Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170818

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custody, but the search for that driver continues. three days of mourning have- declared to honor the 13 -- have been declared to honor the 13 develops killed. all events -- 13 victims killed. all events have been canceled. the president issued a almost immediate response to the attack in barcelona. he tweeted, the united states condemns the terror attack in barcelona, spain and will do whatever is necessary to help. the tough -- be tough and strong. we love you. about an hour later, he tweeted the widely debunked rumor to call atongs what he called radical islamic study. he said study what the united states did to terrorists when caught there was no morris lambic terror for 35 years. he referenced an unsubstantiated tale about general pershing dipping bullets in pig's blood to execute islamic terrorists and burying them with dead pigs. the attack is the latest in series i've tack in europe using vehicles to target pedestrians. the tedlyest was in gal of -- july of last year what truck ran over people celebrating bastille day. 86 people were killed. last december a attack in pearlen left -- berlin left 11 people dead. last june terrorists began to stab people at a market. 8 killed n maroon suv mode down people on westminster bridge killing 5 people and injuring 49. for more on today's attack we are beyond by a former fbi agent rick smith. first, your thoughts when you heard this happened again in -- [audio not understandable] >> reporter: it's not close to be diminished. you have to learn somethings from it but this is unsophisticated but it's effective. that's the most important thing. it's effective because it spreads terror. people are afraid to go to functions hike this or anyplace where it's busy. you will be concerned. it's difficult to identify the people, little intell generals and it's centralized and they are so radical -- self- radicalized people there's no headquarters sending out messages. it makes it more difficult to catch the people before the things happen. >> today's attack is the latest in a soaries of serious -- a series of attacks where vehicles are use to run no crowds of people. can anything be done to prevent the attacks or even prepare for them? >> reporter: you can have better physical security around certain things. look, they moved away from hard target that -- targets that are iconic and they move away from stuff like that, because these are not protected. there's no security down a main street. so they can get away with it. it's unsophisticated and they can get away, at least to a certain extent. what you can do, i mean, we need to gather more intelligence, we need to work together between law enforcement agencies. the problem in europe is there'sseveral different law enforcement agencies involved. you have the preench -- french and the spanish and the german it's not the same in this country where you have the intelligence community and law enforcement in washington, d.c. it's a little different and harder to accomplish. it's coming here. i don't think there's in question it will happen. >> talk about self- radicalization. and this may be the case of what happened in spain because we are hearing that these were moroccans but were spanish citizens and born in spain but of moroccan descent. if people are searching for isis training manuals and other ideas on how to carry out a tear of the attack like this, should that be a red flag for google and other companies to alert authorities? >> reporter: yeah. it should be a red flag. everybody has to cooperate. you can't utilize you know the term privacy to preclude law enforcement from doing their job. and every -- at every turn. certainly, you want a situation where there's no, you know, oversite by law enforcement and inhe tell generals -- intelligence but you have to give us a chance to see if we can identify the people radicalized. and they are not getting direction. they are groups that forel and get inspired -- form and get inspired and can commit the things because they are so unsophisticated. all tough do is give up your life -- all you have to do is give up your life and you can kale lot of people. >> the types of attacks are coming here. we have busy tourists spots in the u.s. where there's a lot ofpedestrian traffic like time scare in new york. how soon and what kind of changes, you mentioned barriers, do you think we will see in these areas. >> reporter: i think first of all, 5 or 10 years ago you would never conceive of something like that barriers. main thorough fares. i guarantee right now, cities are thinking about that. that's where we are today. at least they are considering something like that. that's a sad commentary but you better think about things like that. give law enforcement the tools to do something about these things. >> all right. rick smith former fbi agent in san francisco, thanks for your perspective. we appreciate it. >> congressman is speak out. he tweeted horrific news in so i brant barcelona. struck by terrorism. we stand with our ally in the grief. the world will defeat this evil. >> san francisco police department also tweeted a response trying to calm fears about the possibility of a similar attack in the city. the post read there are no known threats to san francisco. sfpd increased patrols at the sturists low case. stay -- tour hoistscations. stay -- tourists locations. stay with us for continuing coverage. the alameda county sheriff office arrested three people in connection with the death of a new father pablo mendoza, 26- year-old brandon follings and valerie bo departmenten of alameda face murder charges. 