Transcripts For KPIX CBS Overnight News 20171107

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[music] out there. but i hope people look beyond that to see us get strong again. >> reporter: mrs. wilson was not in church sunday. with so many of her friend and neighbors dead, i asked her when she would start to feel anguish. she told me when the funerals begin. >> thank you very much. the mass shooting here in texas prompted some in congress to once again call for gun control. will this time be different? here is nancy cordes. >> this isn't a guns situation. >> america's mass shooting problem came uppen to ein tokyo president trump, blamed kelley's psyche not his weapon. >> mental health is the problem. this was a very deranged individual. >> reporter: but there is no evidence yet that the suspect was ever diagnosed with a mental health disorder. which may explain why he was able to obtain a ruger, ar 556 rifle within days of it being named the nra's gun of the week. and while u.s. levels of mental illness are comparable to those in other western countries, our rate of firearm homicides is six to 16 times greater. >> they wanted to be able to prey. >> texas governor greg abbott told cbs this morning it's up to the al mighty to turn things around. >> we agree, praying and hugs are very good. what can we do to keep these weapons out of people, you were saying are evil? >> i will use the word of citizens of sutherland springs themselves and that is, they want to work together for love to overcome evil and you do that by working with god. >> here on capitol hill, the debate has become as predictable as mass shootings themselves. >> americans are being slaughtered and congress is refusing to protect them. >> democrats pushed for stricter gun laws today, as republicans pushed for patience. >> but i think being rational people we ought to want to know exactly what the facts are before we decide what the best course of action might be. >> congress does have all of the facts about dozens of past mass shootings of course. that hasn't led to much action either. whether you are talking about guns or mental health, or anything else, jeff. >> nancy cordes, thank you very much. coming up baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. everything stolen was replaced. and the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online. visit and see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance. she's had a tiny cough. see you at 5! seriously? protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. lysol. what it takes to protect. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. 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[struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new ♪...from far away. but they ♪honly see his wrinkles.♪.. ♪he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal.♪ ♪better find a way to smooth things over.♪ ♪if only harry used some... ♪...bounce, to dry. ♪yeah! ♪he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life.♪ president trump tweeted support for saudi arabia leadership after the crown prince ordered some of the country's princes put under house arrest in what the palace called anti-corruption inquiry. the tweet said some of the princes had been milking the country for years. the president's former campaign chairman, paul manafort, returned to court in washington today. he and business associate, rick gates asked to ease home confinement, both accused of hiding profits from foreign consulting work. the judge said she needed more information about finances saying they post significant flight risks. >> republican senator rand paul its recovering from five broken ribs after attacked friday in bowling green by his next door neighbor. rene bouchet, a doctor was arrested and charged with misdemeanor fourth degree assault. his attorney called the incident a regrettable dispute most people would regard as trivial. when we come back here tonight, three of the five deadliest shootings have taken heavy, labored breathing heavy, labored breathing heavy, labored breathing coughing breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask covered california. it's more than just health care. it's life care. 3 americans were killed in shootings since sunday, not counting 26 murdered here in sutherland springs. what happens when the unthinkable seems to happen every day. here's jim axelrod. >> just unbelievable. >> reporter: whether it was unbelievable five weeks ago in las vegas. >> it seems totally unreal to me. >> reporter: or unreal five years ago in newtown. americans may need to find some new language for mass shootings. sadly, their frequency makes them all too real and believable. just since the pulse nightclub shootings in orlando, shootings there have been 555 mass shootings as the fbi defines them, four or more shot at once. 689 people have been killed, nearly 2,700 wounded. >> we have shots fired! automatic firearm. >> two of the five deadliest shootings in modern american history have taken place in the last 35 days. they are all competing for a space in our collective consciousness and getting crowded out. take the shooting this man, scott ostram accused of at