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Seize this opportunity by leading the most significant tax reform legislation since 1986. The president proposes massive tax cuts. It will blow up the deficit and debt, probably 7 trillion according to some estimates. Great plan. Were going to put people back to work. The status of health care today, the Freedom Caucus saying they are signing on to this latest version. Were hopeful that there may be a vote soon. We dont want to put an artificial deadline on this, brett. We learned that a few weeks ago. This was a very clear, sober and serious briefing. Senators gathered on white house grounds for an unprecedented classified briefing on north korea. I did not see any new information. It felt more like a dog and pony show to me than anything else. Fox news channel anchor joined a Racial Discrimination lawsuit against the company. This hurts. This hurts. United airlines announcing new guidelines following the controversy of a passenger being dragged off one of its planes. A strong storm system is stretching from the gulf coast all the way to the canadian border. Its been pretty bad. All that. Dramatic scene on highway 101 in northern california. A hillside giving way. Holy cow. Joe biden shows up in d. C. To see the wizards duel the hawks. Gets a standing ovation. And all that matters. President trump has a single red button on his Oval Office Desk that he can push at any time. Oh, god, what happens when he pushes the button. A white house butler arrives with a coke for the president. On cbs this morning. You know it would be pretty bad if he were trying to order a coke and accidentally orderd a nuclear strike. But it would be bad if he had to launch an attack and accidentally ordered a soda. We have to send kim jongun a message. Ah. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. President trumps newest initiative for his first 100 days is a tax cut with big goals and very few specifics. But the trump blueprint would slash tax rates and eliminate some deductions, it doubles the standard deduction that most taxpayers take and would eliminate taxes that are overwhelmingly paid by high income americans. The president s treasury secretary and economic advisors say tax cuts will pay for themselves by growing the economy. Other analysts say theyll explode the national debt. This proposal is one page long and contains very few details. Officials are saying almost nothing about who will benefit the most. Margaret brennan is at the white house with the plan thats months away from a vote. Margaret, good morning. Good morning. Well, the u. S. Has the highest Corporate Tax rate in the world, and the biggest cuts in the president s plan go to large his own. But it remains unclear how the administration will pay for a plan estimated to reduce tax revenue by 7 trillion over a decade. Were going to put people back to work. Reporter President Trump says his blueprint will unleash Economic Growth. We will have a massive tax cut for businesses. Reporter treasure secretary Steven Mnuchin argued slashing the Corporate Tax rate from 35 to 15 will give businesses extra cash to hire and spend. This is not just about large corporations. Small and mediumsized businesses will be eligible for the business rate as well. That may help bring investment back to the u. S. According to maya mcginniss of the committee for responsible federal budget. This is a very aggressive, very significant Corporate Tax rate cut and i think white have have huge effects on our competitiveness. Reporter leader Chuck Schumer dismissed it as a giveaway to the wealthy. They dont need another huge tax break while middleclass americans and those struggling to get there need help just staying afloat. Reporter details are expected by august. And white house economic adviser gary cohn could not yet say how much of a tax break lower and middleclass americans will get. We will let you know the specific details at the appropriate moment. Reporter the goal is to simplify the tax code but whittling down the seven personal income tax brackets to three, with rates of 10, 25 and 35 . Wealthy americans like the president himself will benefit from eliminate the alternative minimum tax as well as the estate tax. Ivanka trump assured reporters tuesday that families will also receive tax credits for child and adult day care. Just how the administration will make up for all of the lost revenue without adding to the nearly 20 trillion debt is unclear. That hard work may now be up to congress. The opening bid sounds like they hope that somebody will ratchet it back and make it fiscally responsible. Reporter and just yesterday, after floating that idea of a 24 duty on canadian lumber a white house official publicly floated the idea that the president was considering withdrawing from the north American Free trade agreement and immediately hit the financial markets. Hours later in a phone call with the leaders of in mexico and canna, mr. Trump reapurds them he was not going to do that and he plans to renegotiate nafta, Something Congress has not yet given him the authority to do. Margaret thanks. In our next hour treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin will join us and well try to get more details on the president s tax plan and a reminder, a special reminder, on monday, we will bring you a special edition of cbs this morning from inside the white house. It will feature john dickersons interview with President Trump which will debut sunday on face the nation. Republican house leaders may have overcome one of the biggest road blocs to repealing obamacare. The effort failed last month when a group of conservatives refused to support it. Well now members of that group say theyll support a revised version of the American Health care act. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the changes that other members might reject. Nancy, good morning. Good morning. Those conservative members always felt the gop plan left too many of obamacares minimum coverage requirements in place, requirements they believe drive up premiums. Well, theres a new compromise that they support and that is a big breakthrough, except that some moderates think it makes the bill worse. Certainly now were down to days, not weeks. Reporter after weeks of negotiatings, members of the conservative Freedom Caucus say they are finally ready to vote yes. Were supportive of the amendment and underlying bill as its coming forward. Reporter virginias dave brat is one memberer who came around. None of us are going to be totally happy. Im a free market guy. Its better ways to move some of this stuff, but we want the momentum to go forward, tax reform, getting the budget through and all that. Reporter this is what got him there, a new amendment allowing states to eliminate some of obamacares patient protections including one that prevents insurers from jacking up rates for people with preexisting conditions. Those states would be given funds to set up high risk pools to cover those who would no longer be able to afford insurance. This is a different twist and i have to reexamine it. Reporter meant to appease conservatives is turning off moderates. Help the people harmed by the Affordable Care act but not harm the people that were helped by it. We need to take a step back. Reporter Pennsylvania Republican charlie dent has always been a no and believes this amendment violates one of the partys promises. Well, it could affect people with preexisting conditions and it will make insurance probably much more expensive for them and in some cases inaccessible. Reporter the question is how many members will defect. Gop leaders arent sure. Could we see a vote on health care this week or next . Well see. With well vote when we get the votes. Reporter another Sticking Point for several republicans is a provision in this new plan that keeps those obamacare protections in place for members of congress