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Hurricane florence is waiting in the wings. The first major hurricane of the season is churning off the coast of bermuda. A plane from dubai was quarantined at j. F. K. Airport in new york this morning after passengers suddenly got sick on board. Top tech officials are on capitol hill. Senator marco rubio was ateting with journalists outside that hearing, when he was interrupted by infowars host, alex jones. Its not just enough to take my First Amendment . Ill take care of it myself. Oh, hell beat me up . crying i just won. Ayanna pressley r realizing e won the Democratic Congressional primary in boston. Th pressley is now in a position an become the first African American woman to represent the state of massachusetts in congress. Are you ready to come to congress with me . cheers glor good evening. Im jeff glor. And this is our western edition. We are going to get to Brett Kavanaughs Supreme Court confirmation hearing in just a moment, but we do want to begin tonight with President Trump firing back after the New York Times posted an extraordinary article today written anonymously by someone claiming to be part of a Resistance Movement within the trump administration. Here is the president late this afternoon s so when you tell me about some anonymous source within the obministration, probably whos failing, and probably here for all the wrong reasons no. And the New York Times is failing. W i werent here, i believe the New York Times probably wouldnt even exist. applause and some day glor Major Garrett is at the white house. Re we have somebody in what i call the failing New York Times thats talking about hes part of the resistance within the trump administration. This is what we have to deal with. And, you know, the Dishonest Media because you people deal with it as well as i do. S t its really a disgrace. Reporter President Trump reacted defiantly to this opinion piece published today by the New York Times. The paper said the author was a enior administration official. If the failing new york almes has an anonymous editorial can you believe it . Anonymous, meaning gutless. The author who wrote many wonior Trump Officials are, working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations. The root of the problem, the official continued, is the iesidents amorality. The author described meetings in where the president wrote, engages in repetitive rants and occasionally made reckless decisions that have to be walked back. Ckd the anonymous official ataims there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th amendment, ich would start a complex process for removing the president. The book means nothing. Its a work of fiction. The book is a work of fiction. The book is total fiction. Reporter the oped came as ade white house was already pushing back on a new book by hb woodward, alleging top raministration officials had called the president disparaging names. Oh, yeah, sure, hes lying, sure. No bob you mean the book . The book means nothing. Reporter the book also asserts the president discussed assassinating syrian dictator bashar alassad, after seeing video of a chemical weapons attack on civilians. No, that was never even t ntemplated, nor would it be contemplated, and it should not have been written about in the book. N abeporter and the president denied another of woodwards anecdotes, that former Top White House economic adviser gary cohn stole a letter off trumps desk withdrawing the u. S. From a trade agreement with south korea. That was another thing in the book that was just totally false. Glor lots of drama here, injor. Now everyone, of course, wonders who wrote this oped. Reporter we dont know, and it is, for the moment, washingtons central obsession, lots of speculation around it. One problem, jeff, the elastic definition here in washington of who qualifies as a Senior Administration official. Hundreds upon hundreds might fit that bill. As for the president , he just s,eeted, all caps, treason . Press secretary Sarah Sanders said the author is a selfish coward who should resign. Glor okay, so the fallout continues. Major garrett at the white house. The times is also dealing with sharp reaction to the article from inside and outside the newspaper. Jericka duncan is at New York Times headquarters here in manhattan. Jericka . With anonymous opinion piece has sparked mediate reaction inside the news room. Take a look at Investigative Reporter jodi kantor, maybe best known for her work on harvey weinstein, said, so basically, times reporters now must try to unearth the identity of an author that our colleagues in opinion have sworn to protect with anonymity . She later tweeted that she was shocked by the dramatic and unprecedented situation. The internal feud within the paper has compelled former times public editor, Margaret Sullivan to tweet, its a good day not to be the public editor of the New York Times. Sullivan was asked on twitter by a colleague, what would you say . She she replied, i would carefully talk to all parties and then come to a crushingly tough, but fair conclusion. Silly. The times did respond this epg to the backlash in a statement to cbs news it says were