wal-mart in colorado. three dead, five days ago. chances are you haven't heard about it. frank otberg is professor of psychiatry at michigan state university. what happens to a culture when more than 50 dead, more than 500 injured is suddenly yesterday's news? >> i think we lose something vital. emotion often drives thought. and too much exposure to the same kind of violence reduces that emotional response. >> violence. >> yes, we can forget unreal. and unbelievable. [ gunfire ] maybe the word we are looking for to describe our reaction to all these mass shootings is numb. jim axelrod, cbs, new york. >> as we look at a bullet hole in a sunday school building, and as people here try to process what its so difficult for so many of us to understand. we will have the latest details on cbs this morning, i'm jeff glor in sutherland springs. good night. hi, welcome to the "overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. the people of sutherland springs, texas, remain in shock this morning, as they prepare to bury their loved ones killed in sunday's church massacre. 26 people died. and 20 others wounded when an ex-serviceman dressed to kill walked into the house of worship and started shooting. but through their tears, there is also praise for a local hero. who confronted the killer. and made sure he did not get away. jeff glor begins our coverage. >> somebody ran in there started shooting everybody. >> reporter: cell phone video shows victims and chaos that spilled on the front lawn of the first baptist church after the suspect, 26-year-old, devin kelley went on his spree. yellow tarp killed one of the 26 who died. >> it is unbelievable. >> this man took the video. >> horrifying, some of the equipment, with blood on them. gloves with blood on them. around 11:20, kelly dressed in black tactical gear was spotted at a gas station across from the church. he drove over, got out and began firing with a ruger, ar-type rifle. shooting two outside. kelley went inside continued to fire shooting dozens. as he left, a neighbor, confronted and shot kelly who dropped his weapon and fled. a car chase ensued that ended when the suspect ran off the road and crashed. he was found dead inside his car, possibly from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> every time i heard a shot, i knew that probably represented a life. he used his cell phone to notify his father he had been shot. didn't think he was going to make it. >> reporter: fbi agents scoured property for evidence. three firearms recovered, including two handguns and rifle used at the scene. investigators believe the is dent stemmed frthe incident stemmed. the mother-in-law received threatening texts from him, but was not present at the time of the shooting. >> we have had a long night. >> pastor frank pomeroy and wife sherri weren't at church lost their youngest daughter, 14-year-old annabelle. >> the few of us left behind lost tragically yesterday. as senseless as the tragedy was, our tweet belle would not have been able to deal with losing so much family yesterday. >> the air force admitted to day its office of special investigations apparently failed to report kelley's name after he pled guilty to two counts of domestic violence in 2013. because his name did not appear in the database, kelley was able to walk into a gun shop last year and buy the semiautomatic rifle police have identified as the weapon used to kill 26 people. >> the air force's top prosecutor. >> he should not have had a gun. the maximum punishment was more than a year. two involved domestic violence. >> air force documents show kelley pleaded guilty to hitting, choking, kicking, pulling the hair of then wife. and pleaded guilty to assaulting his stepson, by striking him on the head and body with a result like low to cause death or grievous bodily harm. five counts of violence including pointing a loaded gun at his wife were withdrawn as part of a guilty plea. leaving the air force after he got out in 2014. the air force will conduct an investigation, but it appears the fatal mistake of failing to enter kelley's name in the database occurred at holloman air force base in new mexico where he was stationed. >> devin kelley earned four medals during time in air force but violent behavior at home ended his four-year military career. kelley divorced first wife in 2012 but got remarried to danielle shields in 2014 after his discharge when he moved become to texas. he worked as overnight security guard at this resort. >> very quiet, polite young man. >> the resort manager says kelley left a note saturday saying he had a headache and left work early. he was scheduled for work the day of the shooting. >> we thought he didn't show up for work sunday. then about 5:30, my maintenance manager said have you not been watching the news. i turned it on. that's when we found out about him. >> deputies now block the entrance to the last place kelley lived, a house registered to his parents 40 miles north of san antonio. >> what was your reaction when you found out? >> shock and horror for the poor people who lost family members, probably the hardest part of it. >> kelley's co-workers at resort say he was quiet and just