And, armando, thank you very much for changing our lives. Thank you very much, yes. Youre changing our lives. Because of armandos systems and strategies, ive been able, with my partners, to make a profit of 40,000. Were out in front of our First Property that we flipped here. Made over 45k, thanks to the armando system. Its been a lifechanging experience. I value the education that armando has provided me more than my college education. We continue to make money with this education, acquiring properties in different cities. The experience has just been, how else to say it, lifechanging. Armando, thank you, man. You rock. Im out in the realestate marketplace today with one of my students, billy. Billy, how are you . Im fine. How are you . I am doing amazing. Now, billy has a unique physical challenge that the people watching this tv show right now most likely dont have. Billy, what is your unique physical challenge . I am totally blind. Billy is totally blind. These are what we call settlement statements, and it shows the money billy has made. Now, this first settlement statement, this here is for this property that were standing in front of. Is that correct . Yes. And youve purchased it, renovated it, not going and lifting a finger and doing any of the work yourself. Is that correct . Thats correct. And now the property is for sale. Yes. And its ready to be flipped. Then you have two more properties that youve gone and made over 20,000 net cash profit. Is that correct . Yes. 20,000 in his pocket. Can you imagine what it would be like to have 20,000 cash in your pocket . Announcer at armandos free live event, you will learn how to access armandos gps to realestate riches system. Armandos system teaches a simple, threestep, straightforward approach to real estate. Step one is how to acquire undervalued properties to fix up and flip for big profits, without using your money or your credit. Step one also teaches advanced techniques for those who want to use their own money to flip real estate, so they can grow their money exponentially. Step two is acquiring income rental properties for longterm residual cash flow. Armandos system teaches how to buy singlefamily residences, as well as multifamily residences, so you can build your retirement now. You can start receiving mailbox money through rent checks for you and your family. Step three is Asset Protection how to use corporations and llcs to protect you and your money by proper business structuring and reduction of taxes. Armandos realestate system is clearcut, because it is written in a precise, stepbystep, methodical manner. Its his gps system to realestate success. This way, you can spend more time with those you love, and doing the things that matter to you most. You can only learn about his system at his free live event thats coming to your area. So you must call now to get your two free tickets, because seats fill fast. Listen, you can go out there and you can do this. At one point, i was just an average guy and, in fact, i was below average. I was living in a garage, literally living on food stamps. I was 50,000 in debt, and now i live in a freakin castle. Check out our students who were average at one time and decided to stop being average. They decided to go out there, work hard, follow the program that ive laid out to the t, go to the live event, and become successful. The average person will sit on their butt and do nothing with their life. Check out these people who decided to stop being average. Were here with todd and linda. How you guys doing . Great. How are you . Im doing phenomenal. This is your fifth deal, that goes on the market tomorrow. Its a beautiful project, by the way. Thank you. I can see you guys are following the system to a t. Yeah, we have. Tell us how much money that youve gone and netprofited in your pocket. Right at 130 grand. Right at 130,000, and you still have your current jobs . Yes. What would you tell people, right there looking at the camera, those individuals what would you tell them . Would you recommend them to go to this live event and get started on a realestate investing career . Oh, absolutely. I mean, what we would you say and we use this often fear is expensive. So, fear of not doing something is a lot greater than the regret, later on, that youll have from passing up the opportunity. So i would absolutely recommend it. I love that. Fear is expensive. You have nothing to lose. Go to the live event, check it out. When you go to live events, were going to show you that you can literally go out there and make big money, doing it stepbystep. Youve all heard, out there, that you have to get educated your entire life to get educated, get educated, get educated. Go to college, get educated. Go to school. Well, isnt it time that you become financially educated . Yes. Yes. How about the marketplace . How do you feel about the economy and the realestate marketplace today . I dont think theres a better time in history to buy property. Right now is when im trying to buy as many as we can, because the profits are out there, and i dont see how you can lose. By following the road map that you put out there for us, like gps, if you will, i dont see how you could fail. So, go out, take action, call the phone number at the bottom of your screen right now. Come to the live event. If somebody can show you how to become completely wealthy in real estate, how to eliminate debt and create cash flow, i will show you how to do this. I am the man to do this. I will show you, but you have to do the first step. Call and make your reservations immediately. Armando, i just wanted to say, youve changed our lives forever, and the biggest thing is, my