incredibly proud to publish this piece adding significant value to the publics understanding to what is going on in the frump administration from someone in a position to know. Jeff. Ro great tweet glor great tweet from mellivan. All right, jericka duncan, outside times headquarters, thank you. Judge Brett Kavanaugh was uressed today on issues from abortion to president ial power. Senators will soon vote on whether he gets a seat on the Supreme Court where he could shape u. S. Vaugh no on kavanaugh reporter there were protesters. You work for us we dont work for you reporter but the senators questioning judge Brett Kavanaugh today were more focused on substance. Roe v wade. Are you familiar with the case . Does the president have the . Bility to pardon somebody in exchange for a promise from that person they wouldnt testify against them . R reporter throughout the day, o vanaugh fielded questions on the major issues from abortion rights to president ial pardons. But taking a page from the playbook of past nominees, he refused to speculate on how he would rule in future cases. You cant give me an answer on whether a president has to respond to a subpoena from a court of law . My understanding is that youre asking me to give my view on a potential hypothetical. President trump claims he has an absolute right to pardon himself. Does he . S the question of selfpardons is something i have never analyzed. Its a question that ive not written about. Reporter but he did praise the Supreme Courts ruling in u. S. V nixon, which required president nixon to comply with a subpoena for tapes and other evidence during the watergate scandal. That holding is one of the four greatest moments in Supreme Court histories. Its one of the greatest moments because of the political pressures of the time. Reporter and he told democrat Dianne Feinstein roe v wade is an important precedent of the court. As best i can, i always try, and i do hear, of the realworld effects of that decision, as i try to do of all the decisions of my court and of the Supreme Court. Te reporter a federal appeals e urt judge for the past 12 years, kavanaugh also talked about some of the cases hes decided to show his independence, like those where o voted to strike down policies of his former boss, president george w. Bush, including in the war on terror. Why did i do that . We dont make decisions based on who people are or their policy preferences. We base decisions on the law. Reporter now, several democrats also complained today, tke they did yesterday, that they needed more documents to consider this nomination, but republicans said that was just politics, that they had more documents on kavanaugh than any nominee in history. The questioning will continue on tonight, and then again tomorrow. Jeff . Glor look at that. Han is right there as the hearing continues behind her. Jan, thank you. What is left of Tropical Storm alrdon could leave deep floodwaters from the deep south to the midwest. Gordon made landfall overnight near the alabamamississippi iprder. Over the next few days, its expected to continue moving gorth, dumping heavy rain. Heres demarco morgan. Reporter overnight, Tropical Storm gordon hit the gulf coast, unleashing heavy rain and powerful winds of 70 miles an hour on three states, spawning tornadoes and kicking up heavy surf in its wake. Part of the Florida Panhandle received more than 10 inches of rain in 24 hours. We better get around this quickly. Reporter in pensacola, a tenmonthold baby was killed when a large limb from an oak tree fell on this mobile home. Mississippi is experiencing rain and traffic jams, but otherwise dodged a bullet. Hivernor phil bryant there are no injuries, no loss of life. Reporter some even crossed the border to orange beach, alabama, where this Church Steeple toppled, nearly averting disaster. Pastor Robert Gardner its amazing. Ob came straight down the side of the building and landed bright. Reporter flooding remains. The biggest threat for millions at americans as the storm moves towards an alreadywaterlogged rddwest. Places like la valle, wisconsin, have already seen more than a foot of rain. Its lost a lot of things. Reporter sauk county residents like Eleanor Ekern are salvaging what they can. It will take time to get back together, back everything. G. , yeah, what can you do . Reporter now, these sandbags have been placed here to keep the water out of lake monona from spilling over into the city of madison. Jeff, the estimated amount of mamage now stands at 70 million here in wisconsin, and that does not include private property. Glor all right, demarco morgan, thank you. A brutal attack in afghanistan today killed 20 and shed new light on the difficulties faced by the u. S. Military in its 17 year war. More than 2,300 americans have been killed. In just the past six weeks, two have been killed by afghans they twre working with, including Army Command Sergeant major Timothy Bolyard, whose remains emre flown home today. Charlie dagata, who has made nearly two dozen trips to afghanistan, is back in kabul ahead of the 9 11 anniversary. crying reporter my brother, my brother is all he can scream out. Lee anguish of losing a Family Member is a daily reality