To action. President obama makes whats billed as a major address on the economy. He didnt announce any new initiatives. So what was the point . Its a hollow shell. Its an easter egg with no candy in it. A massive Train Derailment in spain. Train cars jumped the track as it approached the train station. Police are questioning the driver of that express train. The owner of the web side that published the alleged Online Interactions tells politico shes planning on going public soon. A lawyer said overnight nsa leaker Edward Snowdens application for asylum is still winding its way through the russian bureaucracy. After months of speculation, we have a name. George Alexander Louis will be known simply as Prince George of cambridge. Any chance he would go by jorge . No. Well louis, louie, why couldnt you say george jorge . 15 of the cars are on their side, 3 of the cars are leaking ethanol. President bush. Patricks father is on mr. Bushs secret service detail. Want to know what it fees like to be a golf ball . Look what happens. Its not hole. The trainer in thailand was extremely lucky he did not become lunch. Believe it or not, hes already back at work. And all that matters. A stunning rescue off the coast of long island. The search for a lobsterman who had been missing for hours in shark infected waters. Onmorning. An awkward money. Im try to learn how to use twitter. Mr. Weiner. Welcome to cbs this morning. Good morning, norah. Good morning, charlie. We begin with a major highspeed rail disaster. At least 78 people are dead in spain. More than 170 injured. Americans are among the injured. Authorities are searching for the cause but they dont think its terrorism. Mark phillips is tracking developments in london. Mark, good morning. Good morning, charlie. Norah. The u. S. Epbase in madrid now confirms that five americans were injured in this crash. When you see this spectacular and very frightening trackside video footage thats been released of the wreck itself its a wonder anyone survived. Security camera video published by a spanish newspaper shows the accident. It happens in less than ten seconds. The video seems to confirm the suspicion the train was moving too quickly for the tight turn on this part of the line. The train was on its regular 375mile run from madrid to the northwest coastal town of el ferrol. It came off the rails just outside santout outside santiago. Many thought to be traveling to the area for an annual religious festival thats now been canceled. The cause seems to be a deadly combination of high speed and low budget. In order to save money when updating this line the spanish Rail Authority opted to use the existing right of way through the area. New fast trains were supposed to slow down to 50 miles an hour on this tight curve. Its been widely reported the train was doing at least twice that when it came around the bend and off the track. You know once a train goes off the tracks you know really all hell is let loose. Theres no other way of putting it. Many of the dead were found because their phones were ringing as desperate relatives and friends tried to see if they were okay. Its a major disaster for spain, whose Prime Minister was born in the town where the accident happened. He visited the scene today. Already under pressure for spains economic and corruption crisis, he now has another problem. Transportation safety to deal with it. The obvious question now is why the train was traveling that quickly. The two drivers who were in the cab survived and perhaps can provide an answer. One of them is under official investigation. Hes said to have had three Years Experience on that line. And the train had passed a Safety Inspection on the morning of the crash. Charlie, norah. Mark phillips thank you. The nsa Surveillance Program collecting hundreds of millions of phone records from americans continues this morning. A house amendment to kill it lost by a narrow margin yesterday. The vote came after heated debate. Were here to answer one question for the people we represent. Do we oppose the suspiciousless collection of every americans phone records . When you have the chance to stand up for americans privacy, did you . Are we so small that we can only look at our facebook likes today in this chamber . Or will we stand up and find out how many lives we can save . Lettess get back to moving america forward. It was snowden who leaked details of the nsa program may leave the moscow airport as early as today. The former contractor has been holed up there for more than a month. The former Deputy Director of national intelligence. What are the chances he leaves the airport . He needs two pieces of paper. One, we believe he has already. And thats simply a declaration from the russian Migration Bureau saying he has a case for asylum under review by them. So that just says theyre thinking about it. The second one looks a little bit like a passport has a photograph, and thats his actual pass while theyre considering his case to get out into the streets of moscow and leave that airport for the first time in many weeks. And yet secretary of state john kerry called his russian counterpart yesterday and said they want russia to return snowden to the u. S. For a fair trial and kerry saying reportedly, quote, russia still has the ability to do the right thing. Do you think russia is considering this as part of this . I think russia is waiting for an offer and waiting for a deal that so far the u. S. Isnt putting on the table. The reason i think that you watch how they set the table yesterday. If you want to know what the russian government is thinking, one good way is to watch russian state tv. And our former bureau chief was monitoring that yesterday and said first there was the exclusive coverage of snowdens lawyer bringing him clothes, prestaging the idea hes going to get out of that airport. Jend second were two stories about how the u. S. Refused to extradite some criminals they wanted and the case of victor booth, one of charlies favorite characters International Weapons dealer russian. We grabbed him in thailand extradited him here. They want him back. But seems like theyre promoting the idea what have they got for us. You think thats a rez be a deal you give us snowden, well give you booth . I think the u. S. Is very reluctant. Thats an age old tradition. Trading criminals for criminals is a place the administration and the Justice Department doesnt feel comfortable doing. Very much want their hands on snowden. They do. The russians very much want their hands on booth. I just dont think that conversation has started yet. John on seersucker thursday. I think theres going to be a casting call for the remake of matlock and i didnt want to make it. Excellent. We adore you. Thank you. And here at home didnt know he was southern did you . I can do the accent. Here at home president obama continues pushing his agenda today. Major garrett is at the white house. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning, norah and charlie. Just about an hour and a half the president will leave for Jacksonville Florida where he will stress the need for bigger and better ports, roads and bridges. Hell tour the port facility in jacksonville where last year the administration sped up efforts to expand that facility. The white house hopes this renewed focus on Economic Growth will pay political dividends when budget fights with republicans intensify this fall. The white house knows its lost focus on the economy and must know go on the road to reconnect with Americans Still plagued by economic anxiety. This year the countrys added an average of 201,000 private sector jobs a month, the best performance of mr. Obamas presidency. But median wages have fallen 4 during the recovery. Parttime work is in some cases replacing fulltime work and 4. 