fiancee and i are now fulltime real estate. Were able to spend more time with our families, and this is because of you teaching us your system. So, from my family to yours, thank you very much for changing our lives forever. Check out these students who went to the live event. They decided to stop being average. They decided to work hard and to follow my system to the t. Check out their amazing results. This is the real deal. We had a great time. Its been a blast. Weve learned so much from the techniques. Its been wonderful. Team armando before implementing armandos systems and techniques, i was a contractor for about eight years. And then, after implementing his systems and techniques, i was able to purchase and completely flip four properties for approximately over a net profit of 105,000. Announcer Armando Montelongo is bringing his free, live realestate event to your area. This is a rare opportunity for you to learn how to access armandos millionaire realestate strategies that made him a household name. Armando has been featured on undercover boss, national geographic, and is the star of a es flip this house. If you have ever wanted to learn about flipping houses and acquiring Income Properties, then you must call now. At armandos event, his team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create the cash you and your family deserve. You will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure, while making huge sums of cash right here in your area. You will learn that you can buy, renovate, and flip real estate using other peoples money and credit, that there are lenders who want to lend you money to flip houses and acquire Income Properties, even if you have no money or credit, and that if you have money and credit, you can grow your money exponentially. Inc. 500 magazine has named armandos company the fastestgrowing Educational Company in america. And now armando has added one more element to his awardwinning system. Armando is known for teaching both new and experienced realestate investors how to flip houses all over america. Now, in addition to teaching you how to Flip Properties for big profits, armandos system will teach you how to invest in Income Properties for longterm Wealth Creation and security. Because armando is making his live event free to the general public, seats will fill fast. So you must call now. When you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armandos live event. When you are one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you will immediately receive a copy of armandos find and finance playbook, so you can experience the most uptodate knowledge on finding and financing realestate deals anywhere and get your realestate business ahead of the competition. You must call now, because seating is first come, first serve, and seats will fill fast. So call now. Listen, if youre sick and tired of your boss telling you what to do, if youre sick and tired of not having enough money or having bad credit, or if youre sick and tired in knowing that the government is not going to bail you out, or if youre a professional going, look, i make some pretty decent money, but i really need to make really big money and take the opportunity of todays marketplace, you can do this when you register now for the live event. Call that little 800 877 number, whatever it is. Call to the bottom of that thing right now and watch these amazing student testimonials of people who are running ahead of you, making money in todays market, because they know how i do it. We bought and sold this property. Youve got to go to the seminar, learn how to do this. Armando can teach you. Anybody can do it. When i first learned armandos techniques, i was about 20, and on my first deal, i made 28,000. What he can do for you and what hes done for myself, and that i can pass on to my family, is a legacy that ill have forever. After retiring from the military after 20 years, thats when i came across armandos infomercial on the tv. And after attending his courses, i flipped my first house, made 17,000. Flipped a second house, made 27,000. Look, im a real realestate investor. This is a house that ive bought and that ive owned. And literally four weeks ago, this property were going to put up a picture on the screen right now. I own this property, and this property was not in good shape. I bought it, i renovated it. I did none of the work myself. And here i am, four weeks later, in front of the property, and 50,000 richer. Listen, i actually do real estate. I dont sit in a studio and tell you that you should go out and do real estate or what im going to teach you. Im in the marketplace, doing real estate. And guess what . Because i do it, i have my pulse on the realestate marketplace. I know exactly how to do it. I know how to do it in your marketplace, and im known as americas numberone top realestate investing expert. And why am i telling you this . Because well show you and take you and lead you by the hand. If youre a stayathome mom or you know what . If youre a single mom, and youve been left alone and you have children to support and you know that you deserve a better life and you need a better life, and right now is the time to get a better life, and know that you need to do better financially for your family, then real estate and my system, my live events can help get you there now. If youre a man who, literally, wife lost faith in them if your wife lost faith in you and says, you know what . Hes a good man, but hes not successful and hes not providing for our family the way he should, check on the video testimonial of one of my students, whose wife now supports him to the highest degree and has total and