in this city strangled by violence. sirens its the fifth major attack in the last four weeks, killing dozens of people, but todays attack was particularly savage. The first suicide bomber entered this sports club late this b ternoon, blowing himself up. Rescuers and journalists rushed to the scene, unaware another suicide bomber was hidden among them. That second explosion sent the death toll soaring. The pentagon watchdog says a resurgent taliban has left over 56 of the country under government control. The attack here in kabul was a reminder that nowhere is safe. Despite blast barriers like these everywhere, restaurants, sports centers, even hospitals have been hit. This, after 17 years of u. S. Efforts to establish security. It was a duty u. S. Army command Sergeant Major Timothy Bolyard gave his life for on monday. The 42yearold was on his seventh overseas deployment, having earned the bronze star six times over, twice with valor. Net he was shot dead in an tisider attack, killed by one of the Afghan Security members he came here to train. It followed another insider attack that claimed the life of 20yearold Army Corporal joseph olciel in july. And its the sixth u. S. Combat death in afghanistan this year. And yet, incoming u. S. Commander army general scott miller this week, reaffirmed americas commitment to the country and its people. The world recognizes that afghanistan cannot be a safe haven for terrorism. The world recognizes we cannot wil. Glor all right, again, igarlie is in kabul tonight. Charlie, what is current u. S. Military strategy to deal with americas longest war, and potentially resolve it . Nd reporter well, jeff, the official u. S. Strategy is train, advise, and assist. We hear it all the time there. They are there to mentor Afghan Forces, so they can do the work on their own. But that sometimes means theyre ndrking in close quarters with seghan troops, and thats why weve seen these insider attacks. E glor and, charlie, youre going to be there for the next week. What are the biggest questions you have this week for the military and afghanis . Reporter well, you know, as we enter this anniversary, theres been a new change of administration here from the United States military, and the question is, is there going to be a change in the strategy . Is there going to take a look at some of the work that the Afghan Forces are doing . And most importantly, is there anything that can be done to tcure this city . Ca glor remains extremely dangerous. Charlie dagata there for us again throughout the week. Charlie, thanks. Tming up next here on the cbs evening news, why First Responders were so worried about the passengers on this jumbo at. Every year 790,000 americans suffer from a heart attack. It can happen anywhere, anytime. But during a suspected heart attack, immediately calling 911 and chewing bayer aspirin can help save a life. Carry bayer aspirin. Help save a life. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. You can barely feel. door bell rings its ohey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. 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Oh, what a relief it is glor First Responders took no chances this morning when a passenger jet from dubai landed in new york with numerous sick passengers on board. Don dahler with what happened next. Reporter when Emirates Airlines flight 203 landed at wf. K. , dozens of ambulances and other emergency vehicles were waiting. Reporter the pilots were ordered not to go to the gate by the centers for disease control, after dozens of passengers had reported feeling ill with flu like symptoms in flight. The airbus a380, with over 500 passengers on board, was isolated from the terminal. Many on board wondered what was going on and posted pictures and videos on social media, including the rapper vanilla ice, who spoke to the blast. They came in with paramedics and everything. They checked our temperature. They made us fill out a health report. And im just like, wow, what is going on . D reporter medical staff checked every passenger and crew member before letting them off the plane. Of the 100 originally complaining of symptoms, ten were sent to a hospital seven of them crew members and nine refused medical care. The rest went on their way. It was just gross. Reporter erin sykes had noticed many passengers were ill before takeoff. People were coughing. The first thing i did when i got on the plane was actually ask the stewardess for a mask. She said that there were none on board, but it was that obvious and audible that people were really sick. Ne reporter one possibility is that some passengers got on board already infected by the flu virus. Jeff, some of them had been visiting mecca, where theres currently a flu outbreak. Glor don dahler, thank you. Still ahead here, an update on a major hurricane that could hit the u. S. The u. S. Youre turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. 