Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170715

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young women and a 5-year-old boy. horrific africa -- accident was captured by cameras at the lucky 37 restaurant. a car plows into a crosswalk and strikes to -- to york -- two young women. >> the lights flash right before me and then i remember the car hitting me. and then i remember i was the first one to wake up. >> reporter: carla mendoza says she saw her cousin jackie and her 5-year-old brother laying on the ground. both unconscious. >> and i thought they didn't make it. it was pretty horrible. >> reporter: they had just gotten off a bus to go home after taking a tricked -- a trip to the supermarket. they were about halfway through the crosswalk when they saw a gray car approaching. >> it was pretty far. to the point that we -- you would see us and they would stop. >> reporter: the 18-year-old has a broken pelvis and multiple bruises. karl's little brother jonathan remains in a hospital. he suffers from a spinal cord injury and is paralyzed. mom tells me he may be in the hospital up to a year. unknown if he will be able to walk again. >> not being able to protect him again -- it's a very scary feeling. >> honestly i thought i was dead when i was on the floor. i thought i was gone. >> reporter: jackie velasquez can be seen on the ground to the left of the car. she has undergone surgery for chest injuries. and also suffers from broken ribs. she is thankful to be alive. >> death was so close. but it's not your time yet. just live, keep living. you still have a long way to go. >> reporter: the owner of lucky 37 restaurant says there's been three incidents where vehicles have struck pedestrians. he blames it on speeding drivers and people on their cell phones. he wants the city to install traffic controls at that intersection. >> people are always in a hurry. people need to slow down. >> it might happen again. even if there is -- some drivers don't stop or they are distracted or something. another possibility it could happen. >> reporter: the stop sign at the end of brookdale is the only traffic control here. i spoke with city councilmember noel gallo who represents this district. he hopes this will give the city to install flashing lights at the crosswalk and traffic signals. as for the driver, witnesses tell me he did stay at the scene and according to gallo, police say he is an unlicensed driver but it's unclear whether he was cited or arrested. christina? >> amber lee live in oakland, thank you. police in oakland are searching for a man who went on a violent rampage today. smashing cars and attacking people. witnesses say the man began smashing car windows possibly with a baseball bat near 10th and center street in west oakland early this afternoon. police say the man went on to assault five people in the neighborhood. two adult males were transported to the hospital. >> there was a guy walking down the street who was either on drugs or off. he was bashing these cars in with a baseball bat. and so he came down from that side. hit two or three cars over there, smashed my window because it was on the corner and he hit a few cars this way too. ended up hitting a few people in the face as well. >> we are told the suspect is familiar in the neighborhood. he is described as an african- american man in his 30s, 6'7", weighing 270 pounds. happening now, a sense of urgency in berkley as police search for a missing 5-year-old girl. investigators say she was taken by her mother. melia booker is about four feet tall with a thin build, brown hair and brown eyes. she was reported missing around 3:00 p.m. and she was last seen wearing a black shirt, black pants and gray tennis shoes. her mother is said to be 34 years old, 5'8", with brown hair and brown eyes. police say the mother does not have custody. they say she is homeless and has quote, diminished capacity. police have been canvassing the neighborhood where the child was last seen in the 1500 block of prince street. >> we don't have any concerns as to the child is in imminent danger. we are concerned that the child is supposed to be with dad and grandma and not in mom's custody. we've got to or three dogs that are in the neighborhood looking at right now, it appears as though two of the three dogs are indicating that potentially ms. davis got on b.a.r.t. with her little girl. >> officer says the trail led to the ashby b.a.r.t. station. investigators will stay on this case until the child and her mother are found. surveillance video captures a few catching up to a 15-foot barbecue pit and driving off with it. the barbecue was left outside a grocery store in sonoma county. tonight, the store's employee owners are feeling burnt. ktvu's debora villalon live in windsor. they want their grill back. >> reporter: they do, scott. this is a high-stakes case. $7000 barbecue stolen from a grocery store. fortunately, there's video. >> whoever took it, they're going to wish they didn't when i get my hands on them. >> reporter: customers at olivers market can't help but laugh at the thought of someone stealing an 800-pound barbecue. >> how do you steal a barbecue like that? whoever can steal that deserves to have it. >> it was like they had a mission. yes. >> reporter: it happened on sunday night. 