absolute faith, because of the live events that hes gone to. Listen, now its time to get away from the pain and the fear of loss. Imagine what your lifes going to be like five years from now if you dont do this. Imagine what its going to be like five years from now if you dont take action right now. And then stop and think, you know what . If i just pick up the phone and i go to armandos live event, imagine what its going to be like when i go and i learn from armando how to do real estate in todays market, the way armando is out there and actually doing real estate. Like many other women, i had my doubts. Weve tried other seminars my husband has and it just didnt work out. And now hes done armandos seminar and we actually see the fruit of it. Actually making 90,000 with no money out of our pockets, and its just been an amazing experience to know that its turned into reality. Announcer at armandos free live event, you will learn how to access armandos gps to realestate riches system. Armandos system teaches a simple, threestep, straightforward approach to real estate. Step one is how to acquire undervalued properties to fix up and flip for big profits, without using your money or your credit. Step one also teaches advanced techniques for those who want to use their own money to flip real estate, so they can grow their money exponentially. Step two is acquiring income rental properties for longterm residual cash flow. Armandos system teaches how to buy singlefamily residences, as well as multifamily residences, so you can build your retirement now. You can start receiving mailbox money through rent checks for you and your family. Step three is Asset Protection how to use corporations and llcs to protect you and your money by proper business structuring and reduction of taxes. Armandos realestate system is clearcut, because it is written in a precise, stepbystep, methodical manner. Its his gps system to realestate success. This way, you can spend more time with those you love, and doing the things that matter to you most. You can only learn about his system at his free live event thats coming to your area. So you must call now to get your two free tickets, because seats fill fast. Listen, im not going to spend a lot of time at this house, because i literally flipped this house in less than 24 hours. I did something what i call flipping the paper. I can show you how to go out there and flip the paper with no money out of your pocket, with no credit, with no obligation whatsoever, and i did it in less than 24 hours. Listen, money knows no time. Whether youre fresh out of college, and college just isnt paying the bills and you need a new lot on life, or if youre a Senior Citizen and you never quite reached that financial potential that you knew look, you did great with your kids, your family, but you never reached that financial potential now is the time, because money, when taught the right way, knows no boundaries. Listen, ray kroc of mcdonalds didnt get started with a mcdonalds till he was 50 years old. Now is the time to get started, when you come to my live event. Check out these people, and put yourself in their shoes of what its like, just a few months after attending my live event. After attending armandos live event, i was able to do my first flip. I brought home, from my first flip, 34,000. And since then, ive been able to do multiple projects. After learning armandos techniques, we were able to close on our First Property, and we earned over 50,000 with a partner on our first deal. Weve taken the systems that he provides you, and weve applied it in our own lives. And we now have acquired 600,000 worth of real estate that we did not own nine months ago. I attended one of armandos live events. In six months, i flipped two properties and made 53,000. Imagine what it would be like to not be swamped and overruled and overridden with debt anymore. Imagine being able to get you and your family out of debt and to be able to change the legacy of your family by becoming a realestate millionaire. Listen, the foreclosure market is primed. There are buyers. Government is giving away money. And im not talking about government grants. Giving away money to buyers right now, and the marketplace is heating up. But i can show you how to do it in your backyard. We know how to do it. And you attend my live event. After learning armandos techniques, a partner and i made over 300,000 on seven flips. Thats over 150,000 in my pocket, and i couldnt have done it without armando. Announcer Armando Montelongo is bringing his free, live realestate event to your area. This is a rare opportunity for you learn how to access armandos millionaire realestate strategies that made him a household name. Armando has been featured on undercover boss, national geographic, and is the star of a es flip this house. If you have ever wanted to learn about flipping houses and acquiring Income Properties, then you must call now. At armandos event, his team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create the cash you and your family deserve. You will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash right here in your area. You will learn that you can buy, renovate, and flip real estate, using other peoples money and credit, that there are lenders who want to lend you money to flip houses and acquire Income Properties, even if you have no money or credit, and that if you have money and credit, you can grow your money exponentially. Inc. 500 magazine has named armandos company the fastestgrowing Educational Company in america. And now armando has added one more element to his awardwinning system. Armando is known for teaching both new and experienced