29-year-old daniel deltoreo was shot to death on july 19th while pushing his infant son in a stroller. investigators are asking anyone with information about the case to contact them. a tense stand off between an armed man and a suicidal man in livermore has ended with a suspect shot and killed. ktvu crime reporter henry leaf is live where the man head the home on fire and came at officers with gun. >> reporter: still very much an active scene. the day after this officer- involved shooting, a 54-year- old man was shot dead by police. this after officers say he shot into his mobile home, set it on fire and came outside with shotgun. neighbors say he was having marital problem. this is cell phone video of a mobile home going up in flames at the end of a two-hour stand off. livermore police say they had no choice but to shoot a man who started the fire and came outside and brandished a shotgun at them. >> the subject came out the front door, armed with a shotgun. the subject refused to obey commands of the officers, and they were trying to negotiate with him. officers fired on the subject. they immediately rendered first aid but he was pronounced deceased on the scene. >> reporter: it started around 9 wednesday night. neighbors called police saying the man was acting bizarre and challenging people with to fight. when officers arrived, he was armed with a rifle and went inside the mobile home. authorities say he fired numerous rounds while inside the house. a crisis negotiator was brought in to try to calm him down. during the stand off, police say he made suicidal remarks. about two hours later when he he was alone at home, he started -- alone at the home eric started a fire e came -- home. he started a fire. he came outside with a shot gun but in this video from witness it appears to be a armored car to the left and gunfire. . >> i didn't see anything i heard gunshots -- i didn't see anything. i heard gunshots. there was one and a pause, and maybe 6 to 10 after. >> reporter: after the shooting, flames shot high in the sky. for fighters quickly put the -- firefighters quickly put the fire out. >> it's very scary to think it could have affected a lot of people in this place. and it's near my mom's house so, you know it's sad somebody had to lose their life. >> reporter: the man has not been officially identified but he has been married twice and accused of domestic abuse. in one court filing his wife said he spoke of having guns in his home. now we reached out to the man's estranged wife. she didn't want to comment. this incident remains under investigation by livemore police and the alameda county da's office. live in livermore, henry lee, ktvu, fox 2 news. >> when will the neighbors be able to return home or are they? because we see a lot of activity behind you, still. >> reporter: yeah, part of the mobile home park is still taped off. we did see someone coming up in a car very angry, yelling, because he couldn't access his trailer. but, i think the officer here might be here for sometime as they diagram the scene and finish the investigation. >> all right thank you henry. a tow truck driver is recovering after being shot in san francisco's mission district. the 27-year-old man was in the process of towing a car yesterday afternoon. that was blocking traffic on alabama street near garfield square. police say another car pulled up next to the tow truck and the driver opened fire. the gunman then took off. no arrest have been made. the tow truck driver is expected to survive. the family of a man killed in crash on highway 17 gets millions of dollars from two trucking companies. coming up at 5:30, the victim's parents say it's not about the money. it's about making roads safer. >> before the family could move into their new home, the possessions were gone. coming up, the story of a marine who moved to the bay area and immediately lost nearly everything he owned. this story has a bright side. plus... >> the train got the federal okay to start normal business operations very, very soon. >> and in weather a. little bump in the temperatures for today. under mostly sunny skies, coming up, we are talking about even a warmer friday forecast. we will take look at the numbers coming up in your neighborhood after the break. he break. we have new information about a violent crash in oakland that left two young boys dead. police say a chrysler 300 sedan was heading west on international boulevard when it was struck broadside by a chevy suv around 8:30 last night. the alameda county coroner identified the two children who died as 11-year-old nixon lopez and his 