11:00 p.m. an hour after the store closed. a truck rolls in. most nights the barbecue is pushed into the back of the store. on this night, it was left outside. >> barbecue had to cool down and the person who was supposed to bring it and left it out here. >> reporter: the thief took 20 minutes to tow it away. >> you see him pulling out with the barbecue on the back. and two propane tanks. >> reporter: worth about seven grand, and almost new. purchased a year ago with -- when the store opened. >> there you go's the barbecue. assuming to sell it because who would want to put that in their backyard? so i don't know. >> reporter: police posted the surveillance images on facebook. generating hundreds of shares and heated reaction. many people promising to watch for the distinctive truck. >> you can see all the stickers. the light bar up top. they've got a lot of tiedowns or something in the back right here. >> we are an employee owned company so this comes out of our pocket. >> reporter: more personal than you might think. a locally owned store in a small community. >> they saw the opportunity and they picked it up. like a crime of passion. >> reporter: wonders if the thief presents jacking a grill that can hold 30 pounds of ribs. >> a lot of propane and how many people have 50 people at their house at one time? to cook on a barbecue this size? >> reporter: the store didn't miss a day of cooking. firing up this old barbecue for now. but hoping to get there shiny one back and feeling the support of shoppers at least those who can keep it straight -- a straight face. >> the trail is still warm so i'm going to take a few people to the kennel and find out what they know. >> reporter: barbecue detective. >> exactly. >> reporter: -- >> debora villalon, thank you very much. united passengers say they were kept waiting for seven hours today. before the airline finally canceled it. less than an hour ago. two passengers shared photos on twitter of the upset crowd at the international terminal waiting to be rebooked. united flight 901 was supposed to leave just before 1:00 p.m. one passenger tweeted, no agents to help rebook another united fail. according to the website the flight was canceled due to aircraft maintenance. sfo tells us united flight 58 to frankfurt was also canceled adding to the chaos. we are waiting to hear back from united. the trump administration is appealing the latest ruling on the travel ban. directly to the u.s. supreme court. that word came from attorney general jeff sessions today in response to a ruling from a federal judge in hawaii. the ban on travelers from six muslim majority countries should not exclude grandparents. you recall last month the supreme court allowed a scaled- back version of the travel ban to go into effect. stipulating that entrance have a quote bona fide relationship to legal residents of the u.s. the state department excluded grandparents from that category. learning more tonight about donald trump, jr.'s controversial meeting with a russian attorney in an effort to get dirt on hillary clinton. there are reports a russian lobbyist with deep ties to the kremlin also attended that meeting last year. correspondent lauren blanchard has been following the latest developments from washington. lauren? >> reporter: the presidents sun 's story is once again changing when it comes to his meeting with the russian lawyer. giving more fuel to democrats bent on proving collusion. >> i have dubbed them the criminal clan a long time ago. >> reporter: house democrats saying they will call for a vote on an independent commission to investigate russia's election meddling and any ties to the trump administration. >> there is evidence, clear evidence that we need to know more. and we should not close that path. >> reporter: revealed today, the meeting once thought to be small between the presidents sun and a russian lawyer had as many as eight possible participants. including a reported ex-soviet counterintelligence officer. >> donald trump, jr. says he wants to tell his side of the story. that would be a good idea and he would be welcome to do it in the judiciary. >> reporter: while washington continues to churn over that meeting, republican senators are working to get support within their own party for their revised healthcare bill. the president tweeting this morning, republican senators must come through as they have promised. meanwhile, some analysts say the base is willing to overlook the russian collusion cloud, as long as they believe progress is being made regarding his agenda. >> his administration is a mess and republicans can't advance legislation in congress. this russia business and their inability to handle it in a forthright, efficient manner is destroying their hopes of other larger progress. >> reporter: the white house on -- also shaking up its legal team as more scrutiny builds. ty cobb, a seasoned criminal defense lawyer, will serve as special counsel to the president to handle all legal and media related issues related to the russia probe. scott? >> thanks very much. smoke pours from a high- rise on the honolulu skyline. up next, late details on the casualties from a fire on the upper floors of a condo complex. the surprise on your next dinner tab. why some restaurants are adding a surcharge. tracking the weekend heat. heat advisory for parts of the bay area. developing news tonight from honolulu where at least three people have died in a fire at a high-rise condo building. the fire started at about five hours ago on the 26th floor of the marco polo condominiums. the mayor of honolulu says the building does not have a sprinkler system. officials are concerned residents could be trapped in their apartments at least 12 people have required medical help including two who were taken to the hospital in serious condition. the building is 36 stories tall and has almost 600 units. it was built in 1971 before honolulu began requiring sprinkler systems. city leaders in san francisco are taking steps to clean up one of the dirtiest bark stations in the system. the health department this week declared the area near civic center station and bill graham auditorium a public health nuisance. the station has become a magnet for drug dealers and the homeless. the city gave people loitering 72 hour notice to leave before the area is cleaned up. board member told us on the "four on 2", b.a.r.t. and muni are combining for a new effort to provide services to those in need. >> part and muni have combined to put up $250,000 and we're going to have a dedicated two- person homeless outreach team going whether it is 3:00 a.m. when agents are having difficulty climbing over people, to open the stations in time for 4:00 a.m. boarding as well as people there during the daytime. >> another program called leed sf is expected to launch later this summer. it will focus on providing services for drug addicts and dealers to get them into treatment. rather than jail. new at 10:00, preparations underway in golden gate park for the a.i.d.s. walk. thousands of people have signed up for the 10 kate -- 10k walk. jana katsuyama live at sf general. the hospital that was ground zero at the start of the epidemic and where part of the a.i.d.s. quilt is on display this weekend. jana? >> reporter: that's right. the a.i.d.s. quilt is right inside these doors and this hospital, sf general will be one of many beneficiaries from this fundraiser. one which many people are saying is more critical than ever before. sometimes life's biggest moments start with small steps. >> i love it. i love it. >> reporter: craig miller is the one who put the a.i.d.s. walk into motion. back in 1987. >> the sense we are all in this together looking out for one another standing up for one another. that's what a.i.d.s. walk san francisco has been about since day one. >> reporter: crews were setting the stage for sunday's a.i.d.s. walk fundraiser. many people say this year's event has more urgency than ever before. >> we need everyone in the san francisco bay area to raise their voices together on this critical sunday before this key vote in the united states senate. >> reporter: many survivors say they are terrified they might lose their healthcare. anderson has spent 34 years walking that fine line between life and death. >> they told me i had two years to live. i was 24. so the idea that i'm 57, 58 now is unbelievable to me. comes with a lot of fear. >> reporter: anderson is founder of a survivor group and says he and others worry about changes to health insurance with pre-existing conditions. >> charge you more money every month. and i'm barely getting by now. it's only going to get worse. six months period where i don't take my pills could mean life or death. >> reporter: a portion of the a.i.d.s. quilt is on display. a reminder of a path where the hospital saw 5000 hiv patients a year. now that's down to about 300 new cases annually but still a battle. >> the hiv epidemic is not over. we are doing quite well in the city of san francisco. we are seeing reductions but it is not holding true for racial and ethnic minorities in the same way it is for white men. >> reporter: the scene this year is resist, respond, reach out. something many hope will unify people as they continue their march forward. the a.i.d.s. walk will be this sunday at golden gate park. opening ceremony starts at 9:45 a.m. with the walk actually beginning at 10:30 a.m. >> thanks so much. now to the south bay where diners might be surprised to see added surcharge on meal checks. ktvu's ann rubin explains why restaurant bills may have some extra beef. >> reporter: on july 1st, two things happened in san jose. the minimum wage went up from $10.50 to $12 an hour. and an item labeled surcharge started appearing on some restaurant receipts. most santana row eateries decided to do