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Instagrammable is now officially al adjective for something thats worthy of posting on instagram. Bougie describes something that is materialistic and pretentious. A rando is someone who shows up o t of nowhere. Tl;dr is shorthand for too long; didnt read. And the greatest of all time d at. Good, right . Up next, life lessons from wally. Judging those does not define who they are. It defines who you are. To the junior prom with. He was a cutie and if you go down, thats me, above him. You won best looking in your senior year of high school . Somebody had to win it. My Best High School moment was the day i walked across the stage. My dad. Couldnt read real good, so, it was a milestone for me. Ancestry now has over 300,000 yearbooks from all across the country. So go back to school with your family, and discover more of their stories. Start searching for free at ancestry. Com. I never knew there was a to my constipation until my doctor recommended miralax. 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We the people are always stronger when were together. The 2018 Ford Expedition the j. D. Power highest ranked large suv in initial quality. Heartburn and gas . Now fight both fast new tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums new tums chewy bites with gas relief but choosing to douggo that extra mileve. Can be tough on his body. Thats why he wears dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. They provide all day comfort so he has the energy to keep moving. Delivering joy every step of the day. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Glor finally tonight, hes. Een it all, done it all. Now hes sharing his wisdom with a new generation. Carter evans introduces us to wally. Oh reporter the first lesson of the day for students at Marina Village middle school happens well before class. Give me a smile. Reporter every morning, 94 yearold Wally Richardson greets parents with a wave. Good morning yay reporter . And their kids with what he calls wallyisms. Okay, be kind whenever possible. Its always possible. Reporter you give these kids a fist bump every day . Yeah, i call it a kanuckle. Some of them do it like this. Poo reporter after the ka nuckles, the 80year age difference seems to disappear. Pp judging others does not define who they are. It defines who you are. A ship in the harbor is safe, at thats not what ships were t ilt for, right . In reporter whats the point of getting them to participate . Oh, i want them to retain something that they can take on in life later on. Reporter but his own life laperiences make him an expert on what kids wont find in a textbook. He joined the navy in world war ii, was a Fighter Pilot in the korean war, then flew for united airlines. But this is wallys work now. Hes like one of the nicest adults that ive ever met. laughs reporter it all started 15 years ago when wally was on his daily walk. He likes to teach life lessons n. Kids this age before they become too cool to listen. All it takes is one significant adult in someones life, and you can impact them forever. And wally is that person for a lot of kids. B be kind whenever possible. Its always possible. If they can be kind and loving to other people throughout life, they wont have any trouble getting by. Reporter its a labor of love. Never look down on anyone. Unless you are helping them up. Reporter and as wally would say, knowing whats right doesnt mean much unless you do whats right. Thank you. Bye, wally. Reporter carter evans, cbs news, el dorado hills, california. Ca have a wonderful day glor one significant adult in a someones life and you can impact a kid for forever. That is the cbs evening news for tonight. Im jeff glor, good night. See you tomorrow. Go, wally. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org first a billboard. Now a new video ad for nike. The bay area hero. Who critics say should be honored instead. Good evening, im al now at 6 00, all eyes on colin kaepernick. Now a new video ad for nike, the bay area hero who critics say should be on it instead. Kaepernick revealed nikes new commercial to his twitter followers today and when it airs, the ad will be seen by millions of football fans. Mary lee is live at the nike store in San Francisco with a look at the spot, mary . Reporter well, liz, no question kaepernick is controversial and polarizing. We spoke to a Sports Marketing expert who says nike is banking on the buzz he is creating. This is sky on five, flying high above union square in San Francisco. Above the buildings, it is hard to miss this face, on top of the nike store. Former 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick, who knelt during the National Anthem to protest Police Brutality is a new and controversial face for nike. The company just released its a dream crazy video ad, with kaepernick narrating the two minute spot. Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. Think they are very smart. They are a 30 billion company. They dont do anything lightly, im sure this was heavily discussed and researched. Reporter bob has been a Sports Marketing expert for nearly 20 years. He says nike knew exactly what they were doing, and he believes in the end, nike will come out as the winner with increased revenues and customer loyalty. Consumers are a little more interested in their brands being in line with the way they think. Brands taking a stand,

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