and their aides. The authors say its in there for technical reasons but they know how it looks and they will figures out a way to work around it. Thank you. The Trump Administration is calling north korea a very grave threat, but also says its ready to negotiate. Senators piled into busses yesterday to attend an unprecedented classified briefing at the white house. House members were briefed at the capitol. The u. S. Said its thaad Missile Defense in south korea will be operational in a few days. China, north koreas main ally, opposes that u. S. Move. The chinese say theyll carry out military drills in response. Adriana diaz is in beijing with the new effort to avoid a possible war. Adriana, good morning to you. Good morning. With tensions mounting here in asia, the Trump Administration says it wants to diffuse the situation, to try to bring pyongyang to the table peacefully, u. S. Officials laid out options wednesday, including ratcheting up diplomatic pressure, harsher sanctions and relifting the regime as a state sponsor of terrorism. While a diplomatic solution is preferred the u. S. Strike group deployed to the peninsula is a few days away and the pentagon says it has military plans ready as a last option. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson will make a case to further isolate north korea diplomatically on friday at the u. N. The u. N. Announced its sending a human rights expert for the first time to north korea next week. The question is, how much it will actually be allowed to see. Thanks, adriana diaz, in beijing. Republican senator john mccain of arizona was at the White House Briefing yesterday on north korea. He joins us now from capitol hill. Senator mccain, good morning. Good morning, charlie. Let me begin with this, not only were you at that briefing but youve had a series of phone calls with the president and you called the Syrian Strike a moment in his presidency with the Cruise Missile attacks in syria not just because of the damage but because it sent a signal unlike previous years that america will act. What should the North Koreans assume america will do . I think they should assume that the United States will react forcefully, but charlie, theres a real complication and that is along the dmz, they have artillery and capabilities that would reign seoul, a city of 26 million people, that complicates things dramatically and why a lot of emphasis has to be on the only power that can restrain them and thats china. Chinese have cut back on the coal supply, but i was not encouraged when the chinese came against our air Defense System being in place in south korea. The chinese have to really be made aware that this could have a profound effect on our relations with china because if this if this exchange begins, the North Koreans likely could reign seoul with artillery and that could be catastrophic. Was there any indication from that meeting at the white house yesterday that military action against north korea is imminent . No. But it is clear and i totally agree that that option cant be taken off the table but it has to be the absolute last option. But when i say last option that is when we are convinced that north korea has that capability to launch a missile that could strike with a Nuclear Weapon the west coast of the United States. This leader is not rationale. He is not a person that we can depend op to act in a rationale fashion. What is the red line for acting . Because we believe he has what you just said. If it were up to me, charlie, i would probably say a missile on the launch pad that we knew for sure had a Nuclear Weapon on it. I dont think we could wait to launch. We do have defensive capabilities that can intercept missiles. But to count on that alone, i think would be very risky business. Look, this is a very serious shao. Very, very serious. And theres nothing wrong with being called down to the white house to talk about it. And its also the product of three Previous Administration president s that negotiate, what they believed was good faith, and turned out to be utterly false, while the North Koreans progressed in their effort to acquire a missile and a weapon. One of your colleagues described the meeting yesterday as a dog and pony show. Im wondering what your characterization was . Did you learn anything . I didnt particularly, because this is my daytoday business, but i think they learned about the options that we have, i think that the attention were paying to it, but i dont think they could expect a specific course of action because as we just described, our courses of action would be dictated by north korean behavior. Senator, one article about you and President Trump said how trump came around to mccain on foreign policy. You had this dinner with him, along with lindsey graham. What did you learn about him . What did you come away with and did it change your mind about donald trump . Well, ive always had respect for the office of the president of the United States. He was very cordial and we had a lot of discussion on a lot of issues. I was pleased, for example, yesterday that they did not move forward with the revocation of the north American Free trade agreement, which known as nafta, which would have devastated the economy of my state. I dont think its me. I think its a person assuming the most important job in the world and understanding those responsibilities and in the case of national security, surrounding himself with some of the brightest people ive ever known and ive known many of them, charlie, longer than ive known you, which goes back to the coolidge administration. Yes, it does. We liked cal, didnt we . A long time. Well senator mccain, its always good to see you. So bright and early in the morning. Thank you so much, we appreciate it. Thank you. Take care. United Airlines Announced new policies overnight in an effort to restore confidence among passengers. The new guidelines came come after officers dragged a man off an overbooked united flight earlier this month. A Senate Committee is conducting its own investigation. Ui needs changes united changes include more employee training, using Law Enforcement for safety issues and reducing overbooking. Don dahler is at Newark International airport with the companys new promises. The incident on flight 3411 and uniteds delayed apology to dr. David dao created a pr nightmare and now uniteds ceo are taking action to win back the trust of their customers. Oh, my god look at what you did to him. Reporter the treatment of united passenger dr. David dao prompted outrage. His Attorney Says he suffered a broken nose and concussion when he was pulled off the overbooked flight. Now the countrys fourth Largest Airline is introducing ten new Customer Service policies to make sure an incident like that doesnt happen again. One of the new fwlooins, prohibit guidelines prohibits passengers from having to give up their seat involuntary unless safety or security is at risk, customers willing to switched will be offered compensation up to 10,000. United realized that its policies, its technology, its training, were all inadequate and theyve taken steps to correct that. Reporter Airline Industry analyst henry hardveil says the significant changes united pledged to reduce overbooking. Thats the crux of the problem when planes are full as the he are now people should be confident they will have their reservation honored and with less overbooking it reduces the chance for Something Like this to occur again. Reporter in a video to united website, oscar munoz apologized again for the incident. This is a turning point for all of us at united and as ceo its my responsibility, my mission, to make sure we all learn from this experience. This will help united recover, but its going to take the airline a long time, perhaps even several years, to live down the infamy of what happened on flight 3411. Reporter some of those policies will take effect starting