6-year-old brother ezequias. a eyewitness says the impact sent the chrysler airborne. she and others including police officer who were nearby, raced over to the vehicles. >> we all rushed to the car, you know, and trying to see if she was okay. she was out of it. she was slumped over, blowing. and -- bleeding. and at that time we saw wouldn't kid was on the floor in the back seat, and everybody started to panic because we had no idea a kid was in the car. it's the worst accident i've seen. it was just super sad. i can't stop thinking about the kids and the mom. >> police tell us it is not clear if the boys were riding in car seats or wearing seat belts. three other people in the two cars were hurt. they are all said to be in stable condition today. investigators said alcohol and speed do not appear to be factors in this crash. regular daily service will start next week on the new smart train in the north bay. aisle will be the first -- it will be the first regular rail service in the area in 70 years. ktvu tom baker tells us about the federal approval the train received today. >> reporter: as of friday, the 25th, smart train will begin service over the initial 43 mile stretch from santa rosa to san rafael. the currently free service will go half fare until labor day. after which full fares will apply. the seniors, students andisabled will stay at half fare. full fare round trips can run as high as $23 a day but commuters can buy an unlimited monthly pass for $200. >> when you take into the account of what it takes to put a vehicle on the road, you know i think absolutely that's a fair price. >> i would love to take the train inform possible. but it's he can pensive and for me -- expensive. and for me, it's not as worth it to take the train as drive. >> reporter: weekday service begins at 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. there will be 34 trips on weekdays, 10 daily trips on weekends. these are not just railroad tracks. far from it. there are brand new commute capacity needed commute capacity in a place where the 101 during the commutes is almost always sold out. >> when they leave their home, they know what time they will get to the defendant initial on the train. you can't do that on highway 101. >> we will cut that in half while you are drinking latte and enjoying the cell phones and doing what you need to do. >> if the smart train reduces the afternoon traffic on 101 north, that will be a blessing. >> reporter: one complaint, not enough stops. >> i hope it works, but my wife is not going to use it because it doesn't work for her. she works in nevadao and we live in -- in a vato and we -- novato. >> reporter: when the north and south core do is complete it will stretch 70 miles to cloverdale service will extend eastward into the se noma -- sonoma valley. >> we have 14 cars and four more being manufactured right now. and so we will continue to get as many cars as we need. >> reporter: just like bart, when it was new, what is new and unproven here looks like it will be something that grows along with north bay populations. tom vacar. >> will you hop on the train. >> that would be a great view from marin to sonoma county. that will be a game changer. as far as weather, lots of sunshine across a good portion of the bay area. here's the satellite. you can see lower clouds hanging out near the shoreline. so, south of the golden gate bridge, we are seeing more breaks in the overcast. but, here we go with the fog bank that's getting its act together. not going away for too long a pretty good onshore wind and the fog will work its way into the area overnight. coast side and around the bay. let's check in on some of the current numbers. san francisco 64. 80s out towards liver mover. today warmer compared to --livermore. today warmer compared to yesterday: we will check in on the wind speeds. they are not extremely strong but a bit of a breeze towards oakland. 18-mile-an-hour and fs -- sfo westerly sustained at 23 miles per hour. a bit of a breeze towards the airport. a live camera towards golden gate bridge. seems strange to see mostly clear sky. a few patches in the upper portion of the screen. a little warmer for friday. for the beaches, mid-60s. around the bay either side of 08 and inland neighborhood, lower 90s. so, not a big surprise in the forecast for tomorrow. we have been dealing with the same pattern but it will be warmer for -- but it will be warmer for friday and saturday. beaches in the 60s. around the bay aircrafts poaching lower 80s. and inland we are thinking lower 90s. two warmest days of the week headed or way tomorrow and into saturday. here we go with the forecast models showing you the form towards san francisco. out towards -- fog towards san francisco and out towards half- moon bay and richmond and oak lan. clouds clear near the coastline. we are showing you all sorts of colors with the greens in the 60s. 90s showing up in a few spots. at least getting hot up towards clear lake 100 degrees. we had a stretch of triple digit heat earlier this summer. not the case tomorrow. but fairfield 91. vacaville 95. be a right -- and right around bay to 70 and 80. and lots of lower 90s towards livermore and pleasantton. san jose 84. sunnyvale 81 and san francisco the clouds in the morning. forecast high of 70 by the afternoon hours with increasing sunshine especially downtown. here's a look at the five-day forecast, the beach has not warmed up too much. they are in the 60s. around the bay, lower 80s. and then into the weekend for saturday. 