it agreeing tack on -- two tack on 4%. in some cases it is marked on the money. these diners say they don't mind. >> not at all. they can put anything they want on it. >> i would love knowing that the surcharge was because of that and it would be curious why it couldn't be filled in with the meal cost. >> reporter: others say they felt surprised by the added expense and a few used it as an excuse to detract from the tip. restaurants have decided they won't be adding a surcharge. >> we did that a couple years ago and the feedback we got was that our staff or our guests wanted to not see that. they weren't comfortable paying a surcharge for it. >> reporter: restaurants have also been assessing how to handle the minimum wage hike. chad kerry says businesses have to pass on the expense somehow. >> surcharge is a sticky situation especially customers at the end of the night. we looked at it as part of our cost. food cost, rent and everything. so we've had to bump up prices across the board. >> reporter: he wanted customers to see the costs upfront. he hopes they understand. >> want to make people happy. so it comes at a price. >> reporter: officials say there's nothing to regulate or prohibit this type of surcharge. they say they expect to see more since the minimum wage will go up again, $13.50 in january. ann rubin, ktvu fox 2 news. we are tracking a warm-up. didn't warm up that much today. maybe a couple degrees but as we head into saturday, and sunday it warms up. heat advisory in effect for the hills. santa cruz mountains and east bay hills. northbay hills and now towards livermore out towards antioch and those areas. heat advisory and none of the big urban areas have a heat advisory but it will be hot in the inland valleys. 101, 102 by sunday. the forecast really is for that high-pressure and we saw it tonight as the marine layer compressed and you could see that over the golden gate bridge. multiple shots in the four and five, when you see it starting to flatten out like that, you know it's going to be a hot day and running warmer tonight than last night. inland valleys were down into the 60s. and upper 50s. still holding strong in the 70s. marine air has been cut off and tomorrow is going to be warmer. outside you go, fog in san francisco and at the coast but not very -- and not as far inland. so tomorrow pretty hot day. we will lineup the forecast highs for your saturday and the five-day forecast for your sunday. >> we look forward to it. tires slashed and racist graffiti spray-painted. what we learned about the suspect coming up in eight minutes. the all-star break is over. baseball is back. can the a's and giants turn their seasons around? the man responsible for a mass murder in oakland was sentenced to life in prison without parole. as ktvu's henry lee reports, he was convicted of killing seven people in a deadly rampage at witkos university. >> reporter: cameras were not allowed in court as a judge ordered him to prison for the rest of his life. seven life terms without parole means he will die behind bars. some families of the victims had hoped for the death penalty but they believe justice has been served. >> i'm glad that it's over. it is hard and we are all still grieving. the families are all grieving. all of the friends and family. and especially my family. >> reporter: in may, one goh pleaded no contest to seven counts of first-degree murder for shooting and killing seven people and wounding three others at witkos university in oakland in 2012. on friday, relatives of some of the victims got their first chance to address him. the boyfriend of victim grace kim said goh, you are nothing but a coward. you should have turned the gun on yourself. i hope you rot in prison. prosecutors say goh carried out the attack in retaliation for not being refunded his tuition after dropping out of school. he was looking for administrator who was not there the day of the shooting. instead he shot and killed the school receptionist and six students with a 45 caliber handgun. he drove to alameda and gave up. the case dragged on for five years because of questions over whether goh, who is a schizophrenic, was competent to stand trial. earlier this year he was found to be competent. he has aged visibly. his hair is streaked with gray. his attorney says goh is remorseful. >> there's no good ending to this case. it just is an ending. he's going to go to prison for the rest of his life and i hope that this offers some closure for the families and the families of the victims. >> reporter: goh did not react in court. the prosecutor hopes the sentence will bring some measure of peace and comfort to the victims' families knowing that goh will never be free or lack -- free again. in oakland, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. a judge sentenced a man to 16 years behind bars for torturing and killing more than a dozen cats. 26-year-old robert farmer of san jose was convicted on 20 counts of animal cruelty. he has been in jail since his arrest in october of 2015. prosecutors say he