today. Others will be rolled out in the coming months and in june, united will start compensating passengers for any permanently lost luggage up to 1500. Gayle . Thank you. Delta is standing by its decision to kick a man off of a plane for using the bathroom before takeoff. I purchased a ticket. I had an emergency. Flight attendants told kima hamilton he could not get up to use the bathroom while his plane to milwaukee was waiting on the tarmac in atlanta. He did so claiming it was an emergency as you heard there. The pilot then taxied back to the gate where hamilton was met by delta officials and the aircraft left without him. Delta says its imperative that passengers comply with crew instructions during all phases of a flight. Severe weather sweeping across parts of the country this morning. The massive system stretching from louisiana all the way to michigan. Powerful thunderstorms flooded roads and toppled trees in arkansas yesterday. Two tornadoes touched down in oklahoma. They tore roofs off buildings and downed power lines. Further east floodwaters swept a car into a creek in greene county, north carolina, killing one person. The flooding is expected to continue through the weekend. A stunning discovery could rewrite the history of north america. Ahead, what archeologists found that suggest humans were living on the continent more than 100,000 years earlier than they had believe,, a longtime fox tv personality accuses the channel of racial bias. Kelly wright is in studio 57 to explain his emotional decision to speak out and join in the class action lawsuit. Youre watching cbs this morning. brian im brian, i was in the military for 18 years. But, i smoked and i got heart disease. My tip is; its hard to serve your country when youre to weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. You brush your teeth diligently. Two times a day right . But 80 of bacteria arent even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. Colgate total for whole mouth health. That newly listede bank and wait ranch will be gone. A mortgage, or, you could push that button. [dong] [rocket launching] skip the bank. Get approved in minutes. Lift the burden of getting a home loan with Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. [whisper rocket] and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. 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Most allergy pills only block one. New flonase sensimist. I thought i neededgled cigarettes to cope. I was able to quit smoking, and then i started running. Now i feel a lot better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Ahead, how protections for dozens of National Monuments could be eliminated under an executive order signed by President Trump. Conservative speaker ann coulter will not be in berkeley today. She agreed to cancel her visit over safety concerns. But the city is stil good morning. Im michelle griego. Conservative speaker contra costa will not be in berkeley today. She agreed to cancel her visit over safety concerns. But the city is still gearing up for protests. Last night, a group of Trump Supporters from Southern California said they plan to speak in place of coulter today. The nfl draft kicks off tonight and its in philadelphia for the First Time Since the 1960s. The 49ers have the second overall pick. The raiders have the24th pick in the first round. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. , for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. We do business where you do business. Are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® its starts working hard at hour one antwice as hard when you it aga. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. Good morning, time now 7 27. And we have a Traffic Alert along eastbound 80 as you approach 7th street. Chp has two lanes blocked due to an earlier crash there. All lanes have been cleared and that sig alert now canceled. But traffic backed up beyond 280. So slow, stop, go along northbound 101 all the way to the lower deck of the bay bridge. Quick check over at the bay bridge toll plaza, in the red, and we continue to see speeds in the red on all of our bay area majors. Thats a check of traffic. We cannot get enough of the sunshine outside. Lets check it. The Golden Gate Bridge and the abundance of blue skies, stratus in the form of fog off the immediate seashore. The temperatures right now are in the 40s. A bit of a breeze up to 13 Miles Per Hour around the bay and the seashore. These winds will be more consistent later today northwesterly 10 to 20. So a bit of a brisk breeze late day. 60 to 70s outside number. 74, 75 degrees. Similar tomorrow with the wind late day. And then less wind over the weekend and notice the temperatures spike into the low 80s. Bested by mid80s away from the water on monday and tuesday. Dont forget your sunglasses. ,,, the annual tedd conference is happening in vancouver and it kicked off yesterday with a surprise skyping in from none other than pope francis. The truth is hes had a history of giving tedd talks. Ladies and gentlemen, i come to you today as a simple carpenter who also happens to be a son of god. I got here by a few simple systems i developed. Youve all been there. A all youve got is a couple of loaves of bread and a few fishes and you have to feed a crowd. What if i told you you can do. Geez, me . No. Geez, us. Stephen colbert having fun with that. That was a moment at the tedd talks. I happened to be there when he popped up on the screen. Big surprise. You mean the pope . Yeah. Not stephen colbert. Or jesus. I loved your tweet where someone said, oh, was oprah the surprise, and you said, no, the pope. Pope too. President trump could sign a bill for protecting mon monumen. He calls it a land grab. Commercial uses like farming, mining, and Energy Exploration are currently limited. The monuments under review include millions of acres across the west. Heres a look at other big stories hitting the headlines. This morning the San Francisco chronicle reports wells fargo allegedly targeted undocumented immigrants to open accounts the meet a sales goal. They were instructed to round up groups and drive them to a branch. Wells fargo admitted their employees recreated more than 2 million fraudulent accounts. The ceo quit and the bank paid fines. Wells fargo said these are inconsistent with our policy and has eliminated Product Sales goals. Ajit pai wants to loosen oversight of internet providers. Most Tech Companies want to keep the rules. The rules keep Internet Service providers from slowing or blocking content. A may 18th vote by the commission could start the rollback. The New York Times reports that former barack obama will receive 400,000 o give a speech. Hell talk in september the a Health Care Conference in september organized by a wall street firm. Yesterday an obama spokesperson defended the speech. He said Health Care Changes are driver will now appear right under their name. The only black anchor on fox news is speak out about Racial Discrimination on fox news. Kelly wrights claims are part of a classaction lawsuit against fox news. At least 11 accuse fox of a culture of severe racial harassment. The suit says fox ignored their complaints for years. Fox news says, quote, we will vigorously defend these cases. I want to make it possible for whoever fills my shoes that the next generation to never go through this. Only on cbs this morning kelly wright is here along with his attorney. Thats Douglas Wigdor who represents the plaintiffs in the case. Kelly, good morning to you. That seemed emotional and painful for you. You joined fox news in 2003. Talk to me and talk about the emotion from yesterday. Well, ill first begin with what prompted me to come forward and thats what took place with monica, tashina, and tabrice. Those are three other black women. Yeah. Theyre the ones that ignited this lawsuit because of what happened in their department. That hurt me, grieved