the this weeks jefferson bay area award goes to peter knight. This is kpix5. Now for our look at stories around the bay. This week the Solano County board of supervisors will vote to tighten roles of political a new law would extend this to anywhere that a person is in uniform or in an official vehicle. Planned parenthood announced it will close clinics in richmond, pittsburgh, vac ville. The low reimbursement rates are the cause. The group is asking lawmakers for 50 million in revenue from the recent tobacco tax increase. Contra costa voting on a law to ban loud animals. The animals owners would be subject to fines. A separate law on rooster noise is expected later this year. I want to thank everybody for joining us this morning. Remember face the nation is next here on kpix5. On face the nation, nancy pelosi, ambassador haley. Captioning sponsored by cbs dickerson today on face the nation g news overnight as terrorists strike in london again. And we will preview what could be crucial congressional testimony from former fbi director james comey. In the third terror attack a in Great Britain in as many months came a scene that is now becoming all too familiar. On a summer saturday evening in london, three terrorists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge. Then went on a stabbing rampage in a nearby neighborhood filled with restaurants and republicans. Pubs at least seven are dead and close to 50 injuries london mayor conveyed the public anguish. There are not words to describe the grief and anger we are feeling today. I am appalled and furious. Prime minister may surrounded the alarm for a fresh alarm to

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