3 million americans have been jobless for more than six months. Were actually poised to reverse the forces that batter the middle class for so long. And Start Building an economy where everyone who works hard can get ahead. But, and heres the big but, im here to tell you today that were not there yet. Reporter the country has seen white house economic road shows before. This one is called a Better Bargain for the middle class. It follows winning the future. We cant wait. And middle class jobs and opportunity. Hello reporter the names change but the themes do not. The message, republicans threaten middle class prosperity by seeking deeper spending cuttings. Cuttings. And a fight over raising the federal debt limit. Those battles are coming. Mr. Obamas trying to gain the political upper hand. We cant have all the same old debates. Thats not what the moment requires. We have to focus on the core Economic Issues that matter to you. As washington is now preparing for another debate about the budget, the stakes could not be higher. Reporter in an interview with cbs evening news treasury secretary jack lew told scott pelley that political standstandoffs, not obama policies, hold back Economic Growth. Every time washington has a divisive fight that ugs is suggests we may become part of a problem, it actually hurts, it hurts in confidence. Reporter this is a slow rollout of administration speeches and concepts. Chapter two next tuesday where the president will introduce new ideas on job creation at an event in chattanooga, tennessee. Charlie, norah. Were getting news this morning about the drilling rig accident in the gulf of mexico it Officials Say natural gas has stopped flowing from the well but residual gas is still burning. Manuel bojorquez looks at new questions about safety. Reporter the natural gas fire on the hercules number 265 rig has burned out of control for more than a day. Beams that support the derick and rig floor have collapsed. The problem began early tuesday when a blowout an uncontrolled eruption of gas, happened just as crews completed a second production well. All 44 workers evacuated the rig safely. The image, are a vivid reminder of the bp disaster in 2010 when more than 200 million gal bes of crude oil gushed into the gulf. Dr. Bornsch was part of the investigation. This is not a major oil spill. Theres a small amount of oily substance associated with the blowout thats mainly natural gas so its not going to cause the kind of environmental problems associated with the large oil spill like the bp spill. Compared with oil, natural gas disperses easily lowering the risk during the spill. Still, experts like bosch say this incident points to another problem. The real concern from my standpoint is what this tells us in terms of the safety of our processes for oil and gas production. Reporter the rigs owner, hercules off shore, said in a statement, we have a fullscale response addressing the situation. Once things settle we will turn to looking at potential causes. The companys first step could be drilling a relief well next to the rig to cap the leak. But that could take weeks. For cbs this morning, manuel bojorquez, dallas. A mysterious foodborn stomach bug is spreading across the nation and they have yet to pick point the source. We know this has affected more than 200 people. Whats causing it . Were not sure. The infectious agent is a parasite by the name of cyclaspora. It can produce a prolonged, watery very uncomfortable diary thats also associated with nausea and abdominal cramps and often profound fatigue. So you have those feelings what do you do . So charlie, go to a doctor mention the fact that you might have cyclaspora. The doctor can get specimens and send them for a diagnosis and theres treatment available. Doctor why hasnt the cdc pinpointed whats causing this . Its obviously a foodborne illness. Could it be produce . Its frequently produce with this kind of bug. The cdc detectives are the best in the world. Theyre working around the country in the affected states it this is a frequently very difficult problem to tease apart. Theyre working at it very hard. How concerned should we be then . Well i think we just need to keep tuned because as soon as they find out what the cause is theyll let us know. Because the goal is, of course, ton pre to prevent infections going further. Doctor, thank you. Were getting a rare look inside north korea. The communist country marking 60 years since a ceasefire in the korean war. Our seth doan joins us from the capital pyongyang. Reporter its quite a rarity to get here and once youre here everything is quite choreographed. Were told what we can see, where we can go where we can stand. The two minders are always by our side. Even just getting into this country is quite an adventure. Our flight to bepyongyang was packed with journalists and filled with propaganda. The in flight magazine showed glossy photographs of the countrys founder kim ilsung and his grandson kim jongun, the current Supreme Leader. The in Flight Entertainment signaled that wed see and hear exactly what the North Koreans wanted us to. No headphones needed. Inside north korea we were escorted on buses to specific sites, told where we were headed just before we depart. Today, we witness the grand opening a cemetery for veterans. Many of the women wore their finest traditional dress. In the crowd, we spotted retired u. S. Navy pilot tom hutner. He traveled to north korea this week on a personal mission. To search for the remains of his wing man killed during the korean war. You were on the other side of this when you were fighting. Yes, i was. Reporter how is it to stand here and watch this today . Well its rather emotional frankly. Reporter more than 60 years later, this is his first trip back to north korea. He was impressed by todays turnout. It may have been in honor of the korean veterans but its a tribute to all of us and im very proud of that. Reporter the Supreme Leader king jongun recognizable even from behind made an appearance to lay a wreath at this memorial for war veterans. This man, whose son is buried here, told us my son was a hero. And today he was praised by kim jongun. Here, theres really publicity that hes getting from two sides. Overseas, kim jongun seen as the type of leader who is presiding in front of huge masses of people getting rounds of applause and opening grand new memorials. Inside north korea, hes seen as it is type of leader who warrants this sort of international attention. Charlie and norah. Theres another big story in north korea. The american held prisoner longer than anyone else from this country. His family is demanding the Obama Administration do more to bring him home. Ahead, the interview that you will see only on cbs this morning. And brazil this morning, crowds are ignoring the rain and mobbing pope francis. These are pictures from moments ago in rio de jinoro. Parents can be seen bringing their babies to be kissed by the pope. Hell address 1 million young people on the beach in rio. He will also visit an impoverished area. The royal baby now has a name fit for a king. William and kate announced yesterday theyve chosen to call their son george Alexander Louis. The newborn is third in line for the throne. Until then he will be known as his Royal Highness Prince George of cambridge. Of course charlie, if and when he does become king he does not have to be king george he can choose whatever name he wants. Oh, good leave that to him. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines from around the globe. Politico looks at a hardfought battle in the senate. Law makes passed a bill yesterday to keep student Loan Interest rates down. The bill ties the interest to market rates which are expected to rise in the future. The house expected to act on the measure next week. The white house supports it. The New York Times says the pentagon is getting support from a key senator for the way it hands Sexual Assault cases. Democrat carl levin has proven the military has proven it can effectively prosecute sexual asoughts but critics and some lawmakers want them removed from the chain of command. A disgraced politician expected to go on trial within weeks. His wife was convicted killing a british businessman. Both face charges of corruption and abuse of power. And usa today looks at the latest drama for the new york yankees. Baseball columnist says Alex Rodriguez is accusing the yankees of helping Major League Baseball try to get him suspended. Yesterday, arod accused the team of possible Insurance Fraud and lying about his thigh High Pressure holding ongoing to bring lots of sunshine to the bay area today, going to start to get hot in spots inland again as well see plenty of sun in the valleys looking toward mount diablo going to see sunshine and temperatures soaring there this afternoon. But there is a thick fog settling in inside the bay and along the coastline. A little damp approaching the beaches. But High Pressure remains in place for now. Plan on 90s in the valleys, 70s and sites inside the bay. 60s at the coast. Next couple of days we begin to cool down. Weather report sponsored by kfc. Todays bone tastes so good. It is a speed trap stretching from one end of the country to the other. Reporter were traveling along interstate 80 this morning and so are a lot of cops. Well show you an extraordinary new effort to stop a growing tragedy. Reporter anthony weepiner fights against backlash against his life. Peter greenberg with a troubling discovery on board and a look that they got on capitol hill. Were back with the news. Stay with us on cbs this morning. Stay tuned for your local news. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by party city. Check out our new summer tableware. Party city, nobody has more for less. Hersheys smores. Pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. When the chocolate is hersheys life is delicious. Pooches and puppies. We are tired of being fed on we want k9 advantix ii it not only kills fleas and ticks, k9 advantix ii also repels most ticks before they can attach. The leading brand kills, but doesnt repel. A tick that isnt repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. Infected ticks can even spread lyme disease. So lets put our paws down in protest till we all get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii join us at k9advantix. Com victory is getting triple the love. For shopping that took half the time. Converse, skechers, nike, and more at famous footwear. Victory is yours. Shield. Sneeze. Swish shield. Sneeze. Swish this back to school, theres a new routine [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. In this lab demo they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. La. La [ male announcer ] if you cant stand the heat, get off the test track. Get the mercedesbenz youve been burning for at the summer event going on now at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. But hurry offers end july 31st. You like to keep your family healthy and fit. And now theres a new way to do the same for your dog. Introducing new purina dog chow light healthy. Its a nosacrifices calorielight way to help keep him trim with a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend hell love. And 22 fewer calories than dog chow. Discover the lighter side of strong. New purina dog chow light healthy. [ male announcer ] bring your personal style to life. Get 5 off gallonsize valspar signature and duramax paint at lowes. Your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good morning, its there are no suspects for oaklands latest murder. The 56th this year. A woman was shot to death yesterday afternoon while driving near her home in the Fairfax District. There is a News Conference today about effort to keep city college of San Francisco operating with accreditation. The school has already cut pay, closed campuses and built a new administrative structure. The Transbay Transit Center being built in San Francisco is 300 million over budget. The overrun is because of a structural steel contract that cost more than expected. Money is being taken from the second phase of the project to cover the shortfall. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. Getting our first reports of a stalledout big rig in oakland northbound 880 partially blocking the broadway offramp there by downtown. Not seeing any major delays though as you pass the oakland coliseum. Lets go to the bay bridge, where there is hardly a delay at all. Gosh, for this time of the morning exceptionally light traffic. Metering lights are on. A quick check of your drive times, westbound 580 slow through the altamont pass. Heres lawrence. Elizabeth, be careful, there is a crane behind you [ laughter ] in the bay area a lot of sunshine this afternoon, our mount vaca cam looking good. Yeah, that sun coming up and lots of sun and hot temperatures in some of the valleys into the 90s there this afternoon. Starting out with 50s and 60s, patchy fog inside the bay and dense fog at the coast. This afternoon 90s inland, a lot of 70s and 80s around the bay and 60s coastside. Next couple of days we start to cool down for the weekend. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up this morning, ship wrecks, fire and crime. Theyre treading through waters. Travel editor Peter Greenburg looks at whetherer anything will make youour next cruise safer. And itss anything but smooth sailing fofor Anthony Weinerer. Youll see what happens when train was going twice the speed and at impact when they were bending the curve. Kenneth bae has been sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. His family is making an appeal for his release. His family says the government not doing enough to brick him home. We have more with Margaret Brennan at the state department. Good morning. North korea has never imprisoned an american indefinitely but theyve held him longer and worked him harder than any. This is kenneth bae in happier times at home on the west coast with his niece. Today hes working in the fields of a north korean prison camp. The 44yearold was a father of two and a mission director. The charge is plotting a hostile take and passion a plot a coup. What do you think about the charges . Is that something he would do . All i know he is an idealist with strong convictions. He may have been overzealous and made wrong choices. Reporter two weeks ago they receive and unusual package. He begged for their help and said hes going blind and is dying from diabetes and a heart condition. A video was showed. Hes remarkably thin and is asking for it. The sound my mother made while watching that video ill never forget. It was the most heart wrenching almost like an animal in pain. What did you do after you saw the video . We cried a lot. This is my brother speaking from prison and we needed to let people know that his health was failing and then we needed to seek help to get him out and get him home. Reporter bae has been detained longer than any previous american. They do not believe the u. S. Is doing enough to get kenneth released. Why are you losing faith . I dont see any action. I asked them to send someone, do something. As a mother i am really getting angry, really getting angry. What do they do . In the past former president s or highprofile figures like governor Bill Richardson have helped to bring americans home. Bill richardson told me no envoy is ready to go. The message was pretty harsh, not good. It was kenneth bae. No highprofile. Were not going to go easy on this. No relationship no crime. Reporter for the bae family poll tissues dont matter. They just want him home. If you had a message to speak directly to president kim, what would you ask for . I would ask for his mercy. Reporter richardson says the bestcase scenario is to provide a bargaining chip. This time it may require out of the box diplomacy including believe it or not asking nba star Dennis Rodman to ask for his return when he travels there next month. Another black eye for the cruise injury. A luxury ship fail eded last month. They were found by cdc inspectors. Some of it was under the floorks under the crews beddings. The ceo defended their industry. Youll remember aboard the carnival earlier this year. Jay rockefeller accused executives of ignoring paeshlgs safety. If the industry is seriously working to improve the safety and security of its shipping why have we seen so many serious incidents in the last 16 months . Consumers have the right to know what we have learn before they book their first or next dream vacation. Cbs news travel editor Peter Greenberg is with us from portland, oregon. Good morning. Good morning, charlie. Reporter how are they defending the rising concern about a rise in cruise lines. Lets take a look at this. This is really