me, because i thought about collectively how behind the scenes many of us have gone to the water cooler and talked about not just their plight, but the plight of other people of color at the company and how there have been remarks like, gee, kelly, if you were blond, you could probably anchor here monday through friday. Comments like that really began to sting me especially when i was trying to work within the framework of the company, talking to my leader saying, look, were better than this, we can do better than this, freechb a sound business decision, lets reach out to all people and im raising my hands as the only black male anchor you have right now to say put me in the game, give me opportunities to do more, and i thought we were really going to try to do that. Your language is very strong because the lawsuit says, the color of your skin, you were, quote, effectively sidelined and asked to reform the role of a jim crow. Thats very, very explosive language. It is explosive language. Thats from my attorney. My language would have been more i want to meet the demands placed me, show up to work and produce 1000 which is what i have done and perform any task theyve given me, which is what ive tried to do, whether its covering the war in iraq or covering breaking overnight news. Emotionally what got to me is these are people that i know, people i care about. There are hardworking people there, even the leaders there. But whats happened is the leaders have not effectively pursued, i think, diversity and inclusion of all people, in terms of turning a blind eye overquality. That ooh the point. You make clear in the complaint you raised these questions. I did. Repeat ily. What was the response . No. The response was actually at some point i agreed, theyre sitting on both sides of the table. We should have a program that talks about hope and lifts up all votes and we dont negatively focus on it but we can also show positive things that are going on in the community to turn the negativity around. You suggested those types of stories . Of course. The people he referenced earlier, the three people who started these complaints and others had been complaining for years since 2008 complaining about the racist behavior and the chief lawyer, dianne brandi, the chief counsel. Im curious. Judith slater would have people arm wrestle. When people would say good nigh to her, she would say, dont shoot, mocking the black lives matter movement. She would say to somebody who has three kids, are they fathered by the same person. All black men are wife beaters. Really asking black people to. What has happened new since yesterday. We have received many, many calls on air and behind the scenes. This has grown. Yeah. Fox news and fox affiliates as well. I expect well have more joining this discrimination lawsuit as it continues to grow. Its sis stechlic. Any statements . They issued a statement calling these copycat complaints. This is really systemic. Class action suit. Youre still working there, kelly. As far as i know. When you sua company normally it doesnt go so well. My mother was so proud when i got that job. My mother remains proud of me even though shes no longer here with me. Before mom dade, she said, you will enrich fox, they will enrich you. And i always thought it was about monetary stuff. What i really thing it is is trying to enrich the culture and myself as a human being. I trust and believe that god through all of this will get glory all of this by unifying not just employees at fox news but the country. We can talk about fox news, but its happening everywhere. We as americans have got to start standing up and saying enough is enough. Im hoping the word racist will become like the n world and never used in our vocabulary again. To do that ill fall on the sword and lead that struggle because whats happened the my fellow employee and whats happening to some employees who are afraid to come out and talk and i understand why because they have families and jobs and they dont want to run the risk of retaliation or falling into some sort of retaliation before. My wife and i have been poor before. Well be poor again if we have to but well be rich for our country and employees and those at fox news. If fox tries to retaliate, i can assure you they will hear from me. Thank you both. Thank you for having me. Thank you. New evidence suggests humans were in north america more than 1 100,000 years earlier than previously thought. Ahead, learn how researchers have discovered bones and why its adding to the controversy. Youre watching cbs this morning. 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In a way its like a paleo crime scene. Reporter they knew they uncovered something special. The important fractures are right here. See how smookts and fractured . This is from impact. Reporter they believe the bones could only have been broken by a twohanded tool possible used by humans to get to marrow for food. Not 15,000 years ago as they had suggested. Wills room for skepticism for sure. But dr. Christian karlson wants more evidence. One instance is fascinating but we need o find another site or two before we sep h. I was a strong critic when i first looked at this and i said, kijts believe this is really here, but this is scientists. This archaeologist is ready to face critics who arent quite ready to rewrite heft. We expect push back. Reporter what makes you so sure Something Else didnt break it over time . People have been doing h for many years and say only humans with hammers tons can do these kinds of features. Reporter the prrt of the museum joked yesterday that this proof that even early humans wanted live here in san diego. Gayle . Why not. The weather was good. Thank you, mireya. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin says its too soon to tell who , announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by hepchope. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. Atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk. Iagrown and wee proud of that. But the whole careandnurturing part . That idea. We borrowed from the experts. Blue diamond almond breeze. The best almonds make the best almondmilk. Enamel is the strong, wof your tooth surface. 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And youve bundled your home and auto insurance, so youre saving a ton. Come on. You dont want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. Man 3 hey. Man 1 whoa, whoa. Flo sorry. Woman oh. Flo youre safe. Youre safe now. Woman i think im gonna pass out. Can you stop using the bullhorn . Flo i dont make the rules. The real johnny depp surprised disneyland visitors when he played captain jack sparrow on the disney ride. He plays the actor in the pirates film. Yesterday he put on the costume and called out to fans as they rode by. Super cool. Foo fighters david grohl and his mom about raising a rock star. Youre watching cbs this morning. Eart attack. We take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams. As it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a Clinical Study brilinta worked better than plavix®. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,. Since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,. Heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily,. Or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,. A history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding,. New or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca. May be able to help. Come on dogs just wont quit. Neither does frontline gold. Its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. Good boy. Go for the gold. Hurrfor huge savingsday on all things spring. Like 25 off all charbroil gas grills. Plus, get 20 off all stagreen fertilizer and grass seed. Get started with the seasons best savings. Start with lowes. Essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Salvage a barge that sunk in the bay. The 11 th good morning, its 7 56. Im kenny choi. The coast guard is now working to salvage a barge that sunk in the bay. The 112foot boat capsized south of the bay bridge during a storm a few weeks ago. Now its on top of the transbay tube. The process could take weeks. Sugarsweetened beverages will no longer be included in kids meals at Santa Clara County restaurants. The board of supervisors passed the measure which updates a 2008 ordinance which bans the sale of drinks except milk and water with kids meals. Stick around; well have traffic and weather in just a moment. , hey, bud. You need some help . No, im good. Come on, moe. I have to go. vo we always trusted our Subaru Impreza would be there for him someday. Ok. Thats it. vo we just didnt think someday would come so fast. See ya later, moe. vo introducing the allnew Subaru Impreza. The longestlasting vehicle in its class. More than a car, its a subaru. Good morning, its been one busy day on the roads. It continues to be. We are tracking delays over at the bay bridge toll plaza. You can see that traffic backed up beyond the maze especially in those cash lanes there. Checking the travel time just under 50 minutes from the maze into downtown San Francisco. Your drive time continues to be red out of antioch into hercules. Highway 4, 580 and the eastshore freeway. Thats a check of the traffic. Lets check the forecast now with roberta. I cannot get enough of this view this morning. Its our live weather camera. We are looking out towards the Golden Gate Bridge. Good morning, everybody what a difference a day makes. Remember, just 24 hours ago, thick into the heavy drizzle. Now blue skies. Temperatures are into the 50s. Now, up to 54 in santa rosa after dipping into the 40s. Today, temperaturewise, 60s at the beaches, mid60s to high 60s around the bay. 70s around the peninsula to 74 degrees away from the water. The winds will blow northwest 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. Just a degree or two warmer friday. Good morning to our viewers in the west. It is thursday, april 27, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. New technology could threaten more than onethird of american jobs in the next 15 years. Retas in our new series were calling it work in progress. But first heres todays eye opener at 8 00. The u. S. Has the highest Corporate Tax rate in the world. And the biggest cuts goes to Large Companies like his own. Those conservative members always felt that the plan left too many of obamacares minimum coverage requirements in place. With tensions mounting here in asia, the Trump Administration says it wants to try to build pyongyang to the table peacefully. Whethers the red line acting . If it were up to me, charlie, i would say a missile on the launch pad that we knew for sure had a Nuclear Weapon. Now united ceo said theyre taking action to win back the trust of their customers. Its going to be an emotional and painful moment for you yesterday. What prompted you to join now . Well, if youre blond, you can probably anchor fulltime here, monday through friday. Looks like baseballs Miami Marlins are going to be sold to a group led by derek jeter and jeb bush. Or as theyre known by their celebrity couple name derek jeter. All right. Ouch. Stephen colbert. He could have said derek bush. I think jeb bush will handle that just fine. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. President trump says his tax plan will put americans back to work, but many important details are missing from the one page blue print for big corporate and personal tax cuts. Plan would reduce seven personal income tax brackets to three. The rates would be 10, 25, 35 , but the income levels for the brackets were not announced. The president wants to double the standard deduction most use and hed eliminate the state tax and the alternative minimum tax. Its unclear how the administration would make up for lost revenue without adding to the nearly 20 trillion national debt. Speaking to reporters at the white house yesterday, treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and economic adviser gary kohn made it clear that the blueprint is heavy on to be determined. When we have an agreement, we will release the details and its going to mean a tax cut. Well let you know the specific details at the appropriate moment. Theres lots and lots of details that will go into how that will pay for itself. We will get back to you with definitive an answers. When we have an agreement well release the details. Secretary mnuchin is with us from the treasury department. Good morning, mr. Secretary. Good morning, its great to be here with you. Thank you. Great to have you here. As you mentioned, this would be historic tax cuts. Estimated to cost the american taxpayer 7 trillion over a decade. So when will you tell us how youll pay for it . Well, let me first say, this is about the most sweeping, biggest tax cuts and sweeping tax reform in history. And the president is focused on creating Economic Growth. This is all about Economic Growth around american jobs. Thats what the president is committed to. In regards to the pay fors, i dont know how people could estimate the costs since we havent released the details but this is paid for by Economic Growth and by a reduction of many, many deductions and special interests. Why put it out now, mr. Secretary, without all of the details . I think the American Public wanted to hear about it. You know, this is something we have been talking about since the campaign. Mr. Secretary, the question is, what kind of Economic Growth do you have to have in order to pay for the tax cuts . The massive tax cuts youre recommending. Well, we feel confident that we can can get to at least 3 Economic Growth on a sustained basis. When . Thats something we have said. Thats something that were confident with. And the American Economy has been held back and this is about unleashing Economic Growth. Its a combination of the tax plan. Its the combination of regulatory relief and the combination of our trade principles. And those three are where theyll create Economic Growth thats been held back in this country. The Republican Party is famous for being against debt and deficits. The president less so. What impact is it going to have on deficits over a tenyear period . Well, again, charlie, i think the president is very concerned that the debt has grown from 10 to 20 trillion under the last administration. And thats something were very conscious of and as we go through the details of the plan were comfortable we can pay for most of the plan and thats something well be looking at when we report the tenyear numbers. So what are you going to do about the american corporations that have a lot of cash not cash so much, but a lot of earnings stowed away in places around the world and not bringing it back because of taxes . Well, charlie, its not a surprise that people have left trillions of dollars off shore, given the complexity of our system and the way it works and weve spoken to hundreds of business executives. Were going to have a onetime tax for repatriation and we expect that well get trillions of dollars back on shore. And that will be invested in American Capital and american jobs. Thats what this is all about. You say it will create more jobs. How so . This is about creating jobs, because many surveys show that 70 or more of the tax burden is borne by the american worker. And this is about putting money back in the American Workers pocket and investing more money in plant and equipment to build american plants and create jobs. Mr. Secretary, as you know a lot of the reporting on this say that this is a lot of tax cuts for the rich. If that is portrayed as such, youll have a tough time in congress. Well, charlie, as i said before, the president s objective is about tax simplification. We will be lowering the rate on the high end in return for eliminating almost all deductions. Were committed to keeping charitable deductions and mortgage interest, but Everything Else is on the table. And this is about tax simplification. Its also about creating Economic Growth and having people invest. And you have the republicans in congress on board . We do. We have had lots of discussions with the leadership in the house and the senate. We have been meeting weekly. I think the good news is conceptually we all agree on the plan and were committed to working out the details together. Secretary mnuchin, thank you so much. Thank you very much. Its a pleasure. And a reminder, cbs this morning will bring you a special broadcast on monday from inside the white house. It will feature john dickersons interview with President Trump on his first 100 days. That interview will debut sunday on face the nation. When is that, monday . Looking ifrd to that. For several hours yesterday the white house signalled the president was ready to sign an executive order to withdraw from nafta, but after the president spoke to the leaders of mexico and canada he said, he now has no plans to walk away from the trade deal. Margaret brennan has more at the white house. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, the president is saying that those mixed messages actually helped him. He tweeted this morning that the leaders of canada and mexico asked him yesterday to renegotiate rather than terminate nafta. That threat of withdrawal was first floated by white house officials who said adviser steve bannon was behind it. Blowing up a free trade deal certainly fits with the type of protectionist policies hes known for, but its a risky game to play with two of americas biggest trading relationships. Concerned Business Leaders including wall street executives who work here convinced the president to instead agree to negotiations. Once Congress Gives the green light. Now, talking tough on trade is risky. Today the president will sign a memo scrutinizing how china has squeezed that industry, but he will not deliver on that Campaign Promise to label china a currency manipulator. He of course needs beijings hope on other issues like north korea. Margaret, thanks. Jonathan demme is being remembered for his wide ranging movies. He died yesterday. And his acclaimed career spanned more than eight decades. The silence of the lambs won five oscars and philadelphia was the first one to confront aids. He shared his filmmaking with me in 1998. I love making films, and the joy is what . Oh, one of the joys is gettig together with a whole community of extraordinarily gifted people, with a collective goal of making something extremely special for people to look at. He was busy working on new projects right up to his death. I was sorry to hear that news last night. Youre so right the variety of his work was so amazing. I first met him when he introduced me to a broadcaster in haiti. He will be missed. Technology could make one of the most common jobs in the country disappear within the next two decades. Hello. Im your robot helper. And ahead in our debut of our new series work in progress how robots like this, one at lowes, could replace people working in the retail industry. But,, rocker david grohls mom is revealing intimate details about the joys and challenges of raising musicians. Ahead, the foo fighters front man and his mom will join us, and shes getting personal in her book. How to raise a rock star. She tells all sorts of stories like how he told his mom, yeah, i want to drop out of school. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. School. Yowza. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. You make it detect what they dont. Stop, stop, stop sorry. You make it sense whats coming. Watch, watch, watch mom. Relax im relaxed. You make it for 16year olds. Whoawhoawhoa and the parents who worry about them. You saw him, right . Going further to help make drivers, better drivers. Dont freak out on me. Thats ford. And thats how you become americas bestselling brand. Whats the story behind Green Mountain coffee and fair trade . Lets take a flight to colombia. This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain coffee. Doctors recommend taking claritin every day distracting you . Of your allergy season for continuous relief. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy, 24hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Every day. We are launching a new partnership this morning with linkedin called work in progress. Technology available today could automate 45 of the jobs people are paid to perform across all occupations by the early 2030s, 38 of current jobs in the United States could be automated. Tony dokoupil shows us how robots could hurt one industry particularly hard. Tony, good morning. Good morninglet at least since the Industrial Revolution americans have worried about technology taking their jobs. Past inventions have created new jobs. Economists worry this time may be different. In maplewood, new jersey, he works the register of his family owned Convenience Store just as he has since high school. Here, we know all our customers. I have paper, candy, i know what they want. I have it there so its relate for them and it makes them feel good. How do you know . You can see when they come in. They have that smile on their face. One day gianni hopes to pass the job to a new generation, keeping it in the family or at the very least keeping it human. Other retailers have a very different dream. You can talk to it. It talks back to you. Can i help you find something . This autonomous multilingual robot helps people at lowes with indoor shopping. Kyle nell is executive director. It will help you find the thing youre looking for. Machine is one of 22 that the company is proudly testing in california. What may look awesome for lowes and many of the nations other businesses could spell anxiety for many workers. For decades robots have eaten up jobs. I dont think weve begun to grapple what that would mean to the economy if these jobs started to really go away in vast numbers. Linkedin managing editor has been studying automation. He said cashiers and retail workers may be it the hardest. This is the single biggest job category. Thats correct. It could go away in the next few years. Thats the fear. Scanning, bagging, swiping their credit cards. People in line will ask me, do you like it . I say, yeah, i recommend you get it because its easier o get out of store. At a store in seattle rngs sensors allow customers to shop, walk out and pay by a wireless account. Thats somewhere that may more resem bell the future were going to need. Many of the cashiers an retail workers of the world arent buying. They think the robot revolution overblown. Robot is not going to give you that personal interaction. Did you see the guy the other day struck out 17 ball players. Martinez. Thats what customers work. Judy works town the street at words bookstore. People still like to talk to somebody. I dont think you can replicate that. He says the store has no plans to replace human workers. Honestly and truly, the robots are just a support system. What aisle are Garage Door Openers . Im going to ask a person. You prefer that over the robot . Yeah. E oom going to ask a person. They said new scanners are r worker, but in all of these cases, nature of the work people are doing, the policy is to get people. E im with that lady. I want to ask a person. I do too. When you get somebody on the phone, im happy. Oh, its a real person. Totally, totally. I hope they dont go too far. Retailers are for getting that shopping is an experience. Its not just o buy something. Youre watching cbs this morning. Life. Pieces in my so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. Learn more about better breathing at mybreo. Com. Whats the best way to get v8 or a fancy juice store . S . Ready, go hi, juice universe . One large rutabaga, with eggplant. Done thats not fair. Glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. Welcome to holiday inn whether for big meetings or little getaways, there are always smiles ahead at holiday inn. Yay. Thats right. Sidney chafee was among the 55 than 30 church, labor, and neighborhood organizations Plan Resident trumps ta good morning, its 8 25. Im kenny choi. Today in San Francisco, more than 30 church labor and neighborhood organizations find plan to protest President Trumps tax plan at noon at the Federal Building on golden gate street. Bay area transportation officials have approved 13. 