kept to himself. jeff, sheriffs deputies outside guarding the home of his parents. they are not saying if they searched that property. president trump on a tour of asia addressed the church massacre and called it "a mental health problem and not a guns situation." marg re margaret brennan is traveling with the president. >> reporter: president trump reassured president abe that the u.s. commitment to allied japan is ironclad and defended his tough talk on north korea. >> some people said that my rhetoric is very strong. but look what's happened with very weak rhetoric over the last 25 years. >> reporter: mr. trump prodded abe to build up his military in response to north korea's launch of two ballistic missiles. >> he will shoot them out of the sky when he completes the purchase of lots of additional military equipment from the united states. >> reporter: in a show of force, the u.s. flew b 1 bombers over the peninsula ahead of the president's arrival. and the navy conducts operations with three aircraft carriers in sea of japan. >>ed in north korea. the president and first lady met with the families of citizens. mr. trump seemed to offer an offer to dictator kim jong-un. >> if he would send them back that would be the start of something, i think would be something very special if they would do that. >> reporter: japan was the friendliest stop on this five-nation tour. the president isn't as close with the leader here in south korea who favors a more restrained approach when dealing with the north. today, the president sent congress a request to boost defense readiness by $6 billion. cbs "overnight news" will be right back. breathe freely fast with vicks sinex. my congestion's gone. i can breathe again! i can breathe again! vicks sinex... breathe on. garden party for her birthday. a fabulous so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. president trump wrapped up the japan leg of his asia tour with harsh words for north korea. he called the nuclear weapons program a threat to the civilized world and prodded tokyo to buy more u.s. weapons to defend itself. tracking the north korea threat, job of the national air and space center, and based in ohio. david martin got a tour for "60 minutes." >> reporter: on any given day, more than 100 photo interpreters, enjgineers are pouring through reams of data. last summer says commander, the north korean threat went to a whole new level. >> they demonstrated ability to reach continental united states. >> the lower 48? >> yes. >> reporter: two tests one on july 4 and july 28th. both launched at a very high angle so they did not go far to sea. once the center crunched the numbers there was no doubt that had one missile been fired on standard trajectory could have reached california. >> math its a secret weapon. lots of things that go into weapons systems if we don't have pieces of the puzzle we can to the math and figure what is missing. this is the actual code. >> reporter: a computer simulation of north korea's icbm, produced by a team of analysts. >> reporter: can you take me through what this would look like on a flight? >> yes. >> reporter: this its the god of war. north korea's intercontinental ballistic missile. >> the first stage of the system is there to get it off the ground. get initial motion. but then it will drop that stage. >> reporter: after the engines have sent it into space, all that its left is the re-entry vehicle. a warhead would be inside as gravity pulls it back to earth. >> you are at the mercy of the atmosphere at the point. slamming into it at many thousand of miles per hour. so that will have tremendous forces imparted on the, the re-entry vehicle. >> what kind of temperatures are we talking about? >> many thousand of degrees. >> north korea cannot attack the u.s. with a nuclear weapon until it develops a re-entry vehicle that can stand that kind of heat. >> this its the setup before the test. >> hugh griffith says head of the team which monitors the north korean missile program for the u.n. security council. he says the pictures released by the regime last year, were an attempt to prove it had already succeeded. re-entry vehicle was subjected to a rocket engine blast. >> is that a realistic test? >> we assess it wasn't sufficiently realistic to be credible. >> because the the rocket engine does not create enough heat? >> correct. >> the heat -- produced by the rocket engine is not sufficient off to mimic what this would experience reentering the earth's atmosphere. >> the scorched reen treef vehic -- this one, showing how little had been burned away. >> the idea of this narrative is to prove that yet another requirement of the nuclear and ballistic missile program has been achieved. >> kim jong-un seems to bee everywhere. does it seem unusual having head of state inspecting re-entry vehicle. >> yeah, the whole thing is inconstevable inconstevable -- inconceivable and out ofuof a science fiction film. this is deliberate and unusual. >> reporter: all most all of north korea's missiles from long-range to short-range are carried on mobile launchers. this is a short-range scud, devil e developed by russia in the 50s and sold to countries tall over the world. this