a shot across the wow of the cruise industry on three levels. One is maritime safe tiff. Two is the accurate and realtime and complete crime scene statistics. What the cruise lines are saying is youre moving forward do this we have a passenger bill of rights that weve done internally. Let us selfregulate. Of course, if you look at selfregulation, remember those terrible tarmac delays with passengers trapped on runways for hours. The airline didnt do much until they issued rulemaking and thats really whats going to happen in this situation. Pmost people are thinking its not going to be handled legislatively. Its going to be handled by rule make big the department of transportation and by the u. S. Coast guard carnival admitted it. 245i said they fixed it. You called carnival. What do they think about it . They thing its an isolated incident. They have a right to ground them if they fail an inspection. In fairness once they found those violations they were fixed the next day and the ship did sail. All right. Peter greenberg, thank you. One daf after huh manma stood by him he calls it the toughest time. As Terrell Brown reports weiner had no choice but to address the scandal last night. Reporter Anthony Weiner may be moving forward with his campaign but he cant seem to escape his scandalous past. Wednesday night the former congressman faced a lightning round of questions, one of them facebook or twitter. Im trying to learn how to use twitter. Mr. Weiner. Youre going to say facebook arent you . All i can say is dont ask me. Reporter the lighthearted moment came a day after weiner admitted to it. The facts have not changed. What i did was wrong, it dishonored my wife i compounded it by being dishonest with the media. Reporter he was known as alter carlos danger. One even dressed like one. Both the New York Times and New York Daily News published blistering editorials with the daily news writings. Weiner must recognize theres no play for him in city hall. Still, he saysing its too important to give up now. Its not about me. Its about the citizens of new york. You know charlie, a friend of huma is quoted in the wall street jury room and a couple of other place this morning saying that she actually knew about this last fall that he had it came in the summer and she knew in the fall. Before he announced he was mayor. She was furious at the time and considered leaving him but decided to stay in the marriage because of their son. As a result of that theres a lot of discuss about huma abadin is standing by amongst a lot of democrats. Theyre interested in her because shes standing by and got a lot of it. In the end its her decision but why did she do it. Indeed. We turn now to interstate 80. You can drive from one coast to the other, but Authorities Say there are far too many deadly crashes along that 3,000mile highway. Were on i80 this morning to look at how police plan to turn things around. That is next on cbs this morning. Bacon . gotta get that bacon bacon . bacooon smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon bacon . Ohh la laa. I say, is that bacon . Oh good heavens bacon bacon who wants a beggin strip . . Me id get it myself but i dont have thumbs mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmm its beggin mmm i love you. announcer beggin strips. Made with real bacon. Theres no time like beggin time [ male announcer ] this is bob a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. The usual, bob . Not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib Atrial Fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. I dont think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. But not anymore. Bobs doctor recommended a different option onceaday xarelto®. Xarelto® is the first and only onceaday prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesnt require routine blood monitoring. Like warfarin xarelto® is proven effective to reduce the risk of an afibrelated stroke. There is limited data on how these drugs compare when warfarin is well managed. No routine blood monitoring means bob can spend his extra time however he likes. New zealand xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. 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For more information including cost support options call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. A nationwide crackdown is happening on one of americas busiest highways interstate 80. More Police Officers are on the road from coast to coast. In northern new jersey don, good morning. Be careful. Reporter good morning, charlie. We are in a bit of a traffic jam right now. We are going pretty slowly. Its called the i80 challenge and its virtually unprecedented, 11 Highway Safety agencies from across the country have banded together and the reason theyre doing it right now is because this is the height of the Summer Vacation travel season which means its the most dangerous time of year to travel on interstate 80. From the bay bridge in San Francisco to just short of the George Washington bridge in new jersey, i80 virtually stretches from sea to shining sea. It spans almost 3,000 miles across the nations heartland through reno des moines and suburban chicago, 11 states in all, the second longest interstate in the country and according to state officials among the most dangerous. Speed, seat belts, dui drivers, distracted drivers and drowsy drivers kill people and by far the worst of all of those seat belts. Reporter outside Salt Lake City trooper evan kirby is about to make a traffic stop. Well find out why theyre going so fast. Reporter kirby is one of 120 extra utah highway patrolmen who have been deployed on this stretch of interstate 80. Nationally 350 fatal crashes were reported on i80 from 2009 to 2011. In iowa alone the interstate was the site of over 17,000 crashes over a tenyear period resulting in more than 6,200 injuries, nearly 1,000 were serious or fatal. I believe the i80 challenge provides us with a wonderful opportunity to highlight Public Safety and the goal of reducing traffic fatalities. Reporter if i continue going in this direction, i will eventually hit San Francisco. The organizers say there is extra cost to the state but if it saves lives its worth it. Charlie, norah . Don thank you. I hope don doesnt get a ticket for driving and talking at the same time. I hope so too, and i High Pressure holding on, going toably lots of sunshine to the bay area today. Going to start to get hot in spots inland again as well see plenty of sun in the valleys looking toward mount diablo going to see sunshine and temperatures soaring there this afternoon. But there is a thick fog settling in inside the bay and along the coastline. A little damp approaching the beaches. But High Pressure remains in place for now. Plan on 90s in the valleys, 70s and 80s inside the bay. 60s at the coast. Next couple of days we begin to cool down. Recovering from a heart attack raises me questions for women. That includes when is it safe to resume Sexual Activity and are doctors doing enough to provide answers . A top cardiologist will join us to talk about one of our favorite subjects. Join us ahead to talk about one of our favorite subjects. You mean hearts . Absolutely. That is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. [ female announcer ] its a taste so bold yet so smooth it can only be called black silk. From folgers. A taste you can enjoy fresh brewed one cup at a time or on the go. Black silk from folgers. You like to keep your family healthy and fit. And now theres a new way to do the same for your dog. Introducing new purina dog chow light healthy. Its a nosacrifices calorielight way to help keep him trim with a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend hell love. And 22 fewer calories than dog chow. Discover the lighter side of strong. New purina dog chow light healthy. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. 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Get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good morning, everyone. Its 7 56. Im Michelle Griego. 