90s inland and we will cool things off into next week. but it has been a static, stable weather week in the bay area at least forecasting wise. feel like we have been saying the same over and over again. but we will take a warmup. >> when julie came back, it got somebody -- got back, it got sunny. >> that's a nice correlation. coming up, the marine and his family left about everything -- lost about everything they owned when the u-haul was stolen from in front of their new home. but that's not the end of the story. coming up in a little bit, see how a bay area community rallied around the family. >> and coming up on the news at 6, the trump administration poised to rollback one of the affordable care act's most controversial policies. the so-called contraception mandate. the new rules expected to be issued by federal health officials. >> a dozen new water projects competing for billions of dollars in state funding. the bay area reservoir up for consideration. a long journey in time and distance may be over for a world war ii solders remains and tags of dale w ross were found in godda canal. he was fighting there in 1943 against the japanese when he disappeared. dough vendents of his in oregon have been notified and the bones are being tested by -- decrendent of his -- descendents of his has been notified and the bones are being tested for identity. soldier lost just about everything when the moving van was stolen. >> when word got out about what happened, strangers stepped up to help. rob ross spoke with the marine and his wife who -- rob roth spoke with the marine and his wife. >> reporter: moving into a new apartment can be stressful under the best of circumstances. but, for u.s. marine sergeant rafael odama and his wife and 4- year-old marisa, it's been a nightmare. >> it's gotten a little rougher. >> reporter: he transferred from camp pendleton to santa rosa toserve as recruiter e loaded the possessions -- recruiter. he loaded the possession in the u-truck. couldn't unload until the next morning and parked in front of the apartment complex on third street overnight. but in the morning, the truck was gone. >> it was pretty upsetting, and frustrating this happened. and then i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: police later found the truck a mile and a half away, but the thief or thieves took almost everything including marisa's toys and baby photos, and alexis' wedding dress. >> i did want to keep that for just a millionry and to treasure and maybe pass it on, but now i can't. >> the flags i received from my time in the military. three months -- pretty much everything. pretty much we were left to sleep on the floor because they took our beds. so, the people were ruthless. >> reporter: he took a picture of the broken truck passenger padlock. they are checking the truck for fingerprints and he says he and his wife are looking to see if anyone is trying to sell their stolen items online. there has been a bright side. when word went out about what happened, people, strangers, began to donate thousands of dollars in cash and gift cards through the why country marine of sonoma. >> extremely grateful. and surprised in a way. because like, the people don't know us. and just to have people give us hundreds of dollars just like that, it's like, restores my faith in humanity. >> reporter: as authority thieves, the sergeant has this to say. >> karma goes full circle and they will get theirs. but, it's something terrible to do to a family. >> reporter: rob roth ktvu, fox 2 news. >> they find the people responsible for that, that is pretty low. killed on highway 17. on his way to work. today we learned this man's family got a multi million dollar payout they hope this is only the first step to making roads safer. >> terrorists target another american ally. latest on the attack that killed 13 people in barcelona. na. now to the latest on what authorities say was a terror attack in a popular tourist area of barcelona, spain many we are just getting word -- spain. we are getting word that spanish police say they prevented a possible second attack shooting and killing several people southeast of barcelona. isis claimed responsibility for what happened in barcelona. at least 13 people were killed when a van plowed into pedestrians in the las ramblas district. as many as 100 people were hurt. officials say the driver of the van is still on the run tonight. >> we ask u.s. citizens in the air yo to let your -- area to let your loved ones know you are safe. terrorists around the world should note united states and our allies are resolved to find you and bring you to justice. >> this is the deadliest terror attack in spain since 2004 when 192 people were killed and cured -- in coordinated bombings on commuter trains in madrid. we