realestate investors how to flip houses all over america. Now, in addition to teaching you how to Flip Properties for big profits, armandos system will teach you how to invest in Income Properties for longterm Wealth Creation and security. Because armando is making his live event free to the general public, seats will fill fast. So you must call now. When you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armandos live event. When you are one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you will immediately receive a copy of armandos find and finance playbook, so you can experience the most uptodate knowledge on finding and financing realestate deals anywhere and get your realestate business ahead of the competition. You must call now, because seating is first come, first serve, and seats will fill fast. So call now. When i was 50,000 in debt, living on food stamps, and in this garage, i never thought i was going to be able to go out there and accomplish my dreams. I never imagined that id be where im at right now, that one day i would be living the life of my dreams, and more importantly, being able to help the charities that mattered the most to me, whether its childrens organizations, for children that have terminal illness, or for giving to our veterans who have fought for our freedom and safety, or giving to charitable organizations for the humane treatment of our animals. And i never imagined that i would be able to help thousands and thousands of people change their lives through real estate when they tap into our realestate network and our realestate family by doing Real Estate Today in their marketplace. If youre ready to change your life and follow my system, ready to stop being average i decided to stop being below average if youre ready to stop being average, and take action now, then call the phone number at the bottom of your screen. Call right now. Register for the live event. Do something different. Register for the live event. Seating is limited, and when you go to my free live event, youre going to learn that a system can change your life now. After using armandos system and techniques, we were able to go out there and purchase 10 flipped properties. And not only that, we were able to go out there and get 20 cashflow properties, which gives us a steady monthly income. And we couldnt have done this without using armandos system and techniques. So we have to thank armando. Armando, thank you for everything youve done for us, man. You are awesome. We bought this home for about 273,000. We put 31,000 of rehab into it, and we sold this thing for 380,000, and we sold it. It was on the market for less than two weeks, and we sold it, so we made 45,000 on this particular property. And that, again, we owe all of that to armando and his techniques and the systems that hes taught us. We sold our First Property with over 30,000. A second one after that, over 45,000. And our third one, over 60,000. Thats 135,000 we made on the first three deals. All with armandos techniques. I have been a practicing realestate attorney in florida for the past 25 years. And being an attorney, i have a pretty analytical mind. So, when my daughter first brought this program to my attention, and of course i analyzed the heck out of it. And kind of had crossed my arms in front of my chest, no, i dont think that i need to do that. I know everything there is to know about real estate, because im a realestate attorney. So, i agreed to come to the seminar this weekend, and i have got to tell you guys that it changed my life. Weve been successfully investing with armandos system for almost a year and a half now. Using his techniques and his teachings, weve been able to net over 73,000 on out last three deals. The education from armando covers how to find homes and buy them correctly, where to find the money, how to train your contractors and realtors and investors. And one of the unexpected things ive gotten out of this education was a network of people that support me to win. This system and this education allowed us to have so much more freedom, so much more time, the ability to help our families, and just help in so many ways, that it is just extremely and unbelievably lifechanging. Look, youve seen the houses that ive done. Youve seen the houses that my students are doing. Now, theres only a few minutes left in this television infomercial. Listen, you only have a few minutes to call and act right now. But you got to call the number. You got to get registered for the seminar. You cant just show up without registering. So call right now to be able to go to the seminar. What are you waiting for . Theres only a few minutes left. Here are the details. Call the number right there. At the bottom of that screen, right there. See that little number . You actually have to take action and call it. Get yourself off the couch, because, listen, if you dont do it, somebody else will. Everybody else says, armando, if its such a good deal, why isnt somebody else doing it . Thats what the first negative person ever told me. And you know what it is . You are that somebody else. If i hadnt taken that first deal, i would have never got the numberone hit reality realestate show in america, become americas numberone realestate mentor, leader, and trainer and investor. And ultimately, i wouldnt be talking to you right now. If i can do it, you can do it. If my students can do it, you can do it. Anybody can do it with the right training, but you got to call that number. Announcer Armando Montelongo is bringing his free, live realestate event to your area. This is a rare opportunity for you learn how to access armandos millionaire realestate