66yearold judy salomon was driving through her oakland neighborhood when she was shot and killed. The suspect fired directly into her car on fern street in the citys Fairfax District yesterday afternoon. So far, there are no suspects. Its oaklands 56th murder this year. San mateo county will show off its plan to transform highway 1 at devils slide into a new hiking trail with spectacular views of the pacific. The new tom lantos tunnels replaced a stretch of highway 1 earlier this year. The proposed trial is set to trail the trail is set to open early next year and will be a walking trail with biking lanes. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. First to the east bay. In lafayette westbound 24 by Pleasant Hill road this is a fivecar crash in the Center Divide so clear at this point but you can still expect delays coming from walnut creek. Also in fremont, southbound 880 approaching mowry avenue we have an injury crash there blocking one lane and were seeing slowandgo conditions from highway 92 in the south bay. Northbound 280 pretty backed up through downtown san jose. Heres lawrence. A little fog this morning thick as you approach the coastline. Looking toward ocean beach, gray at the immediate coastline for today but otherwise lots of sunshine. Clear skies now inland. They are already 66 degrees. 61 in san jose. This afternoon up in the 90s inland. Good morning, charlie. Good morning everybody. It is 8 00 a. M. In the west. Welcome back to cbs this morning. A devastating train crash in northwest spain is caught on video. Dozens are dead. The driver is being investigated. The former 13yearold girl sexually assaulted by Roman Polanski is telling her story. It includes a startling photo of her taken by him. Then there was a name Prince George of cambridge. Britains royal baby is given a name rich with history. First, a look at todays eye opener the obvious question is why the train was traveling that quickly. The major rail disaster in spain. 78 people are dead. More than 170 injured. Authorities dont think it is terrorism. They very much want their hands on snowden. Trading criminals for criminals is a place the administration and Justice Department doesnt feel comfortable going. It is quite a rarity here. Once you are here, everything is quite core yo graphed. We are told what we can see, hear go, stand north korea has held kenneth bay longer and sentenced him more harshly weiner is refusing to quit the race. This is not about me but the citizens of new york. I will leave it up to them william and kate announced they have chosen to call their son, george Alexander Louis. Good morning charlie. We are in a bit of a traffic jam. You look very nice in your suit. I think there is going to be a remake of matlock and i didnt want to miss it. Excellent. We adore you. Todays eye opener at 8 00 is presented by choice hotels. Im charlie rose with norah odonnell. Gayle king is off. Spain is in mourning after the countrys deadliest train crash in four decades. A video shows the train going off the tracks. At least 78 people died in last nights accident outside the city in northwest spain. Mark philips is in london with a new video. Good morning, charlie, norah. That anyone survived seems to be a miracle when you look at the spectacular, frankly frightening footage of the crash itself. It was taken by a trackside camera showing the train arriving at speed, too much speed for the tight turn of track. It is all over in eight seconds. We rerun the footage. You can see the car behind the engine is the first to leave the rails. In an instant, the whole train is a wreck. This particular piece of track is supposed to have the speed limit of 50 miles an hour. The train was doing about twice that. The driver, by the way, survived the crash and is now under official investigation. The u. S. Embassy in madrid says five americans are among the survivors. An annual religious festival in the area to which many travelers may have been going has been canceled. Instead, three days of mourning. Charlie, norah . Twice the speed going into a curve like that. It is incredible it kept going that fast. Has there been any statement from anybody about what the driver was thinking about . I read that they said look lets not blame speed. The investigation continues. Thats just speculation at this point about the speed oscar winning director, Roman Polanskis darkest moment is back in the news. Polanski left the United States 35 years ago to avoid a possible prison sentence for having sex with a 13yearold girl. The victim is now putting out a book telling her story as ben tracy reports. The new intention is based on the cover photo. The closeup of 13yearold Samantha Geimer on the cover of her memoir is an image of youth and innocence. The year was 1977. She dreamed of becoming a movie star. The man who took this and other photos of her was a famous director Roman Polanski. This photograph was taken at her first session with Roman Polanski. For her, it is the start of her story. That seems like the natural image to use as the cover. At the time polanski was basking in the success of his latest film chinatown starring jack nicholson. He arranged a second photo shoot with geimer at her house. He shared the photos and explained what happened next to cbs news back in 2003. What made me uncomfortable is that he asked me to change my blouse in front of him. The last photos were taken in the jacuzzi. Then, he got in the jacuzzi and then thats when i started realizing that i might be in trouble. Geimer later told police how she was drugged and then raped in 1978 he pled guilty to unlawful sex with a minor but fled the country when the judge tried to dismiss a plea bargain. Today, he continues to live as a free man in his native fraens. When her book cover was posted on the hollywood reporters website, it is generated polarizing comments. People wonder how is it that she ended up in an older mans house and on the other, people that are extremely angry that a rapist has escaped punishment for 35 years. Reached by phone, she told cbs this morning she had been following online posts. I was surprised by some of the things i read. I didnt expect the cover would be controversial. It seemed like the obvious choice to me. The girl, the life in the shadow of Roman Polanski, comes out in september. President obama says he is nominating Caroline Kennedy to be u. S. Ambassador to japan. President john f. Kennedys daughter would be the first woman to hold that position. Her nomination has been in the wors for months. Kennedy refused to confirm the news when we interviewed her back in march. She did leave a hint along with her autograph in studio 57. Come to tokyo and visit this is a big deal because it is a big post. It is the Third Largest economy in the world. You have howard baker, walter mondale, tom foley, all hold the position of ambassador. Not that she has any diplomatic experience. But the japanese have already responded saying we are honored that she is coming and we know she is a close friend of the president and we respect that very much. She can get the president on the phone at any time. Also, after world war ii and after 1960 when there was a treaty that put a permanent u. S. Base in okinawa, president kennedy did a lot to repair some of the frayed relations, even sent Robert Kennedy over to japan. They certainly have a history britains royal baby has a royal name. He will be called george. That name has belonged to six british kings and also st. George englands patron saint Prince William and kate revealed the babys first name yesterday. Charlie dagata is in bucklebury england. Good morning. Reporter good morning to you. From Buckingham Palace to bucklebury, home to the middletons Prince William, kate and little Prince George have been spending the last day as the palace puts it getting to know each other better. George Alexander Louis may be a big name for a little boy. Thats how royals go. They usually go for four names or more. He may reign as King George Vii when he is on the throne one day. He will be known as Prince George, the royal hinness. Whether it was the couples favorite back then may only be known to close friends. William and kate came to a relatively quick decision yesterday. It took a week before william himself was named. The announcement came shortly after the queen