learned about a multi million dollar settlement reached in the death of a santa cruz man who died in a big rig accident on highway 17 near lows gatos. we sat down with the man's parents about what it means to them and what it means about legislature. >> i think about my son every day. >> reporter: the parents of daniel mcgwire held hands after reaching a settlement against the trucking companies blamed in their son's death. >> i hadn't processed it yet. >> reporter: the 25 year old man who graduated with honors from san jose state university was killed on his way to work at this building in campbeller with worked as a corporate recruiter. while stuck in rush hour track on northbound highway 17 -- near electrickington reservoir the morning of july 10, 2014, a big rig truck's brakes failed and sloomed into his car. this is what was left of his honda civic. >> it's painful as it is just to come home and think about it every day. >> reporter: the family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the operator of the trucking company. painting trucking inc. for negligence and accusing the owner of trying to cover up the lack of inspections. wednesday they reached a 9 1/2 million dollar settlement. >> it's a large settlement. but it was not about the money. it was about making a statement, a loud statement to the trucking industry. >> this was a recipe for disaster. the investigating chp officer said it was the worst set of brakes he ever seen. >> reporter: the mcgwires' attorney says the inspection that they provide was filled out after the accident. family is hoping for further change. >> right now, you can obtain a commercial driving permit or license, without even having behind the wheel training. that's ridiculous. >> reporter: the mcgwires who lost another son in a separate accident of years -- 6 year priors say they have dreams about daniel and three years later, his mother's still refusing to drive on highway 17.the two trucking companies named in the suit have since gone out of business. meanwhile, sol the family is focused on passing daniel's law if pass wood make it mandatory for truck drivers to have behind the wheel training before getting their commercial license in california. near lexington reservoir maureen naylor. bart is offering a 10,000 dollar bonus to help a tract -- attract new police officers. police chief row has made the announcement this morning after the hiring our heroes event in san francisco. he says the department has 39 openings for new officers and he wants to fill the positions within the next 18 months. chief rojas says there's a spike in crime on trains and at stations this year. >> we want to make sure we ensure that our riders are feeling safe and we have enough staff to police not only our stations, but our trains and parking lots. >> chief rojas says they areactively searching for military members to join bart's police force. president trump is going back and forth with senator lindsey graham on twitter. the south carolina republicaunleashed a barrage of tweets. graham said because of the president's reaction to the tragedy there, mr. trump is now receiving praise from some of the most racists and hate filled individuals and groups in our country. he also urged president trump to make things right saying "history is watching us all. president trump responded on twitter saying "publicity seeking lindy graham falsely tate -- lindsey graham falsely stated i said there are moral equivalency between kkk neo nazis and white prep -- white supremacists such a disgusting lie. president trump is ready to wipe out another of his predecessors' regulations and this is watched closely by pro life groups and business owners. >> we will not allow people of faith to be targeted bullied or silenced anymore. >> reporter: more than 3 month after signing an executive order on religious freedom, the trump administration is poised to rollback one of the affordable care act most controversial policies, the so- called contraception mandate. federal health officials expected to issue new rules overturning the obama era requirement that forced most employers to provide birth control coverage to the workers with no out of pocket costs. according to a draft of the new regulation, not only will religiously affiliated hospitals, schools and businesses be allowed to on the out of providing contraception, but any employer with religious or moral options will now be eligible for an exemption as well. evangelical christians has been foyting that for the last 6 years. arguing that providing some forms of contraception such as the morning after pill was a so i lation of the religious beliefs -- pill was a violation of the religious beliefs. >> that is ability to enter into education or wherever they go and do so guided by their faith not having to check their faith at the door, not having to hide it. >> reporter: the new regulation is still being finalized, several pro choice groups are preparing to challenge it in court. >> we are all readying ourselves for a big fight on this. it's basic and life saving health care and we should be doing everything we can to make it more affordable and accessible for women. >> reporter: in washington, garrett teny, fox news. the trump administration has labeled this regulation as an interim final rule. meaning it will take effect without any public comment as soon as the final version is published. and for now, the white house is not saying when that will be -- that will be. a mistake almost ended in disaster at sfo when an air canada plane barely missed others when it tried to land. the new changes put in place to make sure that doesn't happen again.