killed 18 cats and injured three others, often after capturing them from their owners yards. defense attorneys argued farmer was addicted to methamphetamine and committed the acts in a drug fueled frenzy with credit for time served he is expected to spend the next 13 years in prison. investigators were back at the scene of a small plane crash in sonoma county that killed an heir to a well-known san francisco family. the pilot 30-year-old william goldman, died in the accident. three others including goldman's young son and daughter were injured. it happened thursday afternoon near the sky park where the plane had just taken off minutes before. goldman was the grandson of philanthropist richard and rhoda goldman. he was board president of the walter house fund. his loss is shocking and tragic. bill was a wonderful human being. smart and funny and committed to his family and his community. a major recall affecting honda owners. a problem that's already caused some fires. more fallout from a sexual assault investigation at a peninsula high school. the new allegations that have surfaced in the wake of our report. up first, and arrest in a hate crime case that involved racist graffiti. you know what i could go for right now? hmmm some sweet barbeque. ...or spicy! crave van! here, try my new barbeque bacon cheeseburger and chicken sandwich with your choice of sweet or spicy barbeque sauce. you crave it, we serve it. crave van! you know what i could go for right hmmm some sweet barbeque. ...or spicy! crave van! here, try my new barbeque bacon cheeseburger and chicken sandwich with your choice of sweet or spicy barbeque sauce. you crave it, we serve it. crave van! berkley police have made an arrest in the case of racist graffiti and vandalized cars near the uc berkeley campus. >> as ktvu's paul chambers reports, the young man behind bars as a student. >> slashed tires and graffiti. still remain in the south berkley neighborhood near cowell campus. more than two weeks after someone went on a spray painting spree according to police. nearly 35 incidents were reported. >> 17 vehicles had tires slashed. f the police. anarchy symbols. f white people. spray-painted on people's cars. >> one of my friends has not replaced his tires because insurance doesn't cover it. >> reporter: investigators say the graffiti and burbage used classifies as a hate crime. officers wouldn't say what led them to the suspect. but thursday night they took him into custody. >> we made an arrest in this case. 21-year-old ishmael was arrested by our detectives at his apartment in san francisco. >> reporter: ktvu located his facebook page. he claims to be a student at uc berkeley where he studies public-health. police say this isn't the first run-in they've had with him. now that he's behind bars, one victim says he will rest easier. >> out of the blue. we didn't do anything to this person. and he came and vandalized our property. i'm happy they are off the streets. >> reporter: police say there may be another suspect. he is being held in the $85,000 bail. paul chambers, ktvu fox 2 news. now to martinez where contra costa animal services is looking for a man who abandoned a severely neglected dog last night. surveillance video shows the man dropping the bulldog off in front of the shelter doors. a spokesman for the shelter says the dog has a serious skin condition and is now receiving treatment. the shelter is hoping to find the man in order to learn more about this dog. >> doesn't mean we are necessarily going to charge but at this point we want to learn as much as we can so that we can find a good placement for it. >> reporter: contra costa county animal services is looking for a foster family that can care for the dog while it recovers and hopefully adoptive family once it heals. palo alto school district is reporting new allegations of sexual misconduct on campus. officials announced 10 new complaints. that brings the total number to 29 since 2 investigates first exposed the issue. ktvu's jesse gary broke the initial story in may. and has tonight's follow-up. >> reporter: with the school district closed during the middle of summer, the number of reported sexual assault cases group. district board president terry godfrey in a memo to the community says there are now 10 new cases now listed on the uniform complaint procedure law. among them, accusations of sexual harassment, sexual comments and sexual touching. ken dauber is a member of the school board. >> it's critical if the district is going to respond to incidents of sexual harassment or other violations that the district find out about them and so it's always good if these things are going to be happening for the district to know about them. >> reporter: they registered a total of 71 complaints on its ucp log from january 2014 until this past june. by comparison, san francisco had 112, fremont seven and san jose unified school district five. renewed scrutiny over the numbers comes as the department of education office of civil rights completed a four-year investigation