met her great grandson and heir at Kensington Palace suggesting the name meets her majestys approval. George is seen as a tribute to the queens father King George Vi who inspired a nation through world war ii. His battle to conquer a severe studder was dram advertisedtize advertised in the movie the kings speech. Historians believe securing the crown for three generations would be a Job Well Done for the current monarch. The queen, we sort of praise her for her longevity. She has been on the throne, obviously, we had a diamond jubilee. She now has a great grandchild. She has done her job biologically speaking very very well. Prince william has two weeks paternity leave as far as kate and as far as we know she will be spending her time the way many new mothers do getting a little help from grandma. Off to a good start. Nice she is there with her only living grandmother. At age 89 former president george bush has a new hair style. He shaved his head to support a little boy who lost his hair while being treated for luke kim ya. 2yearold patrick is the son of one of mr. Bushs secret service agents. The former president and his wife lost a daughter to leukemia in the 1950s. Those that knew the former president would not be surprised by this. It is absolutely wonderful he did that. Bill clinton tweeted and said you look great. Totally support your cause. Here it is. You look great. Love what youre doing. He is retweeting jim mcgrath president bushs spokesperson. They are very good friends, president clinton and bush 41. They lost their o how how sky how risky is sex for women who have had a heart attack. We will get straight answers on a touchy subject alma matered 57 years ago, a disaster in the new england fog and a story of survival. Well show you what happened when cbs this morning returns. Happened when cbs this morning richardsons rn this mornings eye opener at 8 00 sponsored by choice hotels. Official hotel choice of summer. Book choicehotel. Com. Copd makes it hard to breathe. But with advair, im breathing better. So now i can help make this a great block party. [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. Unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an antiinflammatory and a longacting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. Advair wont replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. People with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. Advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking advair. Ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. [ male announcer ] Advair Diskus fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. Get your first prescription free and save on refills at advaircopd. Com. Am i interrupting something . Another viva dare. Our fans think theres a rule that a paper towel cant handle this. Fans . Now thats tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. This is what they do for fun. Bacon . gotta get that bacon smokey bacon, crispy bacon tasty bacon where is it . wheres the bacon . news anchor bacon popular, story at 11. Yummy, crunchy, bacon bacon bacon there in that bag who wants a beggin strip . Me id get it myself but i dont have thumbs mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm its beggin mmm i love you. announcer beggin strips. Made with real bacon. Theres no time like beggin time all that mattered 57 all that mattered 57 years ago today, a swedish ship the stockholm ripped a hole in the italian oceanliner. 51 people were killed. Dense fog that night kept crews from seeing each other until it was too late. A number of ships responded by stress calls. By morning, more than 1600 survivors were brought to new york city. Nearly 11 hours after the collision, the andredoria sank to the ocean bottom where it remains today. Last year we showed you a groundbreaking effort to track great white sharks. They are ready for their most important mission. We will show you their plans for the big ocean predators. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by twizzlers. Enjoy some twisty fruity summer fun. Twizzlers. The twist you cant resist. Wherever your summer takes you. Twist the ride. With twizzlers. The twist you cant resist. The twist you cant resist. Victory is getting triple the love. For shopping that took half the time. Converse, skechers, nike, and more at famous footwear. Victory is yours. Heart disease is the number one disease for both men and women. Every year more man 300,000 men and women have heart attacks. Many worry about when its safe to have sex again and they wish their doctors would talk to them about the issue more. Dr. Lori mosca is doctor of preventive cardiology at doctors hospital. Good morning. Good morning. Its good to have someone talk about our favorite jikt. Hearts . Sex. Two of our favorites. What does this study show . Women have an unfounded fear that theyre going to die of a heart attack again after having sex. Theyve just experienced a heart attack and theyre really worried that physical exertion could lead to another heart attack. What are the risks . In fact the risks are extremely low. We need to get the message out there that its not only safe to have sex after a heart attack the American Heart Association says an uncomplicated heart attack, you can resume normal physical activity a week later. One woid said, quote, i had to convince my husband i wasnt going to die in bed. So how important is it to resume your sex life. Its important not only from a Healing Point of view but also a psychological point of view. Women want to get back to normal. They need that intimacy to make them feel normal again. Its very very important. We want to even courage women the talk to their doctors. Were really part of the problem. This study shows we doctors are not bringing this up. Enough about women. What about men . The Research Shows withre more likely to talk to men about it than women and were more likely to give the information in writing than verbally about when to resume sex and i think maybe its because doctors arent really comfortable with the topic. You know what i was thinking. I was thinking when im a cardiologist, i have to concentrate on their heart and now i have to become a sex counselor too . Youre right. This is really an important part of recovery. Depression is linked to Heart Disease and we need to pay more attention to the quality of life and really the psycho social status of our patients and if we dont bring it up, the patient should. Is there any risk at all . The risk is 1 . Its extremely low. In fact, if you want to look at the ee kwish land amount its like climbing two flights of stairs. Typically this is a very safe thing to do and important thing to do for recovery. Sex. Yes. Okay. All right. Dr. Lori mosca, thank you very much. Nice to see you. My pleasure. And this summers big movies are dealing with a plot twist. Plots are bombing. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Your local news is next. Announcer sundays your last chance to save big during sleep trains triple choice sale. For a limited time you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. Or choose 300 in free gifts with sleep trains most popular tempurpedic mattresses. You can even choose 48 months interestfree financing on the new tempurchoice with headtotoe customization. The triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep store you real, real your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good morning, its 8 25. Im Michelle Griego with your kpix 5 news headlines. Oakland police are offering a reward for information that can help solve their latest murder. 