strategies that made him a household name. Armando has been featured on undercover boss, national geographic, and is the star of a es flip this house. If you have ever wanted to learn about flipping houses and acquiring Income Properties, then you must call now. At armandos event, his team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create the cash you and your family deserve. You will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash right here in your area. You will learn that you can buy, renovate, and flip real estate, using other peoples money and credit, that there are lenders who want to lend you money to flip houses and acquire Income Properties, even if you have no money or credit, and that if you have money and credit, you can grow your money exponentially. Inc. 500 magazine has named armandos company the fastestgrowing Educational Company in america. And now armando has added one more element to his awardwinning system. Armando is known for teaching both new and experienced realestate investors how to flip houses all over america. Now, in addition to teaching you how to Flip Properties for big profits, armandos system will teach you how to invest in Income Properties for longterm Wealth Creation and security. Because armando is making his live event free to the general public, seats will fill fast. So you must call now. When you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armandos live event. When you are one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you will immediately receive a copy of armandos find and finance playbook, so you can experience the most uptodate knowledge on finding and financing realestate deals anywhere and get your realestate business ahead of the competition. You must call now, because seating is first come, first serve, and seats will fill fast. So call now. So call now. The peaceful transfer of power from one freely elected president to the next. [ applause ] i committed to president elect trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as president bush did for me. [ applause ] because its up to all of us to make sure our government can help us meet the many challenges we still face. After my election, there was talk of a post racial america. And such a vision, however well intended, was never realistic. Race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society. Now, ive lived long enough to know that Race Relations are better than they were 10 or 20 or 30 years ago, no matter what some folks say. [ applause ] you can see it not just in statistics, you see it in the attitudes of Young Americans across the political spectrum. But were not where we need to be. And all of us have more work to do. If every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hardworking white middle class and an undeserving minority, then workers of all shades are going to be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy withdraw further into their private enclaves. [ cheers and applause ] because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, because of our Intelligence Officers and Law Enforcement and diplomats who support our troops [ applause ] no Foreign Terrorist Organization has successfully planned and executed and attack on our homeland these past eight years. And although boston, and orlando, and san bernardino, and ft. Hood remind us of how dangerous radicalization can be, our Law Enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever. We have taken out tens of thousands of terrorists, including bin laden. [ cheers and applause ] the Global Coalition were leading against isil has taken out their leaders, and taken away about half their territory. Isil will be destroyed, and no one who threatens america will ever be safe. [ applause ] and all who serve or have served, it has been the honor of my lifetime to be your commander in chief. And we all owe you a deep debt of gratitude. [ cheers and applause ] but for now, whether you are young or whether youre young at heart, i do have one final ask of you as your president. The same thing i asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago. Im asking you to believe, not in my ability to bring about change but in yours. Im asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents, that ideal whispered by slaves and abolitionists, that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice. That creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon. A creed at the core of every american whose story is not yet written. Yes, we can. [ applause ] yes, we did. Yes, we can. Thank you. God bless you. May god continue to bless the United States of america. Thank you. For most of the last century, schoolchildren were taught there were nine planets in our solar system. The smallest and farthest away from the one was pluto. Then an astronomer named mike brown came along to show that pluto was not a planet at all. Now there are eight planets. Brown has not stopped scanning the skies. He now says theres another ninth planet out there to take plutos place. Bill whittaker reports for 60 minutes. I would say at this point, im certain. Certain . Yeah. Thats a rare thing to say for a prediction, for a scientist, and im willing to say it. You do know how mind boggling this sounds . A new planet hasnt been discovered for 170 years. I believe you think it looks like this animation over my shoulder here. We took a little Artistic License and put some lightning on the dark side because it might have lightning on the dark side of it. We think its between 10 and 20 times more massive than the earth. And we havent seen it, we cant see it . Its so far away that its actually just at the edge of what our biggest telescopes on the ground can possibly see, because its so far away. Reporter 50 billion miles away. Its also hard to find because it has an enormous orbit. Planet nine, we think, takes Something Like 15,000 years to go around the sun. 15,000 years . 