into the district. it found they failed to take appropriate steps in a prompt manager. -- manor dating back to 2013. in may our series of 2 investigates reports detailed how a student athlete was convicted in juvenile court of having oral sex with a minor in a school bathroom last october. the district did not initiate a title ix investigation as required by federal law. >> the goal of these policies ultimately is to protect students at the school. and so we need in order to do that cleared -- we need clear policies. we need students and parents and staff to be aware of policies so we actually get complaints and then we need a clear practice that follows for responding to those in an effective way. >> reporter: the board wants to have the new policies in place before staff training begins august 1st. additionally board members assay an oral report from one of the law firms investigating handling of at least one on- campus sexual assault won't be made until summer break is over. on assignment in palo alto, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. wall street saw more records fall today. tech and healthcare companies helped push the market to the plus side. the dow added 84 for its third record close in a row. the nasdaq added 38 and the s&p rose 11 also ending the day at a new high. honda is recalling 1.2 million accords. to fix a problem with a battery sensor. the company says the sensor is improperly sealed for moisture. honda says there have been four reports of engine compartment fires. all in cases where salt was used to clear roads in winter. the recall covers 2013-16 model years. diseased trees turned into art. one of the displays taking shape for burning man festival. tracking the weekend forecast. hot out there especially in the end. put that together and see you back here with saturday, sunday. ay, sunday. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. in jerusalem there is a heavy police presence following an attack that left two police officers dead. it happened inside the plaza of the temple mount. that's a holy site for both jews and muslims. investigators say three gunmen targeted police, hiding their weapons. a submachine gun, pistol and knife inside the compound. all three attackers were shot and killed. the pentagon said a u.s. drone strike has killed the leader of the islamic state in afghanistan. u.s. military officials say other members of the terrorist group were also killed in tuesday's drone strike in afghanistan. he had led the terrorist group since april after the previous leader was also killed by u.s. forces. now to florida where a growing sinkhole has consumed two homes and a boat. dramatic video shows the sinkhole opening this morning in the neighborhood 20 miles north of tampa. officials say it swallowed one home within an hour and has consumed 80% of the house next door. luckily no one was home when the sinkhole opened. but firefighters did rescued two dogs. state geologists are en route to investigate what caused the sinkhole. at home, san francisco police have arrested a volunteer accused of sexually assaulting two people. police say 36-year-old marvin volunteers for a youth program at a church in the mission district. he is facing five counts of sexual assault charges. 12 victims is an adult male and police say he knew his victim. plans to open a marijuana dispensary in san francisco's outer sunset district are moving ahead. despite the vocal opposition of neighbors. late last night the planning commission voted 5-1 to allow the new dispensary to open on noriega street. the business is owned by former mayor jean quan and her husband. they already own the apothecary cannabis club in the castro. opponents are expected to appeal last night's decision to the board of supervisors. golden gate park filled with music. >> ♪ >> pianos for the public is filling the outdoors with the sound of music. it's going to be hot around these parts this weekend. chief meteorologist bill martin back with his complete bay area forecast. forecast. ♪ what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. nasa released in this stunning footage of pluto on the second anniversary of the historic flyby. footage was taken by the new horizons spacecraft as it approached the planet in 2015. the images were taken over six months and put together in a time-lapse. nasa says the spacecraft is now heading into the mysterious kuiper belt for its next encounter in january of 2019. trees removed from drought stricken forests are being turned into the centerpiece of the next burning man festival. organizers say the wood for the burning man temple comes from ponderosa pines cut down in a county to protect power lines. pg&e donated the wood. we got a look at the artisans who are building the temple in oakland. burning man and lead artist hopes the temple will raise awareness about the environmental crisis facing california forests and give the trees a new life. >> about a year ago i was driving through the sierra nevada foothills and i saw that 50% of the forest was