>> a man who chases total solareclips around the world. eclipse junkee explains yes can't get enough. . food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. sfo is making changes to the landing protocols in response to a near disaster last month involving an air canada flight. the pilot of that plane lined up to lapped on the taxiway -- land on the taxiway where planes were waiting to take off. the pilot aboard the landing coming within feet of several planes filled with passengers. sfo says from now on at night, at least 2 air traffic controllers must be monitoring flights and pilots will not be allowed to make so-called visual approaches. they will have to use the plane's saturdayel the light -- satellite system to line up with correct runways. two top official insisted the united states is prepared to take military action against north korea. the statements contradict comments from steve bannon the president's chief strategist who said in an interview yesterday that a military solution in the korean peninsula was impossible. the mixed signals are causing confusion with asha allies of the u.s. and -- asian allies of the u.s. >> we call on north korea to choose a better path than one of provocation and threats. such a path is not in its own best interests nor in the best interests of any other nation. >> bannon said north korea mightconsider curbing the program if troops withdraw from south korea but today general dunford dismissed that possibility. noble peace prize winner will attend oxford university this fall. she tweeted an image of the confirmation notice revealing she will study politics philosophy and economics at the institution. she became an international figure in 2012 when she was just 15. the taliban gunman shot her in the head as she boarded a school bus. she served as an outspoken advocates for women's rights to education. the solar eclipse is a once in a lifetime event. but not for everyone. >> i'm junkee. an addict. -- junky, an addict. i seen 15 total eclipses. >> the solar eclipse junky tells why he chases them around the world. >> and in weather, a bit of a warming trend for today. area of fog trying to regroup near pourings of the coastline. coming up, we will let you know if the warning trend continues and we will look at forecast for the partial eclipse here in the bay area. for many people, seeing a total eclipse is a bucket list trip once in a lifetime experience before but for a uc berkeley professor of astronomy this is going to be total eclipse number 16. >> he is known as a eclipse chasey. we talked to him about the chase and the big group he is taking with him this time. >> reporter: watch out for at the tell telescope and it's obvious he is in his happy place. >> i am a junky and addict. i've seen 15 total soulars eclipses. >> reporter: and when he talks about why he chases solar eclipses, he admits words just don't seem to do it justice. >> well, a total solar eclipse is a mind blowing, awesome experience. idea fies description. you have to be there -- defies description. you have to be there to experience it. >> reporter: he trafd all over the -- traveled all over the world chasing the mind blowing experience and proposed to his wife on an eclipse trip and has t-shirts to mark most. but this brought him full circle. >> my first total solar eclipse was on february 2th, 1979. that was this fact the last total solar eclipse to have reach the continental u.s. so we have what long dry spell, 38 years. and i watched that one in oregon and i will watch this one in oregon as well. so it's like a homecoming. >> reporter: and while he says each one is different, and specious special, this one is remarkable because it -- special, this one is remarkable because the long trek over land will allow so many to see it. >> 12 million americans live within the path of totality, and fully 27% of the pop larks i think, lives within 200 or 250 miles of the path of totality. so it's accessible. a lot of people will be able to see it. they don't have to travel to some far corner of the world. >> reporter: and viewing can be complicated. no matter what the sun and moon do, if why don't -- if you don't have clear skies you can't see it. oregon and idaho are predicted to have the best chance. but it will be packed and oregon wild fires have made things a little more challenging. closing miles of roads and trails where tens of thousands of people were supposed to view the eclipse. >> traffic on eclipse day could be staggering. it's possible that the roads will be a complete parking lot. no one knows what's going to happen. >> reporter: but while the ground and the skies might be