15,000 years. So make one orbit . One orbit. Reporter to search for plan et nine, brown goes up hawaiis big mountain on the big island to use the big telescope, the subaru. Brown doesnt look directly through the telescope. He monitors pictures its taking of the same sections of sky on successive nights. And then compares them hunting for movement. We have to very systematically look at every patch of sky here, here, here, here, and what were looking for, its actually kind of simple. We take a picture one night. We come back the next night, all the stars, all the galaxies are in the same spot night after night after night. And planet nine, when we see it, will slowly move across the sky. Reporter and will look Something Like this. Browns discovery 11 years ago that changed the way we think of the solar system. Using pictures from successive nights, brown discovered this plutosized object, which led to the demotion of lovable pluto. You didnt love pluto growing up . I loved pluto. I was totally fascinated by pluto. I started looking at this region of the sky because i thought it was so interesting out there. When pluto was first discovered, it was thought to be a big planet. You can find the New York Times headline on the day the discovery was announced. It says ninth planet discovered in the solar system, possibly larger than jupiter. Reporter jupiter is the biggest planet. But pluto it turned out, is no jupiter. These are all the planets and other objects at their real relative sizes. Jupiter is huge compared to the other things. This is jupiter, this is saturn, without its rings. Uranus, neptune, mercury, venus, earth, mars. And at the very edge of the solar system as we now think of it is pluto. Its only wrong by a factor of 50,000. So went from being a monster planet to a dwarf planet. A dwarf planet, one of many. That are part of this region of the sky. Reporter this region is the kiper belt at the edge of our solar system. A vast realm of frozen debris created during the birth of the solar system 4. 5 billion years ago. The kiper belt keeps brown up all night hunting for discoveries. Its the most exciting thing i can think of doing. Its not that its hard to stay up all night so i force myself to do it. I am excited every night i go out there about what i might find. Reporter when mike brown found that plutosized object, it was the biggest oh of a group of hundreds of plutolike objects recently discovered. So brown wondered should pluto really be a planet . But demoting pluto would mean that every textbook showing planets would have to be changed. That was fine with brown, who believes planets must be significant, and that the eight large planets are. Their strong gravitational fields control everything around them. Planets are the big bullies of the planetary system that basically ignore everybody else around them, and everybody else has to deal with the planets. Those are what the planets are. And pluto didnt fit that concept . Neptune controls plutos orbit. Neptune is the bully of that neighborhood. Reporter to resolve the issue astronomers from all over the world gathered in prague in 2006. The International Astronomical union would decide whether to demote pluto or give planet status to hundreds of other similar objects. 6a is concerned with pluto and plutolike objects. Reporter astronomers voted overwhelmingly to go down to eight planets, and brown became known as the guy who killed pluto. I think thats probably true. Reporter the pluto vote was illtimed for nasa. Just seven months before plutos demotion, nasa launched a mission to pluto to learn about its surface and origins. Scientists are still analyzing spectacular pictures from that flyby. They show plutos icy surface and closeups of craters. Now the spaceship is heading deeper into the kiper belt. Although pluto was demoted ten years ago, pluto lovers still send brown hate mail and voice mail. He kept this one. Hey, pluto is still a planet, you jackass. [ laughter ] reporter even browns 11yearold daughter, lylea, didnt like what he had done to pluto. What did you tell him he should do to make up for that . Well, i told him that if he found a new planet, it might make up for the fact that he killed a planet that everybody loved. Seems he did that. Yeah. What is do you think of that . Its really great. Im very proud of him. And you can see the full report on our website, cbsnews. Com. The overnight news will be right back. Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. 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Reporter for decades, artist tyrus wong and his fantastic kites were a fixture on and above santa monica beach. And while you might not recognize his name a certain deer named bambi has tyrus wong to thank for the exquisite settings in the 1942 film. How much of an impact did tyrus wong have on the look of bambi . He basically created the look of the film. This is tyrus painting a mural. Reporter Michael Labrie in San Francisco curated an exhibition of wongs work in 2013. Everything you see on the screen, the other artists were trained to draw like tyrus for that film. Bambi mother reporter wong was working a tedious entry level job at disney in 1938 when he heard about the studios plans to adapt the book into a movie. He spent weekends doing hundreds and hundreds of drawings. Sort of like chinese scroll paintings. Reporter walt disney himself decided the look of the film