66yearold judy salomon was gunned down while driving in the Fairfax District yesterday. Police say the killer or killers fired directly into the car. Pg e has until the end of the day to respond to the record fine its facing for the 2010 san bruno pipeline explosion. The puc wants the utility to pay a 300 million fine that would go to the state. Pg e will also be required to spend an additional 2 billion on safety upgrades. An Oakland City Council member could be censured at a special Council Meeting tonight. Desley brooks is accused of interfering with the construction of two Recreation Centers and hiring people to work for the city before they had required background checks. Stay with us. Traffic and weather coming right up. Good morning. We had an earlier crash in lafayette approaching the Pleasant Hill exit. Everything is now clear to the righthand shoulder. Still seeing delays though from walnut creek and southbound 680 traffic is also heavy towards danville. Heres a look at some bay area drive times in the east bay coming down the eastshore freeway. Right now almost a half hour from the carquinez bridge to the maze. And the nimitz freeway in oakland is very slow. In fact we can show it to you in the northbound lanes. It looks like that just kind of sluggish traffic all the way up towards the downtown oakland exit but the bay bridge is an easy commute into San Francisco. Thats traffic. Heres lawrence. We are seeing fog along the coastline and inside the bay a lot of sunshine in the valleys and getting hot. Looking toward mount diablo, just a gentle breeze blowing now. The temperatures already up in the 60s there. We are seeing 50s and 60s around the rest of the bay area and by the afternoon, lots of sunshine coming our way in most spots. The fog marching back to the coastline keeping you cool there in the 60s but 70s and 80s around the bay and 90s in the valleys. Cooling down with more fog and low clouds for the weekend. Welcome back to cbs this morning thp. Coming up this half hour weve shown you the amazing picture of the great white sharks being tagged. Now a historic moment. Theyre going back in the water. Well see what happens next as they unlock the clues to sharks behavior. And the mystery on land has been solved. He sent home coded messages. His family is finally learning how important those letters were. That story ahead. Right now its time to show you this mornings headlines. The Washington Post says the House Committee passed a bill that means big changes for doortodoor mail. There would be Group Mailboxes and mail delivery on saturdays would end. It still has to clear the senate. Usa today says consumers are racking up dollars. Theyre including free trials and free shipping. Then they cancel down the road. They plan to renovate wrigley field. That includes a massive jumbotron. The project will cost 500 million. The New York Post says Merrill Lynch is facing a lawsuit. The suit says they were reprimanded for not being perky enough. All three were fired. The Detroit Free Press says nfl stars Chris Johnson and devin hester raced against an actual cheetah. They did so for a National Geographic episode in december. No word on who won but the china can run 70 miles an hour. Dad jeans are making a comeback. The jeans are light blue loser fit, and high waist. Theyve been popping up in style blogs. Some see it as a backlash against the skinny jean. Even kanye west has been spotted wearing dad jeans. You dont wear dad jeans, do you . I will now. Remember they attacked president obama because he was in dad jeans. He wasnt trendy enough. Exactly. It is a Summer Box Office bust. Six movies have flopped. Director Steven Spielberg predicted as much last month on the panel last month. Theres going to be an implosion where three or four or maybe half a dozen of these mega budgeted movies are going to go crashing into the ground and thats going to change the paradigm again. A. O. Thome scott is a critic for New York Times and dana. This summer is coming to prove the point they were making at that speech. Some film studies. Unsustainable because they simply were not that good or interesting movies . Well thats a part of it. There have certainly been bad blockbusters that have succeeded but economically unsustainable. Thing it is analogous to the agriculture rat model. Its the same kind of meefb over and over every weekend and the audiences arent coming. Is the movie industry down this summer . Its down a little bit and there are some movies that have done well and performed well. Monsters university, the the heat, earlier in the season iron man 3. Iron think theres a little bit of a malaise from the audience. Were seeing it again and again and again. Will it have this kind of impact . Because theyll realize this doesnt make money, find more interesting movies, perhaps lower budget but more interesting characters . I hope so but i worry theyll have the opposite effect. A lot of these movies that have failed have not been based on comic bool books or bestselling. I worry that were taking too many risks, weve got to make more superhero movies and harry potter and hunger games. What movie were you surprised flopped . Pacific rim. Its not come clear. And why did iron man 3 do so well . I think because that franchise, that marvel franchise kind of keeps going and going and going and they like the character. And they like downie too. They like downie. The avengers last year. They did well. It feels like years ago. That was may. It had the advantage. That was the first big movie. I heard Robert Downing earned 75 million. The most paid. We have blue jasmine thats out, the new woody allen movie. How is that . It hasnt opened yet. It seemed to be doing pretty well to advanced critics. It think its more of his movies. We have that comings out, we have the butler with Oprah Whitney and Forest Whitaker coming out. Are those expected to suffer the same summer malaise . I think twayly some of the smaller movies are doing better. You have a movie like before mid mite or the document tren star of freedom. I thing that you know the stakes are different. I do think that as at least some audiences get tired of seeing the same old stuff. Favorite movie this summer youve seen so far. I would say before midnight. I thought this is the end. I thought it was great. Great to see you. Its happening near a beach. Thats next. And tomorrow on cbs this morning, hes dressed everyone from Jackie Kennedy to taylor swift. Oscar heres a view from above after a motorcyclist that slams into a car that pulled out in front of him. He was sent flying and sent into a bus. Turns out hes the grandson of jack nicklaus. This happened in may and he walked away with no injuries. He talks about how much he goes to all of his Football Games that his grandson plays in. We first brought you this story last september. Story last september of fishermen and scientists. They studied new ways of great o white sharks. Chris fisher is the founder eff glor and expedition leader. Week. He will join them next week. Morning. They call at this time greatest white shark expedition in history. A mission above and beyond what we witnessed last year. Y, about a 15foot smashing. Shark this summer a group caught and maneuvered a live 2000poundeir white shark under their boat. Was made in history was made in the waters off cape cod. It . For the first time the Nort Atlantic held a satellite image was afflictionsed to a sharks dorsal fin, which can track its behavior for up to five years. Okay. The tag is done. To five days after catching jeanie, their first white shark in cape cod. First coming under you, jody. Reporter the team spotted and caught a bigger one a 500pound me fail mary lee. Yeah, mary lee, big girl lee. Reporter the two sharks have been pinging in with their location ever since. Information that can be viewed retime realtime online. Here chris is here now. Youre you are starting next tuesday or wednes wednesday it is . Right. Basically going right here from the ship. From what you said is true the most ambitious white shark expedition in american history. Thats it right there. Mak last year we proved it was possible to capture great white and sharks off cape cod and track to them. Enough now we have to get enough sharks bri so the brightest scientists of america can have that in their is . Lives. So why are you doing this . So scientists can understand ficent them these magnificent creatures. E t weve tracked two sharks. We learned the southeast is an enormous part of their life. The you see when you look at mary look lee, she spent a ton of time in the tropics as well as jeanie. Now, why are they there . What are they doing . Well is this an anomaly . Is this normal . We have to get at least ten sharks tagged to figure out what is normal. Theyre