one belongs to the missile and space intelligence sent ser in huptsvilntsville. >> senior intelligence analyst, steve hancock says it can be launched off the truck. >> it is mobile. challenging aspect of the missile force to deal with. >> moving target is harder to hit. >> yes, sir. harder to find as well. >> he says a well trained crew can raise, aim, fire a scud in 18 minutes. >> do they use procedures longer range missile? >> yes, stravery similar. >> the bigger the missile gets. probably going to get to be slower. we don't know the exact launch times for all of the systems. >> reporter: inside the missile and space intelligence center there as is another scud. laid out lock a corpse on the table. >> graphite letters that sit in the exhaust of the missile used to steer the missile. >> marie, we agreed to not use her last name is missile engineer whose job is to know as much about the scud as the the people who built it. >> this is the instrument section where the guidance equipment sits. so there its a lot of complex equipment in here. >> is that part made of what it looks like it is made of? >> plywood, yeah, it its. >> plywood. sachz weig saves weight. >> plywood doesn't sound like rocket science. doesn't feel that way to westerners. don't invest resources where it is notness stare. >> it has a range of 186 miles but reach its target in five minutes. >> then we get up to the real serious part of missile what we call the payload, payload is everything including the warhead inside this cavity. can carry about 1,000 kilogram, 2,200 pound payload. >> the feature that celtics the scud apart. >> this designed to be nuclear trainer you. can tell, thickness of the aeroshell here is more than a standard high ex-plea sieplosiv. >> this missile designed by russia intend to carry a nuclear warhead. >> nuclear capable weapon with a five minute flight time. doesn't give you much time to react. >> doesn't give you much does tip. >> you can see the full report on our website. the "overnight news" will be right back. era of aviation history coming to a close when united airlines flies the final 747 passenger jet. the plane has been flying the skies for 50 years. by the end of 2017, not one u.s. carrier will be flying the 747. that made some pilots teary-eyed. and kris van cleave has the view from the cockpit. >> i don't know any pilot that dpuz not wa does not want to fly a 747. if they tell you they don't. they're lying. >> reporter: there aren't many aviator whose had a career like teresa claiborne, first african-american woman pilot in the air force. for the last 27 years one of a handful of black women pilots at united airlines. if you ask the trail blazer the highlight. >> beautiful. >> hand down. flying the queen of the skies. >> the shape of it it doesn't look like any other airplane. the second story the hump reminiscent of a whale. it is just a gore just airplane. >> thank you for flying with us. >> teresa claiborne spent more than 15,000 hours as first officer on the 747. but none as captain. >> it would have been nice if i had been able to slide over to the left seat. but you know it wasn't to beep the case. >> you're sliding over there now? >> i am. in a smaller airplane. >> she is finally going to make captain. but on the 757. because on tuesday, united airlines will fly its very last passenger flight on the 747. and by year's end, not a single u.s. airline will still be flying what's arguably the greatest of all american airplanes. >> the 747. such a big airplane that people just, little really, thought it wouldn't fly. >> michael lombardi, the historian, the company in 1969 revolutionized air travel when it unveiled the world's first jumbo jet. the prototype is on display at seattle's museum of flight. >> when it first came out it was twice the size of the next biggest airplane. >> the big moment arrived as the plane taxied into kennedy airport. >> reporter: before long, airlines around the world were lining up to buy their very own jumbo. >> if your airline wasn't an airline unless you had 747. >> how did the airlines make use of all the extra space. by trying to outdo each other to build the best lounge. >> here we are in the upper deck. this is like going back in time. >> the early 747s were often equipped with stand-up bars, cocktail tables, even pianos. that's frank sinatra jr. on one of american's 747s in 1971. but after airline deregulation in the late 70s. those cocktail bars, gave way to seats. in the years ahead the 747 helped ferry millions of people to faraway destinations. >> because of its size, because of its range. it made flying affordable. awe >> with that distinctive hump, staircase a plane that captured the imagination. the four engines carried the space shuttle across the country and five u.s. presidents around the world. a beacon of american ingenuity. but that same american ingenuity built newer fuel efficient twin engine planes. the days of carrying passengers are numbered. but it outlasted expectations of original engineers by almost 40 years and counting. back in the 1960s, boeing thought supersonic jets like the concord would soon be the norm. once that happened, the company figured airlines would