dead and it was completely shocking. so i started to investigate what's causing these trees to die and can we harvest and use these trees for projects? not just burning man but these could be used for all kinds of projects. >> reporter: according to pg&e the drought and bark beetle infestations have had a devastating if -- impact. the utility proved -- removed more than 200,000 dead trees last year alone. a unique celebration of music and nature is making an encore appearance at san francisco's golden gate park. a dozen pianos have been situations outdoors in the botanical gardens for anyone to sit down and play. photojournalist martin holton gives us a sample of this open audition. >> ♪ >> it's a flour piano. we have 12 pianos spread throughout the botanical gardens. 55 acres for 12 days. >> ♪ >> the two gentlemen -- they had this idea and they started doing pianos out in the san mateo coast. they did it elsewhere. and they came to us and this is now their largest endeavor. >> when i saw there was a few pianos that you could play, i decided to make a day of it and maybe i'll come back a couple of times and do it a few more times. >> ♪ >> it's a form of meditation for me. you know? i just kind of space out and let the fingers what their -- do what they're going to do. >> this is the best idea i've heard in a long time. >> ♪ >> i played piano outside a couple times and every time i do it i'm just like struck it. it's really cool. >> it's really amazing. who comes out and what they play. mostly it's just completely spontaneous and organic. and that's really the true magic of flour piano. >> ♪ >> that's cool. >> beautiful music there. and totally a great weekend for people who want to go out and play. >> yeah. we were talking about that earlier. pno out in the woods like that. i'd love to see something like that. i cannot play piano. can you? >> i was hoping you could do the weather in e minor. >> i can't play piano. the weekend is coming up. setting up with a pretty hot one especially inland. heat advisory in effect through saturday, sunday. for the hills look at that coming up. the fog is back but not getting fairy -- very far inland. so with that said, overnight lows look like these mostly in the 50s which is how it's been the last couple nights. the fog tries to come back to the coast. but it doesn't date the model does not pick it up but there should be a little fog along the coast. a few clouds overhead and then tomorrow's forecast highs. the purples writing here. those are your 100s. so it's going to see lots of one hundreds to the far east and by sunday moore won hundreds will filter into our bay area proper. forecast highs tomorrow 103 in clearlake. 96 in napa. 100 in sonoma. very, very warm and temperatures heat advisories show up in vacaville, clearlake east bay hills, north bay hills and then santa cruz mountains so it's going to be a hot one tomorrow and if you have pets and kids and out and about, make sure everybody gets plenty of fluids. heat advisory up here in the santa cruz mountains and east bay hills out to the livermore valley. 90 in san jose. 96 in morgan hill. 95 in clay. these are the saturday forecast highs. sunday forecast highs, will be slightly warmer. along the coast 60s and low 70s. more sunshine tomorrow than we saw today at the coast because the marine layer is getting suppressed. five-day forecast, looks pretty good, clearing and warmer today. saturday, sunday warm to hot right through your bay area weekend. a hot day out there. temperatures getting up there. by saturday, sunday the hottest two days, numbers in the triple digits. so heat advisory in effect saturday, sunday for fire danger always high when it's hot. air quality is not bad but sunday will get a little gunky. stay cool and it's a weekend. shut the heat on the weekend. there's no commute and you don't have to go to work. sit by the house and hang out by the doughboy. >> or head to the coast. >> much cooler there. and we are getting used to this. >> getting good at it now. coming up, get this. 800-pound barbecue stolen from a northbay grocery store. why employees say the theft is personal. giants and a's try to start the second half of the season on a positive note. sports director mark ibanez is on deck. just realized i'm usually sitting in that chair and now i'm in this chair. mark ibanez is here with sports. >> and as you guys know, there are no mulligans and you can't press the reset button in baseball. but it is a fresh start of sorts for both the giants and the a's. they've got to take advantage of it. we'll start with the giants who just finished up down in san diego. a little dicey in the ninth inning but have a look at what might happen tomorrow night. madison bumgarner will be on the mound. since the ill-fated motorbike accident. he hit one out of the park and they are playing some defense. eduardo nunes with a nice play sliding into foul territory. just off the dl. sixth inning, denard span fresh legs. base hit right field. gorkys hernandez scored. he had four hits tonight and this is buster ball game fresh off his all-star appearance. that is a shot. a big league homer right there. his 11th of the season. 