not going down there to have babies or . Theyre not we just dont know yet. What we do know is the southeast is covered up on great white sharks along with the northeast. Ouve why . Sked you asked this question obviously, you may not know the answer, is anything different in so terms of water temperature, in in term terms of depth of water . Te we know theyre moving down there like many snowbirds do. They stop at the tip. Sometim sometimes they come back up cape cod to cape cod. That shocked us. Nt we were finding the physiological capability livinghat in 38 degree waters. In case other people have not i seen other appearance you made on this program, what is it about them that make them so shark important to the ocean . They are the balancekeeper, the lion of the ocean. There there is no ro bust path forwardward for the ocean without a ro bust path for our sharks. We must understand their lives to impact the future. Y they keep the balance . Tyre l they are like the lion of the fascinati ocean. I think whats edifferent youre from last year you will be up b along the beach among 15,000 seals. You have a permit to be right there, which means likely more sharks will be there. Right. Eals. The state of massachusetts really came through and put us in a position to succeed. Ion to if we are going to deliver their scientist, a large number of number o shark, we have to be where they sharks we live. They live in front of those how many seals. Ha how many sharks do you want what to attack . You have two female sharks what else do you need . The male sharks tend to be much more coastal. Arks. We will see them living on the beaches. We must give them at least ten sharks. When you move an operation in operati the northeast, about 20 tags. How many great white sharks are there out there on our big coastline . The its a big question. The world is dewitting. N scientists might say theres in the mid5,000 or so. S the most popular shark movie was just as. Tha just as was a great white. Deal you hope to show that idea . Oh for sure. Absolutely. Were replaceing all the unknown in that fear with facts and allowing the world to follow it in real time. The were open sourceing all the data and tracking so everyone can follow with the scientists. Ge do you need a bigger boat . I got the bigger boat. Thats why were getting it done. Were funded. And we will be on it next week. Cool. Good for you. You, young man. Take care of him. Its the only place in the world you can tie next to the boat. Be careful. Good luck catching some boys. The world war ii prisoner. I mean sharks. What did you say . 2002 all star team. Okay. Good. World war ii prisoner sends secret messages to his family in england. 70 years later, we f thousands of men were captured during world war ii. Few managed to send vital military intelligence back home. The message of one are being revealed 70 years later. Mark phillips is in london. Mark, good morning. Good morning sfen. Let me start with a health warning. If you like crosswords and mathematical cross words and history, youll love this. Its taken 70 years to crack. If you dont like puzzles, ignore the math. Its still a good story. The evacuation of british and allied troops in dunkirk during world war ii was either a military disaster or a strategic withdrawal. Churchill calls the rescue of more than 300,000 troops hemmed in be the nazi troops a memory. But its also another story of hour row wichl and mystery. John pryor was one of the navt officers who had already rescued one load of troops. When it went back for a second load, the ship ran aground and pryor was captured. He spent the rest of the war from a german p. O. W. Camp to which he wrote dozens of letters to his family back to england. They always thought they were special but they didnt know how special. Did you know that contained weapons these letters was some sort of secret code . The family knew the letters were in code because they had a mark on them but we didnt know what it was about. Reporter in code although they seemed to be about mundane life hidden in them were secrets, details or the german escape plans. Yu dont know how significant they were. No. Now you do. Now we do. Now they do because steven pryor had mentioned the letters to historians at the nearby facility in plymouth. Before enlisting the help of mathematician. Bloody clever. What he found was the long forgotten key to the cord snow so weve got 133. This is the letter p. He found a sequence of words at the beginning of sentenceses who initial letters unlocked a grid that contained more letters and numbers that would reveal to military analysts snippets of voluntary evidence. Innocent items became requests for local kur ensaid and fake documents. We can see from the spelling mistake hes inquiring about patz pords. Hes asking for a submarine. Hms undine. Our last years harvest was extremely good. So its talking about the prisoners of wars vegetable garden. Many and good spells undine. News of german it. Historians like Harry Bennett said the letters were written at great risk. If the germans knew what was going on they could very easily be in their hands. They discovered the code. The p. O. W. S could have been shot as spies. The British War Office did, of course, know at the time and decoded it before the letters were sent on to the families but the coding were so secret they were close. The fact that the germans allowed them to send letters which was surprising to me. Theyre clear. Theyre blunts. Straightforward, cab did. Marriage fake fill indianapolis. That does it for us. Well see you tomo griego, with your kpix five headlines. The search is on in oakland for the killer or killers who gunned down 66yearold judy salamon. She was shot while driving good morning, its 8 55. Im Michelle Griego. The search is on in oakland for the killer who gunned down 66 yearold judy salomon. She was shot while driving in the Fairfax District yesterday. A reward is being offered to solve the case. And happening later today, officials at city college of San Francisco will share how they plan to keep the school running. They have a year to prove to the accrediting commission that its worthy to continue operating. The school has already cut pay, closed campuses and built a new administrative building. The Transbay Transit Center under construction in San Francisco is 300 million overbudget. Its because of a structural steel contract that costs more than expected. Money is being taken from the second phase of the project to pay for the first. Heres lawrence with the forecast. We have some patchy fog toward the coastline. A lot of sunshine already showing up in the valleys. Temperatures heating up today and getting hot in some inland spots. Out over the bay a little hazy with patchy fog continuing. High pressure remains in place though and as it sits there it will bring with it nice weather in the next couple of days. Although you see that low off the coastline moving closer into friday and that will help cool down for the weekend. Today though well see 90s in the valleys a lot of 70s and 80s around the bay and 60s at the coast with a mix of sun and clouds. Well warm up next week. Well check your timesaver traffic coming up next. Good morning. Earlier crashes are still causing problems in some parts of the morning commute. To lafayette an earlier crash on westbound 24 is long since cleared. Still jammed up though on southbound 680 through walnut creek. Better news here. That Traffic Alert has just been canceled southbound 880 approaching mowry avenue. Injury crash but all lanes are back open. Still sluggish residual delays from highway 92. The nimitz a little slow approaching northbound 880 near high street. Wayne you won a car jonathan its a trip to belize envelope wayne scooter. Jonathan its time for lets make a deal now heres tvs big dealer wayne brady. Wayne welcome to lets make a deal. Im your host, wayne brady. Lets get to it. Who wants to make a deal . Lets go the jester, the jester, the mardi gras. Mr. Mardi gras. How are you doing, sir . Good, good. Wayne and you are . Im arzie dennis. Wayne this is arzie everyone. Now, arzie, you are the party. Yeah

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