3 million in funding for a smart train extension project. Money will pay for a 2. 1mile route linking downtown san rafael to larkspur landing. Stick around; well have traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,, good morning. Time now 8 27. Heres your traffic update. We are tracking motorcycle crash and this is along westbound 92 as you approach highway 101. We are dealing with some delays out of hayward into foster city. About a 37minute ride across the span. Here is a look at your ride along or over at the bay bridge toll plaza. Traffic remains in the red just under 40 minutes from the maze into downtown San Francisco. And your drive time is jam packed. In the red. Although highway four just jumped into the yellow. Heres roberta with traffic. Thank you. Morning, everybody. Again, what a difference a day makes we yesterday had heavy drizzle and layers of clouds and now what were looking at is blue skies and unlimited visibility. Were looking at Telegraph Hill and coit tower at this particular time. The breeze has been kicking up out of the westnorthwest 13 Miles Per Hour. The temperatures have been inching upwards. Now at 54 in santa rosa after drifting into the high 50s this morning. Low 50s in San Francisco. 56 degrees in san jose. Low 50s in redwood city. Now, later today these temperatures are just slightly above average. We do have 63 degrees at Rockaway Beach to the mid to high 60s across the bay. San bruno all the way into burlingame, belmont, foster city, East Palo Alto all into the low 70s. Low 70s common across the tri valley. 74 degrees in fairfield back through the delta. We are talking about discovery bay, brentwood, tracy, oakley, orwood, as well. Very similar conditions tomorrow. Now, remember the winds will be a little brisk northwest 10 to 20. Then less wind over the weekend. Look at the temperatures spiking. Monday, tuesday, near or record warmth away from the water as we top off in the mid80s. ,,,, y can hear you. Im talking to th emotional. Now golf officials have announced this week players will no longer be penalized for infractions that cant be seen by the naked eye with people at the course. Hallelujah to the pga. Having referees from at home call in is not fair. Yeah. And Britains Guardian reports that baby humpback whales whisper to their mothers. Scientists on serve the faint squeaks for the first time. Researchers think the babies whisper to avoid attracting predators. This may help keep whale pods together in waters infested with killer whales. I wish my kids would whisper to me, but it usually involves screaming. Mom. Well, thats effective too. Its hard to imagine rock and roll today without thinking of multitalented foo fighters dave grohl. Behind every great rock star is someone who made it all possible. For dave its his mom virginia. She now revealing details about her son. But first heres a look back at his legendary career. Dave grohl has gained a reputation of being one of the nicest guys in rock. As a drummer, guitarist, songwriter, and filmmaker, hes also known as one of the most versatile. At 21 years old grohl pounded his way to fame as a drum bhiern behind kurt cobain and the multiplatinumselling grunge band here they are, nirvana. After kobanes sewer side in 1994, grohl traded in his drums for a guitar. He formed foo fighters, and in 1995 the band released their selftitled debut album written and recorded entirely by grohl. Foo fighters became symbolic of 90sstyle alternative rock. Creating some of the johnnas most recognizable anthems. With grohl as their front man, foo fighters have won 13 Grammy Awards over the last two deca decades. As one billboard critic said, the grunge generation didnt know it needed a springsteen or a petty, but it got one anyway. Daves mom now stepping into the spotlight. Her name is virginia hanlon grohl. Shes sharing personal stories about her sons rise to stardom. She spoke about pharrell williams, kelly clarkson, miranda lambert, dr. Dre, josh groban. Her book called the crayola stage, mothers who raised rock stars. Virginia and dave grohl, welcome to you both. Thank you so much. Thank you. Love being here. Dave, you wrote the forward to your moms book. Every musician remembers their first lesson where music is no longer just a song. In the front seat of the ford maverick, you and virginia grohl, what happened . We were on the way to the lake on a summer day and listening to the am radio which we also had and carly simons youre so vain soing came on the radio. My mother and i always sang in the car. When the chorus came, mick jagger, he sings on the song. So first they share the line and then theres a line where they split into harmony, right, and so carly simon sings i bet you think this song is about you dont you and my mother started singing mick jaggers line. Dont you, dont you. Right then i realized that two notes sung together like that create harmony and that creates a cord and so from that moment on, every song i heard, i was searching for harmony. And you said, i want to do that. It was i started listening to music, not just hearing it. When you talk to all the moms, virginia, every mother seems to have a story look that. You saw a lot of similarities with their mothers and their kids like it was unstoppable. They were tuned in in a different way. They heard sounds that dre heard the 70s music and he heard every instrument and every tone. And then he you know, what he did later was just put them all together. Take them apart. Was there an age. Always consistently, write this down, 12 to 13. They just declared at that point, music is my life. Dont expect me to do anything else. You have a chapter, whats a mother do. Thats my favorite chapter. It makes perfect sense. I mean, you know, my mother weve been close my entire life. You can tell. Shes very cool. Always she was a cool teacher at our high school. She was a Public School teacher for 35 year, so she was the coolest. Was she so cool that when you began sending her tape os your music she loved it . I dont know if she ever liked it, but she encouraged it to happen, you know. She was always very supportive. That was the thing. My mother sang when she was young. She was in acapella groups. The three bells. So there was always music around the house. I would listen to crazy punk rock music and we would listen to manhattan transfer and i would listen to david bowie and we would listen to jazz and it was always very musical. You know whats interesting to me . I have had a lot of friends who have been very successful. They would trade it all in if they could be a rock star. I agree. Not a bad gig. Ive about had worse jobs. Talk about that. Youre on stauj and you look as long as your eyes can see people singing your song and really loving you. Yeah. Whats that like for you . Its funny. When you write music you write something that you truly deepably believe or feel onto a napkin in your garage and then you sing it into a microphone and you wind up at a stadium full of 80,000 people where theyre senging it back to you, and theres something about that bond when that many people join together in the chorus. Its the most powerful feeling. Oh, yeah. Thats the great satisfaction of being live for the audience. Absolutely. It brings people together. Thats my favorite thing when im watching from the side of the stage from behind the curtain, i watch the audience and watch