would be based on tyrus wongs drawings. This is a real special piece of the prince of the forest where he framed what the piece was to say and the story. Reporter the 74yearold film is beloved by generations, including los angeles filmmaker pamela tom. Tyrus really contributed to american culture. Reporter she was watching bambi with her daughter back in 1997 when she happened to catch tie ras wongs name in the credits. My first thought was wait a minute chinese american working at disney in the 1930s. I just hand to find out who he was. Reporter and what she find out turned into a documentary, illustrating why tyrus wong was the perfect leading man, with an epic life story. Its set to air on pbs this summer. Reporter wong came to the u. S. With only his father in 1920. Did you get into a little bit of mischief . Oh, yeah. Im no angel. No angel . No. Reporter when wong was in junior high, one of his teachers noticed he was more interested in art than arithmetic. And so did his dad. He understood the value of your artistic talent, but it was unusual for an immigrant, a chinese immigrant to choose art. They didnt think very much of your being an artist. You have to remember the Employment Opportunities for chinese back then was limited to being a waiter, working in laundry. But the father, in his wisdom, recognized his sons talents and borrowed money to get tyrus through his first year of art school. Reporter after graduation from Otis Art Institute in los angeles, wong found work as an artist, and also worked at a restaurant in chinatown. There, he fell hard for a pretty coworker, ruth kim. What moment in your life gave you the most joy . [ laughter ] when i got married. Reporter they wed in 1937. And by 1938, had the first of three daughters. It was ruth who suggested tyrus apply for a job at disney. How long did tyrus work at disney . Only for three years. Why did he leave . It was to do with the strike. Reporter wong was let go after many animators went out on strike in 1941, a full year before bambi was finished. And his contributions to the film were minimized. When you talk to him, theres absolutely no bitterness . That really reflexes tyrus personality. Not to say that he didnt feel racism or injustice, but he really picked his battles and just tried to not dwell on it. Reporter wong then spent 26 years at warner brothers, where he helped create the look of dozens of films. I think paul newman. Paul newman, shelly winter. Our next legend had a brief but impactful disney career. Reporter but in 2001, disney honored him as a legend. Reporter though it took the world a while to acknowledge tyrus wong we can put up a centipede. Yeah, try. Reporter today, like the kites he created, his reputation continues to soar. Its such a beautiful metaphor for his life. After he retired, he was fishing. He says, you know, with fishing you look down, but with some actors of a certain age are up in arms that their birth dates are posted online. They want their ages removed from the internet movie database. Imdb. Com. Theres a law in california that allows actors demand their birthdays be removed, but imdb says the information is not only true and public, its a matter of freedom of speech. Mireya villarreal has that story. Reporter when gabrielle was cast as a 16yearold on Beverly Hills 90210, she says the shows producers didnt know she was 29. The producers came to me and said if we had known your age, you would have never gotten the role. Reporter that was two decades ago. And before casting directors used databases like imdb to decide who gets to audition. This is a casting site, a hiring site. When the first thing that comes up is their able, its like a subconscious bias thats created. Reporter now president of the actors union, shes defending a New California state law which requires sites like imdb. Com to remove someones age from a profile if they request it. The law is less than two weeks old and already getting support from hollywood. Any change in the law that will enable talent to be recognized above any other discrimination, im in full support of that. I think its very important that we end ageism for sure. Reporter ageism has long plagued hollywoods leading ladies. An analysis by Time Magazine in 2015 said female actors careers peeks at 30, the man at 46. Movies like pretty woman with julia roberts, as good as it gets with helen hunt and jack nicholson, and playbook with Jennifer Lawrence and bradley cooper. I think age discrimination is a problem. That should be addressed in hollywood at the studios. Reporter michael beckermans trade group represents some of the top internet companies. Youre setting a precedent any state can sensor information off of a narrow section of websites. This has nothing to do with age discrimination in hollywood. Reporter imdb told us they will not be removing any birth date or age information from their website while litigation is ongoing. They say this law is not intended to affect the bigname celebrity whose information is already out on the internet, but the working class actor just trying to get their foot in the door. Thats the overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center here in new york city, im tony dokoupil. Captioning funded by cbs its wednesday, january 11th, 2017. This is the cbs morning news. President elect trump is set to hold a rare News Conference in a matter of hours. He tweeted last night fire riri yaks to reports of russia having financial and damaging information on him but will he take questions this morning. And president barack obama gives his farewell address to the nation. Yes, we can. Yes, we

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