unpredictable, the eclipse is not. if you can't get to this one, there is a silver lining. >> if you have to miss this one, there's another chance coming up in the u.s. april, 2024. -- april 8th, 2024. so 7 years later. >> reporter: put it on the calendar and bucket list. but make sure you see at least one total eclipse. >> most people, once they've seen one, understand what the hype is all about. not everyone. but most people say wow. this was really something special. i did not anticipate this. i saw the photographs and i heard the descriptions and but in real life, the experience is inscribable. >> reporter: claudine wong. >> and don't forget we will have complete coverage on monday morning. our extended coverage begins at 9 a.m. right here on ktvu. and one of the things that some folks are saying, mark, is put down the iphone, put down the camera. just enjoy it and experience it. because there's going to be a lot of pictures after the fact. so might as well soak it in. >> enjoy the moment. yes. here are the glasses -- tha are selling off the shelves out there. >> you are not supposed to look at it. you need protective glasses. >> how long does it last. >> i think peak is 2 minutes. but you can see it setting up for the hour before and all that. it will be -- it will be a very -- it will be a beautiful experience, but the weather is always the determining factor for us. and after you cross the country, it would be a shame to be in the path of a total eclipse and have clouds move in and block that. because that would be -- that would not be a good outcome and we will have the forecast for you coming up in a few seconds. but as far as today, we had temperatures in the 60s, 70s and 80s a few low 90s towards antioch 91. san osay 81. - san jose 81. and san francisco 67. there's the fog bank we will be talking about this over the next few days leading up to monday for the main event for the partial eclipse here in the bay area. coming up closer, here we have a pretty good onshore wind as well. and the fog near the coast. and near pours of the bay. this expands in coverage. we won't wipe out marine layer. but let's check in on the current numbers out there. san francisco, 63. san jose, 79 degrees. livermore 85. and santa rosa in the upper 70s. checking in at 77. here is the live camera looking towards san francisco. and still, mostly clear skies out there. a little haze out there working the haze working its way back into the bay for today. at least for tomorrow morning, in the city, areas of fog. temperatures in the upper 50s. 57 degrees. and by lunchtime, partly sunny skies, 67. and wrapping up after the afternoon hours, fair skies and breezy and temperatures around 70 degrees. we have been hearing a lot about the eclipse over the past few weeks and the main show is monday morning with the solar eclipse with the sun and the moon and the earth all in alignment. and at least for the path of the total solar eclipse, you can see this is the expected forecast of cloud cover. we may have problem spots across country especially towards missouri and towards the south and to the east. we will watch out for that. of course, it may change. and this is the high cloud cover across the country. but for us, we will be concerned with the low cloud cover as well. see the times around 10:15 and 10:16 and the -- towards santa rosa. 78% of the sun will be blocked and down towards monterey and monterey bay, 71% will be blocked. so, as far as the cloud cover, mostly cloudy skies now. this is we are calling it a rough draft yesterday. we are adding more detail to this each day. and at least for right now, pretty good chance of clouds for the coast. possibly around the bay as well. closer to san francisco. inland, we should have fair skies. towards sonoma county, should have fair skies and for the higher terrain. that will be a good plan as well. so at least for tomorrow, no big changes to the forecast. it will be just a touch warmer. the coast will be in the 60s around the bay. mid-70s to low 80s in the inland neighborhoods. we are thinking 90s out there around 92 possibly 93 degrees. so here we go with the cloud pattern tomorrow morning. near the coast and portions of the bay and clearing back to the shoreline. bright colors represent the warm and hot temperatures. so warming trend will continue in the friday forecast. we are showing you this, santa rosa 85. fairfield 91 degrees. oakland will go 76 and lots of low 90s for livermore and pleasantton. antioch 93. san jose 84. gilroy 09 and san francisco 70 -- 90 and san francisco 70. temperatures the two warmest days of the week heading our way tomorrow and saturday. and then just minor cooling trend into monday and, of course, we have the low cloud trying to comfort sun. these forecast for the 4th of july fireworks forecast and eclipse like the eclipse forecast for monday, as a meteorologists you get nervous and are trying to add a lot of detail and hopefully the fog behaves. we will watch out for that closely. >> we will see. >> thank you, mark. we just received new information involving today's terror attack in barcelona. spanish police are now confirming officers