that energy transfernd i see them moving and bouncing and smiling and holding up their signs and singing along. You said your life was changed first time you heard a crowd scream for your son. I will say this. A lot of the mothers say they had the conversation. Thats where the kids, dave, came to you, and said i want to drop out of school. That happens with a lot of these rock star people. Yes, because they suddenly well, not suddenly but over a long period, school is very difficult. No one is assisting them in their love of this thing theyre obsessed with. You said thats one of the things, you didnt fight for dave in school. I could never make that different for him. And i was in that school. I was a part of ha whole system. But it just they had nothing for him. Even liked him. He got along with the teachers. Tod daesh, would it have been different if you didnt have the mom you had . No question. I think from the age of maybe nine or ten when i started playing music, had i i was so obsessed with it it became the puzzle where i just wanted to figure out the beatles song or the led zeppelin song. I spent most of my time in front of a record player with a guitar in my hand. Had i had a parent that said pick up your books. Pick up your books. Youre going to be an accountant. You know what else is cool, charlie . She writes one of the best events you liked was the Kennedy Center honors because you get to meet so many people. Theres aretha franklin. Look, charlie rose. Colbert just walked by. It was a moment you talk about, the people that you get to meet. The glitter and the glam of this. All right. Well, i got to meet president obama at a night when well, i have a photograph, and it records h. I should have brought it. Its me with my three favorite men in the world, president obama, paul mccartney, and my son. And me. And you. It was a pretty good night. This is wonderful. Thank you. Its nice that it comes right before mothers day. A reminder about mothers fostering their childrens passion. So love low to meet you. What show do you watch every morning h. I watch cbs this morning faithfully, yes. All right. Go home and write another book. So i can come back. She wrote, look, theres charlie rose. From cradle to stage is on sale now. Hundreds of drones are creating work in the night sky. Carter evans finds out how. Reporter im in one of intels drone laboratories in santa clara, california. This little drone is one of those that performs a dazzling light show in the sky above lady gaga during the super bowl halftime show. Were going to take a look next and one of the ways their ground breaking,,,,,,,,,,,, the popularity of drones is growing. The synchronized shooting star drones are created by intel. Carter evans shows us the methods behind the spectacular nighttime displays. Reporter many the california desert, these socalled shooting star drones turn the dark of night into a canvas in the sky. For cotell la, we introduced animation. Natalie chungs team has been in drone light show business for about a year and a half. Their first air achievement, choreographing 100 drones to music. Whats it like to be there when one of these drone sworms takes off . Nots of pure excitement and joe. Im so excited to see these trones take off. Now they can find as many as 500 synchronized drones. To create these spectacles, naft build it on a computer. Then we upload it whole fleet of drones. So theyre all following a preplanned pattern many sky. We know exactly whats goepg to happen to our drones. Her biggest stage yet was lady gagas halftime show at super bowl li. They watched the twinkle drones form a giant american flag. With liberty and justice for all. Reporter drones are taking intel in a new direction. The company normally associated with micro processors and semiconductors is about to release its first commercial drone. Theful con 8 plus. You sometimes want to take pictures below. Reporter with a highrisk camera and other sensors, h drone can be used for a variety of infrastructure which can help keep humans out of harms way. It utilizes the same Autopilot Technology except there are no humans manning it. That is the pilot and that managing the whole fleet as we call it. Intel works closely with the faa to get special permission to launch a drone swarm. It requires one pilot per drone and they can only fly during daylight. One pilot with a laptop can control multiple drones at night but never directly above an audience. Its made out of foam and black it is. Its really light. The Performance Team itself is actually small. We need two people, pilot and backup pilot. Whos backup for . In case the pilot cant make it to the event. It has over 4 billion color combinations. But one of the best parts ooh of the show. Thats one of the coolest things. Its so beautiful, to see all these stars and drones falling down gracefully. Theres a slight little buzz around you. Its great. And if youre wondering what happens if a drone should fail or lose communication with a computer, they use gps to find their way home and land by themselves. For cbs this morning, carter evans, santa clara, california. Responsible drone operation. You can hear more on our podcasts. Find interviews and podcast originals on it,, whoa youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. You ,,,,,,, protests today. Conservative speaker ann coulter canceled her visit good morning. Im kenny choi. Berkeley police are gearing up for protests today. Conservative speaker ann coulter canceled her visit over safety concerns. But supporters from both sides say that they still plan to gather today. Extra patrol is expected throughout the city. President trump wants revenge against the court that ruled against him. A federal judge in San Francisco recently blocked his sanctuary city ban. President trump told the Washington Examiner he wants to break up the ninth circuit. And the nfl draft kicks off tonight in philadelphia for the First Time Since the 1960s. The 49ers have the second overall pick. The raiders have the 24th pick in the first round. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,, good morning. Delays on 880 in that northbound direction. Its still in the red. About 40 minutes from 238 on out towards the maze. Drive time continues to show speeds in the red. We are tracking delays on all of our bay area majors. You can see in the red along highway 92 and 101 and 580. Roberta . I dont think i have ever been able to do this before. I called up my mount vaca camera and we can actually see all the way into the skyline of San Francisco. That tells you what the visibility is like across the bay area. What a difference a day makes from 24 hours ago. Good morning, everybody right now, we are settling into the mid to high 50s. Breezy winds highs in the 60s and low 70s up to 74 degrees my outside number. Northwest breeze 10 to 20 during the day. Maybe a degree warmer tomorrow. And additional winds. Then less wind as High Pressure settles into the bay area over the weekend. 60s beaches low 80s inland and yes, monday, tuesday we are talking 86 degrees away from the water. 60s at the seashore. We got ourselves a baseball game in the sun today giants praying host to the dreaded dodgers. Game time temperatures 63 degrees. ,,,, wayne yeah jonathan its a new bedroom tiffany 15,000 wayne were gonna play 0 to 80. screaming wayne you ready to make a deal . Absolutely jonathan its a new hot tub faster, wow give me that box jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hello, america. Welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. Thank you so much for tuning in. Were going to make a deal right now. I need a couple to make a deal with me. I need a couple. I need a couple. Youve got to be in a couple. Are you guys a couple . Come on. Everybody else have a seat for me, please. Watch your step, watch your step. Hello, and you are kristin and lee

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