want to retrofit their 747s for a second life carrying freight. the supersonic jets never really took off. but they helped make the 747 the most recognizable plane in the world. >> when they were designing the 747. knew it would be a freighter that if wanted to load through the nose. so to do that they moved the flight deck up the on top of the fuselage. that's how the 747 got its hump. >> this iconic design came out of a need to load cargo. >> right. the original design goals, of making this a great fralter plane, that's what's keeping this airplane in service. will keep this airplane around for decades to come. >> from still coming to work every day. still building these. >> when he joined boeing in 1990, the company was cranking out six 747s a month in production north of seattle. now boeing delivers one every two months. >> there is a bit of me on every one of the airplanes. so it's kind of an odd feeling to see that phasing out. kind of trough matt traumatic i. he hopes the plane's life as a freighter will keep him building 747s as long as he can. >> every time it takes off i get goose bumps to think something this big, something this awesome, just, just lifted off. it's in the air. it's pretty phenomenal. >> even people who don't know airplanes, know a 747 when they see it. everybody stops and looks. and that's what united's teresa claiborne will miss most. >> they just stop and stare. because it's that awesome. >> they call it the queen of the skies. >> right. >> do you think that's fitting? >> between you and me i used to call it the king. los angeles the only major city in the world that has mountain lions roaming its borders. most have been collared and tagged. a new one has conservationists concerned. carter evans has the story. >> i have heard of many reports of mountain lions through the years living up here. >> just didn't have the proof? >> exactly. >> reporter: high in the hollywood hills, conservationist, tony tucci was curious about the wildlife thriving in the urban jungle. he left the camera here in june and captured usual, squirrels and deer. earlier this week when he downloaded the most recent images. >> click, boom. mountain lion. my mind was blown. >> several mountain lions or pumas known to inhabit the mountains. most tagged and documented. the big cat has no tracking collar. nothing is known about its where abuts except that it likely had to cross one of the busiest freeways in the country to get here. >> it is actually kind of amazing actually that we still have mountain lions in los angeles. seth riley, ecologist with the national park service which tracks mountain lions says they're not usually aggressive to people. >> pretty clear mountain lions don't think of people as prey. because, this mountain lion is seeing thousand of people every day. like thought of people as prey it would have, attacked someone. >> what is a concern is how the big cat will interact with the only other mountain lion known to stalk this area. he is called p-22. he became something of celebrity when he was caught on camera near the hollywood sign. and mountain lions are extremely territorial. >> if it is a male what happens between p-22. if it is a female. do they mate. >> regardless what happens, tucci's organization, citizens for los angeles wildlife or claw is trying to protect the last knew wildlife corridors in l.a. including this undeveloped plot. why is this 17 acre parcel so important. why do you need to keep this empty? >> because this is potentially, his living room or den. it needs to be, preserved. and, the hallways, the wildlife corridors, also need to be preserved. this animal can thrive. >> no one knows how long the animal has been living on this prime real estate. but for the time being, at least, this big city cat, remains one of hollywood's more elusive celebrities. carter evans, hollywood. that's the "overnight news" for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others you can check back with us a little later for the morning news and of course, cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city. i'm demarco morgan. it's tuesday, november 7, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." a tiny texas town is changed forever after the murder of 26 children, women and men. now, this close knit community is becoming even tighter. >> support has been overwhelming. everybody coming together. it's so chaotic. it's been very amazing. >> we are learning more about the gunman and why a federal law should have prevented him from buying guns.

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New York , United States , Japan , Chad , Texas , Colorado , Hollywood , California , Saudi Arabia , North Korea , Sutherland Springs , Ohio , South Korea , Russia , Michigan , Americans , America , Saudi , Japanese , American , Korea , Tony Tucci , Carter Evans , Frank Pomeroy , David Martin , Steve Hancock , Los Angeles , Demarco Morgan , Nancy Cordes , Jim Axelrod , Hugh Griffith , Jeff Nancy Cordes , Devin Kelley , Teresa Claiborne , Shinzo Abe , King Los Angeles , Kim Jong , Margaret Brennan , Frank Sinatra Jr , Seth Riley , Michael Lombardi ,

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