shot and killed 4 suspects in a separate alleged terror plot about 60 miles south of barcelona. >> of course, this is happening as the search continues for the driver of the van that plowed into a group of pedestrian in barcelona killing 13 people, injuring 100 others. we will have a full report coming up at the top of the hour at 6. we will take a short break and we will be right back with more after this. a pair of sergeant in the san francisco police department who are married say a attempted kidnapping and spike in car break-ins inspired them to create a new police program for children. >> it's called hunters chest named after the couple's own son. and as terra moriarty tells us it is providing comfort for victims crime and those whose parents are ahe rested. >> we have coloring books. >> reporter: she and her husband assembled the care packages. >> we have crayons to keep them entertained. >> reporter: for children who are victims of crimes or whose parents have been arrested. >> i believe it's a size 3 diapers. >> reporter: the pair are sergeants with the san francisco police department and parent of two little boys noticed while parents were filing police reports or being interviewed the kid would be restless hungry or need a fresh diaper. >> on numerous occasions we be changing diapers on the tailgate of the truck. and entertaining children while help came from another state or another city. >> reporter: rich found himself running out to his truck to grab his 3-year-old son's hunter's toys to give to the children. >> often time they are tourists and got stuff stolen. when they do, sometimes the diaper bag is stolen. and they come to the station and the kids have nothing. >> reporter: after an attempted kidnapping at the building in may, the joneses sprung into action creating a large box filled with bags of toys and water and other items. >> as a parent, i connect with this. as somebody i understand how hard it can be to rangeel ad to her or have a newborn -- wrangel a toddler or have newborn to keep them entertained. >> reporter: the special victims unit has this and the goal to have it at every station. >> my husband and i said we will fund it out of our pockets if we need be. we want to see it there. >> it makes me -- it's great. >> reporter: the jones family and sfpd are asking for used books and games and stuffed animals so if you would like to help out, we will be providing a link on the ktvu web page. >> parents get it right? you don't want to see a kid hurt or upset. so, to see them coming in, and be able to give them something really brightens their day. >> reporter: in san francisco terra moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. the highway patrol says it's an irony in suspected drunk driving crash. were called to southbound highway 1 yesterday morning. you can see the car lost control and flipped over and landed on its roof. the chp says the driver hit this sign asking people to report drunk drivers. the driver was taken to a local hospital and he is expected to face drunk driving charges. ktvu fox 2 news at 6 starts right now. what happened? oh, god. >> terror on the streets of barcelona after a van plowed into a pedestrian mall in a popular tourist area of razz lamb blast running down everyone in the path. good evening. i am julie haener. >> the spanish prime continuester -- minister is calling it a savage terrorist attack. it's 3 in the morning in barcelona. the attack happened 9 hours agoch the death toll now stands at 13. more than 100 people were injured. at least 15 of them are seriously injured. spanish authorities declared 3 days of mourning across the region as for the attackers, isis is claiming responsibility. police did arrest two people soon after the attack, but neither of them were the driver of the van. >> kristina rendon is live with details on the manhunt that's coming in. >> reporter: the latest word from police in spain is they have shot and killed several people in the seaside resort town 16 miles from barcelona and initial reports indicate this is a separate terror incident. now local media is reporting the suspects may have been carrying suicide explosive belts in an effort to carry out a similar attack to the one hours earlier on a summer evening in barcelona. the sound of sirens, filled the street in the las ramblas district of barcelona, spain. >> what happened? oh, god. >>reporter: the van jumped a curb be a plowed through the crowd swerving back and forth a senior police official said it was clearly a terror attack intended to kill as many people as possible. >> i heard many people screaming. than i saw the van going down the boulevard. you could see all the bodies through las ramblas it was brutal. >> reporter: image are horrific. we won't show you the worst. victims are sprawled in the streets as strangers or loved ones ten to the wounded.there's been complete confusion. the police order us to close the restaurants. all our terras have been evacuate because people are panicking. the panic you can't react you don't know how to react. >> reporter: barcelona went into lock down.

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