5-3 pad which they needed because the padres scored and left the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth. the giants pull it off. maybe there is a reset button. depends on how you look at it with the a's. sonny gray pitched a good game. that's good for them and then again you could say sonny gray pitched a great game and it's good for the team that gets him in a trade. so we'll see how that works out as we get close to the deadline in the dog days of summer. bark at the park night out in oakland. third inning, matt joyce. looking to get a fresh start after a semi-miserable first half of baseball. first season with the a's. rajai davis all the way from first. beautiful collision almost at the plate. he is safe and it's 1-0. sonny gray is the story. five strikeouts, no runs and as a matter of fact 1.33 e.r.a. in his last four games. here is rajai davis also trying to bounce back in the second half. he could be trade bait. deep and gone. like he did in game seven when he was a cleveland indian. that's his third and then yonder alonso also back from the all-star game where he had two hits and that is number 21 on the season. the a's shut down the indians who lead the central but not tonight. they weren't looking like a first-place team. without a doubt the happening place to be, all the heat in the valley get up to the mountains. beautiful weather and celebrity golf in tahoe. at edgewood just beautiful. i don't know about you but fans had to cringe about this. steph curry running a pass route and making a nice catch off aaron rodgers pass. and then as he gets the club in his grasp, not bad. at number 11, look at this. working on the points system up there. 23rd place, that is a beautiful shot and left him with a tap- in. charles woodson is enjoying his retirement. working on his golf game. throw down the mike and here is joe pavelski. serious golfer like a lot of hockey players with the swing. top three and that is a birdie. leaving him in position for such. derek lowe, former pitcher, is your leader. staff enjoying the gallery. and the warm welcome and his would-be teammates on the summer league warriors, down in las vegas closing it out. not going to see the warriors in action for a long time. patrick mccaw on the bench along with jordan bell. youngster damian jones up top for the follow! 11 points, 10 rebounds. one of his most impressive outings of the summer. dylan ennis get -- and the kid out of oregon. 20 points for the warriors in the second quarter alone. career-best at oregon was 22. he keeps on shooting. in the third and fourth, eight threes. five points and the warriors closeout the summer league in vegas on a winning note 109-100 over the clippers. the team they beat no matter what time of year. meantime, 17 years have gone by since the american men have had a winner at wimbledon. and it ain't going to happen this year either. sam querrey who was born in san francisco as a matter of fact is the gentleman with the hat on. versus cilic. nice drop shot. he actually won the first set. and cilic however came on strong taking the final three sets. he is in the far court here putting it away on match point. cilic we'll meet roger federer, breakfast at wimbledon on sunday. and in the meantime, talking about how serious they take themselves at wimbledon. how about this? lady's invitational. a fan who was jabbing the players inviting him aunt -- you've got to be all white at wimbledon so they give him a skirt. good-natured fellow and he participated in the match with kim cloisters, conchita martinez and andrea jaeger. old-timers affair at wimbledon. and not sure how he did. but he looks cute. that is the sporting life for friday night. it is 11:00. time for more news. with scott and christina. >> good stuff. thanks. next at 11:00, surveillance video captures a thief stealing a giant barbecue belonging to a northbay grocery store. the 11:00 news on ktvu stocks -- fox two starts now. >> a big loss. hello again. i'm cristina rendon. >> and i'm scott reiss. the employee owners of the store are hoping someone will recognize the truck towing away the expensive barbecue. ktvu's debora villalon live in windsor with the video that could help catch the thieves. debora? >> reporter: many stores fire up the big barbecues this time of year. its great summer take out and this store oliver's does about $5000 sales at its barbecue window friday through sunday. so this theft has everyone feeling a bit burned. >> whoever took it, they're going to wish they didn't when i get my hands on them. >> reporter: customers in windsor can't help but laugh at the thought of someone stealing an 800-pound bbq. >> how do you steal a barbecue like that? whoever can steal that deserves to have that putt look at the size of that thing. >> it was like they had a mission. >> reporter: on a sunday night. 11:00 p.m., hour afte

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